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Name: ___________________________________________ Class: __________________ Date: ____/____/____

UNIT 3 – Extra Practice

1. Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.

1. I usually sit on a _________________________ (OCHCU) in the living room and read books.

2. I have got some nice photos on the _______________________ (LSVEHES) in my bedroom.

3. I need to buy a ______________________ (ESDEPBADR) to match the new colour of my

bedroom walls.

4. I always heat my meals in the _______________________ (CIMVWAREO) when I’m at home.

5. There are two big _____________________________ (RISRMOR) in the ladies’


2. Write a post about your bedroom. Describe the pieces of furniture, accessories
and favourite items. Complete your profile and glue or draw a picture of your


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Richmond © 2020 Ediciones Santillana, S.A.

Editable material for exclusive use of SIGN UP 2 #New Edition teachers.
Name: ___________________________________________ Class: __________________ Date: ____/____/____

3. Write as many items of clothing as you can.

What should you wear…

1. on a rainy day?



2. on a cold day?



3. to work out?



4. Circle the correct option.

1. Ms Spencer: Whose schoolbag is that, Phil?

Phil: I don’t know. It isn’t my / mine.

2. Can I have a look at your / yours new smart phone?

I want to buy one like that.

3. Pauline’s sister is cool but her / hers brother is awful.

4. Mum: Is that key ring your / yours, darling?

Dad: No, it isn’t. My / Mine has only got three keys. Perhaps it is David’s.

5. Julie and I study together in the same class. Our / Ours classmates are really nice.

6. Mandy: Who do this scarf belong to?

Olivia: Hmm… It isn’t my / mine. Jim was here yesterday.

Mandy: Oh! You’re right! It’s his / him.

Richmond © 2020 Ediciones Santillana, S.A.

Editable material for exclusive use of SIGN UP 2 #New Edition teachers.
Name: ___________________________________________ Class: __________________ Date: ____/____/____

5. Fill in the blanks with a suitable object pronoun: me, him, her, it, us or them.

1. Sophia: What do you think of Taylor Swift?

Olivia: I like ___________ a lot. I think she’s a great singer.

2. Helen is still married to Paul but she doesn’t live with ___________any more. I think they broke up.

3. Dad: Do you play football with those boys?

Max: No, I never play football with ____________. We play baseball together!

4. You can have this T-shirt. I never wear _____________ .

5. My parents don’t let ___________ go out after midnight.

6. My sister and I think our mum is very creative. She usually designs clothes for the two of

7. Read this article in an e-shop webpage and choose the style you identify with.

HowTo Find Your Personal Style

Have you got a closet full of clothes but the styles
are different? Have you got some clothes that look
conservative, some that look soft or some that are
glamorous? Would you like to narrow down to just
one style that makes you feel great all the time that
you can identify with? Would you like to find out
your personal style? Knowing your own style can
even help you save money by omitting unwanted Casual Style – This style consists of
clothes from your closet and can help give you jeans, tees, jackets and cardigans in a
confidence by knowing you look great in your casual, relaxed style.
outfits! Here’s how to find your Signature Style:
Athletic Style: Activewear style that you
Here are a few popular styles: can wear in or out of the gym, like
leggings, sweatshirts, tracksuits,
Classic Style – This style consists of essentials trainers, etc.
that never go out of style…a more dressy look.
Choose your favourites to get the look
Glam Style – This style consists of fur, sequins, that you identify with. Go through each
jewelry, leather, elegant jackets, classy trousers, item. If you love wearing it, you feel
etc. comfortable in it and it looks great on
you, put it back in your closet. If you
Minimalist Style – These clothes have got neutral don’t like it, store it away, sell or donate
colours, like black, grey, white or beige and simple it. You’ll have a neater closet, get
designs. dressed quickly and will love your closet!

Richmond © 2020 Ediciones Santillana, S.A.

Editable material for exclusive use of SIGN UP 2 #New Edition teachers.
Name: ___________________________________________ Class: __________________ Date: ____/____/____

My style is_____________________________________________________
Clothes to keep: ______________________________________________
Clothes to store: ______________________________________________
Clothes to donate: ___________________________________________
Clothes to sell: _______________________________________________

7. Match the sentence halves.

get a driving license but my parents

1. My parents make me… don’t let me.

2. Our teachers don’t let us… be back home late if your parents are so
3. I want to...
use our mobile phones in the classroom.
4. In your room, you should always…
know where everything is.
5. You shouldn’t…
tidy my bedroom every day.

8. Imagine a friend of yours has got a problem with his / her parents. Make up a dialogue and
give him / her a piece of advice.

Richmond © 2020 Ediciones Santillana, S.A.

Editable material for exclusive use of SIGN UP 2 #New Edition teachers.

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