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A video is a powerful tool for teaching and learning. Videos provide a way for learners to see and hear
information more dynamically and engagingly than traditional text-based materials. They can also help
learners retain information more effectively. Additionally, educators can use online educational videos
to supplement or replace the material for their classes.

According to Sanket Shah some of the benefits of using video in the classroom are listed below:

1). A video is more engaging

2). Learners can see and hear the Information In a more dynamic way

3). Learners can learn more quickly and easily

4). Learners can avoid dry learning sessions

5). Learners can take the material home and use it in their classes or courses

6). Videos can enhance learning opportunities

7). Instructors can use videos to teach different types of subjects

How to use educational videos in the classroom

There are many ways to use educational videos in the classroom. Teachers can use them to introduce a
new topic, supplement existing lesson plans, or provide extra practice on a concept.

Some things to keep in mind when using videos in the classroom:

1. Choose high-quality videos from reputable sources

2. Make sure the video is appropriate for your students’ age and ability level

3. Consider the format

4. Preview the video yourself before showing it to your class

5. Have a plan for how you will use the video in your lesson

6. Use videos in moderation, as too many videos can be overwhelming for students

The best sources for free educational videos

1. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit organisation that provides free educational resources, including video
lessons, practice exercises, and more. Their selection includes videos on a wide variety of topics, making
them an excellent resource for teachers looking for new material to use in the classroom.

2. Crash Course

Crash Course is another excellent source for high-quality educational videos. They have a wide selection
of videos for different subjects and levels of study.

3. YouTube

There are many great educational channels on YouTube with a wide selection of quality videos on all
subjects. A few of our favourite educational YouTube channels include Mindset Learn and Science

4. Ted-Ed

TED-Ed is an excellent resource for educational videos created by teachers and other experts. They have
a large selection of videos that can be customised for use in the classroom and are available at multiple
grade levels.

5. SchoolTube

SchoolTube is an excellent resource for finding educational videos from schools all over the world. They
have a great variety of short instructional clips as well as longer documentaries on topics like climate


The free videos on showcase the creativity of students and teachers around the world.
There are three main collections: Light Bulbs (about literature and writing), Global Views (about unique
moments in history), and Seeing Service (highlighting people making a difference in the world). Videos
can be submitted by anybody, so you could have students carry out a video project to add to as well as using its video resources in your lessons.

7. The School of Life

The School of Life has a series of short educational videos on topics like philosophy, relationships, and
happiness. There are a combination of articles, videos and paid courses on its website, or you can visit
its YouTube channel for easy access to the videos.

8. PBS LearningMedia
PBS LearningMedia has thousands of free educational videos, including short clips and full-length
documentaries. Their selection is divided into different subject areas, making it easy to find relevant
resources quickly.

9. MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare offers over 2,400 courses online for free, including a wide variety of video
lectures from instructors at the esteemed university. These videos can be excellent resources for
teachers looking for new ideas and approaches to teaching their subject matter.

10. Udemy

Udemy is an online course provider that offers a wide variety of courses on all sorts of topics, including
video lectures. While Udemy courses are not typically free, they often offer discounts, making them
more affordable for teachers on a tight budget.

11. Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative

Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Learning Initiative offers a wide variety of free online courses, many
of which feature video lectures from the instructors. These videos can be excellent resources for
teachers looking to supplement their existing curriculum.

12. Open Learn

Open Learn is a website created by The Open University in the United Kingdom that offers free learning
resources on various topics. Their video section includes lectures, interviews, and documentaries on
everything from history to science.

13. TeacherTube

TeacherTube is an online community for sharing free instructional videos across many topics, including
science, maths, history, social studies and languages.

14. Vimeo

Much like YouTube, Vimeo is a great source of free videos. With a focus on high production values, you’ll
find many high-quality educational videos by searching the extensive library on this platform.

15. NASA

NASA has a collection of free videos focused on space exploration, science and engineering. The videos
are perfect for supplementing science or history classes and sparking discussion and curiosity.

