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Holy Hour with Jesus

“For My Flesh is True Food, And My Blood is True Drink.”

(John 6:55)

O Salutaris Hostia

1. O salutáris Hóstia, 1. O saving Victim, open wide

Quae caeli pandis óstium: The gate of heav’n to us below.
Bella premunt hostília, Our foes press on from every side;
Your aid supply, your strength
Da robur fer auxílium.

2. Uni trinóque Dómino 2. To your great name be endless

Sit sempitérna glória, praise,
Qui vitam sine término Immortal Godhead, One in Three;
Nobis donet in pátria. Grant us, for endless length of days,
In our true native land to be.


Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless Glory
We praise You, we bless You, We worship and adore You
Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless Glory
We praise You, we bless You, We worship and adore You Lord

For You alone are worthy, for you alone are worthy
For you alone are worthy Christ the Lord
We praise You, we bless You, we worship and adore You Lord

Lord Jesus Christ, we believe that you are really and truly present
on the altar in your perfect humanity united to your divinity, the
way You are now in heaven. Here before us in this blessed host you
are present, the same Jesus who was born in Bethlehem who lived
at Nazareth, who went about doing good preaching the good news
to all men, who suffered cruel torments for us and died on the cross
for our sins, who rose in triumph from the dead and ascended to
heaven to rule and judge the world.

We are your adopted brothers and sisters in grace, one with you in
your mystical Body. We believe in the promise you made when you
were on earth: "Know that I am with you always, until the end of
time." You remain with us in the tabernacles of the world to be not
only companion and friend to exiled humanity but our FOOD and
NOURISHMENT of our souls.

Lord Jesus, increase our faith. Give us a strong and lively faith in the
reality of your presence among us in the Eucharist. Give us the faith
of centurion in the gospel who drew from you the highest praise.
Give us the faith of John, your beloved apostle who instantly
recognized you, "It is the Lord." The faith of Peter who confessed:
"You are Christ, the Son of the living God." The faith of all the saints
to whom the Eucharist was the source of the divine life, every
communion an intimate encounter with God. Increase our faith and
love, our reverence and humility and all good things will come to
us. Lord, increase our faith!

Lord Jesus, we desire to spend this hour of adoration and
meditation in union with your Sacred Heart, wishing to honor and
glorify you, to make an offering of reparation for the sins of the
world. We also desire to offer this hour in thanksgiving for the many
blessing and graces we received in the past, fervently imploring you
to pour into our hearts your loving mercy and goodness, not only
upon us but our country and upon God's people all over the world.
II. DESIRE (sit)
L- O God, you are my God, and I long for you.
C- My whole being desires you; like a dry, worn-out and
waterless and, my soul is thirsty for you.
L- Let me see you in the sanctuary; let me see how mighty and
glorious you are.
C- Your constant love is better than life itself, and so I will Praise
L- I will give you thanks as long as I live; I will raise my hands to
you im prayer.
C My soul will feast and be satisfied, and I will sing glad songs of
praise to you
L- As a deer longs for a stream of cool water, so I long for You, o
God. I thirst for you, the living God. When can I go and
worship in your presence?
C- Day and night I cry, and tears are my only food; all the time
my enemies ask me, “where is your God?”
L- My heart breaks when I remember the past, when I went with
the crowds to the house of God and led them as they walked
along, a happy crowd, singing and shouting praise to God.
C- Why I am so sad? Why I am so troubled? I will put my hope in
God, and once again I will praise him, my savior and my God


L- How I love your temple, Almighty God! How I want to be

there! I long to be in the Lord's Temple. With my whole being
I sing for joy to the living God.
C- Even the sparrows have built a nest, and the swallows have
their own home; they keep their young near your altars, Lord
Almighty, my King and my God.
L- How happy are those who live in your Temple, always singing
Praise to you.
C- How happy are those whose strength comes from you, who
are eager to make the pilgrimage to Mount Zion.
L- Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty. Listen, O God of Jacob!
C- One day spent in your Temple is better than a thousand
anywhere else; I would rather stand at the gate of the house
of my God than live in the home of the wicked.
L- The Lord is our protector and glorious King, blessing us with
kindness and honor.
C- He does not refuse any good thing to do what is right.
Almighty God, how happy are those who trust in You!

