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Digital Knowledge Exploitation: ICT,

Memory Institutions and Innovation

from Cultural Assets Carla De Laurentis

ABSTRACT. There has been considerable recognition of the express value through the scarcity of ‘‘knowledge-
regional embeddedness of the knowledge-based economy and able’’ expertise.
its uneven geographical incidence, with mainly urban or
metropolitan areas being the crucibles of knowledge-intensive
The challenge in the knowledge economy
activities. Drawing from recent research conducted analysing becomes the combination and integration of the
cultural industries, the paper explores how the knowledge- knowledge assets held by individuals and ‘‘com-
based economy can be built upon, focussing on the value munities of practice’’ (Wenger, 1998) and a more
afforded by regional cultural diversity which offers a means of ‘‘reflexive relationship’’ between the knowledge
economic development and growth to peripheral regions.
held by customers and employees (Nonaka and
Key words: regions, innovation, media, culture, creativity, Teece, 2001). A response to this is the enhanced
institutions. quest for knowledge management practice within
JEL Classification: L63, L82, M20, O10, O30 organisations (Takeuchi, 1998; McAdam and
McCreedy, 1999; Swan et al., 1999). The perva-
siveness of such structural changes has involved
1. Introduction
many low-tech sectors. Industries such as food
It has been widely acknowledged that a process of production, machinery, printing and publishing,
structural transformation has been occurring with wood products and a range of services are inten-
increasing rapidity in modern society and it is sively making use of scientific knowledge and their
accepted that we have entered the knowledge econ- production systems are based on knowledge dis-
omy.1 Signs of the emerging knowledge economy are tributed across agents, institutions and knowledge
apparent in the increasing reliance on intangible and fields. All industries in the economy can be
symbolic goods and the declining importance of knowledge intensive and, according to Cooke
traditional boundaries identified by business func- (2002), all economies are, in a sense, knowledge
tions, industries and nations. Researchers have economies.
increasingly sought to understand and give a fuller The knowledge economy does not rely solely
recognition of the role that knowledge plays in eco- on a few technology industries for growth and
nomic development. Knowledge has been, and wealth production. Rather all industries in the
continues to be, a core foundation of the economic economy can be knowledge intensive users if
process and it is becoming the defining characteristic not producers. Knowledge economies are
of economic activities (Castells, 1996; Neef, 1998). increasingly characterised by exploitation of
The knowledge economy refers to specific assets that knowledge in order to innovate. This is cer-
consist of knowledge ‘‘how to’’, ‘‘who to’’ and ‘‘what tainly the case in analysing the digital value
to’’ deploy to create value. It is an active economic chain (Williams, 2000), which emphasises the
practice rather than a passive information space, importance of the digitisation of knowledge and
upon which it nevertheless depends, but in ways that its incorporation as a resource in the value
chain. The outcome of the digital value chain
Centre for Advanced Studies relies on the Digital Economy (DE) (Tapscott
Cardiff University,
et al., 1998; Brynjolfsson and Kahin, 2000), seen
44-45 Park Place, CF10 3BBCardiff,
Wales, UK as an aspect of and electronic underpinning to
E-mail: knowledge economies.

Journal of Technology Transfer, 31: 77–89, 2006.