4. Slide presentation/narrated slideshows

Slide presentations or narrated slideshows in teaching involve using digital slides with text, images, and
sometimes multimedia elements. Narration is added to guide students through the content, enhancing
engagement and understanding. It's a versatile and accessible method for delivering educational
material in a visually appealing way.

Pros and cons of Using presentation or Slideshows


1. Visual Aid: Slides enhance visual learning and help convey information more effectively.

2. Engagement: Multimedia elements can captivate students' attention, making the learning experience
more engaging.

3. Organization: Slides allow for structured content delivery, aiding in the organization and sequencing
of information.

4. Efficiency:Presentations can save time, presenting information succinctly and facilitating a smoother
flow of the lesson.


1. Passive Learning:Students may become passive consumers, focusing on slides rather than actively
participating in discussions or critical thinking.

2. Overuse: Excessive reliance on slides may lead to monotony, reducing the dynamism of the

3. Technical Issues: Technical glitches or equipment failures can disrupt the flow of the lesson.

4. Accessibility: Not all students may benefit equally; some may struggle with the pace or find it
challenging to process information presented visually.

Classroom tools for presentations and slideshows

1. Google Slides

Google Slides is a free web-based presentation tool that is easy to use and has many features. It is
compatible with all major browsers and devices and can be accessed anywhere. Google Slides offers a
variety of templates, fonts, and colors to help you create professional-looking presentations.

2. Prezi
Prezi is a more visually-oriented presentation tool that allows users to create more interactive and
engaging presentations. Prezi is not as easy to use as Google Slides, but it can be a great way to create
presentations that stand out. Prezi presentations are created on a canvas that can be zoomed in and
out, which allows you to create a more dynamic presentation experience.

3. Canva

Canva is a design platform used to create presentations and other types of visual content. Canva has a
wide range of templates and features, making it easy to create professional-looking presentations
without being a graphic designer. Canva also offers a free plan, which makes it a great option for
teachers and educators on a budget.

4. Visme

Visme is another design platform that is similar to Canva. Visme has a wider range of features than
Canva but is also more complex. Visme offers a variety of tools for creating interactive presentations,
including animations, videos, and charts. Visme also offers a free plan, but the features are more limited
than the paid plans.

5. Emaze

Emaze is a presentation tool that focuses on creating interactive and engaging presentations. Emaze has
many features, including animations, videos, and interactive presentation elements. Emaze also offers a
free plan, but the features are more limited than the paid plans.

6. Office Sway

Office Sway is a Microsoft presentation tool designed to be more interactive than traditional PowerPoint
presentations. Office Sway allows users to create presentations that are more like websites, with the
ability to add images, text, videos, and other content. Office Sway is a free tool but only available to
users with a Microsoft 365 subscription.

7. PowerPoint Online

PowerPoint Online is a web-based version of Microsoft PowerPoint included in the Microsoft Office
suite. This means you can use PowerPoint Online for free if you have a Microsoft 365 subscription.
PowerPoint Online has a familiar interface similar to the desktop version of PowerPoint. This makes it
easy for users familiar with PowerPoint to start with PowerPoint Online.

8. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that is designed to be simple to use and visually appealing. The tool
uses a drag-and-drop interface to easily add images, text, and other content to your presentations.
Haiku Deck also offers a vast collection of high-quality images and templates, so you can create beautiful
presentations without being a graphic designer.
9. Slides Carnival

Slides Carnival is a website that provides free PowerPoint and Google Slides templates. The templates
are designed for various purposes, including education, business, and marketing.. The templates from
Slides Carnival are easy to use. Simply download the template you want and open it in PowerPoint or
Google Slides. You can then customize the template to fit your needs.

10. Powtoon

Powtoon is a presentation tool focused on creating animated presentations and videos. The tool uses a
drag-and-drop interface to easily add images, text, and other content to your presentations. Powtoon
also offers a library of characters, props, and scenes that you can use to create your animations.

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