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LEXICO – GRAMMAR (40 points)

PART 1: Choose the word / phrase which best completes each sentence. (20 points)

1. Your story is interesting and lively, but it contains several historical inaccuracies.
For example, your hero___________ have offered Miss Swinton shelter under his
umbrella, as they weren’t invented until a hundred years later.

A. couldn’t B. might not C. shouldn’t D. wouldn’t

Chọn C do vế sau, “they weren’t invented until a hundred years later”, ý chỉ rằng
chiếc ô hồi đó vẫn chưa ra đời, tức là việc mà người anh hùng cho trú nhờ ô lẽ ra
không nên xảy ra nhưng nó vẫn xảy ra
Còn “couldn’t” thì dành cho những việc chắc chắn không xảy ra nên ta loại
(Collocation: offer shelter)

2. The coach worked long and hard into the night ___________ the team’s strategy
for the next game.

A. for preparing B. for the preparation of C. to prepare D. in order for proper

preparation of

Chọn C do cụm “to verb” mang ý nghĩa hợp lý nhất và cách diễn đạt ngắn gọn, xúc
tích nhất
Loại D vì chỉ có “ in order for sb/st to do st” thôi
(Work long and hard into the night: working for a lengthy period during the night: làm
việc cả đêm)

3. During the day tigers usually lie ___________, ___________ in the long grass.
A. rested – hidden B. rested – hiding C. resting – hidden D. resting –

Chọn C do sau động từ “lie” sẽ đi kèm một V-ing để chỉ tính chất của cách nằm, còn
“hidden” là để chỉ tình trạng hiện tại của con hổ là nằm trong cỏ.

4. Not only ___________ more brittle than hard maples, but they are also less able
to withstand high winds.

A. soft maples are B. they are soft maples C. are soft maples D. soft maples

Chọn C vì khi “Not only” đứng ở đầu câu sẽ là dấu hiệu cho một câu đảo ngữ
(maple: cây phong, lá phong)
5. ___________ that dynamic, departmental recommendations against using pepper
spray on nonviolent arrestees may be needed.

A. In light of B. At the forefront of C. On the verge of D. In accordance with

Chọn A vì:
- In light of = Considering, regarding
- At/In/To the forefront (of st): in or into an important or leading position in a
particular group or activity: tiên phong trong việc gì
- On the verge of = at risk of
- In accordance with = according to

dynamic (n) : the way in which people or things behave and react to each other in a
particular situation : phản ứng
pepper spray (n): bình xịt hơi cay
nonviolent arrestee (n): người bị bắt giữ nhưng không có dấu hiệu bạo lực

6. It is mandatory that smoking in public ___________.

A. prohibited B. prohibit C. be prohibited D. is prohibited

Chọn C vì từ “mandatory” là 1 dấu hiệu của Subjunctive mood

7. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to
___________ is at the desk.

A. whoever B. who C. whom D. anyone

Chọn A vì “who” chỉ đi sau 1 danh từ chỉ người (trong mệnh đề quan hệ) hoặc một
động từ(trong mệnh đề danh từ) chứ ko đi sau một giới từ như trong câu này, mặt
khác whoever lại linh hoạt hơn, có thể dùng trong đa số trường hợp nên ta chọn

8. My dog’s being very difficult at the moment; I don’t know what the trouble is but he
just ___________ not eat.

A. shall B. will C. may D. has

Chọn C vì clue nằm ở câu “I don’t know what the trouble is”, có thể thấy rằng ta chỉ
phân vân giữa “will” và “may”, nhưng mà “will” chỉ sư tuyệt đối trong tương lai, còn
“may” là khả năng nó xảy ra. Nếu suy luận một chút, ta sẽ thấy rằng dẫu lúc này con
chó đang đau và hiện h nó không ăn được nhưng có khả năng sau khi hết đau nó sẽ
9. The Red Cross is ___________ an international aid organization.

A. intriguingly B. intrusively C. intrinsically D. intrepidly

Chọn C vì:
- intriguingly: in a way that is very interesting because it is unusual or does not
have an obvious answer: gây tò mò
- intrusively: too direct, easy to notice, etc. in a way that is annoying or
upsetting: quá dễ đoán
- intrinsically: in a way that belongs to or is part of the real nature of
somebody/something: về bản chất = naturally
- intrepidly: in a very brave; not afraid of danger or difficulties way: một cách
dũng cảm = bravely

10. ___________ Jim’s support, I wouldn’t have got the job.