Ó 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
78 Laurentis

The cultural industries are one of the most limiting its achievement. The paper concludes with
affected sectors by the pervasiveness of the an account of the progress being made in Wales.
knowledge economy. Drawing from the results of
two recent research projects, the paper illustrates
2. Content production, cultural assets
how a more fundamental change of the cultural
and innovation
industries transformation relates to the dynamic of
knowledge exploration and exploitation within the The DE transforms raw materials into digital
local and global digital value chain and the products, which can serve as the basis for develop-
potential offered by digital resources exploitation ing new services; that is a form of knowledge
in re-engaging peripheral regions, exploring and exploitation. The digitisation of knowledge, mean-
respecting regional diversity. ing its transformation from analogue, real-world
The paper argues that the growth of a images, voice or text into digitised form on-line, on a
knowledge economy creates great opportunities CD-ROM or floppy disk means that the initial form
and, at the same time, poses great challenges for of knowledge becomes a resource in the value chain.
European localities, but particularly for those Such product will be compressed and stored waiting
that are peripheral regions and those that are for the knowledge-bearing users to access those
‘‘lagging behind.’’ Such lesser ‘‘knowledge econ- elements in the digitised resource that they aim to
omy’’ regions are often remote, insular, rural, transform into a new product. This could be an
agricultural and endowed of beautiful and tour- e-learning training course, a television programme
istic resources. ‘‘Traditional’’ sectoral activities, or a cultural product, combining in an imaginative
such as tourism, have been revitalised and and creative way archive materials into internet or
reshaped in the knowledge economy. Innovation off-line content.
and new technologies can be seen as a mechanism The output of the digitisation process is content
for cities and regions characterised by traditional production. This, according to Enkenberg et al.
sectoral activities to enter the knowledge econ- (2002), can be defined as ‘‘the creation – for tra-
omy and to develop more knowledge-intensive ditional and electronic media – of documentary,
activities. One of the first challenges that cultural, educational services; entertainment and
peripheral regions are facing for entering a marketing or communication-related programmes,
knowledge economy is the development of a and related business activities.’’ It necessitates
coherent strategy building more on their regional co-operation with cultural industries, software and
distinctiveness. It can be argued that, as this hardware producers, publishers, tele-operators,
paper shows, the knowledge economy can be and TV broadcasting companies, incorporating
built focussing upon the value afforded by cul- activities such as tourism, financing and com-
tural assets in developing content for the emerg- merce. The DE, therefore, is not just the provision
ing media activities that link with convergence. of content for convergent media. The digital value
Drawing from an analysis of the cultural indus- chain can contribute to the creation of new
tries in Wales, the paper aims to investigate how systems based entirely upon the use of ICTs.
innovation can improve the competitiveness of These will range from the fields of e-learning,
memory institutions and media firms, analysing e-commerce and service provision to activities that
their ability to contribute towards regional devel- pursue community development as a virtual
opment and to promote endogenous economic interactive process.
development in an increasingly globalised economy. Digital developments involve the merging of a
As we shall see, organisations involved in such number of diverse economic activities, from
process are facing barriers and constraints that are broadcasting through software development to
hindering the development of a regional digital design and advertising. The DE will grow around
value chain (DVC). The paper starts with a content provision within a new conception of
description of the digital value chain concept and its publishing and broadcasting. Digitisation has
importance in regional development. The paper created a new market triggering the demand for
then provides an account of the key actors respon- electronic products and services and one of the most
sible for DVC development and the barriers that are striking effects of such a process is that this has
Digital Knowledge Exploitation 79

increased the demand for content. Content can be institutions as they re-organise their holdings into
created out of a range of different resources and interoperable digital archives, which become the
cultural assets can feed such need. One of the basis for new forms of public service delivery.
advantages, which Europe has within the global On the other hand, diversity is increasingly
economy, is a rich vein of cultural diversity, which becoming a valuable asset. Cultural identities are
can serve as the basis for a leading content seen as a decisive factor, which allow regional
production-based economy. Cultural production actors to create the most suitable conditions
could be seen as a full partner with scientific for cultivating the formation of a multimedia
research and technology development in forging a industry by thorough deployment of their locale’s
knowledge-based economy. Regional natural resources, generated by entrepreneurial enter-
resources can be seen as knowledge, which consti- prises, public and private educational and service
tutes both economic and cultural capital (Graham, institutions and, especially, the labour force. The
2002) and, according to Florida et al. (2000, 2001, new media are seen as a frontier territory where
2002) the presence of a rich and diverse cultural small start-up companies can compete on an equal
scene and a high concentration of people working in knowledge footing with large established multi-
cultural and creative occupations, among attrac- nationals and where innovation thrives. Innova-
tiveness and condition of the natural environment tion processes are key to the rejuvenation and
and built form, can fuel innovation and growth. growth of ‘‘traditional’’ economic activities in
This being the case, the commercialisation of sectors such as resource-based products and
cultural resources as raw materials has importance cultural industries, becoming a means for cultural
beyond the value of the products. Digital devel- transmission and knowledge exploration and
opments will enable peripheral regions to increase exploitation.
their competitiveness in the global economy, Memory institutions and media organisations
claiming that much of the content will derive from are key actors that can lead the development of a
the particularism of cultural heritage, leading to regional digital value chain. However, as is ex-
‘‘the culturalisation of the market and the ‘mar- plained and as the case of Wales shows, this process
ketisation’ of culture’’ (European Commission, is not exempt from constraints and barriers.
2002). Europe’s (and that elsewhere) digitised
cultural content also contributes significantly to
3. Memory institutions: from repositories
education, enhancing both formal and life-long
of knowledge to content producers
learning; it also supports tourism and contributes
to the development of content-related industries. It The term ‘‘memory institutions’’ appeared as early
is also evident that no single region has sufficient as 1975 (Burcaw, 1975), and is used to group
diversity of such resources to satisfy the market together organisations such as museums, galleries,
(Williams, 2000; Williams and De Laurentis, libraries and archives, also called cultural reposi-
2003). This means that trans-regional co-operation tories (Bearman et al., 2002). Libraries, archives,
is essential. museums and galleries are often recognised as the
Cultural path dependency, which generates the collective memory of a nation or community,
focus for cultural transformation into the media, repositories of knowledge and resources for
relies upon cultural resources and the institutional learning (Chapman et al., 1999). Memory institu-
repository of such resources, namely ‘‘memory tions have traditionally served as a bridge between
institutions.’’ It can, therefore, be argued that the the resource base and would-be users: they collect
cultural industries, both the media organisation material in defined areas, store it, provide search-
and the memory institutions, can pursue a twofold ing tools to identify and locate individual items
objective. On the one hand, it is often suggested within collections and provide varying forms of
that the media sector may provide a new means to physical access to the items.
preserve and represent local culture and to safe- Memory organisations have a long tradition of
guard the diversity of cultural identities in an catalogues, from the early handwritten guide-
increasingly global media environment (Kerr, books, through printed lists, card catalogues,
2000). This role can also be pursued by the memory and microfiche or microfilm catalogues, to
80 Laurentis

