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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N Satap Asparaga
Kelas / Semester : IX (Sembilan) / (I) Ganjil
Hari / Tanggal :
Alokasi Watu : 90 Menit

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Tulislah nama peserta dan kelas pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Tulislah hari dan tanggal pelaksanaan penilaian akhir semester (PAS).
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Kamu menjawab.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas PAS jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah
soal kurang.
5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 20 butir terdiri dari:
- 4 butir pilihan ganda: memilih satu jawaban benar dari tiap soal.
- 4 butir pilihan ganda kompleks: memilih lebih dari satu jawaban benar dalam satu soal.
- 4 butir menjodohkan: menjawab dengan menarik garis dari satu titik ke titik lainnya yang
merupakan pasangan pertanyaan dengan jawabannya
- 4 butir isian singkat: menjawab berupa bilangan, kata untuk menyebutkan nama benda,
tempat, atau jawaban pasti lainnya.
- 4 butir essay: menjawab soal berupa kalimat-kalimat untuk menjelaskan jawabannya.
6. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang mudah.
7. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas PAS, bila diperlukan.
8. Periksalah pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas PAS.
9. Selama berada diruang PAS tidak diizinkan menggunakan HP, kalkulator atau alat bantu

==== Selamat Bekerja ====

Text for number 1 – 2

To : Nanda
You won the English speech contest impressively. All contestants and audiences had a high
regard for your talent in conveying English speech and your perfect performance. Congratulation
on your big success!. Truthfully, you are really impressive.

1. What did all contestants and audiences think highly of Nanda?

A. Her talent in conveying English speech and perfect performance.
B. Her imperfect performance in English speech contest
C. Her success of conducting the English contest
D. Her respect to the audiences of contest
2. “All participants and audiences had a high regard for your talent ….” It means the participants
and audiences …. Nanda’s performance.
A. Underestimated
B. Dissatisfied
C. Mocked at
D. Admired
Read the text carefully!
Neo : Tonight will be Earth Hour. Will you join?
Yuni : Yes, I will be staying at home. I am now chatting with my family actually. I want
them to know about the Earth Hour.
Neo : Nice. Turning off lamps and electrical devices is the simplest step we can do.
Yuni : I am in line with you. Today we can perceive that the severe climate change is
Currently happening. We can reverse this condition by participating in the Earth
Neo : Absolutely. I will telling my family too when I am house.
Yuni : Great! The more participants, the better, right?
3. Yuni says “We can reverse this condition by participating in the Earth Hour.” What does she
A. To explain that the severe climate change can be solved through the Earth Hour.
B. To ascertain that lamps and electrical devices are less necessary at night.
C. To make Yuni’s family aware that the climate change is inevitable.
D. To persuade Neo to take part in the Earth Hour tonight.

Label for number 4

4. Why should the product be drunk within one day only?

A. Because it may be deteriorated after opening
B. Because it does not contain preservatives
C. Because it is natural product
D. Because it needs refrigerating

Read the following label.

5. After you read the label, you get information about …
 Brand of the product is Milkman

 Direction for storage into icebox

 Ingredients are milk and milk protein, pure cane sugar, natural cocoa, vanilla,
sunflower lecithin, salt, vitamins A,D, and E

 Description of the product is sweet chocolate milk powder that already includes the
milk-just add cold water

 Content amount 65 grams

6. After you read the label, which nutritions are important for many body process …
 Fluid balance

 Nervous system contraction

 Heart disease

 Nervous system function

 Great for calcium

Read the procedural text.

This time I would like to tell you how to make chicken satay with chilli dip. Let’s
prepare the ingredients first for the satay, we need two skinned chicken breast, ninety grams
of smooth peanut butter , one teaspoon of turmeric , one hundred and twenty five millilitters
or a half cup of light soy sauce, one finely chopped red chilli. For the dipping sauce, we need
forty five millilliters of fish sauce, thirthy milliliters of light soy sauce, one lime which is
juiced, one teaspoon of sugar, and two red chilies which are sliced. You also need wooden or
bamboo skewers.
Now, let’s make the satay. First, flatten the chicken breast with a hammer or rolling pan
and cut each one into strips. Then, mix the peanut butter, turmeric, soy sauce, and chilli
together and season with salt and pepper. After that, mix the chicken strips with the satay
sauce and set aside for ten minutes. In the meantime, we can make the dipping sauce. Mix
the ingredients together and set aside.
After that, heat the grill, thread the chicken strips onto wooden skewers and grill about
five minutes,turning frequently. Finally, serve satay skewers with the dipping sauce as a light
snack, or serve with rice or steamed rice in banana leaves as a main meal.

7. From the procedural text, there are steps how to make chicken satay with chilli dip?
You can choice more than one answer correct!
 Heat the grill, thread the chicken strips onto wooden skewers and grill about five
minutes,turning frequently

 Flatten the chicken breast with a hammer or rolling pan and cut each one into strips.

 Prepare the ingredients first for the satay

 Serve satay skewers with the dipping sauce as a light snack

 Put Mix the peanut butter, turmeric, soy sauce, and chilli together and season with salt
and pepper

Read the following text.

Wedang Uwuh, a traditional herbs drink from Jogyakarta. Wedang means drink, and
uwuh means trash. So, wedang uwuh means “trash drink”. They call it wedang uwuh because
some of the ingredients are leaves that fall from the tree. They would not pick the leaves that
are still on the tree because the leaves are still green and usually have a bitter taste.
The drink contains a variety of leaves like cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves leaves.
Another ingredient is wood from the secang tree (that usually can be found in Imogiri
cemetery-known as Royal Cemetery), ginger and lump sugar.
It is easy to make wedang uwuh. Burn the ginger in low fire and crush it into two
pieces. Boil the water and put all the herbs (including ginger) inside the boiling water, wait
for 15 minutes and stir it.
Wedang Uwuh tastes sweet. Ginger and the leaves make your body warm, secang
wood creates the red color and the cinnamon creates a sweet aroma.

