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ISSN 2029-364X

Lietuvos ekonomin ir socialin raida

Economic and Social Development in Lithuania


Vilnius 2011

Dkojame visiems, pateikusiems informacij leidiniui. Kai kurie duomenys leidinyje yra iankstiniai ir ateityje gali bti patikslinti. Data in the publication are provisional and may be revised in the future. Kai kuriose lentelse dl apvalinimo eilui suma nesutampa su duomenimis i viso. Some of the totals in the tables do not correspond to the sums of lines due to rounding.

Sutartiniai enklai
Explanation of symbols 0,0 ... () x / I

tokio reikinio (rodiklio) atitinkamu laikotarpiu nebuvo category not applicable rodiklio dydis yra lygus 0 arba maesnis negu nurodyti matavimo vienetai value equals 0 or less than indicated measurement units nra duomen, nors toks reikinys (rodiklis) atitinkamu laikotarpiu buvo data not available, although the phenomenon existed nepakankamas statistinio vertinimo tikslumas insufficient accuracy of statistical estimate konfidencials duomenys confidential data tokia iraika rodiklis neskaiiuojamas indicator is not calculated in such expression duomenys nepateikiami, nes statistinio verio paklaida virija priimt leistin dyd data is not presented since the error of statistical estimate exceeds the accepted allowable value duomenys nepalyginami, nutrkusi laiko eilut break in time series prognoz forecast vertis estimate iankstinis vertis provisional estimate iankstiniai duomenys provisional data patikslinti ar perskaiiuoti duomenys revised data negalutiniai duomenys non-final data galutiniai duomenys final data Eurostato vertis Eurostat estimate

* **

ES 27 Airija, Austrija, Belgija, Bulgarija, ekija, Danija, Estija, Graikija, Ispanija, Italija, Jungtin Karalyst, Kipras, Latvija, Lenkija, Lietuva, Liuksemburgas, Malta, Nyderlandai, Portugalija, Pranczija, Rumunija, Slovakija, Slovnija, Suomija, vedija, Vengrija, Vokietija. EU 27 Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, France, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Germany. NVS CIS Armnija, Azerbaidanas, Baltarusija, Kazachstanas, Kirgizija, Moldova, Rusija, Tadikistanas, Turkmnistanas, Ukraina, Uzbekistanas. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of, Moldova, Republic of, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

ELPA Islandija, Lichtenteinas, Norvegija, veicarija. EFTA Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.

Naudojant Lietuvos statistikos departamento duomenis, btina nurodyti duomen altin. Reproduction and quoting are authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Lietuvos statistikos departamentas, 2011


Pagrindiniai ekonomins ir socialins raidos rodikliai Metiniai Ketvirtiniai Mnesiniai Klimatas Gyventojai Uimtumas ir nedarbas Gyventoj uimtumas tyrimo duomenimis Laisvos darbo vietos Registruotas nedarbas Darbo umokestis Kainos moni statistika Nefinansini moni finansai ems kis Pramon Energetika Vidaus prekyba Paslaugos Usienio prekyba Transportas Finansai Valdios sektoriaus finansai Pinigai Draudimas Pensij fondai Valdios sektoriaus usienio skola Nusikalstamumas Tyrimai ir apklausos Verslo tendencij apklausos rezultatai pramonje Verslo tendencij apklausos rezultatai statyboje Verslo tendencij apklausos rezultatai prekyboje Verslo tendencij apklausos rezultatai paslaug sektoriuje Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos ekonomin ir socialin raida Struktriniai rodikliai Europos Sjungos ali rodikliai

Main indicators of economic and social development 5 6 20 52 54 Annual Quarterly Monthly Climate Population Employment and unemployment 59 65 68 70 79 Employment of population by labour force survey data Job vacancies Registered unemployment Earnings Prices Enterprise statistics 109 118 121 130 132 136 142 152 Financial indicators for non-financial enterprises Agriculture Industry Energy Domestic trade Services Foreign trade Transport Finance 161 166 169 172 174 178 Government finance Money Insurance Pension funds General government foreign debt Crime Surveys 185 188 191 194 197 203 208 Business tendency survey results in manufacturing Business tendency survey results in construction Business tendency survey results in retail trade Business tendency survey results in services Economic and social development in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia Structural indicators Indicators of EU Countries

Leidinyje pateikiami viso alies kio ir atskir ekonomins veiklos ri mnesini, ketvirtini, metini rodikli indeksai arba pokyiai. Pateikiami palyginimai su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu (mnesiu, ketviriu, metais) ir su 2005 m. Trumpalaiks statistikos rodikliams turi takos sezonas, todl palyginimai su ankstesniu laikotarpiu pateikiami paalinus i tak. Leidinyje statistin informacija pagal ekonomins veiklos ris pateikiama pagal nauj nacionalinio Ekonomins veiklos ri klasifikatoriaus redakcij (EVRK 2 red.).

The publication provides monthly, quarterly and annual indices of the indicators of the whole economy and separate economic activities or their changes. Comparison against the previous period, respective period of the previous year (month, quarter, year) and 2005 is provided in the publication. Indicators of short-time statistics are influenced by the seasonality factor, therefore data against the previous period are seasonally adjusted. Statistical information is provided according to a new revision of national version (EVRK rev. 2) of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE).

Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybs tvirtinami dydiai

Rates approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Bazin mnesin alga, Lt Bazin socialin imoka (anksiau MGL), Lt Minimalioji mnesin alga, Lt

115 125 550

115 125 600 230

115 130 700 266

128 130 800 316


122 130 800 360

122 Base monthly wage, LTL Basic social benefit (previously 130 minimum living standard), LTL 800 Minimum monthly wage, LTL 360 State social insurance base pension, LTL

(nuo 2008 01) (nuo 2009 09)

(nuo 2005 07) (nuo 2006 07) (nuo 2007 07) (nuo 2008 01)

Valstybin socialinio draudimo 200 (nuo 2005 07) bazin pensija, Lt


(nuo 2006 07) (nuo 2007 02) (nuo 2008 01)

Nuo 2008 m. rugpjio 1 d. valstybin socialinio draudimo bazin pensija 360 lit. Since 1 August 2008, state social insurance base pension LTL 360.





2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Vidutinis metinis gyventoj skaiius, tkst. 3414,3 Nedarbo lygis (gyventoj uimtumo tyrimo duomenimis), % Infliacija (gruodio mn., palyginti su prajusi met gruodio mn.), % 8,3

3394,1 5,6

3375,6 4,3

3358,1 5,8

3339,4 13,7

Annual average population, 3286,8 thous. Unemployment rate (labour 17,8 force survey data), % Inflation (December, as compared to December 3,8 of the previous year), % Average gross monthly earnings of employees in the whole 1988,1 economy, LTL Average net monthly earnings of employees in the whole 1552,4 economy, LTL Indices of real earnings of em95,7 ployees in the whole economy, % State social insurance average 1 746,29 old-age pension, LTL 91,4 Agricultural production indices, % Industrial production indices, 106,6 VAT and excise excluded, % Indices of own-account work 92,5 carried out within the country, % Goods traffic by all modes of 115,2 transport, mill. t Indices of turnover in retail trade, including wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor 97,1 vehicles and motorcycles, % 54,0 Exports of goods, LTL bill. 60,9 Imports of goods, LTL bill. -6,9 Balance, LTL bill. Investment in tangible fixed assets, as compared to the 93,7 previous year, % Foreign direct investment, 35,6 end of the year, LTL bill. Gross domestic product 95,1 at current prices, LTL bill. Changes in gross domestic 1,4 product, % Gross domestic product per 28926 capita at current prices, LTL






alies kio darbuotoj vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis, Lt 1276,2 alies kio darbuotoj vidutinis mnesinis neto darbo umokestis, Lt alies kio darbuotoj realiojo darbo umokesio indeksai, % Valstybinio socialinio draudimo vidutin senatvs pensija, Lt





916,7 106,8 420,29

1092,9 114,9 476,88 87,1 106,5 121,8 133,5

1351,9 117,0 595,41 116,7 102,4 122,4 138,2

1650,9 110,1 769,66 105,2 105,5 103,6 134,8

1602,0 92,8 811,12 101,3 85,4 51,3 105,8

ems kio produkcijos indeksai, % 102,9 Pramons produkcijos be PVM ir akcizo indeksai, % alies teritorijoje savo jgomis atlikt statybos darb indeksai, % Krovini veimas vis ri transportu, mln. t Mamenins prekybos moni, skaitant variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenin ir mamenin prekyb bei remont, apyvartos indeksai, % Preki eksportas, mlrd. Lt Preki importas, mlrd. Lt Balansas, mlrd. Lt Materialins investicijos, palyginti su ankstesniais metais, % Tiesiogins usienio investicijos, met pabaigoje, mlrd. Lt Bendrasis vidaus produktas to meto kainomis, mlrd. Lt Bendrojo vidaus produkto pokyiai, % Bendrasis vidaus produktas, tenkantis vienam gyventojui to meto kainomis, Lt

107,0 109,6 136,9

114,3 32,8 43,2 -10,4

110,6 38,9 53,3 -14,4

116,5 43,2 61,5 -18,3

104,0 55,5 73,0 -17,5

72,3 40,7 45,3 -4,6

117,4 23,9 72,4 7,8

120,2 28,9 83,2 7,8

124,9 35,5 99,2 9,8

97,0 31,7 112,1 2,9

58,5 33,0 91,9 -14,8






Imokta vidutin senatvs pensija. Dl Socialini imok perskaiiavimo ir mokjimo laikinojo statymo (in., 2009, 152-6820) taikymo nuo 2010 m. sausio 1 d. mokamos sumaintos pensijos. From 1 January 2010, due to the application of the Provisional Law on the Recalculation and Payment of Social Benefits (Official Gazette, 2009, No 152-6820), reduced pensions are paid.





Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Gyventoj skaiius laikotarpio pradioje, tkst. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Gim 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Mir 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Natrali kaita (prieaugis / sumajimas) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* -13258 -13548 -13278 -8767 -5350 -6494 -3829 -4471 -4632 -3581 -2715 -1849 -3337 -3355 -3343 -3198 -1828 -1083 -1080 -1328 -1946 -1829 -1638 -883 481 -947 541 -4128 -3905 -3810 -2475 -2033 -2618 43799 44813 45624 43832 42032 42120 11433 11905 12468 11791 11438 10690 11013 10960 11238 11098 10700 10370 10208 10319 10089 10210 10328 10127 9345 10284 9435 11317 11460 11730 11214 10879 10938 30541 31265 32346 35065 36682 35626 7604 7434 7836 8210 8723 8841 7676 7605 7895 7900 8872 9287 9128 8991 8143 8381 8690 9244 9826 9337 9976 7189 7555 7920 8739 8846 8320 3425,3 3403,3 3384,9 3366,4 3349,9 3329,0 3244,6 3419,1 3397,6 3379,0 3361,5 3343,7 3322,6 3229,9 3413,1 3393,0 3374,5 3358,4 3339,5 3292,3 3218,1 3408,7 3390,1 3371,2 3354,8 3335,6 3260,9 3207,0

Population, beginning of the period, thous. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Live births 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Deaths 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Natural increase/decrease 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 *




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Gyventoj uimtumo tyrimo duomenys Darbo jga, tkst. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Uimti gyventojai, tkst. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Bedarbiai, tkst. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Nedarbo lygis, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Laisvos darbo vietos, tkst. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Laisv darbo viet lygis, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1606,8 1588,3 1603,1 1614,3 1640,9 1634,8 1610,8 1586,0 1587,2 1587,8 1627,0 1621,8 1618,0 1445,7 1484,3 1507,7 1510,3 1433,1 1328,4 1340,4 165,1 101,7 79,5 77,5 193,9 293,4 277,6 10,2 6,4 5,0 4,9 11,9 18,1 17,2 6,3 15,3 24,7 26,1 7,5 6,2 10,1 0,5 1,2 1,9 1,9 0,6 0,6 0,9 1610,0 1590,6 1609,8 1597,5 1645,4 1625,3 1640,7 1473,4 1502,0 1543,8 1525,1 1422,3 1328,0 1385,1 136,7 88,7 66,0 72,5 223,1 297,2 255,6 8,5 5,6 4,1 4,5 13,6 18,3 15,6 6,1 17,2 24,5 23,3 6,0 6,1 9,5 0,5 1,4 1,9 1,7 0,5 0,6 0,8 1608,6 1602,4 1623,7 1634,8 1652,3 1643,1 1618,8 1492,2 1511,5 1560,2 1537,6 1424,2 1351,2 1378,9 116,4 90,8 63,5 97,2 228,1 292,0 239,8 7,2 5,7 3,9 5,9 13,8 17,8 14,8 7,6 23,9 29,3 26,1 5,7 8,3 12,4 0,6 1,9 2,2 2,0 0,5 0,7 1,1 1597,6 1574,2 1591,8 1637,0 1639,0 1649,0

Labour force survey data Labour force, thous. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Employed persons, thous. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Unemployed persons, thous. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Unemployment rate, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Job vacancies, thous. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Job vacancy rate, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

1473,9 1499,0 1534,2 1520,0 1415,9 1343,7

1484,3 1498,1 1525,0 1507,1 1383,8 1367,1

132,9 89,3 69,0 94,3 225,1 291,1

113,4 76,1 66,9 129,8 255,2 281,9

8,3 5,6 4,3 5,8 13,7 17,8

7,1 4,8 4,2 7,9 15,6 17,1

7,9 19,5 26,7 22,1 5,8 6,7

11,8 21,7 28,5 12,9 4,2 6,1

0,7 1,5 2,0 1,7 0,5 0,6

1,0 1,7 2,2 1,0 0,4 0,6




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Darbo umokestis
alies kio darbuotoj vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis, 1 Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Valstybs sektoriaus darbuotoj vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis, Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Average gross monthly earnings of employees in the whole economy, 1 LTL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Average gross monthly earnings of employees in the public sector, LTL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

1276,2 1495,7 1802,4 2151,7 2056,0 1988,1

1269,8 1437,0 1737,8 2151,3 2193,1 2031,2 2071,6

1331,5 1519,7 1826,3 2236,8 2172,6 2055,8 2107,7

1379,1 1653,5 1949,8 2319,9 2142,2 2081,8 2116,0

1453,4 1731,3 2052,0 2319,1 2118,3 2121,5

111,0 117,2 120,5 119,4 95,6 96,7

96,9 98,9 100,4 104,8 94,6 95,9 97,6

104,9 105,8 105,1 104,0 99,1 101,2 101,7

103,6 108,8 106,8 103,7 98,6 101,3 100,4

105,4 104,7 105,2 100,0 98,9 101,9

111,0 117,2 120,5 119,4 95,6 96,7

110,8 113,2 120,9 123,8 101,9 92,6 102,0 93,4 105,7 127,9 158,3 161,4 149,5 152,4

109,0 114,1 120,2 122,5 97,1 94,6 102,5 98,0 111,8 134,4 164,6 159,9 151,3 155,1

109,4 119,9 117,9 119,0 92,3 97,2 101,6 101,5 121,7 143,5 170,7 157,6 153,2 155,7

110,9 119,1 118,5 113,0 91,3 100,2

100,0 117,2 141,2 168,6 161,1 155,8

106,9 127,4 151,0 170,6 155,9 156,1

1413,6 1633,0 1891,9 2334,9 2285,6 2183,6

1339,2 1501,3 1771,0 2178,5 2318,8 2135,8 2178,5

1394,6 1585,0 1847,3 2287,2 2316,8 2167,4 2231,5

1425,1 1729,9 1941,6 2390,3 2272,4 2177,6 2244,8

1533,7 1802,0 2036,4 2464,6 2208,9 2251,2

111,2 115,5 115,9 123,4 97,9 95,5

96,6 97,9 98,3 107,0 94,1 96,7 96,8

104,1 105,6 104,3 105,0 99,9 101,5 102,4

102,2 109,1 105,1 104,5 98,1 100,5 100,6

107,6 104,2 104,9 103,1 97,2 103,4

Metiniai duomenys pateikti skaitant individualij moni duomenis, ketvirtiniai be individualij moni. Annual data include those on individual enterprises, while quarterly data do not include them.



Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

111,2 115,5 115,9 123,4 97,9 95,5

112,3 112,1 118,0 123,0 106,4 92,1 102,0 94,1 105,5 124,4 153,1 162,9 150,1 153,1

109,9 113,7 116,5 123,8 101,3 93,6 103,0 98,0 111,4 129,8 160,7 162,8 152,3 156,8

109,1 121,4 112,2 123,1 95,1 95,8 103,1 100,1 121,6 136,4 168,0 159,7 153,0 157,7

110,6 117,5 113,0 121,0 89,6 101,9

as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Average gross monthly earnings of 1 employees in the private sector, LTL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

100,0 115,5 133,8 165,2 161,7 154,5

107,8 126,6 143,1 173,2 155,2 158,2

Privataus sektoriaus darbuotoj vidutinis 1 mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis, Lt 1194,0 2005 1418,7 2006 1755,9 2007 2058,3 2008 1915,5 2009 1865,8 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

1219,7 1395,4 1717,9 2135,8 2111,2 1954,8 1999,6

1286,9 1478,1 1814,0 2208,0 2073,8 1976,9 2028,0

1347,5 1605,9 1954,5 2279,2 2051,6 2016,7 2036,2

1398,0 1687,0 2061,2 2229,9 2052,3 2032,5

111,6 118,8 123,8 117,2 93,1 97,4

97,5 99,8 101,8 103,6 94,7 95,2 98,4

105,5 105,9 105,6 103,4 98,2 101,1 101,4

104,7 108,6 107,7 103,2 98,9 102,0 100,4

103,7 105,1 105,5 97,8 100,0 100,8

111,6 118,8 123,8 117,2 93,1 97,4

110,1 114,4 123,1 124,3 98,8 92,6 102,3 92,8 106,2 130,7 162,5 160,6 148,7 152,2

108,5 114,9 122,7 121,7 93,9 95,3 102,6 97,9 112,5 138,0 168,0 157,8 150,4 154,3

109,9 119,2 121,7 116,6 90,0 98,3 101,0 102,5 122,2 148,7 173,4 156,1 153,5 154,9

111,8 120,7 122,2 108,2 92,0 99,0

100,0 118,8 147,1 172,4 160,4 156,3

106,4 128,4 156,8 169,7 156,2 154,7

Metiniai duomenys pateikti skaitant individualij moni duomenis, ketvirtiniai be individualij moni. Annual data include those on individual enterprises, while quarterly data do not include them. 9




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

alies kio darbuotoj vidutinis mnesinis neto darbo umokestis, 1 Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 alies kio darbuotoj realusis darbo umokestis palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

916,7 1092,9 1351,9 1650,9 1602,0 1552,4

912,6 1019,6 1306,7 1650,6 1702,1 1583,9 1613,3

952,0 1072,5 1368,6 1713,1 1687,1 1601,8 1639,8

982,5 1239,2 1455,1 1773,7 1664,9 1620,8 1645,8

1030,1 1293,7 1526,6 1773,1 1647,5 1649,8

109,7 119,2 123,7 122,1 97,0 96,9

97,2 99,0 101,0 108,1 96,0 96,1 97,8

104,3 105,2 104,7 103,8 99,1 101,1 101,6

103,2 115,5 106,3 103,5 98,7 101,2 100,4

104,8 104,4 104,9 100,0 99,0 101,8

109,7 119,2 123,7 122,1 97,0 96,9

109,5 111,7 128,2 126,3 103,1 93,1 101,9 94,1 105,1 134,8 170,2 175,5 163,3 166,4

107,9 112,7 127,6 125,2 98,5 94,9 102,4 98,2 110,6 141,1 176,7 174,0 165,2 169,1

108,3 126,1 117,4 121,9 93,9 97,4 101,5 101,3 127,8 150,1 182,9 171,7 167,1 169,7

109,8 125,6 118,0 116,1 92,9 100,1

100,0 119,2 147,5 180,1 174,8 169,3

106,2 133,4 157,4 182,9 169,9 170,1

Average net monthly earnings of employees in the whole economy, 1 LTL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Real earnings of employees in the whole economy as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

106,8 114,9 117,0 110,1 92,8 95,7

96,9 98,4 100,2 104,5 93,4 95,1 96,5

103,3 104,0 102,9 100,7 99,3 100,4 99,4

102,8 114,7 104,5 102,1 99,7 101,0 100,5

103,5 102,9 101,5 98,8 99,2 100,8

106,8 114,9 117,0 110,1 92,8 95,7

106,1 108,1 122,9 114,2 94,8 93,4 98,6 95,2 103,0 126,7 144,5 137,1 128,0 126,3

105,4 108,8 121,8 111,7 93,6 94,2 97,7 98,5 107,1 130,3 145,6 136,3 128,5 125,5

106,0 121,4 110,9 109,1 91,3 95,7 97,1 101,2 122,9 136,3 148,7 135,7 129,7 126,1

106,7 120,5 109,5 106,2 91,6 97,1

100,0 114,9 134,5 148,0 137,5 131,4

104,7 126,3 138,2 146,9 134,6 130,7

Metiniai duomenys pateikti skaitant individualij moni duomenis, ketvirtiniai be individualij moni. Annual data include those on individual enterprises, while quarterly data do not include them.




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

1 1

Darbo snaud indeksas pramons, statybos ir paslaug monse, palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, paalinus darbo dien skaiiaus kitimo tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

112,6 114,1 120,9 125,2 103,2 89,6 100,8

109,2 119,1 120,6 120,3 97,2 92,8 102,4

111,2 119,6 117,2 116,9 92,8 97,3 103,8

113,6 118,8 118,9 113,9 89,3 100,7

Labour cost index in industry, construction and services, as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, working day adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Senatvs pensija
Valstybinio socialinio draudimo vidutin senatvs pensija, Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (priskaiiuota) 2011 2 imokta 2010 2011

Old-age pension
State social insurance average old-age pension, LTL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (allotted) 2011 2 paid 2010 2011

420,29 476,88 595,41 769,66 811,12 813,66

394,49 446,61 553,89 738,32 810,20 813,24 813,50 744,59 748,51

395,62 447,16 577,02 738,18 810,89 813,67 813,98 746,55 748,84

445,46 506,78 623,09 784,42 811,41 813,77 813,84 746,62 747,96

445,98 507,24 627,48 809,73 811,98 813,97



Kain indeksai
ems kio produkt supirkimo palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Price indices
Producer prices for agricultural products as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

105,2 106,3 117,3 110,0 77,8 116,3

107,7 104,2 110,3 113,8 94,7 112,6 122,5

100,4 101,0 99,7 93,4 97,0 102,1 97,9

93,3 97,7 104,2 91,0 92,0 100,3 88,5

107,3 102,3 111,7 89,3 105,9 107,2

105,2 106,3 117,3 110,0 77,8 116,3

107,5 104,8 111,2 132,1 71,9 106,4 134,5 101,3 106,1 118,1 156,0 112,2 119,4 160,6

102,7 105,3 109,9 123,7 74,7 112,0 128,9 101,7 107,2 117,8 145,7 108,9 122,0 157,3

102,0 110,2 117,3 108,1 75,5 122,1 113,8 94,9 104,7 122,8 132,7 100,2 122,3 139,2

108,3 105,1 128,0 86,5 89,5 123,7

100,0 106,3 124,6 137,1 106,7 124,1

101,9 107,1 137,1 118,5 106,1 131,2

Darbo snaudos tai visos darbdavio ilaidos (be profesinio mokymo, kvalifikacijos klimo ir kit ilaid), atsirandanios samdant darbuotojus. Labour costs the total expenditure borne by employers in order to employ workers (except vocational training costs and other expenditure). 2 Dl Socialini imok perskaiiavimo ir mokjimo laikinojo statymo (in., 2009, 152-6820) taikymo nuo 2010 m. sausio 1 d. mokamos sumaintos pensijos. From 1 January 2010, due to the application of the Provisional Law on the Recalculation and Payment of Social Benefits (Official Gazette, 2009, No 152-6820), reduced pensions are paid.




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

ems kis
ems kio produkcija, skaitant to paties veiklos vieneto pagamintus ir sunaudotus produktus (pien gyvuliams erti ir sklas augalams auginti) to meto gamintoj kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011*

Agricultural production, including products produced and consumed by the same unit (milk as animal feedingstuffs and seeds consumed for growing plants) at current producer prices, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 *

5117,3 4913,0 6912,2 7340,0 5707,0 6388,2

661,9 621,2 670,9 763,0 621,9 570,6 677,3

1118,2 1118,9 1268,7 1435,0 1143,8 1374,6 1760,2

2633,1 2451,7 4184,4 4675,5 3549,3 3920,1 4822,4

704,1 721,2 788,2 466,5 392,0 522,9

102,9 87,1 116,7 105,2 101,3 91,4

105,5 97,5 100,6 99,2 92,1 96,5 104,2 100,0 97,5 98,1 97,3 89,6 86,5 90,1

108,7 100,6 110,8 102,8 93,7 102,3 99,3 100,0 100,6 111,4 114,6 107,4 109,9 109,1

100,5 75,9 129,4 112,5 106,8 84,9 108,1 100,0 75,9 96,0 106,6 113,8 96,7 104,5

101,0 97,6 96,3 73,9 92,4 99,3

100,0 87,1 99,4 101,9 101,3 93,2

100,0 97,6 94,0 69,5 64,2 63,7

alies teritorijoje savo jgomis atlikta statybos darb to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Own-account work carried out within the country at current prices, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

5925,6 7922,7 11009,7 12487,0 5775,8 5142,8

791,2 1059,1 1698,7 2336,4 1282,9 661,0 778,2

1397,7 1848,2 2711,0 3336,1 1557,8 1231,6 1499,7

1836,0 2397,4 3216,7 3652,9 1620,6 1701,1 2104,5

1900,7 2618,0 3383,3 3161,6 1314,5 1549,1

109,6 121,8 122,4 103,6 51,3 92,5

50,6 55,0 63,4 67,4 42,5 50,9 50,8

172,5 169,4 151,1 139,5 126,7 184,3 185,5

127,7 126,0 114,6 108,4 105,8 135,9 138,0

101,1 107,0 102,1 89,1 83,7 91,2





Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Leista statyti but 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Pastatyta but 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 pastatyt but naudingasis plotas, 2 tkst. m 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

100,6 102,7 106,0 104,7 71,0 99,6 95,7

105,4 107,8 102,9 97,7 77,1 105,7 108,5

103,5 107,8 103,1 96,4 89,9 107,5 105,2

103,8 106,3 103,1 94,2 93,2 110,8

as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Number of dwellings whose construction has been authorised 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Dwellings constructed 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 useful floor area of the dwellings 2 constructed, thous. m 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

109,6 121,8 122,4 103,6 51,3 92,5

106,7 122,4 144,7 119,3 57,2 57,1 115,9 55,9 68,4 99,0 118,1 67,6 38,6 44,7

107,3 120,2 129,1 110,0 52,0 83,0 116,7 96,5 115,9 149,7 164,7 85,6 71,1 82,9

110,1 118,7 117,4 104,1 50,7 106,7 118,4 123,1 146,1 171,6 178,5 90,6 96,6 114,4

112,7 125,6 112,1 90,8 47,7 116,2

100,0 121,8 149,1 154,4 79,2 73,2

124,5 156,3 175,2 159,1 75,8 88,1

11726 16513 19229 15928 7553 8319

1106 2922 4097 4087 1697 1390 1353 1380 893 2279 3200 2576 519 1362

3789 3997 4637 4731 2363 1968 1856 1077 1823 1815 2653 2251 717 1562

2717 5373 4552 4239 1813 2780 2170 1279 2040 2436 2457 1947 1073 825

4114 4221 5943 2871 1680 2181

5933 7292 9286 11829 9400 3667

2197 2536 2756 3519 2626 1358

651,6 770,8 953,2 1164,0 1075,0 512,4

156,9 107,4 224,8 288,0 256,7 71,9 183,0

135,9 189,6 198,7 285,4 261,9 119,4 226,2

129,2 208,0 239,8 233,9 211,3 143,7 120,8

229,6 265,8 289,9 356,8 345,2 177,4





Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Vidaus prekyba
Didmenins prekybos moni, iskyrus prekyb variklinmis transporto priemonmis ir motociklais, apyvarta be PVM to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, to meto kainomis, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, to meto kainomis, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, to meto kainomis, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., to meto kainomis, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 31542,8 34501,2 42114,4 47315,7 35868,2 39603,7 6136,3 7267,4 8983,6 10914,0 8305,5 7925,9 10417,5 7668,9 8681,5 10261,2 12347,1 9157,7 9672,0 12638,1 8346,0 8904,0 10917,7 12558,1 9409,8 10668,4 13128,1 9391,6 9648,3 11951,9 11496,5 8995,2 11337,4

Domestic trade
Turnover (VAT excluded) of wholesale trade enterprises, except those trading in motor vehicles and motorcycles at current prices, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, at current prices, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, at current prices, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, at current prices, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, at current prices, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

120,7 109,4 122,1 112,4 75,8 110,4

83,2 77,4 93,1 91,3 72,2 88,1 91,9

125,0 119,5 114,2 113,1 110,3 122,0 121,3

108,8 102,6 106,4 101,7 102,8 110,3 103,9

112,5 108,4 109,5 91,5 95,6 106,3

102,8 91,6 109,2 108,8 84,7 104,8 107,8

106,0 106,2 101,5 97,7 97,0 105,0 104,1

109,3 102,0 105,6 99,8 101,8 109,6 104,3

107,5 104,5 106,2 90,7 93,9 105,1

120,7 109,4 122,1 112,4 75,8 110,4

114,2 118,4 123,6 121,5 76,1 95,4 131,4

115,7 113,2 118,2 120,3 74,2 105,6 130,7

123,7 106,7 122,6 115,0 74,9 113,4 123,1

127,3 102,7 123,9 96,2 78,2 126,0

100,0 109,4 133,5 150,0 113,7 125,6

77,8 92,2 113,9 138,4 105,3 100,5 132,1

97,3 110,1 130,1 156,6 116,1 122,7 160,3

105,8 112,9 138,4 159,3 119,3 135,3 166,5

119,1 122,4 151,6 145,8 114,1 143,8





Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Krovini veimas vis ri transportu, mln. t 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Keleivi veimas, mln. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* 453,1 454,9 471,8 477,1 400,0 387,8 113,7 114,6 119,4 119,9 108,9 99,2 100,3 114,2 115,5 116,0 123,5 102,2 99,1 100,2 101,4 101,8 107,8 107,9 84,3 84,5 86,1 123,8 123,0 128,7 125,9 104,6 104,9 136,9 133,5 138,2 134,8 105,8 115,2 29,6 29,2 30,9 33,5 24,0 25,4 28,1 35,3 38,4 37,9 37,2 27,7 29,7 32,5 36,8 33,8 35,9 35,2 29,0 31,6 33,4 35,3 32,2 33,6 28,9 25,1 28,5

Goods traffic by all modes of transport, mill. t 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Passengers carried, mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 *

Materialins investicijos (skaitant sigyt finansins nuomos turt) to meto kainomis, mln. Lt (ketvirtinis statistinis tyrimas) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 117,4 2005 120,2 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Tiesiogins usienio investicijos laikotarpio pabaigoje, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* 124,9 97,0 58,5 93,7 13724,1 17210,8 23309,3 23885,5 12905,3 11594,6 2153,1 2624,5 4055,7 4550,7 2507,9 1442,6 2180,9 2891,6 3896,5 5368,5 5910,0 2991,1 2767,5 3443,5 3523,9 4409,8 6141,3 6120,2 3299,3 3222,6 3508,6 5155,5 6280,0 7743,8 7304,6 4107,0 4161,9

Investment in tangible fixed assets (tangible assets obtained by financial leasing are included) at current prices, LTL mill. (quarterly statistical survey) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Foreign direct investment, end of the period, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 *

112,2 117,9 145,7 104,0 56,5 61,5 149,6

114,8 126,5 127,4 103,5 54,9 96,1 121,2

115,3 118,7 127,8 94,2 60,2 99,1 106,0

122,4 119,3 111,9 91,8 62,3 101,6

19743,9 24669,3 31997,0 35219,5 32212,4 33137,1

22068,8 24186,9 33517,8 35166,5 33049,3 33080,5

25513,7 25200,2 35003,0 34471,1 33979,0 34859,8

23895,8 28924,7 35503,9 31733,3 33010,3 35553,1

35120,5** 36963,7** 37063,8





Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Finans ministerijos duomenys Valstybs biudetas, mln. Lt Pajamos 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Ilaidos 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Perteklius / deficitas (-) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Savivaldybi biudetai, mln. Lt Pajamos (tarpusavio atsiskaitymai neskaiiuoti) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Ilaidos 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Perteklius / deficitas (-) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 14153,1 16804,5 20669,7 23201,0 20709,0 19879,0 3214,3 4050,7 4788,8 6290,9 5591,7 4494,2 5771,9 3279,0 3822,5 4581,5 5234,8 6406,2 6144,8 6008,8 -64,7 228,2 207,3 1056,1 -814,4 -1650,6 -236,9 3593,7 4127,3 4506,2 5493,0 4819,6 5529,6 4774,6 3785,2 4113,7 4920,9 6335,3 6192,5 6009,5 5902,6 -191,5 13,7 -414,7 -842,4 -1372,9 -479,9 -1128,0 3752,1 4129,8 5572,1 5987,1 5423,3 4408,0 6326,1 3028,1 3931,9 4626,4 5336,9 5591,6 5090,7 5544,7 724,0 197,9 945,7 650,1 -168,3 -682,7 781,4 3592,9 4496,7 5802,5 5430,2 4874,3 5447,2

Data of the Ministry of Finance State budget, LTL mill. Revenue 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Expenditure 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Surplus/deficit (-) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Municipal budgets, LTL mill. Revenue (intergovernmental transactions excluded) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Expenditure 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Surplus/deficit (-) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

14821,5 17997,7 21006,8 24546,0 24592,9 24488,5

4729,2 6129,6 6878,0 7639,0 6402,7 7243,4

-668,4 -1193,1 -337,2 -1345,0 -3884,0 -4609,5

-1136,3 -1632,9 -1075,5 -2208,8 -1528,4 -1796,3

2336,4 2737,5 3378,0 4194,8 3575,3 3430,6

451,2 580,1 667,9 838,1 842,1 794,5 775,6 945,9 1089,3 1143,6 1368,1 1614,1 1451,9 1536,1 -494,7 -509,1 -475,7 -530,0 -771,9 -657,4 -760,5

602,3 715,1 811,1 1093,7 982,3 811,6 830,7 1308,3 1291,0 1631,0 2067,5 2142,3 2071,6 2183,6 -706,0 -575,8 -819,9 -973,7 -1160,0 -1259,9 -1353,0

490,1 610,4 804,4 1000,1 772,0 780,1 978,1 894,2 1340,2 1098,5 1464,7 1229,5 1209,8 1452,9 -404,1 -729,8 -294,1 -464,6 -457,5 -429,7 -474,9

792,8 831,9 1094,5 1262,9 978,9 1044,4

4621,0 5638,4 5827,2 7106,9 6840,9 6806,9

1472,6 1918,0 1954,1 2206,7 1855,1 2073,6

-2284,6 -2900,9 -2449,2 -2912,1 -3265,6 -3376,3

-679,8 -1086,2 -859,5 -943,8 -876,2 -1029,2





Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos duomenys Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo biudetas, mln. Lt Pajamos 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Ilaidos 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Perteklius / deficitas (-) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 6390,5 7799,7 9758,7 11217,0 11356,9 10486,6 1440,3 1701,5 2148,5 2740,8 3316,5 2527,7 2613,0 1433,7 1672,3 2119,4 2839,3 3458,4 3355,4 3254,8 6,6 29,2 29,1 -98,5 -141,9 -827,7 -641,8 1537,2 1857,1 2354,2 2795,1 2827,9 2610,3 2808,5 1471,8 1677,8 2275,4 2951,1 3607,1 3383,9 3312,4 65,4 179,3 78,9 -156,0 -779,2 -773,6 -503,9 1621,6 2042,9 2529,9 2866,4 2674,9 2645,0 2841,1 1569,2 1864,9 2347,4 3126,8 3395,8 3222,8 3222,4 52,4 177,9 182,5 -260,4 -720,9 -577,7 -381,3 1791,4 2198,3 2726,0 2814,8 2537,6 2698,6

Data of the State Social Insurance Fund Board State Social Insurance Fund budget, LTL mill. Revenue 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Expenditure 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Surplus/deficit (-) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

6129,6 7245,1 9282,6 12653,9 14236,0 13267,5

1655,0 2030,1 2540,5 3736,7 3774,7 3305,3

260,9 554,5 476,0 -1436,9 -2879,0 -2780,9

136,5 168,2 185,6 -922,0 -1237,1 -606,7

Finans ministerijos duomenys Centrins valdios skola laikotarpio pabaigoje, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 usienio skola laikotarpio pabaigoje, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Data of the Ministry of Finance Central government debt, end of the period, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 foreign debt, end of the period, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

12127,7 12945,5 14451,2 14466,4 18791,1 31293,4 35299,0

11999,6 12808,1 14300,0 15106,0 20981,8 31580,4 34967,5

11743,2 12689,7 13888,3 14813,5 22904,2 32530,6 35647,8

12701,9 14236,0 15800,6 16052,4 25662,3 34129,7

8379,8 9019,3 10039,5 10815,5 12467,1 23807,4 27799,2

8210,4 8680,3 9732,5 10899,1 13911,7 24796,3 27513,4

8052,3 8639,5 9292,1 10744,4 15394,3 25611,0 27980,4

7983,7 10195,3 11199,8 11125,8 18944,0 26817,3





Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mokjim balansas
Lietuvos banko duomenys Einamosios sskaitos balansas, mln. Lt 2005 -5114,93 -776,93 -1349,88 -1418,71 2006 -8808,87 -1703,25 -1780,83 -2573,56 2007 -14325,43 -2952,25 -4267,60 -3421,81 2008 -14482,70 -4986,95 -4893,23 -3254,78 2009 4078,97 -115,16 404,10 889,62 2010 1415,05 -164,02 1180,09 -318,99 2011 -209,20** -740,47** 602,70 Kapitalo ir finansins sskaitos balansas, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -1569,41 -2751,23 -3683,77 -1347,74 2900,41 717,97

Balance of payments
Data of the Bank of Lithuania Current account balance, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Capital and financial accounts balance, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Foreign investment, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 foreign direct investment, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 portfolio investment, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 other investment, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Reserve assets, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

5261,32 9589,83 14423,57 14468,66 -4084,01 -1421,91

735,58 1229,67 1744,02 1552,05 1776,79 1640,65 3101,01 3071,38 2698,36 4364,81 3169,66 4190,74 4700,40 5029,19 3115,02 1624,05 360,96 -566,82 -776,51 -3101,64 114,10 -1141,43 289,62 -684,20 188,87** 870,70** -681,47

Usienio investicijos Lietuvoje, mln. Lt 2005 11496,19 2020,72 2397,15 3590,63 3487,69 2006 17792,58 2931,01 3090,06 3564,29 8207,22 2007 23091,78 2782,38 5654,90 6230,65 8423,85 2008 11654,78 2541,52 5648,52 3012,44 452,30 2009 -2819,57 -908,15 630,32 -770,22 -1771,52 2010 340,11 1090,51 -1831,06 1642,43 -561,77 2011 968,31** 2558,89** 187,34 tiesiogins usienio investicijos, mln. Lt 2005 2851,94 660,15 963,19 606,24 622,36 2006 5000,19 613,65 816,34 757,84 2812,36 2007 5085,35 1298,57 928,50 1709,71 1148,57 2008 4630,53 996,14 1102,66 1758,27 773,46 2009 162,73 965,15 344,69 -433,49 -713,62 2010 1961,27 -73,34 -372,67 1525,33 881,95 2011 553,00** 1297,85** 855,08 investicij portfelis, mln. Lt 2005 1440,30 1233,28 49,41 13,24 144,37 2006 2346,52 1031,31 -188,86 -22,18 1526,25 2007 1397,67 -806,64 738,00 -543,69 2010,00 2008 -557,35 -359,15 116,04 -239,02 -75,22 2009 5523,65 -144,19 1694,37 328,67 3356,42 2010 6214,42 5136,48 -467,87 1862,76 -316,95 2011 1604,68** -107,40** -87,63 kitos investicijos, mln. Lt 2005 7203,95 127,29 1384,55 2971,15 2720,96 2006 10445,87 1286,05 2462,58 2828,63 3868,61 2007 16608,76 2290,45 3988,40 5064,63 5265,28 2008 7581,60 1904,53 4429,82 1493,19 -245,94 2009 -8505,95 -2017,49 -1408,74 -665,40 -4414,32 2010 -7835,58 -3972,63 -990,52 -1745,66 -1126,77 2011 -1189,37** 1368,44** -580,11 Oficialiosios tarptautins atsargos, 1 mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

-1911,01 -4066,87 -2944,86 2706,37 216,07 -1800,14

-469,83 -219,43 -768,3 -453,42 -328,99 -132,93 -475,55 -3129,40 582,01 -1142,88 -433,58 -1950,41 2548,32 -767,57 958,20 -32,58 873,94 -615,52 22,53 -64,88 -346,59 526,17 -1176,50 -803,22 90,38** 83,99**-1615,54

Pasikeitimas per laikotarp: (-) padidjimas, (+) sumajimas. Change over the period: (-) increase, (+) decrease.