L- God, be merciful to us and bless us; so that the whole World
may know your will, so that all nations may know Your
salvation. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the
peoples praise you!
C- May the nations be glad and sing for joy, because you judge
the peoples with justice and guide every nation on earth.
May the peoples praise you O God; may all the people
Praise you!
L- The Lord has produced its harvest; God, our God, has
blessed us. God has blessed us; may all people everywhere
honor Him. Glory to the Father and to the Son and the Holy

C- As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Amen.

L- Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord my soul! I will praise Him as
long as I live; I will sing to my God all my life.
C- Don't put your trust in human leaders, or anyone else who
cannot save you. When they die they return to the soil; on
that day all their plans come to an end.
L- Happy is the man who has the God of Jacob to help him, and
depends on the Lord his God, who created heaven, earth
and sea, and all that is in them. He always keeps His
promises, he judges in favor of the oppressed and gives
food to the hungry.
C- The Lord sets prisoners free and gives sight to the blind. He
raises all who are humbled, he loves his righteous people.
He protects the foreigners who live in the land; He helps
widows and orphans, but ruins the plans of the wicked.
L- The Lord will be King forever! Your God, Zion, will reign for all
C- Praise the Lord!
L- Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from heaven, you that live in
the heights above! Praise Him, all his angels, all His heavenly
C- Praise Him, sun and moon; praise him, shining stars! Praise him,
highest heavens, and the waters above the sky!
L- Let them all praise the name of the Lord! He commanded and
they were created; by his command they were fixed in their
places forever, and they cannot disobey.
C- Praise the Lord from the earth, sea monsters and all ocean
depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, strong winds that
obey his command!
L- Praise him, hills and mountains, fruit trees and forests; all
animals, tame and wild, reptiles and birds!
C- Praise him kings and all people, princes and other rulers; Young
men and girls, old people and children also!
L- Let them all praise the name of the Lord. His name is greater
than all others, his glory is above earth and heaven! He made
his nation strong, so that all his people praise Him, the people
of Israel, so dear to him!

C- Praise the Lord!

L- Let us praise and thank the glorious King. Our Lord Jesus Christ,
who came into the world to bring us to the Kingdom of God.
Lord Jesus, we praise your name among the nations, and we
thank you for your kindness towards your people.

C- You are the life and you come to bring life to the world. Thank you O
Lord, our King.

L- You made the blind to see, the lame to walk, the lepers be clean, the
deaf to hear, the dead rise and the poor receive the gospel.

C- You are the comforter of all the afflicted. Glory be to you O Lord, our

L- All sick persons and all possessed by the devil were brought to you, the
crowds were pressing to approach you. For you have the power and the
good heart to heal the sick in body and soul.

C- You are the refuge of all those who suffer and are in need. Praise be to
you, O Lord, our King.

L- You gave life back to the young man from Naim and to the daughter of

C- You are the Master of Life. Whoever hears you shall live forever. Glory
be to you, O Lord, our King.

L- You called Lazarus back to life from his tomb where had lain buried for
four days.

C- You are the Resurrection. Whoever believes you, even if he dies will rise
again. Praise be to you, O Lord, our King.

L- You gave your own life on the cross that we might have life everlasting.

C- You are our life and our salvation. Thanks be to you, O Lord Our King.

L- By taking human nature, you broke the wall of our worldly prison, so that
we might enter the Kingdom of God.

C- You are our strength, and you have freed us from the empire of darkness.
Thanks be to you, O Lord, our King.
L- Your Kingdom is not of this world, but of holiness and of Grace.
You make your Kingdom a community of saints.
C- You are our sanctification; you have delivered us from the
slavery of sin, and made us a holy people. Blessed be the Lord,
our King.
L- Your Kingdom is not founded on violence and hate but on
sacrifice and love.
C- You are the friend of all peoples and you make us a community
of love. Glory be to you, O Lord, our King.
Let us pray: O Lord, our King and savior, you have ransomed men with
your own blood. By your death you have delivered us from a bitter
end and by your resurrection, you give us Eternal life. Grant that all
those who are seeking you in darkness may find light and truth in your
kingdom, and make all the people of the world unite in a community
of love and peace. Amen.
HYMN: (All Stand )