A. As for B. But for C. Except for D. Just for

Chọn B vì:
- As for: used to start talking about somebody/something: về ai/cái gì
- But for: nếu không nhờ có, nếu không vì
- Except for = except = apart from: ngoại trừ
- Just for: chỉ để, chì vì

11. ___________ the initial fears of the Commander-in-Chief, the campaign was a
resounding success.

A. Despite B. Although C. Besides D. Whereas

12. My sister showed great ___________ in selling her house when she did because
soon afterwards the market fell dramatically.

A. premonition B. forecasting C. prediction D. foresight

Chọn D vì:
- premonition: a feeling that something is going to happen, especially
something unpleasant: cảm giác chẳng lành
- forecasting: to say what you think will happen in the future based on
information that you have now: dự đoán dựa vào dấu hiệu có từ trước
- prediction: a statement that says what you think will happen; the act of making
such a statement: sự dự đoán
- foresight: the ability to predict what is likely to happen and to use this to
prepare for the future: khả năng dự đoán và chuẩn bị cho tương lai
13. She ___________ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had
no interest in the game at all.

A. apologetically B. shamefacedly C. grudgingly D. discreetly

Chọn C vì:
- apologetically: in a way that shows that you are sorry for doing something
wrong or for causing a problem: mang tính chất hối lỗi
- shamefacedly: in a way that shows that you feel ashamed because you have
done something bad or stupid: xấu hổ vì mắc lỗi
- grudgingly: in a way that is given or done unwillingly: một cách miễn cưỡng
- discreetly: in a careful way, in order to keep something secret or to avoid
causing difficulty for somebody or making them feel embarrassed: một cách
khôn khéo

14. You shouldn’t have been ___________ to your elders by raising those matters.
A. ill-mannered B. immaterial C. impertinent D. inapposite

Chọn C vì:
- ill-mannered: not behaving well or politely in social situations: thiếu lịch sự
- immaterial: not important in a particular situation: không quan trọng
- impertinent: rude and not showing respect for somebody who is older or more
important: xấc láo, hỗn xược
- inapposite: very inappropriate for a particular situation or not in relation to
something: không phù hợp.

15. Once the story ___________ the headlines, everyone was talking about it.

A. crashed B. struck C. smashed D. hit

Chọn D vì:
Hit the headlines (idiom): to be an important item of news in the media: trở thành
tâm điểm

16. It is public knowledge that new magazines often use free gifts or other
___________ to get people to buy them
A. gimmicks B. snares C. plots D. scams

Chọn A vì:
- gimmick: an unusual trick or unnecessary device that is intended to attract
attention or to persuade people to buy something: mánh khóe để câu người mua
- snare: a device used for catching small animals and birds, especially one that
holds their leg so that they cannot escape: bẫy động vật
- plot: a secret plan made by a group of people to do something wrong or
illegal: kế hoạch bí mật, thường là mục đích xấu
- scam: a clever and dishonest plan for making money: lừa tiền
17. I know you're upset about breaking up with Tony but there are plenty more
A. horses in the stable B. cows in the field C. tigers in the zoo D. fish in the sea

Chọn D vì:
- There are plenty more fish in the sea (idiom): used to tell someone whose
relationship has ended that there are many other people that they could have a
relationship with: còn nhiều mà sao phải lo.

18. Lauren is often labelled easy-going as she tends to appear mild and relaxed
rather than tense and ___________.

A. sullen B. likeable C. humorous D. excitable

Chọn D vì:
- sullen: in a bad mood and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or
because it is part of your character: kiệm lời.
- likeable: pleasant and easy to like: dễ mến
- humorous: hài hước
- excitable: likely to become easily excited : dễ bị kích động
(mild: gentle and kind; not usually getting angry or violent: dịu dàng)

19. Gabriel’s mentor ___________ him to change his dishonest ways before it was
too late.

A. dislodged B. notified C. admonished D. informed

Chọn C vì:
- dislodged sb/st (from st): force sb/st to leave a place, position, or job: bắt phải
bỏ vị trí
- notify: to formally or officially tell somebody about something: thông báo chính
thức cho ai
- admonish sb (to do st): to strongly advise somebody to do something: khuyên
ai làm gì
- inform sb: to tell somebody about something, especially in an official way:
thông báo chính thức cho ai.

