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Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Dated 16 day of October, 2022 A.D.

From: Jazzlyn Ifeji, proper name pursuant to Title 18, section 1342, and Authorized Representative
Natural Person, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris
All Rights Reserved: U.C.C. 1-308/1-207;U.C.C. 1-103
c/o 1708 Arrow Lane, proper address pursuant to Title 18, section 1342
Garland Territory, Texas Republic
Zip Exempt [75042]
United States Republic, North America
Non-Domestic, Non-Resident, via united States Mail

To: Texas Vital Statistics

Department of State Health Services
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040

To: Vital Records Division

500 Elm Street, Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75202

To: Public Servants of God and Government/Trustees: Reverend Darrell G.W. Pryor
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
444 W. Ledbetter Dr.
Dallas, Texas [75224]

PERSONAL ATTENTION TO: Reverend, all profiting clergymen, owners/trustees et al, inclusive of but not limited to:

Public Servants of God and Government/Trustees - d.b.a. Rev. [Darrell G.W. Pryor], Public Servant/Trustee- d.b.a.
DEPUTY REGISTRAR [Jessica Williams], Public Servant/Trustee - d.b.a. REGISTRAR VITAL STATISTICS, Public
Private For Profit Corporations.


To all parties concerned,



Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
Black’s Law Dictionary, License: “the permission by competent authority to do an act which without such permission,
would be illegal.”

The government, (so-called government) makes something that was lawful to do, illegal, so they can then tell you that if you
pay the government money (which is a bribe - inducement), then they will turn their backs and give you a permit that allows
you to break the law that they just said was illegal to do!

This is a complete “fraud” against All public servant participants, Magistrates, Administrative Judges, Tribunal Clerks, and
most of all, the ones who suppose to be operating under God's law, such as Church going Clergy- Priest, Rabbi, Ministers,
Notary Public, Justice of The Peace, and most of all Reverends who totally operate outside of God's law in collusion with
the STATE operating under a STATE Granted 501C3 Tax Exemption status and Marry their Church members to bind
them under (G.O.D.) Government Ordinance Departments which have no affiliation to or connection to the one and only
true God… Isaiah 43:10 – Ye [are] my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servants whom I have chosen: that ye may
know and believe me, and understand that I [am] he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be
after me.

All are in violation of their Oaths and Covenant to God and to their so-called oath of office to the United States Republic
Constitution and the Texas Constitution, you and all your enclaves have taken! Breaking true natural common law rights,
Godly rights of marriages that were instituted and passed down by the God of my father’s father. These lawbreakers all have
been reduced to corporate contracts to sell on stock markets to make tons of money off one’s birthrights that is connected to
this land i.e. soil.

This is a form of High Treason and slavery! All Church going Clergy`s duty under God is to practice religious doctrine
and to teach and give moral spiritual guidance and to follow God's law and NOT the law of man made, and all public
servants Magistrates, Judges, Clerks, Sheriff's duty is to protect and secure man’s individual Rights pursuant to the Bill of
Rights, being also bound by Oaths under Article VI (6) of the United States Republic Constitution, it is the Law of the
Land along with all Treaties.

So, is it illegal to marry without the State’s granted permission? Absolutely not!

This question is rarely brought up or addressed because people have grown so custom, to following the (so-called) laws
and statutes and commandments of man / corporations / organizations / banks, judge, tribunals, courts orders under
administrative statutes, rather than those laws that of the Most-High God. All these corporations are foreigners to this
physical geographical real land of Continental North America, wherefore I am one of the true aboriginal and indigenous
natural People of the land/soil of America and not being deemed a United States citizen.

Now let’s examine the history of this great fraud on marriage license in America, and see how it came about, why it
came about, and why the government and states enforce this system of slave trade still, enslavement upon the people.

First I’d like to add Public Servants of God and Government / Trustees Mr. d.b.a. Rev. [Darrell G.W. Pryor]

This Corporate Construct of Certificate of Marriage License…please see (attachments) being supported by Lawful
Affidavit of Fact-“REVOCATION OF MARRIAGE LICENSE” is “VOID” - the trust agreement called a marriage license
is hereby REVOKED - and rescinding any and all signatures of I, a “private man”, Jazzlyn Ifeji, In Propria Persona, Sui
Juris, Ex-Relatione JAZZLYN IFEJI, do to commercial “fraud”, and lack of full disclosure, and strongly held religious
beliefs all of which I, now became aware of due to lack of full disclosure and fraud in the inducement.