machine-readable records. The forms of cata- organisations – including some institutions not
logues have changed over the years, and collec- traditionally thought of as partners, such as pri-
tions have been catalogued with different degrees vate organisations – memory institutions can aim
of thoroughness to facilitate access. Many archive at developing the long-term digital memory of the
repositories are still dependent upon manual knowledge society, and at adding value to elec-
catalogues, with an increasing proportion of tronic assets, the memory institutions themselves
repositories now beginning to generate the current becoming content providers.
output of search aids in database form or as Memory institutions can produce digital
encoded text. exhibitions of work from their collections,
Coming to terms with a changing environment, including presentations of electronically based
memory institutions, traditionally considered artwork, in-gallery kiosks, online and digital exhi-
conservative institutions, designed to preserve and bitions and access to works that are infrequently on
interpret static objects, are facing a threefold view due to their vast scale or fragile format. Ide-
challenge (Trant, 2002; Manzhukh, 2003). First, ally, all of this material would be accessible to any
traditional audiences are fragmenting and new user for whom it had significance. The range of
audiences are increasingly more demanding; Sec- potential users of the resource is wide, from
ond, there is a growing pressure to deal with scholars in academic institutions and commercial
documents, publications and information in elec- research, to users in the wider community investi-
tronic forms. Third, such institutions have lost gating particular interests. As Donnelly (2003)
their monopoly in the field of information services argues, there is a massive demand for digital images
provision and, as the financial climate becomes in sectors such as publishing, broadcasting and
more competitive and funding can no longer be advertising, and cultural organisations lag behind
taken for granted, they have to find ways of commercial image libraries. Archive domains face
funding themselves. This new environment a major challenge, as they need to convert retro-
requires them to consider the innovative use of spectively the vast mass of existing manual
digital communication technologies in the activi- catalogues to electronic form and to upgrade and
ties of digitisation, archiving and presentation, retro-digitise catalogue records to meet modern
providing new user services and working on new minimum standards.
business models. The value associated with digitisation and retro-
Although, digital technologies offer a great digitisation of archive resources can be explained
opportunity to make the collections, know-how with the example of archives such as the British
and insights of cultural organisations more widely Film Institute, which houses the world’s largest
available, the potential associated with digital collection of film and television programmes,
developments is wider. One of the consequences of including more than 275,000 films, 200,000 televi-
the use of multimedia systems and networking sion programmes about 7000 still photographs,
technologies in memory institutions is a growing 15,000 film posters, 3000 designs and 20,000 ori-
convergence among them. Archives, museums and ginal scripts, that are still waiting for being
libraries are actively connecting their collections to transformed into digital format (DCMS, 2001).
emerging knowledge networks; text, images and Clip, a company which houses the rushes from the
sound are digitally stored, processed and presented programming of the Welsh broadcasters, tagged
to the end-user via networks. Users can access and logged 1500 tapes in 2002, just a small portion
archival records via library services, the presenta- of the 44,000 tapes in storage, hampering the
tion of historical records can be linked up with further exploitation of such products.
digital images of objects in museums and so forth. Cultural content is expected to fuel the emerg-
Such new practices are providing value that ing knowledge economy and will find important
make these institutions central to the interests of a exploitation channels in areas such as educa-
learning society, providing access to learning tion (e-learning), creating new humanities-based
opportunities and information. Through an inno- distance learning opportunities related to the their
vative use of digital communication technologies, permanent collections, and media, the traditional
and through creative collaborations with other as well as the internet-enabled ones exploiting
Digital Knowledge Exploitation 81

edutainment applications – that is applications Video on Demand, Subscription Video on De-

