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Knee Rehab- BadkneesGuru

07 February 2024 18:47

Namaste ,

Name Krishna Priya Santra

Deficiencies Prone to vitamin D and B12 deficiencies . Hemoglobin fluctuations . Calcium deficit
Age 27
Weight 55kg
Issue Knee injury
Height 5 feet 2 inch : 157.48

Medicines I am currently taking

Diet Vegetarian (jain) + Eggs

Diet Before my morning workout, I have a banana and a sattu shake for energy. I cook my own meals once a day and bring
soups and fruits to the office. I'm not a fan of fruits or green vegetable juices but prefer vegetable soup. I like avocados,
Diaries oranges, cucumbers, coconuts, and some dry fruits. I enjoy mangoes, litchis, bananas, and papaya smoothies. I don't eat
rice unless its Rajma chawal. This is what I remember for now, and I might add more later. I'm okay with juices like
pomegranate, carrot, sweet lime, orange, banana, papaya, pineapple, and apple.

Others: My body is sensitive to internal heat, making it difficult for me to consume hot coffee. If I have such
beverages for just a day or two, I develop blood clots inside my nostrils, experience difficulty sleeping, and
end up irritating my throat, prompting me to drink large amounts of water. Additionally, I cannot consume
many seeds as they tend to cause grain-like pimples. As a workaround, I usually soak these seeds overnight
before consumption.

In the past, I was prone to fainting and low sugar levels, but after working on my diet under expert guidance,
I've made significant progress in addressing these issues. However, I believe there is still a long way to go,
and maintaining consistency and introducing variations in my diet are crucial for continued improvement.

Observations within my maternal family reveal common health traits shared by my nani, masi,
mother, and myself:

1. Proneness to sinus issues.

2. Deficiencies in Vitamin B and D.
3. Calcium deficiency.
4. Low sugar levels.
5. Concerns related to lower body weakness.
6. Experiences of back pain and neck pain.

I believe these are areas with significant room for improvement, and with your guidance, I am
optimistic about making lifestyle changes that can lead to better health and well-being.

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To correct my lower body issues
I aspire to attain overall fitness and embark on my fitness journey with confidence, boundless energy, and a
systematic, organized approach. I aim to pay close attention to small details in my body, incorporating the
right diet and sustainable methods to achieve a perfectly fit physique.

Expected Outcome
After the sessions, I want to be able to run, hike, do regular gym workouts, and be completely fit all over my
body. I love adventure sports like skydiving and paragliding. I hope for a lasting solution, and I don't want to
face these issues again in the future.


I've reviewed your email addressing the weaknesses in my body, as discussed during our recent call.
I'd like to provide further details regarding my current issues, particularly those affecting my upper
body. Here are some key points for your consideration:

1. I was born prematurely, and my knee issues began in my teens. I now recall experiencing frequent
twists in my ankles on slightly uneven surfaces, which seemed normal for others but posed problems
for me.

2. Friends have often commented on the posture of my legs while walking, which I now recognize as
part of my lower body problem. These issues became more pronounced after a knee surgery,
prompting me to research and reflect on their impact.

Upon completing my graduation in 2019, I weighed 65kg, primarily due to the intensity of my final
project. It was at the end of that year that I ventured into my first-ever gym sessions.

The knee injury occurred in 2020 during a gym session. I was instructed to perform kickbacks with
my hands placed on a laid truck tire. Despite feeling fatigued after just one set, I proceeded with the
recommended three sets. Unfortunately, during this exercise, my knee cap shifted, causing intense
pain. The instructor was unable to correct it, and I endured two hours of agony, alleviated only by a
painkiller injection. This incident made me realize the lack of proper training among some gym
instructors who prioritize business over acquiring the necessary knowledge to cater to different
body types.At this point, my weight had reached 57 kilograms.

I underwent a check-up at Safdurjung Sports Injury Hospital, and based on the MRI reports, it was
recommended that if the issue reoccurs, I would need to undergo knee surgery. Additionally, I was
advised to refrain from activities such as squats and stair climbing; instead, I could only engage in
brisk walking. During my recovery period, I had to wear knee braces/support around the clock for a

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3.In 2021, I consulted a physiotherapist in Kolkata known for his exceptional observational skills and
non-electronic treatment methods. He identified several problems with my legs at a glance. After a
month of sessions, I noticed the disappearance of a black spot on my left knee, only to observe its
return a few months later. I believe this black spot is closely linked to my knee movement and

4.At the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, following the challenges posed by the COVID-19
pandemic, I found myself unable to engage in much physical activity. In response, I sought the
assistance of a nutritionist who worked with me for one to three months to address nutritional
deficiencies. This collaboration resulted in a significant improvement in my energy levels, a
transformation in my skin, and successful weight loss.

5.Despite my desire to resume physical training, I encountered setbacks, particularly with ankle
twists, as advised by my doctor to stick to walking. Unfortunately, I struggled to muster the expected
energy for this routine.

6.Furthermore, due to frequently sharing a bed with my sister, there have been instances where I've
noticed my kneecap shifting out of place, only to return to its original position after a minor

7.Moving into 2023, upon joining the workforce, I decided to take proactive steps to address my
physical well-being. Acknowledging the limitations in physical exercise, I resumed a focused
nutritional regimen for four months, concluding just a week ago.

From <>

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