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The Hacksaw Ridge is base on a true story of Private first-class Desmond Dos, the
first conscientious objector ever to be awarded the Medal of Honor. He is an American
pacifist combat medic, as a 7 th day Adventist Christian he refused to use or carry a gun or a
firearm of any kind. He save 75 men in the battle of Okinawa, the director of the movie is
Mel Gibson, the cast are Andrew Garfield as Desmond Dos, Richard Pyros as Teach, Jacob
Warner as James Pinnick , Darcy Bryce as young Desmond Dos, and more.

The Hacksaw Ridge movie is a roller coaster ride and it’s interesting, it is a mix of
emotion, it’s a World War II film, a great execution of the actors, this movie thought me that
don’t be afraid to be you or to follow what you believe in. the movie is all about courage
and the power of conviction, it will keep you anchored or to do what you have or want to
do, the best part of the movie is when Desmond stayed at the war zone and save 75 men
including his officer, the soldiers keep being rescue without knowing who is rescuing them
until one soldier told the officer that it was Desmond Dos, there’s also a funny part in the
warzone when the officer was saved by the “Bra tie”, and also the basic of first aid was also
shown in the movie, encouraging the soldier while applying the basic needs or the
adrenaline, to keep the soldier alive, Overall the movie is amazing and has a lot of lesson to
be learn

To conclude, the movie is an exceptional war film directed by Mel Gibson, it is

realistic movie, watching it feels like it is happening, the bullets, explosions, blood and the
battle ground, the drama was great, it is also a love story of Desmond Dos and teach, there
is also a comedy scenes, the basic of first aid, and a lot of lessons to be learned.

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