linked to educational games. Different resources mand, Personal Video Recorders and Interactive
located in museums, libraries and archives become Television are just a few examples of new services
the foundation for an innovative industry based on and technologies being rolled out. Hence, the
the use of cultural materials for content produc- digitisation of information has increased econo-
tion. mies of scope and scale; declining cost of produc-
The evolution of digital technologies has, tion and transmission are generating new
therefore, imposed a re-think on basic paradigms, scenarios. Mergers and new strategic alliances
concepts and internal workflow by memory insti- between different media players are beginning to
tutions in order to adopt the right technologies, appear.
exploit commercial opportunities, ensure long- One of the most striking effects of new digital
term sustainability and embed the skills needed to development is that it is allowing traditional and
manage the process. Therefore, the challenge for new services to use the same networks. Before
memory institutions is to develop strategies for convergence occurred, a communication service
content development going beyond their role of (such as television, Internet services and tele-
passive delivery of ‘‘traditional’’ information phones) was linked to a specific type of infra-
products and exploiting digital content generated structure; nowadays, a large number of services
by digitisation projects, stimulating radically new can be delivered over any kind of network. This
content and media. At the same time, such indicates that media actors can provide a range of
opportunities offer them a means to maximise their services on different delivery platforms at a very
financial potential and accrue revenue from the low marginal cost. The new technology has low-
licensing of their assets. ered entry cost and has contributed to reducing
However, memory institutions seem to be marginal costs – digital information can be end-
reluctant to adopt new business models and they lessly edited, copied and merged with other infor-
see their primary role as mere information pro- mation and can reappear in many formats. Since
viders, free at the point of access. production, reproduction and diffusion costs of
content are decreasing, it could be possible to
tailor contents to specific needs maximising
opportunities of market segmentation and price
4. Digital development and the media industry
discrimination for multimedia systems (Doyle,
It is clear that there are various institutions and 2002b; Corrocher, 2002).
agencies that have an interest in developing and The opportunity to distribute media products at
exploiting content. The media sector is particularly a very low marginal cost over additional and
well placed to lead the transformation process due popular high capacity delivery platforms is seen, in
firstly to the transferable nature of its existing media economics studies, as a bonanza, however,
skills base and the centrality to endogenous firms in practice, the vast majority of media operators
of growth linked to the digital economy, and sec- have found it practically impossible to make
ondly to its importance in contributing to the money from investments in the Internet, interac-
creation of regional and other archives. tivity and new multimedia products (Doyle,
Defining the media sector goes beyond the aims 2002a). Until recently, the Internet was seen as the
of the paper, however it is important to underline future of the media business. It was going to
how the recent digital developments have blurred reduce costs and boost revenues, lowering barriers
the previously well-defined edges of the sector. The to entry generating a number of new companies.
pervasiveness of digital technology has affected As asserted by Doyle (2002a), it can be argued that
media production, media distribution and media the fundamental problem with Internet-based
consumption patterns. Cable and satellite tech- media provision as an economic activity is that
nologies have contributed to the growth of few, if any, realistic models have been constructed
broadcast channels; internet penetration and high for deriving revenues. Advertising, sales commis-
speed internet are offering a complementary plat- sions and direct charge are just a few examples, but
form for traditional media. Digital Television, these models are not generating revenues to cover
82 Laurentis

the costs of the service in question. Other than launch, the consortium educational site announced
pornography, consumers have never been willing it was aimed at becoming a ‘‘main street’’ for
to pay directly for audio/visual entertainment knowledge and education, serving a worldwide
besides movies and sports (Waterman, 2001). audience of business and individual users, pro-
Furthermore, issues such as electronic distribution viding seminars and online courses. However, the
and copyright pose serious implications for the site was not able to draw the numbers of paying
economics of media content production and pub- online learners needed to make the dot-com
lishing. Hence, despite much propaganda about venture succeed, forcing Columbia University to
interactive television (iTV), interactivity continues withdraw financial help and to move some of its
to experience lower than anticipated audiences – as resources into other digital-media projects at
many people still have problems conceiving of Columbia (Hane, 2003; Carlson, 2003). Many
their television as an interactive device and still other projects led by universities (the Digital
remain non-profitable – as key players are College in Wales is an example, Selwyn and
searching for services that will be economically Gorard, 2002) have terminated because the digital
viable (Doyle, 2002a). initiative, instead of attracting new students, was
As discussed in the paper, digital technologies recycling traditional ones, raising issues of audi-
have also revolutionised the way training and ence ‘‘cannibalism.’’ Many authors (Cavusgil et al.,
education are conducted, developing new kinds 2002; Levis, 2002) claim that these early failures
of learning products and services, requiring have been caused mainly by a lack of under-
co-operation and collaboration of different actors. standing of learning theory and practice, where
In recent years, universities, investors and corpo- practitioners have paid little attention to learning
rations have developed online courses, virtual pedagogy and to the need for a new approach and
universities, education portals and courseware, new sets of skills that online teaching requires. At
seeing online learning as the solution to all the the same time, it has been argued that too much
problems confronting traditional education emphasis has been put into the technological
(Cavusgil et al., 2002). However, such traditional developments vis-à-vis online learning without
tasks as course development, faculty training, really understanding consumer needs and market
learning resources, student feedback and outcomes demand.
assessments delivered via electronic media are not
attracting the expected level of demand that allows
a return on investments and business models have
5. Peripheral regions in the knowledge economy
not proven to be successful.
Many recent initiatives, Cardean University and Against this theoretical background the research to name but two, have failed with conducted focussed on the opportunities that the
their initial offerings. Cardean started offering development of a DVC can offer to peripheral
business curricula developed specifically for the regions, such as Wales, that lack a large urban
online environment by faculty and experts associ- centre and are distant from major markets, to
ated with Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, and the forge a knowledge economy. Many authors argue
London School of Economics among others. It has that the rise of the knowledge economy is
found that the market for courses leading to a affecting the balance between peripheral and
degree is not as fruitful as anticipated and has central locations (Polese and Shearmur, 2002;
moved towards delivering short courses to the OECD, 2001) and it is most often cities and
corporate market., initiated by metropolitan areas that are the crucibles of
Columbia University, in early 2000, offered digital knowledge-intensive activities. Knowledge econ-
content from Columbia University and 13 other omy is often an urban, even metropolitan or
academic and cultural institutions, such as the ‘‘primate city’’ phenomenon on the one hand,
London School of Economics, Cambridge Uni- and a regional ‘‘high performance engineering’’
versity Press, The British Library, Smithsonian and related or complementary high value-added
Institution’s National Museum of Natural His- services city or region-wide phenomenon, on the
tory, and The New York Public Library. At its other (Cooke and De Laurentis, 2002). This being
Digital Knowledge Exploitation 83

