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Raja Ampat is a renowned tourist destination in Indonesia, located in the West Papua Province. Famous for
its spectacular underwater scenery, Raja Ampat is a paradise for divers and nature enthusiasts. Here, you
can find diverse and colorful coral reefs, as well as extraordinary marine biodiversity. This destination
also offers beautiful beaches and stunning natural landscapes, making it a popular choice for travelers
seeking adventure and untouched natural beauty.


1. What does "The purpose of words" refer to in the passage?

a) Defining language structures

b) Effectiveness in conveying emotions

c) The intention behind word usage

d) Linguistic origins and evolution

2. In the context of literature, "The purpose of words" may relate to:

a) Conveying the author's motives or messages to the reader

b) Structural grammar rules

c) Cultural nuances of language usage

d) Historical linguistics and etymology


1. c) The intention behind word usage

2. a) Conveying the author's motives or messages

to the reader

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