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4th quarter exam in English 8

BSEd Major in English (Filamer Christian University)

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Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Roxas City
Dinginan, Roxas City

4th Quarter Examination in ENGLISH 8

Name: Section: Score:
Direction: Read and analyse the questions carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which concept below refers to the organizing of ideas in a logical and clear manner to suit the
writer’s purpose?
A. coherence B. grammatical signals C. idea development D . pattern of idea development

2. Apart from using, determiners, repetition, transitional devices, which below can be used to achieve
A. claim B. grammatical signals C. idea development D. pattern of idea development

3. Which pattern of idea development discusses the general topic by elaborating it using specific
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C . general-to-particular D. problem-solution

4. Which pattern of idea development is used to present an action that can be taken to address an
identified concern or issue?
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. problem-solution D. general-to-particular

5. Which pattern of idea development is based on opinions and emotions that aim to convince the
readers to do or believe in something?
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. persuasion D. problem-solution

6. Which pattern of idea development explains the reasons and results of something?
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. persuasion D. problem-solution

7. Which pattern of idea development commonly uses the grammatical signals also, for example, in
addition, specifically, and for instance?
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. general-to-particular D. persuasion

8. Which among the grammatical signals below is appropriate for problem-solution pattern of idea
A. one way B. as a result C. specifically D. with these reasons

9. Which among the grammatical signals below is LEAST appropriate for cause and effect pattern of
idea development?
A. as a result C. even though B. consequently D. with these reasons

10. Which among the grammatical signals and expressions below is appropriate for claim-counterclaim
pattern of idea development?
A. I urge B. Join now C. People say D. With these reasons

11. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the paragraph below?

There are many reasons students are not allowed to chew gum during class. First, some irresponsible
students do not properly dispose their gum after chewing. They may stick it on the bottoms of their
desks, drop it on the floor, or put it on their classmate’s property. This may result to arguments among
classmates. Another reason is it is a distraction. When students are allowed to chew gum, their
attention is more focused on chewing, popping, or snapping it. , they may not listen, read,
and learn properly. These are the reasons why students are not allowed to chew gum during class.
A. Therefore B. Despite this C. In Conclusion D. Because of this

12. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the paragraph below?

Some teachers do not allow students to use cellphones during classes. However, using them in class
has advantages. Cellphones are useful for students in searching definitions and relevant information.
They can check pronunciations and browse pictures to fully understand concepts. Another advantage is
their cellphones make note-taking more convenient. Students don’t need to take down long notes from
the board, and can just take photos and record the teacher’s discussions instead. Furthermore, it also
serves as an alternative calculator in Math subjects. teachers view cellphones as a

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distraction to students, they are still very useful. Therefore, with proper supervision and monitoring,
cellphones can be very beneficial to students during classes.
A. Although B. Because C. As a result D. Furthermore

13. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the paragraph below?

Unable to fall asleep is frustrating. However, you can fall asleep faster through these ways.
is listening to relaxing music. Playing this type of music helps you have a restful and deeper sleep
compared to someone who doesn’t listen to music. Another way is by keeping the lights off. Keeping
the room dark when going to bed helps you sleep. Lastly, avoid using gadgets during bed time. The
blue light from gadgets blocks the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. To
sum up, these are some ways to help you easily fall asleep.
A. Also B. Next C. One way D. Another way

14. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph below?

Other people say that the tobacco industry helps our economy; however, cigarettes still bring a lot of
problems. First, the smoke from cigarettes is harmful to the health of both smokers and non-smokers. It
is known to be the leading cause of lung cancer which may result to death. Second, it contributes to air
pollution. Despite it boosting our economy, I strongly believe that the mentioned negative effects are
more valid for people to stop consuming cigarettes.
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. general-to-particular D. persuasion

15. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph below?

Generations are classified into different groups. Baby boomers are born from the year 1946 to 1964.
They're currently 56-74 years old. Generation X is another group that is born from the year 1965 to
1980. People in this generation are currently 40-55 years old. Generation Y or Millennials are those who
are born from the year 1980 to 1995. They are currently 24-39 years old. Lastly, Generation Z is the
newest generation being named. People in this generation are born from the year 1996 to 2015. They
are currently 5-24 years old. They are currently 5-24 years old. People do come from different
generations. The differences in the different generation is not only evident in these terminologies but
also in the way they see, do and accomplish things. Thus, these classification is often used to capture
patterns of behavior of people belonging to the same generation.
A. cause-and-effect B. claim-counterclaim C. general-to-particular D. persuasion

16. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of outlining? Outlining would .