the case, it can be argued that the knowledge has guaranteed for Wales a distinct identity. Such
economy creates opportunities and at the same identity had contributed to the emergence of var-
time poses great challenges for peripheral regions ious regional institutions such as National
that lack leading international or national media Museum and Library and a strong broadcasting
and financial centres or major automotive or ICT sector. The traditional Film and TV industry in
engineering/manufacturing centres, which cha- Wales has generally been strong in relation to the
racterise the higher scoring localities. size of the Welsh economy (annual GDP 30 bil-
The development of a DVC offers a means for lion) and Wales has the largest broadcast centre in
peripheral regions to become engaged in more the UK outside London, comprising one of the
knowledge-intensive applications and cities and regional arms of the BBC UK–BBC Wales, the
regions characterised by traditional sectoral commissioning agency for Welsh language
activities can enter the knowledge economy not broadcast – S4C and a commercial broadcaster –
only as consumers but as producers. The estab- HTV Wales. There is a rich diversity of museums,
lishment of a DVC is appealing to peripheral libraries and archives throughout Wales, ranging
regions if only because of the great extent of lin- in size and nature of the collections they hold from
guistic and cultural diversity that lies in Europe’s local history to natural history, from art to
peripheral regions (Nelde et al., 1996). Many areas archaeology, from industrial heritage to military
with low knowledge economy scores are often heritage.
remote, insular, rural and endowed of historic and In undertaking the research, a qualitative
touristic resources. Several of these regions have methodology was followed. This involved both the
also developed regional media presence and hold scrutiny of secondary sources and in-depth inter-
dynamic memory institutions, which provide the views with the key stakeholders within the region.
preconditions for path dependency entry into new Such stakeholders represented institutions and
media and digital activities. Wales is certainly one firms within the region which were most likely to
of these regions. be involved in digital developments, a sample of
During recent decades Wales had transformed media firms and memory institutions. The section
itself from an industrial region based on primary that follows highlight the finding of this research,
resources and subsidiary industries into an econ- focusing primarily on the changes and challenges
omy with a strong service sector and a heavy that the two key actors, memory institutions and
reliance on inward investment. The majority of media firms, are experiencing in building a DVC in
jobs resulting from this strategy were low level Wales.
assembly jobs with little value added. However,
foreign direct investment did stimulate the local
6. Developing a digital value chain: the case
supply chain and require exacting standards which
of Wales
pushed up quality and productivity in Welsh small
and medium sized firms. A downturn in foreign The Welsh experience does not differ substantially
direct investment has signified a turn towards a from the theoretical account offered above. On the
more entrepreneurial based local economy with a one hand, the media sector in Wales is a hybrid of
strong level of local private sector involvement. two technologies and traditions: video and film for
Local economic development officials have tried to broadcast on the one hand and digital multimedia
encourage networks between local firms, increase for all distribution channels including the Internet
their innovative capacity, and generally re-orient on the other. New media and multimedia tech-
the economy’s efforts to produce endogenous nologies are being adopted by these firms, but
economic growth turning their resources and there is also a rising generation of new media
attention on helping indigenous small and medium firms, which have based their entire strategies
sized firms within industry specific clusters, such as around these new activities. The sectors are
ICT, multi-media, and healthcare. important in both economic and cultural terms.
Hence, Wales has a strongly decentralised The presence of three major broadcasters provides
regional governance, mainly associated with its a key means of expressing Welsh identity, both in
existence as an historic region. The Welsh language Wales and potentially across developing global
84 Laurentis

