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Department of Education
National Capital Region

Technology and Livelihood Education 6

Industrial Arts
Fourth Quarter-Module 8
Recyclable Products

Writer: Jesseca M. Mandapat

Illustrator: Jesseca M. Mandapat
Cover Illustrator: Christopher E. Mercado

City of Good Character 0

What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written to help students identifies recyclable
products/waste materials made of wood, metal, paper, plastic, and others, explain
the process and the importance of recycling, and recycles the identified products/
waste material into functional items. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course

The module is divided into three lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Identify recyclable products/waste materials made of wood, metal,
paper, plastic, and others (TLE6IA-Oi-12)
 Lesson 2 – Explain the process and the importance of recycling (TLE6IA-0j-13)
 Lesson 3 – Recycle the identified products/waste material into functional items
(binding of used paper into notebook or memo pad; bottled plastic into
lampshades, flowers, plants; etc.) (TLE6IA-0j-14)

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify recyclable waste materials made of wood, metal, paper, plastic, and
2. Classify recyclable waste materials made of wood, metal, and others
3. Identify the different processes in recycling waste materials
4. Explain the process and importance of recycling waste materials.
5. Discuss the identified products of and skills in recycling waste materials
into functional items.
6. Recycle the identified waste materials.

What I Know
Rearrange the following letters to form a word. Write your answer on your answer
1. EESRU ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Using the materials repeatedly
2. CLRYEEC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Using the material to make new product

3. DERECU ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Minimize the use of materials.

City of Good Character 1

4. ORST __ __ __ __
Distinguishing things or items in your work area and eliminating the
unnecessary items.

5. HIENS __ __ __ __ __
Cleaning will help prevent deterioration of tools, machines, furniture,
and fixtures in the work area

What words have you formed? ____________________________________

Lesson Identify recyclable products/waste materials

1 made of wood, metal, paper, plastic, and others

What’s In

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.
_____ 1. In Japanese word, the 5S are the following: Seiri; Seiton; Seiso;
Seiketsu and; Shitsuke. In English they are:
A. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke
B. Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain
C. Shine, Shove, Sweep, Sew and Sit
D. Sama-sama, Sinasaayos, Sinashine, Pare-pareho at Pinapanatili
_____ 2. This is the distinguishing of things or items in your work area. It is
also called “red tagging”.
A. Sort B. Set in Order
C. Shine D. Standardize
_____ 3. What do you call Straighten or Set in Order in Japanese?
A. Seiton B. Seiso C. Seiketsu D. Shitsuke
_____ 4. What is the purpose of 5S?
A. To make sure to have large production of goods in the factory.
B. To get rid of unnecessary things in your workplace.

City of Good Character 2

C. To set as an example of a great facility.
D. To ensure that things are organize in the workplace.
_____ 5. This is the distinguishing of items in work area whether it is
essential or not.
A. Seiri B. Seiton
C. Seiso D. Seiketsu

What’s New

 What are these materials? Please identify._______________________

 Write the name of objects in their corresponding column.

Plastic Glass Metal


City of Good Character 3

What is It
It is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment.
Many things thrown away can be recycled and turned into new products.
Here are some materials that can be recycled:
1. Wood
Wood has become part and parcel in the life of people. Wood is
basically used for shelter, fuel, furniture and furnishings. But today, it has
been popularly used for home decorations. Wood from old buildings or
houses or scraps of wood from fallen trees can be recycled into reusable
products. Wood pallets can be made into fine furniture and fixtures.
There are many products that can be produced from recycled wood like
the picture below:

Source: EZ link
2. Metal
Most of the metals you throw at home come from drink cans, and
spray cans. These cans are made from steel that can be melted and turned
into new cans. Commonly, drink cans are made from aluminum that can
also be recycled easily. Aside from wood, metals are highly saleable in
junkshops. Companies buy used cans to be recycled into metal packaging
like in the picture:

Source: EZLink
3. Paper

City of Good Character

Papers vary in color, thickness and texture. White office paper is
made of much higher quality raw material than brown paper or paper
towel. Recycled white office paper can make more high-grade paper
products. Nevertheless, mixture of old newspaper, office paper, junk
mail, and cardboard can be recycled to produce low grade paper
Examples of projects that are made from recycled paper are papier-
mâché, paper flowers, gift wrappers, paper bag or purse, journals or
memo pad, jewelry box, paper beads, photo frame and paper basket.