A. summarize your ideas B. organize your ideas
C. present information clearly D. help achieve sentence variety

17. Which of the following best explains secondary sources? Secondary sources present the
A. commentaries which come from primary sources
B. information which come from secondary sources
C. information which are derived from primary sources
D. analyses of research paper which are taken from various sources

18. Which of the following statements is TRUE about primary source? Primary source is a
A. summary of the essay B. firsthand information
C. concluding information D. secondhand information

19. Which of the following statements is TRUE about major topics? Major topics refer to
the .
A. major details which are formed from the major subtopics
B. phrases/ sentences which are formed from the subtopics
C. phrases/sentences which are crafted from the major subtopics
D. major phrases/sentences which are organized from the thesis statement

20. Which of the following statements describes a sentence outline?

A sentence outline .
A. states varied information in sentence form
B. presents the primary and secondary sources
C. states the main topic and supporting details in sentence form
D. presents the thesis statement, major topics, subtopics, and supporting details in sentence form

21. What is the first step in writing an outline?

A. Make and organize a list of your subtopics.
B. Choose your topic and establish your purpose.

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C. Create and organize a list of your major topics.
D. Provide additional information to support your subtopics.

22. Which of the following defines a thesis statement? A thesis statement is a sentence
that .
A. summarizes an essay B. gives a conclusion of an essay
C. expresses the main idea of an essay D. states the relevant information of an essay

23. Which of the following statements does NOT define an outline?

A. It synthesizes the idea in your essay. B. It provides an over-all picture of your essay.
C. It shows a hierarchical order of ideas. D. It is a tool for organizing the write-up.

24. Daniel is very excited for the upcoming online meeting with his teammates. As a team leader, he
wants to prepare an interesting activity that could be done through online platform. Which of the
following would he consider as primary source in searching for an interesting online activity?
A. biographies B. dissertations C. interviews D. textbooks

25. You want to write a feature article that would encourage people to keep the right attitude and stay
hopeful amidst Covid-19 crisis. Which of the following could NOT be considered as best secondary
source for your article?
A. books B. diaries C. journals D. reports

26. Jen is tasked to write an essay about the importance of obeying the government’s rules and
regulations of her country. After writing her thesis statement, what should Jen do in order to organize
her ideas?
A. analyze the given information
B. research on the important information
C. choose the main topics and supporting details
D. outline the major topics, subtopics and supporting details

27. Hannah is a passionate writer who wants to expand the content of her outline. Which of the
following should she consider first?
A. thesis statement of the outline B. summary of relevant information
C. use of primary and secondary sources D. outline of the major topics and supporting details

28. Which of the following should NOT be done in making an outline?

A. Make and organize a list of your subtopics.
B. Review and refine the contents of your outline.
C. Present the primary and secondary sources randomly.
D. Provide additional information to support your subtopics.

29. Which of the following topics is NOT outlined properly?

A. I. Love and Infatuation
A. Concepts of Love
B. Characteristics of Infatuation
B. II. Greatest Movies About Love
A. Titanic
B. The Passion of the Christ
C. III. Different Languages of Love
A. Spending Quality time
B. Offering of Material things
D. IV. There are different types of love.
A. Loving someone romantically is called Eros.
B. Loving people unconditionally is known as Agape.

30. Teacher Nina has tasked you to create a topic outline on any subject that interests you. Since you
are fond of online games, you opted to write about it. Which of the following should NOT be included in
your outline?
A. The Right Response of Parents B. The History and Its Developers
C. Statistics of Online Game Users D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Games

31. It is a piece of writing that brings together multiple sources or ideas to create a new idea or point.
A. Analysis B. Inference C. Summary D. Synthesis

32. The pulling of information from several sources to generate a new thought is called

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A. Analyzing B. Comprehending C. Revising D. Synthesizing

33. A statement containing one main idea, which serves as guide in the process of synthesizing is
called .
A. Conclusion B. Supporting Details C. Summary D. Topic sentence