media markets. The industry accounts for about in the different genres of programmes, which
300 firms in ‘‘traditional’’ media, multimedia, it required. As a result, a bound-dependency
animation, graphics, creative arts and services relationship developed between S4C and many
firms. Some 18% are core multimedia producers production companies. The contracts between
(on-line or off-line producers). Of these firms, them traded the guarantee of commissions for a
some twenty are specifically set up to produce on lower return than is generally received in the
and off-line products such as CDs composed of industry. This meant that production costs for the
film and TV clips for entertainment; CD-interac- Commissioning Agent were reduced and, at the
tive musical instrument tutoring; Financial same time, the broadcaster reserved the right to
Trading CD databases and Media Business CD scrutinise the staff employed by the production
data-bases along with e-learning CDs. A further companies in their respective productions. In this
twenty are providers of Internet Services or Web respect the network increasingly resembled the
Page Designers; the remainder are specialised in operations of a single firm. Such a network con-
animation-related production. forms to Burton-Jones’ (1999) typology of
The companies within the sectors are mostly ‘‘dependent entrepreneurs,’’ referring to how firms
young firms, the oldest having been established use flexihire workers and mediated services,
since 1980. Some of the older firms started arguing that the critical factors involving a firm’s
production as ‘‘traditional media’’ firms which selection of different types of supplier include
added multimedia production to their activities the characteristics of the knowledge involved in
as regional broadcasting went digital. Some are the transaction and the form in which the knowl-
spin-offs of other firms and some are former edge is supplied. Within S4C and the independent
traders re-established under a new name. A rela- media producers, tacit and specific knowledge
tively large proportion became established as TV, plays a central role. Developing a dependent net-
film or video companies at the time when the work of skilled experienced contractors can prove
fourth terrestrial TV channel was established attractive to the core firm seeking to control their
(1982) followed by the UK Broadcasting Act of knowledge assets without incurring incremental
1990 which required broadcasters such as the BBC costs or risks. However, such unbounded depen-
to outsource 25% of TV production to indepen- dency seems to have generated a threefold effect
dent production companies. It is from these that is hampering innovation, thus the develop-
deregulatory actions that a substantial number of ment of a digital value chain.
independent media and, subsequently, multimedia Despite being one of the first broadcasters going
firms, emerged in Wales. The market for most of digital, S4C lacked the resources to take advantage
this activity in Wales is quite well defined – the of this and the early entry was undertaken without
Welsh language broadcaster (S4C), BBC Wales, the awareness of what was required in generating
and HTV are the customers for most activities in the appropriate services. Besides, the national
these areas. As well as having their own direct broadcaster had a narrow vision of digital devel-
workforce they also commission production from opments seeing digital technologies as a means for
a substantial group of independent companies. extending broadcasting hours in Welsh on its
These are producing mainly video-based output, digital channel, requiring very little product inno-
animation and film production and have started to vation from its dependent entrepreneurs – the
embrace new media production. Media companies independent producers.
also demonstrated an interest in penetrating for- The media sector in Wales was affected by a
eign markets via co-productions offering a means high dependency on the regional market, gener-
for increasing diversity within the industry. Those ating dedicated but not widely marketable content,
who extended their operations to accommodate thus constraining further development. The
multimedia activities are also offering local ser- production costs of the Welsh based producers are
vices and are seeking markets outside the region. substantially lower than those of others, but there
The commissioning agent, the Welsh language is a lack of understanding about how to exploit
broadcaster, sought to develop a reliable network this advantage. This development was, to repeat,
of production companies, which could specialise essentially meant to be a trade off where financial
Digital Knowledge Exploitation 85