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Bendrasis vidaus produktas to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 72401,9 2006 83227,1 2007 99229,3 2008 112083,7 2009 91914,0 95074,3 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 107,8 2006 107,8 2007 109,8 2008 102,9 2009 85,2 101,4 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono ir darbo dien tak, % 2005 108,1 2006 107,9 2007 109,8 2008 102,5 2009 85,4 101,3 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 107,8 2006 107,8 2007 109,8 2008 102,9 2009 85,2 2010 101,4 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 100,0 2006 107,8 2007 118,4 2008 121,8 2009 103,7 2010 105,2 2011 BVP, tenkantis vienam gyventojui, to meto kainomis, Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Einamosios sskaitos balansas, palyginti su BVP, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

15135,1 17436,5 20596,7 24577,2 21819,6 21264,2 23253,8* 90,9 90,0 90,9 89,3 78,8 92,2 93,1* 17822,7 20362,3 24483,8 28980,8 24090,2 24078,9 27081,9* 109,6 110,4 112,2 110,5 108,0 110,0 110,5* 19234,3 22321,1 26775,7 30020,6 23283,8 25113,4 1 27964,9 109,9 108,5 109,2 105,3 107,0 107,0 1 107,2 20209,7 23107,3 27373,1 28505,2 22720,3 24617,8 Gross domestic product at current prices, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally and working day adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gross domestic product, per capita at current prices, LTL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Current account balance, as compared to GDP, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

99,5 99,7 98,0 94,0 93,0 96,6

101,9 101,1 102,3 99,1 87,3 101,2 102,1* 105,6 107,9 108,5 107,3 86,2 99,1 105,9* 88,9 95,9 104,1 111,7 96,2 95,4 101,0*

101,7 102,1 102,4 101,5 98,7 100,7 101,8* 107,2 108,7 110,3 105,7 84,2 100,9 106,5* 97,4 105,9 116,8 123,4 104,0 104,9 111,7*

102,7 101,8 102,7 98,6 100,3 100,7 1 101,4 109,0 107,3 111,1 101,9 85,6 100,8 1 106,7 107,1 114,9 127,6 130,0 111,3 112,2 1 119,7

102,2 102,8 101,7 99,1 98,7 101,8

109,0 107,5 109,2 97,7 84,7 104,8 106,5 114,5 125,0 122,2 103,5 108,5

21206 24521 29396 33377 27524 28926

4433 5137 6102 7319 6534 6470 7167*

5220 5999 7253 8630 7214 7326 8385*

5633 6576 7932 8940 6972 7641 1 8690

5919 6808 8109 8488 6804 7490

-7,1 -10,6 -14,4 -12,9 4,4 1,5

-5,1 -9,8 -14,3 -20,3 -0,5 -0,8 -0,9

-7,6 -8,7 -17,4 -16,9 1,7 4,9 -2,7

-7,4 -11,5 -12,8 -10,8 3,8 -1,3 2,2

-7,8 -11,9 -13,5 -4,7 12,8 2,9

Antrasis vertis. Second estimate. 19




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Infliacija, %
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

3,0 4,5 8,1 8,5 1,3 3,8

0,6 0,8 0,9 3,8 3,0 1,5 1,5

0,8 1,4 1,6 2,7 -0,6 0,7 1,7

0,8 0,3 2,4 1,1 -0,4 0,4 0,1

0,7 2,0 3,1 0,7 -0,7 1,2

0,0 0,5 0,0 1,6 2,7 1,3 0,4

0,2 0,0 0,3 1,1 0,3 -0,1 0,1

0,5 0,2 0,6 1,0 0,0 0,3 1,0

0,4 0,7 0,9 1,2 -0,1 0,4 1,0

Kain indeksai
Vartojimo preki ir paslaug palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

102,7 103,7 105,7 110,9 104,5 101,3

100,3 100,6 100,8 103,4 102,8 101,1 101,3 103,2 103,3 104,3 110,6 108,7 99,7 103,3 98,8 102,0 106,4 117,8 128,0 127,6 131,8

101,0 101,2 101,7 103,1 99,8 100,7 102,2 102,4 103,6 104,8 112,1 105,2 100,7 104,8 99,7 103,3 108,3 121,4 127,7 128,6 134,7

100,4 100,7 101,7 101,4 99,0 100,2 99,9 102,2 103,9 105,9 111,7 102,8 101,8 104,5 100,1 104,0 110,1 123,0 126,5 128,8 134,6

101,3 101,5 103,4 101,2 99,8 101,0

100,0 100,5 100,0 101,6 102,7 101,3 100,4 102,9 103,5 104,0 109,9 109,6 99,9 102,9 98,5 101,9 106,0 116,5 127,7 127,5 131,3

100,2 100,0 100,3 101,1 100,3 99,9 100,1 103,3 103,3 104,3 110,8 108,7 99,5 103,1 98,7 102,0 106,4 117,8 128,1 127,5 131,4

100,5 100,2 100,6 101,0 100,0 100,3 101,0 103,3 103,1 104,6 111,3 107,7 99,8 103,8 99,1 102,2 107,0 119,0 128,1 127,9 132,7

100,4 100,7 100,9 101,2 99,9 100,4 101,0 103,2 103,5 104,8 111,7 106,3 100,3 104,4 99,5 102,9 107,9 120,5 128,0 128,4 134,1

102,7 103,7 105,7 110,9 104,5 101,3 100,0 103,7 109,7 121,7 127,1 128,8

102,9 104,2 107,8 109,3 101,4 103,1 101,4 105,6 113,9 124,5 126,2 130,1

111,6 107,4 107,0 118,2 86,7 110,3

100,7 100,9 101,1 105,4 90,6 104,9 106,5 109,2 113,1 101,1 121,9 90,0 106,3 115,3 93,3 105,5 106,6 130,0 116,9 124,3 143,3

105,2 102,6 106,5 106,8 100,8 105,2 103,5 110,4 110,3 104,9 122,2 85,0 110,9 113,5 98,1 108,3 113,5 138,7 117,9 130,8 148,4

106,1 102,1 102,6 105,1 100,1 99,6 100,7 113,7 106,2 105,5 125,1 80,9 110,4 114,8 104,1 110,5 116,5 145,8 118,0 130,2 149,5

100,5 95,5 105,8 88,5 100,4 103,3

101,6 102,6 100,4 102,5 99,6 102,0 101,2 107,9 114,7 100,7 122,1 90,4 103,8 115,1 91,6 105,0 105,8 129,1 116,7 121,2 139,5

101,2 100,9 99,8 100,2 100,8 102,0 102,5 109,6 114,4 99,5 122,6 91,0 105,1 115,6 92,7 106,0 105,5 129,3 117,7 123,7 143,0

103,2 99,5 103,0 101,7 98,9 103,5 103,2 110,1 110,3 103,0 121,0 88,5 110,0 115,2 95,6 105,5 108,7 131,5 116,4 128,0 147,5

102,6 102,1 103,0 102,0 100,0 101,8 101,2 111,9 109,7 104,0 119,9 86,7 112,0 114,6 98,1 107,7 111,9 134,2 116,4 130,3 149,3

111,6 107,4 107,0 118,2 86,7 110,3 100,0 107,4 115,0 135,9 117,8 130,0

112,8 100,9 116,8 104,6 91,8 113,6 104,5 105,5 123,3 129,0 118,5 134,5

Lapkriio mn., palyginti su prajusi met gruodio mn. LIETUVOS EKONOMIN IR SOCIALIN RAIDA










0,3 0,4 0,5 0,8 -0,2 0,2 0,7

0,1 0,2 0,2 0,6 -0,3 0,0 -0,1

-0,2 0,5 0,7 0,4 -0,8 0,0 -0,2

0,1 -0,1 0,3 0,2 -0,2 -0,3 -0,4

0,9 -0,1 1,4 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7

0,6 1,0 1,5 1,0 -0,4 0,5 0,1

0,0 0,8 1,1 -0,2 0,0 0,0 0,2

0,1 0,2 0,5 -0,1 -0,3 0,8

2,9 4,3 7,6 8,6 1,6 3,0 3,6

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Inflation, %

Price indices

100,3 100,4 100,5 100,8 99,8 100,2 100,7 101,9 103,6 104,8 112,0 105,2 100,7 105,0 99,8 103,4 108,4 121,4 127,8 128,6 135,1

100,1 100,2 100,2 100,6 99,7 100,0 99,9 102,0 103,7 104,8 112,5 104,2 101,0 104,8 99,9 103,6 108,6 122,2 127,4 128,7 134,9

99,8 100,5 100,7 100,4 99,2 100,0 99,8 101,8 104,4 105,1 112,2 103,0 101,9 104,6 99,7 104,1 109,4 122,7 126,4 128,7 134,6

100,1 99,9 100,3 100,2 99,8 99,7 99,6 102,3 104,2 105,5 112,0 102,6 101,8 104,4 99,8 104,0 109,8 122,9 126,1 128,4 134,1

100,9 99,9 101,4 100,5 100,6 100,6 100,7 102,5 103,2 107,1 111,0 102,7 101,8 104,5 100,7 103,9 111,2 123,5 126,9 129,2 135,0

100,6 101,0 101,5 101,0 99,6 100,5 100,1 103,1 103,6 107,6 110,5 101,3 102,7 104,2 101,3 105,0 112,9 124,8 126,3 129,8 135,2

100,0 100,8 101,1 99,8 100,0 100,0 100,2 102,8 104,4 107,8 109,1 101,5 102,7 104,4 101,4 105,8 114,1 124,5 126,4 129,8 135,4

100,1 100,2 100,5 99,9 99,7 100,8

102,9 1 104,3 1 107,6 1 108,6 1 101,6 1 103,0 1 103,6 102,6 103,7 105,5 111,2 104,7 101,1 104,2

103,0 104,5 108,1 108,5 101,3 103,8 101,4 106,0 114,6 124,4 126,0 130,8

Consumer goods and services as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Industrial production as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

99,0 100,5 102,1 102,9 100,8 100,2 99,6 107,6 111,4 105,7 120,8 85,0 111,3 113,9 97,1 108,2 114,3 138,1 117,3 130,6 148,8

102,0 100,8 100,1 104,3 102,2 100,6 98,9 111,6 110,0 105,0 125,8 83,3 109,5 112,0 99,1 109,0 114,4 144,0 120,0 131,4 147,2

102,4 101,8 101,0 101,3 98,0 99,0 101,8 112,4 109,4 104,1 126,2 80,6 110,7 115,2 101,4 111,0 115,5 145,8 117,5 130,1 149,8

102,3 100,7 100,7 100,2 101,4 100,1 99,1 113,1 107,6 104,1 125,6 81,5 109,2 114,0 103,8 111,7 116,3 146,1 119,2 130,2 148,4

103,0 97,4 101,2 99,6 98,3 100,2 101,2 115,6 101,8 108,2 123,6 80,5 111,3 115,1 106,9 108,8 117,7 145,5 117,2 130,4 150,2

100,7 97,3 102,1 95,9 100,3 100,9 100,2** 113,1 98,3 113,6 116,1 84,2 112,0 114,3** 107,6 105,9 120,2 139,5 117,5 131,6 150,4**

96,2 99,6 102,9 93,4 101,3 101,9 100,5 111,7 101,7 117,4 105,3 91,3 112,7 112,7 103,6 105,4 123,7 130,3 119,0 134,1 151,2

98,8 99,9 101,8 90,0 99,9 102,8

114,9 1 103,0 1 117,5 1 103,5 1 101,5 1 112,8 1 109,6 111,4 107,9 105,9 120,7 85,6 109,8 114,3

113,6 102,9 119,6 93,1 101,4 116,0 102,4 105,3 125,9 117,2 118,9 137,9

November, compared to December of the previous year. 21



Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Kain indeksai
Gamintoj parduotos kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo bei apdirbamosios gamybos produkcijos palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gamintoj parduotos kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo bei apdirbamosios gamybos produkcijos, iskyrus rafinuotus naftos produktus palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

113,4 107,2 106,0 117,4 83,7 111,3

100,1 99,9 100,0 104,7 88,3 104,6 107,4

106,3 103,0 107,4 107,4 102,0 105,2 103,8

107,2 101,9 102,6 104,4 101,2 99,2 99,7

100,5 94,6 106,4 85,8 101,0 104,0

101,3 102,0 99,1 101,7 98,8 102,2 101,2

101,4 100,8 99,7 99,9 101,0 101,1 103,0

103,8 99,4 103,6 102,0 99,2 104,1 103,3

103,2 102,3 103,2 102,2 100,4 101,9 101,7

113,4 107,2 106,0 117,4 83,7 111,3

110,8 114,4 99,3 122,8 85,0 109,0 116,7 92,0 105,3 104,5 128,3 109,0 118,8 138,6

112,1 110,9 103,5 122,8 80,7 112,4 115,1 97,8 108,5 112,3 137,9 111,2 125,0 143,9

115,7 105,4 104,2 125,0 78,2 110,2 115,6 104,8 110,5 115,1 144,0 112,5 124,0 143,4

114,6 99,2 117,3 100,8 92,0 113,5

109,2 116,5 98,7 123,2 85,2 107,2 115,5 90,0 104,9 103,5 127,5 108,6 116,4 134,5

111,2 115,9 97,6 123,5 86,1 107,3 117,6 91,3 105,8 103,2 127,4 109,7 117,7 138,4

111,9 111,0 101,6 121,6 83,7 112,5 116,8 94,8 105,2 106,9 130,0 108,8 122,4 143,0

114,2 110,1 102,5 120,5 82,2 114,2 116,6 97,8 107,6 110,3 132,9 109,2 124,7 145,5

100,0 107,2 113,6 133,4 111,6 124,2

105,3 104,5 122,6 123,5 113,7 129,0

102,4 102,4 108,7 113,8 89,2 102,3

99,9 100,3 102,3 104,7 92,3 101,5 103,1

100,0 100,1 103,3 103,1 97,3 102,6 102,2

100,9 101,2 102,6 104,4 97,4 100,9 100,0

100,9 100,9 103,9 96,2 99,7 102,7

99,9 100,4 101,4 102,4 97,2 100,0 100,5

100,2 100,3 100,6 101,0 98,7 101,4 101,7

99,9 99,7 101,1 100,8 99,5 101,7 100,8

100,1 100,1 102,4 100,9 98,6 100,2 100,9

102,4 102,4 108,7 113,8 89,2 102,3

103,6 102,1 104,6 115,3 95,6 95,9 109,7 99,3 101,4 106,1 122,3 116,9 112,1 122,9

102,8 102,3 107,9 115,0 90,3 101,1 109,3 99,3 101,6 109,6 126,0 113,8 115,0 125,6

101,7 102,5 109,4 117,0 84,2 104,8 108,2 100,2 102,8 112,4 131,6 110,8 116,0 125,5

101,7 102,5 112,7 108,4 87,2 108,0

103,5 102,1 103,9 115,0 97,6 93,5 109,8 99,2 101,3 105,3 121,1 118,2 110,4 121,3

104,1 102,2 104,2 115,5 95,3 96,0 110,1 99,4 101,6 105,9 122,4 116,6 112,0 123,3

103,1 102,1 105,6 115,2 94,0 98,1 109,1 99,3 101,4 107,1 123,4 116,0 113,8 124,2

103,3 102,0 108,0 113,6 91,9 99,7 109,9 99,5 101,5 109,6 124,5 114,4 114,0 125,3

100,0 102,4 111,2 126,6 113,0 115,6

101,1 103,7 116,8 126,6 110,4 119,2

Lapkriio mn., palyginti su prajusi met gruodio mn. LIETUVOS EKONOMIN IR SOCIALIN RAIDA










Price indices
Production of mining, quarrying and manufacturing as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Production of mining, quarrying and manufacturing, excluding refined petroleum products as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

98,8 100,8 102,6 103,2 101,3 99,9 99,0

102,5 100,7 100,1 104,8 103,0 100,8 98,7

102,8 101,7 100,9 101,0 98,1 98,7 101,6

102,8 100,8 100,5 99,2 102,1 99,9 98,3

103,5 96,7 101,3 99,2 98,0 100,4 101,4

100,8 96,9 102,4 94,9 100,8 101,1 100,2**

95,5 99,3 103,4 92,2 101,5 102,2 100,7

98,7 100,2 101,9 87,9 99,6 103,4

117,2 1 101,3 1 117,9 1 99,6 1 104,1 1 112,8 1 109,3

108,7 112,3 104,4 121,1 80,7 112,7 115,6 96,6 108,5 113,2 137,1 110,6 124,6 144,0

113,5 110,4 103,7 126,8 79,3 110,3 113,1 99,0 109,3 113,3 143,6 113,9 125,6 142,1

114,3 109,2 102,8 127,0 77,0 110,9 116,5 101,8 111,1 114,3 145,1 111,7 123,9 144,4

114,8 107,1 102,5 125,3 79,3 108,5 114,6 104,6 112,0 114,8 144,0 114,1 123,8 141,9

118,1 100,1 107,4 122,8 78,2 111,2 115,8 108,2 108,3 116,3 142,9 111,8 124,3 143,9

114,9 96,2 113,5 113,8 83,1 111,6 114,7** 109,1 104,9 119,1 135,6 112,7 125,8 144,2**

113,1 100,0 118,2 101,5 91,5 112,3 113,1 104,2 104,2 123,1 125,0 114,4 128,5 145,3

115,7 101,6 120,1 87,6 103,7 116,6

113,2 107,7 104,8 120,4 82,2 110,8 115,4

102,8 104,4 125,4 109,9 113,9 132,9

99,9 100,1 99,5 101,3 99,7 101,1 100,6

99,8 100,0 100,9 101,1 99,0 100,3 99,7

100,8 100,8 101,1 101,9 98,6 100,1 100,2

100,3 100,4 100,9 101,8 99,4 100,1 99,5

100,2 100,2 101,6 100,5 100,0 100,4 100,4

100,7 100,5 101,4 98,2 99,9 101,1 100,1

100,1 100,1 100,9 98,0 99,9 101,3 100,3

99,7 100,1 101,5 95,1 100,1 101,2

101,9 1 102,7 1 112,3 1 108,0 1 90,8 1 108,0 1 104,5

102,5 102,3 107,3 115,7 90,4 101,1 109,3 99,3 101,6 109,1 126,1 114,0 115,3 126,0

102,6 102,4 108,3 115,9 88,6 102,4 108,6 99,2 101,6 110,0 127,5 112,9 115,6 125,6

101,7 102,5 108,6 116,8 85,7 104,1 108,7 100,0 102,4 111,2 129,9 111,2 115,8 125,8

101,7 102,6 109,1 117,8 83,7 104,9 108,0 100,3 102,8 112,2 132,2 110,6 115,9 125,2

101,6 102,6 110,6 116,5 83,2 105,3 107,9 100,4 103,1 114,0 132,8 110,5 116,4 125,6

101,6 102,4 111,6 112,9 84,6 106,6 106,9 101,2 103,6 115,6 130,5 110,4 117,7 125,8

102,0 102,4 112,4 109,6 86,3 108,1 105,8 101,3 103,7 116,6 127,8 110,3 119,2 126,1

101,6 102,8 114,0 102,7 90,8 109,3

102,5 102,3 108,2 114,9 89,1 101,7 108,5

101,0 103,8 118,3 121,5 110,4 120,7

November, compared to December of the previous year. 23



Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Kain indeksai
Gamintoj parduotos apdirbamosios gamybos produkcijos palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gamintoj parduotos apdirbamosios gamybos produkcijos, iskyrus rafinuotus naftos produktus palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

113,2 107,1 106,0 117,4 83,7 111,3

100,1 99,8 99,9 104,7 88,2 104,5 107,4

106,2 103,0 107,4 107,4 102,0 105,2 103,8

107,1 101,9 102,6 104,5 101,2 99,3 99,7

100,6 94,7 106,4 85,9 101,0 104,0

101,2 102,0 99,1 101,6 98,8 102,1 101,2

101,4 100,9 99,7 99,9 101,0 101,1 103,0

103,7 99,4 103,6 102,1 99,1 104,1 103,3

103,3 102,3 103,2 102,2 100,4 101,8 101,7

113,2 107,1 106,0 117,4 83,7 111,3

110,6 114,2 99,3 122,7 85,0 109,0 116,7 92,1 105,2 104,4 128,1 108,9 118,7 138,5

111,9 110,7 103,5 122,7 80,7 112,5 115,1 97,8 108,3 112,1 137,5 111,0 124,9 143,7

115,6 105,3 104,2 125,0 78,2 110,3 115,6 104,7 110,3 115,0 143,8 112,4 123,9 143,3

114,4 99,2 117,1 100,9 91,9 113,6

109,0 116,2 98,7 123,1 85,2 107,1 115,6 90,1 104,8 103,4 127,3 108,5 116,2 134,3

110,9 115,7 97,5 123,4 86,2 107,2 117,7 91,4 105,7 103,0 127,1 109,6 117,5 138,3

111,7 110,8 101,6 121,6 83,7 112,6 116,8 94,8 105,1 106,8 129,8 108,6 122,3 142,9

114,0 109,7 102,5 120,4 82,2 114,3 116,6 97,9 107,4 110,1 132,6 109,0 124,6 145,3

100,0 107,1 113,5 133,2 111,5 124,1

105,3 104,5 122,4 123,5 113,5 128,9

102,0 102,1 108,7 113,7 89,4 102,2

99,9 100,1 102,2 104,6 92,3 101,4 103,0

99,8 100,0 103,2 102,9 97,2 102,6 102,2

100,5 101,2 102,6 104,6 97,4 101,0 100,0

101,1 101,2 103,8 96,6 99,6 102,7

99,7 100,2 101,4 102,3 97,1 99,9 100,5

100,2 100,3 100,5 101,0 98,6 101,4 101,7

99,7 99,7 101,0 100,8 99,4 101,7 100,7

100,2 100,0 102,4 100,9 98,6 100,1 100,8

102,0 102,1 108,7 113,7 89,4 102,2

103,1 101,5 104,7 114,9 96,0 95,6 109,6 99,6 101,1 105,9 121,7 116,8 111,7 122,4

102,4 101,7 108,1 114,6 90,6 101,0 109,1 99,4 101,1 109,3 125,3 113,5 114,6 125,1

101,1 102,4 109,6 116,9 84,3 104,7 108,0 99,9 102,3 112,1 131,0 110,5 115,7 125,0

101,3 102,6 112,4 108,8 87,0 107,9

103,1 101,4 104,1 114,7 98,0 93,2 109,8 99,6 101,0 105,2 120,6 118,2 110,1 120,8

103,6 101,6 104,3 115,2 95,7 95,7 110,1 99,8 101,4 105,8 121,8 116,6 111,6 122,8

102,6 101,6 105,7 115,0 94,3 98,0 109,0 99,4 101,0 106,8 122,8 115,8 113,5 123,7

102,8 101,4 108,3 113,3 92,1 99,5 109,8 99,6 101,0 109,4 123,9 114,2 113,6 124,7

100,0 102,1 110,9 126,2 112,7 115,2

101,0 103,6 116,4 126,6 110,1 118,8

Lapkriio mn., palyginti su prajusi met gruodio mn.











Price indices
Production of manufacturing as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Production of manufacturing excluding refined petroleum products as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

98,8 100,8 102,7 103,1 101,3 100,0 99,0

102,3 100,8 100,0 104,8 102,9 100,8 98,7

102,8 101,6 100,8 101,1 98,1 98,7 101,6

102,7 100,8 100,6 99,3 102,1 99,9 98,3

103,6 96,8 101,3 99,3 98,0 100,4 101,4

100,9 96,9 102,4 95,0 100,8 101,1 100,2**

95,5 99,3 103,4 92,2 101,5 102,2 100,7

98,7 100,2 101,9 87,9 99,6 103,4

117,0 1 101,4 1 117,8 1 99,8 1 104,0 1 112,8 1 109,3

108,6 112,0 104,4 120,9 80,8 112,8 115,5 96,7 108,3 113,1 136,7 110,4 124,6 143,9

113,2 110,3 103,6 126,6 79,4 110,4 113,1 98,9 109,2 113,1 143,2 113,7 125,5 142,0

114,1 109,1 102,8 126,9 77,1 111,0 116,5 101,7 110,9 114,0 144,8 111,6 123,9 144,3

114,6 107,1 102,6 125,3 79,3 108,6 114,6 104,4 111,9 114,7 143,8 114,0 123,7 141,8

117,9 100,1 107,3 122,9 78,2 111,3 115,7 108,1 108,2 116,2 142,8 111,7 124,3 143,8

115,0 96,1 113,4 114,0 83,0 111,6 114,7** 109,1 104,9 118,9 135,6 112,6 125,7 144,1**

113,0 100,0 118,0 101,7 91,4 112,4 113,1 104,1 104,1 122,9 125,0 114,2 128,4 145,1

115,4 101,6 120,0 87,7 103,6 116,6

113,0 107,6 104,7 120,4 82,2 110,9 115,4

102,7 104,4 125,3 109,8 113,8 132,8

99,9 100,2 99,5 101,2 99,7 101,2 100,6

99,6 100,0 100,8 101,0 98,9 100,3 99,7

100,7 100,6 101,0 102,0 98,6 100,2 100,2

100,1 100,5 101,0 102,0 99,4 100,1 99,5

100,2 100,5 101,6 100,6 100,0 100,5 100,3

100,9 100,7 101,3 98,4 99,9 101,1 100,1

100,2 100,1 100,8 98,1 99,9 101,3 100,3

99,7 100,1 101,5 95,2 100,1 101,1

101,2 1 102,7 1 112,0 1 108,4 1 90,4 1 108,0 1 104,5

102,3 101,6 107,6 115,2 90,8 101,0 109,1 99,5 101,2 108,8 125,4 113,8 114,9 125,4

102,0 102,1 108,4 115,4 88,9 102,4 108,5 99,1 101,2 109,7 126,6 112,6 115,3 125,1

101,1 102,1 108,8 116,5 86,0 104,0 108,5 99,8 101,9 110,8 129,1 111,0 115,5 125,3

101,1 102,4 109,3 117,6 83,8 104,8 107,8 99,9 102,3 111,9 131,6 110,3 115,6 124,7

101,0 102,7 110,5 116,5 83,3 105,3 107,7 100,1 102,8 113,7 132,5 110,3 116,1 125,1

101,4 102,5 111,3 113,1 84,6 106,5 106,7 101,0 103,5 115,2 130,3 110,2 117,4 125,2

101,5 102,4 112,1 110,1 86,1 108,1 105,6 101,2 103,6 116,1 127,8 110,0 118,9 125,6

100,9 102,8 113,7 103,2 90,5 109,2

102,0 102,0 108,2 114,8 89,3 101,6 108,4

100,8 103,7 117,9 121,7 110,1 120,2

November, compared to December of the previous year.




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Kain indeksai
Gamintoj parduotos elektros, duj, garo tiekimo ir oro kondicionavimo produkcijos palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Statybos palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

102,8 108,7 112,6 123,7 103,3 105,0

103,4 107,2 108,7 111,4 102,4 107,3 101,7

99,9 99,9 99,6 101,9 94,8 105,3 102,6

99,9 102,7 103,0 109,3 93,8 101,6 106,7

100,1 100,6 102,4 105,4 97,2 99,5

103,4 106,5 108,8 109,5 103,5 100,9 100,7

100,1 101,1 100,1 100,9 99,7 107,7 100,0

99,9 100,1 99,8 99,9 97,2 100,0 102,9

99,9 99,7 99,8 101,0 98,4 101,5 98,3

102,8 108,7 112,6 123,7 103,3 105,0

102,4 107,1 112,2 116,9 120,3 92,8 108,3 100,1 107,2 120,2 140,6 169,0 156,8 169,8

102,7 107,0 111,8 119,7 111,9 103,1 105,5 100,0 107,0 119,7 143,3 160,3 165,2 174,2

102,9 110,0 112,2 127,1 96,0 111,6 110,8 99,9 109,9 123,3 156,6 150,4 167,8 186,0

103,3 110,6 114,2 130,8 88,5 114,2

101,8 106,3 113,0 116,2 122,3 87,2 112,8 100,1 106,4 120,3 139,8 171,0 149,2 168,2

102,8 107,3 111,9 117,2 120,8 94,2 104,7 100,2 107,5 120,3 141,1 170,5 160,6 168,2

102,6 107,6 111,5 117,3 117,6 97,0 107,7 100,1 107,6 120,1 140,9 165,6 160,7 173,1

102,6 107,3 111,7 118,7 114,6 100,1 104,3 100,0 107,3 119,9 142,3 163,0 163,1 170,1

100,0 108,7 122,4 151,4 156,5 164,2

100,0 110,6 126,2 165,1 146,2 167,0

107,6 109,8 113,8 109,5 89,4 95,7

100,2 101,4 102,2 102,0 95,3 98,6 99,6

102,3 102,9 105,8 102,6 95,2 100,5 103,3

103,0 103,0 103,7 101,1 98,1 101,4 101,7

102,4 102,2 103,1 96,9 97,7 100,0

100,3 100,6 99,9 100,0 98,8 98,9 100,2

100,1 100,3 101,2 100,6 97,1 100,3 99,8

99,9 100,4 101,0 101,5 98,0 99,6 99,7

101,4 101,8 103,5 100,3 98,1 100,2 102,8

107,6 109,8 113,8 109,5 89,4 95,7

108,7 109,3 110,8 115,4 95,8 89,9 101,5 96,3 105,3 116,6 134,5 128,8 115,8 117,5

106,9 110,0 113,9 111,9 88,8 94,9 104,3 98,5 108,3 123,4 138,0 122,6 116,3 121,3

107,0 110,0 114,6 109,1 86,2 98,1 104,5 101,4 111,6 127,9 139,5 120,2 118,0 123,4

108,0 109,9 115,6 102,5 86,9 100,5

109,2 109,0 109,8 115,6 99,3 87,4 101,8 96,3 104,9 115,3 133,3 132,3 115,7 117,8

108,7 109,2 110,9 115,0 95,7 90,4 101,3 96,4 105,2 116,7 134,1 128,4 116,1 117,5

108,3 109,8 111,6 115,5 92,4 91,9 101,4 96,3 105,7 117,9 136,1 125,8 115,6 117,2

107,5 110,2 113,5 111,9 90,4 93,9 104,0 97,6 107,5 122,0 136,6 123,4 115,8 120,4

100,0 109,8 124,9 136,8 122,3 117,0

103,8 114,1 131,8 135,2 117,4 118,0

Lapkriio mn., palyginti su prajusi met gruodio mn.











Price indices
Production of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Construction as compared to the previous period 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

100,1 99,4 99,6 100,7 98,1 101,9 103,5

99,9 100,4 100,4 100,8 98,7 100,2 100,3

99,9 102,3 101,4 103,1 96,8 100,9 103,1

100,0 99,9 101,5 107,0 97,5 100,4 103,3

100,0 100,8 101,2 101,6 100,1 99,0 100,0

100,1 100,2 100,3 102,0 97,3 99,7 99,9

100,0 100,0 100,5 100,1 100,4 100,6 99,3

100,0 99,9 101,4 100,1 101,5 99,7

103,3 1 110,7 1 113,9 1 129,4 1 88,1 1 113,3 1 111,7

102,9 106,6 111,9 119,9 111,7 103,9 106,0 100,1 106,7 119,4 143,2 159,9 166,1 176,1

102,5 107,2 111,9 120,4 109,4 105,4 106,1 100,0 107,1 119,9 144,3 157,9 166,4 176,6

102,4 109,8 110,8 122,5 102,7 109,9 108,4 99,9 109,7 121,5 148,8 152,8 167,9 182,1

103,1 109,7 112,6 129,1 93,5 113,2 111,5 99,9 109,6 123,4 159,3 149,0 168,6 188,0

103,2 110,5 113,1 129,6 92,2 111,9 112,5 99,9 110,4 124,9 161,8 149,2 167,0 187,9

103,3 110,6 113,2 131,8 88,0 114,7 112,8 100,0 110,6 125,2 165,0 145,1 166,5 187,8

103,3 110,7 113,8 131,2 88,2 115,0 111,4 100,0 110,6 125,8 165,1 145,7 167,5 186,6

103,2 110,6 115,5 129,5 89,4 113,0

102,8 108,5 112,3 123,2 104,7 104,3 108,9

99,9 110,5 127,7 165,3 147,8 167,1

100,7 100,6 100,8 101,1 99,5 100,4 100,6

101,4 101,2 101,6 100,9 98,9 100,4 101,0

101,2 101,3 101,1 100,0 99,0 100,9 100,9

100,2 100,5 101,0 100,6 100,3 100,0 99,9

101,3 101,3 101,7 99,0 99,3 100,3 99,9

101,0 100,3 100,4 98,0 98,5 100,1 100,9

100,4 100,6 101,4 99,6 99,5 99,7 99,7

100,6 101,5 101,0 98,7 99,6 99,6

108,0 1 109,0 1 114,4 1 101,8 1 87,7 1 100,9 1 105,4

106,0 110,0 113,8 112,3 89,0 94,7 104,2 98,2 108,1 123,0 138,1 122,9 116,3 121,2

107,1 109,8 114,3 111,5 87,2 96,1 104,8 99,6 109,4 125,0 139,4 121,5 116,8 122,4

106,8 109,8 114,1 110,3 86,3 98,0 104,7 100,9 110,7 126,4 139,4 120,3 117,9 123,5

106,6 110,1 114,7 109,9 86,0 97,7 104,6 101,0 111,3 127,6 140,3 120,6 117,9 123,3

107,5 110,2 115,1 107,0 86,3 98,7 104,2 102,3 112,7 129,7 138,9 119,8 118,2 123,3

107,4 109,4 115,2 104,5 86,7 100,3 105,1 103,4 113,1 130,2 136,1 118,0 118,4 124,4

107,9 109,6 116,1 102,7 86,6 100,5 105,0 103,7 113,7 132,0 135,6 117,4 118,0 124,0

108,7 110,6 115,5 100,4 87,4 100,6

107,5 109,7 113,6 110,4 89,6 95,3 103,7

104,4 115,4 133,3 133,8 116,9 117,6

November, compared to December of the previous year.




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Kain indeksai
Eksportuot preki kain (CPA 2008) palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Importuot preki kain (CPA 2008) palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

105,4 105,8 113,5 83,3 112,4

98,3 101,6 104,8 86,9 105,5 106,8

102,8 105,5 104,7 100,3 105,8 102,0

100,8 102,0 102,3 99,0 100,3 99,6

95,7 104,6 91,6 101,6 104,2

101,2 101,1 102,4 93,6 102,8 101,3

101,0 100,0 100,4 99,5 101,2 102,2

99,8 102,3 100,6 99,7 104,5 102,7

102,2 102,8 100,9 100,5 102,3 100,7

105,4 105,8 113,5 83,3 112,4

111,3 100,8 117,9 85,2 106,5 118,2 103,9 104,7 123,5 105,2 112,1 132,5

109,8 103,5 117,0 81,6 112,4 113,9 106,8 110,5 129,3 105,5 118,6 135,1

103,5 104,7 117,3 79,0 113,9 113,1 107,7 112,7 132,2 104,5 119,0 134,6

97,5 114,4 102,7 87,7 116,8

... 100,6 118,3 86,0 103,7 118,1 103,3 103,9 122,9 105,7 109,6 129,4

... 99,7 118,8 85,2 105,4 119,3 104,3 103,9 123,4 105,2 110,9 132,3

... 102,1 116,8 84,5 110,5 117,2 104,1 106,3 124,2 104,9 115,9 135,8

... 102,7 114,6 84,1 112,5 115,3 106,4 109,3 125,2 105,4 118,6 136,7

105,4 111,5 126,5 105,4 118,5

103,0 117,9 121,1 106,2 124,1

107,5 104,9 108,9 88,5 110,9

100,4 101,0 102,3 89,8 104,1 107,5

102,7 103,4 103,7 100,8 104,1 103,4

100,0 102,4 101,8 101,9 100,7 100,5

98,0 103,3 93,3 101,6 102,5

102,4 100,6 100,4 93,6 101,7 101,3

99,1 101,3 100,8 99,0 101,9 102,7

100,4 100,5 100,6 99,9 102,5 103,0

103,9 101,1 100,7 99,3 101,6 101,7

107,5 104,9 108,9 88,5 110,9

114,2 101,7 111,9 88,5 108,6 115,4 105,8 107,6 120,5 106,6 115,8 133,7

111,5 102,4 112,2 86,0 112,1 114,7 108,7 111,3 124,9 107,4 120,5 138,2

103,8 104,9 111,5 86,1 110,9 114,5 108,7 114,0 127,1 109,4 121,3 139,0

101,1 110,5 100,7 93,8 111,8

... 100,2 112,2 89,8 105,7 114,6 106,3 106,5 119,6 107,3 113,4 130,0

... 102,4 111,7 88,2 108,7 115,6 105,4 107,9 120,5 106,3 115,5 133,5

... 102,5 111,8 87,5 111,5 116,1 105,8 108,5 121,3 106,2 118,4 137,5

... 99,8 111,3 86,4 114,2 116,2 110,0 109,7 122,1 105,5 120,4 139,9

107,5 112,7 122,8 108,7 120,5

106,6 117,8 118,6 111,2 124,3

Spalio mn., palyginti su prajusi met gruodio mn.











Price indices
Export price (CPA 2008) 100,5 101,2 103,5 99,3 99,6 98,8 100,1 100,9 102,7 101,9 101,0 98,9 101,0 101,0 99,9 97,4 99,0 101,0 100,5 99,7 99,0 101,4 100,9 99,1 97,8 100,7 100,4 98,9 100,5 101,2 97,1 102,0 97,1 101,2 100,8 100,3 99,9 102,4 95,1 101,0 102,5 99,7 101,6 92,5 100,1 103,2 101,2 1 112,3 1 106,9 1 93,5 1 113,3 1 106,2

as compared to the previous period 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Import price (CPA 2008)

... 103,5 117,1 80,8 112,9 114,4 106,9 110,6 129,6 104,6 118,1 135,0

... 104,3 119,2 80,1 111,9 112,0 107,1 111,6 133,1 106,6 119,3 133,6

... 104,3 117,9 78,2 113,7 114,2 108,1 112,7 132,9 103,9 118,1 134,8

... 103,4 117,2 80,1 113,1 112,2 108,7 112,3 131,6 105,4 119,2 133,6

... 106,4 116,8 78,9 114,9 112,8 106,3 113,1 132,2 104,3 119,8 135,2

... 111,8 111,2 82,2 114,4 112,3 103,2 115,4 128,4 105,5 120,8 135,6

... 114,7 103,2 87,3 116,1

100,8 116,8 94,0 94,5 119,8

... 103,9 116,7 81,9 111,3 114,7

103,1 118,2 122,0 106,6 123,7

102,8 120,1 112,9 106,6 127,7

99,0 101,4 102,3 101,5 98,9 98,5

98,5 101,7 102,1 102,6 102,6 99,5

102,9 101,3 100,1 98,7 99,5 101,9

99,6 98,6 99,9 102,2 99,3 97,6

96,4 101,5 98,8 98,7 101,2 103,2

103,1 100,5 96,7 101,4 99,6 98,5

95,6 103,3 97,8 100,7 101,4

101,3 100,0 96,1 100,0 104,2

105,3 1 108,8 1 102,5 1 96,6 1 108,9 1 108,1

as compared to the previous period 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

... 102,1 112,4 85,7 111,1 115,7 108,9 111,2 125,0 107,1 119,0 137,7

... 105,4 112,9 86,1 111,2 112,3 107,2 113,0 127,6 109,8 122,1 137,1

... 103,8 111,4 84,9 112,1 115,1 110,3 114,5 127,7 108,3 121,4 139,7

... 102,8 113,0 86,8 108,9 113,1 109,9 112,9 127,6 110,7 120,6 136,4

... 108,2 110,0 86,6 111,7 115,4 106,0 114,6 126,1 109,3 122,0 140,8

... 105,4 105,8 90,8 109,7 114,2 109,3 115,3 122,0 110,7 121,5 138,7

... 113,9 100,2 93,4 110,5

102,0 112,4 96,3 97,3 115,1

... 103,3 111,2 87,2 110,5 114,8

104,5 119,1 119,3 111,5 123,2

105,9 119,0 114,6 111,5 128,3

October, compared to December of the previous year.




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

ems kis
Gyvulininkysts produkcijos supirkimas Gyvuliai ir paukiai (gyvuoju svoriu), tkst. t 2005 232,6 2006 251,9 2007 271,3 2008 242,6 2009 215,1 2010 231,2 2011 Pienas (perskaiiuotas bazin riebum), tkst. t 2005 1432,3 2006 1555,2 2007 1628,2 2008 1660,8 2009 1535,3 2010 1540,4 2011 Kiauiniai (skaitant pardavim turgavietse), mln. vnt. 2005 487,4 2006 483,3 2007 486,0 2008 454,4 2009 448,4 2010 446,0 2011

56,3 59,4 64,5 59,8 53,0 52,0 52,4

56,8 63,9 68,5 60,6 51,8 56,6 54,2

60,2 62,6 69,5 61,3 53,4 61,3 62,7

59,3 66,0 68,8 60,9 56,9 61,3

18,5 18,0 21,8 20,5 17,6 16,7 17,6

18,5 19,3 19,8 19,6 16,6 15,8 15,8

19,3 22,1 22,9 19,7 18,8 19,5 19,0

18,3 19,6 22,5 22,1 17,7 18,5 17,9

255,9 286,5 323,9 328,7 319,6 294,1 314,6

352,3 380,0 402,6 423,8 382,8 374,9 382,6

465,9 482,0 510,5 509,1 469,7 480,5 485,8

358,2 406,7 391,2 399,2 363,2 390,9

90,4 100,5 116,0 111,1 114,5 104,9 110,6

78,1 87,5 99,0 105,0 97,9 89,3 96,3

87,4 98,5 108,9 112,6 107,2 99,9 107,7

90,5 101,3 110,5 113,4 106,7 101,8 107,6

127,7 129,3 126,4 119,5 117,7 114,9 102,4

111,9 119,8 121,0 107,5 102,1 100,1 93,6

120,8 117,6 117,4 110,9 111,6 109,9 74,5

127,0 116,6 121,2 116,5 117,0 121,1

36,3 41,5 39,7 40,2 40,4 36,1 37,4

38,3 41,9 38,0 35,6 34,6 34,6 31,7

53,1 45,9 48,7 43,7 42,7 44,2 33,3

33,6 42,6 39,9 37,4 37,4 32,4 31,8

Pramons produkcija be PVM ir akcizo to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

40883 46442 50907 62859 46554 54907

9353 11664 11504 15069 11874 12364 16025

9638 11988 12600 16911 11185 13003 16116

10456 11505 13229 16954 11462 13658 16712

11436 11285 13574 13925 12033 15882

3003 3790 3741 4822 4108 4034 5320

2892 3659 3701 4948 3912 4109 5290

3458 4215 4062 5299 3854 4221 5415

3140 3771 4034 5592 3579 4174 4995

107,0 106,5 102,4 105,5 85,4 106,6

95,6 100,1 99,0 103,7 90,1 95,4 93,9

98,5 100,6 105,4 105,7 97,5 104,9 101,3

102,4 95,2 102,3 96,4 102,9 106,0 102,8

110,0 101,4 98,1 93,9 101,5 109,8

89,7 93,4 99,6 98,6 92,5 91,7 92,7

94,4 95,6 98,5 103,0 93,4 100,5 97,4

117,1 115,7 108,2 103,8 100,2 101,9 102,8

88,3 88,1 97,5 104,7 95,4 99,3 93,7

99,7 102,6 102,7 109,4 94,7 100,6 98,5

100,6 104,0 106,8 105,5 99,4 106,3 101,1

103,5 96,0 102,8 96,7 102,2 105,5 102,7

103,0 95,6 91,9 88,4 95,3 103,8

97,2 97,2 102,1 101,2 97,7 98,4 100,6

95,4 98,8 100,9 104,6 95,9 103,7 99,3

110,6 106,7 100,0 101,4 94,3 94,5 95,1

93,2 97,0 104,2 104,1 99,9 104,9 99,7











Purchase of animal production Animals (live weight), thous. t 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Milk (3.4 % of fat and 3.0 % of protein content), thous. t 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Eggs (market places included), mill. pcs. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

18,9 23,0 24,1 19,5 16,9 18,6 18,0

19,6 21,3 21,9 19,0 17,2 19,5 18,3

18,8 20,5 22,7 21,0 17,4 20,1 19,4

20,5 20,8 24,4 19,0 17,1 20,4 21,5

20,9 21,3 22,4 21,3 18,9 20,8 21,8

20,5 24,0 26,4 23,1 20,8 23,2 22,8

19,0 22,2 22,6 18,0 16,9 21,2 21,6

19,8 19,8 19,8 19,8 19,2 16,9

212,8 232,1 251,5 222,8 195,9 214,3 213,7

116,4 123,5 140,8 149,3 130,2 126,6 130,4

145,4 155,2 151,3 161,1 145,9 146,5 144,6

146,2 149,9 165,8 168,9 151,5 150,3 153,7

159,5 160,1 173,1 170,7 162,9 163,1 166,9

160,2 172,0 171,6 169,5 155,3 167,1 165,2

145,4 166,5 156,6 153,8 140,2 153,4 156,8

107,5 120,7 117,6 123,4 111,3 118,9 125,1

105,3 119,5 117,0 122,0 111,7 118,6

1327,0 1435,7 1511,2 1538,8 1423,6 1421,8 1464,9

36,2 41,5 42,6 32,7 31,1 33,4 31,5

42,1 35,7 38,5 37,4 33,6 34,3 30,3

36,8 38,5 38,7 39,5 35,2 33,5 25,7

44,9 40,3 43,1 34,8 39,6 36,4 29,0

39,1 38,8 35,6 36,6 36,8 40,0 19,8

42,0 38,4 40,8 38,7 39,7 36,1 21,1

41,4 39,6 38,9 34,3 36,9 39,1 24,8

43,6 38,6 41,5 43,5 40,4 45,9

443,8 444,7 444,5 410,9 408,0 400,1 316,4

Industrial production, VAT and excise excluded at current prices, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

3293 4226 4230 5522 3667 4277 5473

3205 3991 4336 5797 3939 4552 5648

3132 3793 4487 5852 3865 4485 5435

3461 3753 4506 5513 3796 4607 5588

3863 3959 4236 5589 3801 4566 5689

3568 3739 4335 4955 3874 5064 5649**

3920 3864 4504 4618 3960 5172 5828

3948 3682 4735 4352 4199 5646

36935 42759 46172 58507 42355 49260 60330

106,3 110,9 103,7 96,0 104,1 103,0 108,7

95,2 94,6 102,1 100,6 104,8 106,0 103,5

95,6 93,5 101,9 99,4 99,9 99,1 94,6

108,1 99,8 100,2 95,3 97,2 103,4 104,3

108,5 107,0 93,1 103,2 101,5 99,0 101,6

93,3 96,6 101,2 93,7 100,1 108,6 97,8**

112,7 103,3 101,4 97,8 99,6 99,1 101,5

101,6 95,1 101,9 103,9 104,9 103,8

106,3 107,6 101,6 98,1 106,5 103,7 105,7

95,2 94,8 103,3 100,5 101,9 104,4 104,0

99,9 97,9 103,7 98,8 101,4 101,7 98,4

104,5 96,1 97,7 98,1 97,1 100,8 99,8

105,6 105,6 93,7 98,3 98,5 97,3 100,0

91,3 92,2 93,3 89,1 96,8 106,3 96,2**

110,0 102,6 102,8 100,4 99,3 98,5 101,1

101,6 98,7 105,4 102,2 102,8 100,7




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Pramons produkcija be PVM ir akcizo palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo bei apdirbamosios gamybos produkcija be PVM ir akcizo to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 32

