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Destiny McDaniel, Erica Taylor, Drew Dodson, Nico(le) Murphy

MUED 372 - Community Engagement (Put in Leadership Tab on Portfolio!)

Task 1;
● Discuss needs and pick the one you’d like to address
● Jot down ideas on how to source relevant data
○ Why do you need data on your group

Needs-based Approach
● Women’s Shelters- Where’s the Need?
○ Approx. 50k~ women use shelters annually in the state of VA
○ Come from backgrounds of abuse, sexual exploitation, homelessness, etc.
● How can we use music to…
○ Empower women?
○ Encourage healthy processing of complex trauma?
○ Build confidence?
○ Teach coping skills?
● Trauma-Informed Practice: Let’s GOOGLE it!

● Based on the need you selected: What kind of project will meet this need/priority?
○ Music/Other art forms?
■ Poetry
■ Stations
■ Jam-Sesh (Drum Circle, Ukuleles, Guitars, Handheld Perc.)
○ Paid or Free?
■ Free
○ Long-term or short-term?
■ Long-term
○ How does it end?
■ No defined end- Outlet for creativity without judgment (Performance
opens window for judgment, GRR)
○ What partners do you need?
■ Musicians
■ Music Therapists
■ Community Organizers
■ Social Workers
○ How will the project be funded?
■ Community Organization (Local mutual-aid programs/Socialist
■ (Partnering with specific organizations?)
■ Fundraisers
● Justify your project idea: Find research that supports your program idea OR is your
project a research project, to strengthen the evidence base for this type of work/impact?

Project Planning: Theory of Change

Problem / Participants How will you What will Measurable Wider Long-term
Need reach them you do effects (2 benefits change / aim
outputs) (

Mental Those in Social Establish x% of Providing Variety of

health in women’s/ Media, multiple individual a safe resources
vulnerable marginaliz word of outlets s will environme (through
population ed shelters mouth (?), and actively nt for artistic
s is who wish advertisin resources participat developing coping
underserv to g? through e(?) coping mechanis
ed :( participat exploring mechanis ms) that
e. a variety ms can appeal
of artistic through to a wider
coping the arts. demograp
mechanis hic.
goin x% of Greater provide

innnnnn individual
s will
music and
arts to
improved … foster a population
mental sense of s in
health(?) communit Central
… survey? y in a Virginia
traditional as an
ly (effort?
communit Initiative?
y-less ) to (do?)
group(?) (coping?)

(which are
nts) to be
a little bit

Activities Mechanisms Short-term Long-term Aim

outcomes outcomes

Improve Our goal is to We aim to

participant increase provide music
mental health community and arts-based
(on a cohesion within therapies to
day-to-day served locales. vulnerable
basis) through populations
the arts within
Increased Women’s
engagement Shelters.
within a

Improve participant Timeline of Questionnaires, Qualitative
mental health on a participants and interviews,
day-to-day basis meetings that have observations, journals
through the arts increased per week? and reflections,
Group discussion
following each

Increased community Tracking like,... if Surveys? Qualitative - easy to

cohesion someone who is by Group Discussions? measure though (And
themself becomes quantitative?)
more likely to talk to
others??????? I am

Increased Number of repeat Questionnaires, Qualitative

engagement and participants, Interviews,
collaboration Sessional attendance observations, journals
and reflections

Project Delivery Planning

● Delivery
○ Session length and timing?
■ 1 Hour
○ How many participants per session?
■ 1-12
○ How many sessions in total?
■ Indeterminate
○ How does the project end (performance goal, ending)?
■ Community reflection (Yeah group discussions)
■ Debrief with EVERYONE involved!
● Activities
○ What is the main activity?

○ Are there secondary activities?

○ Who will deliver each session (1 person / more / same person?)
■ 3 people(?)
○ What equipment will be needed?
○ What type of room do you need?
● Challenges and Considerations:
○ Are there children in the group with specific needs?
■ How can these be accommodated?
○ What implications does this have for planning?
○ What measures do you need to put in place to meet the needs?
● Outputs
○ Are there any specific outputs?
○ Performance / open workshop for parents / recording / compositions
○ Scheduling
○ Budget implications
● Other Essential Steps:
○ Recruitment - schools vs. community: think about target participants
■ How will you get your participants to the project?
■ Do you need to publicize the program?
■ Are there any transport needs?
■ Do participants need to sign up / book / pay?
○ Budget and funding:
■ Every element above impacts the budget!
■ Budget needs preparing in early planning phase
■ Consider the time it takes to get funded

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