Source: EZLink
4. Plastic
Of all the different materials you throw as trash, plastic ranks
number one in quantity. The problem with plastic is that they last a
long time in the environment without breaking down. This has
become an environmental concern worldwide. This is because plastics
are very difficult to recycle. Plastics are considered as an
“environmental nightmare” so you should make an effort to recycle
them. There are many ways of reusing or recycling plastic. It can be
made into water and plant containers, desk organizers, garden lamps,
etc. This is the easiest waste material to recycle.

Source: EZLink
5. Glass
There are many projects that can be produced out of used glass
containers and bottles. Examples of these are glass bottle sand art,

City of Good Character

vases, organizers, container for condiments for the interior and
exterior part of the house. This is the easiest material to reuse or

Source: EZ link

What’s More
Offline: Through the help of your parent or any members of the
family, organize a trip to your house. What waste materials did you
find and how you segregate it? Write your answer in a clean sheet of
Online: Observe how waste materials are segregated. Write down your
findings and personal insights about the video presentation. Turned
in to your classwork.

What I Have Learned

Recycling is one of the best solutions to lessen problems

on waste disposal. Wood, plastic, paper, metal, and glass
are materials that can be reused or recycled.

What I Can Do

City of Good Character

Give an example of a new product for each recyclable waste material
1. Glass = __________________
2. Wood = __________________
3. Paper = __________________
4. Plastic = __________________
5. Metal = __________________

Choose your answer from the box below:

Recycling Glass Cell phones Plastic Papier-mâché Wood

1. This is an example of electronics waste.

2. It is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment.
3. These are the example of projects that are made from recycled paper.
4. These is the easiest material to reuse or recycle.

5. Considered as an “environmental nightmare” because these are very difficult to


What I Need to Know

Explains the process and the importance of recycling (TLE6IA-0j-13)

 Identify the different processes in recycling waste materials

 Explain the process and importance of recycling waste materials.

What I Know
Let’s find out how ready you are for your today’s lesson.

City of Good Character

1 2

Can you guess what is the meaning of:

Picture no.1?_________________________________________________
Picture no.2? _________________________________________________

Explains the Process and
2 the Importance of Recycling

What’s In

What is the quotation is all about. Explain in your own word.


City of Good Character

What’s New
Materials that can be recycled are wood, glass, metal, paper, and plastic.
Electronic waste is considered special waste. Examples are ink cartridges,
cellphones, batteries, computers, and non-functioning appliances. Together
with plastic products, these are non-biodegradable wastes since they do not
disintegrate or rot. Biodegradable waste such as food and garden waste can
be recycled through composting.

What is It
One of the best ways to manage trash is to recycle them. Recycling is the
conversion of old and used materials into new products. The key component
to proper waste management is recycling. People use a popular phrase to
address the problem of waste management. This is called reduce, reuse, and
recycle, also known as the 3Rs.
1. Reduce – to stop or avoid waste production (For example, a product
will use less material during manufacturing process or through the
redesigning of products.)

2. Reuse – to put an item to a new use rather than to throw it away (an
example is using egg tray as seed bed.)
3. Recycling – the processing of used items to obtain materials that can
be used to make new products (For example, Tetra pack of juices can
be made as usable bag.)
City of Good Character

Meanwhile, here are some tips when following the 3Rs.

a. To reduce, consider the following:
 Avoid purchasing products that are over- packaged; the one
with several materials used to enclose the product.
 Avoid disposable goods. Instead, buy durable goods that will
last longer. With this, you will save more and will not use or
consume waste materials.
 You may use alternatives such as using cloth napkins
instead of paper napkins, and a dish cloth instead of paper
 When printing on paper, use both sides to lessen paper
 To reuse some products, you may need to tap your personal
creativity on different products to save more.
 Repair broken appliances, furniture, toys and equipment at
home instead of buying new ones.
 You may reuse products in different ways, such as plastic
bags from groceries. You may use it as a trash bag at home.
 If you want to earn on your own, you may open a garage
sale or donate your old clothes, toys, shoes, and other
personal stuff.
 For those who work in their offices and love drinking coffee
during their break time, it is better to use personal mugs
instead of paper cups.
b. Recycling may involve a series of steps to transform a used
material into a new product.
 Identify materials that can be recycled into a useful product.
These include batteries, electrical equipment, furniture,
glass, metal, oil/paint, paper, plastic, textiles, wood, etc.
 Find out the location of various recycling plants and sell
your used products for recycling.
City of Good Character
Importance of Recycling
You might be overwhelmed by numbers, figures, and facts about
waste management that might compel you to seriously consider recycling.
Recycling brings about so many benefits like:
 Employment through livelihood projects.
 Helping reduce pollution and the need for landfills,
 Helping save energy by reducing the use of fuel in manufacturing
 Helping families save money by reducing expenses for buying new
 Helping the economy through investments in local recycling
 Helping conserve and sustain the use of natural resources for future
 Bringing out the innovative skills of individuals, and
 Promoting community spirit through unity and cooperation.