107,0 106,5 102,4 105,5 85,4 106,6 100,0 106,5 109,0 115,0 98,2 104,7

105,8 111,0 96,1 109,7 86,2 97,2 114,6 97,5 108,2 104,0 114,1 98,3 95,6 109,6

110,0 113,4 100,7 109,9 79,5 104,6 110,7 96,0 108,9 109,7 120,6 95,8 100,3 111,0

106,7 105,5 108,2 103,6 84,9 107,8 107,2 98,3 103,7 112,2 116,2 98,7 106,3 114,0

106,0 97,2 104,7 99,2 91,8 116,5 108,2 105,1 110,1 109,2 100,2 116,7

109,5 110,5 96,5 108,0 93,1 92,1 116,8 95,9 106,0 102,3 110,4 102,8 94,6 110,5

95,7 111,9 99,4 112,9 84,4 99,1 113,1 90,6 101,4 100,8 113,8 96,0 95,1 107,6

112,5 110,6 92,9 108,3 81,5 100,8 114,1 106,1 117,3 109,0 118,1 96,2 97,0 110,6

102,5 110,3 102,8 116,3 74,3 104,9 107,6 93,7 103,4 106,3 123,6 91,8 96,3 103,6

35228 40320 43849 54319 38123 46215

7486 9519 9266 12479 8775 9226 13105 92,4 96,9 95,2 103,4 86,5 91,8 92,3 100,3 102,9 102,4 112,3 94,2 100,6 99,4

8562 10782 11263 15292 9649 11512 14583 107,8 110,2 114,8 113,2 105,7 118,0 108,9 100,2 104,7 107,0 104,8 98,8 109,0 101,4 111,2 114,3 100,9 110,6 78,6 106,3 112,2 99,2 113,4 114,4 126,6 99,5 105,7 118,6

9447 10429 11950 15248 10086 12273 15282 103,4 96,1 103,2 95,8 103,6 107,2 103,8 103,7 96,1 103,2 95,3 102,2 106,5 103,6 106,7 106,2 108,4 102,7 85,0 110,0 108,6 102,6 109,0 118,1 121,2 103,0 113,3 123,1

9733 9590 11370 11300 9613 13204

2403 3033 2986 3882 2971 2841 4337 89,1 90,5 97,5 98,0 89,9 86,6 93,9 99,0 96,7 101,9 102,0 97,4 97,0 103,4 118,1 108,6 98,6 108,4 92,4 86,8 129,4 90,9 98,7 97,4 105,6 97,6 84,7 109,6

2265 2958 2892 4103 2888 3069 4252 92,1 96,7 96,7 106,0 94,1 106,1 96,3 93,3 99,0 99,2 105,7 95,4 105,8 97,6 95,4 114,0 98,6 118,9 82,1 97,9 117,5 83,8 95,5 94,1 111,9 91,8 89,9 105,6

2818 3528 3388 4494 2916 3316 4516 121,0 119,9 114,1 105,3 101,2 105,0 105,9 111,0 107,1 101,5 101,3 93,0 94,2 95,3 114,7 113,0 93,8 109,7 78,9 101,5 118,5 101,4 114,5 107,4 117,8 92,9 94,3 111,7

2725 3276 3516 4944 2980 3611 4412 93,3 91,0 101,0 108,4 100,4 106,0 97,4 93,4 96,2 103,8 103,1 100,1 106,9 100,0 102,9 110,1 104,1 117,7 73,1 107,1 108,8 94,6 104,2 108,5 127,7 93,4 99,9 108,8

108,3 107,5 102,4 106,4 84,2 108,2

103,5 96,1 91,6 89,8 94,8 104,2

103,2 95,7 90,6 89,2 94,3 103,6

108,3 107,5 102,4 106,4 84,2 108,2 100,0 107,5 110,1 117,1 98,6 106,7

109,1 111,8 96,8 112,2 84,2 95,2 121,6 92,0 102,9 99,6 111,8 94,1 89,6 109,0

106,6 98,6 103,3 100,7 89,7 120,9 106,2 104,7 108,1 108,8 97,7 118,1










Industrial production, VAT and excise excluded as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Mining, quarrying and manufacturing production, VAT and excise excluded at current prices, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 33

124,1 115,2 96,1 107,6 80,6 103,8 113,5 99,6 114,7 110,2 118,7 95,6 99,2 112,7

104,9 114,5 103,7 106,1 83,9 105,1 110,8 94,8 108,5 112,5 119,4 100,1 105,2 116,6

101,1 112,0 113,1 103,5 84,2 104,3 105,7 90,6 101,5 114,7 118,7 100,0 104,3 110,3

108,3 103,3 113,5 98,5 85,9 110,9 106,6 98,0 101,2 114,9 113,1 97,2 107,9 115,0

110,4 101,9 98,8 109,1 84,5 108,2 109,3 106,3 108,3 107,0 116,8 98,7 106,8 116,8

99,2 105,5 103,6 101,0 90,3 117,4 98,5** 99,2 104,6 108,3 109,4 98,8 116,0 114,2**

112,5 96,6 101,7 97,3 92,0 116,8 100,9 111,8 108,0 109,9 107,0 98,4 114,9 116,0

106,1 90,5 109,0 99,3 92,9 115,5 113,5 102,7 112,0 111,1 103,2 119,2

107,1 108,1 101,8 106,1 84,8 105,7 108,5

2949 3864 3809 5029 3180 3792 5039 109,8 116,5 106,7 98,3 106,6 104,9 112,1 106,6 109,9 101,5 98,4 106,6 103,6 107,3 127,5 116,9 95,3 108,4 79,3 105,4 116,2 103,9 121,4 115,7 125,4 99,5 104,9 121,9

2888 3642 3938 5319 3489 4109 5132 95,5 94,5 102,9 100,9 106,2 107,2 102,7 94,8 93,9 103,9 100,3 102,6 105,0 102,3 105,1 115,7 103,7 106,4 83,5 106,4 111,4 99,2 114,7 119,0 126,6 105,6 112,4 125,2

2820 3452 4099 5362 3411 4051 4991 95,3 93,2 102,4 99,3 99,3 99,3 95,1 99,9 97,8 104,5 98,5 100,7 102,3 99,7 100,7 113,0 114,1 103,1 83,4 106,4 106,8 94,6 106,9 121,9 125,8 104,9 111,6 119,1

3125 3401 4080 4914 3342 4130 5131 108,1 99,5 99,4 93,0 96,7 102,8 104,6 104,8 96,1 97,3 96,4 97,4 100,8 100,7 108,3 104,0 114,0 96,5 86,7 113,2 108,6 102,2 106,3 121,2 116,9 101,4 114,7 124,6

3502 3576 3771 4972 3333 4092 5160 108,6 107,0 91,7 103,5 101,5 99,2 100,8 106,4 106,2 92,6 98,5 98,4 97,5 98,9 110,8 102,4 97,7 108,9 85,0 110,5 110,4 111,0 113,7 111,1 121,0 102,9 113,7 125,6

3116 3295 3763 4280 3217 4355 4985** 89,8 94,6 99,0 92,8 96,2 105,8 96,1** 90,1 92,0 92,5 90,2 95,2 105,9 96,5** 98,1 107,9 102,3 102,1 88,1 121,5 100,3** 99,7 107,6 110,0 112,4 99,0 120,3 120,7**

3334 3246 3725 3704 3180 4350 4983 110,1 98,9 96,9 94,0 97,1 97,4 99,7 111,7 102,1 102,5 100,3 100,2 99,1 101,3 115,3 97,0 100,2 99,1 91,0 121,9 102,7 109,7 106,5 106,6 105,6 96,1 117,2 120,3

3283 3049 3882 3316 3216 4499

31945 37271 39967 51003 34906 41717 52938

99,4 93,8 101,0 102,7 101,8 99,6

101,6 99,7 107,2 103,0 102,8 99,4

106,8 91,6 107,9 100,8 90,2 119,3 109,1 99,9 107,7 108,5 97,9 116,7

108,4 109,1 101,9 106,9 83,7 107,2 111,1



Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo bei apdirbamosios gamybos produkcija, iskyrus rafinuotus naftos produktus, be PVM ir akcizo to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 100,0 114,8 129,7 123,0 101,3 111,4 88,3 102,3 120,5 120,0 93,6 96,9 115,7 99,4 115,5 131,0 131,6 102,7 109,6 127,0 102,6 118,2 133,5 124,9 106,2 116,2 130,1 109,7 123,4 133,9 115,5 102,7 123,1 86,3 97,0 118,3 120,3 91,2 90,1 111,4 83,3 94,7 111,0 119,1 91,1 96,3 110,7 95,2 115,2 132,1 120,6 98,5 104,3 124,9 96,7 106,4 121,0 135,5 103,5 106,7 123,7 110,1 114,8 112,9 94,8 82,4 110,0 108,4 115,9 117,8 99,6 78,0 103,5 119,4 106,3 116,3 113,4 100,4 78,1 106,7 115,9 112,8 115,2 112,9 93,6 85,0 109,4 112,0 112,7 112,5 108,5 86,3 89,0 119,8 113,7 112,3 122,0 101,7 75,8 98,8 123,6 106,7 113,6 117,3 107,3 76,5 105,7 114,9 105,5 120,9 114,7 91,3 81,7 105,8 119,8 101,7 110,0 113,7 112,0 76,4 103,1 115,9 102,5 101,6 106,5 99,9 91,5 106,7 104,0 100,9 104,8 99,9 98,8 99,6 101,8 99,7 103,8 102,4 101,9 94,3 101,5 105,1 102,2 106,5 104,0 99,1 91,7 96,1 105,1 102,1 98,7 103,5 102,0 93,7 103,7 107,1 97,6 100,9 97,1 99,4 101,2 106,4 100,8 101,3 103,4 103,2 96,4 95,8 93,8 97,9 101,4 100,0 94,9 104,8 104,5 103,6 102,4 110,1 114,8 112,9 94,8 82,4 110,0 90,7 93,3 97,6 89,6 81,1 94,3 93,9 112,6 112,9 108,8 109,6 109,7 113,1 109,8 103,3 102,3 101,9 95,0 103,4 106,1 102,5 106,9 104,3 100,3 92,4 96,7 105,9 87,1 89,7 98,2 96,9 82,9 89,1 93,6 96,5 97,6 93,9 99,0 99,9 106,8 99,3 114,3 121,7 118,9 101,3 108,2 108,3 112,9 101,5 92,4 91,6 112,3 105,0 102,3 99,0 24282 28575 35202 37293 27580 31166 5325 6296 7799 8869 6588 6567 8655 6001 7134 8763 10036 7071 7620 9537 6242 7383 9178 9877 7109 8166 9883 6714 7762 9462 8511 6812 8813 1733 1985 2527 2942 2160 1993 2761 1678 1946 2393 2901 2143 2183 2772 1914 2365 2879 3026 2285 2391 3122 1948 2188 2695 3417 2387 2466 3095











Mining, quarrying and manufacturing production, excluding refined petroleum products, VAT and excise excluded at current prices, LTL mill. 2001 2466 3046 3280 2313 2501 3190 2052 2480 3022 3339 2371 2653 3252 1958 2324 2967 3323 2429 2667 3159 2052 2507 3160 3224 2281 2758 3291 2232 2552 3051 3330 2399 2741 3433 2227 2630 3381 3225 2350 2996 3126** 2282 2605 3118 2691 2230 2943 3224 2205 2527 2963 2595 2232 2874 22077 26048 32239 34698 25348 28292 34425 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 102,8 112,5 113,3 95,1 97,1 101,2 102,9 102,7 100,6 98,6 101,1 103,7 105,6 101,9 94,7 92,8 96,7 97,6 103,3 99,3 95,7 104,8 107,7 105,7 95,2 95,9 104,2 104,7 108,6 101,6 95,6 104,7 104,5 99,6 104,6 99,2 102,5 109,7 100,4 98,7 108,4 92,3** 102,4 99,0 91,8 85,8 94,7 96,6 102,2 96,7 96,9 93,4 100,7 100,5 96,8 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 98,3 103,4 106,4 95,3 97,2 99,5 97,1 101,7 99,9 99,8 100,2 98,6 102,6 101,2 101,2 99,2 99,2 96,4 105,6 103,6 102,2 100,2 102,8 102,9 100,2 97,0 101,2 99,3 105,4 100,6 96,7 97,7 100,0 97,2 102,1 100,1 99,2 101,8 97,1 97,3 108,7 92,7** 104,2 102,9 97,6 93,3 98,8 98,9 104,6 99,8 104,3 100,5 101,1 101,8 96,5 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 107,3 120,5 114,4 94,1 78,0 107,5 118,0 99,4 119,7 137,0 128,9 100,5 108,0 127,4 110,0 118,1 112,1 96,4 80,0 109,5 113,8 102,0 120,5 135,1 130,3 104,2 114,0 129,8 110,9 115,7 116,8 97,4 84,7 105,2 109,7 96,6 111,8 130,5 127,1 107,6 113,2 124,2 114,0 118,9 114,6 87,6 85,3 114,3 110,3 101,3 120,5 138,0 121,0 103,2 117,9 130,1 113,4 111,2 107,8 96,1 85,1 109,0 115,8 110,0 122,4 131,9 126,7 107,8 117,5 136,1 110,9 114,9 115,3 87,9 83,6 119,7 98,7** 109,2 125,5 144,7 127,2 106,3 127,3 125,6** 118,4 111,1 107,0 82,2 92,2 122,2 104,4 111,8 124,2 132,8 109,2 100,7 123,0 128,4 108,1 120,4 124,1 110,0 101,2 119,0 109,0 111,4 103,0 88,6 92,0 117,7 110,2 115,2 113,9 95,3 81,6 109,3 112,6 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Apdirbamosios gamybos produkcija be PVM ir akcizo to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 100,0 107,6 110,2 117,5 99,2 107,3 92,2 103,4 100,0 112,3 94,8 90,2 109,8 99,0 113,5 114,5 126,9 99,9 106,3 119,2 102,5 109,0 118,2 121,5 103,7 114,0 123,8 106,3 104,6 108,2 109,3 98,3 118,9 91,0 99,5 97,7 106,1 98,5 85,3 110,5 83,8 95,9 94,6 112,5 92,4 90,6 106,3 101,6 114,8 107,8 118,4 93,6 94,8 112,6 94,6 104,3 108,7 127,8 93,8 100,3 109,5 108,6 107,6 102,4 106,6 84,4 108,2 109,5 112,2 96,7 112,3 84,4 95,1 121,7 111,6 114,6 100,9 110,8 78,8 106,4 112,2 107,0 106,4 108,4 102,8 85,4 109,9 108,6 106,8 98,4 103,4 101,0 89,9 121,0 118,2 109,3 98,2 108,6 92,8 86,6 129,5 95,8 114,4 98,7 118,9 82,1 98,1 117,4 115,4 113,0 93,8 109,9 79,0 101,3 118,8 103,5 110,3 104,2 117,6 73,4 107,0 109,1 100,4 103,1 102,6 112,5 94,3 100,5 99,4 100,2 104,5 107,1 105,0 98,8 109,2 101,4 103,9 96,2 103,3 95,3 102,4 106,5 103,6 103,2 95,4 90,3 89,2 94,2 103,6 99,1 97,0 101,9 102,1 97,7 97,0 103,3 93,2 98,8 99,5 105,9 95,1 106,0 97,6 111,3 107,0 101,4 101,4 93,2 94,0 95,4 93,3 96,3 103,9 103,0 100,0 107,1 100,0 108,6 107,6 102,4 106,6 84,4 108,2 92,6 97,3 95,6 103,9 86,7 91,8 92,4 107,5 109,7 114,5 112,9 105,4 117,8 108,6 103,5 96,1 103,2 95,7 103,7 107,2 103,8 103,7 95,9 91,5 90,0 94,8 104,3 89,1 90,9 97,5 98,2 90,2 86,6 93,9 92,1 96,4 96,8 106,1 93,8 106,2 96,2 121,3 119,8 113,9 105,3 101,3 104,6 105,9 93,1 90,9 100,8 107,9 100,2 105,9 97,2 34718 39754 43231 53660 37763 45777 7393 9419 9163 12347 8709 9142 12999 8423 10615 11096 15091 9540 11395 14426 9300 10276 11778 15046 9992 12152 15125 9602 9444 11194 11176 9522 13088 2373 3009 2952 3838 2954 2816 4304 2235 2926 2863 4060 2865 3046 4216 2785 3484 3348 4449 2890 3280 4479 2686 3228 3466 4872 2947 3569 4371











Manufacturing production, VAT and excise excluded at current prices, LTL mill. 2902 3804 3748 4960 3143 3757 4979 2835 3583 3882 5259 3450 4069 5076 2773 3401 4046 5284 3378 4015 4940 3076 3348 4016 4852 3313 4084 5077 3451 3527 3716 4910 3301 4053 5109 3068 3240 3694 4220 3185 4309 4930** 3290 3192 3670 3667 3149 4315 4936 3244 3012 3830 3289 3188 4464 31474 36742 39401 50371 34574 41313 52416 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 109,6 116,4 106,4 98,3 106,5 105,1 111,8 95,4 94,4 103,1 101,1 106,3 107,1 102,8 95,5 93,3 102,6 99,1 99,4 99,3 95,2 108,3 99,4 99,1 93,1 96,8 102,6 104,6 108,6 107,1 91,8 103,5 101,4 99,3 100,8 89,7 94,3 98,7 92,7 96,2 105,7 96,0** 110,3 99,0 97,2 94,4 97,0 97,6 99,8 99,6 94,2 101,1 102,9 101,9 99,7 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 106,4 109,8 101,4 98,5 106,6 103,9 107,1 94,6 93,8 104,1 100,4 102,6 104,9 102,3 100,1 98,0 104,7 98,3 100,8 102,4 99,8 104,9 96,0 97,0 96,5 97,5 100,6 100,6 106,4 106,3 92,7 98,5 98,3 97,6 99,0 90,0 91,7 92,2 90,0 95,2 105,8 96,4** 111,7 101,9 102,7 100,5 100,1 99,2 101,3 101,5 99,9 107,1 102,9 102,7 99,3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 128,1 117,1 95,3 108,7 79,5 105,6 116,0 103,7 121,4 115,7 125,7 99,9 105,5 122,4 105,4 116,0 104,0 106,6 83,5 106,5 111,3 98,9 114,6 119,2 127,1 106,1 113,0 125,8 100,9 113,3 114,3 103,0 83,8 106,4 106,7 94,4 106,9 122,3 125,9 105,5 112,3 119,7 108,7 104,0 114,0 96,7 87,1 112,9 108,7 102,2 106,3 121,2 117,2 102,1 115,2 125,2 111,3 102,6 97,7 109,0 85,3 110,5 110,4 111,0 113,9 111,3 121,3 103,5 114,4 126,3 98,3 107,9 102,2 102,5 88,5 121,4 100,3** 99,6 107,4 109,8 112,5 99,6 120,9 121,3** 115,4 96,7 100,4 99,5 91,0 122,1 102,6 109,9 106,3 106,7 106,2 96,7 118,0 121,1 109,4 100,2 108,0 109,2 98,5 117,6 107,1 91,6 107,8 101,1 90,2 119,4 108,8 109,2 102,0 107,1 83,9 107,2 111,1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Apdirbamosios gamybos produkcija, iskyrus rafinuotus naftos produktus, be PVM ir akcizo to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 100,0 115,2 130,4 123,7 102,2 112,5 88,4 103,0 121,5 121,0 94,6 97,9 117,0 99,1 115,6 131,5 132,1 103,4 110,5 128,0 102,5 118,5 134,0 125,4 107,2 117,2 131,2 110,0 123,8 134,5 116,3 103,7 124,4 86,4 98,0 119,3 121,3 92,4 91,0 112,7 83,3 95,3 112,1 120,2 91,9 97,4 111,9 95,5 115,7 133,2 121,6 99,6 105,2 126,5 96,7 106,6 121,5 135,9 104,3 107,5 125,1 110,7 115,2 113,2 94,9 82,7 110,0 109,0 116,5 118,0 99,6 78,2 103,5 119,5 106,9 116,6 113,8 100,4 78,3 106,8 115,9 113,4 115,6 113,1 93,5 85,5 109,3 112,0 113,1 112,5 108,7 86,5 89,2 119,9 113,8 113,5 121,7 101,7 76,1 98,6 123,8 107,6 114,3 117,7 107,2 76,5 106,0 114,8 106,1 121,1 115,1 91,3 81,9 105,6 120,3 102,5 110,3 113,9 111,9 76,8 103,0 116,4 102,7 101,9 106,8 99,9 91,7 106,6 104,0 100,9 104,6 99,9 99,0 99,6 101,9 99,7 104,0 102,6 102,0 94,3 101,8 105,1 102,3 106,5 103,7 98,8 91,8 95,9 105,1 102,3 99,2 103,5 102,1 94,0 103,8 107,0 97,7 100,6 97,4 99,5 100,8 106,6 100,8 101,5 103,2 103,1 96,4 96,0 93,5 98,2 101,5 100,1 94,8 104,6 104,4 103,7 102,5 110,7 115,2 113,2 94,9 82,7 110,0 90,9 93,7 98,2 90,0 81,4 94,4 94,1 112,1 112,2 108,2 109,1 109,3 112,9 109,4 103,5 102,5 101,9 94,9 103,7 106,1 102,5 107,2 104,4 100,3 92,8 96,7 106,1 87,1 90,3 98,3 97,2 83,2 89,1 93,6 96,5 97,2 94,0 99,1 99,5 107,0 99,3 114,6 121,4 118,8 101,2 108,4 107,9 113,0 101,2 92,2 91,2 111,8 104,8 102,2 98,9 23771 28010 34584 36634 27221 30728 5232 6196 7695 8737 6522 6482 8550 5862 6968 8597 9835 6962 7503 9380 6095 7230 9005 9674 7016 8045 9726 6582 7616 9287 8388 6721 8698 1704 1961 2492 2899 2143 1967 2729 1647 1914 2364 2858 2120 2160 2736 1881 2321 2839 2980 2259 2355 3085 1909 2139 2645 3345 2354 2424 3053











Manufacturing production, excluding refined petroleum products, VAT and excise excluded at current prices, LTL mill. 1953 2407 2985 3211 2275 2466 3130 2000 2422 2967 3279 2333 2613 3197 1910 2273 2914 3244 2396 2631 3107 2004 2454 3095 3162 2253 2712 3236 2181 2503 2996 3268 2367 2702 3382 2179 2575 3312 3165 2318 2951 3071** 2237 2551 3063 2655 2199 2907 3176 2166 2490 2912 2568 2204 2840 21606 25520 31672 34066 25016 27888 33903 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 102,4 112,2 113,1 95,2 96,9 101,4 102,5 102,6 100,7 98,8 101,3 103,8 105,5 102,0 94,9 93,0 96,7 97,2 103,6 99,4 95,7 105,0 107,8 105,4 95,4 96,0 103,9 104,7 108,7 101,7 95,8 104,7 104,3 99,8 104,8 99,3 102,3 109,5 100,4 98,7 108,3 92,1** 102,6 99,0 92,1 86,2 94,6 96,8 102,5 96,9 97,5 93,4 100,8 100,6 96,9 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 98,0 103,3 106,3 95,4 97,2 99,8 96,7 101,7 99,8 99,9 100,4 98,6 102,4 101,3 101,6 99,6 99,4 96,0 105,9 103,8 102,3 100,3 102,8 102,5 100,4 97,1 100,9 99,2 105,4 100,7 97,0 97,7 99,9 97,5 102,3 100,1 98,9 101,5 97,0 97,3 108,6 92,5** 104,1 102,8 97,8 93,6 98,7 99,1 104,7 99,7 104,7 100,2 100,9 101,7 96,3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 107,6 120,9 114,8 94,2 78,2 107,8 117,6 99,0 119,7 137,4 129,3 101,1 109,0 128,2 110,6 118,6 112,7 96,6 80,0 109,7 113,7 101,6 120,5 135,7 131,1 104,9 115,0 130,7 111,4 116,2 117,2 97,1 85,3 105,2 109,5 96,4 112,0 131,2 127,4 108,6 114,3 125,2 114,7 119,3 114,6 87,8 85,8 113,9 110,4 101,2 120,7 138,4 121,5 104,3 118,7 131,1 114,2 111,6 107,9 96,0 85,5 109,0 115,9 110,0 122,8 132,5 127,2 108,8 118,5 137,4 111,5 115,0 115,6 88,0 84,0 119,6 98,6** 109,3 125,6 145,1 127,8 107,3 128,4 126,6** 118,6 111,0 107,4 82,4 92,2 122,4 104,3 112,0 124,4 133,6 110,1 101,6 124,3 129,7 108,6 121,3 124,8 111,0 102,2 120,4 109,5 111,7 102,9 88,9 92,1 117,8 110,8 115,5 114,2 95,4 81,9 109,3 112,7 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas be PVM ir akcizo to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

5481 5946 6878 8351 8243 8497

1826 2102 2195 2545 3054 3091 2873

1033 1164 1292 1572 1489 1443 1482

966 1030 1234 1658 1328 1335 1379

1656 1650 2157 2576 2372 2628

586 743 740 925 1122 1177 967

614 687 796 830 1009 1025 1023

626 672 659 790 923 889 883

401 481 504 633 584 547 566

99,9 100,1 102,3 99,6 94,3 96,0

112,9 118,2 122,5 105,6 112,6 115,2 105,1

56,7 55,8 60,0 63,6 57,7 48,7 54,3

93,4 87,1 94,0 102,5 97,5 94,3 90,5

171,3 155,9 164,1 131,9 164,7 176,5

92,6 107,7 110,5 101,8 106,5 114,9 85,8

104,7 91,1 107,1 89,0 90,2 81,6 103,9

102,1 97,5 83,6 95,3 95,1 88,3 85,7

64,1 72,3 76,9 81,3 69,8 64,0 68,0

95,7 101,0 105,2 91,1 98,4 100,2 90,7

103,1 100,0 105,6 111,0 103,2 89,7 98,6

102,3 95,2 99,9 107,6 102,2 98,5 94,6

101,5 94,3 100,7 82,8 101,6 105,9

85,9 100,4 103,4 94,9 99,6 107,4 79,8

110,8 96,9 113,7 96,4 99,6 91,6 116,4

108,6 104,5 90,4 102,7 103,0 96,4 93,3

92,2 102,3 106,9 112,8 98,4 91,9 97,4

99,9 100,1 102,3 99,6 94,3 96,0

93,7 107,3 92,8 97,8 96,8 106,7 85,1 133,1 142,9 132,5 129,6 125,5 133,9 114,0

101,3 105,6 99,8 103,6 87,8 90,0 95,0 75,5 79,7 79,6 82,4 72,4 65,2 61,9

106,8 98,4 107,7 112,9 83,5 87,1 91,2 70,5 69,4 74,8 84,5 70,5 61,5 56,1

102,5 89,6 113,4 90,8 104,3 93,4

82,3 119,5 87,5 105,9 96,1 116,1 73,8 128,1 153,1 134,0 142,0 136,4 158,3 116,8

96,8 103,9 103,0 88,0 97,4 105,0 93,9 134,2 139,5 143,6 126,4 123,1 129,2 121,3

103,9 99,2 88,2 100,4 97,2 97,6 91,1 137,0 136,0 120,0 120,4 117,0 114,1 103,9

100,1 112,0 93,8 106,1 83,4 89,5 96,8 87,9 98,4 92,3 97,9 81,6 73,1 70,7

100,0 100,1 102,4 102,0 96,2 92,3

120,8 108,2 122,7 111,4 116,2 108,5

Perkrauta krovini Klaipdos valstybiniame jr uoste ir Btings terminale, tkst. t 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

27920,9 29499,7 31938,8 38950,1 36254,5 40295,2

6703,0 6533,3 6808,9 7875,7 6524,3 7735,2 7749,5 7490,7 7286,0 8162,1 8756,2 7734,5 9841,6 10429,0 9746,6 8932,8 8580,7 8641,1 9328,1 9704,7 9218,6 9710,1 10100,8 11265,7 11076,1 11564,5 11496,0

1948,7 2059,7 2448,9 2915,7 2919,0 3184,4 3974,0

2329,8 1846,1 2247,1 3112,8 2875,8 3031,9 3651,1

2424,4 2618,4 2589,9 3813,1 2785,8 3002,3 3451,0

2210,8 2521,1 2595,7 3274,1 2526,7 3133,5 3550,8











Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, VAT and excise excluded at current prices, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

329 348 405 477 470 469 417

303 335 383 462 435 427 499

297 326 373 474 438 417 427

323 337 411 583 439 461 439

346 367 450 601 451 457 512

438 428 556 659 642 693 647

569 603 764 898 764 804 828

649 619 837 1019 966 1131

4831 5327 6041 7331 7277 7366 7210

82,1 73,0 81,5 77,2 86,5 86,2 75,7

92,2 96,1 94,6 97,4 91,9 94,3 114,9

97,8 96,4 96,6 100,5 106,2 97,5 87,4

108,6 102,6 109,1 120,7 102,6 110,6 99,4

107,3 107,9 107,7 100,7 101,8 97,4 114,1

126,3 115,9 120,9 100,4 135,5 142,2 120,2

130,0 138,5 134,4 128,3 116,1 113,6 120,7

114,2 102,7 106,4 110,6 121,6 135,1

105,2 93,3 102,4 95,6 105,8 104,6 91,7

97,4 101,4 99,6 102,5 97,3 100,0 121,6

100,3 98,5 97,9 101,0 106,3 97,7 87,6

102,8 96,2 101,0 111,0 94,6 101,3 91,2

100,8 101,7 102,5 97,3 99,2 95,3 111,9

99,5 93,1 97,9 81,5 107,3 110,0 93,3**

99,8 106,4 104,4 101,9 94,1 92,9 99,0

101,9 91,9 94,2 96,3 103,1 111,8

100,6 99,6 104,7 100,5 93,4 89,2 85,0 72,1 71,8 75,2 75,6 70,6 63,0 53,5

103,7 103,7 103,1 103,5 88,0 91,6 103,5 66,5 69,0 71,2 73,7 64,9 59,4 61,5

104,8 102,2 103,3 107,7 93,1 84,1 92,8 65,1 66,5 68,7 74,0 68,9 57,9 53,8

108,6 96,6 109,9 119,2 79,1 90,6 83,4 70,7 68,2 75,0 89,4 70,7 64,1 53,4

106,8 97,0 109,7 111,5 80,0 86,7 97,7 75,8 73,6 80,7 90,0 72,0 62,4 61,0

107,0 89,0 114,4 92,6 108,0 90,9 82,7 95,8 85,3 97,6 90,3 97,5 88,7 73,3

99,0 94,9 111,0 88,4 97,8 88,9 87,8 124,5 118,1 131,1 115,8 113,3 100,7 88,5

102,8 85,3 115,0 91,8 107,6 98,8

99,5 102,1 100,9 100,6 92,7 95,6 88,3

142,2 121,3 139,5 128,1 137,8 136,1

Goods handled in Klaipda State Seaport and Bting Terminal, thous. t 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

2385,3 2551,6 2813,1 3300,4 3119,3 3307,8 4041,8

1937,3 2662,5 2753,3 3854,5 2995,1 3268,8 3971,9

2002,8 2444,9 3175,4 3130,3 3078,1 3234,5 3842,9

2201,6 2725,0 3000,7 3328,8 3259,6 3463,5 3834,0

2604,5 2579,6 2580,2 3287,5 2990,4 3402,8 3819,2

2557,3 2502,0 2382,6 2644,1 2977,3 3649,0 4103,5

2468,8 2368,0 2384,8 3308,6 3341,9 4019,9 3763,7

2849,6 2620,7 2967,0 2980,1 3385,5 3596,8

25071,3 26879,0 28971,7 35969,9 32869,1 36698,4 42003,8




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Vidaus prekyba
Mamenins prekybos moni, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb, apyvarta be PVM to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 100,0 107,1 121,7 126,8 99,4 92,4 84,6 92,3 106,2 118,8 96,0 82,4 86,6 96,7 102,7 119,4 126,5 102,3 91,6 98,4 105,7 113,0 127,9 130,5 102,5 96,9 106,5 113,0 120,3 133,5 131,3 97,0 98,8 83,0 92,1 106,0 117,5 98,5 81,7 85,0 80,5 87,0 98,5 115,8 92,4 77,2 82,4 90,2 97,8 114,2 123,2 97,1 88,4 92,6 93,4 98,1 112,4 125,7 102,5 88,8 96,1 111,3 107,1 113,7 104,1 78,4 93,0 106,8 109,1 115,1 111,9 80,8 85,9 105,1 109,5 106,2 116,2 106,0 80,9 89,6 107,3 113,6 106,9 113,1 102,0 78,6 94,6 109,9 114,4 106,5 111,0 98,3 73,8 101,9 107,0 110,9 115,1 110,9 83,8 82,9 104,0 107,2 108,0 113,2 117,6 79,8 83,5 106,7 106,5 108,5 116,7 107,9 78,9 91,0 104,7 104,2 105,0 114,6 111,9 81,6 86,6 108,3 102,1 98,0 106,0 105,3 87,6 101,3 104,8 103,9 100,4 101,3 97,6 95,5 100,3 101,2 104,2 104,9 101,9 96,8 94,8 100,3 102,9 103,5 103,1 101,3 98,9 93,4 100,2 100,2 96,3 104,2 104,5 90,1 102,1 104,2 102,2 100,1 98,7 101,0 99,6 99,6 102,8 98,2 99,8 103,5 98,1 94,7 101,9 100,5 103,9 98,3 95,7 100,6 101,1 98,8 100,5 111,3 107,1 113,7 104,1 78,4 93,0 85,6 81,7 88,3 89,0 73,1 85,0 87,7 114,3 111,2 112,4 106,5 106,6 111,2 113,6 109,3 110,0 107,1 103,1 100,2 105,8 108,2 107,0 106,5 104,4 100,6 94,6 101,9 73,3 71,1 77,5 78,5 68,1 76,7 77,9 97,0 94,4 92,9 98,5 93,8 94,5 97,0 112,0 112,5 115,9 106,4 105,1 114,5 112,4 103,5 100,2 98,4 102,1 105,6 100,4 103,8 17993,7 20060,0 23928,7 27587,5 22117,8 21160,0 3722,0 4263,8 5030,3 6295,1 5329,9 4693,7 5187,5 4312,2 4819,6 5809,3 6993,0 5706,2 5264,8 6016,8 4784,8 5304,4 6291,4 7239,3 5656,1 5511,2 6377,5 5174,7 5672,2 6797,7 7060,1 5425,6 5690,3 1209,7 1418,5 1661,1 2046,1 1816,5 1548,1 1679,1 1180,9 1337,0 1554,2 2045,0 1713,4 1463,1 1641,3 1331,4 1508,3 1815,0 2204,0 1800,0 1682,5 1867,1 1385,6 1529,6 1813,9 2276,3 1896,6 1697,9 1957,1











Domestic trade
Turnover (VAT excluded) of retail trade enterprises, except those trading in motor vehicles and motorcycles at current prices, LTL mill. 1460,4 1619,6 1977,1 2369,0 1916,0 1776,2 2019,6 1466,2 1670,4 2018,3 2347,7 1893,6 1790,7 2040,1 1574,7 1760,1 2055,6 2474,5 1964,7 1848,5 2099,3 1606,5 1808,3 2157,5 2431,8 1955,3 1883,6 2190,5 1603,6 1736,0 2078,3 2333,0 1736,1 1779,1 2087,7 1635,2 1790,3 2167,9 2370,2 1794,4 1837,1 1565,3 1725,3 2074,0 2149,3 1643,3 1736,7 1974,2 16019,4 2156,6 17903,4 2555,8 21372,8 2540,6 25046,9 1987,9 20130,0 2116,5 19043,5 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 as compared to the previous period, % 105,4 105,6 108,4 101,9 100,3 104,6 103,1 99,9 102,9 101,8 98,1 98,8 100,5 100,8 106,9 104,9 101,5 105,6 105,0 103,7 104,1 101,8 103,3 105,1 99,5 100,0 103,4 106,4 98,4 97,1 94,9 95,8 88,3 93,8 94,8 101,3 102,2 103,0 102,2 103,0 102,5 101,2** 96,6 95,8 93,9 92,7 90,2 94,5 97,8* 125,9 124,7 123,2 120,5 121,9 119,8 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 100,3 101,8 104,6 97,8 98,1 100,2 98,4 100,9 103,1 102,4 98,4 98,3 100,7 101,7 102,5 100,7 96,9 99,2 99,6 99,3 100,1 100,2 101,2 102,7 99,1 98,6 100,8 102,9 102,6 102,0 100,8 100,2 93,5 99,7 100,8 100,0 99,8 99,3 99,4 100,5 100,5 99,3** 101,8 101,7 100,5 100,0 96,6 100,7 104,2* 101,7 101,3 100,9 98,8 100,0 97,6 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding the period of previous year, % 112,2 105,2 117,6 105,2 80,2 90,3 106,7 98,4 103,5 121,8 128,2 102,8 92,9 99,1 112,2 108,4 116,4 101,5 80,8 91,9 107,1 98,3 106,5 123,9 125,7 101,6 93,3 99,9 113,2 106,4 112,6 105,5 80,4 90,7 107,5 105,0 111,7 125,8 132,7 106,7 96,8 104,0 113,2 107,9 114,6 99,9 80,8 93,8 110,5 106,9 115,4 132,2 132,1 106,7 100,1 110,6 114,5 106,5 112,1 100,9 74,4 99,8 111,6 105,2 112,0 125,5 126,6 94,1 93,9 104,8 113,2 107,5 113,0 100,1 74,9 99,3 110,2** 106,5 114,5 129,3 129,4 96,9 96,3 106,1** 115,5 106,6 110,7 98,7 72,9 104,1 114,1* 103,0 109,7 121,5 120,0 87,4 91,0 103,8* 129,6 136,8 149,7 144,6 106,5 109,0 114,5 105,5 109,4 96,5 73,7 102,3 111,0 107,3 114,2 105,0 78,9 92,0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

2122,6** 2070,9*

21775,3* 2011

108,4* 2011




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Vidaus prekyba
Variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenins ir mamenins prekybos bei remonto moni apyvarta be PVM to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, %** 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 100,0 123,5 155,0 160,5 87,9 100,5 70,5 91,3 131,8 181,0 80,8 76,1 137,4 102,9 124,1 160,1 178,4 89,4 95,6 173,7 107,6 127,6 159,2 154,6 85,3 102,9 159,5 118,9 150,9 169,1 128,1 96,0 127,5 60,0 79,1 116,4 172,2 75,4 64,5 112,1 63,6 84,8 123,4 182,6 77,3 70,0 132,6 88,0 109,9 155,6 188,4 89,8 93,7 167,5 103,7 122,3 149,1 207,0 96,4 97,8 164,1 126,6 123,5 125,6 103,5 54,7 114,4 105,8 129,4 144,4 137,4 44,6 94,1 180,6 119,9 120,6 129,0 111,5 50,1 107,0 181,7 140,3 118,6 124,7 97,1 55,1 120,7 155,0 137,0 126,8 112,1 75,7 74,9 132,8 103,2 131,8 147,1 147,9 43,8 85,6 173,8 106,9 133,4 145,4 148,0 42,4 90,5 189,4 106,9 124,9 141,6 121,1 47,7 104,4 178,7 112,2 117,9 121,9 138,9 46,5 101,5 167,8 103,5 97,7 111,4 137,4 81,8 101,0 136,5 115,9 107,5 96,0 76,5 87,6 100,0 100,4 111,7 109,8 105,7 92,3 102,6 114,8 98,1 102,7 109,5 97,8 76,9 105,0 114,5 101,5 89,9 116,6 166,5 96,5 91,4 122,6 100,2 101,2 100,0 99,9 97,1 102,5 111,6 110,4 103,4 100,7 82,2 93,0 106,9 101,0 108,3 102,3 88,2 100,9 98,9 96,1 90,1 126,6 123,5 125,6 103,5 54,7 114,4 81,2 76,7 87,4 107,1 63,1 79,3 107,8 145,9 135,9 121,5 98,5 110,5 125,7 126,5 104,6 102,9 99,5 86,7 95,4 107,6 91,8 110,5 118,2 106,2 82,8 112,6 123,8 72,2 63,9 83,3 119,1 68,6 64,9 87,5 106,0 107,2 106,0 106,1 102,6 108,5 118,3 138,3 129,5 126,1 103,2 116,1 133,9 126,4 117,9 111,3 95,8 109,9 107,3 104,3 98,0 4929,8 5956,1 7644,5 8199,7 4248,3 4659,0 884,7 1131,5 1596,3 2299,4 1039,2 896,6 1559,1 1272,6 1508,7 1965,9 2279,3 1070,5 1117,4 1975,0 1315,4 1524,2 1962,9 1980,3 1009,8 1193,3 1813,2 1457,1 1791,7 2119,4 1640,7 1128,8 1451,7 252,5 334,0 467,2 728,7 323,4 254,6 423,9 265,8 351,3 497,6 773,5 332,6 276,0 500,5 366,4 446,2 631,5 797,2 383,2 366,0 634,7 430,3 497,6 609,4 880,1 388,7 380,9 624,1











Domestic trade
Turnover (VAT excluded) of enterprises engaging in wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles at current prices, LTL mill. 417,2 510,9 684,8 732,3 324,9 368,4 664,5 425,1 500,2 671,7 666,9 356,9 368,1 686,4 424,0 470,8 682,3 713,8 344,4 358,1 539,9 429,1 513,8 637,2 574,2 339,8 399,9 610,2 462,3 539,6 643,4 692,3 325,6 435,3 663,1 484,6 629,6 779,5 668,9 378,2 480,9 692,1** 469,4 606,3 731,3 502,8 362,7 486,0 699,4* 503,1 555,8 608,6 469,0 387,9 484,8 4426,7 5400,3 7035,9 7730,7 3860,4 4174,2 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 as compared to the previous period, % 97,6 102,5 112,1 83,0 84,8 96,7 107,0 102,4 99,2 98,1 90,9 110,0 99,9 103,3 100,6 94,1 101,5 106,8 96,2 98,0 78,4 101,1 110,3 93,2 80,6 100,1 111,5 113,4 107,4 105,6 100,7 121,0 95,2 109,5 108,6 104,3 116,8 120,2 96,1 116,4 111,3 103,4** 97,3 96,1 93,2 75,4 96,3 102,3 100,6* 107,7 91,1 82,6 93,3 107,3 99,6 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, %** 98,1 102,8 112,2 83,1 85,5 97,2 107,4 104,6 101,4 100,2 92,8 112,6 102,1 105,6 103,2 96,7 104,0 109,6 99,0 100,5 80,4 106,9 116,5 98,5 85,1 106,1 117,6 120,0 103,0 101,4 96,5 116,4 91,6 104,9 104,2 95,4 106,6 109,4 87,7 106,4 101,6 94,4** 99,7 98,6 95,3 77,2 98,8 104,7 103,1* 110,5 93,8 84,7 96,0 110,3 102,3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 121,3 123,9 133,2 102,9 47,6 115,7 185,7 101,3 125,4 167,1 171,9 81,8 94,6 175,6 127,0 120,1 131,7 95,3 57,6 105,0 192,0 103,7 124,5 164,0 156,3 89,9 94,5 181,5 133,5 112,3 142,1 100,2 51,9 106,9 153,6 104,3 117,1 166,5 166,8 86,6 92,6 142,2 138,9 122,6 120,0 86,6 64,5 119,1 156,2 105,4 129,3 155,1 134,4 86,7 103,2 161,2 148,8 120,6 114,4 104,2 50,7 136,9 155,0 113,2 136,5 156,2 162,6 82,5 113,0 175,1 133,4 135,1 117,7 83,3 61,5 130,8 144,0** 118,1 159,5 187,7 156,3 96,1 125,7 181,0** 129,3 133,4 114,1 67,4 78,5 139,0 141,6* 114,9 153,3 175,0 117,9 92,5 128,6 182,0* 123,8 139,7 144,5 109,9 99,3 128,1 148,9 112,9 103,4 76,1 90,3 129,0 124,4 124,7 127,9 105,9 52,6 112,9 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

