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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

“EcoBin: Innovations in Waste Management and Sustainable

Materials for a Greener Future”

A Social Innovation Project for GEd 109:

Science, Technology and Society
Presented to
Mr. Mark Paulo D. San Juan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Second Semester A.Y. 2022-2023

Alvarez, Minette C.
Bagos, Ericka Jude C.
Cuento, Jayvee S.
Isla, Kryzza Mae G.
Rodriguez, Everose M.

May 2023

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design


This abstract discusses an overview of waste management and the role of converting
waste into an alternative building material, or, to put it simply, a sustainable material, in
promoting a sustainable future. It explores the holistic approach required for effective waste
management, encompassing waste reduction, proper disposal, and resource conservation.
Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of integrating sustainable materials into various
industries and sectors, highlighting their potential to minimize environmental impact and
facilitate recycling or reuse.

This Social Innovation Project aims to develop a sustainable environment by reducing the
pollution that we encounter on a daily basis. By incorporating effective strategic systems, this
project proposes a prototype as a growing solution to the problem of pollution. It emphasizes the
need for innovative solutions that minimize waste generation, promote sustainable practices, and
contribute to a circular economy.


In today’s generation, there are few individuals disposing of their waste properly, and
there are those who don’t, which leads to pollution. It might have a negative effect on people's
health as well as their environment if concerns are dismissed. On this problem, people’s
responsibility for proper waste disposal shall be practiced and managed as well. And as for the
solution, this social innovation project aims to transform waste into a sustainable building
material that might be used as an alternative, with the goal of achieving a sustainable
environment to reduce pollution.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

In order to meet current environmental concerns, waste management and the use of
sustainable materials have become essential. There is a growing understanding that our current
waste management systems are not long-term sustainable as the globe struggles with the effects
of resource scarcity and overconsumption. Effective waste management involves not only the
proper disposal and treatment of waste but also focuses on reducing waste generation at its
source. This shift requires a holistic approach that encourages waste reduction, recycling, and the
adoption of sustainable materials throughout various industries and sectors.

Sustainable materials, on the other hand, play a vital role in this transition. They are
produced, used, and designed in a way that lessens their negative effects on the environment,
conserves resources, and supports recycling or reuse. These materials can range from
biodegradable and compostable alternatives to single-use plastics to innovative materials made
from recycled or renewable sources. We can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and help
create a more sustainable future by incorporating sustainable materials into our daily lives.

This project aims to explore the intersection of waste management and sustainable
materials as an innovation for a greener future. By understanding the importance of waste
management and embracing sustainable materials, we can collectively work towards a more
efficient and environmentally conscious society.


1. Lessen pollution due to improper waste disposal

The Social Innovation Project aims to reduce or eliminate pollution brought on by

inefficient waste management in society. The Project we are proposing is the “EcoBin:
Innovation in Waste Management and Sustainable Materials for a Greener Future”.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

Pollution continues to be an issue for our planet despite the hard efforts of millions of
individuals throughout the world. Pollution kills innumerable plants, animals, and people while
poisoning the land, air, and rivers. Pollution also jams the seas. And while recycling is a
straightforward and efficient practice that helps to reduce the enormous volumes of harmful
waste that build up around the planet, it isn't always completely successful.

Massive amounts of litter are thrown into the ocean every year, filling up nearby
waterways, and blowing through the streets, causing pollution. One of the easiest forms of
pollution to spot is litter and plastic pollution, but even though it's also one of the simplest to get
rid of, doing so would need significant adjustments in people's lifestyles and our recycling

2. Create sustainable products

● Offer job opportunities

● Create a sustainable environment


EcoBIN implementation in society necessitates a complete plan that includes considerations. To

reach the goal of its implementation, the following step-by-step plan specifies ways and tools
that can be used:

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

Figure 1: Project Implementation Chart

1. Define Requirements and Objectives:

- Clearly identify the EcoBIN purpose and objectives.
- Determine the required shredding capacity, waste categories, and any other features.

2. Research and Design:

- Analyze the requirements and select an appropriate shredding mechanism
- Design the EcoBIN considering factors such as size, power source, safety features, and ease of

3. Material Selection and Procurement:

- Identify the materials needed for constructing the EcoBIN
- Source the required materials for the best quality product

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

4. Construction and Assembly:
- Fabricate the shredder frame and components according to the design.
- Assemble the shredder by attaching the motor, blades, hoppers, and other necessary parts.
- Ensure proper alignment and secure all connections.
5. Power Source Integration:
- Determine the power requirements based on the motor specifications.
- Connect the motor to a suitable power source

6. Testing and Quality Assurance:

- Perform initial functional tests to ensure that EcoBIN operates correctly.
- Validate the shredding capacity and efficiency by testing it with various types of trash.
- Identify and address any issues or design flaws.
7. Safety Precautions:
- Incorporate safety features such as emergency stops, safety guards, and warning labels.
- Provide clear instructions for safe operation and maintenance.
- Conduct a safety assessment to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

8. Documentation and User Manual:

- Create detailed documentation of the shredder design, construction, and assembly process.
- Develop a comprehensive user manual with instructions for safe operation, maintenance, and

9. Deployment and Training:

- Install EcoBIN in the desired location.
- Aware users on the proper operation, maintenance, and safety protocols.
- Address any questions or concerns raised by users

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

10. Maintenance and Upgrades:
- Establish a maintenance schedule for routine inspections, cleaning, and lubrication.
- Monitor the EcoBIN performance regularly and address any issues promptly.
- Consider implementing upgrades or modifications based on user feedback and evolving needs.

