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கீ ைதய&' மல+

ேபரா மா+லt த-.pபll1
தைலைமயா34யr கழகm.
ேத3ய வைக 38m 4வr த-.pபll1
ெசy$m ப'(l ஈ+பா+ இ.nதாl
இைண(lலா ெவ56கll 9:$m
;n<kக எ?ணt<l ேநrைம இ.nதாl
Eதn<ரk கா5ேற Eவாசமா9m!
வணkகm. ஆ'(யr ப, அறpப,. அ01m ெப3கll
தாyைம உணrேவா< ஆ'(யr ப,ையc ெசyவ?
பாராA<kBCய?. மDேசாE மாவAடt0l ேத'ய வைக
மகா கேணச It0யாசாைல, தKLpபllMt
தைலைமயா'(யr 0Nம0.OPபராதா த/ெப ெபNமாll
அவrகMQ ப, ஓyS மல(l வாLt?ைர வழEBவ0l
மULc' அைடUேறQ.

ஜைய 0Nம0 OPபராதா த/ெப ெபNமாll அவrகMQ கlIp

பயணm Kக W3ட?, அைதp பாராAX Oகழ பkகm
ேபாதா?. ஆ'(யராக, ?ைணtதைலைமயா'(யராக,
தைலைமயா'(யராக பல ெவYCZQ 'கரEகைள சா0t?
தKைழ தைல \Kர ெசy?llளாr. மDேசாE மாவAடt01m
]L ேபரா மாவAடt01m அவr ஆYCய தKLpப, அவைர
\ைனS _`m. ேத'ய வைக மகா கேணச It0யாசாைல
தKLpபllM, 't0யவாQ அவ(Q a(ய ப,யாl
தைல\Krn? \Yபைத அைனவNm அCேவாm.

!ைத$% மலr
ஜைய அவrகMQ arKB தைலைமt?வt0l பல 0றQKB
மாணவrகll, ஆ'(யrகll மY`m
?ைணtதைலைமயா'(யrகcm உNவாUZNpப?
ெபNைமயMkUற?. அவ(Q தைலைம?வt0l ேத'ய
வைக மகா கேணச It0யாசாைல தKLpபllMdm 'றn?
IளEBவைதk காணeXUற?. ஜைய அவrகMQ அயராத
உைழpO, 0யாகm மY`m ஈ<பா< எQ`m அவr ெபயைரp
ேபரா மா\லt0l பைர சாY`m.
ேபரா மா\லt தKLpபllMகMl ப,யாYCய
காலEகMl அவr ேமYெகா3ட a(ய ப,கckBp ேபரா
மா\லt தKLpபllMt தைலைமயா'(யr கழகt0Q
நQCையk _றk கைடைமpபA<llேளQ. ஜைய அவrகll
தmeைடய ப, ஓySkBp iறB அQபான
B<mபtதாேரா<m jYறtதாேரா<m மULc'dடQ வாழ
எlலாm வlல இைறவQ 0NவNைள ேவ3X \ைறS
\Q ப, ேபாY`UQேறQ.
தEகMQ ேசைவ பாராA<kBCய?

த-.kகl?p ப@Al உCகDட:,
பழI Epைபயா

!ைத$% மலr
!"ம! மால! ேவ(
!"ம! சரsவ! ேமாக-
!" தேன0 பால2"34ண-
!"ம! ெஜயn! 0p;ரம<யm
!"ம! ெஜயn! நlல@tB