For I, am Relinquishing the so-called supposed benefit and or privilege and assign the property of the trust, i.e.: the ALL
CAPITAL NAME – JAZZLYN IFEJI, that the Reverend and your Private Corporation called the TEXAS, Organizations

Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
(Corporate Entity / Construct) created / constructed to “this state” and to the judge as Conservator / Trustee / Fiduciary.

And in the rule of law “Discovery and Discloser” I am demanding that you “Show me the trust agreement,” I wish, demand,
command to see the Verified Trust Agreement / license with my signature on it and whom I have the CONTRACT with! I
will be giving you Ten (10) days under your limited liability, pain penalty of perjury under Notary to bring forth a VALID
verified trust agreement of I and the Texa Vital Statistics Department of State Health Services or be put in Tacit
Acquiescence that you concur, affirm, without any protest as well as under your Oath of Office that I, “private man” Jazzlyn
Ifeji, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, Ex Relatione JAZZLYN IFEJI, and is naturally common law married upon this said
Land/soil of North America under God's law and not under man`s corporate contract, and that you do agree under the
limited delegated powers invested in you the one they call Reverend/ or Judge d.b.a. Darrell G. W. Pryor, do hereby
understand that God Grants common law Marriage that is hereby being subscribed here on paper, and under Reverend
Darrell G.W. Pryor’s full performance in Good Faith under God's law and under the United States and State Republic
Constitutional Oath of his contracted Oaths, and Under the one and only True God Almighty, to the “private man”Jazzlyn
Ifeji, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, Ex Relatione JAZZLYN IFEJI..

For this Un-rebutted or un-answered to in the rule of law “Discovery and Discloser” constitutes admittance of the same that
the Two Common Law Parties are indeed Married Under the Authority of only one (1) True God Almighty (Allah), and not
married to any (Corporate Entity / Corporate Fictions / Corporate Constructs) of the State.

And all Parties along with the De Facto courts has read this massive and thus:

Be it known to all courts no matter what town / city / county / state, governments, and all enclaves, and other parties.

For I, Jazzlyn Ifeji, In Full Life, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, Ex-Relation JAZZLYN IFEJI, and all derivatives thereof, am
a natural, freeborn private man, without subjects. I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subjected to
me. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated. My authority for this statement is the same as it is for all Free American
National everywhere: the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic rights, property, freedoms, and
responsibilities of the Free American Nationals. I am not a “person” nor am I a United States citizen or 14th or 15th
Corporate Fiction. When such a term is defined in statutes of the United States or statutes of the several states
when such definition includes artificial entities. I refuse to be treated as a federally or state created entity which is only
capable of exercising certain rights, privileges, or immunities as specifically granted by federal or state governments.

As I am, a recognized American National Proclaimed, National and International, check your U.S. Secretary of the State, I
am on file proclaimed and I am not a slave to your Private Statutory Foreign Law Society.

I voluntarily choose to comply with the man-made laws, which serve to bring harmony to society of my own cultures, but
no such laws, nor their policy enforcers, have any authority over me. I am not in any jurisdiction, for I am not of subject
status I am an American National, outside of any foreign private jurisdiction, if its not the United States Republic
Constitution private corporate law means very little to me. I give respect to the United States Republic Constitution.

Consistent with the eternal traditional natural common marriage under God`s law, unless I have harmed or violated someone
or their property, I have committed no crime or trespass; and am therefore not subject to any penalty.

I act in accordance with the following U.S. Supreme Court case:

“The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his
own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no such duty [to submit his books and papers for an examination] to
the State, since he receives nothing there from, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed
by the law of the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by
due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the

Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of law. He owes nothing to the public so
long as he does not trespass upon their rights.” Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1905).

Thus, be it known to all that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I
did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated with the
compelled and pretended “benefit” of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. As such, the hidden or
unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for persons of subject status, are inapplicable to me as I
am an American National, and are null and void. If I have participated in any of the supposed “benefits” associated with
these hidden contracts, I have done so under duress, for lack of any other practical alternative. I may have received such
“benefits” but I have not accepted them in a manner that binds me to anything. Any such participation does not constitute
“acceptance” in contract law, because of the absence of full disclosure of any valid “offer,” and voluntary consent without
misrepresentation or coercion under contract law. Without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into
by both parties, there is no “meeting of the minds,” and therefore no valid contract. Any supposed “contract” is therefore
void, ab initio. From my age of consent to the date affixed below I have never signed a contract knowingly, willingly,
intelligently, and voluntarily whereby I have waived any of my natural common law rights, and, as such, Take Notice that I
revoke, cancel, and make void ab initio my signature on any and all contracts, agreements, forms, or any instrument which
may be construed in any way to give any agency or department of any private foreign federal or state government authority,
venue, or jurisdiction over me.

