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4, The table and the desk are the same size. (big) 5. Prices just get higher all the time. (and) 6. The dress is cheaper than the skirt. (expensive) 7. This crossword is the easiest. (difficult) 8. Their excitement was increasing all the time. (excited) They were getting 9, I've never read a more romantic story. (most) It’s the 10. A bus is cheaper than a taxi. (less) DONG T ERBS) L. Dinh nghia (Definition) Dong tif (verbs) a tit ho&c cum tit duge ding dé dién ta hanh dong (action) ho&e trang thai (stata). Il. Cac loai d6ng ti (Kinds of verbs) Dya trén ede tiéu chi khéc nhau, dong tiv c6 thé duge phan thanh nhiéu logi. 1, Ngoai déng ti va néi dong tit (Transitive and intransitive verbs) 1.1. Ngoai dong ti (Transitive verbs) dién td hanh dong téc dong true tiép lén ngudi nao d6 hodc vat nao d6; n6i céch khéc, ngoai dong ti 1a dong tir thudng duge theo sau béi danh ti hodc dai tir lam tan ngi trye tiép (direct object). Ex: Let's invite Sally/(Chuing ta hay mdi Sally di.) (NOT Lets invite] You surprised me. (Anh lam t0i ngac nhién.) [NOT You-surprised.] Déng tif invite va surprise sé khong di nghia néu khong cé danh tit Sally va dai tit me lam tan ngit. 1.2. NOi dong ti (Intransitive verbs) dién ta hanh dng dimg lai 6 nguti néi ho&e ngudi thyc hién hanh dong 46; n6i cach khée, ndi dong tir 18 dong tif khéng can c6 tan ngi truc tiép (danh tir hode dai tit) theo sau. Ex: Do sit down. (Hay ngéi xudng.) The children are playing. (Bon tré dang chai dita.) Dong tit sit va play khéng cén cé tan ngif truc tiép cing dA da nghia. wh y: — _ Nhiéu d6ng ti c6 thé via 14 ngoai dong ti via 1a n6i dong tt (nghia cia ching c6 thé thay déip. Ex We last. (Ching t6i da thua.) We last the match. (Chiing t6i da thua tran dau.) He ran as fast as he could. (Anh ta chay nhanh hét sitc.) He has no idea how to run a business. (Anh ay khong biét cach quan 17 mot doanh nghiép.) They grow flowers in the garden. (Ho trdng hoa trong vudn.) Flowers grow in the garden. (Hoa moc trong vudn.) — Ngoai dong tit c6 thé c6 hai tan ng: tin ngi tryc tiép (direct object) va tan ngit gién tiép (indirect object) ¢ My friend has just sent me a postcard. Or My friend has just sent a postcard to me. {direct object: a postcard; indirect object: me] = Tan naif theo sau n6i dOng ti thubng 18 tan ngi cla gid ti (prepositional object) chit khéng phai la tan ngi truc tiép cua dong tu. We walked across the fields. (Chuing t6i di ngang qua canh déng.) [NOT We-walk-the-fielde.] Let's talk about your plan. (Ching ta hay noi vé ké hoach ciia anh di.) (NOT Let's-talk- your plan} = Mot s6 ngoai ding ti o6 thé dugc theo sau bdi mét tan ngii va mot b6 ngi cia tan ngi (verb + object + object complement). 86 ngii cla tan noi! thudng [a tinh tis, danh ti hode danh nga. Ex | find her attitude strange. (76i thay thdi d6 cla cé ta rat la.) They elected him president. (Ho béu dng 4y lam chi tich.) That boy regards Bill as his father. (Céu bé dé xem Bill nhu-cha.) 2, Dong tit c6 quy tic va dong tit bat quy tae (Regular and irregular verbs) 2.1. Dong tit cé quy tde (Regular verbs) 1a dong tif c6 hinh thtie qué kha don (simple past) va qué khi phan tir (past. participle) duge thanh lap bang c4ch thém -ed vao déng tit nguyén mu (infinitive). g Rg past past_participle work (lam viée) worked worked invite (moi) invited invited study (hoc) studied studied beg (van xin) begged’ begged 2.2. Dong tit bAt quy tae (Irregular verbs) la dong tit c6 hinh thtfc qué khit don (simple past) va qué khif phan ti (past participle) duge thanh lap khong theo quy tée-nhat dinh nao. Hinh thie qué khit don va qué khi phan tit cia cde dng tit nay nam trong bang dong tit bat quy t&c (ngudi ee phai hoc thudc long bang d6ng tit bat quy t&c). infinitive past past_participle be (thi, la, &) was/ were been see (nhin thy) saw seen teach (day) taught taught give (cho) gave given 3. Trg dong ti va dong tt thuéng (Auxiliary and ordinary verbs) 8.1. Trg déng ti (Auxiliary verbs) Trg dng tirla cdc dng tir dic biét (special verbs) be, have, do, can, may, must, ought, shall, will, need, dare, used duge chia thanh hai nhom: tro d6ng tit chinh (principal auxiliary verbs) va try dng tif tinh théi (modal auxiliary verbs). a. Trg dong tiv chinh (Principal auxiliary verbs) gim be, do, have, duge ding véi dong tir khac dé chi thi, thé, va dé thanh l4p cau héi hoac cau phi dinh. [ueeent teneell | past tense am, is, are was, were do, does did have, has had © Be duge thém vao dong tit khée dé tao thanh thé tiép dién hoae bi dong. Ex: The children are playing in the yard. (Bon tré dang choi trong sdn.) He was imprisoned for three years. (Ong ta bj 66 ti ba nam.) © Do duge ding dé thanh lap cau héi, cau phi dinh va dang nhdn manh cia cée dong tix khong c6 tro dong tir - Ex: Do you smoke? (Anh cd hit thuéc khong?) I didn’t see them. (T6i khéng thdy ho.) She does like you. (C6 dy rdt mén anh.) © Have duge ding dé tao thé hoan thanh. Ex: We have lived here for a long time. (Chung t6i dé séng 6 day lau réi.) L realized that I had met him before. (T6i nhan ra rang truéc day toi da gdp anh ta.) Ae Lutu y: Be, do, have cling c6 thé duge ding nhu dong ti thudng (ordinary verbs). Ex. He is lazy. (Anh ta lu6i biéng, He does nothing. (Anh ta chang fam gl cd.) He has no job. (Anh ta khéng 06 vige lam.) b, Trg dong tit tinh théi (Modal auxiliary verbs) gém can, could, may, might, must, ought, had better, will, would, shall, should, duge ding truéc hinh thie nguyén thé (bare-infinitive) cia dong tir khéc dé chi kha nang, sv chac chdn, sy cho phép, nghia vy, v.v. Trg dong ti tinh thdi cé nhing nét van pham sau: - Ngoi thi ba sé ft khong cé -s. Ex: She can swim. (C6 dy biét boi.) [NOT She-eans=] - Khong ding trg dong ti do trong cau héi, cau phi dinh, cau héi dudi va cu tra 10i ng&n. Ex: Can you speak French? ne cé biét ndi tiéng Phap khong?) (NOT: You shouldn't tell lies. ‘ain khong nén n6i déi.) (NOT ¥ou-den’t-should-tell...] - Dong tix theo sau céc trg dOng ti tinh thai (ngoai tri ought) luén & nguyén mau khdng to (bare-infinitive). Ex: I must water the flowers. (T6i phdi tw6i hoa.) [NOT Lmust-te-water-] You should drive more carefully. (Anh nén Idi xe edn than hon.) (BUT You ought to drive more carefully.) - Khong cé hinh thie nguyén thé (te-ean) va hinh thie phan tit (maying; musted). Khi cdn ta phai ding nhimg. tit khéc dé thay thé. “s Ex; 'd like to be able te stay here. (Toi muén la minh cé thé 6 Iai day.) [NOT ... te-ean-stay ..] She’s going to have to leave soon. (Chdng bao Idu nila cé ta sé phdi ra di.) [NOT ... bal CAN (co thé): Can c6 hinh thie phi dinh 1a cannot (can’t) va dang qué khif 1a could. Can duge ding dé dién dat: Kha nang 6 hién tai hoe tuong lai — néi ring diéu gi dé c6 thé xdy ra ho&e ngudi nao dé cé kha nang hode co hoi dé lam viée gi. Ex: I haven’t got time today, but I ean see you tomorrow. (Hom nay t6i khong cé thai gian, nhung ngay mai toi c6 thé gap anh.) Scotland can be very warm in September. (Vao thang Chin Scotland cé thé rdt dm.) They can speak English. (Ho biét noi tiéng Anh.) Su xin phép va cho phép; can’t duge ding dé tir chéi lai xin phép. Ex: Can I use your phone? (T6i ding dign thogi cliaanh e6 duge khéng?) ~ Yes, of course you can./ No, I’m afraid you can’t. (Vang, tét nhién la duge./ Khong, khéng,duge.) You can take the car if you want. (Néu mudn.anh c6 thé Idy 6 t6 ma di.) You can’t sit there. Those seats are reserved. (Anh khéng duge ng6i 6 dé. Nhiing ché ngéi dé dé duge dit truée réi.) Loi yéu cdu, dé nghi hode goi ¥. Ex: Can you wait a moment, please? (Xin vui long dgi mét lat nhé.) — yéu cau (request) ‘ Can I carry your bag? (T6i xdch tui giip ban nhé,) —» dé nghj (offer) Let’s have lunch together. We ean go to that new restaurant. (Ching ta citng an trua di. Ching ta c6 thé dén nha hang mdi dé.) — ggi y (suggestion) Chung ta cé thé ding can’t dé néi rang ching ta chdc chdn diéu gi d6 Khong thé xay ra trong hién tai. Ex: Harry can’t know how to ride a bike; he’s never been on one. (Harry khéng thé nao biét di xe dap; anh dy chua bao gid di xe dap.) COULD (cé thé): Could cé hinh thie phi dinh 1a could not (couldn't). Could vita 1a hinh thite qué khit cia can vita la trg d6ng ti tinh thai. Could 