0/n2னr வரேவ67 AைனM மலr

!"ம! மால! ேவ( !" தேன0 பால2"34ண-
!"ம! சரsவ! ேமாக- !"ம! எJசெபt தKLெசlவm
!" தேன0 பால2"34ண- !"ம! !லகவ! படவத-
இைறவா:t& ெசlவ- Tவேநச- த"மராஜூ
!"ம! ெஜயn! 0p;ரம<யm ெசlD பDtரா ெர34 கMண-
ேமைட அல>காரm ெசlவ- கDேனV ேதவகணப!
!"ம! ெஜயn! மாCயpப- ெசlD ஜனE ;ரkகாV
Aக:cC Aரl & பதாைக ப2M
ெசlD பாலநா2E வா0ேதவ- !"ம! !லகவ! படவத-
!"ம! வளrம! ேவ( !"ம! ;ரபாவ! நாராயண-
ஒF அைமp7 பJN
!"ம! HEதா 0p;ரம<யm !"ம! மால! நடராஜா
Aக:cC ெநIயாளr !"ம! பாrவ! @WசாK
!"ம! எJசெபt தKLெசlவm !"ம! வா- ஆYஷா ;n! இpரா[m
0/n&பசJp7 காெணாO
!"ம! வசn! 0p;ரம<யm !"ம! மாCயmமா ப3ரா\
ெசlD சரMயா சk!ேவl !"ம! 0ேலாcசனா 0p;ரம<யm
அைழpLத: !"ம! ேமC ;ேலாKனா இ"தயm
!"ம! ;ேரமா இராமசாK Aழ6படm
!"ம! தாCE 0பாsசn!ர- !"ம! சn!ரமலr ெஜகநாத-
!"ம! அ@தா மாCயpப- மாணவr பைடp7
&p7ரM ெசlD தKLcெசlD தKLதாs
பllR ப<யாளrகll மPடப ஏ6பாR
!ைத$% மலr
!" அ\T ;- ஹுேச-
0830காைல - D"n!னr வ"ைக
0900 காைல - aகLb ஆரmபm
0905 காைல - இைற வணkகm
0910 காைல - பரதநா34ய பைடpH
0915 காைல - வரேவdHைர – 2/ம2 சரsவ2 ேமாகT
0920 காைல - TறpHைர: மeேசாf மாவ3ட தKLpபllR தைலைமயாTCயr
ம-றt தைலவr- 2/வாளr U/VணT
0925 காைல - நடனm
0930 காைல - TறpHைர: ேபரா மாaல தKLpபllR தைலைமயாTCயr ம-ற
தைலவr- 2/ பழW Npைபயா
0935 காைல - TறpHைர: ேபரா மாaல உதD இயkhனr- 2/ X.அrஜுனT
0940 காைல - நடனm
0945 காைல - TறpHைர: ெபdேறாr ஆTCயr சfகt தைலவr-
2/ கேணsவரT மேனாகரT
0950 காைல - TறpHைர: @-னாll மகா கேணச தKLpபாllR
தைலைமயாTCயr- 2/ ெபJயசா[
0955 காைல - நடனm
1000 காைல - TறpHைர (himபm): 2/ம2 Lேரமா \p7சா[
1005 காைல - TறpHைர: !" தேன0 பால2"34ன-
1010 காைல - ப< ஓyb TறpH காேணாJ
1050 காைல - பCசRpH
1100 காைல - ஏdHைர : ஆCJயr ெசmமl 2/ம2 7Vபராதா ெப/மாll
11:30 காைல - நடனm
11:35 காைல - D"nேதாmபl
0130 ம&யm -)ைற+

!ைத$% மலr
0830 pagi - Ketibaan Tetamu
0900 pagi - Majlis bermula
0905 pagi - Bacaan Doa
0910 pagi - Persembahan Barathanatyam
0915 pagi - Ucapan alu-aluan: Pn. Saraswathy
0920 pagi - Ucapan Pengerusi Majlis Guru Besar Daerah Manjung:
En. Krishnan
0925 pagi - Persembahan 1
0930 pagi - Ucapan Pengerusi Majlis Guru Besar Negeri Perak
En. Palany Suppiah
0935 pagi - Ucapan JPN: En. M. Archunan, Penolong Pengarah JPN Perak
0940 pagi - Persembahan 2
0945 pagi - Ucapan YDP PIBG: En Ganeswaran Manogaran
0950 pagi - Ucapan Mantan Guru Besar: En Periyasamy
0955 pagi - Persembahan 3
1000 pagi - Ucapan Khas Keluarga : Pn. Prema Kuppusamy
1005 pagi - Ucapan Khas PK Kokurikulum: En Thanesh Balakrishnan
1010 pagi - Tayangan Video
1050 pagi - Penyampaiaan Hadiah
1100 pagi - Ucapan Guru Besar: Pn.Pusparatha Perumal
11:30 pagi - Persembahan 4
11:35 pagi - Jamuan makanan
0130 tengah hari- Majlis bersurai