6738,8* 2011

164,6* 2011




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Vidaus prekyba
Maitinimo ir grim teikimo veiklos moni apyvarta be PVM to meto kainomis, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 palyginti su 2005 m., % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 100,0 104,2 102,9 105,3 83,7 72,9 83,3 90,7 93,0 102,7 81,9 65,1 72,0 99,7 99,4 99,7 107,2 88,2 72,6 82,6 110,5 113,3 113,2 113,2 89,2 78,4 95,5 106,6 113,4 105,9 98,2 75,4 75,5 83,8 87,9 92,3 101,1 87,9 64,7 72,0 80,7 86,5 86,7 101,9 77,5 61,6 66,7 85,3 97,7 99,8 105,2 80,4 69,1 77,2 93,0 94,2 93,2 104,5 84,7 69,1 75,9 124,7 104,2 98,8 102,3 79,5 87,1 120,5 108,9 102,5 110,5 79,7 79,5 110,4 126,4 99,7 100,3 107,5 82,3 82,3 113,8 122,2 102,5 99,9 100,0 78,8 87,8 121,9 129,5 106,4 93,4 92,7 76,8 100,2 124,7 104,9 105,1 109,5 86,9 73,7 111,2 120,4 107,2 100,2 117,5 76,0 79,5 108,2 116,9 114,5 102,1 105,5 76,4 85,9 111,7 127,1 101,3 98,9 112,2 81,1 81,6 109,8 108,4 92,0 89,6 104,7 92,7 96,9 106,6 107,1 99,8 98,0 96,4 96,6 99,6 102,9 102,3 103,7 103,3 96,4 92,6 99,6 107,1 107,8 110,4 102,4 94,9 92,1 103,8 106,0 78,5 80,1 98,4 101,9 96,5 106,9 101,3 103,8 99,6 100,8 94,1 101,0 98,8 96,1 101,1 103,2 100,7 94,2 101,2 104,4 108,1 98,5 95,0 97,6 103,8 98,9 97,8 124,7 104,2 98,8 102,3 79,5 87,1 101,2 85,1 82,0 97,0 83,5 86,4 95,3 119,7 109,6 107,3 104,3 107,6 111,4 114,8 110,9 113,9 113,5 105,6 101,2 107,9 115,6 96,4 100,1 93,6 86,7 84,5 96,4 95,4 70,4 71,5 87,8 89,4 83,4 92,5 96,3 98,5 93,9 100,8 88,1 95,2 92,6 105,7 112,9 115,1 103,3 103,8 112,2 115,8 109,0 96,4 93,4 99,3 105,4 100,0 98,3 757,7 823,2 885,8 1055,1 898,1 778,2 155,5 175,5 192,7 243,2 219,9 174,2 192,8 187,6 194,6 210,7 265,7 237,1 193,8 224,0 209,5 224,1 244,3 288,2 239,4 209,1 261,6 205,1 229,0 238,1 258,0 201,7 201,1 52,1 56,6 62,9 78,4 78,2 57,8 64,1 50,1 55,8 60,2 80,1 69,5 54,9 59,6 53,3 63,1 69,6 84,7 72,2 61,5 69,1 58,2 61,2 65,2 85,9 76,1 61,5 68,3











Domestic trade
Turnover (VAT excluded) of food and beverage service enterprises at current prices, LTL mill. 63,8 65,1 68,7 90,0 81,9 67,9 78,9 65,6 68,3 76,8 89,8 79,1 64,4 76,8 70,1 75,6 83,2 99,5 85,1 68,6 86,1 72,0 75,7 82,7 97,9 82,3 72,5 89,3 67,4 72,8 78,4 90,8 72,0 68,0 86,2 65,3 72,5 78,0 90,1 70,2 67,1 83,3** 59,6 69,1 73,0 81,5 62,3 64,9 81,8* 80,2 87,4 87,1 86,4 69,2 69,1 677,4 735,8 798,7 968,6 828,9 709,1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 as compared to the previous period, % 109,4 106,0 104,9 104,3 107,8 110,4 115,0 102,6 104,5 110,7 99,1 96,8 94,9 97,1 106,6 110,4 107,8 109,7 107,5 106,5 111,9 102,6 100,1 99,0 97,5 96,6 105,6 103,4 92,9 95,2 93,0 91,4 87,8 93,9 95,9 96,1 98,9 98,1 97,6 97,6 98,9 96,6** 91,1 94,7 92,2 90,2 88,8 96,8 97,9* 134,4 125,8 118,6 105,7 111,0 106,3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 101,5 98,4 97,8 98,1 100,2 101,1 104,2 100,9 101,4 108,2 97,9 96,3 96,6 99,5 99,2 102,4 99,0 99,7 98,9 98,8 104,3 102,7 99,8 99,0 99,0 96,4 103,4 100,4 100,8 103,2 101,5 98,2 95,0 101,8 103,8 99,6 101,0 99,0 98,9 99,0 100,5 98,2** 98,5 102,4 100,0 98,4 95,6 103,0 103,9* 123,3 116,1 108,6 95,6 101,3 97,1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 125,2 98,1 97,9 111,6 83,8 83,5 114,4 101,7 99,8 97,7 109,0 91,4 76,3 87,3 127,0 99,9 103,8 99,8 81,9 81,9 117,0 104,3 104,2 108,2 108,0 88,4 72,4 84,7 116,2 103,4 101,4 101,5 80,3 81,1 122,8 111,3 115,0 116,7 118,5 95,1 77,1 94,7 123,3 100,8 100,3 100,0 79,5 88,7 120,3 114,2 115,1 115,5 115,5 91,9 81,5 98,0 127,9 103,3 97,9 98,4 76,3 94,8 122,8 106,1 109,6 107,4 105,6 80,6 76,5 93,9 124,6 106,3 97,2 97,9 76,3 96,1 120,0** 102,0 108,4 105,4 103,1 78,7 75,6 90,7** 120,2 110,5 94,6 95,8 75,1 104,7 121,3* 92,9 102,7 97,1 93,0 69,9 73,2 88,8* 124,8 129,1 115,2 98,3 77,6 77,8 142,1 103,4 89,2 85,4 78,9 100,2 123,0 104,3 99,9 104,1 79,5 86,0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 as compared to 2005, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

843,5* 2011

116,7* 2011




Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Usienio prekyba
Eksportas, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Importas, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu, paalinus sezono tak, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Balansas, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* 48 32767 38888 43192 55511 40732 54039 6820 9075 9655 12559 9491 10519 15785 7795 10135 10942 14913 9543 13091 17407 8562 10026 11562 15561 10612 14405 18156 9590 9652 11033 12478 11086 16024 2257 2737 3116 3729 3177 3109 4959 2053 2877 2930 4260 3108 3523 5162 2510 3461 3609 4570 3206 3887 5665 2665 3139 3405 5041 3039 4148 5202

126,9 118,7 111,1 128,5 73,4 132,7

91,5 94,6 100,0 113,8 76,1 94,9 98,5

114,3 111,7 113,3 118,7 100,5 124,4 110,3

109,8 98,9 105,7 104,3 111,2 110,0 104,3

112,0 96,3 95,4 80,2 104,5 111,2

92,4 88,9 102,0 102,1 89,7 83,4 91,6

91,0 105,1 94,0 114,2 97,8 113,3 104,1

122,2 120,3 123,2 107,3 103,2 110,3 109,7

106,2 90,7 94,4 110,3 94,8 106,7 91,8

105,0 103,6 101,8 117,0 77,3 102,4 102,3 43152 53275 61504 73006 45311 60953 8433 11860 13716 17986 10544 12046 18032

106,0 103,8 103,8 104,7 93,5 114,6 108,5 10698 13353 15868 19586 10838 14610 19879

107,9 101,2 105,6 103,4 107,5 106,9 103,7 11257 13929 15967 19587 11935 16486 19881

107,0 100,5 104,8 89,0 108,8 114,8

103,0 98,3 101,9 106,4 85,3 93,0 93,1 2577 3456 4340 5536 3353 3569 5725

96,8 104,4 96,8 109,4 101,1 113,3 101,8 2725 3624 4500 5817 3421 3947 5779

107,4 101,6 105,9 100,5 88,9 97,2 106,3 3131 4780 4876 6633 3770 4530 6528

100,8 99,2 98,2 102,2 97,8 108,8 98,9 4145 4002 5091 6708 3354 4970 6316

12764 14133 15953 15847 11994 17811

125,5 123,5 115,4 118,7 62,1 134,5

87,4 92,9 97,1 112,7 66,5 100,4 101,2

126,9 112,6 115,7 108,9 102,8 121,3 110,2

105,2 104,3 100,6 100,0 110,1 112,8 100,0

113,4 101,5 99,9 80,9 100,5 108,0

81,3 83,4 95,2 108,5 70,4 92,9 95,6

105,7 104,9 103,7 105,1 102,0 110,6 100,9

114,9 131,9 108,4 114,0 110,2 114,8 113,0

132,4 83,7 104,4 101,1 89,0 109,7 96,7

106,0 104,9 102,3 111,9 64,0 109,6 107,4 -10385 -14387 -18312 -17495 -4579 -6914 -1613 -2785 -4061 -5427 -1053 -1527 -2247

107,1 103,7 105,6 100,5 98,1 110,6 103,3 -2903 -3218 -4926 -4673 -1295 -1519 -2472

107,5 104,0 104,0 100,9 102,8 109,0 99,6 -2695 -3903 -4405 -4026 -1323 -2081 -1725

108,2 102,5 104,9 93,3 106,3 111,4

102,4 100,3 101,5 108,8 67,7 105,2 102,3 -320 -719 -1224 -1807 -176 -460 -766

101,4 101,7 100,9 99,0 98,6 103,6 98,7 -672 -747 -1570 -1557 -313 -424 -617

102,8 104,8 97,1 105,5 98,8 99,9 104,8 -621 -1319 -1267 -2063 -564 -643 -863

104,5 95,3 107,1 99,4 96,8 108,9 95,3 -1480 -863 -1686 -1667 -315 -822 -1114

-3174 -4481 -4920 -3369 -908 -1787










Foreign trade
2624 3611 3730 4713 3077 4305 6124 2506 3385 3807 5159 3427 4638 6082 2550 3163 3904 5306 3419 4521 5711 2804 3402 3934 5001 3427 4924 6036 3208 3461 3724 5254 3766 4960 6408 3198 3434 3844 4771 3736 5359 6096 3313 3164 3537 4167 3623 5250 3079 3054 3652 3540 3727 5415 26375 32670 36003 47802 33383 43374 57443 Exports, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * as compared to the previous period,% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Imports, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * as compared to the previous period,% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * as compared to the previous period, seasonally adjusted, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Balance, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * 49

98,5 115,0 109,5 93,5 101,2 103,8 117,7

95,5 93,7 102,1 109,5 111,4 107,7 99,3

101,7 93,5 102,5 102,8 99,8 97,5 93,9

110,0 107,5 100,8 94,3 100,2 108,9 105,7

114,4 101,7 94,6 105,0 109,9 100,7 106,2

99,7 99,2 103,2 90,8 99,2 108,0 95,1

103,6 92,1 92,0 87,3 97,0 98,0

92,9 96,5 103,2 85,0 102,9 103,1

102,2 104,1 103,7 95,5 102,2 102,3 106,1 3351 4763 5510 6271 3698 4590 6881

99,8 98,3 101,4 107,0 104,9 104,6 101,9 3202 4588 5267 6607 3786 5050 6683

104,7 100,4 102,5 103,1 100,1 99,4 98,1 3360 4218 5397 6808 3790 5490 6353

101,3 101,0 101,0 94,8 104,0 107,1 101,6 3758 4839 5332 6092 4040 5275 6678

104,6 100,1 100,7 102,8 101,7 96,9 103,9 4139 4872 5238 6687 4105 5721 6850

100,6 100,6 102,4 93,4 102,5 108,7 96,4 4215 4728 5354 5935 4149 5744 6964

103,7 98,8 99,7 96,7 105,0 104,4

100,8 100,7 105,2 92,1 100,7 107,5

4403 4848 5496 5147 4005 6082

4146 4557 5103 4765 3840 5985

34603 43870 50905 63097 37466 48886 64756

80,8 119,0 108,2 93,5 110,3 92,3 108,9

95,6 96,3 95,6 105,4 102,4 110,0 97,1

104,9 91,9 102,5 103,0 100,1 108,7 95,1

111,9 114,7 98,8 89,5 106,6 96,1 105,1

110,1 100,7 98,2 109,8 101,6 108,5 102,6

101,8 97,0 102,2 88,8 101,1 100,4 101,7

104,5 102,5 102,7 86,7 96,5 105,9

94,1 94,0 92,8 92,6 95,9 98,4

99,6 106,6 99,7 95,3 105,1 98,1 109,2 -727 -1152 -1780 -1558 -621 -285 -757

101,5 101,6 101,4 103,4 98,0 105,3 98,0 -696 -1203 -1460 -1448 -359 -412 -601

101,9 98,3 102,9 101,2 99,9 107,2 94,5 -810 -1055 -1493 -1502 -371 -969 -642

105,0 103,5 99,7 99,1 105,1 96,5 105,7 -954 -1437 -1398 -1091 -613 -351 -642

103,4 100,4 101,3 99,2 97,8 103,8 99,9 -931 -1411 -1514 -1433 -339 -761 -442

102,0 100,0 102,3 96,7 104,5 105,8 103,3 -1017 -1294 -1510 -1164 -413 -385 -868

102,4 100,9 101,8 98,7 101,3 103,5

101,5 101,4 101,6 94,6 101,9 104,7

-1090 -1684 -1959 -980 -382 -832

-1067 -1503 -1451 -1225 -113 -570

-8228 -11200 -14902 -15290 -4084 -5512 -7313



Ketviriai Quarters IIV I II III IV

Mnesiai Months I II III IV

Lietuvos banko duomenys

Pinigai plaija prasme (P3) laikotarpio pabaigoje, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Nam ki indliai laikotarpio pabaigoje, mln. Lt 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Pinig finansini institucij nefinansinms korporacijoms ir nam kiams suteikt nauj paskol litais palkan normos, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Pinig finansini institucij priimt nauj nefinansini korporacij ir nam ki indli litais palkan normos, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

29850,5 36346,0 44227,8 44062,9 44181,6 48117,3

23779,2 29942,1 37515,7 43704,3 42114,9 44006,1 47688,8

25275,2 31857,0 39415,3 45032,6 41611,8 45153,5 48492,5

26399,7 33419,2 40942,6 45183,9 40963,8 45533,9 50082,3

29850,5 36346,0 44227,8 44062,9 44181,6 48117,3

22334,3 29265,6 35336,9 43193,5 43246,8 43204,3 47307,9

22821,1 29432,6 35971,2 43511,4 43030,5 43872,2 47615,9

23779,2 29942,1 37515,7 43704,3 42114,9 44006,1 47688,8

24069,2 30776,5 37741,9 44703,5 42057,7 44627,9 47720,3

14217,0 18562,1 23481,2 24692,7 25525,3 27121,2

10836,9 15036,5 19744,9 23603,5 24421,7 25579,4 26829,3

11791,8 15596,9 20960,5 24694,0 24368,0 26104,1 27251,8

12274,0 16561,3 21623,2 25084,5 24036,4 25683,9 27282,5

14217,0 18562,1 23481,2 24692,7 25525,3 27121,2

10224,4 14080,6 18481,3 23166,1 24161,6 25162,1 26709,5

10514,9 14487,7 18765,9 23478,4 24336,1 25656,8 26843,9

10836,9 15036,5 19744,9 23603,5 24421,7 25579,4 26829,3

10958,3 15069,3 20188,6 24095,5 24452,6 25574,5 26878,3

5,67 4,64 5,78 8,49 8,94 6,69 6,28

5,21 4,61 5,71 7,98 7,85 6,29 6,39

5,35 4,84 5,70 7,96 8,20 5,48 5,41

5,58 4,93 6,00 7,80 7,78 5,63 5,85

2,02 2,28 3,16 4,85 7,58 4,25 1,33

2,04 2,24 3,13 4,76 6,84 2,93 1,34

2,02 2,23 3,33 4,56 6,14 2,11 1,18

2,02 2,32 3,66 4,68 6,10 1,68 1,22

Oficials usienio valiut santykiai, litais u 1 valiutos vnt.1

JAV doleriai (USD) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

2,7746 2,7513 2,5230 2,3569 2,4828 2,6067

2,6282 2,8707 2,6339 2,3087 2,6398 2,4921 2,5300

2,7370 2,7519 2,5618 2,2085 2,5424 2,7084 2,3977

2,8286 2,7065 2,5150 2,2913 2,4160 2,6846 2,4375

2,9010 2,6788 2,3843 2,6170 2,3368 2,5401

2,6188 2,8523 2,6513 2,3518 2,5807 2,4143 2,5913

2,6539 2,8861 2,6444 2,3460 2,6943 2,5201 2,5277

2,6145 2,8751 2,6070 2,2307 2,6498 2,5447 2,4709

2,6675 2,8231 2,5596 2,1883 2,6188 2,5685 2,3931

Nuo 2002 m. vasario 2 d. litas susietas su euru fiksuotu santykiu 3,4528 : 1.










Data of the Bank of Lithuania

Broad money (M3), end of the period, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Deposits of households, end of the period, LTL mill. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Monetary financial institutions interest rates on new loans in litas to non-financial corporations and households, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Monetary financial institutions interest rates on new deposits in litas from non-financial corporations and households, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

24470,0 31108,7 38716,8 45106,3 41531,6 44975,6 48106,8

25275,2 31857,0 39415,3 45032,6 41611,8 45153,5 48492,5

25936,7 32665,7 40018,2 45882,7 41603,3 45599,4 49165,2

26351,7 33561,9 40767,7 46384,2 41580,2 45812,6 49559,7

26399,7 33419,2 40942,6 45183,9 40963,8 45533,9 50082,3

26875,5 33051,9 41139,1 43781,5 41959,2 45960,4 50176,0

27914,7 33923,5 41781,9 43693,5 42841,1 46715,2

29850,5 36346,0 44227,8 44062,9 44181,6 48117,3

11254,1 15226,6 20480,3 24243,1 24155,7 25768,4 26883,6

11791,8 15596,9 20960,5 24694,0 24368,0 26104,1 27251,8

12077,7 16175,1 21143,1 24956,7 24400,2 26069,9 27415,2

12079,6 16327,3 21431,1 24994,3 23995,6 25921,6 27176,2

12274,0 16561,3 21623,2 25084,5 24036,4 25683,9 27282,5

12572,5 16852,1 21779,0 24188,9 24216,7 25872,3 27491,6

12897,4 17178,2 22095,5 24073,3 24531,7 26068,4

14217,0 18562,1 23481,2 24692,7 25525,3 27121,2

5,75 5,03 6,50 8,08 8,38 5,49 5,96

5,31 5,03 6,77 7,83 10,00 6,02 6,06

5,43 5,19 6,99 7,86 9,05 6,78 5,97

5,11 5,27 7,24 7,94 8,94 5,94 6,25

5,24 5,42 7,32 8,31 8,39 5,37 5,63

5,06 5,44 7,65 8,65 8,05 6,06 5,39

4,85 5,59 8,08 9,93 7,00 6,49

4,70 5,37 8,61 10,08 8,14 5,62

2,03 2,36 3,90 4,65 5,98 1,67 1,39

2,06 2,42 3,97 4,82 7,11 1,64 1,35

2,12 2,50 4,01 4,97 6,84 1,57 1,45

2,07 2,56 4,10 4,90 7,00 1,65 1,49

2,09 2,58 4,16 4,95 6,46 1,67 1,58

2,08 2,80 4,41 5,65 6,54 1,71 1,54

2,21 2,85 4,77 6,81 5,98 1,63

2,40 2,97 5,40 7,65 4,94 1,53

Official exchange rates in LTL per currency unit 1

2,7115 2,7127 2,5524 2,2156 2,5455 2,7326 2,4005

2,8330 2,7211 2,5737 2,2215 2,4629 2,8233 2,3993

2,8652 2,7187 2,5195 2,1867 2,4513 2,7241 2,4120

2,8069 2,6932 2,5347 2,2921 2,4240 2,6726 2,4076

2,8134 2,7076 2,4901 2,3984 2,3714 2,6562 2,4949

2,8696 2,7364 2,4294 2,5790 2,3322 2,4872 2,5251

2,9213 2,6880 2,3547 2,7098 2,3159 2,5195 2,5414

2,9127 2,6124 2,3679 2,5650 2,3616 2,6129

USD 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Since February 2, 2002, the litas has been pegged to the euro at a fixed rate of 3.4528 : 1. 51




Skyriuje pateikti Lietuvos hidrometeorologijos tarnybos duomenys: krituli kiekis, dien su krituliais skaiius, oro temperatra. Lapkriio pirmojoje pusje isilaik nealti ir beveik be krituli orai. Aukiausia oro temperatra mnesio pradioje siek 1015 C. emiausia oro temperatra mnesio viduryje nukrito iki minus 38 C, Nidoje iki 0 C. Pirmojo deimtadienio vidutin oro temperatra buvo 3,16,1 C. Antrj deimtadien oro temperatra vidutinikai siek 1,53,6 C, pajryje 5,45,5 C, pietrytiniuose rajonuose 0,71,1 C. Treiojo deimtadienio vidutin oro temperatra buvo 3,16,7 C. Lapkriio mn. temperatra svyravo nuo 2,6 iki 6,0 C. Daugelyje rajon per mnes buvo tik 47 dienos, kai krituli ikrisdavo 1 mm ir daugiau. Didiausias paros krituli kiekis daug kur sudar 110 mm, kai kur 1115 mm, Skuode 18 mm, Teliuose 22 mm. Sausiausias buvo lapkriio pirmasis deimtadienis, kai daugelyje rajon krituli ikrito tik 0,11 mm, o vietomis j nebuvo visikai arba uregistruotos tik krituli yms (0,0 mm). Didioji dalis krituli teko treiajam mnesio deimtadieniui. Didesnje alies dalyje per mnes krituli ikrito 1530 mm, daugelyje emaitijos rajon 3560 mm. The chapter presents information provided by the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service. Data on precipitation, the number of days with rainfall, air temperature are given. In the beginning of November, warm and almost dry weather prevailed. At the beginning of the month, the highest air temperature reached 1015 C. In the middle of the month, the lowest air temperature dropped to minus 38 C, in Nida 0 C. In the first ten-day period, the average air temperature was 3.16.1 C. In the second ten-day period, air temperature, on average, reached 1.53.6 C, at the coast 5.45.5 C, in the southeastern regions 0.71.1 C. In the third ten-day period, the average air temperature was 3.16.7 per cent. The monthly temperature in November varied from 2.6 to 6.0 C. In many regions, there were only 47 days when precipitation reached 1 mm and more. The highest daily precipitation in many regions reached 110 mm, in some regions 1115 mm, in Skuodas 18 mm, in Teliai 22 mm. The first ten-day period of November was the driest, with only 0.11 mm precipitation in many regions, while in some regions there was either no precipitation, or only precipitation traces were (0.0 mm) observed. The greater part of monthly precipitation was observed in the third ten-day period of the month. In the greater part of the country, monthly precipitation reached 1530 mm, in many regions of emaitija 3560 mm.

Meteorologiniai duomenys 2011 m. lapkriio mn.

Meteorological data, November 2011
Miestas Town Krituliai, mm Precipitation, mm Dien su krituliais (1 mm ir daugiau) skaiius Number of days with precipitation 1 mm Vidutin mnesio oro Oro temperatra, C temperatra, C Air temperature, C Average monthly air maiausia didiausia temperature, C minimal maximal

Birai Dotnuva Dktas Kaunas Klaipda Kybartai Laukuva Lazdijai Nida Panevys

16 22 26 16 25 19 43 22 37 13

5 5 6 4 5 5 5 7 7 4

3,8 3,9 2,8 3,5 6,0 3,5 3,6 3,0 5,9 3,9

-5 -3 -5 -4 -3 -5 -5 -6 0 -6

10 10 11 10 12 13 10 11 10 11





Miestas Town

Krituliai, mm Precipitation, mm

Dien su krituliais (1 mm ir daugiau) skaiius Number of days with precipitation 1 mm

Vidutin mnesio oro Oro temperatra, C temperatra, C Air temperature, C Average monthly air maiausia didiausia temperature, C minimal maximal

Raseiniai iauliai ilut Teliai Ukmerg Utena Varna Vilnius

36 22 35 58 18 25 19 15

5 7 6 7 5 5 6 6

3,4 4,1 4,6 4,2 3,5 3,3 2,6 2,9

-3 -4 -5 -4 -6 -8 -7 -5

10 11 13 11 12 12 12 11

Vidutin mnesio oro temperatra Vilniuje (umiestyje)

Average monthly air temperature in Vilnius (out-of-town)

22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 I II III IV

Paskutini 30 met vidutin mnesio oro temperatra Average monthly temperature over the last 30 years 2010 m. vidutin mnesio oro temperatra Average monthly temperature, 2010 2011 m. vidutin mnesio oro temperatra Average monthly temperature, 2011





Gyventojai asmen, nuolat gyvenani tam tikroje teritorijoje, visuma, kintanti dl gimim, mirim ir migracijos. Pagrindinis gimusi, mirusi, susituokusi, isituokusi gyventoj ir j migracijos duomen altinis yra Gyventoj registro tarnybos prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikal ministerijos Gyventoj registro duomen centrin baz. Gyvas gimusysis (naujagimis) kdikis, kuris i karto po gimimo parodo pirmuosius gyvybs poymius (savarankik kvpavim ar irdies plakim). Natrali kaita (prieaugis / sumajimas) skirtumas tarp gyv gimusi ir mirusi asmen skaiiaus. Santuoka statym nustatyta tvarka formintas savanorikas vyro ir moters susitarimas sukurti teisinius eimos santykius. Ituoka statym nustatyta tvarka nutraukta santuoka. Santuoka laikoma nutraukta nuo teismo sprendimo j nutraukti siteisjimo dienos, paymtos santuokos nutraukimo rae. Imigracija atvykimas al, ketinant apsigyventi naujoje gyvenamojoje vietoje nuolat arba ne trumpiau kaip 12 mnesi. Emigracija ivykimas kit valstyb, ketinant apsigyventi naujoje gyvenamojoje vietoje nuolat arba ne trumpiau kaip 12 mnesi. Neto tarptautin migracija imigrant ir emigrant skaiiaus skirtumas. Iankstiniais duomenimis, 2011 m. gruodio mn. pradioje alies gyventoj skaiius buvo 3201,3 tkst., t. y. 43,3 tkst. maesnis negu i met pradioje. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. gim 31 815 kdiki, 1116 maiau negu per prajusi met t pat laikotarp. Lyginant i ir prajusi met sausiolapkriio mn., mirusij skaiius sumajo mir 792 monmis maiau. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. susituok 431 pora ir isituok 279 poromis daugiau negu per prajusi met t pat laikotarp. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. i Lietuvos savo ivykim deklaravo 51 708 emigrantai, t. y. 27 425 maiau negu per prajusi met t pat laikotarp. Lyginant i ir prajusi met sausiolapkriio mn., imigrant skaiius padidjo atvyko 9597 monmis daugiau. Per vienuolika i met mnesi i Lietuvos emigravo 37 575 monmis daugiau negu imigravo. Resident population is the population constantly inhabiting a certain administrative territory that is subject to changes in births, deaths and migration. The main source of data on births, deaths, marriages, divorces and migration is the central database of the Residents Register of the Residents Register Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. Live birth (newborn) is a delivery of a live-born child, i.e. a child showing evidence of life irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. Natural increase / decrease is the difference between the number of live births and deaths. Marriage is a voluntary agreement between a man and a woman to establish a legal family relationship registered according to the order set by law. Divorce is a marriage dissolved according to the order set by law. The marriage is considered to be dissolved from the day when the courts decision to dissolve it comes into force, which is indicated in the marriage dissolution record. Immigration arrival at a country from another state with the intention to take up permanent residence, or for a period longer than 12 months. Emigration departure from the country with the intention to take up permanent residence in another country, or for a period longer than 12 months. Net international migration is the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants. According to provisional data, at the beginning of December 2011, the population equalled 3201.3 thousand, i.e. decreased by 43.3 thousand as compared to the beginning of the year. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, 31 815 live births were born, i.e. by 1116 less than over the respective period of the previous year. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, against the respective period of 2010, the number of deaths decreased by 792. Over the eleven months of the current year, the number of marriages increased by 431 and number of divorces increased by 279 as compared to JanuaryNovember 2010. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, 51 708 persons declared their emigration from Lithuania, i.e. by 27 425 less than over the respective period of the previous year. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, against the respective period of the previous year, the number of immigrants increased by 9597. Over the eleven months of the current year, the number of people who emigrated exceeded the number of those who immigrated by 37 575 persons. 54



Natrali gyventoj kaita ir tarptautin migracija

Vital statistics and international migration
2010 sausislapkritis lapkritis JanuaryNovember November 2011 sausislapkritis lapkritis JanuaryNovember November

Gimusij skaiius Mirusij skaiius Natrali kaita (prieaugis / sumajimas) Santuok skaiius Ituok skaiius Imigravo Emigravo Neto tarptautin migracija

32931 38289 -5358 17642 9051 4536 79133 -74597

2755 3366 -611 844 1026 615 5041 -4426

31815 37497 -5682 18073 9330 14133 51708 -37575

2658 3542 -884 1059 1126 1421 3050 -1629

Live births Deaths Natural increase / decrease Marriages Divorces Immigration Emigration Net international migration

Natrali gyventoj kaita pagal apskritis ir savivaldybes 2011 m.

Vital statistics by county and municipality, 2011
Sausislapkritis JanuaryNovember gimusij skaiius live births mirusij skaiius deaths natrali kaita (prieaugis / sumajimas) natural increase / decrease Lapkritis November gimusij skaiius live births mirusij skaiius deaths natrali kaita (prieaugis / sumajimas) natural increase / decrease

I viso Total Alytaus apskritis Alytaus m. sav. Alytaus r. sav. Druskinink sav. Lazdij r. sav. Varnos r. sav. Kauno apskritis Birtono sav. Jonavos r. sav. Kaiiadori r. sav. Kauno m. sav. Kauno r. sav. Kdaini r. sav. Prien r. sav. Raseini r. sav. Klaipdos apskritis Klaipdos m. sav. Klaipdos r. sav. Kretingos r. sav. Neringos sav. Palangos m. sav. Skuodo r. sav. iluts r. sav.

31815 1428 568 257 205 201 197 6265 50 518 298 3304 939 550 262 344 3752 1843 580 447 48 156 177 501

37497 2079 572 437 273 383 414 7314 70 548 478 3589 867 725 497 540 4024 1880 541 489 32 187 302 593

-5682 -651 -4 -180 -68 -182 -217 -1049 -20 -30 -180 -285 72 -175 -235 -196 -272 -37 39 -42 16 -31 -125 -92

2658 125 53 23 18 17 14 544 2 48 30 279 82 54 28 21 304 143 42 41 9 11 17 41

3542 206 65 39 24 40 38 718 11 50 47 349 93 75 47 46 364 192 42 32 3 17 26 52

-884 -81 -12 -16 -6 -23 -24 -174 -9 -2 -17 -70 -11 -21 -19 -25 -60 -49 0 9 6 -6 -9 -11





Sausislapkritis JanuaryNovember gimusij skaiius live births mirusij skaiius deaths natrali kaita (prieaugis / sumajimas) natural increase / decrease

Lapkritis November gimusij skaiius live births mirusij skaiius deaths natrali kaita (prieaugis / sumajimas) natural increase / decrease

Marijampols apskritis Kalvarijos sav. Kazl Rdos sav. Marijampols sav. aki r. sav. Vilkavikio r. sav. Panevio apskritis Bir r. sav. Kupikio r. sav. Panevio m. sav. Panevio r. sav. Pasvalio r. sav. Rokikio r. sav. iauli apskritis Akmens r. sav. Jonikio r. sav. Kelms r. sav. Pakruojo r. sav. Radvilikio r. sav. iauli m. sav. iauli r. sav. Taurags apskritis Jurbarko r. sav. Paggi sav. ilals r. sav. Taurags r. sav. Teli apskritis Maeiki r. sav. Plungs r. sav. Rietavo sav. Teli r. sav. Utenos apskritis Anyki r. sav. Ignalinos r. sav. Molt r. sav. Utenos r. sav. Visagino sav. Zaras r. sav. Vilniaus apskritis Elektrn sav. alinink r. sav. irvint r. sav. venioni r. sav. Trak r. sav. Ukmergs r. sav. Vilniaus m. sav. Vilniaus r. sav. 56

1648 142 133 610 326 437 2215 239 146 982 305 265 278 3063 256 233 319 236 405 1209 405 1124 263 109 294 458 1676 690 396 91 499 1204 186 132 156 340 243 147 9440 264 371 136 229 359 339 6730 1012

2069 177 179 688 459 566 3438 414 328 1139 514 466 577 3936 342 403 454 367 614 1206 550 1552 458 159 329 606 1850 645 464 118 623 2375 470 400 321 627 205 352 8860 291 524 299 486 449 636 5155 1020

-421 -35 -46 -78 -133 -129 -1223 -175 -182 -157 -209 -201 -299 -873 -86 -170 -135 -131 -209 3 -145 -428 -195 -50 -35 -148 -174 45 -68 -27 -124 -1171 -284 -268 -165 -287 38 -205 580 -27 -153 -163 -257 -90 -297 1575 -8

118 10 7 44 27 30 199 15 9 83 34 32 26 257 14 24 21 26 41 99 32 104 30 8 29 37 124 59 24 5 36 95 17 10 14 22 15 17 788 22 26 8 24 31 19 572 86

190 18 14 60 48 50 324 27 28 102 60 41 66 368 44 40 42 33 50 107 52 164 47 20 32 65 180 70 39 9 62 215 39 39 28 51 23 35 813 32 42 37 43 46 59 455 99

-72 -8 -7 -16 -21 -20 -125 -12 -19 -19 -26 -9 -40 -111 -30 -16 -21 -7 -9 -8 -20 -60 -17 -12 -3 -28 -56 -11 -15 -4 -26 -120 -22 -29 -14 -29 -8 -18 -25 -10 -16 -29 -19 -15 -40 117 -13




Santuokos ir ituokos pagal apskritis ir savivaldybes 2011 m.

Marriages and divorces by county and municipality, 2011
Sausislapkritis JanuaryNovember santuok skaiius marriages ituok skaiius divorces Lapkritis November santuok skaiius marriages ituok skaiius divorces

I viso Total Alytaus apskritis Alytaus m. sav. Alytaus r. sav. Druskinink sav. Lazdij r. sav. Varnos r. sav. Kauno apskritis Birtono sav. Jonavos r. sav. Kaiiadori r. sav. Kauno m. sav. Kauno r. sav. Kdaini r. sav. Prien r. sav. Raseini r. sav. Klaipdos apskritis Klaipdos m. sav. Klaipdos r. sav. Kretingos r. sav. Neringos sav. Palangos m. sav. Skuodo r. sav. iluts r. sav. Marijampols apskritis Kalvarijos sav. Kazl Rdos sav. Marijampols sav. aki r. sav. Vilkavikio r. sav. Panevio apskritis Bir r. sav. Kupikio r. sav. Panevio m. sav. Panevio r. sav. Pasvalio r. sav. Rokikio r. sav. iauli apskritis Akmens r. sav. Jonikio r. sav. Kelms r. sav. Pakruojo r. sav. Radvilikio r. sav. iauli m. sav. iauli r. sav.

18073 854 325 147 123 125 134 3402 29 267 177 1843 468 280 152 186 2162 1116 273 220 39 113 132 269 897 62 78 372 179 206 1238 143 113 510 207 120 145 1663 144 132 162 111 224 653 237

9330 482 203 90 62 46 81 1906 19 187 118 977 251 174 76 104 1110 584 154 97 21 44 62 148 516 48 42 184 104 138 763 75 72 303 123 80 110 993 83 92 79 77 132 386 144

1059 43 16 3 12 9 3 202 1 15 12 101 30 17 11 15 118 68 8 12 0 6 9 15 50 7 5 19 7 12 75 10 6 35 12 6 6 93 5 11 12 6 16 36 7

1126 78 30 15 12 7 14 222 2 18 15 121 34 16 7 9 151 77 17 11 5 7 9 25 64 7 3 28 5 21 91 8 7 35 18 9 14 116 3 12 12 8 19 49 13





Sausislapkritis JanuaryNovember santuok skaiius marriages ituok skaiius divorces

Lapkritis November santuok skaiius marriages ituok skaiius divorces

Taurags apskritis Jurbarko r. sav. Paggi sav. ilals r. sav. Taurags r. sav. Teli apskritis Maeiki r. sav. Plungs r. sav. Rietavo sav. Teli r. sav. Utenos apskritis Anyki r. sav. Ignalinos r. sav. Molt r. sav. Utenos r. sav. Visagino sav. Zaras r. sav. Vilniaus apskritis Elektrn sav. alinink r. sav. irvint r. sav. venioni r. sav. Trak r. sav. Ukmergs r. sav. Vilniaus m. sav. Vilniaus r. sav.

647 190 60 150 247 857 355 216 43 243 817 140 84 97 196 209 91 5536 146 245 98 143 204 184 3998 518

321 101 31 65 124 441 165 95 30 151 493 78 70 57 112 111 65 2305 82 88 47 62 83 106 1603 234

37 16 4 6 11 36 17 12 0 7 41 5 6 4 13 8 5 364 11 13 7 11 9 5 268 40

37 8 4 8 17 53 17 5 3 28 57 6 14 7 17 8 5 257 16 9 6 6 12 10 173 25






Gyventoj uimtumo statistinis tyrimas atliekamas vadovaujantis Europos Tarybos ir Europos Komisijos reglamentais. Tyrimas atliekamas visose Europos Sjungos alyse pagal bendr metodik, taikant Tarptautins darbo organizacijos naudojamas uimt gyventoj ir bedarbio svokas, todl jo rezultatai yra palyginami tarp ali. Tyrimas atliktas taikant imi metod. Per treij 2011 m. ketvirt apklausta 13,7 tkst., arba 0,5 procento, 15 met ir vyresni alies gyventoj, tyrimo rezultatai perskaiiuoti visiems gyventojams. Uimti gyventojai 15 met ir vyresni asmenys, dirbantys bet kok darb, gaunantys u j darbo umokest pinigais ar natra arba turintys pajam ar pelno. Bedarbis nedirbantis 1574 met amiaus asmuo, kuris aktyviai ieko darbo (per paskutines keturias savaites) ir per apibrt laikotarp (dvi savaites) gali pradti dirbti. Ilgalaikis bedarbis bedarbis, iekantis darbo vienus metus ar ilgiau. Darbo jga visi uimti gyventojai ir bedarbiai. Darbo jgos aktyvumo lygis rodiklis, ireikiamas pasirinktos amiaus grups darbo jgos ir to paties amiaus vis gyventoj santykiu. Uimtumo lygis rodiklis, ireikiamas pasirinktos amiaus grups uimt gyventoj ir to paties amiaus vis gyventoj santykiu. Nedarbo lygis rodiklis, ireikiamas bedarbi ir darbo jgos santykiu. Ilgalaikio nedarbo lygis rodiklis, ireikiamas ilgalaiki bedarbi ir darbo jgos santykiu. Samdomasis darbuotojas asmuo, pagal sutart su darbdaviu sipareigojs dirbti arba eiti tam tikras pareigas pagal darbovietje nustatyt darbo tvark ir gaunantis sulygt darbo umokest. Savarankikai su samdomaisiais darbuotojais dirbantis asmuo bent vien darbuotoj samdantis asmuo, turintis savo versl ar kininkaujantis, negaunantis atlyginimo, bet turintis pelno, pajam. Savarankikai be samdomj darbuotoj dirbantis asmuo kit darbuotoj nesamdantis asmuo, turintis savo versl, dirbantis pagal verslo liudijim ar kininkaujantis, negaunantis atlyginimo, bet turintis pelno, pajam. Padedantis eimos narys asmuo, dirbantis eimai priklausanioje monje (kyje), orientuotoje rink, ir gyvenantis tame paiame nam kyje. Gyventoj uimtumo statistinio tyrimo vertinimais, treij 2011 m. ketvirt nedarbo lygis alyje sudar 14,8 procento ir buvo 0,8 procentinio punkto maesnis nei antrj 2011 m. ketvirt. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su treiuoju 2010 m. ketviriu, nedarbo lygis sumajo 3 procentiniais punktais. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su antruoju, vyr nedarbo lygis sumajo 1,8 procentinio punkto ir sudar 16,7 procento, moter padidjo 0,2 procentinio punkto ir sudar 12,9 procento. Mieste nedarbo lygis treij ketvirt siek 12,8, kaime 19,6 procento. Per ketvirt nedarbo lygis mieste sumajo 0,2, kaime 2,2 procentinio punkto. Jaunimo (1524 met amiaus asmen) nedarbo lygis treij 2011 m. ketvirt sudar 31,7 procento. Per ketvirt jaunimo nedarbo lygis sumajo 1,9 procentinio punkto. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt, kaip ir antrj, kas deimtas 1524 met amiaus asmuo buvo bedarbis. Ilgalaikio nedarbo lygis treij 2011 m. ketvirt sudar 8 procentus ir, palyginti su prajusiu ketviriu, iliko nepakits. Gyventoj uimtumo statistinio tyrimo vertinimais, treij 2011 m. ketvirt alyje buvo 239,8 tkst. bedarbi, tai yra 15,8 tkst. (6,2 %) maiau nei antrj. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su atitinkamu 2010 m. laikotarpiu, bedarbi skaiius sumajo 52,2 tkst. (17,9 %). Daugiau kaip pus (57 %) bedarbi turjo vidurin arba vidurin su profesine kvalifikacija isilavinim, kas septintas (15,2 %) auktj arba auktesnj, kas devintas (11,7 %) pagrindin isilavinim. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt ilgalaiki bedarbi buvo 129,5 tkst., arba kas antras (54 %) bedarbis, tai 2,1 tkst. (1,6 %) maiau nei antrj ketvirt.





Treij 2011 m. ketvirt alyje dirbo 1378,9 tkst. gyventoj, arba 6,2 tkst. (0,4 %) maiau nei antrj. Per ketvirt uimt gyventoj labiausiai sumajo profesinje, mokslinje ir techninje veikloje (4,4 tkst.), pramonje (4,2 tkst.), administracinje ir aptarnavimo veikloje (3,4 tkst.), padidjo statyboje (10 tkst.) ir prekyboje (4,5 tkst.). 1564 met amiaus gyventoj uimtumo lygis treij 2011 m. ketvirt sudar 61,4 procento, per ketvirt jis padidjo 0,6 procentinio punkto. Vyr uimtumo lygis padidjo 1,1 procentinio punkto ir sudar 61,8 procento, moter padidjo 0,2 procentinio punkto ir sudar 61 procent. Jaunimo (1524 met amiaus asmen) uimtumo lygis treij 2011 m. ketvirt sudar 20,8 procento, per ketvirt jis padidjo 1,6 procentinio punkto. Pagyvenusi (5564 met amiaus) gyventoj uimtumo lygis treij 2011 m. ketvirt sudar 51,1 procento, palyginti su antruoju ketviriu, jis padidjo 1,4 procentinio punkto. The Labour Force Survey is conducted in pursuance of the European Council and European Commission regulations. The survey is carried out in all EU countries following a common methodology and the concepts of the employed persons and an unemployed person applied by the International Labour Organization, which makes its results comparable across countries. The survey was carried out using a sampling method. In III quarter 2011, 13.7 thousand (0.5 per cent) residents of Lithuania aged 15 and older had been interviewed; the survey results were subsequently recalculated for the total population of the country. Employed persons refer to persons aged 15 and older doing any kind of work, for which they are remunerated in cash or in kind or have income or profit. Unemployed person is non-working person of an established age (1574) who has been actively seeking for a job in the last four weeks and is ready to start working if work was available in an established period (two weeks). Long-term unemployed person is an unemployed person seeking for a job for one year or longer. Labour force refers to the total employed persons and the unemployed. Activity rate is an indicator expressed as a ratio of the labour force of a certain age group to the total population of the same age. Employment rate is an indicator expressed as a ratio of the employed population of a certain age group to the total population of the same age. Unemployment rate is an indicator expressed as a ratio of the unemployed to the labour force. Long-term unemployment rate is a ratio of the long-term unemployed to the labour force. Employee is a person who, under a contract with an employer, has assumed obligations to work or perform certain functions according to procedures established at the workplace and receiving an agreed remuneration. Self-employed person with employees is a person who works in his own business or on a farm, does not receive a wage or salary but earns a profit, revenue, and employs at least one other person. Self-employed person without employees is a person who works in his own business, works under a business license or on a farm, does not receive a wage or salary but earns a profit, revenue, and does not employ any other persons. Contributing family worker is a person working in relatives market-oriented enterprise (farm) and living in the same household. According to the estimates of the statistical Labour Force Survey, the unemployment rate in the country in III quarter 2011 stood at 14.8 per cent, which is by 0.8 percentage point less than in II quarter 2011. In III quarter 2011, compared to III quarter 2010, the unemployment rate decreased by 3 percentage points. In III quarter 2011, compared to II quarter, the male unemployment rate decreased by 1.8 percentage points and stood at 16.7 per cent, the female one grew by 0.2 percentage point and stood at 12.9 per cent. In III quarter 2011, the urban unemployment rate stood at 12.8, the rural one at 19.6 per cent. Over the quarter, the urban unemployment rate decreased by 0.2, the rural one by 2.2 percentage points. The youth (aged 1524) unemployment rate in III quarter 2011 stood at 31.7 per cent. Over the quarter, the youth unemployment rate decreased by 1.9 percentage points. In III quarter 2011, just as in II quarter, each tenth person aged 1524 was unemployed.





