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Name (Sino pong susulatan)


Demand Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs._______________________:

We write on behalf of our client, ERDB Multi-Purpose Science Community

Cooperative, in connection with your unpaid loan obligation under Promissory Note
No.___________, which you executed on ______________. The promissory note and
your latest statement of account are attached hereto for your ready reference.
As of writing, you have incurred an outstanding obligation of
__________________, inclusive of interest and surcharges. Yet, despite repeated verbal
and written demands, you have failed and continuously fail to pay your debt.
In view thereof, final demand is hereby made upon you to pay your debt of
___________________ within _________________ days from your receipt hereof. You
may contact us or our client for the settlement of your loan obligation. Otherwise, we
will be constrained to institute the appropriate legal action against you to
protect the rights and interests of our client.
We trust that you will give this matter your preferential attention to avoid the
inconvenience of litigation.
For the Cooperative,


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