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Applications of Surface Integrals in Computer

Nguyen Phuc Dien


Surface integrals are mathematical tools used to calculate quantities over sur-
faces in three-dimensional space. In computer science, surface integrals of the
first and second kind have applications in many fields, including computer graph-
ics, computer vision, and computational geometry. This report displays two =
applications of surface integrals, with a focus on practical problems and their

Application 1: Environment Mapping

Problem Statement
In computer graphics, achieving realistic reflections and refractions on surfaces
is mandatory for creating immersive visual experiences in games and simulations
for users. One common technique for simulating reflections is environment map-

Environment mapping involves projecting a pre-rendered 360-degree panoramic
image, known as an environment map or cube map, onto reflective surfaces.
This technique simulates the reflective properties of surfaces by capturing and
reflecting the surrounding environment.

Surface integrals of the second kind are employed to compute the reflected
light intensity or color at each point on the reflective surface. This can be
mathematically represented as:
Ireflected (p) = L(ps ) · f (n, v, ps ) · cos(θ) dSs

• Ireflected (p) is the reflected light intensity or color at point p on the surface.
• S represents the surface of the reflective object.
• L(ps ) is the incoming light intensity or color at point ps on the environ-
ment map.
• f (n, v, ps ) is the reflection function, which depends on the surface nor-
mal n, the viewing direction v, and the direction to the point on the
environment map ps .
• cos(θ) is the cosine of the angle between the surface normal and the viewing
• dSs represents the differential surface element on the environment map.
By accurately simulating reflections using environment mapping and surface
integrals, the visual fidelity of the game environment is enhanced, immersing
players in a realistic and dynamic world where surfaces reflect their surroundings

Application 2: Surface Integrals in Image Pro-

Problem Statement
In image processing, various operations are performed on digital images to en-
hance their quality, extract information, or perform specific tasks like object
detection or image segmentation.

Surface integrals of the first and second kind can be used in image processing to
calculate properties of objects or regions within images. These properties can
include area, intensity distribution, or gradients, among others.

Consider the problem of calculating the total area of a specific object or region
within a digital image. Surface integrals can be employed to compute the area
by integrating a constant function over the region of interest. Mathematically,
the area (A) of the object or region in the image can be calculated as:
A= 1 dA


• R represents the region of interest within the image.
• dA represents the differential area element within the region R.
Similarly, surface integrals can be used to compute other properties, such as
the average intensity, gradient magnitude, or curvature within a specific region
of an image. These properties are essential for tasks like feature extraction,
object recognition, or image segmentation.

Surface integrals provide a mathematical framework for calculating properties
of objects or regions within digital images in image processing applications.
By utilizing surface integrals, researchers and practitioners can extract valuable
information from images, enabling various tasks such as object detection, image
segmentation, and feature extraction in fields such as computer vision, medical
imaging, and remote sensing.

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