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1)Research on the latest Philippines ranking based in Human Development index. What does this
indicate in terms of social and economic development. Cite your reference.

Based on my research, the Philippines dropped three positions from its previous ranking of 113rd to
116th in the most recent Human Development Index (HDI) released by the United Nations Development
Program. Lower social and economic development is typically indicated by a lower ranking on the
Human Development Index. It shows that life expectancy is lower in the Philippines, which may be a sign
of less favorable living and healthcare environments. It denotes restricted educational opportunities,
lower literacy rates, and decreased opportunities for developing human capital. It denotes a lack of
infrastructure, few economic opportunities, and obstructions to economic progress in terms of
economic growth. The Philippines may have a lower than average per capita income, which may lead to
higher rates of poverty and less access to essentials. It also suggests that the Philippines is dealing with
severe income disparity, which can fuel social instability and obstruct general progress. Considering the
pandemic that we have experienced which is COVID-19, it really damaged our economy.

2)What is your opinion on the results of the ranking?

In my opinion the ranking is not bad because for me at least were not in the last and that means we are
better than other countries. However, the HDI rating takes into account a number of aspects of human
development, such as income, education, and life expectancy. The rankings' findings, show that the
Philippines has a number of problems with its population's growth and general well-being. In many
areas of the Philippines, people lack access to services like healthcare, education, and other amenities
that could enhance their quality of life. Philippines should provide significant priority to all levels of
education, from primary school to higher education. The Philippines should make sure that everyone
has access to high-quality education, and deal with the gender education gap. To increase life
expectancy and general health, we should also improve our healthcare systems. Put an emphasis on
disease control, access to healthcare facilities, and preventative care. To support economic growth and
enhance quality of life, we should spend more in infrastructure, including that related to energy,
communications, and transportation. In order to help people escape poverty, we should also invest in
financial services and job creation.

3)What do you think are the factors why we are in this current rank?
There are many factors that played a role in our current ranking but I think the factor that played the
biggest role is our government, specifically the people in it. The government and its members are the
ones that have the authority and power that can affect our overall standing. If the government consists
of the right people, our country may be able to devise a plan that can alter our current problems and
make even a slightest bit of improvement. It can be in forms of program or strategic approach to a
certain problem that we are facing such as poverty. Programs or actions against poverty or
implementation of rules or opportunity that can help the people combat poverty or at least give us all
an equal chance to live a better life and provide or earn enough for the comfort of our family. Another
factor is the current problems that we are facing which affects how we live and it can be our limitations
in living and having a good life. The pandemic also played the role in our current ranking because the
COVID-19 made our lives difficult and also because our country wasn’t prepared for it which also
brought us down. Lastly the people of the country really play a great role in our ranking, how we think
and what we do greatly impacts our country in some way.


Banzuelo, N. (2022). Philippines slips in Human Development Index. BusinessWorld


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