This position is in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brady v. U.S. 379 U.S. 742 at 748 (1970):

“Waivers of Constitutional Rights not only must be voluntary, they must be knowingly intelligent acts, done with sufficient
awareness of the relevant circumstances and consequences.”

A typical example of such compelled “benefits” is the marriage license.”

The definition of a “license” demands that we not obtain one to marry. Black's Law Dictionary defines “license” as, “The
permission by competent authority to do an act which without such permission, would be illegal.” We need to ask ourselves
- why should it be illegal to marry without the State’s permission? More importantly, why should we need the State`s
permission to participate in something, which God instituted (Gen. 2:18-24)? And I am not talking about (G.O.D.)
Government. Ordinance. Departments either. We should not need the State’s permission to marry nor should we grovel
before state officials to seek it. What if you apply and the State says “no”? You must understand that the authority to license
implies the power to prohibit. A license by definition “confers a right” to do something. The State cannot grant the right to
marry. It is a God-given right. The state’s marriage license is strictly a Secular Contract between the parties and the State.
The State is the principal party in that Secular Contract. The husband and wife are secondary or inferior parties. The Secular
is a three-way contract between the State, as Principal or dominant party, and the husband and wife as the other two legs of
the Contract. The husband and wife are merely contractually “joined” as business partners, not in any religious union.
In the traditional religious context, marriage is a covenant between the husband and wife and God with husband and wife
joined as one. This is not the case in the secular realm of the state’s marriage license contract. But in the Secular Contract
with the state, reference to God is a dotted line, and NOT officially considered included in the Secular Contract at all.
To give a more visual representation let's use a triangle with the State at the top and a solid line extending from the apex, the
State, down the left side to the husband, and a separate solid line extending down the right side to the wife, a “dotted line”
merely showing that they (HUSBAND AND WIFE) consider themselves to have entered into a religious union of some sort
that is irrelevant to the State.

Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

This “religious overtone” is recognized by the State by requiring that the marriage must be solemnized either by a state
official or by a minister of religion that has been “deputized” by the State to perform the marriage ceremony and make a
return of the signed and executed marriage license to the State.
Marriage is a strictly secular relationship so far as the State is concerned and because it is looked upon as a “privileged
business enterprise” various tax advantages and other political privileges have become attached to the marriage license
contract that have nothing at all to do with marriage as a religious covenant or bond between God and a man and a woman.
When you marry with a marriage license, you grant the State jurisdiction over your marriage. When you marry with a
marriage license, your marriage is a creature of the State! Therefore, they have jurisdiction over your marriage.
In the civil law, the marriage is considered to be a business venture, that is, a for-profit business venture. Moreover, as
property and children come into the marriage household, the business venture is considered to have “borne-fruit.” Property
that you obtain during the marriage and Children born to the marriage are considered by law as “the contract bearing fruit”-
meaning the property and children primarily belong to the State, even though the law never comes out and says so in so
many words. There is plenty on case law in America jurisprudence, which declares this to be true. In 1933, parents were
upset in Wisconsin because a test was being administered to their children in the government schools, which was very
invasive of the family’s privacy. When parents complained they were shocked by the school bureaucrats who informed
them that their children were required to take the test by law and that they would have to take the test because they (the
government school) had jurisdiction over their children. When parents asked the bureaucrats what gave them jurisdiction,
the bureaucrats answered, “your marriage license and their birth certificates.” Judicially, and in increasing fashion,
practically, your state marriage license has far-reaching implications. In this regard, it is vitally important for parents to
understand two doctrines that became established in the United States during the 1930s. The first is the Doctrine of Parens
Patriae. The second is the Doctrine of In Loco Parentis. Parens Patriae means literally “the parent of the country” or to state
it more bluntly - the State is the undisclosed true parent. Along this line, a 1930s Arizona Supreme Court case states that
parents have no property right in their children, and have custody of their children during good behavior at the sufferance of
the State. This means that parents may raise their children and maintain custody of their children as long as they don’t
offend the State, but if they in some manner displease the State, the State can step in at any time and exercise its superior
status and take custody and control of its children - the parents are only conditional caretakers. [Thus the Doctrine of In
Loco Parentis.]

My thought on this is can it really be considered a true contract as one becomes aware of the family by the State to make
full disclosure of the terms and conditions. A contract must be entered into knowingly, intelligently, intentionally, and with
fully informed consent. Otherwise, technically there is no contract. When you marry with a marriage license, you place
yourself under a body of law, which is immoral. By obtaining a marriage license, you place yourself under the jurisdiction
of Family Court, which is governed by unbiblical and immoral laws. Under these laws, you can divorce for any reason.
Often the courts side with the spouse who is in rebellion to God, and castigate the spouse who remains faithful by ordering
him or her not to speak about the Bible or other matters of faith when present with the children.