!ைத$% மலr
My name is Prema, and I am
Teacher Pusparatha's cousin sister. Hello, This is Manimala. I want
Since a very young age, Teacher to talk about Teacher
Pusparatha has faced numerous Pusparatha. Teacher Pusparatha
is not just a teacher; she's a
challenges and hardships. Despite
their parents, especially their catalyst for change. What does
mother, facing health issues, they that mean, you ask? Well, every
persevered and dedicated time she moves to a new school,
themselves to their studies, she brings about positive
eventually becoming teachers. transformations. No matter how
Their journey has been marked by remote the school is, she
resilience and determination. manages to instill positive
changes, leaving a mark of
Within our family, Teacher goodness.
Pusparatha is akin to a lioness – a
symbol of strength and courage. She excels in everything she does,
Their story has inspired many, as like a graceful breeze that brings
they overcame obstacles and about change. Wherever she
emerged as a remarkable role goes, she ensures the school
model. As they enter into a well- shines brighter than before.
deserved retirement, may God How does she manage to do
continue to bless them this? It's a wonder. When she's at
abundantly. a school, it thrives under her
influence. Even when she moves
On this joyous occasion, I wish on to another institution, her
Teacher Pusparatha a future filled impact remains, and the teachers
with good health, happiness, and there continue to feel her
contentment. May their retirement positive presence.
be a time of relaxation and
enjoyment. Thank you.

!ைத$% மலr
Hi everyone. I am Maneka. From Radha Cinema News, I have a piece of
news to share. From what I've come to understand, as a teacher,
wherever she has taught, students have not only excelled academically
but also carried with them a profound sense of admiration and respect
for her. She has had an ongoing dialogue with her students, not just as
an educator, but as a role model.

Even in my own studies during primary school, I've had fellow students
who were taught by her. They spoke of her discipline, her valuable
teachings, and the enduring values she instilled in them. Throughout
her career, she has consistently been a beacon of positive influence.

We have witnessed numerous instances of students approaching her,

seeking advice, and conversing with her, even when we are out as a
family. As a student myself, I understand the connection one forms
with a teacher – it's something that remains embedded in our hearts and

Now, as she steps into retirement, it's time for her to find rest.
However, I can't help but feel that the education system is losing an
incredibly remarkable teacher. Her passion for teaching has been
evident to all who have known her. So, I extend my heartfelt best wishes
to Chinnamma. May this phase of life allow her to spend more time
with Chittappa and cherish those moments.

Okay, that's it. All the best.

!ைத$% மலr
!ைற$lலாத ேபாதைனயாl -ைறவான மாணவrகைள த4 -கராy
உயrt9:ட ந4 =றnத நlலா=?ய@k! பB -ைறC வாDt9ைன மனதார

9@ம9 Kேரமா ராமசாM

ம?யாைதk!?ய தைலைமயா=?ைய
9@ம9 Jsபராதா ெப@மாll அவrகQk!,
உRகll வாDkைக$H J9ய அt9யாயt9H
பயணtைதt ெதாடRக
எனT மனமாrnத வாDtTkகll…

9@ம9 ப.9லகவ9

பB ஓyC ெபFm தைலைமயா=?யr 9@ம9 Jsபராதா அவrகQk!

எனT அHபான வாDtTகll. WXட ஆZQm !ைறயாத ெசlவtTடH
100 ஆX[கll வாழ வாDtTGேறH.

9@ம9 ெஜ.சn9ரமலr

!ைத$% மலr
வணkகm. ஆ'(ைய +,ம+ ெப.0sபராதாேவா6
ஏறtதாழ 8 ஆ;6கll மகா கேணச
>t+யாசாைல@l பயBtCllேளE. அவr
Cைணதைலைமயா'(ையயாகHm தIேபாC பllJ@E
தைலைமயா'(ையயாகHm பBயாIKm ெபாLC
நாE இவ(E தைலைம@l பBயாIOய+l
ெப,ைம ெகாllPேறE. ஆ'(யr, மாணவrகJE
கl>@l QC அ+க அkகைற ெகா;டவr.
S.T.எs.ஆr காலkகVடWகJl அவரC உைழp0m
+VடZ6த[m பாரV6k\OயC. ]rவாகtைத வ^
நடt+யC மV6ZEO மாணவrக_k\k கBதm
கIKt தnC அவrகைளt ேதrc' ெபறc
ெசyவ+[m அவr காVcய d>ரem
\OpTடtதkகC. இEKm 'ல eEனாl மாணவrகll
இவ(E கBத கITtதl +றைனk gO ெப,ைம
ப6வைத இWேக eE ைவkகk கடைமpபV6llேளE.

