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Question Paper

Subject - English Language

Class - 6

Section A:

1. Multiple Choice Questions (5)

Instructions: Choose the correct answer from the options given.

1. Which of the following is an example of a pronoun?

a) Beautiful
b) Run
c) They
d) Quickly

2. Identify the adverb in the following sentence: "She sings beautifully."

a) She
b) Sings
c) Beautifully
d) The

3. Select the preposition in the sentence: "The book is on the table."

a) The
b) Is
c) On
d) Table

4. What part of speech does the word "happy" represent in the sentence: "He is a happy
boy"? (1)
a) Adjective
b) Verb
c) Adverb
d) Noun

5. Identify the conjunction in the sentence: "I want to go to the park, but it's raining." (1)
a) I
b) To
c) But
d) It's

Section B:

2. Fill in the Blanks (3)

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the given options.

6. The cat ________ on the roof.

a) runs
b) run
c) is running
d) running

7. My friend and I went to the ________ to play football.

a) park
b) school
c) house
d) shop

8. The cake looks ________. I want to taste it.

a) delicious
b) beautifully
c) quickly
d) happily

Section C:

3. Short Answer Questions

Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly.

9. Make a sentence with an adjective word. (1)

10. Give an example of an interjection used to express surprise.(1)

Section D: Sentence Transformation (2)

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.

11. Change the verb "run" to its past tense form in the sentence: "She runs fast."

12. Combine the following sentences using the conjunction "and": "He likes to play
basketball. He also enjoys swimming."

Section E: letter Writing (15)

Instructions: Write a letter (100-150 words) on the topic: “Thanking your Uncle for a gift he
gave you.”

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