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Submitted by: Izhar Ahmad Submitted to: Madam Aqsa

Section/Class: 4A Morning Roll no: IFM-18522

Assignment: Prose

1. From joint stock company Emerson

means that society succumb the freedom and freewill from individuals in return for a
conformist living. As joint stock company takes shares from shareholders and exercise its
own rules and shareholders are only limited for their proportion. Similarly, the society
confines the inner voices of individuals, suppress their freewill, their self-reliance and
questioning power because society fears the challengers who can challenge the society
norms and traditions that’s why society needs bargaining with individuals.

2. The teenager boys are better role models of self-reliant than babies because boys carefully
analyse the situation, consider the pros and cons of the situation before providing their
verdict about rejection or agreement to a point and sensing the reaction and resistance of
the opposition. On the contrary, babies do not analyse the situation much, they do not
involve much thought process, they cannot predict consequences, while boys are
conversant, well-informed and intentional about their decisions as they oppose the
traditional norms. They do not embrace societal pressure and conformation in voicing their
opinions wilfully.

3. I am agree with Emerson idea that society is oppressive in nature, it intimidates people with
its customs and traditions, restraints their independence by fearing, their freewill by
compelling to surrender to its values, it treats and judge everyone by the same law while
individuals have different potentials and natures but one must have to omit or adopt things
to fit in society. He says societal transformation is possible if its individuals focus on their
personal development which will enhance collective strength and society will be definitely
changed. But the main hurdle is the individual who undermines his intuition and confirm to
social expectations and by that conformity he loses his connection with himself. He
emphasizes that one must exercise his intuition, believe in his thoughts, and act according to
his will. One must not blindly confirm society rules, he must act honestly and live truly in the
present. Society is the combination of its individuals if they are follow these rules society can
transform to a better place but individuals are incompetent to exercise self-discipline
because of the fear of society.

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