இவ(E ேசைவைய இpபllJ அOhm. இவ(E

eEனாl மாணவrகll அOவr. இவ(E பB ஒyH
எEபC இவ(E பBk\ மV6ேம. இவ(E ேசைவ
நm பllJk\ எpெபாLCm ேதைவேய. ஆ'(யr
அவrக_k\ எனC மனமாrnத பB ]ைறH



Tரபா நாராயணE.

!ைத$% மலr
தாy தZj வணkகm,
ம+pTI\(ய தைலைமயா'(யr
+,ம+ 0kபராதா ெப,மாll அவrக_k\,

பB ]ைறH நாll எEபC பBk\ மV6ேம,

உடE பயBtத உறHக_k\ அlல,
வ,PEற நாllகJl,
வாlைச ]ரmT இ,kகV6m.
க;ட கனHகll பmkகV6m.
உடl ஆேராkPயm ெச^kகV6m.
எ+rபாrtத பயணt+l ெவIO PVடV6m.
]ைறnத ]ைனHகேளா6,
மலrnத 0Eனைகேயா6,
இE0IK வாழ வாjtCPேறE.

+,ம+ த.எmசெபt

Dear teacher,
Thank you for everything you did
Wishing you life full of
Success and happiness
Happy Retirement!


Saya mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapkan “Selamat Bersara”

kepada Guru Besar. Semoga persaraan ini membawa kegembiraan
kepada cikgu. Harap cikgu dapat meluangkan lebih banyak masa
bersama keluarga tercinta.Nikmatilah kebebasan anda. Tahniah cikgu!

Pn N.Malathi

!ைத$% மலr
ந"ப$ %ைற( நா*l

நl உllளWகll gc வாjtதV6m !
பllJ ]ைனHகll உllளnேதாKm
உவைகp nkகைளp nt+டV6m !
வாLm நாVகll வரமாy அைமtC
வளWகைளk கரWகJl தn+டV6m !
நEமkகll நlmEபm தnC
நlம\டm oVc மPழV6m !
இlலt+l இைறவன,ளாl
இEபt+E gVடாV' ]tதm ]கழV6m !
எl'ய நாVகll உறHகேளா6
Zlpm இqைமயாy பயணm ெதாடரV6m !

ஓயாத உைழtத ைககாlக_k\

ஓyH ெகா6k\m ேநரm வnC>VடC !
எWகைள >V6 T(hm உWக_k\ !
எWகளC மனமாrnத வாjtCகll !!!

எ-.m அ-1ட-

Dear Teacher…
You did everything you could
To help our students shine.
Despite the nasty challenges,
No one has never seen you whine.
Thanks for being a teacher
So passionate and caring,
We are all at a loss
Now that you are now retiring….
Happy Retirement Teacher!

Mrs Jeyanthi Mariappan !ைத$% மலr
We bid farewell to a great leader, Whose hard work and dedication
never did hinder, She came to our college with a dream so bold, And
today, she leaves us with memories we will forever hold. She led us all
with a heart of gold, With his guidance, we were never lost or cold,
she was always there to lend a helping hand, To transform us into the
best we could stand. He was a great headmaster, no doubt, And her
retirement leaves us with a sense of drought, But as she leaves us, we
want her to know, That our gratitude for her, we will eternally show.
As she journeys through this new chapter of life, We hope her every
moment will be free of strife, We pray she enjoys his well-deserved
rest, And that her heart forever stays blessed. Thank you for your
service, our dear headmaster, We will miss you, now and forever after.
Happy retirement teacher and NO MORE MONDAY BLUES !

Mrs Valarmathi D/O Valoo

Dear Teacher, I wish you the very best in life . Thank you for all the
years of commitment towards your students. Thank you for your care
towards the teachers. Have a great retirement and stay happy always.

Mrs Punitha A/P Subramaniam

God saw all of your hardwork in your working life, and he will repay by
providing you with confortable retired life.
Happy Retirement !