profit was traded for security. The independent heavily in positioning itself as provider of content
producers remain isolated from the UK network on the internet, establishing a strong online
market and, more importantly, from new global brand, but much of its digital development
markets. One reason given for this situation is that research activities are conducted outside Wales.
their relationship with S4C, while giving them BBC Wales, the regional branch of the BBC, has
security, obliges them to work with high work- begun developing a digital archive in Cardiff and
loads and small profit margins which does not to develop innovative productions for its Welsh
allow for investment in project development. The digital channel.
national broadcaster is also claimed to be The Welsh media industry has, to some extent,
responsible for limiting the delegation of respon- clustered in Cardiff, the capital city, Caernarfon in
sibility to, and training of, younger staff. the north and the Swansea region in the west and
A third argument in analysing the barriers that although proximity has been important to the
are hampering digital developments in Wales development of the industry for accessing related
involves the practice whereby S4C retains intel- and supplier industries, freelancers, potential
lectual property rights, which limits the ability to employees, amenities, education and training
expand the enterprise. This is being resolved by facilities and networking with clients, there is
S4C conceding the right to recycle materials from considerable scepticism in the industry about the
rushes, etc. to the independent companies, but relevance of clustering. It can be argued that in the
only for S4C productions. This does have potential Welsh case, the media industry seems to be
for digital production but thus far there is not a affected by a lack of innovation interaction among
digital archive fully developed and metadata and local firms and between firms and knowledge
related issues remain unresolved. This means in support organisations, including memory institu-
effect that S4C suppliers need to focus, and may tions. On the one hand, firms still deal with issues
survive by successfully focusing on a Welsh mar- of secrecy and proprietary knowledge and
ket. The absence of development, understanding co-operate very little with the other companies in
and imagination on the part of S4C is often the sector. All of the companies know one other
claimed to be related to financial considerations – and this ‘‘knowing’’ is largely conditioned by being
much of the finance is devoted to programme part of overlapping cultural and production
production, which can meet the expansion of networks; they interact quite openly but such
broadcasting hours in Welsh on its digital channel. interaction involves mainly sharing information
Similarly, the producers will not move to multi- vis-à-vis process innovation. There is still a strong
media production while the associated digital aversion to sharing any ideas that would result in
infrastructure remains unfamiliar to the audience. product innovation. Even the tendency to segment
In the UK less than 50% of the total audience has production activities into different areas of exper-
digital TV access in 2004. tise does not overcome this reluctance. The main
Hence, if the most important external sources commissioning agent – S4C – now requires smaller
in firms’ innovation performance are partners in producers to merge together into larger units. This
the value chain and in particular clients and has led to some development, but the new com-
customers, as argued in the recent Community ponents still remain aloof from one another vis-à-
Innovation Survey (Eurostat, 2001), it cannot be vis digital product development – many firms are
denied that the inertia of S4C towards innova- still wary of networking and experimenting with
tion, the strong reliance on the Welsh market, new production formats for digital products. On
and the bounded relationship between S4C and the other hand, although Wales has developed an
the independent producers are posing a number adequate institutional thickness, the absence of
of threats to the development of the industry. On co-operation and interaction between the knowl-
the other hand, it can be argued that the other edge support organisations, the development
two major producers – BBC and HTV – that agency, policy makers and the firms within the
could be seen as the point of entry for the Welsh industry and memory institutions threatens inno-
based independent producers, have not rushed to vation processes and slows the development of the
commission work from them. BBC has invested knowledge economy.
86 Laurentis

However, memory institutions per se, such Government, has been created to develop an
as key museums, libraries and archives, have integrated digital archive. The initiative has
committed to digitisation projects and partner- drawn considerable sums of public money and,
ships that could lead to the development of a since this initiative is being led by the National
Digital Value Chain. Two major projects have Museum and National Library there is a ten-
pursued this aim, although with some limits. One dency for it to be seen as service delivery free at
of these is a regional version of a broader initiative point of access and therefore does not develop
by the UK government funded by the New the DVC in its entirety.
Opportunities Fund (NoF). This digitisation pro- Despite the digitisation process going ahead in
gramme, with an allocated budget of £50 million Welsh memory institutions, there remains a
UK-wide, has provided funding to make learning reluctance to move beyond the information
materials available, free of charge, on the Internet. container’s role towards analysis and interpreta-
This is considered the largest and most ambitious tion of contents and there is still an emphasis on
UK-wide content creation initiative to date, aimed service-oriented activities rather than value-
at ensuring that lifelong learners are able to access oriented. This has resulted in organisations
content that interests them. A range of innovative underestimating their potential contribution and
Welsh projects have received grants from the New the potential impact they can have on market-
Opportunities Fund to convert a wide range of oriented opportunities. What is interesting in this
local material on subjects like history, science and respect is that the partnership of Cymru’n Creu
culture into digital format to become a valuable involves not merely libraries and museums, the
learning resource on the Internet. The ‘‘Gathering Welsh Tourist Board, the BBC and S4C all of
the Jewels’’ project is considered the most perva- which are public bodies, but also the Regional
sive one – a ‘‘pioneering, large-scale project to give Development Agency and the SGRIN, the
free, worldwide online access to a substantial part Media Development Agency for Wales, two
of Wales’ cultural heritage’’ (NoF, 2001). The bodies who are devoted to promoting the com-
project, a partnership between about 170 Welsh mercial development of the content industry. It
museums and libraries, led by the two major will be interesting to see whether there are moves
Welsh memory institutions, the National Museum afoot to merge the library/museum collections
and Gallery of Wales, based in Cardiff, and the with the media archives and on what terms.
National Library of Wales, based in Aberystwyth, Hence, what is missing is the presence of any
was aimed at digitising and making available on voice associated with the independent producers
line cultural heritage material, such as manu- or the IT sector which would constitute the
scripts, artifacts, photographs, paintings and production end of the DVC (Williams and
sound and moving images, promoting the diversity De Laurentis, 2002).
and significance of materials held in Welsh The concept of the Digital Value Chain links
libraries, museums and archives. This initiative has institutions which hitherto appear to have little in
been responsible for digitising 23,000 items gath- common – museums, libraries, data providers,
ered from hundreds of museums, libraries, record analysts, broadcasters; but the Welsh experience
offices and archives throughout Wales, bringing shows that such organisations have yet to
the issue of digital content into the awareness of all understand it. The key actors responsible for the
these institutions and developing common meta- development of a digital value chain are certainly
data standards. The programme has helped to in place, however there is little co-operation and
unlock the learning resources of libraries, archives, networking across spheres that could interact
museums and galleries by converting them into fruitfully. The rudimentary partnerships that are
electronic form. in place do not resemble the functionality of a
Another initiative ‘‘Cymru’n Creu’’ (Wales value chain. What is clear is that it is an industry in
Creating) which involves main institutions such transition and without a future vision and essential
as the National Museum, the National Library, commitment, both of skills and resources the
The Welsh Tourist Board, major Welsh broad- future will be bleak. This does not mean that there
casters and, among others, the Welsh Assembly is no content production but rather that it tends to
Digital Knowledge Exploitation 87

