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Appendix 4

P1 – P6
1. Mothers
‫َا َّنُة ْحَت َأْقَد اِم اُأْلَّم اِت‬
‫َه‬ ‫َجْل َت‬
Paradise is under the feet of mothers
2. Salam

‫الَّسَال ْب اْلَك َالِم‬

‫ُم َق َل‬
Give salam before speaking
3. Giving
‫َتَهاُد ْو ا َتَح اُّبوا‬
Give to others so you love each other "Give gifts to one another and you will love
one another."
4. Eating manners
‫َس ِّم َهَّللا َو ُك ْل ِبَيِم يِنَك َو ُك ْل ِمَّم ا َيِليَك‬
Say Allah’s name and eat with your right hand and eat only what is near to you
P2 to P6
5. Friends
‫َاْلَم ْر ُء َم َع َم ْن َأَح َّب‬
A person is with the one he loves most A man will be with whom he loves.
6. Mercy

‫َم ْن َال َيْر َح ُم َال ُيْر َح ُم‬

Whoever does not give mercy does not get mercy
7. Family relations
‫ال َيْد ُخ ُل اَجلَّنَة َقا ٌع‬
A person who cuts off family ties does not enter paradise.

8. Good company

‫ِق‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ِح‬

‫َال ُتَص ا ْب ِإَّال ُمْؤ ًنا َو َال َيْأُك ْل َطَعاَم َك ِإَّال َت ٌّي‬
Do not make friends except with a believer,
And do not let someone eat your food except the pious.

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