Mrs Mary Philomena
!ைத$% மலr
Selamat sejahtera Puan Pusparatha Guru Besar SJKT Maha Ganesa
Viddyasalai. Melalui kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat
bersara Cikgu, Jutaan terima Cikgu atas tunjuk, buah fikiran, jasa dan
bakti Cikgu terhadap saya selama setahun tiga bulan saya di bawah
pentadbiran Cikgu. Semoga Cikgu beroleh kesihatan yang baik dan
berterusan. Seterusnya, moga Cikgu bertambah bergembira dan amat
berbahagia di samping keluarga setelah melangkah ke alam persaraan.

Sekian, terima kasih. Jasamu dikenang Cikgu.

Cikgu Azizi

Guru yang hebat adalah seperti lilin, ia membakar dirinya untuk

menerangi orang lain...

Terima Kasih Cikgu.. .

Selamat Bersara.

- Ustazah Wan -

Dear Teacher,
Enjoy your Retirement Teacher.
Best wishes on this new phase of your life teacher.

From :
Mrs Tharini Subaschandran

கீ ைதய&' மல+
Puspha teacher,

Congratulations and all the best for your retirement. Thank you for
all the guide that you have given to me. You have shown never -
ending kindness and support for me especially in my early years of
teaching. Wishing you a peaceful and fulfilling retirement filled
with joy and happiness.

From :
Mrs Jainthy Nallamuthu

Happy Retirement!

We had a great time to cherish forever, thousands of reason for me to

be thankful to you on this day. You did everything you could to help
your students shine. Thanks for being a teacher so passionate and
caring, we are all at a loss, now that you are now retiring.Wishing you
Best wishes on this new phase of your life and an enjoyable life ahead.

From :
Miss Tamilselvi Tamildass

Your patience,kindness and dedication will be never forgotten teacher!

Happy retirement teacher!
Thank you for everything!

From :
Mrs Saraswathy Mohan

!ைத$% மலr
கl>@E ஒJ>ளkேக
கனHகJE ெவJcசேம
கl>p பாைத@E க,sலேம
கIறவைர உ,வாk\பவேர
எ;BலடWகா ேசைவk\
நEO ஐைய.
அvவpேபாC >யnC பாrtத
ஆ_ைம vWகll எEKm
]ைனtCp பாrkகkgcய
பல மPjவான த,ணWகேள
பB ஓyH வாjtCகll.

ஆ96ைய 34ம3 பாrவ3 <=சா?

You have encouraged me beyond my limits. You have motivated me

to achieve greater things in my profession. Thank you for believing
in my ability more than I do. I will always be grateful for that
teacher. Your hard work, dedication and achievements may never be
matched. Thank you for everything you have contributed to this
school. I hope you give yourself the time to explore all opportunities
you've always wanted to pursue. Cherish every moment of this time
and revel in this new stage of your life. You've worked hard for so
many years. You deserve to relax and take it easy for a change. I wish
you good health, delight and success as you move forward in life.

Happy retirement Puspa Teacher!

With love,
Miss Balanagini Vasudevan

!ைத$% மலr
0- 0Eனைக@E அர'
s- கsடm க;6 களWP ேபாகாதவr
ப- ப;Tl அர' இவr
ரா- ராB ேபாl மகா கேணசாைவ வலm வnதவr
தா-தானாக பல உத>கll ேதc வnC ெசyபவr

பB ஒyH எEபC
உm ெதா^[k\ மV6ேம
உm ேசைவk\ இlைல
ெதாடரV6m உமC ேசைவ

+,ம+ ெஜயn+ ppTரமBயm

ஆ"#யr &'ம& )*பராதா அவrக2k4 என7

ப89ைற< வா=t7கll!

ஆ96ைய 34ம3 அ<தா மா6யpப-

!ைத$% மலr
0sபWகll மனm xpm - அைத
ராைத அவr கரm பIKm

மாணவrகll அOH pடr>6m - அைத

ஏIOய ெப,ைம உWகைளc சா,m

தZLk\ vWகll ஒ, மBம\டm

ெதாடரV6m உWகll ேசைவ - இq தZLkேக

0sபராதா எym உWகll நாமm

எEKm ]ைலt+,k\m எWகll

T(ய மனm இlலாமl T(PEேறாm - எWகll

>^கll நைனnேத உைம வாjtCPEேறாm....