You did not wait for me to draw near to You

But you clothed yourself with frail humanity
You did not wait for me to cry out to you
But you let me hear your voice calling me

And I'm forever grateful to you

I'm forever grateful for the cross
I'm forever grateful to you
That you came to seek and save the lost

Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His son
And now let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks

IV. REPARATION (all sit)

God's plan is a loving invitation to share His life, offered in terms
of love and seeking a response of love from us. Only by understanding
that God is love can we fully understand the meaning of sin. Sin means
refusal of God's love. When we sin, we reject the life of love that we
share in the church, united with Christ and our brothers. sin make us
an island: it cuts us off from life; it puts us to death. God has given us
everything. He has given us His Son - and still we resist Him!
Let us listen to the account of man's first sin, which has been passed
on to all of us.

Reader 1

The first reading is from the book of Genesis 3:1-13

(after the reading, pause for some moments of silent Reflection and
(alternate readings: Romans 1:18-32; 2:1-22: Colossians 3:5-11)

Reader 2

The second reading is taken from the prophet Isaiah 53:2-12

He tells us how Christ takes our sins on Himself and suffers on our
(alternate reading: Matthew 4:1-11)

Reader 3

The third reading is from the Gospel of Saint Luke 23:33-43

The enormity of man's sin is revealed by a consideration of the
sufferings Christ our Lord endured.

(alternative readings: John 19:25-37; Matthew 27:20-50;

"I have this complaint to make against you:
You do not love me now as you did first'
Repent and do as you need to do before."

(Revelation 2:4-5)

Time and again the Gospel presents us Jesus saddened or pained

at the coldness, indifference, misunderstanding and ingratitude of
men. "Where are the nine others?" He sadly told the only leper who
had come back to thank him. "You could not watch one hour with
me!" He said with disappointment to his apostles in the garden during
his agony. "If these miracles had been done in Tyre and Sidon…" He
cried out as he saw the poor response of the people to his teaching,
their indifference towards him. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem... how often
would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers
her chickens under her wings but you would not?" Is this not the
sadness of disappointed love? What interior sufferings Christ's heart
must have felt when on the cross he saw himself abandoned by nearly
all derided, blasphemed, an object of hatred - in return for his love.

Every sin is a refusal to love Christ, and through it He loses a love

which due to him. What then shall our spontaneous reaction be
before this sad fact? We shall love Christ all the more so that he may
not lose any love. This is what is called reparation. We make up for
the love he loses by a Greater love and generosity on our part.

All Kneel

Let us pray:
Begging God for the grace to despise all our sins and for the strength
to avoid offending him again. Pardon for our sins means reconciliation
with God and reconciliation with our brothers and sisters.


(A quiet examination of conscience can be done here or reading of passage in Sacred
scripture or Homily)

Leader: Lord Jesus, when on the eve of your passion, you were
praying in the garden, the sight of all the sins of the world and the
ingratitude of men who would turn away from you so tortured your
heart that you fell into agony. So great were the sufferings of your
heart that you began to sweat blood. You begged your apostles to
watch with you and t keep you company in your prayer, but they
failed to do so and you had to suffer your agony alone. Behold now
Jesus, we come to you and we remain with you; we keep you
company in your agony and tell you our love.
Leader: Congregation: (Repeat after each
For your agony in the garden… We will console you O Lord.

For the anguish of your heart….

For the grief of being abandoned by
For the jeers and mockeries of your
For the failures of your friend…
For all the suffering of your passion
For the forgetfulness and the
ingratitude of men…
For all the blasphemies uttered
against you…
For the way, you are deserted in
your tabernacle… You
For the irreverence committed in
your sacred presence...
For the indifference shown towards
the Sacrament of your love....
For the hatred of your enemies...
For the coldness of the greater part
of your children...
For the infidelity of those who call
themselves your friends...
For our own unfaithfulness and Congregation: (Repeat after each
ingratitude... line)
We will console you, O Lord.
For the incomprehensible hardness
of our hearts... We Will
For our long delay in loving you...
For our tepidity in your holy service…
For your bitter sadness at the loss of You O
For your long waiting at the door of Lord.
our hearts...
LET US PRAY: Jesus, our divine Savior, from whose heart came forth
the complaint foretold in the Psalm: "I looked for one that would
grieve together with me, but there was none", grant us the grace to
comfort your heart broken by our ingratitude. Grant us to do this by
a more sincere love for you, a greater generosity in your service, a
greater fidelity in carrying out your greater commandment, the
commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself love him, you
who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

