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Script Mictroteaching

1. Session 1

 Salam Pembuka : Good Morning Everbody, How are you today. May I
introduce my self, My name is Ivan Maulana ,you can call me Sir Ivan and Im
your english teacher.

 Perkenalan, Doa, Absen: Before we start awere lesson today. Who’s the
leader in this Class? Agung Wahyudi, Okay agung please to lead praying for
lesson today. Okay , Where the attandece? I wanna to check your attandance
Novi Lesiana. How are you, Where are you from? Where are you stay?
Boarding house or Family house, Whats your hobby? .Anybody absent today?
Okay good nobody absent today.

2. Session 2

 Materi Definition : Okay Everybody , Here anybody knows whats the

material for Lesson today, Fadhil? Yeahh Exactly , So Our material for lesson
today is Expression of Regret. Apasih Expression of Regret itu ? PPT
 Materi Formula : So here is the way How to Express Regret , First
jadi ada if I had , if its Positif kemudian di ikuti Past Participle V3, Kemudian
di ikuti oleh subjext I,YOU,WE,THEY , would ( wouldn’t ) Have V3
 Materi Contoh Kalimat :
 Materi Conversation :

3. Session 3

 Penutup : Okay Everybody, before we end lesson today, Any question so

far? If so i will give you homework, Please make a conversation about
Expression of Regret. Colletc to me on time , Monday Morning at 10 a clock.
Dont be late. Okay everybody Thank you to your join in this class, Thank you
for your attention, and I say good byee

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