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1. Write lesson plans that focus on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in
secondary school grades in the Merdeka Curriculum?

2. Describe 5 effective English teaching strategies that can be used to improve critical
thinking skills at the junior high school level?

5. Effective Teaching Strategy

1. Visualization Learning Strategy

First, the use of visualization in learning strategies can improve brain work in reasoning,
listening and seeing objects, making it easier to understand learning.
Examples are using interactive whiteboards or LCD projectors to display photos, video
displays, and activities that encourage students to experiment and be active in class.

2. Cooperative Learning Strategy

Encourage students to work together by forming groups. By expressing students' ideas
verbally and responding to others, it will encourage students to develop their self-confidence
and improve communication and critical thinking skills.
Examples are conducting scientific experiments and acting out short plays in class.

3. Question-Based Instruction Learning Strategy

Encourage students to think critically and become more independent learners. By
encouraging students to ask questions and dig deeper into their ideas, it will help improve
students' skills in solving their problems and gain a deeper understanding.
By giving question-based instruction, students can focus their attention on the lesson or
material being discussed. This question can be used to determine what students have learned
and to motivate and grow students' interest in learning.

4. Discussion Learning Strategy

This method is given to students in the form of a problem. Discussions with friends allow
students to find results and solutions to the problems given. This method can improve
students' brain work in thinking and giving opinions.

5. Learning Strategies to Solve Problems

Teaching method characterized by the existence of real problems as a context for students to
learn critical thinking and problem solving skills, and gain knowledge.

3. Describe at least three comparative aids that you can use to overcome these
difficulties of teaching English!

1. MP3 Player or Tape Recorder

4. Mention the efforts that teachers can make when students do not achieve learning

Efforts made by a
teachers in dealing with students who have problems in the learning process, namely:
1). Approach students.
2.) Evaluate the student
3). Searching for data about the problem is by communicating with parents and homeroom
4). Conduct private consultations. By holding such an effort, it is hoped that it can reduce the
problems that exist in students.

5. Describe your personal profile as a pre-service teacher with your goals and
The teacher is the person most responsible for the education of students at school. Teachers
also determine the future of students. That's why a teacher must be someone who is able to
motivate students so that they are able to become better in the future

future. Whatever a teacher does to students during that time to educate, then it is allowed as
long as it is far from violence. I have a desire to become a teacher ( Guru ), who has goals
and hopes:
1.) Determined to realize national goals in the intellectual life of the nation, possess and
implement professional honesty.
2.) Trying to obtain information about students as material for conducting guidance and
3.) Creating the best school atmosphere that supports the success of the teaching and learning
4.) Devoted to guide students as a whole to form human builders who have the spirit of
5). Have professional honesty in implementing the curriculum according to the needs of each

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