HYMN: (all stand)


//Create in me a clean heart O God

Renew right spirit within me//

Cast me not away from thy presence O Lord

Take not your Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
Renew right spirit within me.
"Before the feast of Passover, Jesus realized that the hour had come
for him to pass from this world to the Father. He had loved his own in
this world, and would show his love for them to the end. The devil had
already induced Judas, son of Simon Iscariot, to hand him over; and
so, during the supper, Jesus - fully aware that he had come from God
and was going to God, the Father who had handed everything over to
him rose from the meal and took off his cloak. He picked up a towel
and tied it around himself. Then he poured into a basin and began to
wash his disciples' feet and dry them with the towel he had around
After he had washed their feet, he put his cloak back on and reclined
at the table once more. He said to them: "Do You understand what I
just did for you? You address me as "Teacher" and "Lord", and fittingly
enough, for that is what I Am. But if I washed your feet - I who am
Teacher and Lord then you must wash each other's feet. What I just
did was to give you an example; as I have done so you must do. I
solemnly assure you, no slave is greater than his master. (John 13:1-
5:12-16); other texts; Matt. 20:20-28; Philippians 2:1-11)

(Kneel) (Pause for reflection)

L- Lord Jesus, in the hour when you were about to pass from this
world to your Father you opened to us the mystery of your heart.
As a covenant of your love, you gave us the secret which binds us
intimately with you and with all our brothers and sisters.
C- Lord, we pray that you direct our thoughts to you and that we
may always remember your love.
L- Lord Jesus, before you went to your death, you told your
Disciples: "By this sign will all men know that you are my Disciples:
if you have love for one another. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE
C- Engrave this commandment in our hearts. Take us into the service
of your love.
L- Let our hands become the instruments of your love.
C- Let our tongues speak only words of love.
L- Let our hearts be enkindled with the fire of your loving heart.
C- Let the world be set on fire with the flame of your love.
L- Lord Jesus, You came in your merciful love to announce the Good
News to the poor of this world.
C- Grant that we may become messengers of your love and witness
of your compassionate love.
L- In your compassionate love, you healed the sick.
C- Lord, help us to bring joy and consolation to the sick.
L- With gentle love, you called little children to come to You.
C- Help us to lead children to you and teach them to love and serve
one another.
L- With tender mercy, you forgive sinners.
C- Teach us to forgive all those who injure us, to keep away from
harsh and pharisaic judgments of others.
L- You said 'whatever we do to one of the least of your brethren we
do it to you."
C- Give us the strength to see you in our brothers and sisters so that
we may be faithful in keeping your commandment of love.

Let us Pray. (Pause for a moment of prayer)
O Jesus, in you the infinite love of God has come to us. In your heart
it has its most intimate sanctuary. With the Blood of your heart you
have redeemed us from the slavery of satan. We beg you to sanctify
our hearts with the love which you alone can give. Unite us with
yourself in your sacrifice so that we may be united in the spirit of love
with all those whom you have given to me to be my brothers and
sisters in the faith, you who live forever and ever. Amen!


I love you Lord, and I lift my voice

To worship you, O my soul rejoice
Take joy my King, in what you hear
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ears

Prayer of Confidence (Kneel)

Leader: Congregation:
Jesus you have revealed to us in your
heart the greatness of your LOVE, and
the first thing you expect of us is that
we believe in your love. So we come to
proclaim before you that we do believe
in Your LOVE, that we place our trust in
your loving heart… We place our trust in you.
In all our trials and crosses… We place our trust in you.
In dangers and difficulties… We place our trust in you.
In doubts and anxieties… We place our trust in you.
In failures and dissapointments… We place our trust in you.
Whenever our prayers seem to be un-
answered… We place our trust in you.
When temprations are strongest… We place our trust in you.
In spite of all our sins and evil habits… We place our trust in you.
In sickness and sufferings… We place our trust in you.
At every moment of our life… We place our trust in you.
At the hour of our death… We place our trust in you.

