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Campus to Corporate

What is Campus to Corporate
Campus to Corporate training is a soft skills program that helps students transition

smoothly into corporate life. This session gives tips to students on how to become

efficient through learning the basics of corporate communication, managing time,

and the mind-set shift that is required when moving from a college to corporate


Our Campus to Corporate training program enhances the confidence of freshers

and offers tools like goal setting, team work and stress management training.

Campus to Corporate training program was created with the goal of empowering

fresh graduates with tools for refining their personal and professional excellence.

This will help in the college to corporate transition and the result will be improved

career growth and professional success.

Course Description

It’s not just academic inputs that go into making a student successful in life.

Various other aspects of his personality help him in achieving what he aspires and

desires. If correct guidance and inputs are given at the right time and the students

are groomed properly, they can easily grab good opportunities early and become

successful in their chosen career. Most students have the potential, but lack of the

right guidance, motivation, mentoring, and training makes it difficult for them to

reach where they would have otherwise reached easily and early. The inputs

which may be required are often in the attitudinal and behavioural areas. Often it

has been found that schools and colleges stress more on developing the

academic skills of students and in this process, some very critical behavioural and
attitudinal issues are ignored. It has been proved through research that it is not

just your knowledge that helps you achieve success in life, but it’s your attitude. It

is often said that your attitude determines your altitude.

Campus to Corporate Training aids in transitioning from a College to a Corporate

environment. If the necessary competencies are not developed when they enter a

corporate life, the short-term and long-term effect on productivity will be

significant. There are differences in expectations and responsibilities in the

workplace compared to that of college and behavioural skills training is a key part

of this program.

Program Objective
 Preparing students for Campus to Corporate Jobs transition
 To help students improve their communication (Spoken, Written and
Presentation Skills)
 To build confidence, develop self-esteem, and to bring positive changes in
the attitude and behaviour of the participants.
 To impart career specific practical inputs along with sharing the
expectations of corporate.
 To give inputs into writing their resumes to facing interview to learning
corporate etiquette.
 To resolve personal development issues through detailed interaction and
question answers sessions.
Why Campus to Corporate

Campus to corporate training is a soft skills program that helps students transition

effortlessly into corporate life. This session gives tips to students on how to

become efficient through learning the basics of corporate communication,

managing time, and the mind-set shift that is required when moving from a college

to a corporate environment.

WHO all can do the course?

Everyone who wants to groom their personalities while they are at work or want to

start their career and want to give their best during the interview can pursue this


What Will You Learn From This Course?

 Develop inner power and strength

 Make the first impression
 Greater confidence to interact with people from all walks of life
 Achieve results in communicating with others
 Structure your presentation to deliver you key messages and maximize your
presentation skills
 Improve the effectiveness of your email communication
 Manage the stress at the workplace
 Enhance your active listening skills to anticipate and avoid common
 Deal with the conflicts arising at the workplace
 Eliminate the roadblocks that undermine your ability to communicate
Learning Outcomes

 Preparing students for Campus to Corporate Jobs transition

 To help students improve their communication (Spoken, Written, and

Presentation Skills)

 To build confidence, develop self-esteem, and bring positive changes in the

attitude and behavior of the participants.

 To impart career-specific practical inputs along with sharing the expectations

of the corporate.

 To give inputs into writing their resumes to face interviews and learning
corporate etiquette.

 To resolve personal development issues through detailed interaction and

question answers sessions.

Course Details

 Batch starts from 1st / 15th of every month

 Time: 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

 Class Duration: 2hrs, 11 days

 Application: Zoom

 Resources / Support provided during & after Course Completion:

 pdf, ppt , assignments, job/internship assistance etc.

Program Structure

 Lecture 1: Preparing students for Campus to Corporate Jobs transition

 Lecture 2: To help students improve their communication (Spoken, Written
and Presentation Skills)
 Lecture 3: To build confidence, develop self-esteem, and bring positive
changes in the attitude and behaviour of the participants.
 Lecture 4: To impart career-specific practical inputs along with sharing the
expectations of corporate.
 Lecture 5: To give inputs into writing their resumes to face interviews to
learning corporate etiquette.
 Lecture 6: To resolve personal development issues through detailed
interaction and question answers sessions.
 Lecture 7: Personal Grooming & Etiquette
 Lecture 8: Business Etiquette
 Lecture 9: Business Communication
 Lecture 10: Interpersonal Skills
 Lecture 11: Professionalism

Training Topics

Communication Skills

 Verbal
 Non-Verbal
 Listening Skills
 Writing Skills
 Questioning Skills

Goal Setting

 Establishing SMART Goals

 Importance of Mission Statement
 Formulation of Goals
 Procrastination
 Visualization of Goals

Time Management

 Prioritization
 Dealing with Difficult Tasks
 Getting Organized
 How to get away from Distractions
 Work-Life Balance

Business Etiquette

 Making the First Impression

 Importance of Handshakes
 Business Card Etiquette
 Grooming and Personal Hygiene
 Body Language
 Telephone and email Etiquette

Presentation Skills

 Fundamentals of an Effective Presentation

 5 P’s of an Effective Presentation
 Importance of Visual Aids
 Understanding and Overcoming Fear
 Public Speaking
 Importance of Managing Voice and Language
 Managing Question and Answer Session

Conflict Management

 Creating a Win-Win situation

 Negotiation and Persuasion
 Dealing with Aggressive Behavior
 Different Styles of Handling Conflicts
 Dealing with Emotions
 Conflict Resolution Strategies
 Tools and Techniques for Conflict Management

Role of Attitude

 Positive mental attitude

 Career Planning
 Stress management
 Anger management

Facing Interview

 Preparing to face interviews

 Group Discussion
 Resume Building
 Body language, Grooming & Dressing

Interpersonal and Team Skills

 Initiating Small Talks

 Managing Relationships
 Understanding the Cultural Diversity
 Teambuilding Process and Techniques
 Coordination in Teams
 Assertive Communication while Dealing with Teams
 Balancing Team Needs and Individual Needs
 Importance of Feedback in Team Building

You will learn how to

 Learn to focus on and achieve personal goals

 Develop inner power and strength
 Make the first impression
 Greater confidence to interact with people from all walks of like
 Achieve results in communicating with others
 Structure your presentation to deliver you key messages and maximize your
presentation skills
 Improve the effectiveness of your email communication
 Manage the stress at work place
 Enhance your active listening skills to anticipate and avoid common
 Deal with the conflicts arising at the work place
 Eliminate the roadblocks that undermine your ability to communicate effectively.

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