1a hinh thie qua khit cia can, duge ding dé dién dat kha nang & qué khi. Ex: My sister could play the piano when she was five. (Em gdi t6i biét choi duong cdm khi len nam.) In those days we had a car, so we could travel very easily. (Dao dé, chiing tdi cd 6 t6 nén ching t6i cé thé di Igi rt dé dang.) It was a place where anything could happen. (D6 la noi ma bat cit diéu gi ciing c6 thé xdy ra.) Could 1a trg déng tit tinh thai, duge ding dé dién dat: Didu gi d6 c6 thé xay ra 6 hién tai hoe tuong lai, nhung khong chéc chin. Ex: The phone is ringing. It could be Tim. (Chung dién thogi dang reng. Co lé la Tim.) ‘The story could be true, I suppose. (T6i cho la céu chuyén co thé c6 that.) It could rain this afternoon. (C6 thé chiéu nay trai sé mia.) Su xin phép; could 18 phép va trinh trong hon can. Nhung khéng ding could/ couldn’t dé dién dat su cho phép hodc tit chéi 1éi xin phép. Ex Could I ask you something? (T6i Adi anh vai diéu duge khéng g?) ~ Yes, of course you can. reNy tat nhién la duge) (NOT Could we camp here? one t6i cdm trai 6 day duge khéng ¢?) ~ I'm afraid you ean’t. (Tdi ¢ la khong duge.) (NOT Pm-afraid-you-eouldn’t,] Lai yeu edu lich sy (ich sy va trang trong hon can) hoge 48 dua ra loi dé nghi, ggi ¥. Ex: Luu Could you mail this letter for me? (Nho anh giti gitip t0i ld thu nay duge khéng?) -> yeu céu (request) We could write a letter to the headmaster. (Ching ta c6 thé viét thu cho higu truéng.) + ggi ¥ (suggestion) ‘i Can va could thutng duge dung véi cdc d6ng tit chi sy nhdn thc hoc tri gide nhu: see, smell, feel, hear, taste, understand, remember, dé dién dat sy vigc (nghe, thy, ngifi, hiéu...) & mot thai diémcy.thé nao dé. | can see Susan coming, (T6i nhin thay Susan dang di dén.) (NOT ###-seeing-—] When | went into the house, | could smell burning. (Khi vao nha, t6i ngdi thay moi khét.) [NOT }was-smatting—] Be able to 06 thé dugc diing thay cho can va could. Am/ is/ are able to c6 thé duoc ding dé chi kha nang thay cho can, ho§e duge ding thay cho can 6 thi tuong lai (will be able to), thi hoan thanh (have been able fo) va dang nguyén mau (to be able to). Ex | can/ am able to run very fast. (T6/ co thé chay rat nhanh.) ‘A hundred year from now people will be able to visit Mars. (Mét trim ném nia con nguéi sé c6 thé tham quan sao Héa.) | haven’t been able to sleep recently. (Gdn day t6i khéng thé ngd dugc.) It's nice to be able to go to the opera. (That /a thd vj khi duge di xem nhac Kich.) Was/ were able to c6 thé duge ding thay cho could dé chi kha ning hode co hoi trong qué khi. Ex: She could/ was able to read when she was four. (C6 ay biét doc khi c6 Ay bOn tudi.) Nhung khi néi v8 sy viée da xdy ra trong mot tinh huding dc bigt, hoc ngubi nao dé da cO xoay xd dé thyc hién duge viée gi, ching ta ding was/ were able to (= managed to) chit khong ding could. The plane was able to take off at eleven o'clock, after the fog had lifted. (May bay 04 co thé cét cénh lic 11 gid, sau khi suong md tan.) (NOT f.] The fire spread through the building quickly but we all were able to escape. (Lda lan nhanh khdp tda nha nhung tat cd ching t6/ déu thodt ra dugc.) INOT —.wa all Aauld acranal MAY va MIGHT (cé thé; cé 12): May c6 hinh thie phi dinh 1a may not (Dang tinh luge mayn’t rat it duge sit dung); might c6 hinh thie phi dinh 1a might not (mightn’t). May va might duge dang dé dién dat diéu gi dé cé thé 1a that ho&e c6 kha nang xay ra ¢ hién tai hode tuong lai. Ex: It may/ might be a bomb. (Cé thé dé la mét qué bom.) Where is Emma? ~ I don’t know. She may/ might be out shopping. (Emma dau? ~ Toi khéng biét. Cé lé c6 dy di mua sdm.) Ann may not/ might not come to the party tonight. She isn’t well. (T6i nay cé thé Ann sé khéng dy tige. Co dy khong duge khée.) Trong trudng hgp nay might khong duge ding nhu dang qué kh cia may. Ca may va might déu duge ding dé néi vé hién tai hodc tung lai. Nhung might it khang dinh hon may. Ex: I may go to London next month. (Thdng tdi c6 thé t6i sé di London.) [eo hoi 50%) My family might come with me. (Cé thé gia dinh t6i sé di citng tdi.) [eo h6i 80%) May/ might + be + V-ing: dién dat diéu gi d6 6 thé dang dién ra trong hign tai hode tuong lai. Ex: Malcolm isn’t in his office. He may/ might be working at home today. (Malcolm khong cé 6 van phong--H6m nay cé lé anh dy dang lam vige 6 nha.) John may/ might be waiting at the station when we arrive. (Khi chung ta dén cé thé John dang dgi 6 ga.) May va might duge ding dé xin phép. May va might c6 tinh chat trang trong, 18 phép hon can va could. Might {t duge ding trong van néi, chi yéu duge ding trong edu tric cau héi gién tiép. Ex: May I put the TV on? (Toi mé Ti vi duge khéng?) I wonder if I might have a little more cheese. (T6i muén biét ligu toi cd thé ding thém mét chut pho mat nita duge khéng?) [rat trinh trong, nhung nghe ty nhién hon Might I have ..] May duge ding dé chi syf cho phép; may not duge ding dé tit chéi 1di xin phép hoac chi su cém dodn. Ex: May/ Might I borrow the car? (Téi cé thé mugn xe duge khéng?) ~ Yes, of course you may./ No, I’m afraid you may not. (Di nhién 1a duge./ Khéng, t6i e 1a khéng duge.) Students may not use the staff car park. (Sinh vién khong duge ding bai dau xe ciia cdn b6 nha trudng.) May duge ding trong nhiing 1di cau chic trang trong (khéng ding might). Ex: May you both be very happy! (Chic hai ban hanh phiic!) May the New Year bring you all your heart desires. (Chie ban ndm mdi vgn sit nhit ¥.) + Luu fj: KhOng ding may trong cau hdi true tiép 48 din dat kha nang c6 thé xay ra diéu gi, nhung cé thé ding may trong céu hdi gidn tiép. Ex. Are you likely to go camping this summer? (Ban c6 ai cm trai vao mila he nay khong?) May-you-ge-camping—-] Do you think you may go camping this summer? (Ban c6 nghi la mba he nay ban sé dl c&m trai khong?) ¢ MUST (phdi): Must c6 hinh thie phi dinh 14 must not (mustn't). Must duge dung dé: - Dién dat su can thiét, hode sy bat budc 6 hién tai va tuong lai. Ex: Plants must get enough light and water. (Cay cdn phdi cé di dnh sdng va nudc.) > su can thiét (necessary) T haven't phoned Ann for ages. I must phone her tonight. (Léu réi t6i khéng goi dign cho Ann. Téi nay toi phdi goi cho cd dy.) You must get up earlier in the morning. (Buéi séng con phdi day sém hon.) > obligation (sy bat budc) - Bua ra léi khuyén hoae ldi yéu cdu duge nhén manh. Ex: She's a really nice girl. You must meet her. (C6 dy that su la mét cé gdi t6t. Anh nén gap cé dy.) You must be here before eight o'clock tomorrow. (Ngay mai ban phai cd mat 6 day trude 8 gid sang.) - Dua ra mdt suy luan hgp ly va chéc chan. Ex; You must be hungry after a long walk. (Sau chuyén di b6 dai chde la anh doi bung.) John's lights are out. He must be asleep. (Ben nha John tdt.Chde la anh dy dang ngi.) = Must not/ mustn’t duge ding 46 chi sy cm dodn - néi rang diéu gi khong nén lam, ho&c bao ai khéng duge lam diéu gi. Ex: Look, double yellow lines. We mustn’t park here. (Nhin kia, hai vach vang. Ching ta khong dugc dé xe 6 day.) You must keep it a secret, you mustn’t tell anyone. (Ban phdi git kin chuyén dé, ban khéng duge ndi vdi bat cit ai.) You mustn’t use the office phone for private calls. (Ban khéng duge ditng dign thoai cong ty vao viée riéng.) « HAVE TO (phdi): duoc ding dé dién dat sy cdn thiét, hode su bat budc. - Have to c6 thé duge ding tuong duong véi must dé dién dat su cAn thiét. Ex ae have to/ must go to the hairdresser’s soon. (Téi phdi di ngay dén tigm toc.) Tomato plants have to/ must be watered regularly. (Cay ca chua cén duge tudi nude thueng xuyén.) - Have to duge ding thay cho must trong cdc trutng hgp khong thé ding must: thi tuong lai, thi tiép dién, thi qué khd, thi hién tai hoan thanh, dang nguyén thé, danh dong tif, va sau cdc d@ng tit tinh thdi. Ex: You can borrow my car, but you'll have to bring it back before ten. (Anh cé thé mutgn xe ctia t6i, nhung anh phi tré xe trude 10 gid.) (NOT you-will must-bring...] I’m having to read this contract very carefully. (T6i dang phdi doc that kj hop déng nay.) Emma had to go to the dentist yesterday. (Hém qua Emma phdi di nha si.) (NOT Emme-must-go...] Mark has had to drive all the way to Glasgow. (Mark dé phai Idi xe suét quéng duang dén Glasgow.) (NOT Mark-has-must-drive...] I