Let us pray:
Jesus, you showed us in your Gospel how delighted you were
whenever you found confidence. We wish then to this pleasure to
your heart of placing all our confidence in you. We firmly believe
that you love us with infinite love and that everything you may send
us, chiefly if it be a cross, is really a sign of your love. We do not rely
on our own strength or on our virtues, but precisely because we are
weak, because we are sinners, we trust in the love of your heart.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

L- Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, reveal your Father to

all men.
C- Grant us always and in all times to praise and glorify you.
L- Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the
Virgin Mother.
C- Send the Holy Spirit into our hearts to fashion them according to
your heart.
L- Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God.
C- Unite us more and more with you.
L- Heart of Jesus of Infinite Majesty.
C- Grant us always and in all times to praise and glorify you.
L- Heart of Jesus, Holy Temple of God.
C- Help us to become ever more what we already are by Baptism -
temples of God.
L- Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High.
C- Make us all tabernacles in whom the others can see God.
L- Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven.
C- Lead us all to heaven to be with you forever.
L- Heart of Jesus, Burning Furnace of Charity.
C- Inflame the whole world with your love.
L- Heart of Jesus, Abode of Justice and Love.
C- Make us possess your love evermore.
L- Heart of Jesus, Full of Goodness and Love.
C- Fill our hearts too with real love, with kindness and mercy.
L- Heart of Jesus, Abyss of all Virtues.
C- Implant into our hearts every virtue so that we may become your
true disciples.
L- Heart of Jesus, most Worthy of All Praise
C- Grant us always to glorify you by a holy life.
L- Heart of Jesus, King and Center of All Hearts.
C- Set us your reign of love in the hearts of all men.
L- Heart of Jesus, in whom are All the Treasures of Wisdom and
C- Grant us to know you ever more intimately, to understand ever
better your teaching.
L- Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father is well pleased
C- Make every one of our actions be pleasing to your Heavenly
L- Heart of Jesus, desire of the Everlasting Hills.
C- Give us the desire to see you, to meet you, to be with you.
L- Heart of Jesus, Patient and most Merciful.
C- May all sinners understand the greatness of your mercy and seek
from you forgiveness.
L- Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke you.
C- Grant all our prayers we address you now for the coming of your
L- Heart of Jesus, fountain of Life and Holiness.
C- Make us live by your divine life and fill us with your Holiness.
L- Heart of Jesus, Propitiation for our sins.
C- Wash away in the blood of your heart all our sins, the sins of the
whole of world.
L- Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with humiliation.
C- Teach us to follow you in the path of humility, and to accept
humiliations in order to be like you.
L- Heart of Jesus, Bruised for our Offences.
C- Fill our hearts with sorrow for our sins.
L- Heart of Jesus, Obedient unto Death.
C- Unto the death of the cross by which you saved the world grant
us always to obey and to save the world by our obedience.
L- Heart of Jesus, Pierced with a Lance.
C- Pour out upon us from your open heart floods of light of strength
and of grace.
L- Heart of Jesus source of all consolation.
C- May you always be our real joy and our consolation.
L- Heart of Jesus, our Life and Resurrection.
C- Raise up to the life of grace all men who do not possess it.
L- Heart of Jesus, our Peace and Reconciliation.
C- Reconcile all men with your Heavenly Father, grant your Peace
to the whole world,
L- Heart of Jesus, Victim for Sinners,
C- Convert them all to your love.
L- Heart of Jesus, Hope of those who die in You.
C- Make us always live in your love, make us die in your love.
L- Heart of Jesus, Salvation of those who trust in you.
C- We trust in you, save us from every evil grant us your love.
L- Heart of Jesus, delight of all the Saints.

C- In heaven you will be our delight may you be so already now here
on earth.
L- We ask all this through your heart O Jesus who live and reign
forever and ever. Amen.


L- Most Holy Heart of Jesus! We give ourselves entirely to you.

We offer you our life, our actions, our works, our sufferings.
We choose to give you our entire love. We want to belong Only
to You.
C- We want to honor and glorify you and to do everything for love
of you.
L- Be our protection in life, our promise of eternal salvation. Be
our strength in our weakness and wavering. Be the atonement
for all the sins of our life.
C- O heart of meekness and goodness be our refuge when we die.
L- Be our justification before God. Turn away from us the
punishments of his just anger.
C- Heart of love we trust in you completely. When we consider
our weakness we fear everything, when we ponder your love
we hope for all things.
L- Cleanse us from all that displeases or opposes you. Imprint
your pure love into our hearts so deeply that we never forget
you, that we never again separate ourselves from you.
C- Lord and Savior by your all-embracing love we beg you to write
our names deeply in your most holy Heart. Let it be our joy and
glory to live and die in your service.