The long-term unemployment rate in III quarter 2011 stood at 8 per cent and, compared to the previous quarter, remained unchanged. According to the estimates of the Labour Force Survey, in III quarter 2011, there were 239.8 thousand unemployed persons, which is by 15.8 thousand (6.2 per cent) less than in II quarter 2011. In III quarter 2011, compared to the same period in 2010, the number of the unemployed dropped by 52.2 thousand (17.9 per cent). More than half (57 per cent) of the unemployed had general upper secondary or vocational upper secondary, each seventh (15.2 per cent) higher or post-secondary tertiary, each ninth (11.7 per cent) general lower secondary education. In III quarter 2011, there were 129.5 thousand long-term unemployed, or each second (54 per cent) unemployed, which is by 2.1 thousand (1.6 per cent) less than in II quarter. In III quarter 2011, the number of persons working in the country totalled 1378.9 thousand, or by 6.2 thousand (0.4 per cent) less than in II quarter. Over the quarter, the most noticeable decrease in the number of persons employed was observed in professional, scientific and technical activities (by 4.4 thousand), industry (by 4.2 thousand), administrative and support service activities (by 3.4 thousand), increase in construction (by 10 thousand) and trade (by 4.5 thousand). The employment rate of persons aged 1564 in III quarter 2011 stood at 61.4 per cent; over the quarter, it grew by 0.6 percentage point. The male employment rate grew by 1.1 percentage points and stood at 61.8 per cent, the female one by 0.2 percentage point and stood at 61 per cent. The youth (aged 1524) employment rate in III quarter 2011 stood at 20.8 per cent; over the quarter, it grew by 1.6 percentage points. In III quarter 2011, the employment rate of the elderly (aged 5564) stood at 51.1 per cent and, compared to II quarter 2011, grew by 1.4 percentage points.


Bedarbiai ir nedarbo lygis

The unemployed and unemployment rate
2010 III ketv. III Q 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

Bedarbiai, tkst. Vyrai Moterys Jaunimas (1524 met) Nedarbo lygis, % Vyr Moter Jaunimo (1524 met) Ilgalaikio nedarbo lygis, %

292,0 165,6 126,4 54,9 17,8 20,3 15,3 35,5 7,5

277,6 165,8 111,7 48,0 17,2 20,4 13,9 34,1 8,7

255,6 151,8 103,7 46,3 15,6 18,5 12,7 33,6 8,0

239,8 135,1 104,7 44,6 14,8 16,7 12,9 31,7 8,0

Unemployed, thous. Male Female Youth (aged 1524) Unemployment rate, % Male Female Youth (aged 1524) Long-term unemployment rate, %





Nedarbo lygis
Unemployment rate Procentai Per cent
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 I 2010 II III IV I 2011 II III
6,1 7,4 7,5 8,5 8,7 8,0 8,0 18,1 18,3 17,8 17,1 17,2 15,6 14,8 35,9 37,1 35,5 32,4



Nedarbo lygis Unemployment rate


Jaunimo (1524 met) nedarbo lygis Youth (aged 1524) unemployment rate Ilgalaikio nedarbo lygis Long-term unemployment rate

Bedarbiai pagal nedarbo trukm

The unemployed by duration of unemployment Tkst. Thousand
2010 III ketv. III Q 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

I viso Iki 1 mn. 15 mn. 611 mn. 12 mn. ar ilgiau

292,0 28,9 62,1 77,9 123,1

277,6 13,5 59,8 63,3 141,0

255,6 21,9 46,1 55,9 131,6

239,8 21,1 43,0 46,3 129,5

Total Under 1 month 15 months 611 months 12 months or more

Bedarbi isilavinimas
The unemployed by educational attainment Tkst. Thousand
2010 III ketv. III Q 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

I viso Auktasis, auktesnysis Specialusis vidurinis Vidurinis su profesine kvalifikacija, vidurinis Pagrindinis su profesine kvalifikacija, pagrindinis Pradinis su profesine kvalifikacija, pradinis, neturi pradinio

292,0 46,7 29,6 162,4 50,9

277,6 43,2 21,9 161,1 46,5

255,6 32,8 21,2 149,6 48,2

239,8 36,5 22,9 136,7 41,5

Total Higher, post-secondary tertiary Special upper secondary Vocational upper secondary, general upper secondary Vocational lower secondary, general lower secondary Vocational qualification without completion of general lower secondary, primary, no primary










Gyventoj uimtumas
2010 III ketv. III Q 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

Darbo jga, tkst. Darbo jgos aktyvumo lygis (1564 met amiaus gyventoj), % Uimti gyventojai, tkst. Uimtumo lygis (1564 met amiaus gyventoj), % Vyr Moter Jaunimo (1524 met amiaus asmen) uimtumo lygis, % Pagyvenusi (5564 met amiaus) asmen uimtumo lygis, %

1643,1 71,4 1351,2 58,5 58,0 59,0 19,8 48,3

1618,0 71,6 1340,4 59,1 58,8 59,5 19,4 49,9

1640,7 72,3 1385,1 60,8 60,7 60,8 19,2 49,7

1618,8 72,3 1378,9 61,4 61,8 61,0 20,8 51,1

Labour force, thous. Activity rate (of the population aged 1564), % Employed persons, thous. Employment rate (of the population aged 1564), % Male Female Youth (aged 1524) employment rate, % Employment rate of the elderly (aged 5564), %

Uimti gyventojai pagal uimtumo status

Employed persons by employment status Tkst. Thousand
2010 III ketv. III Q 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

I viso Samdomieji darbuotojai Savarankikai dirbantys asmenys Padedantys eimos nariai

1 1

1351,2 1203,9 122,8 24,6

1340,4 1196,1 126,5 17,8

1385,1 1242,3 125,7 17,2

1378,9 1233,5 123,0 22,4

Total Employees Self-employed persons


Contributing family workers

skaitant ir darbuotojus samdanius, ir be samdomj darbuotoj savarankikai dirbanius asmenis. The self-employed both with and without employees are covered.

Uimti gyventojai pagal ekonomins veiklos ris

Employed persons by economic activity Tkst. Thousand
EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys 2010 III ketv. III Q 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q Economic activity

I viso A BE F G ems kis, mikininkyst ir uvininkyst Pramon Statyba Didmenin ir mamenin prekyba; variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl remontas

1351,2 126,3 239,9 93,8

1340,4 109,1 237,6 84,8

1385,1 122,7 245,3 91,1

1378,9 Total 123,4 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 241,1 Industry 101,1 Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of 252,6 motor vehicles and motorcycles 63







EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2

Ekonomins veiklos rys

2010 III ketv. III Q

2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

Economic activity


Transportas ir saugojimas Apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaug veikla Informacija ir ryiai Finansin ir draudimo veikla Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos Profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Administracin ir aptarnavimo veikla Vieasis valdymas ir gynyba; privalomasis socialinis draudimas vietimas moni sveikatos prieira ir socialinis darbas Menin, pramogin ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kita aptarnavimo veikla Nam ki, samdani darbininkus, veikla; nam ki veikla, susijusi su savoms reikmms tenkinti skirt nediferencijuojam gamini gamyba ir paslaug teikimu Ekstrateritorini organizacij ir staig veikla

93,4 32,9 25,7 20,0 14,0 48,9 41,2 82,2 151,1 91,7 20,2 26,8

101,5 39,1 26,7 19,5 12,8 50,9 44,7 83,5 146,8 95,2 20,5 28,4

99,3 36,1 26,0 22,1 13,3 53,7 47,6 83,8 149,4 90,0 21,7 31,9

99,3 Transportation and storage Accommodation and food service 34,9 activities 26,5 Information and communication 19,2 Financial and insurance activities 13,8 Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical 49,3 activities Administrative and support service 44,2 activities Public administration and defence; 81,9 compulsory social security 148,9 Education Human health and social work 89,4 activities 19,6 Arts, entertainment and recreation 31,7 Other service activities Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and servicesproducing activities of households for 1,9 own use Activities of extraterritorial organisa tions and bodies

1,6 ...

3,2 (0,6)



National version of NACE Rev. 2.


Uimti gyventojai pagal profesij grupes

Employed persons by occupational group Tkst. Thousand
Profesij grups

2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

Occupational groups

I viso Vadovai Specialistai Technikai ir jaunesnieji specialistai staig tarnautojai Paslaug sektoriaus darbuotojai ir pardavjai Kvalifikuoti ems, mik ir uvininkysts kio darbuotojai Kvalifikuoti darbininkai ir amatininkai rengini ir main operatoriai ir surinkjai Nekvalifikuoti darbininkai Ginkluotj pajg profesijos

1340,4 132,2 296,2 155,2 61,1 187,1 81,1 170,9 146,6 103,8 6,2

1385,1 132,4 300,1 160,5 61,4 193,5 89,9 174,0 158,7 108,0 6,6

1378,9 116,8 307,0 159,6 56,7 188,3 88,3 185,1 167,5 104,7 4,9

Total Managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Clerical support workers Service and sales workers Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers Craft and related trades workers Plant and machine operators, and assemblers Elementary occupations Armed forces occupations

Pagal Lietuvos profesij klasifikatori (LPK), parengt pagal Tarptautin standartizuot profesij klasifikatori ISCO-08. According to the Lithuanian Classification of Occupations (based on International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08).





Laisva darbo vieta naujai sukurta, neuimta arba artimiausiu metu tapsianti laisva mokamo darbo vieta, dl kurios darbdavys imasi ir yra pasirengs toliau imtis aktyvi veiksm iekodamas tinkamo kandidato ne i tos paios mons ir kuri i karto ar per tam tikr laikotarp ketina priimti kandidat. Laisv darbo viet lygis rodiklis, ireikiamas laisv ir vis darbo viet santykiu. Tyrimas atliktas taikant imi metod sudaryta 7240 moni imtis, reprezentuojanti alies k pagal ekonomins veiklos ris. Neaprptos individualiosios mons, laisv darbo viet skaiius jose vertintas remiantis administracini altini duomenimis. Tyrimo duomenimis, treiojo 2011 m. ketvirio pabaigoje alyje buvo 12,4 tkst. laisv darbo viet samdomiesiems darbuotojams. Per ketvirt laisv darbo viet skaiius padidjo 2,8 tkst. (antrojo 2011 m. ketvirio pabaigoje j buvo 9,5 tkst.). Laisv darbo viet skaiius padidjo statyboje 0,6 tkst., pramonje 0,5 tkst., vieajame valdyme ir gynyboje 0,4 tkst., profesinje, mokslinje ir techninje veikloje 0,3 tkst. Laisv darbo viet skaiius treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su treiuoju 2010 m. ketviriu, padidjo 4,1 tkst. (treiojo 2010 m. ketvirio pabaigoje j buvo 8,3 tkst.), daugiausia statyboje ir prekyboje po 0,9 tkst., transporte ir saugojime 0,7 tkst. Daugiausia laisv darbo viet treij 2011 m. ketvirt buvo pramonje 2,5 tkst. (20,5 % vis laisv darbo viet), prekyboje 1,8 tkst. (14,7 %), transporte ir saugojime 1,6 tkst. (13,1 %). Maiausiai laisv darbo viet treiojo 2011 m. ketvirio pabaigoje buvo nekilnojamojo turto operacij monse 0,6 procento vis laisv darbo viet. Treiojo 2011 m. ketvirio pabaigoje laisv darbo viet lygis alyje sudar 1,1 procento, tai 0,3 procentinio punkto daugiau nei prajus ketvirt ir 0,4 procentinio punkto daugiau nei atitinkam 2010 m. laikotarp. Aukiausias laisv darbo viet lygis ufiksuotas informacijos ir ryi veikloje 2 procentai, finansinje ir draudimo, transporto ir saugojimo veiklose po 1,8 procento, statyboje 1,6 procento. emiausias laisv darbo viet lygis buvo vietime 0,3 procento. Job vacancy a paid post that is newly created, unoccupied, or about to become vacant, for which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared to take further steps to find a suitable candidate from outside the enterprise concerned, and which the employer intends to fill either immediately or within a specific period of time. Job vacancy rate an indicator expressed as a ratio of job vacancies to the total number of posts. The survey was carried out applying a sampling method. A sample of 7240 enterprises representing the whole economy of the country by kind of economic activity was made up. Individual enterprises were not included, estimation of the number of job vacancies was accomplished applying administrative data sources. According to the survey data, there were 12.4 thousand job vacancies for the employees at the end of III quarter 2011. Over the quarter, the number of job vacancies increased by 2.8 thousand (at the end of II quarter 2011, there were 9.5 thousand job vacancies). The number of job vacancies has increased in construction by 0.6 thousand, industry by 0.5 thousand, public administration and defence; compulsory social security by 0.4 thousand, professional, scientific and technical activities by 0.3 thousand. The number of job vacancies at the end of III quarter 2011, as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, increased by 4.1 thousand (at the end of III quarter 2010, there were 8.3 thousand job vacancies), the largest increase was registered in construction and trade 0.9 thousand in each, transportation and storage 0.7 thousand. The highest number of job vacancies at the end of III quarter 2011 was registered in industrial enterprises 2.5 thousand (20.5 per cent of the total number of job vacancies), trade 1.8 thousand (14.7 per cent), transportation and storage 1.6 thousand (13.1 per cent). The least number of job vacancies at the end of III quarter 2011 was in enterprises engaged in real estate activities 0.6 per cent of the total number of job vacancies. At the end of III quarter 2011, the job vacancy rate in the country stood at 1.1 per cent, which is by 0.3 percentage points more than in the previous quarter and by 0.4 percentage points more than in III quarter 2010. The highest job vacancy rate was registered in information and communication 2 per cent, financial and insurance, transportation and storage activities 1.8 per cent in each, construction 1.6 per cent. The lowest job vacancy rate was registered in education 0.3 per cent.




Laisvos darbo vietos pagal ekonomins veiklos ris

Job vacancies by economic activity Ketvirio pabaigoje End of quarter
EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 2010 III ketv. III Q tkst. % thous. 2011 I ketv. IQ tkst. % thous. II ketv. II Q tkst. % thous. III ketv. III Q tkst. % thous. Economic activity

I viso A BE F G ems kis, mikininkyst ir uvininkyst Pramon Statyba Didmenin ir mamenin prekyba; variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl remontas Transportas ir saugojimas Apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaug veikla Informacija ir ryiai K L M N O Finansin ir draudimo veikla Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos Profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Administracin ir aptarnavimo veikla Vieasis valdymas ir gynyba; privalomasis socialinis draudimas vietimas moni sveikatos prieira ir socialinis darbas Menin, pramogin ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kita aptarnavimo veikla

8,3 100,0 0,1 2,4 0,5 0,6 29,4 5,8

10,1 100,0 0,2 2,3 1,4 1,6 22,4 13,8

9,5 100,0 0,1 2,1 0,8 0,8 21,7 8,8

12,4 100,0 Total 0,1 2,5 1,4 Agriculture, forestry and 0,6 fishing 20,5 Industry 11,5 Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and 14,7 motorcycles 13,1 Transportation and storage Accommodation and food 2,7 service activities Information and 3,8 communication Financial and insurance 2,5 activities 0,6 Real estate activities Professional, scientific and 4,1 technical activities Administrative and support 4,5 service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social 10,0 security 3,2 Education Human health and social 5,3 work activities Arts, entertainment and 1,8 recreation 1,1 Other service activities

0,9 0,9 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,0 0,2 0,4

11,2 10,7 3,4 3,3 3,6 0,5 2,9 4,2

1,2 1,3 0,3 0,2 0,3 0,0 0,2 0,5

11,6 12,7 3,1 2,5 2,7 0,4 2,1 4,8

1,8 1,4 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,0 0,2 0,4

18,3 14,8 2,7 2,9 2,5 0,5 2,4 4,3

1,8 1,6 0,3 0,5 0,3 0,1 0,5 0,6


0,9 0,4

10,9 4,4

0,8 0,4

8,5 3,7

0,8 0,4

8,9 3,9

1,2 0,4









0,1 0,1

1,6 0,9

0,1 0,1

1,5 0,6

0,1 0,1

1,2 0,7

0,2 0,2


National version of NACE Rev. 2.





Laisv darbo viet lygis pagal ekonomins veiklos ris

Job vacancy rate by economic activity Ketvirio pabaigoje, procentais End of quarter, per cent
EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 2010 III ketv. III Q 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q Economic activity

I viso A BE F G ems kis, mikininkyst ir uvininkyst Pramon Statyba Didmenin ir mamenin prekyba; variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl remontas Transportas ir saugojimas Apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaug veikla Informacija ir ryiai Finansin ir draudimo veikla Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos Profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla N Administracin ir aptarnavimo veikla O P Q R S

0,7 0,2 1,2 0,6

0,9 0,6 1,1 1,8

0,8 0,2 1,0 1,0

1,1 0,3 1,2 1,6

Total Agriculture, forestry and fishing Industry Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and storage Accommodation and food service activities Information and communication Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Human health and social work activities Arts, entertainment and recreation Other service activities

0,5 1,1 1,0 1,2 1,7 0,3 0,6 0,9 1,1 0,2 0,6 0,6 0,6

0,6 1,5 1,1 1,1 1,6 0,3 0,5 1,2 1,1 0,2 0,8 0,7 0,5

0,9 1,6 0,8 1,2 1,4 0,3 0,5 1,0 1,1 0,2 0,5 0,5 0,5

0,9 1,8 1,0 2,0 1,8 0,5 1,2 1,3 1,5 0,3 0,7 0,9 1,1


Vieasis valdymas ir gynyba; privalomasis socialinis draudimas vietimas moni sveikatos prieira ir socialinis darbas Menin, pramogin ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kita aptarnavimo veikla

National version of NACE Rev. 2.





Informacija parengta remiantis Lietuvos darbo biros duomenimis. Pagal Uimtumo rmimo statym, bedarbis yra nedirbantis darbingo amiaus darbingas asmuo, kuris nesimoko pagal dienin ar nuolatin mokymo form, taip pat individualios mons, kuriai Juridini asmen registre yra suteiktas likviduojamos mons statusas, savininkas, statym nustatyta tvarka siregistravs teritorinje darbo biroje kaip darbo iekantis asmuo ir pasirengs dalyvauti aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonse. 2011 m. gruodio 1 d. buvo 212,5 tkst. bedarbi. Moter bedarbi buvo 50 procent. Bedarbi skaiius 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., sumajo 88,1 tkst., arba 29,3 procento. 2011 m. gruodio 1 d. darbo neturjo 10,3 procento darbingo amiaus gyventoj. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. 31,9 tkst. bedarbi, arba 15 procent vis darbo biroje registruot asmen, gavo nedarbo draudimo imokas. Prie metus ias imokas gavo 15,2 procento registruot bedarbi. Information prepared based on the Lithuanian Labour Exchange data. According to the Law on Support for Employment, an unemployed person means a jobless person of working age capable of work who is not a full-time student as well as the owner of an individual enterprise treated as put in liquidation in the Register of Legal Entities, has registered with the local labour exchange in the manner laid down by law as a job-seeker and is ready to participate in the measures of active labour market policy. As of 1 December 2011, the number of the unemployed was 212.5 thousand. Women made up 50 per cent of the unemployed. The number of unemployed persons in November 2011, as compared with November 2010, decreased by 88.1 thousand, or 29.3 per cent. As of 1 December 2011, the unemployed made up 10.3 per cent of the working age population. In November 2011, 31.9 thousand, or 15 per cent of all unemployed persons registered with the Labour Exchange, received unemployment insurance benefits. A year ago, the share of persons receiving such benefits made up 15.2 per cent.

Bedarbiai, registruoti darbo biroje

The unemployed registered with the Labour Exchange Mnesio pabaigoje, tkst. End of month, thousand
I viso Total 2010 2011

i j of whom vyrai males 2010 2011 moterys females 2010 2011

I viso Sausis

312,1 287,5 299,5 307,1 325,0 324,2 324,2 330,6 319,8 309,4 306,2 300,6 311,3 311,2 306,4 293,5 269,3 243,2 227,6 229,2 221,2 213,4 211,8 212,5

176,2 166,7 174,0 178,0 188,4 186,5 184,3 185,7 177,0 170,0 167,2 163,8 172,2 172,6 170,2 162,1 147,4 128,5 117,0 115,7 109,5 105,9 105,0 106,3

136,0 120,8 125,5 129,1 136,6 137,7 139,9 144,9 142,8 139,4 139,0 136,8 139,1 138,6 136,2 131,4 121,9 114,7 110,6 113,5 111,7 107,5 106,8 106,2


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Vasaris Kovas Balandis Gegu Birelis Liepa Rugpjtis Rugsjis Spalis Lapkritis Gruodis

Met vidurkis. Average annual.





Bedarbi, gavusi nedarbo draudimo imokas, skaiius

Number of the unemployed who have received unemployment insurance benefit Mnesio pabaigoje End of month
Tkst. Thous. 2010 2011 % 2010 2011

I viso Sausis

56,4 72,2 70,5 68,0 62,9 58,0 54,5 53,1 50,3 47,5 46,4 45,6 47,3 46,7 45,1 42,0 37,1 33,3 31,7 31,6 37,6 31,0 31,0 31,9

18,1 25,1 23,5 22,2 19,4 17,9 16,8 16,1 15,7 15,4 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,0 14,7 14,3 13,8 13,7 13,9 13,8 17,0 14,5 14,6 15,0


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Vasaris Kovas Balandis Gegu Birelis Liepa Rugpjtis Rugsjis Spalis Lapkritis Gruodis

Met vidurkis. Average annual.

Bedarbiai, registruoti darbo biroje pagal apskritis lapkriio mn.

The unemployed registered with the Labour Exchange by county, November Mnesio pabaigoje, tkst. End of month, thousand
I viso Total 2010 2011 i j of which vyrai males 2010 2011 moterys females 2010 2011

I viso Total Alytaus apskritis Kauno apskritis Klaipdos apskritis Marijampols apskritis Panevio apskritis iauli apskritis Taurags apskritis Teli apskritis Utenos apskritis Vilniaus apskritis

300,6 18,1 53,7 34,0 14,9 27,4 28,9 11,8 18,0 16,7 77,1

212,5 13,6 39,5 21,9 11,2 18,9 20,5 8,3 12,7 13,6 52,3

163,8 10,0 29,1 17,5 8,1 15,3 15,1 6,4 9,4 9,5 43,4

106,3 7,1 19,9 10,1 5,6 9,6 9,5 4,2 5,8 7,1 27,4

136,8 8,1 24,6 16,5 6,8 12,1 13,8 5,4 8,6 7,2 33,7

106,2 6,5 19,6 11,8 5,6 9,3 11,0 4,1 6,9 6,5 24,9







QUARTERLY SURVEY ON EARNINGS Skyriuje pateikiami ketvirtinio darbo apmokjimo statistinio tyrimo (toliau tyrimas), atliekamo nuo 2000 m., duomenys. Tyrimo tikslas nustatyti darbuotoj skaii, vidutin darbo umokest (mnesin ir valandin), darbo laik ir pokyius alies kyje pagal sektorius (valstybs ir privatj), ekonomins veiklos ris ir darbuotoj lyt. Tyrimas aprpia AS sekcij ekonomins veiklos ris pagal Ekonomins veiklos ri klasifikatori (EVRK 2 red.). Statistiniai duomenys renkami i vis ri ir nuosavybs form moni, staig ir organizacij, kurios reprezentuoja numatytas tirti ekonomins veiklos ris. aprpt netraukiamos individualiosios mons. Tyrimas aprpia darbuotojus, sudariusius darbo sutartis ir gaunanius darbo umokest, neatsivelgiant atliekamo darbo pobd, darbo laiko trukm (visas ar ne visas darbo laikas) ir sutarties trukm (terminuota ar neterminuota), valstybs tarnautojus, kuri tarnyb reglamentuoja Lietuvos Respublikos valstybs tarnybos statymas (in., 1999, Nr. 66-2130; 2002, Nr. 45-1708); statutinius valstybs tarnautojus, kuri tarnyb reglamentuoja statymu patvirtintas statutas arba Lietuvos Respublikos diplomatins tarnybos statymas (in., 1999, Nr. 7-140), valstybs politikus ir pareignus, kuri darbo apmokjimo slygas reglamentuoja Lietuvos Respublikos valstybs politik ir valstybs pareign darbo apmokjimo statymas (in., 2000, Nr. 75-2271; 2008, Nr. 131-5021), ir pan. Tyrimas atliekamas imi metodu. Imties dydis priklauso nuo rodikliams keliam patikimumo ir tikslumo reikalavim. Sudarant imt atsivelgta reikalavim, kad darbo umokesio statistini veri santykins standartins paklaidos alies kyje ir ekonomins veiklos ryse neturt bti didesns kaip 3 procentai. Imties vienetas mon, staiga ar organizacija, turinti juridinio asmens status. 2011 m. sudaryta 7240 vienet imtis. Statistiniams veriams skaiiuoti pagal ekonomins veiklos ris ir sektorius taikomas Horvico ir Tompsono statistinis vertinys. monms, ignoravusioms statistin atskaitomyb, priskirtos statistikai stebim moni atitinkam veiklos ri ir atitinkamos moni dydio grups (sluoksnio) vidutins stebimo rodiklio reikms. Statistiniams veriams pagal savivaldybes ir apskritis skaiiuoti taikomas santykinis vertinys ir papildomai naudojama Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos (Sodros) informacija. Vidutinis darbuotoj skaiius (nuo 2008 m.) ir vidutinis slyginis darbuotoj skaiius (nuo 2009 m.) vertinamas remiantis tyrimo ir Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos (Sodros) duomenimis. Darbuotojas asmuo, pagal sutart su darbdaviu sipareigojs dirbti arba teiss akt nustatyta tvarka eiti tam tikras pareigas pagal darbovietje nustatyt tvark ir gaunantis sulygt darbo umokest. Vidutinis darbuotoj skaiius vidutinis darbuotoj (fizini asmen), neatsivelgiant j darbo laiko trukm, skaiius. Vidutinis slyginis darbuotoj skaiius vidutinio darbuotoj, dirbani vis darbo laik, ir darbuotoj, dirbani ne vis darbo laik (perskaiiuot dirbanius vis darbo laik), skaii suma. Bruto darbo umokestis atlyginimas pinigais, apimantis tiesiogiai darbdavio darbuotojui mokam pagrindin darbo umokest ir papildom udarb, skaitant darbuotojo mokamas valstybinio socialinio draudimo mokas ir gyventoj pajam mokest. Neto darbo umokestis atlyginimas pinigais, apimantis tiesiogiai darbdavio darbuotojui mokam pagrindin darbo umokest ir papildom udarb, atskaiius darbuotojo mokamas valstybinio socialinio draudimo mokas ir gyventoj pajam mokest. Bruto darbo umokesio indeksas skaiiuojamas ataskaitinio laikotarpio vidutin mnesin bruto darbo umokest dalijant i bazinio laikotarpio vidutinio mnesinio bruto darbo umokesio. Neto darbo umokesio indeksas skaiiuojamas ataskaitinio laikotarpio vidutin mnesin neto darbo umokest dalijant i bazinio laikotarpio vidutinio mnesinio neto darbo umokesio. Realiojo darbo umokesio indeksas skaiiuojamas neto darbo umokesio indeks dalijant i vartotoj kain indekso.





Tyrimo duomenimis, vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis alies kyje (be individualij moni) treij 2011 m. ketvirt sudar 2116 lit ir, palyginti su antruoju 2011 m. ketviriu, padidjo 0,4 procento. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis valstybs sektoriuje sudar 2244,8 lito ir, palyginti su antruoju ketviriu, padidjo 0,6 procento, privaiajame sektoriuje sudar 2036,2 lito ir padidjo 0,4 procento. Vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su antruoju, alies kyje labiausiai didjo statybos (3,6 %), ems kio, mikininkysts ir uvininkysts (3,5 %), moni sveikatos prieiros ir socialinio darbo (2,4 %) veikloje. Darbo umokesio didjim treij 2011 m. ketvirt lm padidjusi darb apimtis (statybos, ems kio ir kt. monse), didesnis darbo valand skaiius ir kitos prieastys. Per metus (treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su atitinkamu 2010 m. ketviriu) vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis alies kyje padidjo 1,6, valstybs sektoriuje 3,1, o privaiajame sektoriuje 1,0 procento. Vidutinis darbuotoj skaiius per ketvirt (treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su antruoju) alies kyje iaugo 1,3 procento (valstybs sektoriuje sumajo 0,7 %, privaiajame sektoriuje padidjo 2,5 %), o per metus 5,4 procento (valstybs sektoriuje 0,1 %, privaiajame sektoriuje 8,7 %). Treij 2011 m. ketvirt, padidjus darb mastui, 1,8 procento maiau darbuotoj dirbo ne vis darbo laik. Vidutinis mnesinis neto darbo umokestis alies kyje (be individualij moni) treij 2011 m. ketvirt sudar 1645,8 lito, valstybs sektoriuje 1739,8 lito, privaiajame sektoriuje 1587,5 lito. Vidutinis mnesinis neto darbo umokestis treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su antruoju, alies kyje padidjo 0,4, valstybs sektoriuje 0,6, o privaiajame sektoriuje 0,4 procento. Per metus neto darbo umokestis alies kyje padidjo 1,5, valstybs sektoriuje 2,9, privaiajame sektoriuje 0,9 procento. Realusis darbo umokestis treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su antruoju 2011 m. ketviriu, alies kyje ir privaiajame sektoriuje padidjo po 0,5 procento, o valstybs sektoriuje 0,7 procento. Per metus realusis darbo umokestis alies kyje sumajo 2,9, valstybs sektoriuje 1,5, o privaiajame sektoriuje 3,4 procento. The chapter provides data from the quarterly survey on earnings (hereinafter referred to as the survey), carried out since 2000. The aim of the survey is to determine the number of employees, average earnings (monthly and hourly), working time, and changes in these indicators in the whole economy and by sector (public and private), economic activity and sex of the employees. The survey covers economic activities defined in sections A to S of the national version (EVRK Rev. 2) of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2). Statistical data are collected from all enterprises, institutions and organizations representing the said economic activities, irrespective of type and form of ownership; individual enterprises are excluded. The survey covers: employees working under employment contracts and receiving remuneration, irrespective of the type of work performed, number of hours worked (full-time and part-time) and duration of the contract (fixed-term and non-fixed term); civil servants, whose service is regulated by the Law on Civil Service of the Republic of Lithuania (Official Gazette, 1999, No 66-2130; 2002, No 45-1708); statutory civil servants, whose service is regulated by a statute approved by law or by the Law on the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Lithuania (Official Gazette, 1999, No 7-140); state politicians and state officers, whose conditions of remuneration are regulated by the Law on the Remuneration of State Politicians and State Officers (Official Gazette, 2000, No 75-2271; 2008, No 131-5021), etc. The survey is conducted by applying a sampling method. The size of the sample depends on the reliability and accuracy requirements imposed on the indicators. The relative standard errors for statistical estimates of earnings are required not to exceed 3 per cent in the whole economy and in each economic activity. A sampling unit is an enterprise, institution or organization with a status of a legal entity. In 2011, the sample covers 7240 units.

Valstybs sektorius apima biudetines staigas ir organizacijas (vietimo, sveikatos prieiros, socialinio darbo, kultros, vieojo valdymo ir kt.), taip pat viesias staigas, mones, kuri 50 procent ar daugiau subjekto statinio kapitalo sudaro valstybs ar savivaldybs nuosavyb. 71




The Horvitz-Thompson estimator is used to estimate indicators in a breakdown by economic activity and sector. To enterprises which did not respond, the average values of the respective indicators observed in statistically observed entities are assigned according to a respective economic activity and enterprise size class (stratum). To estimate indicators in a breakdown by county and municipality, a ratio estimator and, additionally, information from the State Social Insurance Fund Board (Sodra) are used. The average number of employees (since 2008) and average number of employees in full-time units (since 2009) are estimated using data from the State Social Insurance Fund Board (Sodra) and survey data. Employee a person who, under an agreement with the employer or a procedure established by legislation, has committed to work or perform certain functions under procedures established at the workplace and receives an agreed wage or salary. Average number of employees the average number of employees (natural persons), irrespective of their working time. Average number of employees in full-time units the sum of the average number of full-time employees and that of part-time employees (converted into full-time employees). Gross earnings remuneration in cash covering the basic wage and bonuses, payable by the employer to the employee directly, including state social insurance contributions and income tax payable by the employee. Net earnings remuneration in cash covering the basic wage and bonuses, payable by the employer to the employee directly, excluding state social insurance contributions and income tax payable by the employee. Index of gross earnings is calculated by dividing average gross monthly earnings of the reference period by average gross monthly earnings of the base period. Index of net earnings is calculated by dividing average net monthly earnings of the reference period by average net monthly earnings of the base period. Index of real earnings is calculated by dividing the index of net earnings by the consumer price index. According to the results of the survey, average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy (less individual enterprises) in III quarter 2011 amounted to LTL 2116 and, compared to II quarter 2011, increased by 0.4 per cent. In III quarter 2011, average gross monthly earnings in the public sector amounted to LTL 2244.8 and, compared to II quarter 2011, increased by 0.6 per cent, in the private sector LTL 2036.2 and, compared to II quarter 2011, increased by 0.4 per cent. The most noticeable increase in the gross monthly earnings in the whole economy in III quarter 2011, against the previous quarter, was observed in construction (by 3.6 per cent), agriculture, forestry and fishing (by 3.5 per cent), human health and social work (by 2.4 per cent) activities. An increase in earnings in III quarter 2011 was determined by an increase in the volume of work (in enterprises engaged in construction, agriculture, etc.), number of working hours and other reasons. Over a year (III quarter 2011, compared to the same period of 2010), average gross monthly earnings increased: in the whole economy by 1.6 per cent, in the public sector 3.1 per cent, in the private sector 1.0 per cent. Over a quarter (III quarter 2011, against the previous quarter), the number of employees in the whole economy increased by 1.3 per cent (in the public sector it decreased by 0.7 per cent, yet in the private sector it grew by 2.5 per cent), over a year 5.4 per cent (in the public sector by 0.1 per cent, in the private sector by 8.7 per cent). In III quarter 2011, due to increased volume of works, fewer employees worked part-time this number dropped by 1.8 per cent. Average net monthly earnings in the whole economy (less individual enterprises) in III quarter 2011 amounted to LTL 1645.8, in the public sector LTL 1739.8, in the private sector LTL 1587.5. In III quarter 2011, compared to the previous quarter, average net monthly earnings increased: in the whole economy by 0.4, in the public sector 0.6, in the private sector 0.4 per cent. Over a year, net earnings in the whole economy increased by 1.5, in the public sector 2.9, in the private sector 0.9 per cent. Real earnings in III quarter 2011, compared to the previous quarter, increased: in the whole economy and in the private sector by 0.5 per cent each, in the public sector 0.7 per cent. Over a year, real earnings decreased: in the whole economy by 2.9, in the public sector 1.5, in the private sector 3.4 per cent.

Public sector covers budgetary institutions and organizations (educational, health care, social work, cultural, public administration, etc.) as well as public institutions, enterprises where state and municipal property makes up 50 or more per cent of authorised capital.




Vidutinis mnesinis darbo umokestis alies kyje ir jo indeksai

Average monthly earnings in the whole economy and their indices
Bruto darbo umokestis, Lt Gross earnings, LTL Neto darbo umokestis, Lt Net earnings, LTL
2081,8 2000 1620,8 1500 101,0 1649,8 100,8 99,4 1613,3 1639,8 1645,8 100,5 2121,5 2071,6 2107,7 2116,0

Litai LTL 2500

Realiojo darbo umokesio indeksas, ankstesnis ketvirtis = 100 Index of real earnings, previous quarter = 100 Procentai Per cent 105



500 96,5 0 III 2010 IV I 2011 II III 95

ketviriai quarters

Vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis alies kyje pagal sektorius 20082011 m. ketviriais
Average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy, 20082011, by sector and quarter Pokytis, palyginti su atitinkamu prajusi met ketviriu
Change, against the respective quarter of the previous year

Per cent

30 25 20 15 10
6,4 24,3 23,8 23,8 23,0 23,1 22,5 21,7 16,6 19,0 13,0 21,0

alies kis Whole economy Valstybs sektorius Public sector Privatusis sektorius Private sector

5 0 -5 -10 -15 I

8,2 1,3 1,9 -1,2 -2,9 -4,9 -8,0 -6,1 -7,7 -10,0 -10,4 -8,7 -7,4 -7,4 -7,9 -4,7 -5,4 -6,4 -4,2 -1,7 -2,8

1,9 0,2 -1,0

2,3 2,0 2,0

3,0 2,6 2,5

3,1 1,6 1,0















ketviriai quarters

Be individualij moni. Individual enterprises excluded.





Vidutinis mnesinis darbo umokestis pagal darbuotoj lyt 2011 m. III ketvirt
Average monthly earnings by employees sex, III quarter 2011 Litais LTL
Bruto Gross i viso total vyrai males moterys females Neto Net i viso total vyrai males moterys females

alies kis Valstybs sektorius Privatusis sektorius

2116,0 2244,8 2036,2

2283,3 2521,1 2193,3

1957,0 2096,6 1825,1

1645,8 1739,8 1587,5

1767,9 1941,5 1702,2

1529,7 1631,6 1433,4

Whole economy Public sector Public sector

Vidutinio mnesinio darbo umokesio indeksai pagal darbuotoj lyt 2011 m. III ketvirt
Indices of average monthly earnings by employees sex, III quarter 2011 Procentais Per cent
Palyginti su 2010 m. III ketv. Compared to III Q 2010 i viso total vyrai males moterys females Palyginti su 2011 m. II ketv. Compared to II Q 2011 i viso total vyrai males moterys females

Bruto alies kis Valstybs sektorius Privatusis sektorius Neto alies kis Valstybs sektorius Privatusis sektorius Realusis alies kis Valstybs sektorius Privatusis sektorius

Gross 101,6 103,1 101,0 101,2 102,4 101,1 101,7 103,5 100,3 100,4 100,6 100,4 100,4 100,6 100,4 100,3 100,6 100,1 Whole economy Public sector Private sector Net 101,5 102,9 100,9 101,1 102,2 101,0 101,6 103,3 100,3 100,4 100,6 100,4 100,3 100,6 100,4 100,3 100,6 100,1 Whole economy Public sector Private sector Real 97,1 98,5 96,6 96,7 97,8 96,7 97,2 98,9 96,0 100,5 100,7 100,5 100,4 100,7 100,5 100,4 100,7 100,2 Whole economy Public sector Private sector

Be individualij moni. Individual enterprises excluded.





Vidutinio mnesinio bruto darbo umokesio pokytis alies kyje pagal ekonomins veiklos ris 2011 m. III ketvirt
Changes in average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy by economic activity, III quarter 2011 Palyginti su ankstesniu ketviriu Against the previous quarter Procentais Per cent
5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 3,5 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,8 2,4 3,6

0,0 -1,0 -0,7 -0,7 -0,5 -0,5







-4,9 B N H J K R D P G E AS O M S C I L Q A F

Palyginti su atitinkamu prajusi met ketviriu Against the respective quarter of the previous year Procentais Per cent
10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -2,8 B

8,9 7,6 5,1 1,5 1,5 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,3 3,0 3,7 3,8

0,3 -1,1 E -0,7 R G




-1,2 N


Be individualij moni. Individual enterprises excluded.