20. It was such a shock to receive a letter like that ___________.

A. in the red B. out of the blue C. in the pink D. over the moon

Chọn B vì:
- in the red (idiom): to owe money to your bank because you have spent more
than you have in your account: trong tình trạng nợ nần
- out of the blue (idiom): unexpectedly; without warning: bất ngờ
- in the pink (idiom): in good health: khỏe
- over the moon (idiom): extremely happy and excited: hạnh phúc


Supply the correct form of the word provided in blankets in each sentence.
(10 points)

1. You won’t persuade him to change his mind. His decision is irrevocable
- irrevocable (adj): that cannot be changed: không thể thay đổi.

2. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to differentiate
between the two. (DIFFERENT)
- differentiate (verb): to recognize or show that two things are not the same:
phân biệt

3. In Scotland there is greater emphasis on self-evaluation by individual school.

- self-evaluation (noun): the act of forming an opinion of the amount, value or
quality of yourself after thinking about it carefully: tự đánh giá

4. The sun and the moon are often personified in poetry. (PERSON)
- personify (verb): to show or think of an object, quality, etc. as a person : nhân

5. Many fabrics are specially treated so as to be unshrinkable (SHRINK)

- unshrinkable (adj): (especially of fabric: vải) not liable to shrink: không bị co, rút

6. Jim is one of the most outspoken members of the committee. (SPEAK)

- outspoken (adj): saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends
people: thẳng thắn

7. The fauna (sinh vật) is becoming comparatively depauperate due to the isolation,
young geological age (tuổi địa chất) of the island and forestry activities (hoạt động
lâm nghiệp) within habitats. (PAUPER)
- depauperate (adj): (of a flora, fauna, or ecosystem) lacking in numbers or
variety of species: kém đa dạng
8. Heavy rain and excessive use have the soil impoverished. (POVERTY)
- impoverished (adj): poor in quality, because something is missing: đất xói mòn

9. He made a foolhardy attempt to climb the tree to recover his kite. (FOOL)
- foolhardy (adj): taking unnecessary risks: liều lĩnh chẳng để làm gì
10. Management decided the office was over-manned and sacked three junior (trẻ
tuổi) typists. (MAN)
- over-manned (adj): (of a company, office, etc.) having more workers than are
needed: thừa nhân lực


Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (10 points)

1. Can you tuck your shirt _________ your trousers?

A. with B. around C. into D. at

Chọn C vì:
- tuck st in/into st (v): to push, fold or turn the ends or edges of clothes, paper,
etc. so that they are held in place or look neat: cho vào, nhét vào

2. Erica is an excellent worker. She goes _________ her job calmly and efficiently.

A. on B. with C. about D. at

Chọn C vì:
- get about st/ doing st: to start working on something: bắt đầu làm gì

3. The school ran _________ financial trouble when 80% of the staff went on strike.

A. about B. into C. with D. for

Chọn B vì:
- run into st: to experience difficulties, etc.: gặp phải điều khó khăn

4. He wants to get the scholarship and is making _________ that he is poor.

A. up B. out C. over D. for

Chọn A vì:
- make up st/ that + clause: to invent a story, etc., especially in order to trick or
entertain somebody: dựng chuyện
5. His latest work has come _________ for a great deal of criticism.

A. up B. in C. across D. through

Chọn B vì:
- come in for st: to receive something, especially something unpleasant: nhận
phải điều gì không tốt

6. Many factories break the anti-pollution laws and _________.

A. put up with it B. take it over C. get away with it D. come round to it

Chọn C vì:
- put up with st: to accept somebody/something that is annoying, unpleasant,
etc. without complaining: nhẫn nhịn
- take st over: to gain control of a business, a company, etc., especially by
buying shares: mua lại cổ phiếu để có được quyền quản lý doanh nghiệp.
- get away with st: to do something wrong and not be punished for it: không bị
phạt dẫu làm sai
- come round to st: to change your mood or your opinion: thay đổi tâm trạng,
cách nghĩ

7. When I started my business, I had to take out a bank loan. It took me four years to
pay it _________.
A. off B. out C. up D. over

Chọn A vì:
- pay off st/ st off: to finish paying money owed for something: trả hết nợ
(phrase: take out: to obtain an official document or service: nhận văn bản hoặc dịch

8. You shouldn’t have sent Sebastian that Valentine’s card. I think you’ve scared him

A. back B. down C. off D. through

Chọn C vì:
- scare off sb/ sb off: to make somebody go away by frightening them: dọa sợ
9. I thought the movie was going to an end, but it just _________.