34. What is the best source to use when synthesizing written information?
A. Books B. Primary C. Secondary D. Tertiary

35. Which of the following is NOT an example of print sources?

A. Books and Textbooks B. Encyclopedias C. Newspapers D. Websites

36. Re-stating someone else’s ideas into as few words as possible is called .
A. Analyzing B. Inferencing C. Summarizing D. Synthesizing

37. Re-wording of a paragraph or text, in order to borrow, clarify, or expand on information without
A. Analyzing B. Inferencing C. Paraphrasing D. Summarizing

38. The following describes a good synthesis EXCEPT .

A. A way to come up with original ideas
B. A chance to express ones opinion about a topic
C. Comparing and contrasting different theories or positions
D. Combining ideas from several sources with ones idea to come up a new idea

39. What is the best example to illustrate synthesizing of sources?

A. Emma declutters her cabinet. She puts into several boxes her clothes, linens, and other items she no
longer needs.
B. Emma’s sister rummages through the different boxes, pulls out items, puts them in another box and
delivers them to an orphanage.
C. Emma sorts again the contents of the boxes, takes several colorful dresses, cuts them and turns
them into beautiful quilted blankets. The remaining scraps of cloth are made into potholders and
D. Emma sells her quilted blankets, potholders and doormats to neighbors and friends.

40. What refers to a group of sentences organized to discuss a topic?

A. clauses B. composition C. essay D. paragraph

41. Which essential part of a paragraph elaborates the topic by including specific details or evidences?
A. concluding sentence B. supporting sentences C. topic sentence D. thesis statement

42. Which essential part of a paragraph uses a transitional device like thus, therefore, indeed or finally
in restating the topic of the paragraph?
A. concluding sentence B. supporting sentences C. topic sentence D. thesis statement

43. What principle of paragraph writing is evident when all sentences in the paragraph talk about one
central idea or topic?
A. coherence B. development C. organization D. unity

44. What principle of paragraph writing is applied when a paragraph describes, elaborates, explains, or
supports its topic sentence, leaving no significant questions in readers’ minds?
A. coherence B. cohesion C. development D. unity

45. What pattern of paragraph development is used to explain a stage or phase on how to do
something by presenting the steps, procedure, or instructions?
A. definition B. description C. narration D. process

46. What pattern of paragraph development uses series of examples to support and further explain the
topic sentence?
A. cause and effect B. comparison/contrast C. definition D. exemplification

47. What is the topic sentence in the paragraph below?

E-mail is not something you can hold in your hand and send in the mail. It is simply a mail put into
digital form and can be sent to its recipient through the Internet. Also, you don’t need a stamp to send
it. E-mail has been turned into something electronically made that can be sent in anyplace, anytime, as
long as the recipient has an internet connection. For example, a person does not need to go to the post

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office just to send an important letter or message. All he or she has to do is simply open his or her E-
mail account, type a message and send it to the recipient’s E-mail address. In other words, E-mail is an
electronic mail.
A. E-mail is not something you can hold in your hand and send in the mail.
B. E-mail is a mail put into digital form and sent to its recipient through the Internet.
C. E-mail has been turned into something electronically made that can be sent in anyplace, anytime, as
long as the recipient has an internet connection.
D. In other words, E-mail is an electronic mail.

48. ‘Vlogs are different from blogs.’ Which pattern of paragraph development best fits given the topic
A. cause and effect B. compare/contrast C. definition D. exemplification

49. Which of the following arrangement of sentences is an example of a coherent paragraph?

1 - Deforestation is the cutting or the removal of trees for agricultural, mining, or urbanization
2- Also, it disregards greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming
3- There are many reasons why deforestation is considered a devastating environmental issue.
4- These are the reasons why deforestation is a serious environmental issue.
5- Despite its good intention, it has led to environmental problems such as soil erosion, flooding, and
loss of habitats for the animals and plants.
A. 31254 B. 31524 C. 31542 D. 31245

50. What pattern of development is appropriate for item number 49?

A. cause and effect B. classification C. description D. narration


Prepared by:


Teacher III

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Answer key

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. B
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. D
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. C
29. D
30. A
31. D
32. D
33. D
34. B
35. B
36. C
37. B
38. B
39. C
40. D
41. B
42. A
43. D
44. C
45. D
46. D
47. A
48. B
49. B
50. A

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