Figure 2:EcoBIN Prototype

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design



Our world is being destroyed by plastic trash, which has been created in excess of 8
billion tons since its invention more than a century ago.

The environmentally friendly materials help save money since it is less expensive and
simpler to handle than traditional metals like steel. Steel production is a major worldwide
producer of greenhouse gasses, therefore this has positive effects for the environment as well. On
the other side, using recycled plastic instead of steel and concrete reduces carbon emissions,
water waste, and the need for fossil fuels.

● Recycled plastic roads

● Recycled plastic bricks
● Recycled plastic houses
● Plastic reinforced concrete

There are several applications of sustainable materials. The increasing use of roads,
bricks, and other buildings made of recycled plastic can be advantageous for the environment. As

● Building constructions are used to store plastic garbage, reducing landfill space.
● A decrease in the combustion of plastic results in cleaner air.
● The protection of ecosystems and streams from excessive garbage makes animals safer.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

● When recycled polypropylene plastic takes the place of metal, carbon emissions and the
consumption of fossil fuels are reduced. This is due to the fact that conventional cement
manufacturing accounts for 5% of greenhouse gas emissions.
● Significant water savings.

Recycled plastic roads

Designed to be cost-effective while handling considerable traffic and varying

temperatures. The resilient section of road is made with a low-cost, adaptable "plastiphalt"
mixture that resists deformation. Thousands of plastic bags, glass bottles, and all other shredded
recyclable trash are all present. The recycled plastic road is also anticipated to hold up to high
traffic, heat waves, monsoons, floods, and monsoon rains without degrading. This type of road
utilizes the same amount of plastic bags per kilometer as a normal road while using a ton less
asphalt and costing around 8% less.

Recycled plastic bricks

● Between 0 to 40% lighter than concrete produced using conventional stone aggregate.
● Compressive strengths are equal to those of traditional concrete.
● Potential seismic properties; long-lasting due to its resistance to cracking and breaking.
● Can save costs and time spent on manufacturing sustainable products. Since builders are
more productive with lightweight materials, this leads to lower shipping and labor costs.


To encourage a greener and more sustainable future, waste management and the use of
sustainable resources are important. The amount of waste thrown in landfills, which may have
detrimental effects on the environment and public health, can be decreased with the use of

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

effective waste management. Effective waste management can also lessen greenhouse gas
emissions from waste disposal and conserve natural resources. Adopting sustainable materials is
crucial for minimizing the negative effects of human activity on the environment. Traditional
materials have a more negative influence on the environment than sustainable materials, which
are often made from renewable resources. Utilizing sustainable materials can also lessen waste
and encourage a circular economy, in which products are recycled or reused as opposed to being
disposed of. In conclusion, a more sustainable and ecologically friendly future depends on waste
management and the use of sustainable resources. We can cut down on waste, protect natural
resources, and lessen the harm that human activity causes to the environment by embracing these


As the world becomes more aware of the environmental impact of human activities and
the need for sustainable practices, it is expected that the significance of waste management and
the adoption of sustainable materials will grow in the future. The adoption of a circular economy
model, which encourages the reuse and recycling of materials to minimize waste and conserve
natural resources, is one of the important future prospects for waste management. This way of
thinking is founded on the ideas of developing closed-loop systems where waste is utilized as a
resource, as well as designing items for durability and recyclability.

As a result of these innovations, less garbage is dumped in landfills and a source of

renewable energy is created. Future directions for sustainable materials include the creation of
brand-new substances with minimal negative effects on the environment and those that can be
manufactured responsibly. Using biodegradable and compostable materials as well as creating
new materials from renewable resources are some examples of this.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design


In conclusion, waste management is the "collection, removal, processing, and disposal of

materials considered waste," as defined by Ecolife Dictionary. Waste disposal options include
composting, recycling, incineration, and landfilling. Recycling and composting are the most
environmentally friendly ways to handle waste. It intended to lessen the harmful effects of waste
on the environment, human health, planetary resources, and aesthetics. The goal is to lessen the
negative consequences that such trash, including pollution from inappropriate garbage disposal,
has on the environment and human health. For simpler disposal, the community can utilize our
suggested idea to crush, grind, or pulverize their waste and transform or break it into extremely
small pieces so that it can be disposed of more quickly. In addition to that, it will serve as the
foundation for a sustainable product, which will in turn contribute to the creation of jobs for a
sustainable environment. This initiative will undoubtedly assist our selected community in
reclaiming the cleanliness and beauty of their neighborhood for a more environmentally friendly
and greener future.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; (+63 43) 425-0143 loc. 2103
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design


KROSOFSKY, A. (2021, January 7). Recycling Is Supposed to Change the Planet — Here's
Where Our System Is Ineffective. Retrieved from green matters:


from TPM Builders:

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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