happen remote from the development of net- number of participants who clearly understood the
working associated with archiving and accessing problem to hand was limited, and those who did
public archives. Having said that, the memory have an understanding of the issue had quite
institutions have at least begun innovating on a divergent forms of comprehension which were
not-for-profit bases. Hence, this could have related to their sectional interests. The failure to
potential for more value-yielding initiative if the extend the interests of the memory institutions
broadcasters grasp that potential. which are driving the process to incorporate the
interests of other partners, including the broad-
casters, results in a limited outcome
7. Concluding remarks
It was argued that regional digital development
This paper has sought to draw a conceptual could be driven by media firms coming to terms
picture of the cultural industries in the knowl- with new technologies and media convergence.
edge economy. It then examined Wales in light However, as discussed, media firms are striving
of the knowledge economy, analysing the to find profitable markets for their services
potential that current developments can offer to and products. It can be argued that change in
a peripheral region in entering the knowledge state-of-the-art of technology may create impor-
economy. It inquired about the role of cultural tant conditions for the development of new or
resources and the extent to which cultural improved product; however, demand conditions
diversity can play a role in driving the emergence are seen as factors that are likely to be funda-
of the digital economy as a key base of the mentals ones, influencing both the rate and the
knowledge economy. direction of technical progress (Dosi, 1988). The
It was argued that regional digital development slow pace with which the digital computer devel-
could be driven by memory institutions. However, oped and diffused, for instance, can be explained
a number of obstacles may hamper such develop- by the lack of demand for them, as van den Ende
ments. Firstly, such organisations see product and Dolfsma (2002) argue.
development as a ‘‘public service’’, therefore Theoretically, such experiences can be explained
something which is not marketable, not for profit, under the concept of demand and technology
a free-service. Libraries, museums and archives are interaction, where sources of innovation or the
developing their digital archives; however, these motivations for innovators is led by the interaction
actors are unwilling to develop the capacity to of demand and technology factors (Mowery and
create content from their assets, arguing that such Rosenberg, 1979; Dosi, 1988). Further research is
institutions are associated with the provision of needed in order to analyse in more detail what is
high quality, modern services rather than product happening in the media market if it has to lead
development. Secondly, although cultural institu- innovation and economic development in periph-
tions are widely involved in digitisation work, this eral regions, however, research needs to take into
activity is still highly fragmented, involving a account that, as early failures in experimental new
duplication of effort and investments, providing media business models explain, the market is
only limited access to resources and failing to failing to allocate resources efficiently resembling
make full use of available technology. The lack of what the literature denotes as market failure
technological familiarity, the scarcity of funds (Arrow, 1962; Demsetz, 1968; Stiglitz, 1998;
available to begin and maintain the expensive Cowen and Crampton, 2003). The reliance on
digitisation and retro-digitisation process and the market processes alone is resulting in underinvest-
scarce development of common standards are ment in research and development, depressing
among the main challenges that memory institu- demand and supply to levels below what would be
tions are facing. The potential for unchecked potentially economically justified. Limited appro-
duplication and distribution of copyrighted mate- priability, financial market failure, external benefits
rial can be added to such a list, hindering sub- to the production of knowledge and other factors
stantial progress in this area. Nonetheless, the suggest that strict reliance on a market system will
Cymru’n Creu initiative has drawn key players result in underinvestment in innovation, relative to
together. However, the problem here was that the the socially desirable level.
88 Laurentis

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