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The research result about more commonly used form of transport is shown on the table.

was made in 4 different countries – USA, UK, France and Netherlands. Along with it is a bar chart
which shows why in the USA individuals prefer to use a car as the main transport.
Obviously, car is most common form of transportation in all mentioned countries, with USA in
leading position (90%). Major part of respondents, almost 40 %, used to drive because there is no
other alternative. In contrast only 8% uses their cars for arriving to work for a night shift. Public
transport took second place among others, where in France 18% of people are likely to use public
transport, because of good infrastructure, meanwhile the vast minority of interviewees prefer to use
public transport in the USA. However, bicycle is considered to be the most uncomfortable from of
transport, it is commonly used in the Netherlands, to extent of developed and suitable

Summarizing all information, car is the most used form of transport for many different reasons.
Whereas use of different transportation methods depends on infrastructure separate country has.

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