8. From the procedural text, we can find some information about Wedang Uwuh.
 Wedang Uwuh is a traditional herbal drink from West Java

 Wedang Uwuh is a traditional drink Imogiri area located south of the city of

 Wedang Uwuh made from spices and create the look of this drink such as garbage

 Wedang Uwuh is a Japaness taste

 Wedang Uwuh can not make it myself and it's easy

Match the following text with suitable words from the box.
- Fold - Grill - cutting
- Cubes - Pan

(Grilled marinated fish wrapped in Banana leaf) for 5 portions
 Mahi-mahi /snapper fillet 200 g
 Yellow paste (bumbu kuning) 50 g
 Red chili sliced 10 g
 Hot chili sliced 10 g
 Tomato wedges 50 g
 Bay leaf (salam leaf) 6 pcs
 Kaffir lime leaf 6 pcs
 Lemon basil leaf (kemangi) 10 g
 Lime 1 pcs
 Salt 5 g
 Pepper 5 g
 Banana leaf 6 pcs
 Toothpick (tusuk gigi) 12 pcs

Instructions :
1. Cut fish fillet into ……….. (9)
2. Season fish fillet with salt, pepper, lime juice and yellow paste.
3. Place the marinated fish cubes on the banana leaf with sliced tomato, lemon basil, salam leaf,
and kefir lime leaf on top. Fold into a parcel, securing the ends with toothpicks.
4. …….. (10) over charcoal or sear in a frying pan for about 10 minutes on each side, until the
leaf edges are getting charred.
5. Serve with steamed rice and vegetable.
Match the following text with suitable words from the box.
- agreed - disagree - approached
- ordered - forgeted
Sania and her friend had lunch at a food court last Sunday. They …….. (11)
their favorite food and drinks, While they were enjoying their lunch, a boy walked and thought
she knew him. Yeah, he was Leon, his old friend at elementary school Leon moved to
Lampung after his graduation from elementary school for a while, then he called Sania and
asked Leon to join. Leon's forehead frowned and smiled. He …….. (12) to at Sania's table,
with his tray of food and sat there. He said he visited the town to attend his uncle's wedding
party. Then, they approached forgot things, especially their childhood memories. Sania that
about many seats in the corner, the table next to theirs. Sania looked at him.

Dialog for number 13 – 14

Lika : What do you think of our drama performance?
Arya : That’s awesome ! you and your friend showed your best so that the audience gave a
big round of applause.
Lika : Thanks.
Arya : Anyway, why don’t you upload it on youtube?
Lika : That’s what I am going to do.
Arya : I am sure people will be interested in watching it.
Lika : Thanks. It’s all due to our group’s hard work and all the people’s support.
Beside, we should thank Shanty, the scripwriter and director of the drama.
Arya : I agree with you. Two thumbs up for her! She is very talented in presenting
a traditional story combined with a modern lifestyle.

13. Who are talking in the dialog?

14. What showed Lika and her friends?
Read the following dialog.
Bara : Hi, Rin. I thought you were going home. What are you doing now?
Rina : Hello, Bara. I am preparing for my show.
Bara : What kind of show will you be performing?
Rina : My friends and I will be performing an angklung flash-mob tomorrow. We are also
rehearsing our performance now.
Bara : Is tomorrow a special day?
Rina : Yes, tomorrow is June 21, the World Music Day.
Bara : I see. What are you wearing now?
Rina : I am wearing a special costume for the show.
Bara : Nice. Are these items on the ground for the show too?
Rina : Yes, we will be wearing these items during the show.
Bara : OK. I will watch your performance for sure.
15. When does the conversation happen?
16. What is Rina doing now?
Text for number 17 – 18
How to Make Brownies
• 150gram of butter.
• 150gram of dark chocolate.
• 300 gram of flour
• 4 eggs.
• 600 gram of regular sugar
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
1. Melt the chocolate with the butter.
2. Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract.
3. Preheat the oven at low temperature
4. Combine the mixes you made.
5. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon.
6. Grease a brownie tin.
7. Add a little flour to cover the tin.
8. Add the brownie dough.
9. Bake for 10-30 minutes.
10. To check the brownies, put a knife in the mix. The knife must be moist!
11. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven.

17. What is the purpose of the text?

18. What should you do before combining the mixes?
Read the following label text.
The natural food supplement, omega-3 salmon, has just been produced for your health.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids, found in salmon fish have been linked in many studies to
lowered risk of heart disease.
This supplement offers a variety of potential therapeutic uses, primarily as part of a
heart –protecting diet. Beneficial effects include the following.
- Lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Reducing the risk of heart disease.
- Lowering blood pressure for hypertensions people
It is also beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The series also
protects myclin, which shields the nerves, and may be helpful in treating a variety of
conditions, including glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes, as well as migraines,
depression, bipolar disorder, panis attacks, and agoraphobia. Besides, salmon Omega – 3
fatty acids may also be helpful in preventing cancer.
Directions : 1-3 softgels daily after any meal.
For your health : No sugar, salt, yeast, preservatives or artificial colors, flavors and sodium
Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if product appears
to be tempered with or seal is broken.

19. What does the text tell you about ?

20. What is the second paragraph of the text about?

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