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Good to outstanding

About ES4S ...

E.S.4.S. Ltd is an independent consultancy company which is seeking to provide the highest quality support to schools and other educational establishments. The company offers a range of systems and services for supporting schools in today's educational climate and seeks to provide quality professional development in a range of educational issues. To find out more about us, please visit our website

ES4S would like to invite you to ....

Conference details:
Date: 24th February 2012 Venue: Easthampstead Park Conference Centre, Wokingham Cost: 70.00 per delegate (+VAT) Timings for the day Refreshments will be served between 8.45 and 9.15. The conference will start at 9.15 and will look to end at 3.30. To book places on this conference, please use the contact details below: Telephone01202 267066 Enquiry
I just wanted to thank you for today - I have already had two messages saying that the day was inspirational and amazing.

Good to Outstanding
(Developing effective personalised learning in every classroom)

The training day was a huge success. Staff have commented that they have never felt so invigorated by a training day before!
Head Teacher Oliver Tomkins Junior School
Thank you so much for your input at the Heads conference last Thursday. You hit the mark just right with an excellent blend of challenging our thinking and making us laugh as well as many opportunities to stop, pause, discuss.

Kay Gerrett Chair of Primary Heads Association (Northampton)

Thank you so much for your excellent training at our cross-phase conference. Your input contributed to such a great day yesterday. We are all still buzzing. Thank you for your professionalism and independence; it was a real pleasure to work with you.

David Ross Acting Head of School Support (Wiltshire L.A.)

A professional development conference for primary-phase school leaders, teachers and teaching assistants

Phone: 01202 267066 Fax: 01202 267066 E-mail:

Sue Croft Head Teacher / Chair of Kennet Cross-Phase Schools Network

Phone: 01202 267066 Fax: 01202 267066 E-mail:

Good to outstanding An overview

Creating outstanding learning experiences for every young learner is a considerable challenge for any teacher or teaching assistant, but one that they should be trying to achieve. In order to offer the very best experiences, professionals need to develop a deep understanding about effective learning and how it occurs in classroom settings. A new OFSTED framework will place a greater emphasis on personalised learning for every pupil. This professional development conference will seek to consider and explore the essential principles for highly effective learning experiences in any classroom. Delegates will be supported in building a full awareness of how individual children learn effectively and will be offered alternative learning processes that ensure every child has their specific needs met in engaging experiences. A range of tools and resources will be provided that will support the increase of professional effectiveness around outstanding classroom practice.
Success for every learner

Good to outstanding The programme

Session 1
Key Learning Question - what are the main influences on effective classroom learning? Creating flowengaging every young learner Understanding the key differences between shallow and deeper learning The 5 key influences on classroom learning What is reality in our classrooms? Early reflections

Session 3
Key Learning question - How do we plan a complete learning experience for every young learner? Begin with the end in mind What is the outcome? A process for deep learning 4 phases to outstandingness! Moving from theory into practicea complete lesson format? Improving standards by offering more effective lessons ....... What might need to change? 3 final ingredients to total quality learning for all

Session 2

Key Learning Question - How do we learning for all offer personalised learning for every young learner? Being clearPersonalised learning and not individualised learning Exploring the key components of personalised learning Sam, Sarah, Sophie and Shane Introducing the four learners that can be found in every classroom. Strategies for learning Offering a balance for each type of learner Time to reflect ....... What is relevant for me and my class?

Total quality

This conference will be led by our senior consultant, Andy Hind. Andy is currently advising and supporting over 400 schools, networks and local authorities, in the UK and abroad, in their continual efforts to improve leadership, classroom learning and effective professional cultures. Andy is an NCSL consultant and has worked with QCA, OFSTED and the IOE

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