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Fighter Analysis:

Based on the information provided, the Emotional Stability score for Simone Sample is 5. This
score indicates an average level of Emotional Stability relative to the chosen norm group for
this assessment.

To rate the "Fighter" traits for anger on a scale of 1 to 10 based on the Emotional Stability
indicator, you can consider the following:

• Since Simone Sample scored 5 in Emotional Stability, which is average, you can
rate the "Fighter" trait for anger around the midpoint, at about 5 on a scale of 1 to

For suggestions on developing the "Fighter" traits in the future for Simone Sample,
considering the Emotional Stability indicator:

• Encourage practicing stress management techniques to handle everyday stressors

• Work on building resilience to navigate through challenging situations with a
positive outlook.
• Develop emotional regulation skills to manage anger and maintain composure in
difficult circumstances.

These suggestions can help Simone Sample enhance their Emotional Stability and overall

Operator Analysis:

Based on the information provided in the report, the "Operator" traits can be analyzed as

1. Conscientiousness (Orderliness): This trait indicates an average level of diligence,

discipline, methodical approach, and self-confidence in the facet of orderliness. To
improve this trait, setting and achieving goals with a focus on attention to detail
and proactive task initiation can be beneficial. Rating: 5.
2. Agreeableness (Humility): The report shows a low level of agreeableness,
indicating tendencies towards suspicion, cynicism, and a lack of empathy. To
improve this trait, working on trust, empathy, and developing a genuine concern
for others can be beneficial. Rating: 3.
Based on the analysis above, the overall rating for the "Operator" traits would be 4 out of 10.
To improve these traits in the future, the individual could focus on building trust, empathy,
goal setting, attention to detail, and self-confidence.

Accomplisher Analysis :

Based on the informa/on provided in the report, Simone Sample has a score of 6 in
Conscien/ousness, which reflects an average level of diligence, discipline, methodical approach,
self-confidence, and vigilance. This suggests that Simone is likely to follow rules, maintain focus
on necessary tasks, pay aBen/on to detail, and have confidence in their abili/es.

In terms of Extraversion, Simone scores a 6, indica/ng an average level. This means Simone may
have a moderate need for social interac/on, engagement, and a preference for moderate levels
of ac/vity. They might be comfortable in social seGngs, asser/ve in taking control, and have a
generally posi/ve outlook.

For Emo/onal Intelligence, Simone scored a 7, showing a high level. This suggests that Simone
is likely to have good emo/onal awareness, empathy, intui/on, and posi/ve expression. They
may understand and manage emo/ons well, empathize with others, use emo/ons in decision-
making, and express emo/ons effec/vely.

In Industriousness, Simone scored a 5, indica/ng an average level. This means Simone may have
a moderate drive to succeed, goal focus, ini/a/ve, perseverance, and persistence. They might
show some zeal for their goals but might struggle with setbacks and mo/va/on at /mes.

To rate the "Accomplisher" traits, considering a composite of Extraversion and

Conscien/ousness, I would rate Simone at a 7. Simone shows good conscien/ousness, which is
essen/al for achievement mo/va/on and goal focus, and an average level of extraversion,
which can contribute to social interac/on and engagement in tasks.

To improve these traits for future development, Simone could consider seGng clear and
challenging goals, maintaining focus on tasks, prac/cing self-discipline, being proac/ve in taking
on responsibili/es, and seeking opportuni/es for social interac/ons and engagement in various

Overall, the "Accomplisher" traits for Simone Sample can be rated at a 7 based on the
combined assessment of Conscien/ousness and Extraversion.
Leader Analysis:

Based on the provided informa/on, Simone Sample's traits related to being a leader are as

1 Openness to Experience: Simone scored a 7 in Openness to Experience, indica/ng a high

readiness to acquire new informa/on, acceptance of unconven/onal ideas, and pursuit
of new experiences. This trait can be beneficial in leadership as it shows a willingness to
explore new avenues and think crea/vely.

2 Agreeableness: Simone scored a 4 in Agreeableness, which suggests an average level of

coopera/on and trust in others. While not a high score, developing agreeableness can
improve interpersonal rela/onships and foster a more harmonious leadership style.

3 Emo8onal Intelligence: Simone scored a 7 in Emo/onal Intelligence, indica/ng a high level of

emo/onal awareness, empathy, and posi/ve expression. This trait can be valuable in
leadership roles, as it helps in understanding and connec/ng with others on an
emo/onal level.