Should a minister, in good conscience perform a marriage that would place people under this immoral body of laws? If a
minister marries someone with a marriage license the minister will have to act as an agent of the State! The minister would
have to sign the marriage license and mail it into the State Given the State’s demand to usurp the place of God and family
regarding marriage, and given its unbiblical, immoral, laws to govern marriage, it would be an act of treason for a minister
to do so.
The marriage license invades and removes God-given parental authority. When you read the Bible, you see that God
intended for children to have their father’s blessings regarding whom they married. Daughters were to be given in marriage
by their fathers (Dt. 2:16; Ex. 22:17; I Cor. 7:38). We have a vestige of this in our culture today in that the father takes his
daughter to the front of the altar and the minister asks, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

Historically, there was no requirement to obtain a marriage license in colonial America. When you read the laws of the
colonies and then the states, you see only two requirements for marriage. First, you had to obtain your parents’ permission

Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
to marry, and second, you had to post public notice of the marriage 5-15 days before the ceremony.

Notice you had to obtain your parent’s permission. Back then you saw godly government displayed in that the State
recognized the parent’s authority by demanding that the parent’s permission be obtained. Today, the all-encompassing
ungodly State demands that their permission be obtained to marry.

By issuing marriage license, the State is saying, “You don’t need your parent’s permission, you need our permission.” If
parents are opposed to their child’s marrying a certain person and refuse to give permission, the child can do an end run
around the parent’s authority by the State.

When you marry with a marriage license, you are like a polygamist. From the State’s point of view, when you marry with a
marriage license, you are not just marrying your spouse, but you are also marrying the State.

The most blatant declaration of this fact that I have ever found is in a brochure entitled “With This Ring I Thee Wed.” It is
found in county courthouses across Ohio where people go to obtain their marriage license. It is published by the Ohio State
Bar Association. The opening paragraph under the subtitle “Marriage Vows” states, actually, when you repeat your marriage
vows you enter into a legal contract.
1. You
2. Your husband or wife, as the case may be and
3. The Corporation State.

See, the State and the lawyers know that when you marry with a marriage license, you are not just marrying your spouse,
you are marrying the State. You are like a polygamist! You are not just making a vow to your spouse, but you are making a
vow to the State and your spouse. You are also giving undue jurisdiction to the State. Another way to look at the marriage
license contract with the State is as a contract of adhesion, a contract between two disparate, unequal parties. Again, a
flawed “contract.” Such a contract with the State is said to be a “specific performance” contract as to the privileges, duties
and responsibilities that attach. Consideration on the part of the husband and wife is the actual fee paid and the implied
agreement to be subject to the state’s statutes, rules, and regulations and all court cases ruled on related to marriage law,
family law, children, and property. This contractual consideration by the bride and groom places them in a definite and
defined-by-law position inferior and subject to the State.

The marriage license is an ongoing contractual relationship with the State. Technically, the marriage license is a business
license allowing the husband and wife, in the name of the marriage, to enter into contracts with third parties and contract
mortgages and debts. They can get car loans, home mortgages, and installment debts in the name of the marriage because it
is not only a secular enterprise, but it is looked upon by the State as a privileged business enterprise as well as a for-profit
business enterprise. The marriage contract acquires property throughout its existence and over time, it is hoped, increases in

If sometime later, the marriage fails, and a “divorce” results the contract continues in existence. The “divorce” is merely a
contractual dissolution or amendment of the terms and conditions of the contract. Jurisdiction of the State over the marriage,
over the husband and wife, now separated, continues and continues over all aspects of the marriage, over marital property
and over children brought into the marriage.

That is why family law and the Domestic Relations court calls “divorce” a dissolution of the marriage because the contract
continues in operation but in amended or modified form. The marriage license contract is one of the strongest; most binding
contractual relationships the State has on people.