Leader: Congregation:
In humility and joy let us pay
homage to our Lord Jesus Christ, We want to praise and extol
Eternal King and Kings of Glory. Him everlastingly!
Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal World,
born of the Father before all time. Eternal King, We adore You!
God of God, Light of Light, true God
of True God. Eternal King, We adore You!
Splendor of the Father and image of
His Being. Eternal King, We adore You!
From the beginning you established
the earth, the heavens are the work
of your hands. Eternal King, We adore You!
You uphold all things in existence: Eternal King, We adore You!
You are the Son of God become Christ the King, we bring you
man. our homage.
Christ the King, we bring you
You are the Son of Virgin Mary.
our homage.
You are the Son of David. Christ the King, we bring you
our homage.
You are a King who became a Christ the King, we bring you
servant. our homage.
You are a King most worthy of love. Christ the King, we bring you
our homage.
As King you were disowned by the You must be our King, Christ
world. Jesus.
You are a King crowned with thorns. You must be our King, Christ
You are a crucified King. You must be our King, Christ
You are the world's Redeemer. You must be our King, Christ
You are the Head of your Church. You must be our King, Christ
You are a victorious King. Christ the King, we trust in
You are the conqueror of Satan and Christ the King, we trust in
sin. You.
You have overcome all evil in the Christ the King, we trust in
world. You.
You are the conqueror of death and Christ the King, we trust in
the grave. You.
You are the Prince of Peace Christ the King, we trust in
You are enthroned in Heaven at the We hope in You, O King of
right hand of the Father. Glory.
Through grace you are one with your
church. We hope in You, O King of
You will come again in glory to judge
the living and the dead. We hope in You, O King of
Then you will hand over your royal
power to the Father and God will be We hope in You, O King of
all in all. Glory.
Let us come with confidence to the That we may receive mercy
throne of your loving kindness. and grace.
Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal King, and King of Glory! In the kindness of
your heart you have meet with those whom you have redeemed, here
where the eyes of faith behold you in the Eucharistic mystery. We
seek your Royal blessing and your grace. Keep us true to you so that
one day in your eternal kingdom you can present with the crown of
life that we may reign with you as you have promised, you who live
and reign as King forever and ever. Amen.
Priest and People:
O my Jesus, fountain of inexhaustible benediction You who did blest
the Apostles before you ascended into Heaven, bless me also, and
with your presence sanctify me. Bless my memory, that it may ever
recollect you. Bless my understanding, that it may ever think of you.
Bless my will that it may never seek or desire that which may be
displeasing to you. Bless my body and all its actions. Bless my heart
with all its affections. Bless me now and at the hour of my death. Bless
me in time and eternity, and grant that your most sweet blessing
maybe to me a pledge of eternal happiness. Bless my brethren, the
faithful. Bless my dear ones. Bless everyone I love, and every-one to
whom I owe any gratitude, and bring me and them to rest in your
Sacred Heart forever. Amen.

O Jesus who are about to give your blessing to us all who are here
assembled, we humbly beseech you that it may impart to each and all
of us the special grace we need. But more than this, we ask: let your
blessings go far and wide. Let it be felt in the souls of the afflicted who
cannot come here to receive it at your feet. Let the weak and tempted
feel its power wherever they may be. Let the poor sinner feel its
influence, arousing him to come to you. Let it cross the seas and

animate and comfort the missionary far away from home and
brethren and toiling for the love of souls so dear to Your

Sacred Heart. We humbly beg your blessing for (here mention the
name of the person to whom you ask the blessing), and may it affect
that salutary purpose for which O Lord, you do so lovingly impart it.