4 Industriousness: Simone scored a 5 in Industriousness, reflec/ng an average level of personal

drive and achievement mo/va/on. Enhancing this trait can lead to more proac/ve
leadership and a stronger focus on achieving set goals.

To improve these "Leader" traits in the future, Simone could consider the following ac/ons:

• Agreeableness: Work on fostering more trust in others, demonstra/ng more sympathy, and
striving to see the best in people. Engaging in team-building ac/vi/es and ac/vely
listening to team members can help improve this trait.
• Industriousness: SeGng clear goals, crea/ng a structured plan of ac/on, and prac/cing
perseverance in the face of setbacks can enhance industriousness. Time management
techniques and seeking mentorship for mo/va/on can be beneficial.
• Emo8onal Intelligence: Prac/cing ac/ve listening, empathy, and self-reflec/on can further
enhance emo/onal intelligence. Engaging in emo/onal intelligence training or
workshops can provide addi/onal tools for understanding and managing emo/ons
Overall, considering the current scores and poten/al for improvement, I would rate Simone's
"Leader Traits" at a 6 out of 10. There is room for growth in each area, and with focused effort
and development, Simone can further enhance these leadership quali/es.
Expert Analysis:

To analyze and explain the "Expert" traits from the provided report, we need to look into the
Openness to Experience trait. Openness to Experience refers to the individual's readiness to
acquire new informa/on, acceptance of unconven/onal ideas, and pursuit of new experiences.
Individuals high in Openness tend to be curious, imagina/ve, and crea/ve, while those low in
Openness prefer rou/ne and conven/onal wisdom.

In the case of the candidate, Simone Sample, the report indicates that Simone has a score of 7
in the Openness to Experience trait. This suggests that Simone is highly open to new
experiences, crea/ve, and imagina/ve. She is likely to ques/on the status quo, enjoy
intellectual pursuits, and prefer variety over rou/ne. Simone may show a strong preference for
ar/s/c pursuits and alterna/ve approaches to problem-solving.

For ra/ng the "Expert" traits:

5 Openness to Experience: 9/10

Explana/on: Simone's high score in Openness to Experience indicates a strong
inclina/on towards crea/vity, curiosity, and new experiences, which are valuable
traits o_en associated with exper/se in certain roles requiring innova/on and
unconven/onal thinking.
To improve and further enhance these "Expert" traits in the future, Simone could consider:

• Engaging in more crea/ve ac/vi/es or hobbies to nurture her imagina/ve side.

• Ac/vely seeking out new experiences, whether through travel, learning new skills, or
exploring different perspec/ves.
• Par/cipa/ng in brainstorming sessions or problem-solving ac/vi/es to exercise her crea/ve
thinking abili/es.
Overall "Expert Traits" Ra/ng: 9/10 (Considering Openness to Experience as a ke
Developer Analysis:

To analyze and explain the "Developer" traits of the report measured by composite Emo/onal
Stability and Extraversion, we need to consider the specific aspects related to these traits. Here
is a breakdown based on the provided informa/on:

Emo8onal Stability (Score: 5):

Descrip8on: Emo/onal Stability reflects an individual's consistent temperament, emo/onal

reac/vity, and resilience to stressors.
Analysis: The score of 5 suggests an average level of emo/onal stability. Simone may
experience moderate levels of emo/onal reac/vity and may need some support in managing
stress and maintaining a posi/ve outlook.
Improvement: To enhance emo/onal stability, Simone could benefit from stress management
techniques, emo/onal awareness prac/ces, and resilience-building ac/vi/es.

Extraversion (Score: 6):

Descrip8on: Extraversion pertains to social interac/on, energy levels, and enthusiasm for new
Analysis: With a score of 6, Simone demonstrates an average level of extraversion. She likely
enjoys social interac/ons but may also appreciate solitary ac/vi/es.
Improvement: To further develop extraverted traits, Simone could engage in more social
ac/vi/es, seek out new experiences, and prac/ce asser/veness in social seGngs.
Based on the provided informa/on, a ra/ng from 1 to 10 for these "Developer" traits could be:

• Emo/onal Stability: 5
• Extraversion: 6
To improve these traits in the future, Simone could focus on enhancing her emo/onal
regula/on, stress management, social interac/ons, and openness to new experiences.

Overall Ra/ng of "Developer" Traits: 5.5 (Average)

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