History of Marriage Licenses in America

George Washington was married without a marriage license. Abraham Lincoln was married without a marriage license. So,
how did we come to this place in America where marriage licenses are issued? Historically, all the states in America had

Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
laws outlawing the marriage of blacks and whites. In the mid-1800`s, certain states began allowing interracial marriages or
miscegenation as long as those marrying received a license from the state. In other words, they had to receive permission to
do an act, which without such permission would have been illegal. Black’s Law Dictionary points to this historical fact
when it defines “marriage license” as, “A license or permission granted by public authority to persons who intend to
intermarry.” “Intermarry” is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as, “Miscegenation; mixed or interracial marriages.”
Give the State an inch and they take 100 miles (or as one elderly woman once said to me “10,000 miles.”) Not long after
these licenses were issued, some states began requiring all people who marry to obtain a marriage license. The marriage
license as we know it didn’t come into existence until after the Civil War and didn’t become standard practice in all the
states until after 1900, becoming firmly established by 1920. In 1923, the Federal Government established the Uniform
Marriage and Marriage License Act (they later established the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act). By 1929, every state in
the Union had adopted marriage license laws. In effect, the states or governments appropriated or usurped control of
marriages in secular form and in the process declared Common Law applicable to marriages “abrogated.”

Therefore, I, Jazzlyn Ifeiji, In Full Life, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, Ex-Relatione JAZZLYN IFEJI, and all derivatives
thereof, am a natural, freeborn “private man”, further reserve ALL of the fundamental Freedoms and GOD-given rights of
every human being upon this Earth. Any, past and present political affiliations implied by operation of law or otherwise
with foreign entities are hereby, now and forever, dissolved / revoked / void. Pursuant to United Nation Indigenous People’s
Project 215/1993, Title 28, USC 1746 (1) and executed “without the United States.” I affirm that all of the foregoing is true
and correct. I affirm that I am of lawful age and am competent to make this Affidavit. I hereby affix my own signature to all
of the affirmations in this entire document with explicit reservation of all my unalienable rights and my specific common
law right not to be bound by any contract or obligation which I have not entered into knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, and
without misrepresentation, duress, or coercion. The use of notary below is for identification only, and such use does NOT
grant any jurisdiction to anyone. I now affix my autograph and the official Seal(s) to all of the above affirmations with

Again, in the rule of law “Discovery and Discloser” I am demanding that you “Show me the trust agreement,” I demand, command to
see the Verified Trust Agreement / licensed with my signature on it and whom I have the CONTRACT with!

I will be giving you Ten (10) days under your limited liability, pain penalty of perjury under Notary to bring forth a VALID verified
trust agreement of I and the Texas Vital Statistics Department of State Health Services or be put in Tacit Acquiescence that you concur,
affirm, without any protest as well as under your Oath of Office that I, “private man” Jazzlyn Ifeji, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, Ex-
Relatione JAZZLYN IFEJI, was naturally common law married upon this said land/soil of North America under God's law and not
under man`s corporate contract, and that you do agree under the limited delegated powers invested in you and the one they call Reverend
d.b.a. Reverend Darrell G.W. Pryor, do hereby understand that God Grants lawful marriages and not man, I hereby subscribed here on
paper, and if all parties that’s involved who issued the Marriage Certificate… see copy of VOIDED Certificate, and if you fail to answer
this Affidavit, it will hereby confirm, concur, and agree that the State issued Certificate of Marriage License is hereby VOID, and all
parties also agree to collapsing the fictitious corporate Trust marriage pursuant to the common law rules of [Saunders v. Vautier] i.e.
[Barford v Street], and is lawfully hereby protected under the one and only True God Almighty!

“In the ordinary course of business, when good faith requires an answer, it’s the duty of the party(s) receiving a letter from
another to answer within a reasonable time.”

For I declare under the United States Republic Constitution that in my own clean hands and Seal, that the above is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and honorable freewill intent.

Further Affiants Saith Not.:

Dated 16th day of October, 2022 A.D., Common Law Seal (Right Thumb

Revoking Any And All Adhesion / Unilateral / Ultra Virus / Inducement contracts - VOID
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal-Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
My Honor, Presented for the Record in Good Faith of Living Man)

I Am,_________________________________________
Jazzlyn Ifeji, Authorized Representative
Natural Person, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris
All Rights Reserved: U.C.C. 1-308/1-207;U.C.C. 1-103
c/o 1708 Arrow Lane
Garland Territory, Texas Republic
Zip Exempt [75042]
United States Republic, North America
Non-Domestic, Non-Resident, via united States Mail
without the United States Corporation

Texas Republic )
) SS Jurat/Acknowledgement
Dallas )

On this _______day of___________________ 2022, before me the below signed Notary appeared before me Jazzlyn Ifeji, In Propria
Persona, Sui Juris, to me known to be the living man who executed the foregoing said instrument and acknowledge before me that he
executed his name as freewill act and deed; ex-rel. JAZZLYN IFEJI, conjoined with all derivatives thereof.

Notary Name: ________________________________

Notary Signature: ____________________________Dated: ______________

Commission Expires: ______________________



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