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Western University, Faculty of Art, Humanities, And Language, Writing Skills

Year 3 Semester2, supplementary Handout

Chapter14: Making Successful Presentation at Work

I. Vocabulary Development
A. Match a word or phrase in column A with meaning in column B and write your answer in
column C.


1. Briefing A. A small piece or a part, especially when broken from

1. _____
something whole.
2. Etiquette
2. _____
3. Software B. To judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount,
3. _____
or value of something.
4. Evaluate
4. _____
5. Fragment C. A set of instructions, data or programs used to operate
5. _____
computers and execute specific tasks.
6. Analyze
6. _____
7. Noncomputerized D. The set of rules or customs that control accepted
7. _____
behavior in particular social group or social situations.
8. Contextually
8. _____
9. Characteristic E. A meeting for giving information or instructions.
9. _____
10. Rehearse
F. To practice something, such as music or a speech, or 10. _____
lead a person or group in practicing it, in order to
prepare for a public performance.

G. A feature or quality belonging typically to a person,

place, or thing and serving to identify them.

H. In a way that relates to the context or circumstances

surrounding an event, statement, or idea

I. Not controlled by or produced by computers.

J. Examine (something) methodically and in detail,

typically in order to explain and interpret it
II. Multiple Choice
A. Choose the best answer for the following questions.
1. Almost every job required employees to have and to used carefully developed
a) writing skills
b) listening skill
c) speaking skills
d) reading skills
2. On the job you will have presentation responsibilities that will vary in the
amount of presentation they required.
a) numerous
b) several
c) a lot of
d) many
3. If you have ever given a book report or explained laboratory result in front of a class, you
have given an informal
a) instruction
b) briefing
c) information
d) direction
4. Many of us are uncomfortable in front of an audience because we feel frightened and
a) sad
b) happy
c) nervous
d) embarrassed
5. The more you learn about you , the better prepared you will be to give them what
they need.
a) audience
b) customer
c) employer
d) listener
6. Non-computerized presentations refer to
a) using internet
b) Hardware & Software
c) Not based on computer
d) Everything using computer
7. When time and space may prohibit using computer setup , this following will
help you.
a) Do not set up visuals before speaking.
b) Firmly anchor any maps or illustrations.
c) Do not put a lot of writing on a visual.
d) a b and c

8. Watching your listeners’ reaction and respond appropriately nodding to agree, pausing a
moment is

a) Adjust to audience feedback

b) Use a friendly, confident tone
c) Dress professionally
d) Adjust your volume appropriately
9. To help you become more familiar with the topic and overall message, building your
confidence you should

a) Drinking too much of caffeine

b) Give yourself plenty of time to get worm up
c) Uncertainty on topic and the various part of your talk
d) a b and c

10. How many guidelines for making your presentation?

a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. True or False

A. Read the following statement and decide whether it is true or false.

1. A sentence is a complete thought, expressed by a noun and a verb that can make sense standing
2. The first step toward success in writing sentences is learning to recognize the different
between clauses and sentences.
3. A dependent (or subordinate) clause also contain a subject and a verb, but it does not make
complete sense and cannot stand alone.
4. An incomplete sentence is called a fragment. Fragment can be phrases or dependent clauses.
5. Every sentence must have an object telling the reader who does the action.
6. The topic sentence is the most important sentence in paragraph.
7. A paragraph has two topic sentences.
8. A paragraph expresses one central idea and support information, which explain the topic
9. The topic sentence can put in the middle or in the end of the paragraph.
10. The topic sentence in paragraph is specific and clear.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
IV. Discussion Questions
1. How many types of presentations?
2. When you have to make an informal briefing, how many guidelines should you follow?
3. How many key questions to ask when analyzing your audience?
4. How many parts of Formal Presentation?
5. To write successful, what we must know?

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