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Formative Assessment 1 Unit 3 Rhyme Reason Rhetoric March 23

Task Introduction You will compare/contrast Bishop’s poetry based on a guiding question.
(Crit A,B &D)– refer to task specific clarifications below).
Timeline You will have one class to write your assessment.
Instructions and Tips for  Poetry Analysis – PEACEACT Paragraph. Crit A B and D Your
success. paragraph essay should include an introduction, 2 body
paragraphs (using PEACEACT)
 Use direct examples from the poetry text to support your ideas,
ensuring that you use quotation marks and integrate the
examples effectively.
 Your analysis should specifically focus on the use of
literary/rhetorical conventions in response to the guiding
question below.

Criteria A i. Provides perceptive analysis of the content, context, language,

structure, technique, style of text(s) and the relationship among texts

ii. perceptively analyses the effects of the creator’s choices on an

____/8 audience.

iii. gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas with a range of

examples, and thorough explanations; uses accurate terminology.
Criteria B I. Makes sophisticated use of organizational structures that serve the
context and intention effectively
ii. Effectively organizes opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and
logical manner with ideas building on each other in a sophisticated way.
Criteria D ___/8
i. effectively uses a range of appropriate vocabulary, sentence structures
and forms of expression
ii. writes and speaks in a consistently appropriate register and style that
serve the context and intention

iii. uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a high degree of

accuracy; errors are minor and communication is effective

iv. spells/writes and pronounces with a high degree of accuracy; errors

are minor and communication is effective.
Formative Assessment 1 Unit 3 Rhyme Reason Rhetoric March 23

Guiding Question.

“The use of language can aid the reader to uncover the intensity of feeling in a
text.” Support your answer with reference to at least two poems you have

Planning and Annotating

Poems Intense feelings Language Similarity/Difference

Your introduction should include:

Title, author.

Brief summary of poem 3-4 lines.

Refer to task: Answer the question to show what this essay will explore.

Bishop makes effective use of _____________ to teach us a lesson about _______.

Point: Answer question
stating a claim about both Both texts convery....
Evidence for poem 1:

In line 1...
Analyse: what does the
quote show? What
technique is used? What is
the overall effect?

Connect: Connect this to However, although the feelings are the same, in poem “...” Bishop
Formative Assessment 1 Unit 3 Rhyme Reason Rhetoric March 23

another poem. Are they the uses...

same or different? How?
Evidence from poem 2
Compare: Overall what do
both poems show? How do
they differ?
Thesis Link back to question.

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