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Exam 2 Review Sheet

Bio.2100 – Dr. Patricia Enmore

5 Cell Division
What happens during stages of mitosis and meiosis in plants and in animals.

Differences between Meiosis and Mitosis

What happens to DNA when goes from chromatin to form chromosomes.

Understand Diploid vs. Haploid and in Mitosis vs. Meiosis

Sequence of stages of meiosis and mitosis.

6 Metabolism -- Energy and Enzymes

Know and understand the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

Understand what is meant by entropy, potential energy, kinetic energy

Know the differences between endergonic, exergonic and coupled reactions.

Know what is metabolized in mitochondria to get energy, and what is the energy currency of cells.

Understand what kind of molecules enzymes are, as well as their specificity, their function and what
changes rate of enzymatic reactions. Also, understand the active site, and energy of activation.

Understand Reduction and Oxidation reactions.

7 Cellular Respiration
Know the reactants and the end products for aerobic cellular respiration.

Know the various stages of aerobic cellular respiration pathway including where each occurs and how
many ATP’s are produced at each stage.

Understand when fermentation occurs and its advantages and disadvantages.

23 Patterns of Inheritance
Know what alleles, genes and homologous chromosomes are.

Know the differences between a phenotype, a genotype and a gamete.

Understand basic dominant/recessive concepts including being able to answer problems and
do punnet squares, as well as understanding test crosses and monohybrid and dihybrid
crosses (9:3:3:1).
Understand sex-linked inheritance, and incomplete dominance including being able to answer
problems questions regarding them.
25 DNA Structure and Gene Expression
Understand that DNA is the hereditary material found in cells, and know its structure, composition,
and replication method and be able to compare it to RNA’s. Also know the different types of RNA and
their function.

Be familiar with the flow of inherited information from DNA → RNA → protein. And know
the concepts
of transcription and translation including where each occurs and what each does.

24 Chromosomal Bases of Inheritance

Know what non-disjunction means, and what monosomy and trisomy mean, as well as examples of

Know the various syndromes related to abnormal numbers of sex chromosomes, and normal function
of sex chromosomes. (Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, Jacob syndrome and Klinefelter
syndrome )

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