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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
2nd Semester
Date: _________________

At the end of the lesson, learners will able to:
1. Identify local materials used in creating art
2. Make an advertisement that promotes the traditional art
3. Express their opinions and feelings about the locally made products.
A. Subject Matter: Local Materials Used as Applied to Contemporary Art
B. Content Standard: Shows understanding of the materials and techniques.

C. Performance Standard: Discriminates among various materials and techniques.

D. Learning Competencies:
E. Code: CAR11/12TPP-0c-e-11


A. References: CG Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
google, slideshare
B. Instructional Materials: Laptop, marker, manila paper, paper strip posters
C. Values Integration: Knowledge, attitudes, Skills

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Salutation
 Physical Arrangement
 Checking of Attendance
 Review of the Previous Lesson
 Motivation (5 minutes)
Task #1 Picture Guessing Game. The class will be divided in to four groups
1. The teacher will display pictures of different creative art works
2. The students will guess what materials where used in art forms shown in the picture. This is equivalent
to 10 points.
3. If the students find it hard to guess after one (15) seconds, the teacher will give clue with jumble letters
of the materials to be guessed. This is now only equivalent to 5 points.
4. The group who accumulate with larger points will be announced as the winner.

B. Development of the Lesson

 Presentation of Objectives
 ACTIVITY (Five Minutes)
Task # 2: Post Share and Appreciate!
1. The class will be grouped into four.
2. Each group will pick one (1) picture and post on the wall they are assigned.
3. The teacher provide meta strips that will used by the students in writing the materials found in
the picture.
4. All the students from each group will have to post the right meta-strips under the picture they
were assigned.

Task #3 Group Discovery
Instructions: Each group will answer (based on the picture they had pick earlier from task # 2) the
following questions.
1. What are the materials or objects used by the artist?
2. Do these materials bring out the intended effect of the artist?
3. If the artist had chosen other materials, do you think the same effect will be achieved? Why
and how?
4. If you are the artist, will you used the same materials or you will use another? Why?

o Discussion of the Topic.

Local Materials – are the resources that can be found readily in large quantity at a particular
location or area at a certain time
- It could be abundant in some area but not available in another
- Contemporary artists salvage materials that can be recycled and made into creative one
Indigenous materials – something that is native to an area or what is naturally belongs to there.
Example of local materials in the Philippines
 Abaca – belongs to Banana family. Its fiber has a natural luster with colors ranging
from pure white to ivory and dark brown
 Bakbak – is the outermost covering or leaf sheath of the abaca stalk.
 Bamboo – is used a raw material in creating many products. It is used in
construction, textile, musical instruments, weapons, and many more
 Buntal – is a cylindrically shaped fibers.
 Nito – is a plant belonging to fern family that grows abundantly in the hinterlands
of Mindano.
 Pandan – is a tropical plant. It is processed and transformed into splints that are
being used a s raw material
 Raffia – is a fiber extracted from unopened buri leaf 3 stages.
 Rattan – belongs to the palm family. There are different types of rattan palms,
such as high or low climbers, single stemmed or clustered rattan species.
The essence of Indigenous Materials
 Don’t require a costly production thus they cause less expense
 Helps in energy conservation
 Materials are reusable, renewable and abundant in nature
 Are eco-friendly and produce low waste
 Promote and patronize the culture and resources of one’s own.


o Show different local materials

Task # 4.
Instructions: Each group (same group) will make an advertisement to promote their traditional
art (products that was brought as their assignment) and share their concept with the class.

Assessment Matrix

Levels of Assessment What will I Assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
Knowledge, Skills, Promoting the traditional The students will make Rubrics Score
understanding art in their community an advertisement to Presentation 20
promote it and share
their concept with the Advertising 20
class Technique
Attitude 10
Total 50

 The teacher will ask the students to express their opinion or feelings about the Local materials used in
creating an art or products.


In a ¼ Sheet of paper answer the following questions.

1. What are the local materials were used in the picture?

a. Bamboo b. Ratan c. Abaca d. Pandan

2. Why do you think some artist used indigenous materials in making products?
a. Because of the availability and accessibility of the materials found everywhere
b. To promote locally made products
c. Because it don’t require a costly production
d. All of the above

3. What is the essence of the indigenous materials?

a. It Helps in energy conservation
b. Materials are reusable, renewable and abundant in nature
c. Are eco-friendly and produce low waste
d. All of the above

4. The following pictures are example of locally made products EXCEPT

a. b.

c. d.

5. How would young generation learn to appreciate the kind of artworks we had?
a. Expose children to the contemporary art world
b. Teach the young people that art connects to the world around you
c. Let the young people read up on the life and perspective of the artists behind those artworks
d. All of the above.


1. Search in the Internet for artworks by Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan, Pacita Abad, or Impy Pilapil. Choose one
artwork that you like.

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