don’t want to have to wait for ages. (Toi khong thich phéi doi qua lau.) (NOT I-dent-want-te-must—wait ...] No one likes having to pay taxes. (Khong ai thich phdi nOp thué.) Ann has a headache. She might have to take an aspirin. (Ann bi dau ddu. Co 1é cé dy phdi uéng mot vién aspirin.) - Trg d6ng tir do duge ding véi have to trong cu héi va cau phi dinh. Ex; I'm not working tomorrow, so I don’t have to get up early. (Ngay mai toi khong di lam, vi vay toi khong phdi thie déy sém.) When does Ann have to go? (Khi nao Ann phdi di?) Did you have to pay for your second cup of coffee? (Ban cé phdi tra tién tach ca phé thit hai khong?) Luu y: Cd must va have to déu dugc ding dé dién dat sy cn thiét phai thyc hign diéu gi d6. Ex All applicants must/ have to take an entrance exam. (Tat c& céc ng vién phai qua mot Ky thivsét hach.) Tuy nhién co su khdc nhau gida must va have to va diéu nay d6i khi rt quan trong. - Must dugc ding dé dién dat sy bat budc dén tis phia ngudi ndi (cm xic va mong ube cila ngudi néi). Have to dugc ding dé dién dat sy bat budc do tinh thé ho&c do diéu kién bén ngoai (nh ndi-quy, uat phap, quy dinh, ménh lénh cia ai....). Ex | really must stop smoking. (Thyc sy t6/ phdi bé hut thuée thdi.) [T6i muBn bd.) ' have to stop smoking. Doctor's orders. (T6/ phai bd huit thud théi. Lénh bac si day.) We must invite Claire. She's wonderful company. (Ching ta phai méi Claire, C6 ay la mét nguéi ban tuyét véi.) We have to invite Trevor and Laura. They invited us last time. (Ching ta phai méi Trevor va Laura. Lan trudéc ho 44 méi ching ta.) You can’t turn right here. You have to turn left. (Anh khéng thé ré phai d day. Anh phéi ré tréi,) [Do hé théng giao théng quy dinh] - Must not / mustn't chi sy c&im doan; do not have to /don't have to (= don't need to) chi sy khong cén thiét. Ex Car mustn't park in front of the entrance. (Xe hai khéng duge dau trudc I6i ra vio.) You don’t have to wash those glasses. They're clean. (Ban khéng phai ria nhitng céi ly d6. Ching sach ma.) [= You don't need to ..] You mustn’t wear your new dress. You'll get them dirty (Gon khéng dugc méc 4o dim mdi. Gon sé lam do 40.) Mark doesn't have to finish the report today. He can do it at the weekend. (Hém nay ‘Mark kh6ng cén phai hoan thanh ban béo céo. Anh dy c6 thé lam nd vao cudi tun.) [= Mark doesn't need to ...] WILL (s2): Will (Il) c6 hinh thie phi dinh 1 will not (won't), va c6 dang qué khit 1a would. Will duge ding dé: Dién dat hoc dy dodn sy vigéc, tinh hudng sé xy ra trong tuong lai. Ex: She'll be here in a few minutes. (Vai phut nila c6 ta sé cb mat d day.) Tom won't pass the examination’ He hasn't worked hard enough for it. (Tom sé khong thi dau cho ma xem. Anh ta hoc thi khéng méy cham chi.) Tomorrow will be warmer. (Ngdy mai troi sé dm hon.) Du dodn vé hién tai. Ex: Don’t phone to the office. He’ll be home by this time. (Bitng goi dén van phong. Gis nay chdc la anh dy 6 nha.) Dua ra mét quyét dinh ngay lic dang néi. Ex: Did you phone Ruth? ~ Oh no, I forgot. I'll phone her now. ee da goi cho Ruth chua? ~ Oi chua, ti quén mét. Bay gid ti sé goi cho © dy.) Chi sy s&n long, sy quyét tam. Ex: He'll take you home if you want. (Néu ban muén anh dy sé dua ban vé nha.) PI stop smoking! I really will! (T6i sé 66 huit thudc! Nhdt dinh t6i sé b6!) Dién dat lai de doa, 1di hia. Ex: Pll hit you if you do that again. (Tao sé dénh may néu may lam thé nita.) I won't tell anyone what happened, I promise. (Toi hita la t6i sé khong ndi vdi bat ct ai chuyen da xdy ra.) Twill duge ding dé duara loi 48 nghi; you will duge ding dé ra lgnh. "IL peel the potatoes. ~ Oh, thank you. (Toi got vd khoai tay nhé. ~ O, edm on.) You will carry out these instructions. (Anh phdi lam theo nhitng chi dan nay.) Will you... (please)? duge ding dé yéu céu mot céch lich su. Ex: Will you post the letter for me, please? (Anh vui long giti giip t0i ld thu nhé2) [= Will you please post the letter for me?) Will you (please) come in? (Méi anh vdo.) Will/ Won't you... ? duge ding dé dién dat 13i d2 nghj hoac 1di mdi. Ex: Will you have a cup of coffee? (Anh diing mét tdch cd phé nhé?) Won't you stay for lunch? (Anh 6 Igi ding com trua nhé?) WOULD (sé): Would (d) c6 hinh thite phi dinh 1a would not (wouldn't) Would 1a dang qua khd cia will trong 16i néi gidn tiép. Would duge ding sau dong tir tung thuat 6 qué khit trong cau gidn tiép. Ex: He said he would phone me on Sunday. (Anh dy néi Chi nhét sé goi cho t6i.) Ann promised that she wouldn’t be late. (Ann da hita la c6 dy sé khéng dén tré.) Would duge ding dé dién ta mot gid dinh 4 qué khit hay dy dodn vé mot tinh huéng c6 thé xAy ra. Ex: At midnight Sarah was still working. She would be tired the next day. (Liic muta dém Sarah van con lam viéc. Ngay hém sau chdc la cd dy sé bi met.) Tt would be fun to have a beach party. (T6 chite mét bita tiée 6 bai bién chdc la sé rat vui.) Would duoc ding dé chi mt théi quen trong qué khd. Ex: On the winter evenings we would all sit around the fire. (Vao nhitng téi mia déng, tat cd ching téi thudng ngdi qudy quén quanh déng lita.) When I was a child, I would sing folk songs. (Khi con nhé t6i thueng hat dan ca.) Would duge ding trong léi yéu cdu, lai dé nghi lich su. Would cé tinh trang trong hon will. Would like/ love/ prefer... + to-infinitive ding dé dién dat mong uéc ho&e mong muén mét cach lich su (lich sy hon ding want). » Ex: I'd like to try on this jacket. (T6i muén mdc thit edi do vét nay.) v I'd love a cup of coffee. (T6i mudn mét tach ca phe.) Would you like + to-infinitive/ noun... ? duge ding 46 dua ra lei dé nghi hoe l3i mai lich sv. Ex: Would you like to have lunch with us? ~ Yes, I'd love to. Thank you. (Anh ding com trua v6i chting toi nhé? ~ Vang, ti réit thich. Cam on.) Would you like orange juice? (Ban uéng nude cam ép nhé?) Would you... (please)? duge ding dé yéu cdu mot cach lich sy. Ex: Would you pay me in cash, please? (Xin vui long thanh todn bang tién mat.) [= Would you please pay me in cash?) Would you mind + verb-ing... ? duge ding dé yéu céu hoic d8 nghi mot céch lich sy. Ex: Would you mind waiting outside? (Xin vui long dgi ben ngodi.) Would you mind standing up for a moment? (Kin hay ditng len mét lat.) Would rather = would prefer: Ex: He'd rather stay at home and play video games. (Anh ta thich & nha choi tro choi dign te hon.) Would you rather have tea or coffee? (Anh thich uéng tra hay ea phe?) I'd prefer to spend the weekend in the country. (T6i thich nghi cudi tudn & ving qué hon.) Would rather + object + verb (past tense): muén ai lam diéu gi dé. Ex: I'd rather you came with us. (Téi muén ban di cing ching toi.) I'd rather they didn’t tell anyone what I sai (Toi muén ho ditng néi vdi ai nhung diéu toi da ndi.) Would rather... than = would prefer... rather than Ex: I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema. (T6i nay t6i thich ¢ nha hon la di xem phim.) Mark would prefer to drive rather than take/ taking the bus. (Mark thich Idi xe hon di xe buyt.) © SHALL (sé): Shall (ll) chi duge ding cho ngéi tht nhat (I shall, We shall). Shall c6 binh thie phi dinh 1a shall not (shan’t) va hinh thtic qué khif la should. -. Shall duge ding dé dién dat ho&e dy dodn mét sy viée hodc tinh huéng sé xay ra trong tuong lai. Ex: We shall know the results next week. (Tuan sau ching ta sé biét duoc két qué.) [or We will know ..] I shall be rich one day. (Mét ngay nao dé t6i sé gidu.) or I will be ..] % Luu j: Ca will va shail du 06 thé diing voi ngoi thi nhat (/ will/ shall, We will/ shall) a8 chi tudng lai. Tuy nhién will dugc ding phé bién hon shall. Shall khong duge ding trong tiéng Anh cia nguti MY. = Shall duge ding chi yéu trong cau héi dé xin-¥ kién hoae 1di khuyén. Ex: Where shall we go this evening? (Chiéu nay chung ta sé di dau?) I'm in terrible trouble. What shall I do? (T6i dang gdp chuyén rat phién phic. Toi nén lam gi day?) > Shall 1... ? dmg trong cau dé nghi. Ex: Shall I do the washing-up? (T6i rita bat dia nhé?) [= Do you want me to do the washing-up?] > Shall we... ? ding trong cau goi ¥. Ex: Shall we go to the movies? ~ Good idea. (Ching ta di xem phim nhé? ~ Y hay ddy.) * SHOULD (sé; nén): Should cé hinh thie phi dinh 1a should not (shouldn't) - Should (sé) 1a hinh thie