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Appendix 4

P1 – P6
1. Mothers
‫َا َّنُة ْحَت َأْقَد اِم اُأْلَّم اِت‬
‫َه‬ ‫َجْل َت‬
Paradise is under the feet of mothers
2. Salam

‫الَّسَال ْب اْلَك َالِم‬

‫ُم َق َل‬
Give salam before speaking
3. Giving

‫َتَه اُد ْو ا َتَح اُّبوا‬

Give to others so you love each other
4. Eating manners

‫َس ِّم الَّلَه َوُك ْل ِبَيِم يِنَك َوُك ْل ِم َّم ا َيِليَك‬

Say Allah’s name and eat with your right hand and eat only what is near to you
P2 to P6
5. Friends

‫َاْلَم ْرُء َم َع َمْن َأَحَّب‬

A person is with the one he loves most
6. Mercy

‫َمْن َال َيْر َح ُم َال ُيْر َح ُم‬

Whoever does not give mercy does not get mercy
7. Family relations
‫ال ْد ا َّنَة َقاِط‬
‫ٌع‬ ‫َي ُخ ُل َجل‬
A person who cuts off family ties does not enter paradise

8. Good company

‫ِق‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ِح‬

‫َال ُتَص ا ْب ِإَّال ُمْؤ ًنا َو َال َيْأُك ْل َطَعاَم َك ِإَّال َت ٌّي‬
Do not make friends except with a believer,
And do not let someone eat your food except the pious


HADITH 9 - 11
9. Choose your friends
‫اِل‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َلى ِديِن ِليِلِه‬
‫َخُي‬ ‫ُك‬ ‫ُد‬ ‫ُظ‬ ‫ْن‬
‫َخ َف َي ْر َح ْم َمْن ُل‬‫ْل‬ ‫الَّر ُج ُل َع‬
A person is like the religion of his good friends, so each of you should be careful who he
10. Control your anger

‫َلْي الَّش ِديُد ِبالُّص َعِة؛ ِإَمَّنا الَّش ِديُد اَّلِذي ْمَيِلُك َنْف ُه ِعْنَد اْلَغَض ِب‬
‫َس‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َس‬
A strong man is not the one who wins in wrestling, but actually a strong man is the person who
can control himself when he is angry.
11. Entering paradise

‫ َمْن َم اَت ال ُيْش ِر ُك ِباِهلل َش ْيًئا َدَخ َل اَجْلَّنَة‬،

‫َو َمْن َم اَت ُيْش ِر ُك ِبِه َش ْيًئا َدَخ َل الَّنار‬
Whoever dies NOT committing ‘shirk’ to Allah enters Jannah / paradise and whoever dies
committing shirk to Allah enters Hellfire
12. Good deeds

‫يتبع امليت ثالث أهله وماله وعمله‬

‫فريجع اثنان ويبقى واحد‬
‫يرجع أهله وماله ويبقى عمله‬
‫َيْتَبُع اْلَم ِّيَت َثَالٌث َأْه ُلُه َو َم اُلُه َو َعَم ُلُه‬
‫ِح ِج‬ ‫ِن‬ ‫ِج‬
‫َفَيْر ُع اْثَنا َو َيْبَق ى َو ا ٌد َ َيْر ُع َأْه ُلُه َو َم اُلُه َو َيْبَق ى َعَم ُلُه‬
A mayyit (dead body) is followed by three. His family, his wealth and his deeds.
Then two of them will return and one will remain. His family and wealth will return (home),
and his deeds will remain (stay).

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