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Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Content Page

Lesson Flow
● 15 mins | Checklist
● 15 mins | Letter To The Editor
● 10 mins | Blog Post
● 05 mins | Vocabulary & Next Steps

Learning Objectives
I’ll be able to…
● identify common mistakes in level 3 samples.
● use a mix of advanced sentence structures and vocabulary in writings correctly.

● Sentence Rewriting Exercise

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)


Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Phase 7

Sentence Structures Functions Examples

SVO rather than Ving O. To give more importance to one

You can develop a set of bullet points that map out what you’re going to say in
thing when two preferences
each section _____________________ _____________________ (script) the
are being compared
whole thing word for word.

Despite To link two contrasting ideas

We generally outlaw reading approaches of any kind at TED,

_____________________ some exceptions we made a few years ago that a

man insisted on using a monitor.

SVO where SVO. To introduce a relative clause

You can also memorise your talk, which entails rehearsing it to the point
that particularly introduces a
______________ you internalise every word - verbatim.
spatial or abstract entity

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Phase 8

Sentence Structures Functions Examples

Due to N, SVO. To show reason(s)

_____________________ both hectic lifestyles and modern living standards,

many Hongkongers work extremely long hours.

As a result, SVO, Ving O. To show result(s)

_______________________, chronic diseases will be less likely to develop over

time, _________________ (boost) overall public health.

S, which, in addition to To show effect(s) / result(s)

New businesses, which, in addition to ______________ (drive) the economy,
Ving O, VO.
______________ (serve) society and _________________ (provide) job

opportunities for the underprivileged.

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Common Mistakes

Phase 7

1. Students should put emphasis on their academics rather than idolise celebrities.

2. Despite it is costly, people still go to great lengths to purchase scalper tickets.

3. Companies based their production in less developed countries like Vietnam and Bangladesh, where lower labour costs.

Phase 8

4. Due to the weather is chilly, the government has reminded citizens of precautions.

5. As a result, children will be more likely to receive better education, nurture pillars of tomorrow.

6. Blackpink, which in addition to attract the attention of billions of fans, is a glamorous spotlight across various brands.

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Letter To The Editor

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Letter To The Editor

The government has recently announced the “Hello Hong Kong” programme which aims to give out 500,000 free round-trip air tickets to
foreign travellers to encourage inbound tourism. Write a letter to the Editor to comment on the impacts of the campaign on the city.

SVO rather than Ving O. Despite SVO where SVO.

Due to N, SVO. As a result, SVO, Ving O. S, which, in addition to Ving O, VO.

Dear Editor,
[1] The government has brought forward campaigns to revive the city, 1. _______________ has been stricken by economic turmoil during
the pandemic. 2. __________________ the flight hiatus, inbound tourism has severely plunged, impacting various industries including retail
and tourism. 3. ________________________, when the height of the invisible wave has almost come to an end, it is high time the
government rolled out incentives to entice travellers from all over the world.

[2] One of such promotional drives would be the disbursement of 500,000 complimentary round-trip air tickets, which, 4. _______________
_____________________________ (drive) the number of incoming tourists, 5. ________________ (aim) to reinvigorate Hong Kong’s
reputation as an international hub where East meets West. 6. __________________ its potential high costs incurred in the giveaway of free
air tickets and spending vouchers, officials deemed the stimulant to be effective and feasible.

[3] After all, it is essential that the effectiveness of these incentives is kept within sight so that we know taxpayers’ money will not be spent in
Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Language Enhancement

The government has recently announced the “Hello Hong Kong” programme which aims to give out 500,000 free round-trip air tickets to
foreign travellers to encourage inbound tourism. Write a letter to the Editor to comment on the impacts of the campaign on the city.

SVO rather than Ving O. Despite SVO where SVO.

Due to N, SVO. As a result, SVO, Ving O. S, which, in addition to Ving O, VO.

1. The disbursement of 500,000 complimentary round-trip air The disbursement of 500,000 complimentary round-trip air tickets
tickets aims to drive the number of incoming tourists, but it incurs a high cost __________________________ (drive) the number
incurs a high cost. of incoming tourists.

2. The government has brought forward campaigns to revive the ________________ the economic turmoil during the pandemic, the
city, where has been stricken by economic turmoil during the government has brought forward campaigns to revive the city.

3. The disbursement of 500,000 complimentary round-trip air Hong Kong is well recognised as an international hub where it is called
tickets aims to reinvigorate Hong Kong’s reputation as an _____________________________.
international hub where East meets West.