qué khtt cia shall, duge ding trong cau tung thuat va trong céu trac ‘tuong lai é qué kht’ (future in the past). Ex: I told them we should/ would probably be late. (Ti da n6i vdi ho c6 thé chung ti sé dén tré.) If I had a free weekend, I should/ would go and see Liz. (Gid nhu cu6i tudn toi rénh, toi sé di tham Liz.) = Should (phdi; nén) 1a dOng tit tinh thai, duge ding dé: chi sy b&t budc hode bén phn, nhung nghia cia should khong manh bang must (v6i should cé thé c6 sf Iva chon thyc hién hay khong thuc hién, nhung véi must thi khéng cé sy Iya chon). Ex: Applications should be sent before December 30th. (Bon xin viée phdi duge giti dén truée ngay 30 thdng 12.) You shouldn’t drink and drive. (Anh khong duge udng rugu roi Idi xe.) + dua ra ldi khuyén hoae ¥ kién. Ex: You should stop smoking. (Anh nén 66 hit thuéc.) Tom shouldn’t drive so fast. It’s very dangerous. (Tom khéng nén Idi xe nhanh thé. Lai nhu vay rat nguy hiém) - Would rather... than = would prefer... rather than Ex: 'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema. (T6i nay t6i thich 6 nha hon la di xem phim.) Mark would prefer to drive rather than take/ taking the bus. (Mark thich ldi xe hon di xe bust.) © SHALL (s2): Shall (‘Il) chi duge ding cho ngoi tht nhat (7 shall, We shall). Shall c6. binh thie phi dinh 1a shall not (shan’t) va hinh thtic qué kh 1a should. - Shall duge dimg dé dién dat hoe dy doén mét su viée hode tinh huéng sé xay ra trong tuong lai. Ex: We shall know the results next week. (Tudn sau ching ta sé biét duge két qua.) [or We will know ..] I shall be rich one day. (Mét ngay nao dé t6i sé gidu.) [or I will be ..] % Luu j: Ca will va shail du c6 thé ding voi ngoi thi nhdt (/ will/ shall, We will/ shall) a8 chi tudng lai. Tuy nhién will dugc ding phé bién hon shall. Shall khong duge ding trong tiéng Anh cia nguti Mj = Shall duge ding chi yéu trong cau héi dé xin-¥ kién hoae 1di khuyén. Ex: Where shall we go this evening? (Chiéu nay chung ta sé di dau?) I'm in terrible trouble. What shall I do? (Toi dang gdp chuyen rat phién phitc. T6i nén lam gi day?) > Shall I... ? dimg trong céu dé nghi. Ex: Shall I do the washing-up? (T6i rita bat dia nhé?) {= Do you want me to do the washing-up?] > Shall we... ? ding trong cau ggi ¥. Ex: Shall we go to the movies? ~ Good idea. (Ching ta di xem phim nhé? ~ Y hay day.) * SHOULD (s2; nén): Should c6 hinh thtic phi dinh la should not (shouldn't) ~ Should (sé) 1A hinh thie qué khit cia shall, duge ding trong céu tung thuat va trong céu trac ‘tuong lai é qué kht’ (future in the past). Ex; I told them we should/ would probably be late. (T6i da noi vdi ho c6 thé ching t6i sé dén tré.) If I had a free weekend, I should/ would go and see Liz. (Gid nhu cu6i tudn toi rénh, toi sé di tham Liz.) = Should (phdi; nén) 1a dOng tit tinh thai, duge ding dé: chi sy b&t budc hoae bén phn, nhung nghia cia should khong manh bang must (v6i should cé thé c6 sf Iva chon thyc hién hay khong thuc hién, nhung véi must thi khéng cé sy lya chon). Ex: Applications should be sent before December 30th. (Bon xin viée phdi duge giti dén true ngay 30 théng 12.) You shouldn’t drink and drive. (Anh khong duge udng rugu roi Idi xe.) + dua ra ldi khuyén hoac ¥ kién. Ex: You should stop smoking. (Anh nén bd huit thuéc.) Tom shouldn't drive so fast. It’s very dangerous. (Tom khéng nén Idi xe nhanh thé. Lai nhu vay rdt nguy hiém) P| ‘The neighbors are complaining. We'd better turn the music down. (Hang xéin than phién déy. Tét hon la ching ta nén vdn nhé nhac.) - Had better c6 hinh thie phii dinh 1a had better not va hinh thite cau héi la Had + S + better. Ex: You don’t look very well. You’d better not go to work today. (Trong ban khéng duge khée. Tét hon hét la hém nay ban khéng nén di lam.) Had I better leave now? (T6i cé nén di bay gid khong?) [= Should I leave now?) + Luu yj: Had better c6 nghia tuong ty véi should, nhung khong hoan toan giéng nhau. Had better chi duge diing cho tinh hubng cy thé, va c6 nghia manh han should va ought (ngudi néi nhan thay hanh dong dé la cn thiét va mong doi hanh dong sé duoc thuc hién). Should c6 thé duge ding trong tat ca cae tinh hudng khi dua ray kién hay cho ai Idi Khuyén. Ex It's cold today. You had better wear a coat when you go out (Hém nay tréi lanh qué. TOt hon a ban nén mic do khoac khi ra ngodi.) | think all the drivers should wear seat belts. (T0i cho a tat cd cdc tai x nén that day Jung an toan.) {NOT ... the-drivar-had-better-weat...] * Modal perfect * May/ might/ could have + past participle duge ding dé dién dat: — Diéu gi dé c6 thé da xay ra hoac ¢6 thé ding trong qué khi. Ex: You may/ might have left your wallet at home. (Cé thé ban da dé vi 6 nha.) [= Perhaps you left it at home.) Someone could have stolen your wallet. (Co thé nguti nao dé da ldy cdp vi cia ban.) [= It’s possible that someone stole it.] - Diéu gi dé c6 thé xay ra nhung da khong xay ra. Ex: Why did you let him come home alone? He might/ could have got lost. (Sao anh lai dé né di vé nha mOt minh? Né co thé bj lac.) — But he didn’t get lost. © May not/ mightn’t have + past participle duge ding dé dién dat diéu gi 46 c6 thé da khéng xay ra trong qué khit. Ex: I may not/ mightn’t have locked the door. (C6 le toi dé khong khéa ella.) © Can’t/ couldn't have + past participle duge dimg dé dién dat diéu gi d6 chdc chan khong thé xy ra trong qué khit. Ex: Daniel can’t/ couldn’t have caught the bus. It doesn’t run on Sundays. (Chde chdin la Daniel da khong dén duge xe bust. Chit nhat xe buyt khong chay.) © Must have + past participle duge ding dé dién dat diéu gi dé hau nhu chic chic da xdy ra trong qué khtt. Ex: The phone rang but he didn’t hear it. He must have been asleep. (Chuéng dién thogi reng nhung anh ta khong nghe. Chéc la anh ta dang ngi.) T’ve lost one of my gloves. I must have dropped it somewhere. (T6i bi mat mét chiéc gang tay. Chdc la t6i da danh roi n6 6 dau do.) © Should have + past participle duge ding dién dat mét diéu gi d6 1é ra nén hoae phai xdy ra nhung da khong xay ra trong qu khi. Shouldn't have + past participle duge ding dé dién dat diéu gi d6 16 ra Khong nén xdy ra nhung da xay ra trong qué khit. Ex: I should have phoned her this morning, but I forgot. (Lé ra sang nay toi phdi goi dign cho cé dy, nhung toi quén mat.) You shouldn’t have called him a fool. It really upset him. (Lé ra ban khéng nén goi anh ta la ké ngu xudn. Diéu dé thye su lam anh ta bye minh.) Ought (not) to have + past participle duge ding tuong ty nhu should (not) have + past participle. Ex: It's disappointing. We ought to/ should have won the game easily. (That dang thdt vong. Lé ra ching toi phdi thing tran dau mét cach dé dang.) [But we lost the game.] Ann is feeling sick. She ought not to/ shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolate. (Ann cém thdy buén nén. Lé ra cé dy khong nén an qua nhiéu s6-cé-la nhu thé.) [But she ate too much chocolate.] > Luu j: Khi chang ta hodn toan chéo chén mot diéu gi d6 la diing thi ching ta khong céin ding dong ti tinh thai. Nhung ching ta thudng ding d6ng ti tinh thai Khi ching ta dua ra mot suy luan vé sy chdc ch&n cia mét sy viéc hod sy kién ndo 66. Mdc d6 che chén (degrees of certainty) duge dign dat nhu sau: - Trong cau khang dinh (positive sentences) Why isn't John in class? (Tai sao John nghi hoc?) 100% He is sick. (Anh ay bj bénh.) 95% He must be sick. (Chdc anh Ay bj bénh.) {thon 50% He may/ might/ could be sick. (C6 thé anh dy bj bénh.) —Trong c4u phi dinh (Negative sentences) Why doesn't Sam eat? (Tai sao Sam khdng an?) 100% Sam isn’t hungry. (Sam khéng di.) 99% Sam can’t/ couldn't be hungry. He's just had dinner. (Sam khéng thé doi. Anh ay vila mdi an t6i xong.) 95% Sam must not be hungry. (Chdc Ja Sam khong déi.) ft hon 50% Sam may not/ might not be hungry. (Co /6 Sam khdng ddi.) * Mac 4 chdc ch&n 6 qué kha cing dugc ding tuong ty nhu d hién tai. * Mét sé dong ti vita la trg dong ty tinh thai (modal auxiliary verbs) vita la dong tit thudng (ordinary verbs). © NEED (cén; cén phdi): ding dé dién ta nhu céu, sy cn thiét hoke sy bat bude phai thue hién diéu gi do. - Need thutng duge ding nhu mét dong tir thudng (ordinary verb), Sau need la mot déng tit nguyén mau cé ¢o hodc mot danh tif. Ex: She needs