People: Amen.
Priest and People:
Jesus, my God, my King, now I must leave you, but I carry away with
me the memory of your wounded love. It will not be long until I come
to visit you. Till then, I leave my poor heart before the tabernacle. Let
its every beat tell you that I love you, and that I am longing to be free
to spend another hour with you.
Bless me before I go my Jesus. Bless my home and undertakings. Bless
my dear ones, my friends and my enemies too. Amen
O Temple pure, O house of gold
O Sacred Heart! O love divine!
Our heaven here below
Do keep us near to thee What sweet delights,
And make our love so like to What wealth untold
thine For thee do ever flow
That we may be holy
Ungrateful hearts, forgetful
Heart of Jesus hear hearts
O Heart of Love Divine The hearts of men have been,
Listen to our prayer To wound thy side with cruel
Make us always thine. darts,
Which they have made by sin.

We remember how you loved us to your death
And still we celebrate for you are with us here
And we believe that we will see you when you come
In your glory Lord. We remember
We celebrate, we believe.
1. Here, a million wounded souls are yearning just to touch you
and be healed. Gather all your people and hold them to your
2. Now we recreate your love, we bring the bread and wine to
share a meal Sign of grace and mercy, the presence of the Lord.
3. Christ, the Father's great Amen to all the hopes and dreams of
every heart Peace beyond all telling and freedom for all fear
4. See the face of Christ revealed in every person standing by your
side Gift to one another and temples of your love.


You have given them bread from heaven, (alleluia)
Containing in itself all sweetness, (alleluia)

LET US PRAY: O God, who under a wonderful Sacrament has left us a

memorial of your Passion, grant that we may do so venerate the
sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood, that we may always feel
within ourselves the effect of your redemption; you who live and
reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever
and ever. AMEN
Priest and People:

Blessed be God
Blessed be his Holy Name
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man
Blessed be the name of Jesus
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception
Blessed be her glorious Assumption
Blessed be the name of Mary, virgin and Mother
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse
Blessed be God in his Angels and in his Saints.


Tantum ergo sacramentum veneremur cernui

Et antiquum documentum novo cedat ritui
Praestet fides supplementum sensuum defectui

Genitori, genitoque laus et jubilation

Sit et benediction procedenti ab utroque
Compare sit laudatio. Amen.


Priest: Panem de caelo praestitisti eis, (alleluia)

People: Omne delectamentum in se habentem, (alleluia)
Priest: Oremus: Deus, qui nobis sub Sacramento mirabili
Passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti; tribue, quaesumus,
Ita nos Corporis et Sanquinis tui sacra mysteria venerari
Ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis iugiter sentiamus.
Qui vivis et regnas in secula saeculorum.

People: Amen.


O Sacrament most holy,

O Sacrament divine
All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment thine
Be every moment thine


REF: Yahweh, I knöw you äre near

Standing always at my side
You guard me from the foe
And you lead me in ways everlasting
1. Lord you have search my heart, and you know when I sit and
when I stand;
Your hand is upon me protecting me from death
Keeping me from harm.
2. Where can I run from your love?
If I climb to the heavens, you are there
If I fly to the sunrise or sail beyond the sea
Still I'll find you there
3. You know my hearts and its ways
You who formed me before I was born
In secret of darkness before I saw the sun,
In my mother's womb.
4. Marvelous to me are your works
How profound your thoughts my Lord?
Even if I could count them, they number as the stars
You would still be there


Ang himig ko ang awit ko lahat ng ito'y nagmula sa iyo

Muling ihahandog sa'yo, buong puso kong inaaalay sayo
O Di'yos, O Panginoon lahat ay biyayang aming inampon
Aming buhay at kakayahan ito'y para lamang sayong Kal'walhatian
Ang tanging ninanais ko ay matamo lamang ang Pag-ibig mo
Lahat ay iiwanan ko wala nang kailangan sapat na ito
O Di'yos, O Panginoon lahat ay biyayang aming inampon
Aming buhay at kakayahan ito'y para lamang sa 'Yong
Ito'y para lamang sa'Yong kal'walhatian


Sikat ng umaga, buhos ng ulan

Simoy ng dapit-hapon, sinag ng buwan
Batis na malinaw, dagat na bughaw
Gayon ang Panginoon kong Hesus ng aking buhay

Saan man ako bumaling, ika'y naroon

Tumalikod man sa'yo dakilang pag-ibig mo
Sa akin tatawag at magpapa-alalang
Ako'y 'yong ginigiliw at siyang itatapat sa puso

Tinig ng kaibigan, oyayi ng ina
Pangarap ng ulila bisig ng dukha
Ilaw ng may takot, ginhawa ng aba.
Gayon ang Panginoon Hesus ng aking buhay

Saan man ako bumaling, ika'y naroon

Tumalikod man sa'yo dakilang pag-ibig mo
Sa akin tatawag at magpapa-alalang
Ako'y 'yong ginigiliw at siyang itatapat sa puso
At siyang itatapat sa puso.

