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Epidemiology Module 3: NCISM Elective Course Answer Key - BAMS NOTES LIBRARY

Epidemiology Module 3: NCISM Elective Course Answer Key


Q-1 Hypothesis is not tested by – (Telegram Channel par sab milega – @bams_notes_library)

(A) Descriptive Studies

(B) Analytical Studies
(C) Case Control Studies
(D) Cohort Studies

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Answer: Descriptive Studies.
Explanation: Descriptive studies aim to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon
without testing specific hypotheses. They provide valuable information but do not involve
hypothesis testing.

Q-2 Discovery of cholera by John Snow was a – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡

(A) Cohort Study

(B) Cross Sectional Study
(C) Natural Experiment Study
(D) Clinical Trial

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Answer: Natural Experiment Study.
Explanation: John Snow’s investigation of the 1854 cholera outbreak in London is considered a
classic example of a natural experiment study where the exposure to contaminated water acted
as a natural intervention.

Q-3 A person found correlation between fatty food intake and a disease due to obesity, Heldid
this by collecting data from the food manufacturers & hospital respectively. Such a study is –
(Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡ @bams_notes_library)

(A) Ecological Study

(B) Cross Sectional Disease
(C) Psephological Study
(D) Experimental Study

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Answer: Ecological Study.
Explanation: Ecological studies analyze data at the population level, often using existing data
sources like food manufacturers and hospitals to explore associations between variables
without individual-level data.
Q-4 Which is not a analytical study – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡

(A) Case Control

(B) Cohort Study
(D) Cross Sectional

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Answer: RCT (Randomized Controlled Trial).
Explanation: Randomized Controlled Trials are experimental studies, not analytical ones.
Analytical studies include observational designs like case-control and cohort studies.

Q-5 In a study in UK, an association was found between sale of antiarrythmic drug and an
increase in deaths due to asthma. This is an example of. – (Telegram Channel par sab milega
➡ @bams_notes_library)

(A)Ecological Study
(B)Cohort Study
(C)Case Reference Study
(D)Experimental Study

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Answer: Ecological Study.
Explanation: This scenario describes an ecological study where associations are made at the
group level without individual-level data, often leading to hypotheses for further investigation.

Q-6 What is not true about cross sectional study? – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡

(A)It is a Prevalence Study

(B)Tells Etiology
(C)Shows Pattern of Disease
(D)Tells Prevalance

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Answer: Tells Etiology.
Explanation: Cross-sectional studies provide a snapshot of a population at a single point in time,
focusing on prevalence rather than causation or etiology.

Q-7 True about case control study is: – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡

(A)Not Possible For Rare Disease

(B)Odds Ratio Cannot be calculated
(C)Attributable Risk Cannot be calculated
(D)Bias is not Seen
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Answer: Bias is not Seen.
Explanation: Case-control studies are susceptible to bias, including selection and recall bias,
which researchers must address to ensure the validity of their findings.

Q-8 Regarding case control study true is – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡

(A)Useful for rare diseases

(B)Incidence can be calculated
(C)Takes longer time
(D)Relative Risk can be calculated

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Answer: Useful for rare diseases.
Explanation: Case-control studies are particularly useful for investigating rare diseases or
outcomes where cohort studies may be impractical due to the need for large sample sizes.

Q-9 Which of the following is true about cohort study – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡

(A)Disease to risk factor study

(B)Effect to cause study
(C)Not associated with Attributable Risk
(D)Associated with Antecedent causation

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Answer: Disease to risk factor study.
Explanation: Cohort studies follow individuals over time to assess how exposure to risk factors
influences the development of diseases, focusing on establishing causal relationships.

Q-10 20 Pregnant women were asked about about the history of smoking when they came for
regular antenatal visit and then followed up to see how many of them had low birth weight
babies, What is the type of study? – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡

(A)Case Conhrot
(B)Prospective Cohort
(C)Cross Sectional

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Answer: Prospective Cohort Study.
Explanation: This scenario describes a prospective cohort study where participants are followed
over time from exposure to outcome, allowing researchers to assess causal relationships.

Q-11 Natural history of disease is studied with – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡
(A)Longitudinal Studies
(B)Cross Sectional Studies

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Answer: Longitudinal Studies.
Explanation: Longitudinal studies track individuals over time to observe the progression of
diseases or conditions, providing insights into natural history and outcomes.

Q-12 What type of data is obtained from existing records and data sources such as medical
records? – (Telegram Channel par sab milega ➡ bams_notes_library)

(A)Primary Data
(B)Seconday Data
(C)Tertiary Data
(D)Qtertiary Data

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Answer: Secondary Data.
Explanation: Secondary data refers to information collected by others for purposes other than
the current research, such as medical records or databases that researchers analyze for their

Q-13 Selection bias can be eliminated by – (uploaded by bams_notes_library)

(B)Single Blinding
(C)Double Blinding

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Answer: Randomization.
Explanation: Randomization helps distribute potential confounders evenly among groups,
reducing selection bias and strengthening the internal validity of a study.

Q-14 Bias can be eliminated by all except: – (uploaded by bams_notes_library)

(D)Multivariate Analysis

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Answer: Multivariate Analysis.
Explanation: Multivariate analysis is a statistical method used to explore relationships between
multiple variables but does not directly eliminate bias; techniques like randomization and
blinding help mitigate bias in research studies.

Q-15 Which is classical form of research – (uploaded by bams_notes_library)

(A)Case control study

(B)Cohort Study
(C) Experimental Study
(D) Cross-Sectional Study

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Answer: Experimental Study.
Explanation: Experimental studies involve manipulating variables to observe their effects on
outcomes, representing a classic approach in scientific research for establishing causal

Q-16 Confounding means – (uploaded by bams_notes_library)

(A)Measure Error
(B)Reporting Error
(C)Real But Misleading
(D)Investigator Error

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Answer: Real But Misleading
Explanation: Confounding occurs when an external factor influences both the dependent
variable and independent variable, leading to misleading conclusions if not properly addressed
in research design or analysis.

Q-17 Recall bias is most commonly associated with – (uploaded by bams_notes_library)

(A)Case control study

(B)Cohort Study
(C)Cross sectional study

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Answer: Case control study
Explanation: Recall bias can occur in case-control studies when participants’ ability to
accurately recall past exposures or events is influenced by their disease status, potentially
leading to distorted results.

Q-18 which of the following is not systematic error – (uploaded by bams_notes_library)

(B)Information Bias
(C)Selection Bias
(D)Measuring Error
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Answer: Measuring Error
Explanation: Measuring error refers to inaccuracies in data collection or measurement
processes but does not fall under systematic errors like confounding, selection bias, or
information bias.

Q-19 The heart of Randomized controlled trial is: – (uploaded by bams_notes_library)

(D)None of the Above

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Answer: Randomization
Explanation: Randomization in RCTs ensures that participants are assigned treatments
randomly, reducing bias and allowing for valid comparisons between intervention groups.

Q-20 Which epidemiological study gives most accurate result: – (Telegram Channel par sab
milega ➡ @bams_notes_library)

(A)Meta Analysis
(C)Cross Sectional
(D)RCT with Double Blinding

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Answer: RCT with Double Blinding
Explanation: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) with double blinding are considered the gold
standard in research methodology as they minimize biases and provide high-quality evidence
for evaluating interventions.

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