What’s More
Online activity :
Watch the video in this link:
Then answer the question in paragraph form in google docx and
submit it to your classwork.
“Why is recycling very important and beneficial to you and your
Offline Activity:
Answer the question in 3-5 sentences.
“Why is recycling very important and beneficial to you and your

What I Have Learned

 Recycling is beneficial to you and the community because it

creates employment through livelihood projects, conserves energy
and money, and saves our environment from pollution and
increasing landfills.
 The key component to proper waste management is through
recycling. Collection of materials can be done by bringing
materials in junk shops or picking up from residence through
garbage collection scheduling.

City of Good Character

What I Can Do

Give some waste materials in your home that can be made into functional
Waste materials Recycled Products
Pet bottle Pencil holder

Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is false.
___1. Recycling is the processing of used items to obtain materials that can be
used to make new products .
___2. One benefit of recycling is to help employment through livelihood projects.
___3. Recycling may not involve a series of steps to transform a used material into
a new product.
___4. Avoid disposable goods. Instead, buy durable goods that will last longer. With
this, you will save more and will not use or consume waste materials.
___5. You may reuse products in different ways, such as plastic bags from
groceries. You may use it as a trash bag at home.

What I Need to Know

Recycles the identified products/waste material into functional items
(binding of used paper into notebook or memo pad; bottled plastic into
lampshades, flowers, plants; etc.) (TLE6IA-0j-14)
Discuss the identified products of and skills in recycling waste
materials into functional items.
What I Know
 Recycles the identified waste materials.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the importance of recycling?
a. Recycling is fun.
b. Recycling is waste of time.
c. Recycling conserves natural resources.
d. None of the above.
2. Which of the following cannot be recycled?

City of Good Character

a. Glass container
b. Plastic bottle
c. Used notebooks
d. Sanitary napkin
3. What process is used to convert waste materials into reusable items to
prevent waste of potentially useful materials?
a. Reducing
b. Reusing
c. Recycling
d. Both a and b
4. Your teacher asked you to bring reusable materials like old clothes, shoes,
and toys to give to the typhoon victims, What process did she used?
a. Recycling
b. Reusing
c. Reducing
d. None of the above
5. Why is recycling important?
a. Because it helps to lessen the garbage.
b. Because it makes the surrounding beautiful.
c. Because it helps the family to save money.
d. All of the above

Recycle the identified

products/waste material into
functional items

What’s In
What are the three components of Recycling or what we called 3R’s?

What’s New
What do you see in the
What item can you make out of

City of Good Character

What is It
It is easy to throw away something and feel glad that you got rid of it and
will never see it again. Sad to say, it does not end here. The things you
throw away go somewhere, usually to dumpsites or landfills. Some may end
up in empty lots, rivers, and the sea.
It is also a reality that you are now living in a society where everything is
almost disposable. You tend to buy new things instead of getting old ones
repaired. It has become more convenient to throw away items. You start to
realize that it has become a problem not only for you today but for future
One of the best ways to manage trash is to recycle them. Recycling is the
conversion of old and used materials into new products. The key component
to proper waste management is recycling.
Recycled Products
The following are examples of recycled projects wherein waste materials can
be made into functional items.

1. Scrap Paper Notepad

 Scrap papers (short bond
paper size)
 Binder clips
 Glue (or glue stick and glue
 Paintbrush
 Decorative scrap paper
 Masking or decorative tape

1. Fold into half at least 40 sheets of scrap paper. Cut paper on folded side.
2. Stack the pages by lining up the cut folded sides together. Do this on an
even surface to be precise.
3. With all pages evenly lined up, attach the binder clips on the top and
bottom edges on the cut side of the paper. Lay flat on the edge of the
table and place a heavy object at the center near the cut edge to keep
pages compressed.
4. Apply glue evenly over the cut edge then let it dry. Repeat this 4-5 times
until you have a coat of clear glue that holds the edges together.
City of Good Character
5. Remove the clip binders once the glue has dried completely.
6. Attach your decorative paper by gluing it across the top of the notepad.
7. Attach the tape carefully on top of the glued area. Decorate with stickers,
labels, or anything else.