some warm clothes for the winter. (C6 dy cén mét s6 quan do dm cho mia déng.) You need to water this plant twice a week. (Anh can phdi tudi cay nay hai lén mét tudn.) We've got plenty of time. We don’t need to hurry. (Ching ta cé nhiéu thoi gian. Ching ta chdng cén phdi v6i va.) Do we need to reserve seats on the train? (Ching ta cé cdn phdi giit ché trudc trén xe lita khong?) > Need + verb-ing c6 nghia bi dong. Ex: This room needs cleaning. (Can phdng nay can duge lau chii.) = This room needs to be cleaned.] The batteries in the radio need changing. (Can phi thay pin trong radio.) [= they need to be changed.] - Need cing c6 thé dugc ding nhu mét trg dong tit tinh thai (modal auxil- iary verb); chit yéu trong cau phi dinh, cau hdi, sau if va whether hoae voi cde tit mang nghia phii dinh hardly, scarely, never, only, nobody, anybody, v.v. Sau need 1a dOng tit nguyén mau khong to: Ex: That shirt isn't dirty. You needn’t wash it (Céi do so mi dé khong do. Anh khong edn phi gidt.) (need not = needn't] Need I fill in a form? (T6i cé cén phdi dién vao don khéng?) I wonder if we need reserve seats. (Toi tu héi khong biét ching t6i cd edn dat ché trude khong.) This is the only form you need fill in. (Day la méu don duy nhét ma ban can phdi dién vao.) > Needn’t have + past participle dugc ding dé dién dat diéu gi d6 da duge thyc hién trong qué khi, nhung khéng cén thiét. Ex: You needn't have gone to the supermarket. We already had a pizza for tonight. (Anh dau cn phdi di siéu thi lam gi. Téi nay ching ta da cé banh pizza réi ma.) Why did you wash that shirt? It wasn't dirty. You needn’t have washed it. (Sao em Iai gidt cdi do dé? Né dau co do. Em khéng cdn phdi gidt nd.) > Will need + to-infinitive duge ding dé chi sy bat budc phai thy hién diéu gi trong tuong lai hodc dua ra 1di khuyén cho tuong lai. Ex: We'll need to repair the roof next year. (Nam t6i ching ta cdin phdi sita mdi nha.) You'll need to work hard if you want to pass your exam. (Néu muén thi déu ban can phdi c6 gdng hoc tap.) > Lutu y: Trong tiéng Anh cia ngudi My (American English), need rt ft duge ding nhu mot tro dong ti tinh thai Ex That shirt isn’t dirty. You don’t need to wash it. (NOT needatwash] ¢ DARE (dam) = Dare thutmg duge ding nhu mt dong tif thudng. Sau dare la mot dong tir nguyén mau cé to (to-infinitive). Ex; She didn’t dare to tell him what happened. (Cé ta khéng dém ké cho anh dy nghe nhitng gi da xdy ra.) He's a man who dares to say what he thinks. (Anh dy la nguai dém néi nhitng gi minh nghi.) How did you dare to do that? (Sao anh dam lam diéu dé?) = Dare cing c6é thé duge ding nhu mét trg dOng tix tinh thai trong cdc cau pha dinh, cau héi, sau if va whether hoae v6i hardly, never, no one, nobody, v.v. Sau dare 1a mét dong tit nguyén mau khéng to (infinitive without to). Ex: I daren’t ask her for a rise. (Ti khéng dam yéu cdu ba ta tang luong.) {dare not = daren’t] Dare she tell him? (Ba ta dam ndi cho 6ng dy biét sao?) Nobody dared lift their eyes from the ground. (Chang ai dém nguéc mat nhin lén.) > Dare + object + to-infinitive duge dimg dé théch 46. Ex: I dare you to run across the street with your eyes shut. (Téi théch anh nhdm mat chay bang qua dung.) > I dare say = 1 think probably; I suppose Ex: I dare say it'll rain soon. (Téi dém chde lat nita trai sé mua.) © USED TO (da thuéng; da titng): duge ding dé dién dat tinh trang hode théi quen trong qué khi ma nay khéng.cdn nia. - Used to thutmg duge ding nhu mét dong tif thudng. Sau used to 1a dong tit nguyén mau khong to. Ex: My father used to smoke, but he stopped smoking two years ago. (Trude day cha ti thuang hut thuéc, nhung 6ng da bé hit thuée cdch day hai nam.) There used to be’a dancehall here, but they knocked it down. (Truée kia noi day la mt vii trudng, nhung ngusi ta da pha b6 né.) Dang did trong cau héi va cau phi dinh. Ex; I didn’t use to like her, but we are best friends now. (Truée day toi khong thich co ta, nhung nay ching toi da la ban than.) Did you use to play tennis? (Truc day ban cé choi tennis khong?) - Used to cing cé thé duge ding nhu trg dong tit tinh théi trong 16i vain trinh trong (formal style). Hinh thiic cau hdi Used + S + to...? it duge ding. Ex: I used not/ usedn’t to like opera, but now I do. (Trude déy toi khong thich nhac kich, nhung nay t6i thich.) Used you to go there? (Anh co thutng dén dé khéng?) *& Luu y: Used to kh6ng cé hinh thitc hién tai. Dé néi vé théi quen va tinh trang 6 hién tai, ding thi hign tai don (present simple tense) Ex. My brother used to play basketball, but now he plays volleyball. (Truéc day anh trai t6i choi béng r6, nhung nay anh dy choi bong chuyén.) We used to live in a small village but now we live in London. (Trude day ching t6i s6ng trong m6t ngéi lang nhé nhung hién nay ching t6i dang s6ng é London.) — Trong céu hdi dubi (tag-question), used to khéng duge ding nhu mot trg d6ng ti tinh thai Ex You used not to like him, did you? (NOT ... used-you?] = Ching ta khong ding used to khi ching ta néi chinh xc sy vigc xay ra bao nhiéu lan, trong thdi gian bao lau, hoc vao mét thoi diém cy thé nao do trong qua khd. Ex We visited Paris four times during the 1970s. [NOT We-used-to-visit...] She went to Jamaica last month. [NOT She-used-to-go-to- Jamaica > Be used to + verb-ing/ noun (quen; quen véi) Ex: I am used to living alone. (Ti quen sng m6t minh.) We've lived in this town for ten years, so we are used to the noise here. (Ching t6i séng & thi trén nay dé 10 ndm réi, nén chung toi quen véi tiéng én 6 day.) > Get used to + verb-ing/ noun (trd nén quen vdi) Ex: You'll soon get used to living in the country. (Ban sé sém quen vdi viée sing 6 mién qué.) Little by little, he got used to his new family. (N6 da@ dén quen vdi gia dinh méi ciia minh.) 3.2. Dong ti thudng (Ordinary verbs) Dong ti thudng cé nhiing nét vin pham sau: — Ngoi thit ba sd it 06 -s. Ex: She lives in a small house. (Cé dy séng trong mét ngéi nha nhé.) - CAu héi va cau phi dinh duge thanh l4p véi tro dong tit do. Ex: Jane doesn’t want to go to the party. (Jane khong thich di du tiée.) Do you like my ear-rings? (Ban cé thich d6i hoa tai ciia t6i khong?) What did you tell to the police? (Anh da khai gi vdi cdnh sat?) — Sau dong tix thutmg c6 thé la mot dong tit nguyén mau cé to (to-infinitive), dong tit nguyén mau khéng to (bare-infinitive/ infinitive without to) hoac m@t danh dong tir (gerund). Ex: I hope to see you soon. (T6i hy vong sé sém gdp lai ban.) Don't let the children play with match. (Ding cho tré con nghich diém.) They enjoyed collecting stamps. (Ho thich suu tam tem.) Dong tit thudng ¢6 ba hinh thie: nguyén mau (the infinitive), danh dong tit (the gerund), va phan tif (the participle) a. Hinh thie nguyén mu (The infinitives) la hinh thie co ban cla dong tit. Dang nguyén mau cia dong tit gm nguyén mau cé to (to-infinitive) va nguyén mau khéng ¢o (infinitive without to/ bare-infinitive). + Dong tWY nguyén mau cé fo (to-infinitive) Dong tit nguyén mu cé to c6 thé duge ding lam: - Chii ngif cia cau (subject of a sentence). Ex: To lean out of the window is dangerous. (Nhoai ngudi ra cita 86 thi that nguy hiém.) To wait for people who were late made him angry. (gi cha nhitng nguai dén tré da lam cho 6ng ta néi cdu.) Trong tiéng Anh hién dai, cfu tric véi chi ngit gia it thuéng duge ding; nhat 1a trong 1éi van than mat. Ex: It’s dangerous to lean out of the window. (That nguy hiém khi nhodi ngudi ra ngodi cia 86.) It made him angry to wait people who are late. (Ong ta néi gidn vi phdi cho dgi nhitng ngubi di tré.) B6 ngi cho chi ngit (subject complement) Hinh thife nguyén mau cé to (to-infinitive) ¢6 thé duge dimg sau be nhu mét bé ngit cho chi ngit (subject complement). Ex: What I like is to swim in the sea and then to lie on the warm sand. (Nhitng gi t0i thich la boi 16i 6 bién réi sau dé nam trén bai cat dm.) His plan was to keep the affair secret. (Chii dinh cia anh dy la git kin chuy@n.) Tan ngit cia dong tit (object of a verb) Hinh thtfe nguyén mu cé to cé thé duge ding nhu mét tan ngif tryc tiép sau cde dong ti: afford care determine help manage pretend seem agree cease © demand hesitate mean prepare strive arrange choose desire hope need promise tend ask claim expect intend _— neglect. propose _threaten attempt come fail learn offer refuse try bear continue fear like ‘omit regret want beg decide forget —_ long plan start wish begin deserve hate love prefer swear Ex: She agreed to pay £50. (Cd-dy déng ¥ tra 50 bang.) It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home. (Vi da tré nén ching t6i quyét dinh di taxi vé nha.) He managed to put the fire out. (Anh ta da tim duge céch dap tdt lita.) ‘The little girl seems to be crying. (Hinh nhu c6 bé dang khéc.) Hinh thife nguyén mau cé fo cing cé thé duge ding sau cdc cum dng tir nhu: to make up one’s mind, to take care, to take the trouble, to make sure,... Ex: I've made up my mind to be a doctor. (Toi da quyét dink s@ tré thanh bee si.) Take care not to drink too much. (Hay cén trong ditng cd uéng quad nhiéu rugu.) Tan ngit cia tinh tit (objects of an adjective) Hinh thie nguyén m4u ¢6 to thudng duge ding sau mét sé tinh tir dién ta phan tng ho&c cam xtc cia con ngudi va nhiéu tinh tir thong dung khéc (unjable content easy helpless prepared slow afraid crazy free horrified quick sorry amused curious fortunate impatient ready sufficient annoyed dangerous furious _ interested relieved thankful anxious delighted frighten keen reluctant (un)wise ashamed determined good luckly right (unjwilling astonished difficult glad moved resolved useless boring distressed grateful pleased _safe usual careful due hard —(im)possible scared "worthy certain eager happy _—proud surprised wonderful wrong. Ex: I'm pleased to see you. (Téi rdt vui duge gdp ban.) John was surprised to get Ann’s letter. (John ngac nhién khi nhén duge thi Ann.) Be careful not to wake the children. (Hay can than dimg lam bon tré thie gide.) Your writing is impossible to read. (Chit viét cia anh that khéng thé néo doc duge.) It’s boring to do the same thing every day. (That la chén khi ngay nao ciing lam cing mét cong viée.) > Adjective + for + object + to-infinitive duge dimg khi dong tit nguyén mau c6 chi ngif riéng ciia no. Cau tric nay duge ding dé dién ta nhitng mong uc, cdm xtic hofc cam nghi cd nhan déi v6i mOt tinh hudng nao dé. Ex; She's anxious for the children to go home, (Ba dy dang mong bon tré vé nhé.) It seems unnecessary for him to start work this week. (C6 vé nhu anh dy khong can phdi. bdt dau céng viée trong tuan nay.) > Adjective + of + object + to-infinitive duge ding sau mot s6 tinh tir dién t& cach cu xit nhu: brave, careless, clever, foolish, generous, good, helpful, honest, intelligent, kind, nice, polite, silly, stupid, wrong,... Ex: It's kind of Melanie to put you up for the night. (Melanie that tét bung khi cho ban tro Iai dém.) It was polite of you to write and thank us. (Anh that lich su-khi viét thu cém on ching téi.) - Bé ngu cho danh tir hoi dai tir (complement of a noun/ pronoun) Hinh thie nguyén mau cé to c6é thé duge dimg sau mét danh tit hoac dai tir dé bé nghia cho danh tit hoac dai ti dé: verb + object (noun! pronoun) + to-infinitive. + Ex: She doesn’t want anybody to know. (C6 dy khéng muén bdt cit ai biét.) He advised me to visit Westminster Abbey. (Anh dy khuyén toi nén dén thm Tu vién Westminster.) Nick couldn’t persuade Rita to go out with him. (Nick khéng thuyét phuc duge Rita di choi vdi anh ta.) * Mot sd dong tir thong dung cé thé duge theo sau béi tan ngit + dong tir nguyén mau (object + to-infinitive): advise challenge forbid instruct need suspect want allow command love intend observe teach warn ask compel force invite order tell wish... assume consider get know permit —_ tempt (can’t) bear enable guess __ lead prefer think beg encourage hate like persuade trust believe expect help leave ~—remind urge cause find imagine mean reauest understand — Trong ldi n6i gidn tiép (indirected speech), déng tix nguyén mau c6 to (to- infinitive) c6 thé duge ding sau cde nghi van tit what, who, which, when, where, how,.. (nhumg thudng khong ding sau why). Ex: I don’t know what to say. (T6i khéng biét nén néi gi.) Can you tell me how to get to the station? (Ban cé thé cho t6i biét dudng dén nha ga duoc khong?) We were wondering where to park the car. (Ching t6i dang phan van khéng biét phdi déu xe ¢ dau.) - Dong tiv nguyén mau c6 to (to-infinitive) c6 thé duge dimg dé thay cho ménh dé quan hé (relative clause). Ex: The house to be demolished is very old indeed. (Ngoi nha bi pha hily th@t su la rét ci ky.) [= The house which was demolished...] - Dong tir nguyén mau cé fo (to-infinitive) ¢6 thé duge ding sau mot danh ti ho&e mét dai tir bat dinh (something, anything, somewhere,..) dé dién Be muc dich ho&c két qua da dy tinh. 'm going to Austria to learn German. (Téi sé di Ao dé hoe tiéng Ditc.) I'd like something to stop my toothache. (T6i muén cdi gi dé cé thé lam hét dau rang.) - Déng tir nguyén mdu cé fo (to-infinitive) duge ding sau too va enough. Ex: This suitcase is too heavy (for me) to lift. (Cai va li nay qué nding (t6i) khong thé nhdc néi.) The apples were ripe enough to pick. (Nhing qué téo nay dé di: chin dé hdi.) - »Déng ti nguyén mau cé to (to-infinitive) duge ding trong cdc c&u tric goi la ‘Absolute Phrases’. Ex: To tell the truth, I don’t know what the answer is. (Thi that, t6i chdng biét gidi dap ra sao.) - To cut a long story short, he ended his life in prison. (Tom Igi la né da chét trong ti.) - Déng tit nguyén méu cé to (to-infinitive) con duge ding trong céc cAu cam than hoac cau dién dat mo uéc. Ex: To think she met with such a death! (Ai nga nang lai chét niu thé!) Oh! To be young again. (Oi! Use gi duge tré Igi.) + Dong tit nguyén m4u khéng fo (bare-infinitive/ infinitive without to) Dong tit nguyén mdu khéng to duge ding = Sau cdc trg d6ng tir tinh thai can, could, may, might, should, shall, must, will, would,... Ex: We must go now. (Chung t6i phdi di bay gid.) You should stay at home. (Anh nén @ nhd.) I ean swim across the river. (T6i cé thé boi qua ben kia song.) - Sau cde dong tif let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice + tan ngit (object). Ex: I saw her get off the bus. (Téi thy ¢6 ta xu6ng xe bust.) Don’t let the children stay up late. (Ding dé bon tré thie khuya.) They made him repeat the whole story. (Ho buge anh dy ké lai toan b6 céu chuyén.) I suddenly felt something brush against my arm. (Thinh linh t6i cdm thdy cé cdi gi cham nhe vao tay.) Help c6 thé duge ding véi dong tit nguyén mAu cé to hodc khong to. Ex: Could you help me (to) move this cupboard? (Anh gitip t6i chuyén cdi th nay nhé?) ‘& Luu ¥: Khi cdc dong tir nay (ngoai tri lef) dupe ding 4 thé bj dong (passive voice) thi phai dugc theo sau bdi dong tiv nguyén mau cé to (to-infinitive). Ex She was seen to get off the bus. (Ngudi ta thay cO ay xudng xe buyt.) He was made to repeat the whole story. (NO bj budc phai ké lai toan 66 céu chuyén.) Let khong dupe ding & dang bi dng, allow thutng dupe ding hon. Ex. After questioning he was allowed to go home. (Sau cue thém van, anh ta duge phép vé nha.) (NOT... he-was-4et-to-go-home] - Sau cdc cum dng tit had better, would rather, had sooner,... Ex: You had better tell him the truth. (Tét hon la ban nén cho anh Gy biét su that.) I would rather stay at home. (Téi thich 4 nha hon.) ~ Sau why hoc why not. Ex: Why get upset just because of a bad mark? (Sao Iai lo Icing chi vi mét diém kém?) Why not stay for lunch? (Sao khong 4 Igi an trua?) b. Danh dng ti (The gerunds): 1a hinh thie dong ti dugc thém -ing va duge ding nhu m6t danh ti. Danh dong tif 6 thé duge dung 1am - Chii ngfr cia cau (subject of a sentence) Ex: The building of the house will take at least six months. (ite xay ngdi nha sé mét it nhdt sdu thang.) Swimming is my favourite sport. (Boi igi la mén thé thao ua thich nhdt eda t6i.) - Bé ngi cia déng tit (complement of a verb) Ex: My hobby is collecting stamps. (Sé thich ciia t6i la swu tdm tem.) The new agreement will mean working overtime. (gp déng méi ddi hi phai lam ngodi gid.) - Tén ngit ciia dong tir (object of a verb) Danh dong tir c6 thé dugc ding nhu mot tan ngit tryc tiép (direct object) sau céc déng tit: admit deny excuse keep put off risk escape avoid detest fancy mention recall save __ delay appreciate dislike finish mind resent stop _— suggest... burst out endure give up_ miss resist practise consider enjoy imagine