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Name: Fernandez, Shane H.

Course and Year: BSA - 1

Learning Facilitator: Mr. Levy Lanaria Date: September 12, 2023

Formative Assessment

The Human Personas a Creature and a Beloved Child of God

Instructions: Give three characteristics of the authentic human person or the human person as
created in God's image and likeness. Explain each one in three to five sentences.

Nature or Characteristics of the Human Person Explanation

1 Humans need to relate with one another in love. Human beings are made in the image of a loving
God, and we're meant to embrace this divine
nature by sharing love in our relationships with
others. Love and communion are at the core of
being human, echoing the eternal love we find in
the Trinity. By nurturing our relationships with
others, we not only find meaning in our lives but
also contribute to the beauty of the world
around us. We are called to be bearers of love,
mirroring the very essence of the Creator who
designed us in His image.
2 Human beings are finite creatures with inherent Human beings are created as God’s masterpieces
dignity. with inalienable dignity. This dignity is not based
on external factors such as power, prestige, or
possession, but on God's unconditional love. No
matter what circumstances or injustices we may
face, our dignity remains intact. However, it's
important to remember that we are creations of
God. We're not self-sufficient; we rely completely
on God's continuous care and love to sustain us
at every moment.
3 The Law of Love or Conscience engraved in the Conscience is like a moral compass that helps us
hearts of people shapes how people behave and determine if our actions are right or wrong. It's
make moral decisions. something sacred, residing at the heart of who
we are, where we believe God resides. So, when
we make decisions or take actions, it's important
that we let this sense of love and goodness deep
inside us guide us. When we listen to the wisdom
of our conscience and allow it to steer our
actions, we not only benefit ourselves but also
contribute to a more compassionate and just

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