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Since a long time Human is effected by earth but also he effects it in a way that is more harmful

than beneficial . I because of pollution , and using some techniques that are not helpful such as
wasting water, deforest … . but at least we can remedy the situation and i beleive that we can
reduce the polution of water , air and land by recycling an important percentage of waste .

The first reason that make recycling very important is its significant role in conserving natural
resources. For example, recycling paper and wood can save trees and forests, while recycling plastics
reduces the need for new plastic production . This conservation is crucial because many natural
resources are finite.

Secondly,recycling saves energy ,manufacturing products from recycled materials often requires less
energy compared to producing them again,

Lastly, Recycling can reduce pollution that happens when waste decomposes or when new materials
are made from scratch.

In conlusion , if we recycle, we help keep the air and land clean and safe. It’s like giving trash a
second chance to be something good

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