Ekonomins veiklos rys pagal Ekonomins veiklos ri klasifikatori: Economic activities according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities:
ems kis, mikininkyst ir uvininkyst Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas Apdirbamoji gamyba Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas Vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas Statyba Didmenin ir mamenin prekyba; variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl remontas Transportas ir saugojimas Apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaug veikla Informacija ir ryiai Finansin ir draudimo veikla Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos Profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Administracin ir aptarnavimo veikla Vieasis valdymas ir gynyba; privalomasis socialinis draudimas vietimas moni sveikatos prieira ir socialinis darbas Menin, pramogin ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kita aptarnavimo veikla


Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and storage Accommodation and food service activities Information and communication Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Human health and social work activities Arts, entertainment and recreation Other service activities




Vidutinis darbuotoj skaiius ir vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis alies kyje pagal ekonomins veiklos ris 2011 m. III ketvirt
Average number of employees and average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy by economic activity, III quarter 2011
EVRK 2 red. EVRK 2 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys i j of them Vidutinis Vidutinis darbuotoj slyginis skaiius darbuotoj skaiius Average Average vyrai moterys number of number of males females employees employees in full-time units Vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis, Lt Average gross monthly earnings, LTL Visi dar- i j of them buotojai vyrai moterys All emmales females ployees Economic activity

I viso
A A01

1094869 26886

953556 464475 489150 2116,0 2283,3 1957,0 Total 24464 16513 Agriculture, forestry and 8020 1763,4 1844,9 1580,3 fishing Crop and animal production, hunting and related 6444 1711,4 1809,3 1534,5 service activities 1411 1909,3 1939,3 1798,0 Forestry and logging 165 1669,0 1700,3 1510,0 Fishing and aquaculture Mining and quarrying; 66966 2098,3 2382,0 1743,4 manufacturing 447 2379,2 2404,6 2250,3 Mining and quarrying 66519 2093,1 2381,4 1740,0 Manufacturing Manufacture of food products, beverages 18653 2000,6 2375,0 1680,8 and tobacco Manufacture of textiles; wearing apparel; leather 19049 1574,9 2138,6 1463,3 and related products 4373 1867,7 2288,6 1679,1 Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing 14158 1455,8 1994,2 1397,6 apparel Manufacture of leather 517 1592,6 1879,8 1435,6 and related products Manufacture of wood, paper and paper products; printing and 5838 1901,6 1928,8 1836,7 reproduction Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products

ems kis, mikininkyst ir uvininkyst Augalininkyst ir gyvulininkyst, mediokl ir susijusi paslaug veikla Mikininkyst ir medienos ruoa vejyba ir akvakultra

18229 7478 1179

16821 6639 1003

10446 5229 839

A02 A03 BC

Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas; apdirbamoji gamyba 168228 Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas Apdirbamoji gamyba 2767 165461

150707 2711 147996

83741 2264 81477


C1012 Maisto produkt, grim

ir tabako gamyba




C1315 Tekstils gamini gamy-

ba; drabui siuvimas (gamyba); odos ir odos gamini gamyba Tekstils gamini gamyba Drabui siuvimas (gamyba) Odos ir odos dirbini gamyba ir popierini gamini gamyba; leidyba ir spausdinimas

25890 6892 18118 880

22821 6333 15688 800

3772 1960 1529 283

C13 C14 C15

C1618 Medienos, popieriaus




C19 C20 C21

Kokso ir rafinuot naftos produkt gamyba Chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamyba Pagrindini vaist pramons gamini ir farmacini preparat gamyba gamini ir kit nemetalini mineralini produkt gamyba metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamyba




Manufacture of chemicals 1542 3419,4 3745,6 2733,7 and chemical products Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical 324 3922,3 5231,4 3173,8 preparations Manufacture of rubber and plastic products and other non-metallic 3444 2169,7 2268,1 1912,2 mineral products Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except 2129,3 2194,5 1838,4 machinery and equipment




C2223 Gumini ir plastikini




C2425 Pagrindini metal ir



DARBO UMOKESTIS EVRK 2 red. EVRK 2 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys i j of them Vidutinis Vidutinis darbuotoj slyginis skaiius darbuotoj skaiius Average Average vyrai moterys number of number of males females employees employees in full-time units Vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis, Lt Average gross monthly earnings, LTL Visi dar- i j of them buotojai vyrai moterys All emmales females ployees

EARNINGS Economic activity


Kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamyba Elektros rangos gamyba Niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamyba gamyba

3048 3914 5116 2305

2631 3650 4902 2150

1653 1666 3461 1345

Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical 978 2999,9 3513,1 2132,2 products Manufacture of electrical 1983 2041,0 2503,4 1652,6 equipment Manufacture of machinery 1441 2318,7 2418,5 2078,9 and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of transport 806 2233,1 2410,2 1937,4 equipment Manufacture of furniture; jewellery, musical instruments, toys; repair and installation of machinery 10026 2133,9 2317,8 1815,7 and equipment 7176 1963,0 2073,8 1807,2 Manufacture of furniture Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 3487 3030,2 3135,3 2709,7 supply Electric power generation, transmission and distri 3287,7 3406,1 2883,2 bution Electric power generation, transmission and distribution, Ignalina power 972 3050,8 3115,8 2793,4 station excluded Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains

C27 C28

C2930 Transporto rangos C3133 Bald gamyba; papuo-

al, juvelyrini dirbini, muzikos instrument, aisl gamyba; main ir rangos remontas ir rengimas Bald gamyba Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas Elektros energijos gamyba, perdavimas ir paskirstymas Elektros energijos gamyba, perdavimas ir paskirstymas be Ignalinos atomins elektrins

30704 19465

27375 17273

17350 10097

C31 D









Duj gamyba; dujinio kuro paskirstymas dujotiekiais Garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas Vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas Vandens surinkimas, valymas ir tiekimas Statyba Didmenin ir mamenin prekyba; variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl remontas Transportas ir saugojimas vimas




D353 E

Steam and air condi1468 2637,6 2737,8 2346,8 tioning supply Water supply; sewerage; waste management and 3274 1939,7 2002,4 1771,8 remediation activities Water collection, 1342 2124,2 2105,8 2181,1 treatment and supply 7862 1901,6 1918,3 1766,3 Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor 80756 1896,3 2135,6 1676,7 vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and 18849 2001,8 2004,4 1994,4 storage Transportation, ware13665 2063,4 2011,4 2259,4 housing Postal and courier 5185 1403,0 1769,0 1295,7 activities Accommodation and 16898 1257,1 1444,9 1204,9 food service activities Information and commu8301 3269,7 3614,7 2799,6 nication

12876 5684 84035

12053 5485 71875

8780 4143 64013

E36 F G

180156 82816 74721 8095 28021 22751

154894 71913 65208 6705 21589 19610

74138 53064 51544 1520 4690 11309

H4952 Transportas, sandliaH53 I

Pato ir pasiuntini (kurjeri) veikla Apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaug veikla Informacija ir ryiai



DARBO UMOKESTIS EVRK 2 red. EVRK 2 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys i j of them Vidutinis Vidutinis darbuotoj slyginis skaiius darbuotoj skaiius Average Average vyrai moterys number of number of males females employees employees in full-time units Vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis, Lt Average gross monthly earnings, LTL Visi dar- i j of them buotojai vyrai moterys All emmales females ployees

EARNINGS Economic activity

K K641 K65

Finansin ir draudimo veikla Piniginis tarpininkavimas Draudimo, perdraudimo ir pensij l kaupimo, iskyrus privalomj socialin draudim, veikla Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos Profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Moksliniai tyrimai ir taikomoji veikla Moksliniai tyrimai ir taikomoji veikla, finansuojama i biudeto

16489 10595

15061 10296

4438 2915

Financial and insurance 10623 3942,8 5531,9 3279,1 activities 7381 4095,3 5941,5 3366,2 Monetary intermediation Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social 1769 3933,1 5305,5 3455,8 security 4448 1969,8 2122,5 1760,1 Real estate activities Professional, scientific 17394 2750,9 3028,0 2514,1 and technical activities Scientific research and 2015 2627,5 2916,7 2402,0 development Scientific research and development financed 1689 2325,6 2650,1 2086,9 from budget Administrative and 14864 1689,5 1740,0 1619,6 support service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory 37232 2674,0 2763,8 2579,4 social security Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the 21107 2727,8 2940,5 2626,3 community Legislative and executive activities of central 3393 3691,4 4033,0 3506,2 administration institutions Provision of services to 12682 2668,9 2709,9 2576,2 the community as a whole Compulsory social 3443 2302,7 2295,1 2303,8 security activities General secondary 51162 2109,0 1880,7 2161,1 education Higher university 9457 2710,8 3147,8 2393,1 education Human health and social 69930 2192,3 2785,1 2079,2 work activities 58225 2322,9 2993,1 2192,6 Human health activities Residential care activities; social work activities 11705 1530,8 1619,9 1515,4 without accommodation Arts, entertainment and 12800 1603,2 1754,4 1526,3 recreation 5072 1826,4 2212,8 1629,4 Other service activities

2852 15480 41520 4351

2384 10554 32253 3587

615 6106 14860 1572

L M M72

3172 42032

2932 35429

1243 20564


Administracin ir aptarnavimo veikla Vieasis valdymas ir gynyba; privalomasis socialinis draudimas Valstybs valdymas ir bendroji ekonomin bei socialin bendruomens politika institucij statym leidiamoji ir vykdomoji veikla








O84116 Centrini administracini

5581 42970 4150 148390 69429 19343 95337 79728

5233 41352 3947 132300 62856 16332 83272 69546

1840 28669 504

O842 O843 P P8531

Bendruomenei teikiam paslaug utikrinimas Privalomojo (valstybinio) socialinio draudimo veikla vietimas Bendrasis vidurinis ugdymas mokslas

29928 102372 2009,2 2119,5 1976,9 Education 11694 6875 13342 11322

P85422 Auktasis universitetinis Q Q86

moni sveikatos prieira ir socialinis darbas moni sveikatos prieiros veikla veikla; nesusijusio su apgyvendinimu socialinio darbo veikla Menin, pramogin ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kita aptarnavimo veikla

Q8788 Kita stacionarin globos




23096 11518

19314 7659

6514 2586


Be individualij moni. Individual enterprises excluded. 2 National version of NACE Rev. 2. 78






PRICES FOR CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICES Vartotoj kain indeksas (VKI) santykinis rodiklis, kuriuo ireikiamas vartojimo preki ir paslaug, kurias nam kiai perka vartojimo poreikiams tenkinti, bendrasis kain pokytis per tam tikr laikotarp. VKI yra pagrindinis vartotoj infliacijos rodiklis. VKI skaiiuoti taikoma modifikuota Laspeireso formul. Laspeireso indeksas yra pastovi bazini svori indeksas. 2011 m. indekso svori bazinis laikotarpis yra 2008 m. Kain bazinis laikotarpis yra t-1 met gruodio mn. (t ataskaitiniai metai). Pagrindin informacin baz VKI skaiiuoti yra reprezentatyvij vartojimo preki ir paslaug kain registravimo atrinktuose vis nuosavybs form mamenins prekybos ir paslaug moni vietos vienetuose statistiniai duomenys ir nam ki biudet tyrimo statistiniai duomenys apie nam ki pinigines ilaidas vartojimo prekms ir paslaugoms sigyti. Statistikos departamentas kasmet periri svori sistem, naudojam VKI skaiiuoti, ir j atnaujina, atsivelgdamas vartotoj pinigini ilaid struktros pasikeitimus. VKI svori sistema pagrsta 2008 m. (svori bazinis laikotarpis) nam ki biudet pinigini vartojimo ilaid statistinio tyrimo duomenimis ir pramons, vidaus ir usienio prekybos, transporto ir paslaug, energetikos statistikos, taip pat kit institucij informacija. Taip pat svori sistemai parengti buvo panaudota 2010 m. statistin informacija. Kain bazinis laikotarpis yra 2010 m. gruodio mn., t. y. 2011 m. kiekvieno mnesio kainos lyginamos su io laikotarpio kainomis. VKI skaiiuoti naudojama Laspeireso formul, pagal kuri svori ir kain bazini laikotarpi duomenys turi bti suderinti. Todl 2008 m. duomenys apie pinigines vartojimo ilaidas, naudojant atitinkamus kain indeksus, buvo atnaujinti iki 2010 m. gruodio mn. ir parengta svori sistema 2011 m. VKI skaiiuoti. Svoriai skaiiavimams naudojami penki enkl po kablelio tikslumu. Dabartin svori sistema apima 514 nam ki pinigini vartojimo ilaid elementarij visum. ios vartojimo ilaid elementariosios visumos toliau detalizuojamos naudojant papildomus statistins informacijos altinius (kit statistikos srii ir institucij) iki reprezentatyvij preki ir paslaug lygmens. VKI nam ki vartojimo preki ir paslaug elementarisias visumas reprezentuoja 889 vartojimo preki ir paslaug (2010 m. 870). Pradedant 2006 m. sausio mn. VKI skaiiuoti buvo pakeistas kain indekso bazinis laikotarpis. VKI skaiiuojamas remiantis indekso 2005 m. (2005 m. = 100) baziniu laikotarpiu. Metin infliacija ataskaitinio mnesio ir prajusi met atitinkamo mnesio vidutinio kain lygio santykinis pokytis. Vidutin metin infliacija dvylikos paskutini mnesi ir atitinkam ankstesni dvylikos mnesi vidutinio kain lygio santykinis pokytis. Reguliuojam kain VKI yra subindeksas, kuris parodo VKI aprpiai priklausani vartojimo preki ir paslaug kain, kurias reguliuoja valstybs ir savivaldybi institucijos, pokyt. Ilaid vartojimo prekms ir paslaugoms, kuri kainas reguliuoja valstybs ir savivaldybi institucijos, lyginamasis svoris 2011 m. VKI svori sistemoje sudaro 14,9 procento. 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., vartojimo preki ir paslaug kainos padidjo 0,2 procento. Bendrajam vartotoj kain pokyiui didiausi tak turjo pabrang maisto produktai ir nealkoholiniai grimai, bsto, vandens, elektros, duj ir kito kuro grups preks ir paslaugos ir atpig drabuiai ir avalyn, transporto preks ir paslaugos. Vartojimo preki kainos 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., padidjo 0,3 procento, paslaug kainos beveik nepasikeit. Didiausi tak maisto produkt ir nealkoholini grim mnesiniam kain pokyiui turjo 22,6 procento pabrangusios vaisins darovs (agurkai, pomidorai, saldiosios paprikos), 2,1 uvys ir j produktai, 1,5 druska, prieskoniai, padaai ir kiti maisto produktai, 0,8 cukrus, uogien, medus, okoladas ir saldumynai, 1,1 mineraliniai vandenys, gaivieji grimai ir sultys bei 0,3 procento atpigusi msa ir jos produktai, 12,2 svognins darovs, 0,5 vaisiai ir uogos, 6,6 akniavaisiai (morkos, burokliai), 1 procentu kiauiniai.





Bsto, vandens, elektros, duj ir kito kuro grups preki ir paslaug kain padidjim lm 2,2 procento pabrangusi ilumos energija, 0,9 kietasis kuras, 0,7 bsto prieiros ir remonto mediagos ir paslaugos, 1,2 suskystintos dujos maistui gaminti ir 1,6 procento atpigusios bsto nuomos paslaugos. Drabui ir avalyns grups kain pokyiui tak dar dl sezonini nuolaid 1,6 procento sumajusios avalyns, 0,7 procento drabui kainos. Aprangos gamini ir reikmen kainos sumajo 0,6 procento, audini drabuiams padidjo 0,4 procento. Transporto preki ir paslaug kain pokyiui didiausi tak turjo 1,8 procento atpigs benzinas, 3,7 keleivinio oro transporto paslaugos, 0,6 procento suskystintos automobilins dujos ir 2,3 procento pabrang dyzeliniai degalai. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. metin infliacija sudar 4,4 procento. Metin kain pokyt lm pabrang maisto produktai ir nealkoholiniai grimai, bsto, vandens, elektros, duj ir kito kuro grups preks ir paslaugos, transporto preks ir paslaugos bei atpig drabuiai ir avalyn, poilsio ir kultros preks ir paslaugos. Vartojimo preks per metus pabrango 5,3 procento, paslaugos 1,5 procento. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. vidutin metin infliacija sudar 4,2 procento. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. metinis (2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn.) bendrasis valstybs ir savivaldybi institucij reguliuojam kain pokytis sudar 5,9 procento, vidutinis metinis 5,3 procento. 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., valstybs ir savivaldybs institucij reguliuojam kain mnesinis padidjimas siek 0,7 procento. Consumer price index (CPI) is a relative indicator reflecting the overall change in prices for consumer goods and services purchased by households to satisfy their consumption needs over a certain period of time. The CPI is the main indicator of consumer inflation. The modified Laspeyres formula is applied to calculate the CPI. The Laspeyres index is an index of fixed base weights. The reference period for 2011 index weights is the year 2008. The price reference period is December of the year t-1 (t reporting year). The registration of prices for representative consumer goods and services in selected retail and service outlets of different forms of ownership and statistical data on household monetary expenditure on consumer goods and services from a household budget survey are used as a basis for the calculation of the CPI. Statistics Lithuania annually revises the weighting system used for the calculation of the CPI and updates it taking into consideration changes in the structure of consumption expenditure. The weighting system for the CPI is based on the statistical data on household monetary consumption expenditure from the 2008 (weight reference period) statistical household budget survey and on the statistical information on industry, domestic and foreign trade, transport and services, energy statistics and other institutions, as well as available statistical information for 2010. The price reference period is December 2010, i.e. prices for each month of 2011 are compared with prices of this period. According to the Laspeyres formula, applied in the calculation of the CPI, weight and price reference periods data have to be consistent. Therefore, the data on monetary consumption expenditure for 2008 were updated by December 2010 using respective price indices, and a weighting system for the calculation of the 2011 CPI was developed. For the calculation, weights accurate to the fifth decimal place were used. The current weighting system covers 514 elementary aggregates of household monetary consumption expenditure. These elementary aggregates are further specified to the level of representative goods and services by use of additional sources of statistical information (information from other statistical areas and institutions). In the CPI, elementary aggregates of household consumption goods and services are represented by 889 goods and services (in 2010, by 870). Starting with January 2006, the CPI index reference period has been changed. Currently the index reference period used in the CPI compilation is the year 2005 (2005 = 100). Annual inflation shows the relative change in the average price level in the reporting month and the corresponding month of the previous year. Average annual inflation shows the relative change in the average price level in the last twelve months and the corresponding previous twelve months. CPI of administered prices is a CPI sub-index that shows the change in prices for consumer goods and services which fall within the CPI coverage and whose prices are administered by state and municipal authorities. In 2011, the specific weight of expenditure on consumer goods and services whose prices are administered by state and municipal authorities in the CPI weighting system makes up 14.9 per cent. 80



In November 2011, compared to October, prices for consumer goods and services increased by 0.2 per cent. The overall change in consumer prices was mainly influenced by an increase in prices for food products and non-alcoholic beverages, housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels group of goods and services, as well as by a decrease in prices for clothing and footwear, transport goods and services. In November 2011, against October, prices for consumer goods grew by 0.3 per cent, while prices for services remained almost unchanged. The change in prices for food products and non-alcoholic beverages was mostly influenced by an increase in prices for fruit vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet pepper) by 22.6 per cent, fish and its products 2.1 per cent, salt, spices, sauces and other food products 1.5 per cent, sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery 0.8 per cent, mineral waters, soft drinks and juices 1.1 per cent, as well as by a decrease in prices for meat and its products by 0.3 per cent, bulb vegetables 12.2 per cent, fruit and berries 0.5 per cent, tuber vegetables (carrot, beetroot) 6.6 per cent, eggs 1 per cent. The change in prices for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels group of goods and services was determined by an increase in prices for heat energy by 2.2 per cent, solid fuel 0.9 per cent, maintenance and repair of the dwelling 0.7 per cent, liquefied gas for cooking 1.2 per cent, as well as by a decrease in prices for actual rentals for housing by 1.6 per cent. The change in prices for clothing and footwear was influenced by a decrease due to seasonal discounts in prices for footwear by 1.6 per cent, clothing 0.7 per cent. Prices for articles of clothing and clothing accessories decreased by 0.6 per cent, while prices for clothing materials increased by 0.4 per cent. The change in prices for transport goods and services was mostly influenced by a decrease in prices for petroleum by 1.8 per cent, passenger transport by air 3.7 per cent, liquefied gas for cars 0.6 per cent, as well as by an increase in prices for diesel fuel by 2.3 per cent. In November 2011, the annual inflation stood at 4.4 per cent. The annual price change was determined by an increase in prices for food products and non-alcoholic beverages, housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels group of goods and services, transport goods and services, as well as by a decrease in prices for clothing and footwear, recreation and culture goods and services. Over the year, prices for consumer goods grew by 5.3 per cent, prices for services 1.5 per cent. In November 2011, average annual inflation stood at 4.2 per cent. In October 2011, the overall annual (October 2011, compared to October 2010) rate of change in prices administered by state and municipal authorities amounted to 5.9 per cent, average annual 5.3 per cent. In November 2011, compared to October, a 0.7 per cent increase in prices administered by state and municipal authorities was recorded.

Vartotoj kain pokyiai per mnes

Rates of change in consumer prices over a month Procentai Per cent

1,0 1 0,8 0,4 0,0 0 0,1

1,0 0,7 0,7 0,1 -0,1 0,2

-0,2 -0,4






Vartojimo preki ir paslaug kain pokyiai

Rates of change in prices for consumer goods and services Procentais Per cent
Vartojimo preki ir paslaug skyriai pagal COICOP Vidutiniai metiniai 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su COICOP divisions of consumer goods and services Average annual November 2011, compared to 20102011 11 lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 20092010 11 2010 2010 2011 November December October

Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos Maisto produktai ir nealkoholiniai grimai Alkoholiniai grimai ir tabako gaminiai Drabuiai ir avalyn Bstas, vanduo, elektra, dujos ir kitas kuras Bsto apstatymas, nam apyvokos ranga ir kasdien bsto prieira Sveikatos prieira Transportas Ryiai Poilsis ir kultra vietimas Viebuiai, kavins ir restoranai vairios preks ir paslaugos

4,2 8,3 1,1 -1,2 8,6

4,4 6,5 2,0 -1,5 10,1

3,6 5,2 1,7 -1,0 9,7

0,2 0,5 0,2 -1,0 0,9

Consumer goods and services Food and non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house Health care Transport Communication Recreation and culture Education Hotels, cafes and restaurants Miscellaneous goods and services

-0,5 0,8 8,4 -3,2 -1,5 0,4 1,8 0,7

1,3 -0,1 9,5 -1,1 -1,3 0,5 3,7 1,4

1,7 0,3 5,3 -1,8 -1,2 0,5 3,6 1,6

0,4 0,1 -0,4 -0,2 0,1 0,0 0,2 0,2

Maisto ir ne maisto preki bei paslaug kain pokyiai

Rates of change in prices for food and non-food goods and services Procentais Per cent
Vartojimo preki ir paslaug skyriai, grups ir klass pagal COICOP Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to
lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2010 2011 November December October COICOP divisions, groups and classes of consumer goods and services

Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos Maisto produktai ir nealkoholiniai grimai Maisto produktai Duona ir grd produktai Msa ir jos produktai uvis ir jos produktai Pienas ir jo produktai, sriai, kiauiniai Sviestas, aliejus ir riebalai Vaisiai ir uogos Darovs ir bulvs Cukrus, uogien, medus, okoladas ir saldumynai Druska, prieskoniai, padaai, kiti maisto produktai

100,0 26,6 24,4 4,9 7,1 1,5 3,8 1,1 1,4 1,9 1,7 1,0

4,4 6,5 6,0 7,0 3,1 14,7 9,7 14,6 0,2 -5,5 11,7 5,4

3,6 5,2 4,8 5,5 3,7 14,1 8,1 10,2 -3,6 -8,6 10,9 4,7

0,2 0,5 0,4 0,1 -0,3 2,1 -0,1 0,5 -0,5 4,4 0,8 1,5

Consumer goods and services Food and non-alcoholic beverages Food Bread and cereals Meat and meat products Fish and fish products Milk and milk products, cheese and eggs Butter, oils and fats Fruit Vegetables Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery Salt, spices, sauces and other food products





Vartojimo preki ir paslaug skyriai, grups ir klass pagal COICOP

Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights

2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to

lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2010 2011 November December October

COICOP divisions, groups and classes of consumer goods and services

Nealkoholiniai grimai Kava, arbata, kakava Mineraliniai vandenys, nealkoholiniai grimai ir sultys Alkoholiniai grimai ir tabako gaminiai Alkoholiniai grimai Spirituoti grimai Vynas, fermentuoti grimai Alus Tabako gaminiai Drabuiai ir avalyn Drabuiai ir j prieira Avalyn, jos taisymas Bstas, vanduo, elektra, dujos ir kitas kuras Bsto nuomos mokesiai Bsto prieira ir remontas Vandentieka ir kitos vairios su bstu susijusios paslaugos Vandentieka Atliek rinkimas Elektra, dujos ir kitas kuras Elektra Dujos Kietasis kuras ilumin energija Bsto apstatymas, nam apyvokos ranga ir kasdien bsto prieira Baldai ir bsto apstatymo reikmenys, kilimai ir kitos grind dangos Nam kio tekstil Nam kio prietaisai Stiklo dirbiniai, stalo reikmenys ir nam kio rykai Nam ir sodo rankiai bei rengimai Preks ir paslaugos prastinei nam kio prieirai Sveikatos prieira Medicinos gaminiai, aparatai ir ranga Paslaugos ambulatoriniams pacientams Transportas Transporto priemoni sigijimas Asmeninio transporto priemoni eksploatacija Transporto paslaugos

2,2 1,2 1,0 8,0 4,0 2,1 0,9 1,0 4,0 6,8 4,7 2,1 12,9 0,4 1,5 1,7 0,4 0,5 9,3 2,9 1,4 1,1 3,9 6,1 2,3 0,4 1,0 0,5 0,5 1,4 6,8 4,1 2,2 11,5 0,8 8,9 1,8

12,6 22,0 1,9 2,0 1,1 1,2 0,1 1,9 2,8 -1,5 -1,3 -2,0 10,1 0,5 2,6 1,4 6,7 -1,3 13,4 0,0 13,0 28,7 19,6 1,3 -0,4 1,5 -0,3 1,3 -1,1 5,9 -0,1 -1,0 1,9 9,5 -0,3 12,2 3,6

9,3 15,7 1,6 1,7 0,7 1,3 -0,8 0,6 2,6 -1,0 -0,7 -1,7 9,7 2,5 3,1 1,4 6,7 -1,3 12,5 0,0 9,1 27,3 19,2 1,7 0,2 1,3 0,7 1,3 -0,4 6,1 0,3 -0,4 1,7 5,3 -0,2 6,4 2,4

0,7 0,5 1,1 0,2 0,4 -0,7 0,3 2,8 0,1 -1,0 -0,7 -1,6 0,9 -1,6 0,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,1 0,0 0,4 0,9 2,2 0,4 0,8 -0,6 0,6 -0,2 0,1 0,3 0,1 0,1 0,2 -0,4 -0,1 -0,5 -0,1

Non-alcoholic beverages Coffee, tea, cocoa Mineral waters, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Alcoholic beverages Spirits Wine Beer Tobacco Clothing and footwear Clothing, care of clothing Footwear, repair of footwear Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels Actual rentals for housing Maintenance and repair of the dwelling Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling Water supply Refuse collection Electricity, gas and other fuels Electricity Gas Solid fuels Heat energy Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings Household textiles Household appliances Glassware, tableware and household utensils Tools and equipment for house and garden Goods and services for routine household maintenance Health care Medical products, appliances and equipment Out-patient services Transport Purchase of vehicles Operation of personal transport equipment Transport services





Vartojimo preki ir paslaug skyriai, grups ir klass pagal COICOP

Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights

2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to

lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2010 2011 November December October

COICOP divisions, groups and classes of consumer goods and services

Ryiai Poilsis ir kultra Garso ir vaizdo, fotografijos ir duomen apdorojimo renginiai Kiti poilsiui ir kultrai skirti pagrindiniai ilgalaikio naudojimo reikmenys Kiti poilsio reikmenys ir renginiai, gls ir sodininkysts reikmenys, preks ir paslaugos naminiams gyvnliams Poilsio ir kultros paslaugos Laikraiai, knygos ir ratins reikmenys Atostog ivykos vietimas Viebuiai, kavins ir restoranai vairios preks ir paslaugos

3,6 6,1 1,1 0,1

-1,1 -1,3 -12,2 3,2

-1,8 -1,2 -10,1 3,3

-0,2 0,1 1,8 0,0

Communication Recreation and culture Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment Other major durables for recreation and culture Other recreational items and equipment; flowers, gardens and pets Recreational and cultural services Newspapers, books and stationery Package holidays Education Hotels, cafes and restaurants Miscellaneous goods and services

1,2 2,0 0,8 0,9 1,7 4,9 5,0

3,0 2,3 0,5 -2,3 0,5 3,7 1,4

3,4 0,8 0,5 -2,0 0,5 3,6 1,6

-0,1 0,4 0,3 -2,4 0,0 0,2 0,2

Didiausi tak bendrajam kain pokyiui per mnes turjusios vartojimo preki ir paslaug klass pagal COICOP
COICOP classes of consumer goods and services which made the greatest impact on the total rate of price change over the month 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn. November 2011, compared to October
taka, procentiniais punktais Impact, percentage points

ilumos energija Darovs ir bulvs uvys ir j produktai Alus Duomen apdorojimo renginiai Baldai ir bsto apstatymo reikmenys

+0,095 Heat energy +0,071 Vegetables and potatoes +0,034 Fish and its products +0,026 Beer Information processing +0,020 equipment +0,019 Furniture and furnishings

Degalai ir tepalai Avalyn Drabuiai Msa ir jos produktai Atostog ivykos Spirituoti grimai

-0,060 Fuel and lubricants -0,033 Footwear -0,030 Clothing -0,023 Meat and its p oducts -0,022 Package holidays -0,014 Spirits

Suderintas vartotoj kain indeksas (SVKI) vartotoj kain indeksas, apskaiiuojamas pagal Europos Sjungos (ES) mastu suderint metodologij. Visos ES valstybs nars pagal 1995 m. spalio 23 d. Tarybos reglament (EB) Nr. 2494/95 skaiiuoja metodologikai suderintus vartotoj kain indeksus, kiekvien mnes juos skelbia ir pateikia Eurostatui. Skaiiuojant SVKI, nesiekiama atsisakyti VKI. Dauguma ES valstybi nari toliau skaiiuoja VKI savo nacionalinms reikmms. Statistikos departamentas gyvendino pagrindinius reikalavimus, metodus ir taisykles SVKI skaiiuoti. Skaiiuojamas indeksas yra palyginamas su ES valstybi indeksais. SVKI sudaromas taikant Individualaus vartojimo ilaid pagal paskirt klasifikatori, pritaikyt SVKI (angl. Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose adapted to the needs of HICPs COICOP/HICP). Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos klasifikuojamos 12 skyri, 39 grupes ir 91 klas. 84



SVKI yra Laspeireso tipo indeksas. Tai bazini pastovios struktros svori indeksas, rodantis tik kain pokyius. Laspeireso formul taikoma vis COICOP/HICP klasifikatoriaus lygmen ir bendrajam SVKI skaiiuoti. Elementariosios visumos kain indeksas apskaiiuojamas kaip kain aritmetini vidurki santykis. Sudarant SVKI naudojami trij tip baziniai laikotarpiai: svori, kain ir indekso. SVKI kain bazinis laikotarpis yra t-1 met (t ataskaitiniai metai) gruodio mnuo. Lietuvoje 2011 m. svori bazinis laikotarpis yra 2008 m. Svori ir kain baziniai laikotarpiai turi bti suderinti. Naudojant atitinkamus kain indeksus, bazinio laikotarpio svoriai atnaujinami iki ankstesni met gruodio mn., t. y. vertinami io mnesio kainomis. alies SVKI skaiiuoti naudojami tie patys statistiniai duomenys apie vartojimo preki ir paslaug mamenines kainas, kaip ir VKI. SVKI svori sistema rengiama remiantis VKI svori sistema ir pagal Eurostato taisykles ireikiama promilmis. Naujos SVKI svori sistemos pagrindas yra svori sistema, parengta 2011 m. VKI skaiiuoti. Pagal 1998 m. liepos 20 d. Tarybos reglament (EB) Nr. 1688/98, SVKI aprpia ne tik vis alies nuolatini gyventoj, bet ir institucini nam ki bei nenuolatini Lietuvos gyventoj ir lankytoj i usienio pinigines vartojimo ilaidas alies ekonominje teritorijoje. Todl be duomen altini, naudojam VKI svori sistemai parengti, papildomai naudojama mokjim balanso ir turizmo statistikos informacija, lankytoj i usienio ir nenuolatini Lietuvos gyventoj ilaidoms vertinti. SVKI vartojimo ilaidas reprezentuoja 887 reprezentatyviosios preks ir paslaugos. Dl skirting svori sistem pagal SVKI ir VKI apskaiiuoti infliacijos lygiai gali skirtis. Taiau j reikms skiriasi nedaug, nes VKI sudaryti diegiami tie patys metodai ir standartai, kaip ir SVKI. gyvendinant 2005 m. spalio 19 d. Komisijos reglament (EB) Nr. 1708/2005 dl SVKI bendrojo indekso bazinio laikotarpio, nuo 2006 m. sausio mn. pakeistas SVKI indekso bazinis laikotarpis. Pagal reglament bazinis laikotarpis yra 2005 m. (2005 m. = 100). Nuo 2011 m. sausio mn. Statistikos departamentas SVKI pradjo taikyti 2009 m. balandio 22 d. Komisijos reglamente (EB) Nr. 330/2009 nustatytus sezonini produkt vertinimo suderintame VKI minimaliuosius standartus. Pagal Eurostato rekomendacijas metinei ir vidutinei metinei infliacijai, mnesiniam ir kit laikotarpi kain pokyiui skaiiuoti naudojami SVKI, apskaiiuoti remiantis kain indekso 2005 m. baziniu laikotarpiu dviej enkl po kablelio tikslumu. Kain indeksai skelbiami dviej enkl po kablelio, infliacija ir kain pokyiai vieno enklo po kablelio tikslumu. Pastovi mokesi SVKI yra SVKI, skaiiuojamas ataskaitiniu laikotarpiu, ilaikant kain bazinio laikotarpio mokesi lyg. is indeksas leidia vertinti vartojimo prekms ir paslaugoms taikom netiesiogini mokesi dydi pasikeitimo tak infliacijai, skaiiuojamai pagal SVKI, ir parodo, kokia bt infliacija, jei netiesiogini mokesi dydiai nebt pasikeit. Pagal Eurostato metodik pastovi mokesi SVKI aprpia tiesiogiai su galutinio vartojimo ilaidomis susijusius mokesius. Lietuvoje pastovi mokesi SVKI aprpia pridtins verts mokest ir akcizus. Iankstiniais duomenimis, 2011 m. lapkriio mn. metin infliacija ES (2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn.) sudar 3,4 procento. Maiausiai per metus kainos padidjo vedijoje (1,1 %), Maltoje (1,5 %) ir Airijoje (1,7 %), daugiausia Slovakijoje ir Jungtinje Karalystje (po 4,8 %), Estijoje, Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje (po 4,4 %). 2011 m. lapkriio mn. vartotoj kainos ES (2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn.) padidjo 0,2 procento. Per mnes daugiausia kainos padidjo Lenkijoje 0,7 procento, Vengrijoje 0,6, Slovakijoje 0,5 procento, sumajo Maltoje 2,3 procento ir Nyderlanduose 0,2 procento. Pagal pastovi mokesi SVKI apskaiiuotas metinis (2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn.) vartotoj kain padidjimas Lietuvoje sudar 4,5 procento. Mnesinis (2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn.) vartotoj kain padidjimas sudar 0,2 procento. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. netiesiogini mokesi pasikeitimo taka metiniam vartotoj kain pokyiui sudar 0,1 procentinio punkto. Harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) is a consumer price index compiled according to a methodology harmonised across the European Union. Pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 2494/95 of 23 October 1995, all EU member states calculate harmonized indices of consumer prices, release them each month and submit to Eurostat. When introducing the HICP, no pressure has been exerted towards the abandonment of CPIs. Most of the EU member states go on with the calculation of the CPIs for their domestic purposes. Statistics Lithuania has implemented the principal requirements, methods and rules for the HICP calculation. Therefore, the index calculated by Statistics Lithuania is comparable with those calculated by other EU countries.




The HICP is compiled applying the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose adapted to the needs of HICPs (COICOP/HICP). Consumer goods and services are classified into 12 divisions, 39 groups and 91 classes. The HICP is a Laspeyres type index. It is an index of base weights with a stable structure showing price changes only. The Laspeyres formula is applied to calculate both the HICPs for all COICOP/HICP levels and the total HICP. The price index of an elementary aggregate is calculated as a ratio of arithmetic averages of prices. To compile the HICP, three types of reference periods weight, price, and index are used. The price reference period for the HICP is December of the year t-1 (t reporting year). In Lithuania, the weight reference period for 2011 is 2008. Weight and price reference periods have to be consistent. Using respective price indices, the weights of the reference period are updated to December of the previous year, i.e. are evaluated at the prices of the current month. The same statistical data on retail prices for consumer goods and services are used for the calculation of both the CPI and the HICP. The HICP weighting system is created based on the CPI weighting system and, in accordance with Eurostats rules, is expressed in per mille (). The basis for the new HICP weighting system is a weighting system created for the 2011 CPI compilation. Under Council Regulation (EC) No 1688/98 of 20 July 1998, the HICP encompasses not only monetary consumption expenditure of permanent residents of the country but also that of individuals living in institutional households, non-permanent residents and visitors from abroad within the economic territory of the country. Therefore, apart from the data sources used to prepare the CPI weighting system, data from the balance of payments and tourism statistics are used to estimate the expenditure of non-permanent residents and visitors from abroad. Consumption expenditure in the HICP is represented by 887 representative goods and services. Due to different weighting systems, the inflation rate calculated based on the CPI and that calculated based on the HICP may differ. However, the differences are insignificant, since for the compilation of the CPI the same methods and standards as for the HICP are used. Starting with January 2006, pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1708/2005 of 19 October 2005 as regards the common index reference period for the harmonized index of consumer prices, the index reference period for the HICP has been changed. According to the regulation, the reference period is now the year 2005 (2005 = 100). From January 2011, the Statistics Lithuania applies the minimum standards for the treatment of seasonal products in the Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) set in Commission Regulation (EC) No 330/2009 of 22 April 2009. According to Eurostats recommendations, for the calculation of annual and average annual inflation, monthly and other periods rates of change in prices, the HICPs calculated based on the 2005 index reference period (2005 = 100) accurate to two decimal places are used. Price indices are published accurate to two decimal places, inflation and rates of change in prices to one decimal place. The HICP at constant tax rates (HICP-CT) refers to the HICP computed in the reference period on the basis of prices at constant tax rates. This index facilitates measuring the impact of changes in indirect tax rates applied to consumer goods and services on HICP-based inflation estimates. The HICP-CT shows the inflation rate given unchanging indirect tax rates. Based on the Eurostats methodology, the said price index covers such taxes on consumer goods and services which are directly related to final consumption expenditure. In Lithuania, the HICP-CT covers the value added tax and excise duties. According to provisional data, annual inflation in the EU in November 2011, as compared to November 2010, stood at 3.4 per cent. The lowest annual increase in prices was observed in Sweden (1.1 per cent), Malta (1.5 per cent) and Ireland (1.7 per cent), while the highest in Slovakia and in the United Kingdom (4.8 per cent each), Estonia, Lithuania and Poland (4.4 per cent each). In November 2011, as compared to October, consumer prices in the EU increased by 0.2 per cent. Over the month, the largest increase in prices was observed in Poland by 0.7 per cent, Hungary 0.6 per cent, Slovakia 0.5 per cent, while prices in Malta decreased by 2.3 per cent, the Netherlands 0.2 per cent. The annual rate of increase in consumer prices (November 2011, against November 2010) calculated based on the HICP-CT in Lithuania amounted to 4.5 per cent. The monthly (November 2011, against October) rate of increase in consumer prices amounted to 0.2 per cent. In November 2011, the influence of changes in indirect taxes on the annual change in consumer prices amounted to 0.1 percentage points.





Vartojimo preki ir paslaug kain pokyiai

Rates of change in prices for consumer goods and services Apskaiiuoti pagal SVKI, procentais Calculated based on the HICP, per cent
Vartojimo preki ir paslaug skyriai Lyginamieji Vidutiniai pagal COICOP / HICP svoriai, metiniai Average Relative weights, annual 20102011 11 20092010 11 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November spalio mn. 2011 October COICOP / HICP divisions of consumer goods and services

Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos Maisto produktai ir nealkoholiniai grimai Alkoholiniai grimai ir tabako gaminiai Drabuiai ir avalyn Bstas, vanduo, elektra, dujos ir kitas kuras Bsto apstatymas, nam apyvokos ranga ir kasdien bsto prieira Sveikatos prieira Transportas Ryiai Poilsis ir kultra vietimas Viebuiai, kavins ir restoranai vairios preks ir paslaugos

1000,00 259,46 87,46 65,12 123,87

4,1 8,3 1,1 -1,2 8,6

4,4 6,5 1,9 -1,5 10,1

0,2 0,5 0,2 -1,0 0,9

Consumer goods and services Food and non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house Health care Transport Communications Recreation and culture Education Hotels, cafes and restaurants Miscellaneous goods and services

59,66 65,38 119,87 34,88 55,92 16,56 64,39 47,43

-0,5 0,8 8,3 -3,2 -1,4 0,4 1,6 1,3

1,3 -0,1 9,5 -1,1 -1,0 0,5 3,7 1,9

0,4 0,1 -0,4 -0,2 0,1 0,0 -0,1 0,3

Specialij vartojimo preki ir paslaug grupi kain pokyiai, apskaiiuoti pagal SVKI
Rates of change in consumer prices for goods and services of special groups calculated based on the HICP Procentais Per cent
Vartojimo preki ir paslaug specia- Vidutiniai metiniai 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su liosios grups Average annual November 2011, compared to 20102011 11 20092010 11 Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos, neskaitant energetini preki, maisto produkt, nealkoholini ir alkoholini grim, tabako gamini Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos, neskaitant energetini preki Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos, neskaitant energetini preki ir neapdorot maisto produkt Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos, neskaitant energetini preki ir sezonini maisto produkt Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos, neskaitant tabako gamini Energetins preks Maisto produktai, nealkoholiniai ir alkoholiniai grimai ir tabako gaminiai lapkriio mn. 2010 November spalio mn. 2011 October Consumer goods and services, excluding energy goods, food, nonalcoholic and alcoholic beverages and tobacco Consumer goods and services, excluding energy goods Consumer goods and services, excluding energy goods and unprocessed food products Consumer goods and services, excluding energy goods and seasonal food products Consumer goods and services, excluding tobacco Energy goods Food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages and tobacco Special groups of consumer goods and services

0,1 2,6

1,0 2,7

0,0 0,2




2,2 4,2 12,8

2,7 4,5 14,0

0,0 0,2 0,3








Specialij vartojimo preki ir paslaug grupi kain pokyiai, apskaiiuoti pagal pastovi mokesi SVKI
Rates of change in consumer prices for goods and services of special groups calculated based on the HICP-CT Procentais Per cent
Vartojimo preki ir paslaug specialiosios grups Vidutiniai metiniai 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su Average annual 20102011 11 20092010 11 November 2011, compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November spalio mn. 2011 October Special groups of consumer goods and services

Vartojimo preks ir paslaugos Preks Neapdoroti maisto produktai Apdoroti maisto produktai Pramonins ne energetins preks Energetins preks Paslaugos

4,2 5,1 5,2 7,1 -0,8 12,6 1,3

4,5 5,2 2,9 6,5 -0,1 13,7 2,4

0,2 0,3 0,7 0,3 0,0 0,3 -0,1

Consumer goods and services Goods Unprocessed food products Processed food products Non-energy industrial goods Energy goods Services

Vartojimo preki ir paslaug kain pokyiai, apskaiiuoti pagal SVKI, ES valstybse

Rates of change in consumer prices for goods and services calculated based on the HICP in the EU States Procentais Per cent
Vidutiniai metiniai Average annual 20102011 11 20092010 11 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November spalio mn. 2011 October

ES 27 Airija Austrija Belgija Bulgarija ekija Danija Estija Graikija Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Kipras Latvija Lenkija Lietuva Liuksemburgas Malta Nyderlandai Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija Vengrija Vokietija

3,1* 1,1 3,4* 3,5 3,6 2,1 2,7 5,2 3,4 3,1 2,8 4,4 3,3 4,1 3,8 4,1 3,7 2,7 2,4* 3,5 2,2 6,2 3,8 2,1 3,3 1,5 4,0 2,4

3,4* 1,7 3,8* 3,7 2,6 2,9 2,5 4,4 2,8 2,9 3,7 4,8 4,0 4,0 4,4 4,4 4,0 1,5 2,7* 3,8 2,7 3,5 4,8 2,8 3,2 1,1 4,3 2,8

0,2* 0,0 0,1* 0,4 0,1 0,4 -0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 -0,1 0,2 0,1 -0,1 0,7 0,2 0,3 -2,3 -0,2* -0,1 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,0

EU 27 Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Greece Spain Italy United Kingdom Cyprus Latvia Poland Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal France Romania Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Hungary Germany





2011 m. lapkriio mn. pagal SVKI apskaiiuota vidutin metin infliacija ES valstybse
Average annual inflation calculated based on the HICP in November 2011 in the EU states
ES EU Airija Ireland vedija Sweden ekija Czech Republic Slovnija Slovenia Pranczija France Nyderlandai Netherlands Vokietija Germany Danija Denmark Malta Malta Italija Italy Ispanija Spain Kipras Cyprus Suomija Finland Austrija Austria Graikija Greece Belgija Belgium Portugalija Portugal Bulgarija Bulgaria Liuksemburgas Luxembourg Lenkija Poland Slovakija Slovakia Vengrija Hungary Latvija Latvia Lietuva Lithuania Jungtin Karalyst United Kingdom Estija Estonia Rumunija Romania
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1,1 1,5 2,1 2,1 2,2 2,4* 2,4 2,7 2,7 2,8 3,1 3,3 3,3 3,4* 3,4 3,5 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,1 4,4 5,2 6,2 7 3,1*

Procentai Per cent

Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 15 d.). Eurostats database (15 December 2011).





SVKI ir VKI skirtumai

Tikslas. SVKI naudojamas infliacijai ES matuoti ir tarptautiniams palyginimams, Europos vartotoj kain indeksui (apimamos 27 ES valstybs nars), pinig sjungos vartotoj kain indeksui (apimama 17 ES valstybi nari, priklausani euro zonai: Airija, Austrija, Belgija, Estija, Graikija, Ispanija, Italija, Kipras, Liuksemburgas, Malta, Nyderlandai, Portugalija, Pranczija, Slovakija, Slovnija, Suomija, Vokietija) ir Europos ekonomins erdvs vartotoj kain indeksui (apimamos 27 ES valstybs nars, Islandija ir Norvegija) skaiiuoti. VKI reikalingas infliacijos lygiui alyje matuoti. Tai pagrindin indeksavimo priemon. Aprptis. SVKI, be alies nuolatini gyventoj vartojimo ilaid, apima nuolat alyje negyvenani asmen ir lankytoj i usienio ilaidas alies ekonominje teritorijoje. VKI aprpia tik alies nuolatini gyventoj vartojimo ilaidas ekonominje teritorijoje. SVKI neapima nam ki ilaid loimams ir finansinio tarpininkavimo paslaugoms, VKI ias ilaidas apima. Svoriai. Dl skirtingos vartojimo ilaid aprpties skiriasi SVKI ir VKI skaiiavimo svori sistemos. Tai yra pagrindinis veiksnys, lemiantis skirtum tarp SVKI ir VKI reikmi. Klasifikatorius. VKI skaiiuoti naudojamas Individualaus vartojimo ilaid pagal paskirt klasifikatorius (angl. Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose COICOP). COICOP / HICP klasifikatorius yra pritaikytas SVKI skaiiuoti.