A. dragged in B. dragged on C. dragged into D. dragged up

Chọn B vì:
- drag on: (disapproving) to go on for too long: kéo dài quá lâu

10. This is the time of the year when stores _________ their prices, so you can get
good deals.

A. mark on B. mark through C. mark up D. mark down

Chọn D vì:
- mark down st: to reduce the price of something: giảm giá

III. READING (60 points)

PART 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best
fits each gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. (15 points)


There is more evidence proving the Mediterranean diet to be heart healthy and most
likely helpful in (1)_____________ pounds and keeping them off. Although
Mediterranean cuisine is not technically low in fat, the type of (2)
_____________acids it does contain, such as those that come from nuts and olive
oil, is a much healthier form of (3) _____________ fat than what exists in other
foods. In a recent study, participants who were overweight and suffering from (4)
_____________were placed on either a regular low-fat diet or a Mediterranean diet.
The ones on the latter diet fared (to be successful/unsuccessful in a particular
situation) better than their counterparts in terms of health risks. The results showed
that it is not just a matter of eating low-fat (5) _____________ of food, but it is the
addition of nuts and olive oil that improves the indicators of good health. The ones
who followed the regular low-fat diet also (6) _____________ the risk of returning to
old habits that caused them to (7) _____________on the pounds in the first place. A
Mediterranean diet is easier to follow because it is filled with healthy yet (8)
_____________ foods such as fish, walnuts and fresh fruit and vegetables. Those
who follow the diet are less likely to suffer from (9) _____________for less healthier
foods, thus making it easier to (10) _____________ the urge to eat meat and high-
fat dairy products. Ultimately (in the end; finally), the Mediterranean diet contains
all the nutrients needed for lifelong (lasting or existing all through your life: cả
đời) health, making it a diet people can live on for their entire lives.

1. A. scraping B. shredding C. shedding D. cracking

Chọn C vì:
- shed pounds: to get rid of weight: giảm cân
- scrape: to remove something from a surface by moving something sharp and
hard like a knife across it: gỡ ra (ex: bùn đất…)
- shred: to cut or tear something into small pieces: cắt hoặc xé nhỏ
- crack: to break without dividing into separate parts; to break something in
this way: bẻ gãy

2. A. fattening B. fat C. fatty D. fattened

Chọn C vì:
- fattening (adj): (of food) likely to make you fat: gây béo
- fat (adj): béo
- fatty (adj): containing a lot of fat; consisting of fat: chứa chất béo
- fatten (verb): to make somebody/something fatter, especially an animal before
killing it for food; to become fatter: vỗ béo

3. A. diet B. dieting C. dietician D. dietary

Chọn D vì:
- diet (n): chế độ ăn uống
- diet (v): ăn kiêng
- dietician (n): a person whose job is to advise people on what kind of food they
should eat to keep healthy: chuyên gia dinh dưỡng
- dietary (adj): connected with or contained in the food that you eat and drink
regularly: liên quan đến chế độ ăn uống

4. A. obesity B. disorder C. malnutrition D. indigestion

Chọn A vì dựa vào ý: “participants who were overweight”

- obesity (n): the quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy: rất
- disorder (n): a condition or illness that causes problems with the way part of
the body or brain works: rối loạn
- malnutrition (n): a poor condition of health caused by a lack of food or a lack of
the right type of food: suy dinh dưỡng
- indigestion (n): pain caused by difficulty in digesting food: chứng khó tiêu
5. A. toppings B. servings C. coverings D. flavourings

Chọn B vì:
- topping (n): a layer of food that you put on top of a dish, cake, etc. to add taste
or to make it look nice: đồ ăn kèm
- serving of food (collo): an amount of food for one person: phần ăn, suất ăn
- covering (n): a layer of something that covers something else: phần bọc
- flavouring (n): a substance added to food or drink to give it a particular taste:
phẩm màu

6. A. packed B. ran C. played D. quenched

Chọn B vì:
- run the risk of (idiom): to be or put yourself in a situation in which something bad
could happen to you: gây rủi ro

