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Sydney Edwards

Communication Crash Paper

Comm 2025
April 9th , 2024

Communication Crash and Uncertainty Reduction Theory

The conflict I had occurred at my work, one of our sales support staff members had moved to
another job so, I was given her old customer. I had to meet with a new sales rep and the customer
who I had never interacted with in the past. This interaction I had tied in with the Uncertainty
Reduction Theory. By going through cognitive uncertainty, behavioral uncertainty, and self-
disclosure. Can help us navigate these interactions. In this paper, I will explain the Uncertainty
Reduction Theory as well as explain how I could improve on my own communication
experiences by using this theory. Then conclude with what knowledge I have gained from doing
this research assignment.

Description of the Conflict:

The department I work for deals with both the sales side of our company as well as working
directly with customers. Our sales reps get orders and we process the orders and monitor the
production process until it is ready to ship to the customers. So, I am in constant communication
with my sales reps, production managers, and the customer.

The conflict occurred when my co-worker moved to a new job within the company leaving her
customers and sales reps to be given to a new person. I ended up getting one of her larger
customers. I wanted to make a good impression with both the sales rep and my new customer.
Since the sales rep and the customer already had a good relationship, I was nervous about how I
was going to fit into the mix.

I ended up going through some old email the previous employee had sent and what kind of
interactions she had with the customer. This allowed me the opportunity to better predict how
certain interactions were handled. Also, gave me a good explanation about how to determine
what the customer needed so I could better assist.

Theory Definition:
“Uncertainty Reduction Theory, attempts to explain how human beings utilize communicative
strategies to reduce uncertainty regarding other human beings. The theory suggests that human
beings are uncomfortable with uncertainty and seek the means to predict the trajectory of social
interactions. In attempting to reduce that uncertainty, people tend to utilize passive, active, and
interactive strategies to help predict and explain someone’s behavior during an interaction.
(Wernecke, Uncertainty Reduction Theory)”
In order to help us with this uncertainty we will go through three strategies to help us gather
information about the person with are interaction with. According to the textbook Introducing
Communication Theory. These three strategies are: “Passive Strategies- reducing uncertainties
by using unobtrusive thoughts, Active Strategies- reducing uncertainty by means other than
direct contact, and Interactive Strategies- reducing uncertainty by engaging in conversation.
(West and Turner, Intro to Comm. Theory)” Everyone will use at least one of these strategies
when engaging with someone new.

We also have assumptions that arise from the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The main
assumption being when we have an uncertainty it creates cognitive discomfort and our main
reaction to that is to try and reduce that uncertainty. We will do this by asking questions to gain a
form of predictability that can then lead to the start of building a relationship or interpersonal
communication (James, Uncertainty Reduction Theory). Once that interpersonal communication
is in the process there are three phases that the relationship will go through: The First phase is
“entry phase- the beginning stage of an interaction between strangers, personal phase- the stage
in a relationship when people begin to communicate more spontaneously and personally, and
lastly the exit phase- the stage in a relationship when people decide whether to continue or leave
(West and Turner, Intro to Comm. Theory)”.

Analysis of the conflict using the theory:

We are expected to keep a professional tone with one another while engaging in work related
interactions and communication. Once my co-worker had left, I needed to engage in the entry
phase of the relationship with the sales rep and customer. By saying “Hi, how are you doing
today?” and “How long have you worked with the company?” The cognitive uncertainty I
experienced was what information about myself I should disclose to new people I was about to
meet and work with. I had given the basics about myself like how long I had worked for the
company, which jobs I had held at the company, my hobbies, and family life. I didn’t have very
much behavioral uncertainty due to the fact that it was a professional setting and I knew how I
should present myself and act.

After meeting and working with both the sales rep and my new customer, we began to get to
know each other better and began to move the relationship to the personal phase. By asking the
sales rep “How is your son doing in college” and “How was your European vacation last week?”
Our textbook says that in this stage we are more spontaneous with our communication and we
begin to reveal more about ourselves (West and Turner, Intro to Comm. Theory). As I began to
feel more comfortable and worked more with my sales rep. I noticed we had begun to chat more
about work and life not just throw emails but by using our IM tool for more of a casual
interaction. Although the exit phase in this situation would be hard to do if I decided I didn’t
want to continue since it’s my job to interact with this person, I decided to continue to have a
good relationship with my sales rep. It allows me to have a better work experience.

A Passive strategy I use not just only in this conflict but in my daily interaction is to avoid
saying what I actually think sometimes. During my first interaction with my new customer, the
purchaser asked me “What do you think about working with our company?”. I had previously
heard some not-so-great things about how the treated my previous co-worker so, I was not about
to disclose what I thought of that company.
Since my co-worker had told me that this company had some annoying tendencies about them, I
was using an active strategy to gather information about them. I did end up experiencing some
of the same things that she had like they would change orders at the last minute and not tell us or
expect immediate responses even though we have 24 hours to send a response.

Lastly, I engaged in the interactive strategy when I had video conference call with them to go
over new processes and products we were offering. Being able to see who I was communicating
with decreased that uncertainty because it allowed me to put a face to who I was talking to. I
gave me a better visual with who I was working with.

Theory Recommendation:
By analyzing and reviewing this theory with the interaction I had, I’ve realized the different
ways we interact and build relationships. It’s also given me an insight on what I can do to
improve interactions like this and help reduce my own uncertainty in communication. I tend to
get pretty bad anxiety when I talk to someone, I don’t know so learning about the uncertainty
reduction theory has provided me with reasonings behind my social anxiety.

Understanding the phases of interpersonal communication such as entry, personal, and exit. I
can’t just skip over the entry phase and go straight to the personal phase. However, the first
phase maybe more brief in some situation than others it’s an important step to building good
solid relationships.

I can use the uncertainty reduction theory to assist me to predict uncertainties and behaviors
before I engage in interactions. It can also give me an explanation as to how and why certain
interactions when the way that they did.

In conclusion, this paper analyzed the interaction I had with a new customer and sale rep. It
allowed me to deep dive into a communication theory and provide me with more insight as to
why I communicated the way I did and how others react to that communication. It provided me
with tools to use in the future to help reduce uncertainty in my interpersonal relationships.

What I learned about communication and conflicts is that there is often an explanation behind
why the conflict ensued and how we can improve our communication skills to avoid or prepare
ourself to resolve that conflict.
“Even with an abundance of research about and related to Uncertainty Reduction Theory,
interpersonal communication scholars continue to probe its intricacies and applicability.
(Wernecke, Uncertainty Reduction Theory)”

James, M. (2012, September 27). Uncertainty reduction theory. Communication Studies.

Wernecke, C. (2024, January 2). Uncertainty reduction theory - interpersonal communication.

West, R. L., & Turner, L. H. (2018). Introducing communication theory: Analysis and
application. McGraw-Hill Education.

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