Reader 1
A reading from the Book of Genesis 3:1-13
1. Now the snake was the most cunning* of all the wild animals
that the LORD God had made. He asked the woman, “Did
God really say, ‘You shall not eat from any of the trees in the
2. The woman answered the snake: “We may eat of the fruit of
the trees in the garden;
3. a it is only about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the
garden that God said, ‘You shall not eat it or even touch it, or
else you will die.’”
4. But the snake said to the woman: “You certainly will not die!b
5. God knows well that when you eat of it your eyes will be
opened and you will be like gods, who know* good and evil.”
6. The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing
to the eyes, and the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom.
So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave
some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.c
7. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew
that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and
made loincloths for themselves.
8. When they heard the sound of the LORD God walking about
in the garden at the breezy time of the day,* the man and his
wife hid themselves from the LORD God among the trees of
the garden.d
9. The LORD God then called to the man and asked him: Where
are you?

10. He answered, “I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid,
because I was naked, so I hid.”
11. Then God asked: Who told you that you were naked? Have
you eaten from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat?
12. The man replied, “The woman whom you put here with
me—she gave me fruit from the tree, so I ate it.”
13. The LORD God then asked the woman: What is this you
have done? The woman answered, “The snake tricked me, so
I ate it.”e

Reader 2

A reading from the prophet Isaiah 53:2-12

2. He grew up like a sapling before him,b
like a shoot from the parched earth;
He had no majestic bearing to catch our eye,
no beauty to draw us to him.
3. He was spurned and avoided by men,
a man of suffering, knowing pain,
Like one from whom you turn your face,
spurned, and we held him in no esteem.c
4.Yet it was our pain that he bore,
our sufferings he endured.
We thought of him as stricken,
struck down by God* and afflicted,d
5. But he was pierced for our sins,
crushed for our iniquity.
He bore the punishment that makes us whole,
by his wounds we were healed.e
6. We had all gone astray like sheep,
all following our own way;
But the LORD laid upon him*
the guilt of us all.f
7. Though harshly treated, he submitted
and did not open his mouth;
Like a lamb led to slaughter
or a sheep silent before shearers,
he did not open his mouth.g
8. Seized and condemned, he was taken away.
Who would have thought any more of his destiny?
For he was cut off from the land of the living,
struck for the sins of his people.
9. He was given a grave among the wicked,
a burial place with evildoers,
Though he had done no wrong,
nor was deceit found in his mouth.h
10. But it was the LORD’s will to crush him with pain.
By making his life as a reparation offering,*
he shall see his offspring, shall lengthen his days,
and the LORD’s will shall be accomplished through him.
11. Because of his anguish he shall see the light;
because of his knowledge he shall be content;
My servant, the just one, shall justify the many,
their iniquity he shall bear.
12. Therefore I will give him his portion among the many,
and he shall divide the spoils with the mighty,
Because he surrendered himself to death,
was counted among the transgressors,
Bore the sins of many,
and interceded for the transgressors.i

Reader 3
A reading from the Gospel of Saint Luke 23:33-43
33. When they came to the place called the Skull, they
crucified him and the criminals there, one on his right, the
other on his left.q
34. [Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they know not
what they do.”]* They divided his garments by casting lots.r
35. The people stood by and watched; the rulers, meanwhile,
sneered at him and said,s “He saved others, let him save
himself if he is the chosen one, the Messiah of God.”t
36. Even the soldiers jeered at him. As they approached to
offer him wineu
37. they called out, “If you are King of the Jews, save yourself.”
38. Above him there was an inscription that read, “This is the
King of the Jews.”
39. * Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus,
saying, “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us.”
40. The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply, “Have you
no fear of God, for you are subject to the same
41. And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the
sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this
man has done nothing criminal.”v
42. Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into
your kingdom.”w
43. He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be
with me in Paradise.”x


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