7. A. stuff B. stack C. place D. pile

Chọn D vì:
- stuff (v): to fill a space or container tightly with something: nhồi nhét
- stack (v): to fill something with piles of things: chất đồ
- pile on (v): (especially of a person’s weight) to increase quickly: tăng cân

8. A. sharp B. bitter C. bland D. appetising

Chọn D vì:
- sharp (adj): strong and slightly bitter: khá hăng
- bitter (adj): đắng
- bland (adj): not having a strong or interesting taste: nhạt nhẽo
- appetising (adj): (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel
hungry or thirsty: ngon miệng

9. A. cravings B. passions C. urges D. appetites

Chọn A vì:
- craving (n): a strong desire for something: thèm muốn mạnh mẽ
- passion (n): a very strong feeling of liking something; a hobby, an activity, etc.
that you like very much: đam mê
- urge (n): a strong desire to do something: sự thôi thúc, nhẹ hơn “craving” vì
“craving” là gần như nghiện
- appetite (n): physical desire for food: sự thèm ăn
10. A. whip B. resist C. polish D. feed

Chọn B vì:
- resist the urge of st/ to do st (phrase): cưỡng lại sự thôi thúc làm gì đó
- whip (verb): to hit a person or an animal hard with a whip, as a punishment or
to make them go faster or work harder: đánh bằng roi vọt
- polish (v): to make changes to something in order to improve it: thay đổi cho tốt

PART 2: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE word in each space. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
boxes. (15 points)


Britain has many haunted theatres. The Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, London, prides
(1)_____________ on being regarded as the most haunted theatre (2)
______________ showbiz. The most legendary ghostly inhabitant is an 18th-century
gentleman known (3)______________the ‘Man in Grey’. Spotted by dozens of
cleaners over the years, a sighting (an occasion when somebody sees
somebody/something, especially something unusual or something that lasts
for only a short time) of him is usually considered to be good luck and indicates the
show will go (4) ______________ a hitch. It is thought that he is associated with a
skeleton uncovered by workmen in the theatre in 1843. The skeleton was found with
a knife in (5) ______________ ribs (xương sườn).
There is also the ghost of an Irish (Ai-len) man Charles Macklin, an actor (6)
______________ profession. He stabbed (đâm) a fellow actor, Thomas Hallam, in
1735. Macklin’s ghost has (7) ______________seen in a backstage corridor (hành
lang hậu trường). Joseph Grimaldi was a famous clown who performed at the
Theatre Royal for many years. When he died in 1837, he left a request that he be
buried near the theatre. Since then, his ghost appears during shows (8)
______________ occasion, sometimes sitting in the audience, smiling
encouragement up at performers on the stage. Every once in a while (=sometimes),
performers (9) ______________ felt his presence on stage with them. Some have
spoken of feeling his hands guiding them to a better spot on stage, or even kicking
them in the rear (the back part of something: ở phía sau) if they weren’t (10)
______________ their best!

1, itself (pride oneself on + V-ing: tự hào về điều gì)

2, in (in showbiz (or show business): the business of providing public entertainment,
for example in the theatre, in films or in television: trong ngành giải trí)

3, as (known as: được biết đến như là)

4, without (go (off) without a hitch (idiom): to happen successfully without any
problems: thành công)

5, its

6, by ( a/an + job + by profession: làm nghề này)

7, been

8, on (on occasion(s): sometimes but not often: thi thoảng)

9, have

10, doing (do one’s best: làm hết sức)

PART 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the
following questions. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes.
(15 points)

The tide (thủy triều) means the rising and falling of ocean levels that are affected by
the moon, the sun, and the earth’s own rotation. Although the sun gives about 200
times the gravitational force on the earth as the moon does, the moon exerts more
than twice the tidal force. As the closer astronomical body, the moon has greater
influence on the earth’s tides. Although other factors do affect the tide, the positions
of these two bodies have by far the greatest determinant (a factor that decides
whether or how something happens: quyết định) roles.

It is easy to imagine that the ocean level closest to the moon bulges upward (dâng
lên). However, a bulge occurs on the opposite side of the earth as well. [A] As the
moon’s tidal force counteracts the earth’s gravitational force, water bulges on both
sides. Because there are two major oceanic bulges, there are two high tides in a
daily cycle. [B] A lunar day (âm lịch), not a solar day (dương lịch), must be used in
this calculation. It takes the earth 24 hours and 48 minutes to make one rotation. As
with a solar day, the earth rotates once in 24 hours. [C] Thus, high tides generally
occur every 12 hours and 24 minutes, an interval of half a lunar day. [D] Exact
intervals will vary depending on local land features.