4. Despite its potential high costs incurred in the giveaway of __________________ its potential high costs incurred in the giveaway
free air tickets and spending vouchers, officials deemed the of free air tickets and spending vouchers, some people doubt the
stimulant to be effective and feasible. effectiveness of the travel boost campaign.

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Blog Post

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Blog Post
“Words without actions are meaningless.”

You have been inspired to share your views about taking actions to achieve a goal or to complete a task. In your blog, share your insight with
reference to your own experiences.

Correct the underlined 6 mistakes in the following sentences found in the blog entry.


1. Due to lazy, people often give up working towards their goals midway. 1. __________________________

2. Dispassionate people would draw ambiguous plans, rather than devise concrete strategies in 2. __________________________
completing a task.
3. __________________________

3. Despite determined, there may sometimes be obstacles that would keep us distracted, such as 4. __________________________
our peers and the temptations to relax ourselves.
5. __________________________
4. As a result, we may not achieve any accomplishments that would make us proud, lose purpose in
life. 6. __________________________

5. Motivated goal setters, which, in addition to setting attainable but challenging goals, going to
great lengths in actualising them.

6. People may work in cafes or common hubs where to keep themselves away from distractions at

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)


“Words without actions are meaningless.”

You have been inspired to share your views about taking actions to achieve a goal or to complete a task. In your blog, share your insight with
reference to your own experiences.

SVO rather than Ving O. Despite SVO where SVO.

Due to N, SVO. As a result, SVO, Ving O. S, which, in addition to Ving O, VO.

1. Due to laziness, people often give up working towards their goals Despite _______________ lazy by nature, some motivated goal
midway. attainers would go the extra mile to work towards their goals.

2. Dispassionate people would draw ambiguous plans, rather than As a result, dispassionate people would draw ambiguous plans,
devising concrete strategies in completing a task. ______________ (leave) everything unattempted at the end.

3. Despite being determined, there may sometimes be obstacles that ______________ obstacles like our peers and the temptations to
would keep us distracted, such as our peers and the temptations to relax ourselves, we might at times be distracted from our work.
relax ourselves.

4. As a result, we may not achieve any accomplishments that would We may lose purpose in life, ______________________________
make us proud, losing purpose in life. (achieve) any accomplishments that would make us proud.

5. Motivated goal setters, which, in addition to setting attainable but __________________________, motivated goal setters would set
challenging goals, go to great lengths in actualising them. attainable but challenging goals while going to great lengths in
actualising them.

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Next Steps

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Next Steps
Now you’re able to…
● identify common mistakes in level 3 samples.
● use a mix of advanced sentence structures and vocabulary in writings correctly.

Congratulations! You can achieve even more if you kindly complete or read:
● Sentence Rewriting Exercise

See you in our next class!

Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Sentence Rewriting Exercise

Rewrite the following sentences with the sentence structures you learned in class. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct.
1. Instead of cheating and plagiarising, you should finish the essay yourself. (Rewrite with “SVO rather than Ving O.”)


2. Although Macau is a compact city, it attracts visitors from all around the world. (Rewrite with “Despite”)


3. Macau is condensed with casinos and entertainment centres. Visitors enjoy these places. (Rewrite with “SVO where SVO.”)


4. Most governments have dropped the mask mandate because the pandemic has been eased. (Rewrite with “Due to N, SVO.”)


5. You may forget everything and waste your time if you do not take in knowledge after each class. (Rewrite with “As a result, SVO, Ving O.”)


6. There are attractive spots and palatable street food in Cheung Chau. (Rewrite with “S, which, in addition to Ving O, VO.”)


Elisa Ng

Sentence Structures Revision (III)

Sentence Rewriting Exercise
1. You should finish the essay yourself rather than cheating and plagiarising.
2. Despite Macau being a compact city, it attracts visitors from all around the world. // Despite its compactness, Macau attracts visitors from all
around the world. // Despite being a compact city, Macau attracts visitors from all around the world.
3. Macau is condensed with casinos and entertainment centres where visitors enjoy.
4. Due to the pandemic being eased, most governments have dropped the mask mandate.
5. As a result, you may forget everything if you do not take in knowledge after each class, wasting your time. // As a result, you may forget
everything, wasting your time, if you do not take in knowledge after each class.
6. Cheung Chau, which, in addition to having attractive spots, has palatable street food.


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