Differences between the HICP and the CPI Purpose. The HICP is an instrument for measuring inflation in the EU and making international comparisons, as well as for the calculation of the European index of consumer prices (covering 27 EU member states), the Monetary Union index of consumer prices (covering 17 EU countries comprising the euro area: Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Germany), and the European Economic Area index of consumer prices (covering 27 EU member states, Iceland and Norway). The CPI is used to measure the inflation rate in the country. It is the key instrument for indexation. Coverage. The HICP covers consumption expenditure incurred by residents of the country, non-residents and visitors from abroad within the economic territory of the country. The CPI covers consumption expenditure met only by the residents of the country within the economic territory of the country. The HICP does not cover expenditure of households on games of chance and financial intermediation services, while the CPI does cover them. Weights. Due to a different coverage of consumption expenditure, weighting systems used for the HICP and CPI calculation differ. This is the primary factor leading to differences in index values. Classification. For the calculation of the CPI, the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP) is used. The classification COICOP/HICP has been adjusted for the calculation of the HICP.






PRODUCER PRICES FOR INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain indeksas (GKI) santykinis rodiklis, kuriuo ireikiamas alies gamintoj pagamint ir Lietuvos ir ne Lietuvos rinkoje parduot pramons gamini bendrasis kain pokytis per tam tikr laikotarp. Pateikiama gamini pardavimo kaina be PVM ir akciz. Ne Lietuvos rinkoje parduoti gaminiai vertinami FOB kainomis, tai reikia, kad gamini kain skaiiuojamos Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje patirtos ilaidos, susijusios su gamini gabenimu. GKI skaiiuoti taikoma Laspeireso formul. Laspeireso indeksas yra pastovi bazini svori indeksas. Kain indeksas skaiiuojamas kaip reprezentatyvij gamini pardavimo kain santyki svertinis aritmetinis vidurkis, kaip svorius naudojant i gamini pardavimo apimt per metus vertine iraika. Skaiiuojami 3 atskiri gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain indeksai: pramons produkcijos, skaitant produkcij, parduot Lietuvos ir ne Lietuvos rinkoje, produkcijos, parduotos Lietuvos rinkoje, ir produkcijos, parduotos ne Lietuvos rinkoje. Atsivelgiant Europos Sjungos reikalavimus, GKI taip pat skaiiuojamas pagal penkias pagrindines pramons grupes: energetikos produktus, tarpinio vartojimo prekes, gamybos priemones, ilgalaikio vartojimo prekes, trumpalaikio vartojimo prekes. Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvos pramonje ypa keitsi rafinuot naftos produkt pardavimo apimtis ir kainos. ie pokyiai daugiausia lemia pramons produkcijos kain indeks. Dl to papildomai skaiiuojamas pramons produkcijos kain indeksas, neskaitant rafinuot naftos produkt. Pramons produkcijos kain pokyi tendencijai analizuoti tikslingiau bt naudoti kain indeksus, apskaiiuotus be rafinuot naftos produkt. Statistikos departamentas kiekvienais metais periri svori sistem, naudojam gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain indeksams skaiiuoti, atnaujina reprezentatyvij gamini ir moni, teikiani duomenis apie kainas, sraus. Nauja svori sistema 2011 m. GKI skaiiuoti pagrsta 2009 m. moni pramonini gamini pardavimo duomenimis, suklasifikuotais pagal Produkt, gamini ir paslaug klasifikatori (PGPK). Kain bazinis laikotarpis yra 2010 m. gruodio mn., t. y. 2011 m. kiekvieno mnesio kainos lyginamos su io laikotarpio kainomis. Pagal Laspeireso formul svori ir kain bazini laikotarpi duomenys turi bti suderinti. Todl 2009 m. duomenys apie parduot produkcij, naudojant atitinkamus gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain indeksus, buvo atnaujinti iki 2010 m. gruodio mn. Dabartin svori sistema apima 456 atrinktus PGPK kodus. i gamini kategorij (kod) parduota produkcija sudaro apie 90 procent visos 2009 m. parduotos pramons produkcijos apimties. 644 pramonin veikl vykdanios mons kiekvien mnes pateikia 1662 reprezentatyvij gamini kainas, i j 498 mons 1022 Lietuvos rinkoje parduodam gamini kainas ir 330 moni 640 ne Lietuvos rinkoje parduodam gamini kainas. Visos gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kainos 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., padidjo 0,5 procento. Bendrajam kain pokyiui didiausi tak turjo 1,5 procento pabrangusi rafinuot naftos produkt gamybos, 0,9 maisto produkt gamybos produkcija ir 0,7 procento atpigusi elektros, duj, garo tiekimo ir oro kondicionavimo, 1,4 medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus, gamybos, 6,4 procento pagrindini metal gamybos produkcija. Lietuvos rinkoje parduotos pramons produkcijos kainos per mnes (2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn.) beveik nepasikeit, nes kai kuri ri produkcijos brangim atsvr kit ri produkcijos pigimas. Didij dalimi tai lm pabrangusi maisto produkt gamybos (0,6 %), rafinuot naftos produkt gamybos (0,4 %), ir atpigusi elektros, duj, garo tiekimo ir oro kondicionavimo (0,7 %), kit nemetalo mineralini produkt gamybos (1 %), medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus (0,8 %), gamybos produkcija. I maisto produkt daugiausia pabrango uvys ir uv produktai (8,4 %), msa (2,4 %), pieno produktai (2,2 %), o atpigo ugardai ir pagardai (5,5 %), cukrus (3,3 %), paruoti valgiai ir patiekalai (3,2 %). Ne Lietuvos rinkoje parduotos pramons produkcijos kainos per mnes padidjo 0,9 procento. Didiausi tak kain pokyiui turjo 1,7 procento pabrangusi rafinuot naftos produkt gamybos, 1,3 procento maisto produkt gamybos produkcija ir 2 procentais atpigusi medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus, 7,8 procento pagrindini metal gamybos produkcija. Per metus (2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. spalio mn.) visos parduotos pramons produkcijos kainos padidjo 12,7 procento. Daugiausia pabrango alios naftos gavybos (33,2 %), rafinuot naftos produkt gamybos (27,5 %), chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamybos (18,7 %) produkcija, o atpigo spausdinimo ir rayt laikmen tiraavimo (3,9 %), tekstils gamini gamybos (2,6 %) produkcija.





Lietuvos rinkoje parduotos pramons produkcijos kainos per metus padidjo 10,8 procento. I Lietuvos rinkoje parduotos pramons produkcijos daugiausia pabrango alios naftos gavybos (30,9 %), rafinuot naftos produkt gamybos (29,4 %), chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamybos (20,5 %) produkcija, o atpigo niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamybos (4,6 %), variklini transporto priemoni, priekab ir puspriekabi gamybos (4,2 %) produkcija. Ne Lietuvos rinkoje parduotos pramons produkcijos kainos per metus padidjo 14,5 procento. Daugiausia pabrango alios naftos gavybos (34,4 %), rafinuot naftos produkt gamybos (27,1 %), chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamybos (18,6 %) produkcija, o atpigo metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamybos (3,2 %), tekstils gamini gamybos (3,1 %), drabui siuvimo (2,6 %), kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamybos (2,5 %) produkcija. Producer price index of industrial production (PPI) is a relative indicator reflecting the overall change in prices for industrial products manufactured in Lithuania and sold on the Lithuanian and non-Lithuanian markets over a certain period of time. Prices are recorded excluding the VAT and excise duties. Prices for products sold on the non-Lithuanian market are estimated at FOB (free on board) prices, i.e. transportation costs incurred on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania are included in product value. The Laspeyres formula is applied to calculate the PPI. The Laspeyres index is the index of fixed weights. The PPI is calculated as a weighted arithmetic mean of ratios of selling prices for representative products, taking the value terms of annual sales volumes of these products as weights. Three separate producer price indices of manufactured products of industry are calculated: for industrial production, including both sales on the Lithuanian market and non-Lithuanian market; for production sales on the Lithuanian market; and production sales on the non-Lithuanian market. Taking into account the requirements of the European Union, the PPIs are calculated by five Main Industrial Groupings: Energy products, Intermediate goods, Capital goods, Durable consumer goods, Non-durable consumer goods. Recently, Lithuanian industry has undergone substantial changes in the sales of refined petroleum products and prices thereof. These changes predetermine the price index of industrial production. Therefore, the price index of industrial production excluding refined petroleum products is calculated additionally. To analyze industrial production price trends, it is more appropriate to use price indices calculated without refined petroleum products. Each year Statistics Lithuania checks the weights used for the calculation of price indices of industrial production, renews the list of selected products and the list of enterprises providing data on prices. New weights used to calculate the PPI 2011 are based on industrial sales data for 2009, provided by enterprises and classified in compliance with the national products, goods and services classification (PGPK). December 2010 is the price base period, i.e. prices of each month of 2011 are compared with the prices of this period. In order to apply the Laspeyres formula, data on weights and prices in the base period need to be consistent. Therefore, applying respective producer price indices, data on sales in 2009 were updated to December 2010. The updated weights comprise 456 selected PGPK codes. The volume of production sold by the above-mentioned groups accounts for 90 per cent of the total industrial production sold in 2009. Each month 644 enterprises carrying out industrial activity provide prices for 1662 representative products, of which 498 enterprises provide 1022 producer prices for representative products sold on the Lithuanian market, and 330 enterprises 640 producer prices for representative products sold on the non-Lithuanian market. Over a month (November 2011, against October), producer prices for the total industrial production sold went up by 0.5 per cent. This was mostly influenced by a 1.5 per cent increase in prices for the production of the manufacture of refined petroleum products, 0.9 per cent production of the manufacture of food products, as well as by a 0.7 per cent decrease in prices for electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, 1.4 per cent manufacture of wood and wood products, except furniture, 6.4 per cent production of the manufacture of basic metals. Over a month, producer prices for industrial production sold on the Lithuanian market remained almost unchanged, since an increase in prices for some products was compensated by a decrease in prices for other products. This was mostly determined by an increase in prices for the production of the manufacture of food products by 0.6 per cent, manufacture of refined petroleum products 0.4 per cent, as well as by a decrease in prices for electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply by 0.7 per cent, manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 1 per cent, manufacture of wood and wood products, except furniture 0.8 per cent.





As for food products, the largest increase was observed in prices for fish and fish products by 8.4 per cent, meat 2.4 per cent, dairy products 2.2 per cent, while prices for condiments and seasonings decreased by 5.5 per cent, sugar 3.3 per cent, prepared meals and dishes 3.2 per cent. Prices for products sold on the non-Lithuanian market over a month grew by 0.9 per cent. This price rise was mostly influenced by an increase in prices for the production of the manufacture of refined petroleum products by 1.7 per cent, manufacture of food products 1.3 per cent, as well as by a decrease in prices for the production of the manufacture of wood and wood products, except furniture by 2 per cent, manufacture of basic metals 7.8 per cent. Over a year (November 2011, against November 2010), prices for the total industrial production sold grew by 12.7 per cent. The most noticeable increase was observed in prices for the production of the extraction of crude petroleum by 33.2 per cent, manufacture of refined petroleum products 27.5 per cent, production of the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 18.7 per cent, while prices for the production of printing and reproduction of recorded media dropped by 3.9 per cent, manufacture of textiles 2.6 per cent. Prices for products sold on the Lithuanian market over a year increased by 10.8 per cent. The most noticeable increase was observed in prices for the production of the extraction of crude petroleum by 30.9 per cent, manufacture of refined petroleum products 29.4 per cent, manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 20.5 per cent, while prices for the production of the manufacture of the machinery and equipment n.e.c. dropped by 4.6 per cent, production of the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 4.2 per cent. Prices for products sold on the non-Lithuanian market over a year went up by 14.5 per cent. The greatest price rise was observed in prices for the production of the extraction of crude petroleum 34.4 per cent, manufacture of refined petroleum products 27.1 per cent, manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 18.6 per cent, while prices for the production of the manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment, went down by 3.2 per cent, manufacture of textiles 3.1 per cent, manufacture of wearing apparel 2.6 per cent, manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 2.5 per cent.

Gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain pokyiai per mnes

Rates of change in producer prices for industrial production over a month Procentai Per cent
4 3,2 3 1,9 1,2 1 0,8 1,2 2,8 2,5 1,9 2,1 1,8 1,8 1,2 0,4 0 -0,1 -0,4 -1 -1,1 -2 XI 2010 XII I 2011 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI -0,9 1,1 0,3 1,2 0,5 0,2** 0,1** 0,5 0,0
Visos pramons produkcijos Total industrial production sold Lietuvos rinkoje parduotos pramons produkcijos Industrial production sold on the Lithuanian market






Gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain pokyiai

Rates of change in producer prices for industrial production sold Procentais Per cent
2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November gruodio mn. 2010 December spalio mn. 2011 October

Visa pramons produkcija iskyrus rafinuotus naftos produktus Lietuvos rinkoje parduota pramons produkcija iskyrus rafinuotus naftos produktus Ne Lietuvos rinkoje parduota pramons produkcija iskyrus rafinuotus naftos produktus

12,7 7,0 10,8 8,2 14,5 5,5

9,6 6,0 9,4 7,8 9,8 3,8

0,5 0,1 0,0 -0,1 0,9 0,2

Total industrial production sold excluding refined petroleum products Industrial production sold on the Lithuanian market excluding refined petroleum products Industrial production sold on the non-Lithuanian market excluding refined petroleum products

Gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain pokyiai pagal ekonomins veiklos ris
Rates of change in producer prices for industrial production by economic activity Procentais Per cent
EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Lygina- 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su mieji November 2011, compared to svoriai Relative 2010 weights Economic activity

lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November December October

BE BC B 06 08 C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Visa pramon Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas; apdirbamoji gamyba Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas alios naftos gavyba Kita kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas Apdirbamoji gamyba Maisto produkt gamyba Grim gamyba Tabako gamini gamyba Tekstils gamini gamyba Drabui siuvimas Odos ir odos dirbini gamyba Medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus, gamyba Popieriaus ir popieriaus gamini gamyba Spausdinimas ir rayt laikmen tiraavimas Rafinuot naftos produkt gamyba

100,0 84,1 0,8 0,3 0,5 83,3 16,7 2,7 0,1 1,3 1,9 0,1 2,7 1,1 0,8 29,8

12,7 13,1 15,1 33,2 4,7 13,1 5,5 2,1 3,0 -2,6 -1,4 5,6 1,7 2,8 -3,9 27,5

9,6 9,3 9,9 20,8 3,6 9,3 4,8 2,6 3,0 -2,9 -2,8 8,0 1,5 0,7 -3,9 18,1

0,5 0,7 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,7 0,9 0,1 0,0 -0,1 -0,5 -0,2 -1,4 -0,9 0,0 1,5

Total industry Mining and quarrying; manufacturing Mining and quarrying Extraction of crude petroleum Other mining and quarrying Manufacturing Manufacture of food products Manufacture of beverages Manufacture of tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel Manufacture of leather and related products Manufacture of wood and wood products, except furniture Manufacture of paper and paper products Printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of refined petroleum products






EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2

Lygina- 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su mieji November 2011, compared to svoriai Relative 2010 weights

Economic activity

lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November December October

20 21

Chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamyba Pagrindini vaist pramons gamini ir farmacini preparat gamyba Gumini ir plastikini gamini gamyba Kit nemetalo mineralini produkt gamyba Pagrindini metal gamyba Metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamyba Kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamyba Elektros rangos gamyba Niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamyba Variklini transporto priemoni, priekab ir puspriekabi gamyba Kit transporto priemoni ir rangos gamyba Bald gamyba Kita gamyba Main ir rangos remontas ir rengimas Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas





Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Manufacture rubber and plastics products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of electrical equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n. e. c. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture Other manufacturing Repair and installation of machinery and equipment Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Electricity power generation, transmission and distribution Distribution of gaseous fuels through mains Steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Water collection, treatment and supply Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery

0,3 2,8 1,5 0,4

-0,5 8,8 3,4 0,8

-0,5 7,2 2,6 -0,3

-0,1 0,2 -0,9 -6,4

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 D

1,6 1,2 0,7 0,8 0,3 0,7 3,9 0,7 1,6 14,8 7,3 3,7 3,8

-0,5 -1,0 -1,6 3,5 -0,3 1,5 1,3 0,6 0,2 11,4 0,2 24,1 21,0

0,3 -1,3 -2,2 4,4 0,4 1,4 0,1 0,8 0,6 11,7 0,5 25,0 20,6

0,4 0,8 -1,7 3,2 -0,2 0,3 -0,1 0,1 1,4 -0,7 -1,8 0,7 -0,1

35.1 Elektros energijos gamyba, perdavimas ir paskirstymas 35.2 Dujinio kuro paskirstymas dujotiekiais 35.3 Garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas E Vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas Vandens surinkimas, valymas ir tiekimas Atliek surinkimas, tvarkymas ir alinimas; mediag atgavimas

1,1 0,3 0,8

3,7 2,0 4,4

4,5 2,0 5,5

-0,7 0,2 -1,1

36 38

National version of NACE Rev. 2.





Lietuvos rinkoje parduotos pramons produkcijos kain pokyiai pagal ekonomins veiklos ris
Rates of change in producer prices for industrial production sold on the Lithuanian market by economic activity Procentais Per cent
EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Lygina- 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su mieji November 2011, compared to svoriai Relative 2010 weights Economic activity

lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November December October

BE BC B 06 08 C 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18

Visa pramon Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas; apdirbamoji gamyba Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas alios naftos gavyba Kita kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas Apdirbamoji gamyba Maisto produkt gamyba Grim gamyba Tekstils gamini gamyba Drabui siuvimas Odos ir odos dirbini gamyba Medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus, gamyba Popieriaus ir popieriaus gamini gamyba Spausdinimas ir rayt laikmen tiraavimas Rafinuot naftos produkt gamyba Chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamyba Pagrindini vaist pramons gamini ir farmacini preparat gamyba Gumini ir plastikini gamini gamyba Kit nemetalo mineralini produkt gamyba Pagrindini metal gamyba Metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamyba Kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamyba Elektros rangos gamyba Niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamyba Variklini transporto priemoni, priekab ir puspriekabi gamyba Kit transporto priemoni ir rangos gamyba Bald gamyba Kita gamyba Main ir rangos remontas ir rengimas

100,0 65,3 0,9 0,2 0,7 64,4 21,6 5,5 0,7 0,8 0,1 2,8 1,2 1,4 12,5 3,3

10,8 10,5 11,9 30,9 5,8 10,5 8,6 1,5 -0,9 3,3 0,0 3,3 3,4 -2,1 29,4 20,5

9,4 8,4 8,4 20,9 4,2 8,4 8,1 1,9 -0,9 0,7 2,8 2,6 1,8 -2,1 20,7 18,1

0,0 0,4 0,7 2,4 0,0 0,4 0,6 0,0 1,1 1,8 -0,8 -0,8 -1,8 0,0 0,4 1,3

Total industry Mining and quarrying; manufacturing Mining and quarrying Extraction of crude petroleum Other mining and quarrying Manufacturing Manufacture of food products Manufacture of beverages Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel Manufacture of leather and related products Manufacture of wood and wood products, except furniture Manufacture of paper and paper products Printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of refined petroleum products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Manufacture of rubber and plastics products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of electrical equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n. e. c. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture Other manufacturing Repair and installation of machinery and equipment

19 20 21

0,2 2,5 2,6 0,2

-1,2 8,6 2,8 10,3

-1,2 7,6 2,2 9,9

-0,3 0,1 -1,0 -0,1

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1,8 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,1 0,2 3,5 0,4 1,6

1,7 4,0 -1,8 -4,6 -4,2 -2,6 4,6 1,1 0,2

0,9 0,7 -4,1 -3,9 3,3 -2,6 1,5 1,6 1,0

0,0 -1,3 -2,2 2,2 -1,4 0,0 0,1 0,6 2,2





EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2

Lygina- 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su mieji November 2011, compared to svoriai Relative 2010 weights

Economic activity

lapkriio mn. gruodio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November December October

Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas

33,2 16,5 8,2 8,5

11,4 0,2 24,1 21,0

11,7 0,5 25,0 20,6

-0,7 -1,8 0,7 -0,1

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Electricity power generation, transmission and distribution Distribution of gaseous fuels through mains Steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Water collection, treatment and supply Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery

35.1 Elektros energijos gamyba, perdavimas ir paskirstymas 35.2 Dujinio kuro paskirstymas dujotiekiais 35.3 Garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas E Vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas Vandens surinkimas, valymas ir tiekimas Atliek surinkimas, tvarkymas ir alinimas; mediag atgavimas

1,5 0,7 0,8

0,3 2,0 -2,0

3,2 2,0 4,4

-0,1 0,2 -0,5

36 38

National version of NACE Rev. 2.

Gamintoj parduotos pramons produkcijos kain pokyiai pagal pagrindines pramons grupes
Rates of change in producer prices for industrial production by Main Industrial Grouping Procentais Per cent
Pagrindins pramons grups Lyginamieji svoriai 1 Relative weights 1 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November gruodio mn. 2010 December spalio mn. 2011 October

Main Industrial Groupings

Visa pramons produkcija Energetikos produktai Tarpinio vartojimo preks Gamybos priemons Ilgalaikio vartojimo preks Trumpalaikio vartojimo preks Lietuvos rinkoje parduota produkcija Energetikos produktai Tarpinio vartojimo preks Gamybos priemons Ilgalaikio vartojimo preks Trumpalaikio vartojimo preks Ne Lietuvos rinkoje parduota produkcija Energetikos produktai Tarpinio vartojimo preks Gamybos priemons Ilgalaikio vartojimo preks Trumpalaikio vartojimo preks

12,7 45,2 23,0 4,5 5,4 21,1 21,9 8,8 0,8 0,4 4,6 10,8 46,7 16,6 3,8 3,9 28,1 16,3 6,9 -0,4 4,6 6,8 14,5 43,9 28,0 5,0 6,6 15,6 27,2 9,9 1,6 -1,6 1,5

9,6 15,9 6,6 1,0 -0,4 4,1 9,4 14,0 5,8 -0,1 1,6 6,5 9,8 17,5 7,0 1,7 -1,4 0,6

0,5 0,8 -0,3 1,4 -0,2 0,8 0,0 -0,3 -0,3 1,2 0,2 0,6 0,9 1,8 -0,2 1,6 -0,3 1,0

Production of total industry Energy products Intermediate goods Capital goods Durable consumer goods Non-durable consumer goods Production sold on the Lithuanian market Energy products Intermediate goods Capital goods Durable consumer goods Non-durable consumer goods Production sold on the non-Lithuanian market Energy products Intermediate goods Capital goods Durable consumer goods Non-durable consumer goods

Remiantis 2007 m. birelio mn. 14 d. Komisijos reglamentu (EB) Nr. 656/2007, 38 skyrius pagal EVRK 2 red. Atliek surinkimas, tvarkymas ir alinimas; mediag atgavimas neeina pagrindines pramons grupes. Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 656/2007 of 14 June 2007, Division 38 according to NACE Rev. 2 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery is not included into the Main Industrial Grouping. 97




CONSTRUCTION PRICES Statybos snaud kain indeksas (SSKI) santykinis rodiklis, kuriuo ireikiamas naujos statybos statini snaud element (mediag, mechanizm darbo, darbo umokesio ir kt.) bendrasis kain pokytis per tam tikr laikotarp. SSKI skaiiuoti taikoma modifikuota Laspeireso formul. Laspeireso indeksas yra pastovi bazini svori indeksas. Kain indeksas skaiiuojamas kaip reprezentatyvij snaud element, kuri reikia atrinktiems statiniams pastatyti, kain santyki svertinis aritmetinis vidurkis. Statistikos departamentas kas penkeri metai periri svori sistem, naudojam statybos snaud kain indeksams skaiiuoti, atnaujina reprezentatyvij statini ir snaud element sraus. Nauja svori sistema 2011 m. SSKI skaiiuoti pagrsta 2010 m. statistiniais duomenimis apie atliktus darbus, nauj pastat statyb ir reprezentatyvij statini smatin dokumentacij. Kain bazinis laikotarpis yra 2010 m. gruodio mn., t. y. 2011 m. kiekvieno mnesio kainos bus lyginamos su io laikotarpio kainomis. Pagal skaiiavimams taikom Laspeireso formul, svori ir kain bazini laikotarpi statistiniai duomenys turi bti suderinti. 2010 m. statistiniai duomenys apie atliktus naujos statybos darbus ir reprezentatyvij statini snaud element vertes, naudojant atitinkamus kain indeksus, buvo atnaujinti iki 2010 m. gruodio mn. Dabartin svori sistema apima 16 vairios paskirties reprezentatyvij statini: 4 gyvenamuosius pastatus, po 2 administracinius, pramoninius ir prekybos pastatus, 3 tip ininerinius tinklus (iskyrus nuotek alinimo) ir vieno tipo nuotek alinimo tinklus, vien gatvs atkarp ir vien kelio ruo. Atskirai skaiiuojamas remonto kain indeksas. iam kain indeksui skaiiuoti atrinkti 4 pastatai. SSKI skaiiuoti atrinkti 143 snaud elementai. Kiekvienam tiriamosios nomenklatros snaud elementui priskirtas lyginamasis svoris, apskaiiuotas nuo bendros statinio verts. Statistiniam tyrimui atrinktos 195 statybos darbus vykdanios mons ir 81 prekybos mon, kurios kiekvien mnes pateikia apie 3500 kain. 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su rugsjo mn., statybos snaud kainos padidjo 0,9 procento. Mnesiniam kain pokyiui didiausi tak turjo padidjs darbo umokestis. Statybini mediag ir gamini kain pasikeitim daugiausia lm 1,3 procento pabrang vamzdiai, 0,7 bendrosios statybins mediagos ir vairi ri betonas ir miiniai, 0,6 apdailos mediagos, 0,2 metalo gaminiai. Medio gamini kainos spalio mn. sumajo 0,2 procento, elektrotechnini ir izoliacini mediag 0,1 procento. 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. spalio mn., statybos snaud kainos padidjo 5,1 procento. Metin kain pokyt lm per dvylika mnesi pabrangusios statybins mediagos ir gaminiai bei padidjs darbo umokestis. Daugiausia pabrango vairi ri betonas ir miiniai 5,7 procento, izoliacins mediagos 5,2, metalo gaminiai 5,1, elektrotechnins mediagos 5,0, betono ir gelbetonio gaminiai 4,4 procento. Construction input price index (CIPI) is a relative indicator reflecting the overall change in input prices for new construction cost components (materials, exploitation of construction machines and mechanisms, wages and salaries and other costs) over a certain period of time. The modified Laspeyres formula is applied to compile the CIPI. The Laspeyres index is an index of fixed base weights. The CIPI is calculated as a weighted arithmetic average of the ratios of the cost of representative construction inputs that are indispensable for building structures. Statistics Lithuania revises the weighting system used for the compilation of the CIPIs on a five-yearly basis, renews the lists of construction inputs by type of construction and representative inputs of construction cost. The new weighting system for the CIPI calculation in 2011 is based on statistical data on the amount of construction work carried out, construction of new buildings, as well as on data from representative structures cost estimation documentation for the year 2010.





The price base period is December 2010, i.e. in 2011 each months prices will be compared against this periods prices. According to the Laspeyres formula used for the CIPI compilation, statistical data on weights and prices in the base periods have to be consistent. Therefore, statistical data on construction work carried out and the value of representative structures input components for 2010 were updated to December 2010, using respective price indices. The recent weighting system covers 16 representative different-purpose structures: 4 residential houses, by two instances of office, industrial and trade buildings, 3 types of engineering systems (except wastewater pipelines) and one wastewater pipeline, as well as a segment of a street and a segment of a road. The price index of renovation is compiled separately. To calculate this index, 4 buildings have been selected. The nomenclature of inputs to calculate the CIPI consists of 143 cost items. Each cost item has its own relative weight derived from the overall estimation of the construction unit. The price survey covers 195 construction and 81 trade enterprises. Each month, about 3500 prices are reported. In October 2011, compared to September, construction input prices increased by 0.9 per cent. The monthly change in prices was mostly influenced by an increase in wages and salaries. A change in prices for construction materials and articles was mostly determined by a 1.3 per cent increase in prices for pipes, 0.7 per cent building materials and various kinds of concrete and mortar, 0.6 per cent finishing materials, 0.2 per cent metal products. In October, prices for wood products decreased by 0.2 per cent, electrical engineering and insulating materials 0.1 per cent. October 2011, compared to October 2010, construction input prices increased by 5.1 per cent. The annual price change was determined by an increase over twelve months in prices for construction materials and articles and in wages and salaries. The most noticeable increase was observed in prices for various kinds of concrete and mortar 5.7 per cent, insulating materials 5.2 per cent, metal products 5.1 per cent, electrical engineering materials 5.0 per cent, concrete and ferroconcrete products 4.4 per cent.

Statybos snaud kain pokyiai per mnes

Rates of change in construction input prices over a month Procentai Per cent
3 2,8

1 0,1 0 -0,3 -1 X 2010 XI XII I 2011 II III IV -0,4 -0,2 -0,3 0,2

1,0 0,6













Svoriai, naudojami statybos snaud kain indeksams skaiiuoti

Weights used for the calculation of the construction input price index
Statini tipai Lyginamieji svoriai, % Relative weights, % Types of construction units

Pastatai 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gyvenamieji Administraciniai Pramoniniai Prekybos Inineriniai statiniai Inineriniai tinklai (iskyrus nuotek alinimo) Nuotek alinimo tinklai Keliai ir gatvs 29,125 9,927 17,840 9,685 10,955 15,599 6,869

Buildings Residential Offices Industrial Trade Civil engineering structures Engineering system (except wastewater pipelines) Wastewater pipelines Roads and streets

Statybos snaud kain pokyiai pagal statini tipus

Rates of change in construction input prices by type of construction Procentais Per cent
2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su October 2011, compared to spalio mn. 2010 October gruodio mn. 2010 December rugsjo mn. 2011 September

Visi statiniai Gyvenamieji pastatai Negyvenamieji pastatai Administraciniai Pramoniniai Prekybos Inineriniai statiniai Inineriniai tinklai (iskyrus nuotek alinimo) Nuotek alinimo tinklai Keliai ir gatvs Be to, remontas

5,1 5,0 5,4 5,4 5,3 5,5 5,1 4,6 5,7 5,3 5,0

5,8 6,2 5,8 6,4 5,3 6,1 5,7 5,0 6,6 6,3 6,2

0,9 0,9 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 1,0 1,2 1,0 0,8 1,0

All structures Residential buildings Non-residential buildings Offices Industrial Trade Civil engineering structures Engineering system (except wastewater pipelines) Wastewater pipelines Roads and streets In addition, renovation

Pagrindini statybos snaud element kain pokyiai

Rates of change in construction input prices Procentais Per cent
2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su October 2011, compared to spalio mn. 2010 October gruodio mn. 2010 December rugsjo mn. 2011 September

Visos statybos snaudos Mediagos ir gaminiai Main ir mechanizm darbas Darbo umokestis ir pridtins ilaidos 100

5,1 3,7 4,5 8,3

5,8 3,2 4,4 11,7

0,9 0,5 0,1 1,9

Total construction input Materials and articles Machine and mechanisms labour Wages and salaries and overheads





EXPORT AND IMPORT PRICES Eksporto kain indeksas (EKI) santykinis rodiklis, kuriuo ireikiamas preki ir paslaug, kurias alies rezidentai parduoda usien, bendrasis kain pokytis per tam tikr laikotarp. Importo kain indeksas (IKI) santykinis rodiklis, kuriuo ireikiamas preki ir paslaug, kurias alies rezidentai perka i usienio, bendrasis kain pokytis per tam tikr laikotarp. Nuo 2006 m. sausio mn. Lietuvos statistikos departamentas pradjo skaiiuoti mnesinius eksportuot ir importuot preki kain indeksus. 2005 m. liepos 6 d. priimtas Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamentas (EB) Nr. 1158/2005, i dalies keiiantis Tarybos reglament (EB) Nr. 1165/98 dl trumpojo laikotarpio statistikos. Pagal reglament reikia skaiiuoti mnesinius importo kain indeksus, naudojant i moni surinktus duomenis apie kainas. Euro zonos alys importo kain indeksus turi skaiiuoti ir perduoti Eurostatui pagal Produkt pagal veiklos r klasifikatoriaus (Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) sekcijas ir skyrius (2 enkl lygiu), taip pat pagal pagrindines pramons grupes (PPG). Pirmasis IKI skaiiavimo ataskaitinis laikotarpis turi bti 2006 m. sausio mn., o indekso bazinis laikotarpis 2005 m. (2005 m. = 100). Siekiant patenkinti vartotoj poreikius, vietoj ketvirtini eksportuot preki vieneto verts indeks pradti skaiiuoti mnesiniai kain indeksai. Pagrindinis eksportuot preki kain indeks skaiiavimo informacijos altinis yra Lietuvos pramons produkcijos gamintoj, eksportuojani savo produkcij, duomenys apie pardavimo kainas. Pagrindinis importuot preki kain indeks skaiiavimo informacijos altinis importuojani Lietuvos moni duomenys apie pirkimo kainas. Papildomas statistini duomen altinis eksportuot ir importuot preki kain indeksams skaiiuoti yra usienio prekybos statistin informacija (Ekstrastatas ir Intrastatas) apie kiekvienos preks vert ir kiek. Verts ir kiekio santykis parodo tam tikro laikotarpio preks vieneto vert. i informacija naudojama vienari, technikai nesudting preki kain indeksams skaiiuoti. Eksportuojamos preks vertinamos FOB kainomis, tai reikia, kad preki kain skaiiuojamos Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje patirtos ilaidos, susijusios su preki gabenimu. Importuojamos preks vertinamos CIF kainomis, tai yra faktikai u prekes sumokta kaina, prie kurios pridedamos krovimo, transportavimo, draudimo ir kitos su preki gabenimu iki Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijos susijusios ilaidos. Eksportuot ir importuot preki kainos pateikiamos be PVM, akciz ir kit mokesi. EKI ir IKI skaiiuoti taikoma Laspeireso formul, t. y. naudojami pastovs baziniai svoriai. Svori ir kain bazinis laikotarpis yra t-1 (t ataskaitiniai metai). Bazins kainos ir svoriai keiiami kasmet. Nauja svori sistema 2011 m. EKI ir IKI skaiiuoti pagrsta usienio prekybos statistikos duomenimis apie 2010 m. eksporto ir importo apimt vertine iraika pagal visus CPA lygius. Ataskaitini met sausiokovo mn. EKI ir IKI skaiiuojami svoriais naudojant negalutinius 2010 m. usienio prekybos statistikos duomenis. Birelio mn. gavus patikslintus duomenis, svoriai tikslinami ir naudojami balandiogruodio mn. kain indeksams skaiiuoti. Taip pat perskaiiuojami sausiokovo mn. kain indeksai. Kain bazinis laikotarpis yra 2010 m., t. y. 2011 m. kiekvieno mnesio kainos lyginamos su io laikotarpio vidutinmis kainomis. Dabartin svori sistema eksportuot preki kain indeksui skaiiuoti apima 302 atrinktus CPA kodus, importuot preki kain indeksui skaiiuoti 658 CPA kodus. i kod eksporto ir importo apimtis sudaro atitinkamai 71 ir 92 procentus visos 2010 m. eksporto ir importo apimties. 330 moni kiekvien mnes teikia 640 eksportuot preki kain, 990 moni 3285 importuot preki kainas. Eksportuot preki kainos 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su rugsjo mn., padidjo 0,3 procento. Eksportuot preki kain pokyt per mnes lm padidjusios ems kio produkt (5,2 %) ir pagamint pramons produkt kainos. I pagamint pramons produkt bendrajam kain pokyiui daugiausia takos turjo padidjusios chemikal ir chemijos pramons gamini (1,4 %), rafinuot naftos produkt (0,3 %), variklini transporto priemoni (1,4 %) bei sumajusios maisto produkt (1,1 %), gumini ir plastikini gamini (1,2 %) kainos. Taip pat bendrajam kain pokyiui takos turjo 6,7 procento sumajusios atliek surinkimo, tvarkymo ir alinimo, mediag atgavimo produkcijos kainos. Importuot preki kainos per mnes sumajo 1,5 procento. Didiausi tak bendrajam importuot preki kain pokyiui turjo 3,9 procento sumajusios alios naftos ir gamtini duj (atitinkamai 3,7 ir 5,2 %), 3 procentais kit kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo produkt, 1,4 procento ems kio produkt kainos. I pagamint pramons produkt bendrajam kain pokyiui takos turjo padidjusios chemikal ir chemijos pramons gamini (0,4 %), maisto produkt (0,3 %), gumini ir plastikini gamini (0,5 %) kainos. Per metus (2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. spalio mn.) i eksportuot preki daugiausia pabrango alia nafta 41,6 procento, rafinuoti naftos produktai 30,8, chemikalai ir chemijos pramons gaminiai 27,2, o atpigo metalo gaminiai, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, 7,1, elektros ranga 2,1, kompiuteriniai, elektroniniai ir optiniai gaminiai 1,1 procento. Per metus i importuot preki daugiausia pabrango alia nafta ir gamtins dujos 33,9 procento, kiti kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo produktai 33,4, rafinuoti naftos produktai 28,6, o atpigo tabako gaminiai 7,8, kompiuteriniai, elektroniniai ir optiniai gaminiai 5,6, uvys ir kiti uvininkysts produktai 5,4 procento.




Export price index (EPI) is a relative indicator measuring the overall change in prices for goods and services sold by the residents of the country abroad over a certain period of time. Import price index (IPI) is a relative indicator measuring the overall change in prices for goods and services purchased by the residents of the country from abroad over a certain period of time. Since January 2006, Statistics Lithuania has calculated monthly export and import price indices. On 6 July 2005, Regulation (EC) No 1158/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 of the Council on short-term statistics was adopted. According to the said regulation, monthly import price indices are to be calculated using the data on prices provided by enterprises. In the euro area countries, import price indices are to be calculated and transmitted to Eurostat in compliance with the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA), by sections and chapters (a 2-digit level), as well as by Main Industrial Grouping (MIG). The first reporting period for the IPI calculation must be January 2006, while the index base period 2005 (2005 = 100). In order to satisfy user needs, the calculation of monthly export price indices instead of quarterly unit value indices has been started. The main source of information for the calculation of the export price index is the data on selling prices provided by the Lithuanian producers exporting their industrial production. The main source of information for the calculation of the import price index is the data on purchase prices provided by the Lithuanian importing enterprises. An additional source of information for the calculation of the EPI and IPI is foreign trade statistics (Extrastat and Intrastat). On the basis of these data, information about the value and quantity of each commodity is obtained. The ratio of these variables shows the unit value of a commodity over a definite period of time. This information is used to calculate indices for homogenous and low technical complexity goods. Exported goods are estimated at FOB (free on board) prices, i.e. transportation costs incurred on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania are included in the goods value. Imported goods are estimated at CIF (cost, insurance, freight) prices paid which additionally include transportation, loading, insurance and other costs related to the transportation of goods to the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Export and import prices are provided excluding VAT, excise duties and other taxes. The Laspeyres formula is applied to calculate the EPI and IPI. This means that fixed base weights are used to calculate the index number. The base period of weights and prices is t-1 (t reporting year). Base prices and weights are updated annually. New weightings used to calculate the EPI and IPI for 2011 are based on foreign trade statistics data for 2010 on exports and imports in value terms according to all levels of the CPA. The EPI and IPI for JanuaryMarch of the reporting year are calculated in weights using interim foreign trade statistics for 2010. In June, after receiving the revised data, weights are revised as well and used for the calculation of price indices for AprilDecember. Price indices for JanuaryMarch are also recalculated. The year 2010 is a base period of prices, i.e. prices of each month of 2011 are compared with the average prices of this period. Updated weightings for the compilation of the EPI comprise as many as 302 selected codes of the CPA, while for the compilation of the IPI 658 codes of the CPA. The volume of exports and imports by the above-mentioned codes accounts for, respectively, 71 and 92 per cent of the total exports and imports volume in 2010. As many as 330 enterprises monthly provide export prices for 640 items and 990 enterprises provide import prices for 3285 items. Export prices in October 2011, against September 2011, increased by 0.3 per cent. This price rise was determined by a 5.2 per cent increase in prices for products of agriculture, as well as by manufactured products of industry. As regards manufactured products of industry, the largest impact on the change in export prices was made by a 1.4 per cent increase in prices for chemicals and chemical products, 0.3 per cent refined petroleum products, 1.4 per cent motor vehicles, as well as by a 1.1 per cent decrease in prices for food products, 1.2 per cent rubber and plastics products. Export prices were also influenced by a 6.7 per cent decrease in prices for waste collection, treatment and disposal, materials recovery production. Over the month, import prices went down by 1.5 per cent. The overall change in import prices was mostly influenced by a 3.9 per cent drop in prices for crude petroleum and natural gas (respectively 3.7 per cent and 5.2 per cent), 3 per cent other mining and quarrying products, 1.4 per cent products of agriculture. As regards manufactured products of industry, the largest impact on the change in import prices was made by a 0.4 per cent increase in prices for chemicals and chemical products, 0.3 per cent food products, 0.5 per cent rubber and plastics products. Over the year (October 2011, against October 2010), the most noticeable increase in export prices was observed in prices for crude petroleum by 41.6 per cent, refined petroleum products 30.8 per cent, chemicals and chemical products 27.2 per cent, while prices for fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment, dropped by 7.1 per cent, electrical equipment 2.1 per cent, computer, electronic and optical products 1.1 per cent. Over the year, the most noticeable increase in import prices was observed in prices for crude petroleum and natural gas 33.9 per cent, other mining and quarrying products 33.4 per cent, refined petroleum products 28.6 per cent, while prices for tobacco products dropped by 7.8 per cent, computer, electronic and optical products 5.6 per cent, fish and other fishing products 5.4 per cent. 102



Eksportuot ir importuot preki kain pokyiai per mnes

Rates of change in export and import prices over a month Procentai Per cent
5 4,2 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 X 2010 XI XII I 2011 II III IV V VI VII -0,4 -1,2 -1,1 -1,5 -2,4 VIII IX X -0,5 -0,9 -1,5 0,8 2,5 1,4 1,3 1,3 0,7 3,2 2,7 2,2 1,7 1,0 2,7 3,0

Eksportuot preki Exported goods Importuot preki Imported goods

1,9 1,2 0,3 3,2

Kain pokyiai pagal pagrindines pramons grupes

Rates of change in prices by Main Industrial Grouping Procentais Per cent
Pagrindins pramons grups Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su October 2011, compared to spalio mn. 2010 October gruodio mn. rugsjo mn. 2010 2011 December September Main Industrial Grouping

Eksportuot preki Energetikos produktai Tarpinio vartojimo preks Gamybos priemons Ilgalaikio vartojimo preks Trumpalaikio vartojimo preks Importuot preki Energetikos produktai Tarpinio vartojimo preks Gamybos priemons Ilgalaikio vartojimo preks Trumpalaikio vartojimo preks 35,0 27,8 17,9 3,0 16,3 32,5 9,9 1,5 -1,7 4,3 16,6 7,0 0,8 -2,4 3,5 -3,5 -0,1 -0,1 -0,5 0,2 25,8 28,7 17,6 8,1 19,8 30,9 13,0 3,4 -2,0 4,0 15,4 6,9 3,3 -2,0 2,6 0,4 0,3 -0,1 0,4 -0,4

Exported goods Energy products Intermediate goods Capital goods Durable consumer goods Non-durable consumer goods Imported goods Energy products Intermediate goods Capital goods Durable consumer goods Non-durable consumer goods





Eksportuot preki kain pokyiai pagal ekonomins veiklos ris

Rates of change in export prices by economic activity Procentais Per cent
CPA Produktai pagal ekonomins veiklos (2008) r Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su October 2011, compared to spalio mn. 2010 October gruodio mn. 2010 December rugsjo mn. 2011 September Products by economic activity

I viso A 01 02 03 ems kio, mikininkysts ir uvininkysts produktai ems kio, mediokls produktai ir susijusios paslaugos Mikininkysts, medienos ruoos produktai ir susijusios paslaugos uvys ir kiti uvininkysts produktai; akvakultros produktai; uvininkystei bdingos paslaugos Pramons produktai Kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo produktai alia nafta ir gamtins dujos Kiti kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo produktai Pagaminti produktai Maisto produktai Grimai Tabako gaminiai Tekstils gaminiai Drabuiai Oda ir odos dirbiniai Mediena ir medienos gaminiai, iskyrus baldus Popierius ir popieriaus gaminiai Koksas ir rafinuoti naftos produktai Chemikalai ir chemijos pramons gaminiai Pagrindiniai vaist pramons gaminiai ir vaist preparatai Guminiai ir plastikiniai gaminiai Kiti nemetalo mineraliniai produktai Pagrindiniai metalai Metalo gaminiai, iskyrus mainas ir renginius Kompiuteriniai, elektroniniai ir optiniai gaminiai Elektros ranga