The sun has a similar but less visible effect on water levels. Oceanic bulges occur on
the sides of the earth. While these bulges resulting from the sun’s tidal forces are
smaller than the greatest swells (= tidal waves) caused by the moon, they can
amplify (to increase something in strength, especially sound: khuếch đại, tăng
cường) the moon’s effect. Furthermore, the bulges in water levels caused by the
sun can make predicting the tides tricky, since both the sun and the moon must be
taken into consideration.

When the moon and the sun are aligned (to arrange something in the correct
position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to something else,
especially in a straight line: thẳng hàng) – that is, when both are on the same
side of the earth or on opposite sides of the earth – the oceanic bulges are at their
greatest size. Known as spring tide, this powerful phenomenon results in
abnormally high tides, abnormally low tides, and abnormally strong tidal currents.
In general, seven days after the spring tide comes, the neap tide comes. The results
are weaker tidal currents and less variation in water levels between high tide
and low tide.

Because the moon and the sun are major factors in tide formation, researchers have
tried to investigate these factors under assumptions of the earth with no land masses
(lục địa), smooth ocean floors, constant distances from the moon and the sun, and
an unchanging environment. Even under these simplified imaginary conditions, it has
been difficult to construct complete and conclusive models of tidal phenomena. With
the additional factors of huge land masses, wildly (không có thể thống) variable
underwater terrain, the elliptical (hình ê-líp) orbits of the moon and the earth, and
climate change, tidal analysis become increasingly more complex.

Land masses block tidal ebbs (= tidal waves) and flows, affecting the timing,
volume, and strength of the tides. Submarine terrain also has great effects on tides
and their movements and variation. As for the principal astronomical bodies, one
must remember that the moon’s orbit around the earth and the earth’s orbit around
the sun are elliptical. Therefore, tidal forces vary with changing relative distances
between the earth and the moon and between the earth and the sun. Finally,
weather and climate change always pose challenges to tidal prediction. Now, with
global warming, rising ocean levels, and weather phenomena, study of the tides is
becoming more challenging than ever before.

1. According to the passage, all of the following are true of tides EXCEPT
A. The earth’s rotation affects water depth. (Line 2 passage 1)
B. Solar gravitational force is the biggest influence on tidal flow.
C. The moon is a more important factor than the sun. (Line 4-5 passage 1)
D. Tidal force is related to distance from the earth. (Line 4 passage 1)
2. The word “counteracts” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. stops B. intensifies C. offsets D. resists

- counteract (v): to do something to reduce or prevent the bad or harmful effects

of something: phản lại
- intensify (v): to increase in degree or strength; to make something increase in
degree or strength: gia tăng
- offset (v): to use one cost, payment or situation in order to cancel or reduce
the effect of another: bù đắp

3. Look at the four squares [A], [B], [C], [D] that indicate where the following
sentence could be added to the passage.
“However, the moon is constantly moving around the earth, so an additional
48 minutes is required for the moon to complete the rotation.”
Where would the sentence best fit? Choose the square where the sentence should
be added to the passage.

A. [A] B. [B] C. [C] D. [D]

Đây là chỗ trống hợp lý nhất vì đằng trước nói rằng Trái Đất mất 24h để hoàn thành
1 vòng quay, còn đằng sau nói rằng do đó thủy triều cao thường diễn ra mỗi 12h 24
phút, một nửa của ngày âm, nên ta nhân đôi lên sẽ được 24h 48 phút, bằng 24h của
1 vòng Trái Đất + 48 phút của mặt trăng trong câu.

4. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ___________.

A. bulges B. forces C. swells D. bodies

5. The word “abnormally” has been repeated three times in order to ___________.
A. emphasize the power of spring tides
B. accentuate unpredictability of tidal movement
C. note how infrequently spring tides occur
D. highlight the complexities of tidal formation

Loại B vì khi đọc cả câu văn, ta hiểu rằng tác giả muốn đề cập đến sự ưu việt của
“spring tides” qua những điều “abnormal” nó gây ra như thủy triều cao, thấp hay
dòng chảy mạnh, chứ không phải muốn làm nổi bật sự bất thường của chuyển động
sóng vì nó quá chung chung.
6. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the bold
sentence in paragraph 4?
A. Neap tide features weaker water currents and less difference between high
and low tide levels.
B. Lower current speeds result in little change in water levels between high tide and
low tide.
C. As a result, neap tide is difficult to detect due to little tidal variation and slow-
moving tidal currents.
D. The effects of these tidal bulges are less water movement between tides.