postpone recollect involve Ex: I enjoy travelling. (T6i thich di du lich.) She's finished cleaning the flat. (Cé dy da lau don xong can hé.) Would you mind closing the door? (Xin hay dong gitip cdnh cita.) Harriet suggested having a party. (Harriet goi ¥ 16 chile mét bita tiée.) Danh dOng ti cing duge ding nhuy mOt tan ngit trye tiép (direct object) sau mt sé thanh ngif: can’t bear, can’t face, can’t stand, can’t help, can’t resist, feel like, It’s no use/ good, It’s (not) worth, There’s no point in,... Ex: She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help laughing. (C6 ta da cf t6 ra nghiém nghi nhung réi ciing khéng nhin cuvi duge.) I didn’t feel like talking to him after what had happened. (Sau nhing gi dé xéy ra t6i khéng mu6n néi chuyén vdi anh ta nita.) It’s no use reading this kind of book. (Doc logi stich nay chdng ich Igi gi.) My house isn’t far from here. It’s not worth taking a taxi. (Nha t6i cdch day khong xa. Khong dang phai di taxi.) — Bé ngit ciia tan ngi (object complement) Mét sé dong tir c6 thé duge theo sau béi tan ng + danh dong tit (verb + object + -ing form): catch, discover, dislike, feel, find, hear, imagine, involve, keep, mind, notice, prevent, remember, risk, see, spend, stop, watch,... Ex: Nobody can stop him doing what he wants to. (Khéng ai cé thé ngan anh ta lam diéuma anh ta muén lam.) Sorry to keep you waiting so long. (Xin 1éi vi da'dé ban dgi lau.) I don’t mind you going without me. (Toi khong quan tam dén viée ban di ma khéng cé t6i.) I don’t remember my mother complaining about it. (T6i khéng nhé la me da than phién vé diéu do.) Hinh thai sé hitu (possessives) duge ding véi danh dng tiv trong Idi van trang trong. Ex: I don’t mind your going without me. (Toi khong quantdm dén vige ban di ma khéng cé toi.) I don’t remember my mother’s complaining about it. (Téi khéng nhé la me da than phién vé diéu dé.) - Danh dong tir duge ding sau tat cA cdc gidi tir. Ex: She entered the room without knocking. (Cé dy vao phéng ma khong go cita.) The thief got in by breaking a window. (Ké tr6m vao nha bang cach dap v6 cila 86.) > Verb + preposition + -ing form Ex: They are talking about building a new swimming-pool. (Ho dang ban ludn vé viée xdy mét hé boi mdi.) I'm looking forward to seeing you again. (Téi mong duoc gdp lai ban.) Laura insisted on paying for the meal. (Laura cit nhdt dink doi tra tién bita dn.) * Mot s6 dong tir + gidi tu (verb + preposition) thuong ding: agree with consist of* lead to return to object to approve of depend on count on result in insist on v * threaten with dream of end in safe from rely on think about complain of give up succeed in mean by... forget about gobackto carryon __ think of hesitate about worry about persist in take to concentrate on get to plari on talk of confess to keepon put off_—_believe in care for apologise for long for look forward to Verb + object + preposition + -ing form Ex; I congratulated Ann on passing the exam. (T6i chiie mig Ann thi dau.) Please forgive me for not writing to you. (Xin hay thit l6i cho tdi vi da khéng viét thu cho ban.) Mt s6 dong tir + gidi tix (verb + preposition) thudng duge ding trong cau trie nay: accused (of), blame (for), congratulate (on), discourage (from), forgive (for), prevent (from), stop (from), suspect (of), thank (for), warn (against),... Adjective + preposition + -ing form Ex: Alice is fond of dancing. (Alice thich khiéu vii.) ‘Are you interested in working for us? (Anh cé thich lam vite cho chiing t6i khong?) Tm fed up with living in this awful place. (T6i chan phdi sOng 6 cdi noi khiing khiép nay.) Mt s6 tinh tir + gidi tit (adjective + preposition) thuéng ding: careful (about) in absorbed in fortunate in afraid of upset at (undeonscious of excited about grateful for annoy at successful at (in) happy in (at) careless of nice about responsible for content with certain of pleased at embarrassed at delighted at skill in (at) proud of tired of (from) frightened of amused at aware of accustomed to interested in certain of clever at seared at (of) surprised at _furious at given to worried about thankful for far from good at different from ashamed of fond of keen on bored with (in) angry with intent on (upon) right in capable of fed up with wrong in set on sick of slow in sorry for sure of Danh dong tit cing c6 thé duge ding sau mét sé tinh tit amusing, comfortable, difficult, easy, great, hopeless, lovely, nice, off, pleasant, strange, useless, wonderful, worth, ... trong edu trie véi chi ngit gid It. Nhung cach ding nay khé than mat nén thung duge ding trong van noi hon 1a van viét. Ex: It was nice seeing you. (Rét vui duge gap ban.) It was useless arguing with them. (Tranh cai vdi ho thét vd ich.) - Danh dong tit c6 thé duge ding sau cdc lién tit after, although, before, since, when, while. Ex: I always have a shower after playing tennis. (T6i luén tém sau khi choi quan vot.) You should lock the door when leaving your room. (Ban nén khéa cita khi ra khdi phng.) - Danh dong tit c6 nghia bj dong khi duge ding sau céc dong tit deserve, need, want va require. Ex: I don’t think his article deserves reading. [= deserves to be read] (T6i cho la bai béo ctia éng ta khong dang doc.) The plants want/ need watering daily. [= need to be watered] (Cay c6i edn phéi duge tudi nude méi ngdy.) - For + -ing form c6 thé duge dung sau danh tir ho&c dai ti bat dinh (something, anything.) 48 gidi thich myc dich cia dé vat hay chat ligu. Ex: A strimmer is a machine for cutting grass and weeds. (May cdt cd la may ding dé xén cé ve cdt cd dai.) I need something for killing flies. (Tdi cdn thit gi dé dé digt ruéi.) * Danh dong tit hay dong tix nguyén miu (The gerunds or the infinitives) Mét s0 dong tit cé thé duge theo sau bdi cd hai dang -ing va infinitive: advise continue goon intend prefer see try allow forbid go like propose stop watch begin forget hate love regret start a (can’t) bearhear permit remember (can’t) stand Tag mét sé trutng hgp cé suf khdc nhau vé nghia gitfa hai cAu tric. Remember (nhd) va forget (quén) - Remember/ forget + to-infinitive: chi hanh dng tuong lai - hanh dong nh6/ quén xdy ra truée hanh déng cdn phai thyc hién. Ex: Please remember to return the book tomorrow. (Xin nhé tra Iai séch vao ngay mai.) The clothes are still dirty because I forgot to switch on the machine. (Quan do vn con do vi t6i dé quén mé may gidt.) = Remember/ forget + verb-ing: chi hanh déng dé qua - hanh dong nhd/ quén xdy ra sau hanh dong duge dién dat bang danh déng tir. Forget + verb-ing duge ding chu yéu trong cum tif JI never ... va nhitng cym tit c6 nghia tuong tu. Ex: I'm sure I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it. (Chde chdn la t6i dé khéa cita. T6i nhé ré rang la t6i dé khéa.) Til never forget seeing him the first time. (T6i sé khéng bao gid quén lén ddu tién téi gdp anh Gy.) © Regret (tiée; héi tiée) - Regret + to-infinitive: chi yéu duge ding khi théng bao tin xdu hode dién dat sy héi tiée vé diéu dang lam. Ex: We regret to telll you that we are unable to help you. (Chiing t6i rdt tiée phdi ndi la chiing t6i khong thé gidp ban duge.) Regret + verb-ing: dién dat sy hdi tiée vé didu gi d6 da xdy ra trong qué khit. Ex:I regret leaving school at 14 — It was a big mistake. (Toi thay tiée vi da nghi hoc nam 14 tu6i - Dé 1a mét sai ldm Ién.) Stop (ngiing) Stop + to-infinitive: chi myc dich, cé nghia ‘ngitng Iai dé lam vite gi dé’ Ex: We stopped to rest. (Ching t6i ngitng Igi dé nghi ngoi.) ‘Stop + verb-ing: c6 nghia ‘ngting lam vigc gl’. Ex: There's too much noise. Can you all stop talking, please? (On ao qua. Xin tét cd cée ban ngitng ndi chuyen cé duge khong?) © Try (c6 gdng; thit) Try + to-infinitive: chi su n6 lye — e6 gdng lam diéu gi dé. Ex: I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy. (Toi c6 chuyén dich edi ban, nhung né qué nding.) Try + verb-ing: chi sy thir nghiém — lam diéu gi 46 nh’m thi nghiém hoac kiém tra. Ex: Try phoning his home number. (Thi goi vé nha 6ng ta xem.) Go on (tiép tuc) Go on + to-infinitive: chi sy thay déi cia hanh dong — tiép tuc lam viée gi sau khi da lam xong mot viée khéc.. Ex: After discussing the economy, the minister went on to talk about foreign policy. (Sau khi thdo ludn vé vdn dé kinh