2. Desk Organizer


 6 empty plastic bottles (1

liter soft drinks bottle)
 Cutter and scissors
 Decorative tape
 Glue stick and glue gun


1. Clean the bottle and let it dry.

2. Measure around 21/2- 3 inches from the base of the bottle going up then mark
it all around.
3. Cut the mark area using a sharp cutter. Set aside the upper part of the bottle
for future recycling projects.
4. Smoothen the cut edges using scissors.
5. Cover all the edges with decorative tape.
6. Glue together the five receptacle.
7. Decorate with stickers, labels, or anything else.

3. Tin Can Holder


 2-3 tin cans

 Scraps of cloth or scrap papers
 Glue stick and glue gun
 ½ inch wide ribbon (color should match the cloth or paper)

1. Remove the top cover of the tin can and smoothen the cut
edges by using small hammer.
2. Wash the can with soap and water and let it dry under the heat of the sun.
3. Glue the cloth or paper all around the sides of the can. Let it dry.
4. Attach ribbon around the top and bottom of the can.
5. Accessorize your tin can holder.
6. Do the same procedure with the two remaining cans.

City of Good Character

What’s More
Offline Activity: Identify whether the following materials are recyclable or not
recyclable. Write Recyclable if the materials can be recycled and Not
Recyclable if it cannot be recycled.

___________ 1. Plastic bottle

___________ 2. Paper plate
___________ 3. Baby diaper
___________ 4. Colored Paper
___________ 5. Drinking Glass
___________ 6. Food Container
___________ 7. Wrapping paper
___________ 8. Sanitary napkins
___________ 9. Aluminum can
___________10. Milk cartoons

Online Activity: Answer the activity.

For online pupils:

What I Have Learned

Waste management is a serious matter that needs serious attention and active
participation of every individual.

Effective waste management helps address many environmental issues and also
opens opportunities for earning additional income.
The key component to proper waste management is through recycling.
Collection of materials can be done by bringing materials in junkshops or picking
up from residence through scheduled garbage collection.

What I Can Do
Recycling is beneficial to you and the community because it creates employment
through livelihood projects, conserves energy and money, and saves our
environment from pollution and increasing landfills.

Recycle a plastic bottle into a useful coin purse. You can follow the procedure
below or you can make your own researches to improve or enhance your project.

Create a project plan using the form from the previous module and present the
project through messenger. Just make a collage of picture while doing your project
and send it to your TLE teacher.
Plastic Bottle Coin Purse

City of Good Character

End part of 1 L plastic bottle(2 pieces)
Thread(yarn) and needle
Optional: paint for design and decoration
1. Prepare and clean the end of the plastic bottles.
2. Light the candle and heat the nail. After heating the nail, create small
holes on the plastic bottles for sewing the zipper.
3. Measure the size of zipper needed for the coin purse bottle.
4. Using your thread and needle, sew the zipper on the bottle.
5. Using your personal decorations and embellishments, create a
colorful design of your coin purse.
Here is the rubrics to be use in assessing your finished product.

Criteria Points Self Teacher

Proficiency 5
Workmanship/Timeliness 5
Appearance 5
Resourcefulness 5
Total 20

Write True if the statement is correct and false if incorrect.

_________ 1. Recycling is the solution of saving energy and conserving waste for a
better environment.

_________ 2. Paper is made up of steel and can be melted and turned into
new cans.
_________ 3. Recycling is important because it maximizes the use of our
natural resources.
_________ 4. Electronic wastes such as gadgets, batteries, and ink cartridges
are biodegradable wastes.
_________ 5. Waste materials can be brought to junk shops to be collected
and segregated.
City of Good Character
_________ 6. Recycling can help families saved money.
_________ 7. Reuse means to stop or avoid waste production.
_________ 8. Recycling is the process of using used items to create new
_________ 9. In order to reduce waste it is better to use personal mugs
instead of paper cups.
_________ 10. You can reuse plastic bags from groceries as trash bag at

For online pupils:

Additional Activities

Use any of the sample recycled projects in this lesson to make a mini project or you
can make your own recycled project. Document and submit your work to your

Post Test
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in a separate sheet
of paper.
_____ 1. This is making use of a used material to make a new product.
A. Recycling B. Reusing
C. Reducing D. Reduction
_____ 2. Materials that can be recycled are:
A. wood, glass, metal, paper and plastic
B. fruits, vegetables, drinks and beverages
C. peanut, butter, juice and water
D. fish, chicken, pork and meat
_____ 3. This is to stop or avoid waste production
A. Reduce B. Reuse
C. Recycling D. Recycle
_____ 4. This is to put an item to a new use rather than to throw it away [an
example is using egg tray as seed bed.)]
A. Reduce B. Reuse
C. Recycling D. Recycle
_____ 5. Recycling brings about so many benefits like
A. Employment through livelihood projects
B. Helping reduce pollution and the need for landfills
C. Helping save energy by reducing the use of fuel in manufacturing
D. ALL of the above
_____ 6. The following are examples of recycled projects EXCEPT…
A. Scrap Paper Notepad
B. Desk Organizer

City of Good Character

C. Tin Can Holder
D. Animal Raising
_____ 7. Identify which one is NOT recyclable
A. Plastic Bottle B. Baby diaper
C. Paper plate D. Aluminum can
_____ 8. What is the importance of recycling?
A. Recycling conserves natural resources
B. Recycling is a waste of time
C. Recycling is fun
D. Helping conserve and sustain the use of natural resources for future
_____ 9. The principle of the 3R is
A. Register  Reassemble  Repeat
B. Reduce  Reuse  Recycle
C. Seiri  Seiton  Shitsuke
D. Redeem  Recycle  Refund
____ 10. In order to reduce waste it is better to
A. use personal mugs instead of paper cups
B. eat bananas and throw away banana peelings
C. wash car using fresh water
D. use plastic bags when doing groceries

Answer Key

Lesson 1

What I can Do
5. SHINE 5. Plastic
Answers May Vary
4. SORT 4. Glass
3. R E D U C E 3. Paper-mache
2. R E C Y CL E 2. Recycling
1. R E U S E 1. Cell phones
What I Know Assessment

Lesson 2
5. True 5. d What I Can Do
4. True 4. c Answer May Vary
3. False 3. b
2. True 2. d
1. True 1. c
Assessment What I Know

City of Good Character

Lesson 3
10. Recyclable 10. True 5. B
3. Recycle 4. D
9. Recyclable 9. True
2. Reuse 3. B
8. Not Recyclable 8. True
1. Reduce 2. A
7. Recyclable 7. True
What’s In 1. A
6. Recyclable 6. True
5. Recyclable 5. True Activity
4. Recyclable 4. False Additional
3. Not Recyclable 3. False
2. Recyclable 2. False
1. Recyclable 1. True
What’s More Assessment


Arsenue, R. A., Azarcon, G. B., Ipolan, C. R., Mora, J. E., Paguio, D. M., &
Quiambao, Y. L. (2016). The Basics of Better Family Living Textbook for Grade 6.
Quezon City: Vibal Group Inc.

Bernardino, J. C., Fulgencio, M. A., Lee, E. L., Paragas, A. L, & Rafael, E. T.

(2017). Home Economics and Livelihood Education Grade 6 Second Edition.
Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

EZLink. (2020, January 13). TLE 6 I.A. - Recyclable Products/ Waste Materials.
[Video]. Youtube.

City of Good Character

Development Team of the Module
Writer: Jesseca M. Mandapat (T III, SNES)
James G. Garcia (MT I, PES)
Pablo S. Salazar Jr. (Master Teacher I, MALES)
Jesseca M. Mandapat (T III, SNES)
Mary Grace O. Pariñas (Teacher II-NES)
Language Editor: Crisanta A. Deogracias (MT I, MalES)
Internal Reviewer:
Reingelyn P. Donato (OIC-Principal, Leonardo Victorino Elementary School)
Joseph T. Santos (Education Program Supervisor-EPP/TLE)
Jesseca M. Mandapat (T III, SNES)
Christopher E. Mercado (MT I, JDPNHS)
Layout Artist:
Mary Grace O. Pariñas (Teacher II-NES)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Joseph T. Santos
Education Program Supervisor-EPP/TLE

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor– LRMDS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City
Email Address:
191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines
Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character


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