7. In the passage, what does the author say about simplified conditions?
A. They are unnecessary for a complex understanding of tides.
B. They have been inadequate factors in tidal models.
C. Even they have not helped scientists make models of tides.
D. They were created to study major factors in tidal behavior.

Loại C vì tác giả chỉ nói là “it has been difficult to construct complete and conclusive
models” chứ không nói là không thể làm ra, ý là có làm ra được nhưng không hoàn

8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as something that

complicates study of the tides?
A. Land formations change the way tidal waters move. (Line 1 passage 6)
B. Underwater land formations affect changes in tidal levels. (Line 2 passage 6)
C. The orbit between the sun and the earth affects tidal phenomena.
(Line 4 passage 6)
D. Increasing water depths may be causing unusual weather.

9. The word “volume” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. duration B. sound C. size D. direction

10. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.
“Several factors make the tide a complicated phenomenon.”
Which of the following DOES NOT belong in the summary?
A. The moon is the major cause of high and low tides. (passage 1)
B. The sun exerts much more gravitational force than the moon does.
(passage 1)
C. The moon and the sun create conditions for spring tide and neap tide.
(passage 4)
D. Land formations, orbital irregularities, and climate change complicate tidal study.
(passage 6)

Chọn B vì câu B nghĩa không liên quan đến câu giới thiệu.
PART 4: Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow and write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (15 points)


In 1900, Dimitris Kontos, the captain of a Creek sponge diving boat, and his crew,
from the island of Symi, took shelter from a storm in a cove by the island of
AntiKythera. While waiting for the winds to become more favourable, before heading
for the coast of Tunisia for a sponge diving expedition, the bored crew decided to do
some diving. Down to a depth of nearly fifty metres a crew member descended, in a
bulky diving suit, to search the sea floor. When he resurfaced, telling tales of bodies
strewn on the seabed surrounded by horses, Captain Kontos thought his shipmate
had become drunk on the nitrogen that was fed into his breathing tube and decided
to go down to see for himself. He returned with an arm from a 4th century BC bronze

When Kontos informed the Greek authorities of his findings they sent a Creek Navy
vessel and officials to assist the sponge divers in what turned out to be the world's
first ever maritime archaeological excavation. The operation lasted for a year and led
to an astonishing collection of finds - hundreds of different artefacts, from colossal
4th century BC statues, to small daily artefacts, plus one of the greatest wonders
ever to be found from the ancient world - the Antikythera Mechanism. The operation
was ended not because they had managed to recover all the artefacts from the lost
Roman ship using nothing but the most rudimentary diving equipment and a wooden
platform with a winch, but because one sponge diver had lost his life and another
two were paralysed from decompression sickness. They had succeeded in raising
many treasures for the heritage of the world but it was a high price to pay.

The artefacts were taken to Athens for storage in the National Archaeological
Museum, and its director, Valerios Stais, noticed that one small fragment, encrusted
with rust from two thousand years on the sea floor, contained a gearwheel and his
conjecture was that it must have been from some kind of astrolabe - a clockwork
mechanism - one that he guessed must have been from Hellenistic times. But
eminent archaeologist though he was, his observations were categorically
refuted as impossible, because the world's leading authorities on the history of
mechanics only recognised geared mechanisms as an invention of the 14th century
and not the 1st century BC of Greece. Thus, Stais had to accept their pre-eminence
and so he merely catalogued the find and then archived it in the museums vaults.
And there it lay forgotten for the next half a century until a British science historian,
Derek de Solla Price, requested to examine it. He soon came to the same
conclusions that Valerie Stais had arrived at. The item was from the 1st century BC
and was some type of geared mechanism. It was, undoubtedly, the oldest clockwork
mechanism in the world, preceding the later invention of geared mechanisms by
1600 years. That much de Solla Price was certain of and he set out to find out the
answers to all the other unanswered questions - what was it for? Who made it and

Solla Price and the Greek nuclear physicist Charalambos Karakalos proceeded to
make X-ray and gamma-ray images of the 82 fragments and in 1974 their findings
were published. Solla Price believed that the mechanism was the world's first
analogue calendar computer. Now the world was interested. The mechanism was
not simply a rusting piece of bronze from the middle ages that had accidentally
become mixed up with real ancient artefacts. It was now recognised as the earliest
known example of a clockwork mechanism. Scientists, archaeologists and
mathematicians the world over wanted to find out more about this astonishing find
and the Antikythera Mechanism Research Project was born.