té, ong b6 truéng tip tue néi vé chinh sdch d6i ngoai.) Go on + verb-ing: chi sy lién tuc cia mot hanh dong — tiép tyc lam mot diéu gi dé. Ex: I can’t go on pretending that everything is okay when it clearly isn't. (Toi khéng thé tiép tuc lam ra vé moi chuyén vdn én trong khi ro rang la né khéng én.) Mean (cé ¥ dinh; c6 nghia) Mean (+ object) + to-infinitive: chi dy dinh hoac ¥ dinh (= intend) Ex: Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. (Xin 16i, toi khéng dinh ngdt loi ban.) Mean + verb-ing: chi sy lién quan hoae két qua. Ex: Spending all the money today means starving tomorrow. (Tiéu hét tién hém nay c6 nghia la ngay mai chét déi.) © Déng ty chi tri gidc (hear, see, notice,...) Hear, see .. + object + bare-infinitive: chi sy hoan tat cia hanh dong - nghe hodc thay toan bé hanh déng hodc sy viéc da dién ra. Ex: I saw Tom get into his car and drive away. (T6i thdy Tom len 6 t6 va Idi di.) We all felt the house shake. (Tt cd chiing t6i déu cém théy ngoi nha rung lén.) Cau trac nay thudng duge ding véi cdc dong tu: feel, hear, listen to, notice, see, watch. - Hear, see, .. + object + verb-ing: chi su tiép dién cia hanh déng — nghe hodc thay hanh déng hode sy viée dang dién tién. Ex: As I passed his house I heard him practicing the piano. (Khi-t6i di ngang qua nha anh dy, tdi nghe anh Gy dang tép piano.) They felt the earth shaking beneath their feet. (Ho cam thay mat dat dudi chan dang rung chuyén.) Cau tric nay thudng duge ding v6i cdc dOng tit: feel, find, hear, listen to, notice, see, smell, watch. Like (thich), love (yéu), hate (ghét), prefer (thich han) Bon dong tit nay déu c6 thé duge theo sau béi dang -ing hode dang nguyén méu cé éo (to-infinitive) cia dong tit ma khéng c6 su khdc nhau vé nghia. Ex: hate to stand/ standing up while I’m eating. (Toi ghét phdi dung déy khi dang an.) We always prefer to stay/ staying in small hotels. (Ching t6i thich & khdch san nhé hon.) Harry likes to do/ doing parachute jumps. (Harry thich nhdy da.) Tuy nhién trong tiéng Anh ctia ngudi Anh, like + to-infinitive thutng duge ding dé dién dat su chon Ia va théi quen; like + verb-ing dugc ding dé dign dat sé thich. Ex: On Sundays I like to sleep late. (Vio Chit nhat toi thich ngu: day mu6n.) Do you like cooking? (Ban cé-thich ndu an khong?) Advise (khuyén), allow, permit (cho phép), forbid (cém), recommend (dé nghi), encourage (khuyén khich) Sau cde dong tir nay, ta ding dang -ing néu khong c6 tan ngit; néu ¢6 tan ngi ta ding dang nguyén miu cé to (to-infinitive). - Advise, allow,.. + object + to-infinitive Ex: The teacher permitted us to go out. (Thay gido cho phép chung t6i ra ngodi.) She encouraged her daughter to lose weight. (Ba dy khuyén khich con gdi gidm can.) - Advise, allow, .. + verb-ing Ex: The teacher permitted going out. (Thdy gido cho phép ra ngodi.) I wouldn’t advise taking the car. There’s nowhere to park. (Toi khuyén khéng nén di xe hoi. Khong cé ché néo dé dau xe cd.) © Céc dong tit begin, start (bdt ddu), continue (tiép tuc), intend (dy dinh), bother (lam phién), propose (dy dink) c6 thé duge theo sau béi dong tiv nguyén m4u hodc danh dong tit. Gitta hai cfu tric nay khéng c6 sy khdc biét vé nghia. Ex: It has started to rain/ raining. (Trai bdt dau mua.) I intend to tell/ telling her what I think. (T6i dinh néi cho cé ta biét nhitng gi toi nghi.) % Lutu : Khong nén ding hai d6ng tir dang -ing cing nhau. Bc I'm beginning to learn karate, (T0i bét du hoc v6 karate.) [NOT ¥#m-beginningtearning..] c. Phan tiy (The participles): 1a hinh thtie cia dng ti duge ding trong cdc thi tiép dién va hoan thanh (is going, has gone,..) ho&e duge ding nhu mot tinh tif (interesting book, broken heart). Neoai tri cdc dOng tif tinh thai, dong tif nao cing c6 hai phan ti: hién tai phan ti (present participle) va qué khit phan tif (past participle). ~ Hign tai phan ti (present participle) Hién tai phan tif (present participle) duge thanh lap bang céch thém - ing vao dQng ti nguyén mau. Ex: work + working love + — loving interest > interesting excite + exciting Hign tai phan ty (Present participle) duge dimg - Véi trg dong tit be dé tao thanh céc thi tiép di&n (progressive tenses). Ex: Tim is working at the moment. (Lic nay Tim dang lam viée.) It was raining when I got home. (Khi t6i vé dén nha thi troi dang mua.) - Nhu mot tinh tir dé didn ta ngudi, vat hode sy yiée tao ra cAm xtc. Ex; He told us an amusing story. (Anh dy ké cho chiing t6i nghe mét cdu.chuyén vui.) [= A story that amused us.] The game was really exciting. (Trd choi rdt hao hung.) {= It made the players excited.] George has become very boring. (George tré nén rat té nhat.) [= He makes other people bored.] - Nhu mot tinh tit hod trang ti, c6 nghia tuong tu nhu dong tit chii dong (active verb). Ex: She swept up the falling leaves.(Ba dy quét ld rung lai thanh dong.) [= leaves that fall) He ran creaming out of the room. (Anh ta vita la hét vita chay ra khdi phong.) [= he was creaming.] - Sau céc d6ng tit chi tri gide: see, hear, feel, smell, taste,.. . Ex: I saw flames rising and heard people shouting. (T6i thy lita béc lén va nghe moi nguai la hét.) = Sau catch, find, leave + tan ngit: catch/ find/ leave + object + V-ing Ex: I caught them stealing my apples. (Toi bat gap ho dang ldy cap tdo cia toi.) Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain (Ditng dé cd dy dgi bén ngoai khi troi dang mua nhu thé.) - Sau go, come, spend, waste, be busy. Ex: We'll go skiing this winter. (Maa dong nay chung t6i sé di trugt tuyét.) He spent a lot of money modernizing the house. (Ong id bé ra rét nhiéu tién tan trang Igi ngéi nha.) James is busy practising for the school concert. (James ban tap dugt cho buéi hoa nhac cia truéng.) - Hién tai phan ti (present participle) ding trong cum phan tif (participle phrase) thay cho chu ngi + déng tit 6 dang chi: déng (subject + active verb) khi: + Hai hanh dong 6 cing chii ngit xdy ra cing mt lic > hanh dong sau duge dién dat bang hién tai phan ti. Ex: We had to stand in a queue. We waited for the bank open. > We had to stand in a queue waiting for the bank open. (Ching t6i phdi xép hang doi ngén hang mé cita.) He walked along. He whistled a happy tune as he walked. — He walked along whistling a happy tune. (Anh ta vita di vita huyt sdo mot giai diéu vui.) + Hai hanh dng cé cing chii ngi xdy ra lién tiép nhau + hanh dong xay ra truéc c6 thé duge dién dat bing hién tai phan ti. Ex: Mike opened the bottle and then poured milk into his glass. — Opening the bottle, Mike poured milk into his glass. (Mike mé ndp chai réi rét sita vao ly.) We took off our shoes and crept along the passage. + Taking off our shoes we crept along the passage. (Ching t6i cdi gidy ra réi rén rén di doc theo hank lang.) Nhung khi hanh déng thi hai 1a mét phan hodc 1a két qud cia hanh déng thit nh&t — hién tai phan tir duge ding cho hanh d6ng thit hai. Ex: She went out, slamming the door. (Cé ta di ra déng sdm cila Iai.) I fell, striking my head against the door. (T6i nga dap dau vdo cdnh cita.) - Hién tai phan tir ding trong cum phan ti thay cho ménh dé trang ngit chi ly do ho&e nguyén nhan. Ex: The fans queued for hours because they hoped to get tickets. — The fans queued for hours, hoping to get tickets. (Nhung ngubi ham mé xép hang hang gid, hy vong mua duge vé.) As Natasha is the youngest child, she was her father's favorite. ~ Being the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite. (La con ut nén Natasha duge cha yéu quy nhat.) - Hién tai phan tir ding trong cum phan tit thay cho ménh dé trang ngit chi thdi gian. Ex. While I was walking along the street, I saw an accident. + Walking along the street I saw an accident. (Khi dang di b6 trén dudng, t6i théy mét tai nan.) After he had put down his newspaper, he walked over the window. ~ Putting down his newspaper, he walked over to the window. (Dét ts bdo xuéng, anh ta bude dén bén cita 86.) - Hién tai phan tir dimg trong cum phn tir thay cho ménh dé quan hé kh6ng x4c dinh 6 dang chi déng (relative pronoun + active verb). Ex: Do you know the woman who is talking to John? * > Do you know the woman talking to John? (Anh cé quen. ngudi phy nit dang néi chuygn vdi John khong?)

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