பB ]ைறேவா6 மன ]ைறHm காண

இைறவE அ,ll0(ய ேவ;6PEேறாm..

எEKm உWகll பpைமயான ]ைனகேளா6..


ெசlC சரEயா சk3ேவl

!ைத$% மலr
"Reflections of Wisdom: A Tribute to
Mrs. Pusparatha Perumal's Retirement"
In honor of a journey's end, we gather here today,
To celebrate a chapter closed, as you retire, we say,
Mrs. Pusparatha Perumal, our headmaster bold and true,
Your legacy of wisdom shines, in all that you did pursue.

Through corridors and classrooms, you walked with steady grace,

Guiding countless young minds, helping them find their place,
With dedication unmatched, you nurtured futures bright,
Instilling knowledge and values, like stars in the night.

Your wisdom was a beacon, lighting up the way,

A mentor and a friend, bringing sunshine every day,
You listened to each story, offered counsel with care,
Leaving an indelible mark, hearts grateful everywhere.

In lessons taught and kindness shown, your impact forever lives,

A tapestry of memories, each student's heart it sieves,
The halls may soon grow quieter, as you take your well-earned rest,
But the echoes of your teachings will forever be our best.

As you step into new adventures, may joy and laughter guide,
May every dream you've held close now unfold and coincide,
Retirement's a new beginning, a canvas yet untouched,
Painted with the hues of freedom, where possibilities are lush.

Mrs. Pusparatha Perumal, headmaster dear and true,

Your retirement's a bittersweet moment, bidding fond adieu,
Yet as you embark on this new phase, remember all you've sown,
For your legacy in education's garden has beautifully grown.

So here's to you, our leader, a mentor and a friend,

May your days be filled with joy and contentment without end,
Your contributions have been priceless, your impact beyond measure,
As we raise our voices in gratitude, our sincerest treasure.
Mr.Mrs Thanesh Eswari
!ைத$% மலr
• இயk$நr ேபரா மா,ல கl0 இலாகா
• டtேதா டாkடr 4வேனsவர8, தைலைம இயk$நr 48:மாs ,;வனm
• => ?.அrஜுன8, உத0 இயk$நr
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=>.ந.சn=ரேசகர8, உத0 இயk$னr.
ேபரா மா,லt =ைணkகளt=8 தQRெமாS பாடp LMN
=> பழ: Tpைபயா, ேபரா மா,ல தQRpபllI தைலைமயாUMயr ம8ற
• =>ம= பMமளா வWேவX, மYேசாZ மாவ[டt=8 கl0 அXவலக உத0
• => $ணாள8 இராஜ\>8ர8, மYேசாZ மாவ[டt=8 கl0 அXவலக
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அ=காM (SISC+)
• =>ம= சn=ரவத:, மYேசாZ மாவ[டt=8 கl0 அXவலக உத0 அ=காM
• =>. \>]ண8, தைலவr, மYேசாZ மாவ[ட தQRpபllI தைலைமயாUMயr
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• =>. கேண]வர8-தைலவr, மகா கேணச 0t=யாசாைல தQRpபllI^8
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• =>. =>ம= $p4சாQ ?:யmமாll தmப=^னr
• =>. =>ம= ேகா0nத8 இல[TQ தmப=^னr
• =>. =>ம= Tpரம` சாn=: $amப=னr
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• => 0ஜய8, மYேசாZ ப=pபகm, உMைமயாளr
• =>. =lைல கேணச8, GP Graphics உMைமயாளr
• =>. கேணச8 ம>ைத, Panda_clicks ,ழJபட ,4ணr
• மகா கேணச 0t=யாசாைல தQRpபllI^8 ?8னாll மாணவrகll
• பாகா8 டtேதா தQR ெதXZ$ பllI ஆUMயrகll, ப`யாளrகll
• ெகாXmLயா \ராமt தQRpபllI பllI ஆUMயrகll, ப`யாளrகll
• சபா] உணவக உMைமயாளr
உ"றாr உற&னrகll, ந+பrகll, ந-ெகாைடயாளrகll, பll3 4ரவலrகll, ெப"ேறாrகll,

!ைத$% மலr

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