It took more than 40 years of study to reveal the secrets in the fragments using
modern computer X-ray tomography to enhance the inscriptions that were hidden
within it and that led to understanding what the mechanism is and how it worked.
The detailed imaging revealed a machine with 37 gear wheels that allowed it to
follow the movement of the sun and moon through the zodiac and to predict
eclipses. The construction of the item was based on 2nd century BC Greek theories
of astronomy and mathematics. It is the first extant construction of a differential gear
system in history. It is remarkable for both the level of its miniaturisation and the
complexity of its gear system. It is widely regarded as the most important find in the
history of technology.

But although it is, without doubt, unbelievably sophisticated technology for its era,
preceding anything like it by hundreds and hundreds of years, it still didn't work very
well. First of all, its theoretical accuracy was hampered by the theories of the time,
which were not entirely accurate and, although it is a brilliant feat of engineering, the
hand-built gears do not have the fine precision tooled features that would allow it to
work in the way it was designed to. This takes nothing from it as an achievement and
the ongoing research project may find out even more about this wonder of the world
if more pieces are unearthed from the seabed in coming years. But even as it is, it
remains the world's first real computing machine and it was created over 2000 years
Questions 1-5
Do the following statements agree with what the writer says in the text?
For questions 1-5 write:
YES If the statement agrees with the writer says
NO If the statement contradicts what the writer says
NOT GIVEN If there’s no information on this in what the writer says

NG 1. The sponge diving crew were trapped in the cove at Antikythera for
weeks. (Chỉ biết rằng họ phải ở trong hang để chờ gió lặng đi chứ không nói có bị
bẫy hay không) (Line 2-3 passage 1)

NO 2. The crewman who discovered the Antikythera ship wreck had been
drinking. (Ban đầu người thủy thủ tìm thấy một thứ j đó, người dẫn dắt nghĩ rằng
người này say rượu nên ông xuống tìm, nhưng lại thấy rằng đúng là có thứ đó, nên
ta suy ra rằng người thủy thủ hoàn toàn không bị say rượu)

YES 3. Serious incidents curtailed (to limit something or make it last for a
shorter time: rút ngắn) the Antikythera shipwreck excavation.
(Line 7-11 passage 2)

YES 4. Valerios Stais’ findings on the mechanism were contradicted by leading

Archaeologists. (Line 6-10 passage 3)

NG 5. The type of Greek used in the inscriptions (words written in the front
of a book or cut in stone or metal: chữ trên bia đá) helped to date the
mechanism. (Trong bài không hề nói đến phương pháp xác định thời gian của
mechanism mà nói về việc mechanism được công nhận, khoảng thời gian cần để
tìm hiểu mechanism là gì và hoạt động như thế nào, và ra đời vào thế kỷ II)

Questions 6-10
Complete the summary below
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text from each answer.


A serendipitous storm led a sponge diving expedition to sit it out in a Greek island
cove and this resulted in the discovery of an ancient shipwreck. The subsequent
maritime excavation led to the recovery of hundreds of (6)_____________from the
era of the shipwreck and an unidentified machine. Due to (7)_____________ one
person died and two others were disabled and the excavation was stopped. As the
findings from the wreck were being catalogued for storage, a museum director
noticed one artefact was embedded with a (8)_____________ leading him to
surmise the artefact was a (9)_____________, such as an astrolabe. However, it
was believed at the time that machines of that type did not predate the 14th century.
It was only in recent years that it was discovered that the machine was in fact an
early type of analogue computer used to track celestial movements as well as
(10)_____________. Although it is now agreed to be a great achievement, the gears
were not made with the precision only possible with modern tools and it was
therefore inaccurate in its calculations.

6, (different) artefacts (Line 4 passage 2)

7, decompression sickness (Line 2 passage 2 từ dưới lên)

8, gearwheel (Line 3 passage 3)

9, clockwork mechanism (Line 4-5 passage 3)

10, predict eclipses (Line 5-6 passage 6)

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