100,0 6,6 6,0 0,5

12,3 4,9 4,7 5,2

6,2 -2,9 -3,6 6,9

0,3 5,2 5,2 4,6

Total Products of agriculture, forestry and fishing Products of agriculture, hunting and related services Products of forestry, logging and related services Fish and other fishing products; aquaculture products; support services to fishing Products of industry Products from mining and quarrying Crude petroleum and natural gas Other mining and quarrying products Manufactured products Food products Beverages Tobacco products Textiles Wearing apparel Leather and related products Wood and products of wood, except furniture Paper and paper products Coke and refined petroleum products Chemicals and chemical products Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Rubber and plastics products Other non-metallic mineral products Basic metals Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Computer, electronic and optical products Electrical equipment

0,1 92,9 0,6 0,3 0,3 90,3 9,9 1,0 1,2 2,0 3,7 0,4 2,9 1,7 22,9 10,5 1,5 3,1 1,1 1,3 2,3 3,8 2,5

18,4 12,9 24,2 41,6 5,1 12,9 2,8 16,8 3,0 3,5 2,9 4,7 5,6 6,4 30,8 27,2 0,0 11,5 5,9 4,5 -7,1 -1,1 -2,1

18,4 7,0 12,4 21,5 2,3 6,8 0,8 11,0 3,0 2,7 2,1 15,9 3,9 3,7 15,3 12,6 0,0 9,5 2,5 6,4 0,3 -0,1 -2,1

23,4 0,0 2,0 3,5 -0,1 0,1 -1,1 0,1 0,0 -0,4 -0,3 -2,5 -0,1 -0,4 0,3 1,4 0,0 -1,2 3,7 -1,0 -1,5 -0,1 0,6

BE B 06 08 C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27





CPA Produktai pagal ekonomins veiklos (2008) r

Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights

2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su October 2011, compared to spalio mn. 2010 October gruodio mn. 2010 December rugsjo mn. 2011 September

Products by economic activity

28 29 30 31 32 D E

Niekur kitur nepriskirtos mainos ir ranga Variklins transporto priemons, priekabos ir puspriekabs Kitos transporto priemons ir ranga Baldai Kitos pagamintos preks Elektros energija, dujos, garas ir oro kondicionavimas Vandens tiekimas; nuotek valymo, atliek tvarkymo ir regeneravimo paslaugos Atliek surinkimo, tvarkymo ir alinimo paslaugos; mediag atgavimo paslaugos Informacijos ir ryi paslaugos

5,0 6,1 1,7 4,5 1,2 0,4

4,5 7,3 3,4 -0,9 2,8

4,6 4,2 2,2 -0,1 2,8

-0,7 1,1 0,2 0,0 0,0

Machinery and equipment n.e.c. Motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers Other transport equipment Furniture Other manufactured goods Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation services Waste collection, treatment and disposal services; materials recovery services Information and communication services






1,6 0,5




Importuot preki kain pokyiai pagal ekonomins veiklos ris

Rates of change in import prices by economic activity Procentais Per cent
CPA Produktai pagal ekonomins veiklos (2008) r Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su October 2011, compared to spalio mn. 2010 October gruodio mn. 2010 December rugsjo mn. 2011 September Products by economic activity

I viso A 01 02 03 ems kio, mikininkysts ir uvininkysts produktai ems kio, mediokls produktai ir susijusios paslaugos Mikininkysts, medienos ruoos produktai ir susijusios paslaugos uvys ir kiti uvininkysts produktai; akvakultros produktai; uvininkystei bdingos paslaugos Pramons produktai Kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo produktai Akmens ir rusvosios anglys (lignitas) alia nafta ir gamtins dujos Kiti kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo produktai

100,0 3,9 3,1 0,1

14,2 -1,9 -1,0 -3,9

8,1 -5,6 -4,2 -9,5

-1,5 -1,6 -1,4 0,3

Total Products of agriculture, forestry and fishing Products of agriculture, hunting and related services Products of forestry, logging and related services Fish and other fishing products; aquaculture products; support services to fishing Products of industry Products from mining and quarrying Coal and lignite Crude petroleum and natural gas Other mining and quarrying products

0,7 95,9 30,6 0,1 29,3 1,2

-5,4 14,9 33,9 27,0 33,9 33,4

-11,3 8,6 17,5 20,1 17,2 23,9

-2,9 -1,5 -3,8 2,3 -3,9 -3,0

BE B 05 06 08





CPA Produktai pagal ekonomins veiklos (2008) r

Lyginamieji svoriai Relative weights

2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su October 2011, compared to spalio mn. 2010 October gruodio mn. 2010 December rugsjo mn. 2011 September

Products by economic activity

C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 D E

Pagaminti produktai Maisto produktai Grimai Tabako gaminiai Tekstils gaminiai Drabuiai Oda ir odos dirbiniai Mediena ir medienos gaminiai, iskyrus baldus Popierius ir popieriaus gaminiai Koksas ir rafinuoti naftos produktai Chemikalai ir chemijos pramons gaminiai Pagrindiniai vaist pramons gaminiai ir vaist preparatai Guminiai ir plastikiniai gaminiai Kiti nemetalo mineraliniai produktai Pagrindiniai metalai Metalo gaminiai, iskyrus mainas ir renginius Kompiuteriniai, elektroniniai ir optiniai gaminiai Elektros ranga Niekur kitur nepriskirtos mainos ir ranga Variklins transporto priemons, priekabos ir puspriekabs Kitos transporto priemons ir ranga Baldai Kitos pagamintos preks Elektros energija, dujos, garas ir oro kondicionavimas Vandens tiekimas; nuotek valymo, atliek tvarkymo ir regeneravimo paslaugos Atliek surinkimo, tvarkymo ir alinimo paslaugos; mediag atgavimo paslaugos Informacijos ir ryi paslaugos Leidybos paslaugos

63,3 6,8 0,8 0,3 2,3 2,0 0,7 1,3 1,9 2,5 9,9 3,2 2,9 1,2 2,8 2,2 5,2 2,9 5,7 6,2 0,9 0,5 1,1 1,6

6,0 9,2 -0,7 -7,8 6,4 1,4 5,6 4,4 1,2 28,6 17,6 0,2 4,5 3,6 2,7 1,0 -5,6 0,5 4,8 2,1 6,0 0,6 -0,8

4,4 6,7 -0,9 -7,0 5,3 1,6 4,7 4,0 0,7 23,1 11,4 1,1 4,2 4,1 4,0 0,2 -4,4 -0,2 3,7 -0,2 8,1 -0,6 0,0

0,0 0,3 0,3 -0,1 -0,1 0,4 -0,3 -0,7 -0,4 0,3 0,4 0,0 0,5 0,6 -0,9 -0,4 -0,6 -0,4 0,0 -0,2 0,2 -0,1 0,7

Manufactured products Food products Beverages Tobacco products Textiles Wearing apparel Leather and related products Wood and products of wood, except furniture Paper and paper products Coke and refined petroleum products Chemicals and chemical products Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Rubber and plastics products Other non-metallic mineral products Basic metals Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Computer, electronic and optical products Electrical equipment Machinery and equipment n.e.c. Motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers Other transport equipment Furniture Other manufactured goods Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation services Waste collection, treatment and disposal services; materials recovery services Information and communication services Publishing services






0,4 0,2 0,2

-0,6 2,0 2,0

-1,6 5,9 5,9

-4,8 2,1 2,1

J 58






SERVICE PRODUCER PRICES kio subjektams suteikt paslaug kain indeksas (PKI) santykinis rodiklis, kuriuo ireikiamas kio subjektams suteikt paslaug bendrasis kain pokytis per tam tikr laikotarp. PKI apima paslaugas, teikiamas monms, valstybs ir savivaldybi institucijoms ir staigoms. PKI skaiiuoti taikoma Laspeireso formul, t. y. naudojami pastovs baziniai svoriai. Kain indeksas skaiiuojamas kaip reprezentatyvij paslaug kain santyki svertinis aritmetinis vidurkis, kaip svorius naudojant i paslaug pardavimo apimt per metus vertine iraika. Pagrindinis statistini duomen altinis PKI sudaryti yra atrinkt teikiani paslaugas Lietuvos moni statistiniai duomenys ir informacija apie suteikt paslaug ataskaitinio ketvirio vidutines mnesines kainas. Lietuvos statistikos departamentas, gavs statistinius duomenis apie vidutines mnesines kainas, apskaiiuoja vidutines ataskaitinio ketvirio kainas pagal paprasto aritmetinio vidurkio formul. Paslaug kainos pateikiamos be PVM. Statistins informacijos altinis svori struktrai parengti yra Lietuvos statistikos departamento Transporto ir paslaug statistikos skyriaus statistiniai duomenys apie ankstesniais metais suteikt paslaug pardavimo apimt vertine iraika be PVM pagal EVRK 2 red. lygius. Lietuvos statistikos departamentas kiekvienais metais periri svori sistem, naudojam PKI skaiiuoti, atnaujina reprezentatyvij paslaug ir moni, teikiani statistinius duomenis apie kainas, sraus. Kain bazinis laikotarpis yra ankstesni met ketvirtasis ketvirtis, t. y. ataskaitini met kiekvieno ketvirio kainos lyginamos su io laikotarpio kainomis. 2011 m. kain tyrimui buvo atrinktos 1093 paslaugas teikianios mons. Kiekvien ketvirt jos pateikia apie 12 000 kain. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su antruoju 2011 m. ketviriu, daugiausia 13,8 procento atpigo oro transporto paslaugos. Taip pat sumajo telekomunikacij 7,9 procento, krovini tvarkymo 6,3 procento paslaug kainos. Pabrango transportavimo vamzdynais 10,8 procento, darbinimo veiklos 2,9 procento paslaugos. Per metus, treij 2011 m. ketvirt, palyginti su tuo paiu 2010 m. ketviriu, labiausiai atpigo transportavimo vamzdynais 10,3 procento, telekomunikacij 10,2 procento paslaugos, o pabrango darbinimo veiklos 8,9 procento, krovininio keli transporto 5,2 procento paslaugos. Pato pagal pareigojim teikti universalisias paslaugas atliekamos veiklos kainos liko nepakitusios. Service Producer Price Index (SPPI) a relative indicator reflecting the overall change in prices for services provided to economic entities over a certain period of time. The SPPI covers services provided to enterprises, state and municipal authorities and institutions. In the calculation of the SPPI, a Laspeyres formula is applied, i.e. fixed base weights are used. The SPPI is calculated as a weighted arithmetic mean of the ratios of prices for representative services; in the calculation, annual sales of these services in value terms are used as weights. The main statistical data source for the calculation of the SPPI is statistical data and information on average monthly prices for services provided by the Lithuanian service enterprises sampled in the reference quarter. Having received statistical data on average monthly prices, Statistics Lithuania calculates average prices in the reference quarter according to a simple arithmetic mean formula. The price of a service is provided VAT excluded. The statistical data source for the compilation of a weighting system is statistical data on the sales of services in the previous year in value terms (VAT excluded) according to EVRK Rev. 2 (national version of NACE Rev. 2) levels provided by the Transport and Service Statistics Division of Statistics Lithuania. Statistics Lithuania annually revises the weighting system used for the calculation of the SPPI and updates the lists of representative services and enterprises providing statistical data on prices. The price reference period is the fourth quarter of the previous year, i.e. prices of each quarter of the reference year are compared with the prices in this period. In 2011, 1093 service enterprises were selected for the price survey. These enterprises quarterly provide data on about 12 000 prices.





In III quarter 2011, against II quarter 2011, the biggest price decrease (by 13.8 per cent) was observed for air transport services. Prices for telecommunications went down by 7.9 per cent, warehousing and storage 6.3 per cent. Transport via pipelines services grew in price by 10.8 per cent, employment activities services 2.9 per cent. Over the year (III quarter 2011, against III quarter 2010), the largest price decrease was observed for transport via pipelines services 10.3 per cent, telecommunications 10.2 per cent. Prices for employment activities services grew by 8.9 per cent, freight transport by road 5.2 per cent. Prices for postal activities under universal service obligation remained unchanged.

kio subjektams suteikt paslaug kain pokyiai pagal ekonomins veiklos ris
Rates of change in service producer prices by economic activity
EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys 2011 m. III ketv., palyginti su III Q 2011, compared to III ketv. 2010 III Q II ketv. 2011 II Q Economic activity

49.41 49.5

Krovininis keli transportas Transportavimas vamzdynais

5,2 -10,3 -2,4 -3,4 -1,4 -0,5 0,0 1,0 -10,2 -3,1

-4,3 10,8 -4,0 -13,8 -0,1 -6,3 0,0 -1,9 -7,9 0,0

Freight transport by road Transport via pipelines Sea and coastal water transport Air transport Warehousing and storage Cargo handling Postal activities under universal service obligation Other postal and courier activities Telecommunications Computer programming, consultancy and related activities Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals Legal and accounting activities Management consultancy activities Legal and accounting activities; management consultancy activities Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis Advertising and market research Employment activities Security and investigation activities Cleaning activities

50.1+50.2 Jr ir pakrani vandens transportas 51 52.1 52.24 53.1 53.2 61 62 63.1 Oro transportas Sandliavimas ir saugojimas Krovini tvarkymas Pato pagal pareigojim teikti universalisias paslaugas atliekama veikla Kita pato ir pasiuntini (kurjeri) veikla Telekomunikacijos Kompiuteri programavimo, konsultacin ir susijusi veikla Duomen apdorojimo, interneto serveri paslaug (prieglobos) ir susijusi veikla; interneto vart paslaug veikla Teisin ir apskaitos veikla Konsultacin valdymo veikla Teisin ir apskaitos veikla; konsultacin valdymo veikla Architektros ir ininerijos veikla; techninis tikrinimas ir analiz Reklama ir rinkos tyrimas darbinimo veikla Apsaugos ir tyrimo veikla Valymo veikla

0,4 4,3 -5,5 0,5 4,1 2,7 8,9 3,7 -6,7

1,6 -2,2 -3,5 -2,7 1,5 0,0 2,9 -1,1 -0,2

69 70.2 69+70.2 71 73 78 80 81.2


National version of NACE Rev. 2.






Informacija parengta remiantis atrankinio ketvirtinio moni pagrindini finansini rodikli tyrimo duomenimis. Tyrimas apima vis ekonomins veiklos ri (iskyrus ems kio ir finansinio tarpininkavimo) akcines ir udarsias akcines bendroves, valstybs ir savivaldybs mones ir kooperatines bendroves. tyrim netraukiamos individualiosios mons. Treij 2011 m. ketvirt buvo apklausta apie 6200 moni (12 %), kuri pajamos sudar daugiau kaip 80 procent vis moni pajam, darbuotoj skaiius apie 70 procent. Duomenys apie pelno (nuostolio) dyd perskaiiuoti visoms treij ketvirt veikusioms monms. Einamojo likvidumo koeficientas trumpalaikio turto santykis su trumpalaikiais sipareigojimais. Kritinio likvidumo koeficientas trumpalaikio turto, atmus atsargas, santykis su trumpalaikiais sipareigojimais. Bendrojo mokumo koeficientas nuosavo kapitalo santykis su visais sipareigojimais. siskolinimo koeficientas vis sipareigojim santykis su visu turtu. Manevringumo koeficientas trumpalaikio turto santykis su nuosavu kapitalu. Pelnas, nuostolis (-) prie apmokestinim mons prastins ir ypatingosios veiklos rezultatas. Jis apskaiiuojamas prie prastins veiklos pelno (nuostolio (-) pridjus pagaut ir atmus netekimus. Pelningumas pelno prie apmokestinim santykis su pajamomis u parduotas prekes ir paslaugas. Information has been compiled on the basis of a quarterly sample survey on the main financial indicators of enterprises. The survey population included public and private companies, state and municipal enterprises and cooperative partnerships of all kinds of economic activity except those engaged in agriculture and financial intermediation. Individual enterprises were not included. The sample covered over 6200 enterprises (12 per cent) whose turnover accounted for about 80 per cent of total turnover, the number of employees about 70 per cent. The data on profit (loss) value has been recalculated for the total population of active enterprises in III quarter 2011. Current ratio current assets to current liabilities ratio. Quick ratio current assets minus stocks to current liabilities ratio. Equity to total liabilities ratio. Total liabilities to total assets ratio. Asset/equity ratio current assets to equity ratio. Profit, loss (-) before taxes shows the result of normal activities and extraordinary items of the enterprise. It is calculated by summing up the profit (loss (-) from normal activities and the difference between extraordinary gains and losses. Profitability profit before taxes to sales ratio.





Likvidumo ir finansins rizikos koeficientai 2011 m. III ketvirt

Ratios of assets to liabilities, III quarter 2011
EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Einamojo likvidumo koeficientas Current ratio Kritinio likvidumo koeficientas Quick ratio Bendrojo mokumo koeficientas Equity to total liabilities ratio siskolinimo Manevrin- Economic activity koeficientas gumo koeficientas Total Asset / liabilities to equity ratio total assets ratio

I viso 02 03 B 06 08 C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mikininkyst ir medienos ruoa vejyba ir akvakultra Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas alios naftos gavyba Kita kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas Apdirbamoji gamyba Maisto produkt gamyba Grim gamyba Tabako gamini gamyba Tekstils gamini gamyba Drabui siuvimas Odos ir odos dirbini gamyba Medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus, gamyba Popieriaus ir popieriaus gamini gamyba Spausdinimas ir rayt laikmen tiraavimas Rafinuot naftos produkt gamyba Chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamyba Pagrindini vaist pramons gamini ir farmacini preparat gamyba Gumini ir plastikini gamini gamyba Kit nemetalo mineralini produkt gamyba Pagrindini metal gamyba Metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamyba Kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamyba Elektros rangos gamyba Niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamyba

1,50 4,70 1,04 2,93 5,78 1,85 1,52 1,34 0,95 1,88 2,18 1,56

0,98 3,46 0,86 2,26 5,30 1,12 0,94 0,85 0,64 1,06 1,17 0,80

1,47 7,12 0,96 2,38 6,17 1,34 1,04 0,87 0,83 1,44 1,58 1,11

0,40 0,12 0,51 0,30 0,14 0,43 0,49 0,54 0,55 0,41 0,39 0,47

0,58 0,55 0,86 0,68 0,66 0,70 1,00 1,14 0,92 0,89 1,03 1,00

Total Forestry and logging Fishing and aquaculture Mining and quarrying Extraction of crude petroleum Other mining and quarrying Manufacturing Manufacture of food products Manufacture of beverages Manufacture of tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel Manufacture of leather and related products Manufacture of wood and of products of wood, except furniture Manufacture of paper and paper products Printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of refined petroleum products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of electrical equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

1,34 1,47 1,15 1,97

0,72 1,03 0,91 1,46

0,53 0,78 0,66 2,13

0,65 0,56 0,60 0,32

1,23 0,90 1,04 0,80

17 18 19 20 21

1,77 1,25 2,40 0,75

1,24 0,76 1,80 0,33

2,76 0,88 1,21 0,02

0,27 0,53 0,45 0,98

0,47 0,95 0,83 41,92

22 23 24 25

1,95 1,76 2,15 2,07

1,12 0,90 1,29 1,06

0,88 1,08 1,03 1,51

0,53 0,48 0,49 0,40

1,16 1,41 1,15 0,92


27 28



MONI STATISTIKA EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Einamojo likvidumo koeficientas Current ratio Kritinio likvidumo koeficientas Quick ratio Bendrojo mokumo koeficientas Equity to total liabilities ratio

STATISTICS OF ENTERPRISES siskolinimo Manevrin- Economic activity koeficientas gumo koeficientas Total Asset / liabilities to equity ratio total assets ratio


Variklini transporto priemoni, priekab ir puspriekabi gamyba Kit transporto priemoni ir rangos gamyba Bald gamyba Kita gamyba Main ir rangos remontas ir rengimas

5,27 2,64 1,66 1,99 1,61 1,88

5,00 1,26 1,03 1,09 0,74 1,57

4,93 1,90 0,99 1,56 0,81 3,71

0,17 0,35 0,50 0,39 0,55 0,21

1,06 1,03 1,19 0,69 1,66 0,20

Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture Other manufacturing Repair and installation of machinery and equipment Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Water collection, treatment and supply Sewerage Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery Construction Construction of buildings Civil engineering Specialised construction activities Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

30 31 32 33

D 35 Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas E Vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas Vandens surinkimas, valymas ir tiekimas Nuotek valymas Atliek surinkimas, tvarkymas ir alinimas; mediag atgavimas Statyba Pastat statyba Ininerini statini statyba Specializuota statybos veikla Didmenin ir mamenin prekyba; variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl remontas Variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenin ir mamenin prekyba bei remontas Didmenin prekyba, iskyrus prekyb variklinmis transporto priemonmis ir motociklais Mamenin prekyba, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb Transportas ir saugojimas Sausumos transportas ir transportavimas vamzdynais Vandens transportas Oro transportas Sandliavimas ir transportui bding paslaug veikla Pato ir pasiuntini (kurjeri) veikla

1,58 1,35 1,31

1,17 1,02 1,10

5,31 8,22 5,15

0,16 0,11 0,16

0,15 0,08 0,21

36 37 38

1,85 1,72 1,89 1,52 1,66

1,36 1,12 1,04 1,20 1,17

1,29 0,63 0,52 0,73 0,82

0,44 0,61 0,66 0,58 0,55

0,82 1,66 1,90 1,47 1,47

F 41 42 43 G



















1,04 1,45 1,23 0,71 1,11 1,99 1,00

0,44 1,12 1,00 0,59 0,84 1,43 0,91

0,61 1,93 1,64 2,55 0,05 2,48 1,03

0,62 0,34 0,38 0,28 0,95 0,29 0,49

1,23 0,37 0,37 0,11 15,21 0,41 0,58

Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and storage Land transport and transport via pipelines Water transport Air transport Warehousing and support activities for transportation Postal and courier activities

H 49 50 51 52 53



MONI STATISTIKA EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Einamojo likvidumo koeficientas Current ratio Kritinio likvidumo koeficientas Quick ratio Bendrojo mokumo koeficientas Equity to total liabilities ratio

STATISTICS OF ENTERPRISES siskolinimo Manevrin- Economic activity koeficientas gumo koeficientas Total Asset / liabilities to equity ratio total assets ratio

I 55 56

Apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaug veikla Apgyvendinimo veikla Maitinimo ir grim teikimo veikla Informacija ir ryiai Leidybin veikla Kino film, vaizdo film ir televizijos program gamyba, garso raymo ir muzikos ra leidybos veikla Program rengimas ir transliavimas Telekomunikacijos Kompiuteri programavimo, konsultacin ir susijusi veikla Informacini paslaug veikla

1,21 1,75 0,94 1,63 1,38

0,74 0,99 0,62 1,37 0,98

0,51 0,52 0,51 1,48 1,16

0,66 0,66 0,66 0,40 0,46

0,54 0,36 1,04 0,62 0,96

Accommodation and food service activities Accommodation Food and beverage service activities Information and communication Publishing activities Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities Programming and broadcasting activities Telecommunications Computer programming, consultancy and related activities Information service activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Legal and accounting activities Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis Scientific research and development Advertising and market research Other professional, scientific and technical activities Veterinary activities Administrative and support service activities Rental and leasing activities Employment activities Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities Security and investigation activities Services to buildings and landscape activities Office administrative, office support and other business support activities

J 58 59

1,49 1,54 1,62 1,78 2,07 1,41 1,54 2,53

0,97 1,18 1,46 1,40 1,92 1,10 1,36 2,23

1,65 0,71 1,60 1,28 1,89 0,80 4,53 2,19

0,38 0,58 0,38 0,44 0,35 0,56 0,18 0,31

0,56 1,74 0,46 1,04 0,92 0,33 0,17 0,81

60 61 62 63

L 68 Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos M 69 70 Profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Teisin ir apskaitos veikla Pagrindini buveini veikla; konsultacin valdymo veikla Architektros ir ininerijos veikla; techninis tikrinimas ir analiz Moksliniai tyrimai ir taikomoji veikla Reklama ir rinkos tyrimas Kita profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Veterinarin veikla Administracin ir aptarnavimo veikla Nuoma ir iperkamoji nuoma darbinimo veikla Kelioni agentr, ekskursij organizatori, iankstinio usakymo paslaug ir susijusi veikla Apsaugos ir tyrimo veikla Pastat aptarnavimas ir kratovaizdio tvarkymas Administracin veikla, staig ir kit verslo moni aptarnavimo veikla







2,35 2,71 1,47 2,25 4,10 1,55 1,04 1,55

1,93 1,98 1,21 1,64 3,19 1,20 0,73 1,47

1,42 1,43 0,56 1,44 2,45 8,66 0,29 0,98

0,41 0,41 0,64 0,41 0,29 0,10 0,78 0,51

0,95 1,42 2,10 1,05 0,85 0,10 1,57 1,47


73 74 75 N 77 78 79

1,01 1,50 2,83

0,72 1,37 2,18

0,84 1,43 37,33

0,54 0,41 0,03

0,97 0,96 0,04

80 81 82








MONI STATISTIKA EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Einamojo likvidumo koeficientas Current ratio Kritinio likvidumo koeficientas Quick ratio Bendrojo mokumo koeficientas Equity to total liabilities ratio

STATISTICS OF ENTERPRISES siskolinimo Manevrin- Economic activity koeficientas gumo koeficientas Total Asset / liabilities to equity ratio total assets ratio

P 85 vietimas Q 86 87 88 R 90 91 92 93 95 moni sveikatos prieira ir socialinis darbas moni sveikatos prieiros veikla Kita stacionarin globos veikla Nesusijusio su apgyvendinimu socialinio darbo veikla Menin, pramogin ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Krybin, menin ir pramog organizavimo veikla Bibliotek, archyv, muziej ir kita kultrin veikla Azartini aidim ir layb organizavimo veikla Sportin veikla, pramog ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kompiuteri ir asmenini bei nam kio reikmen taisymas Kita asmen aptarnavimo veikla

3,23 1,52 1,53 1,14 0,28 1,01 2,13 1,57 1,98 0,47

2,81 1,28 1,28 0,98 0,10 0,83 1,76 1,49 1,69 0,35

3,13 1,26 1,26

0,24 0,44 0,44 0,11 3,37 0,32 0,61 0,04 0,47 0,37

0,69 0,45 0,45

Education Human health and social work activities Human health activities Residential care activities Social work activities without accommodation Arts, entertainment and recreation Creative, arts and entertainment activities Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities Gambling and betting activities Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities Repair of computers and personal and household goods Other personal service activities

x 2,13 0,64 21,86 1,11 1,68

x 0,13 0,74 0,01 0,93 0,06

1,57 1,09

1,03 0,63

0,76 0,50

0,57 0,67

1,89 1,09


National version of NACE Rev. 2.

Pelnas, nuostolis ir pelningumas

Profit, loss and profitability
EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2

Pelnas, nuostolis (-) prie apmokestinim, tkst. Lt Profit, loss (-) before taxes, LTL thous. III ketv. 2010 III Q II ketv. 2011 II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Pelningumas, % Profitability, % III ketv. II ketv. 2010 2011 III Q II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Economic activity

I viso 02 03 B Mikininkyst ir medienos ruoa vejyba ir akvakultra Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas alios naftos gavyba Kita kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas

1875853 3170178 2041223 31023 2850 33163 16910 16252 20661 6560 127629 109630 17999 32244 6994 51801 26020 25781

4,4 19,3 6,0 21,2 28,5 16,8

6,7 8,8 14,0 63,5 128,3 15,6

4,1 15,5 15,3 25,1 33,0 20,2

Total Forestry and logging Fishing and aquaculture Mining and quarrying Extraction of crude petroleum Other mining and quarrying

06 08



MONI STATISTIKA EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2


Pelnas, nuostolis (-) prie apmokestinim, tkst. Lt Profit, loss (-) before taxes, LTL thous. III ketv. 2010 III Q II ketv. 2011 II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Pelningumas, % Profitability, % III ketv. II ketv. 2010 2011 III Q II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Economic activity

C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Apdirbamoji gamyba Maisto produkt gamyba Grim gamyba Tabako gamini gamyba Tekstils gamini gamyba Drabui siuvimas Odos ir odos dirbini gamyba Medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus, gamyba Popieriaus ir popieriaus gamini gamyba Spausdinimas ir rayt laikmen tiraavimas Rafinuot naftos produkt gamyba Chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamyba Pagrindini vaist pramons gamini ir farmacini preparat gamyba Gumini ir plastikini gamini gamyba Kit nemetalo mineralini produkt gamyba Pagrindini metal gamyba Metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamyba Kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamyba Elektros rangos gamyba Niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamyba Variklini transporto priemoni, priekab ir puspriekabi gamyba Kit transporto priemoni ir rangos gamyba Bald gamyba Kita gamyba Main ir rangos remontas ir rengimas

734359 118757 56424 16193 19347 578

651104 87374 37831 26550 20503 -992

518723 131977 37436 19542 21796 717

5,7 4,8 14,2 7,5 7,8 2,9

4,4 3,4 9,6 10,6 8,3 -7,1

3,2 4,4 9,8 7,7 7,6 4,1

Manufacturing Manufacture of food products Manufacture of beverages Manufacture of tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel Manufacture of leather and related products Manufacture of wood and of products of wood, except furniture Manufacture of paper and paper products Printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of refined petroleum products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of electrical equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture Other manufacturing Repair and installation of machinery and equipment

26023 15705 2242 145566

20891 19991 16598 104828

22456 11361 3928 138116

4,4 7,3 2,0 11,5

3,1 7,7 11,4 5,8

3,6 4,8 3,1 6,9

17 18 19 20 21

21664 27404 18497 -271

9088 37543 16101 1102

-19961 29166 21887 -1869

28,0 4,6 5,3 -0,4

22,9 5,8 4,6 1,6

-33,8 4,7 5,1 -2,6

22 23 24 25

22278 10260 7142 15647

36503 19988 13443 15670

46331 12160 47228 28632

6,2 5,8 5,3 8,6

8,6 9,9 9,0 6,8

10,3 7,3 23,7 11,4


27 28 29

9222 2688 45320 12954 8130

13602 7025 53773 13310 29677

12550 3453 81255 11368 16173

9,9 2,3 7,0 12,8 4,3

10,7 9,3 7,3 11,6 12,2

10,5 5,2 10,5 9,9 6,1

30 31 32 33



MONI STATISTIKA EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2


Pelnas, nuostolis (-) prie apmokestinim, tkst. Lt Profit, loss (-) before taxes, LTL thous. III ketv. 2010 III Q II ketv. 2011 II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Pelningumas, % Profitability, % III ketv. II ketv. 2010 2011 III Q II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Economic activity

D 35 Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas -119592 E Vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas Vandens surinkimas, valymas ir tiekimas Nuotek valymas Atliek surinkimas, tvarkymas ir alinimas; mediag atgavimas Statyba Pastat statyba Ininerini statini statyba Specializuota statybos veikla Didmenin ir mamenin prekyba; variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl remontas Variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenin ir mamenin prekyba bei remontas Didmenin prekyba, iskyrus prekyb variklinmis transporto priemonmis ir motociklais






Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Water collection, treatment and supply Sewerage Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery Construction Construction of buildings Civil engineering Specialised construction activities Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

16510 -862 2960

21176 -647 -790

22720 1950 981

4,7 -0,8 22,0

5,2 -0,6 -8,5

5,6 1,8 9,1

36 37 38

14412 113104 -27768 104994 35877

22613 74085 -12544 37966 48663

19790 141327 7387 70050 63889

6,3 4,0 -2,6 9,7 5,7

7,9 2,9 -1,2 4,7 7,1

7,0 4,5 0,6 6,2 7,9

F 41 42 43 G






















Mamenin prekyba, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb 159073 Transportas ir saugojimas 316289

190961 381417 198202 18954 2381 159387 2492 19018 11429 7589

159162 311745 172144 -5743 8810 132445 4089 54812 34221 20591

2,7 8,8 7,5 26,0 9,1 9,5 -3,9 7,7 10,8 6,3

3,1 9,0 8,7 13,8 3,3 9,7 3,0 5,5 11,0 3,2

2,5 7,3 7,5 -3,9 11,9 7,9 5,0 13,6 25,4 7,6

Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and storage Land transport and transport via pipelines Water transport Air transport Warehousing and support activities for transportation Postal and courier activities Accommodation and food service activities Accommodation Food and beverage service activities

H 49 50 51 52 53 I 55 56

Sausumos transportas ir transportavimas vamzdynais 151790 Vandens transportas Oro transportas 39146 9541

Sandliavimas ir transportui bding paslaug veikla 118698 Pato ir pasiuntini (kurjeri) veikla Apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaug veikla Apgyvendinimo veikla Maitinimo ir grim teikimo veikla -2886 26162 11283 14879



MONI STATISTIKA EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2


Pelnas, nuostolis (-) prie apmokestinim, tkst. Lt Profit, loss (-) before taxes, LTL thous. III ketv. 2010 III Q II ketv. 2011 II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Pelningumas, % Profitability, % III ketv. II ketv. 2010 2011 III Q II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Economic activity

J 58 59

Informacija ir ryiai Leidybin veikla Kino film, vaizdo film ir televizijos program gamyba, garso raymo ir muzikos ra leidybos veikla Program rengimas ir transliavimas Telekomunikacijos Kompiuteri programavimo, konsultacin ir susijusi veikla Informacini paslaug veikla

97931 15380

136098 1747

125300 11374

8,1 9,9

11,9 1,6

10,9 9,4

Information and communication Publishing activities Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities Programming and broadcasting activities Telecommunications Computer programming, consultancy and related activities Information service activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Legal and accounting activities Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis Scientific research and development Advertising and market research Other professional, scientific and technical activities Veterinary activities Administrative and support service activities Rental and leasing activities Employment activities Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities Security and investigation activities Services to buildings and landscape activities Office administrative, office support and other business support activities

1195 -1305 54005 21695 6962 74632 12369 7457

5525 7809 96858 18631 5528 211165 791256 22010

582 -2858 101131 8377 6694 47526 141369 -3525

4,4 -3,8 7,4 10,1 17,6 12,4 1,8 7,1

16,5 14,8 14,4 8,4 11,6 28,2 79,2 14,9

1,8 -7,4 14,7 3,8 14,0 7,2 16,4 -2,7

60 61 62 63

L 68 Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos M Profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Teisin ir apskaitos veikla

69 70

Pagrindini buveini veikla; konsultacin valdymo veikla -12970 Architektros ir ininerijos veikla; techninis tikrinimas ir analiz Moksliniai tyrimai ir taikomoji veikla Reklama ir rinkos tyrimas Kita profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Veterinarin veikla Administracin ir aptarnavimo veikla Nuoma ir iperkamoji nuoma darbinimo veikla Kelioni agentr, ekskursij organizatori, iankstinio usakymo paslaug ir susijusi veikla Apsaugos ir tyrimo veikla Pastat aptarnavimas ir kratovaizdio tvarkymas Administracin veikla, staig ir kit verslo moni aptarnavimo veikla







11288 3126 -255 3007 717 40078 6877 6458

12138 1035 4559 9538 808 40973 9414 3968

29335 2197 8300 5708 223 85432 23842 5389

5,5 13,7 -0,1 7,2 19,1 5,9 5,1 9,3

6,3 5,1 1,6 16,8 24,0 5,7 6,7 6,2

14,6 10,0 3,6 11,6 8,8 10,6 18,1 7,9


73 74 75 N 77 78 79

4069 4907 10796

9802 4341 8389

17840 8321 12916

2,2 6,7 6,8

4,8 5,7 4,5

6,8 10,2 6,1

80 81 82









MONI STATISTIKA EVRK Ekonomins veiklos 2 red. rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2


Pelnas, nuostolis (-) prie apmokestinim, tkst. Lt Profit, loss (-) before taxes, LTL thous. III ketv. 2010 III Q II ketv. 2011 II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Pelningumas, % Profitability, % III ketv. II ketv. 2010 2011 III Q II Q III ketv. 2011 III Q

Economic activity

P 85 vietimas Q 86 87 88 R 90 91 92 93 95 moni sveikatos prieira ir socialinis darbas moni sveikatos prieiros veikla Kita stacionarin globos veikla Nesusijusio su apgyvendinimu socialinio darbo veikla Menin, pramogin ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Krybin, menin ir pramog organizavimo veikla Bibliotek, archyv, muziej ir kita kultrin veikla Azartini aidim ir layb organizavimo veikla Sportin veikla, pramog ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kompiuteri ir asmenini bei nam kio reikmen taisymas Kita asmen aptarnavimo veikla

-2371 11382 12476 -1102 8 2684 -674 689 5316 -2647

2445 18930 19675 -768 24 2915 -350 591 4629 -1956

3225 20486 20416 83 -13 13012 2389 1388 12090 -2854

-4,3 8,0 8,9 -73,4 21,1 1,7 -8,2 23,2 4,3 -11,2

3,5 11,4 12,0 -48,7 21,5 1,9 -5,3 20,6 3,8 -8,1

4,8 12,4 12,5 7,3 -13,5 6,8 19,5 38,7 8,2 -10,2

Education Human health and social work activities Human health activities Residential care activities Social work activities without accommodation Arts, entertainment and recreation Creative, arts and entertainment activities Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities Gambling and betting activities Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities Repair of computers and personal and household goods Other personal service activities

640 -2372

1009 -1162

2613 -292

2,8 -5,9

4,3 -2,7

9,5 -0,7


National version of NACE Rev. 2.





Duomenis apie augalininkysts produkt (iskyrus grdus ir raps sklas) supirkim pateik didmenins prekybos mons, akcins bendrovs ir udarosios akcins bendrovs, perdirbanios augalininkysts produktus. Duomenys apie gyvuli ir pauki supirkim ir skerdim gaunami atliekant itisin tyrim. Apklausiamos mons, turinios Valstybins veterinarijos tarnybos leidimus auginti gyvulius ir paukius, juos skersti, supirkti pien. moni sraas tikslinamas kiekvienais metais, remiantis Statistiniu kio subjekt registru. I skerdykl ir msos perdirbimo moni kiekvien mnes renkami duomenys apie gyvuli ir pauki supirkim bei skerdim pagal gyvuli ris, papildomai galvijus grupuojant grupes pagal ami ir lyt. Duomenys apie paskerstus gyvulius bei paukius pateikiami gyvuoju ir skerdenos svoriu. Duomenis apie grd, darovi, vaisi, raps skl, pieno, gyvuli, pauki supirkim ir kiauini pardavim teikia ems kio informacijos ir kaimo verslo centras. ems kio produkt supirkimo kain indeksas (PKI) ireikia ems kio produkt, pagamint Lietuvoje, realizuot vidaus rinkoje, suvartot vidaus poreikiams ar eksportuot kitas alis, supirkimo kain pasikeitim per tam tikr laikotarp. Kaina registruojama be pridtins verts mokesio. Itisiniu metodu apklausiamos visos perdirbimo, didmenins prekybos ir eksporto mons, superkanios i alies kinink ir ems kio bendrovi bei moni ems kio produktus. PKI skaiiuoti taikoma Laspeireso formul. Laspeireso indeksas yra pastovi bazini svori indeksas. iuo metu bazinis laikotarpis yra 2005 metai (2005 = 100), t. y. ataskaitini met kiekvieno mnesio kainos lyginamos su io laikotarpio kainomis. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn., 68 procentais padidjo vaisi supirkimas, 12 procent anktini augal supirkimas. Sumajo darovi ir bulvi supirkimas po 16 procent, jav 13 procent. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. tuo paiu laikotarpiu, pieno (perskaiiuoto bazin riebum) supirkimas padidjo 3 procentais. Parduota kiauini 21 procentu maiau, gyvuli ir pauki (gyvuoju svoriu) supirkta 0,3 procento maiau. Daugiausia supirkta skersti pauki 41,6 procento, galvij ir kiauli atitinkamai 33,8 ir 24,5 procento bendro kiekio. Natralaus riebumo pieno, kuriam netaikoma nuoskaita, kiekis sudar 95,7 procento bendro kiekio. 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., ems kio produkt supirkimo kainos padidjo 5,1 procento, nes gyvuli ir gyvulininkysts produkt supirkimo kainos padidjo 10,6 procento, o augalininkysts produkt sumajo 1,8 procento. Palyginti su 2011 m. spalio mn., ems kio produkt supirkimo kainos padidjo 1,8 procento, nes gyvuli ir gyvulininkysts produkt kainos padidjo 3,2 procento, o augalininkysts produkt kainos sumajo 0,2 procento. Data on purchase of crop production (except grain and rape seed) are provided by wholesale enterprises, public and private companies processing crop production. Data on purchase and slaughter of animals and poultry are obtained through a total survey. All enterprises holding permits of the State Veterinary Service to raise and slaughter animals and poultry, to purchase milk in bulk are surveyed. The list of enterprises is revised annually on the basis of the Statistical Economic Entities Register. Data on purchase of animals and poultry in bulk and slaughter of animals by species with detailed information on cattle (by age and sex) are collected monthly from slaughterhouses and meat processing enterprises. Data on slaughtered animals and poultry are presented in live and in carcass weight. Data on purchase of grain, vegetables and fruits, rape seed, milk, animals, poultry and on selling of eggs are provided by the Agri-Information and Rural Business Centre. The Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products (PPIAP) shows the change in producer prices for agricultural products produced in Lithuania, sold on the domestic market, consumed for internal needs or exported to other countries over a definite period of time. The price is registered without the value added tax. All manufacturing, wholesale trade and exporting enterprises that purchase agricultural products from Lithuanian farmers, agricultural companies and enterprises are covered by the survey. The Laspeyres formula is applied to calculate the PPIAP. The Laspeyres index is the index of fixed base weights. At present, the year 2005 is a base period (2005 = 100), i.e. monthly prices of the reference year are compared with the prices of that period. 118



In JanuaryNovember 2011, against the corresponding period of 2010, the purchase of fruit increased by 68 per cent, leguminous grain 12 per cent. The purchase of vegetables and potatoes went down by 16 per cent both, cereals 13 per cent. In JanuaryNovember 2011, against JanuaryNovember 2010, the purchase of milk (recalculated to the basic fat content) increased by 3 per cent. The number of eggs sold decreased by 21 per cent, while the purchase of animals and poultry (live weight) decreased by 0.3 per cent. The biggest share of animals purchased for slaughter was poultry 41.6 per cent, cattle and pigs 33.8 and 24.5 per cent respectively. Milk (actual fat content), to which deduction is not applied, made up 95.7 per cent of the total amount. In November 2011, as compared to November 2010, the PPIAP increased by 5.1 per cent, due to a 10.6 per cent price growth for purchase of animals and animal products and 1.8 per cent price drop for crop products. As compared to October 2011, the PPIAP increased by 1.8 per cent due to a 3.2 per cent price growth for animals and animal products and a price drop for crop products by 0.2 per cent.

ems kio produkt supirkimas sausiolapkriio mn.

Purchase of agricultural products, JanuaryNovember Tkst. ton Thousand tonnes
2010 2011 2011 m., palyginti su 2010 m., padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % 2011, compared to 2010, growth, drop (-), %

Javai Anktini augal grdai Bulvs Darovs Vaisiai Gyvuliai ir paukiai gyvasis svoris skerdenos svoris Natralaus riebumo pienas Pienas (perskaiiuotas bazin riebum) Kiauiniai, mln.

1797,9 9,3 50,9 50,8 23,6 214,3 138,3 1185,7 1421,8 400,1

1559,5 10,4 42,7 42,7 39,7 213,7 138,6 1219,0 1464,9 316,4

-13 12 -16 -16 68 -0,3 0,2 3 3 -21

Cereals Leguminous grain Potatoes Vegetables Fruit Animals live weight carcass weight Milk (actual fat content) Milk (3.4% fat and 3.0% protein content) Eggs, mill.

Supirkta ir paskersta gyvuli ir pauki pagal ris 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn.

Slaughter of animals by kind, JanuaryNovember 2011
Vienetai Gyvasis svoris, t 2011 m., palyginti su 2010 m., padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Share in total 2011, compared live weight, % to 2010, growth, drop (-), % Palyginti su visu gyvuoju svoriu, % Skerdenos svoris, t

Number of heads

Live weight, t

Carcass weight, t

Gyvuliai ir paukiai Galvijai vereliai iki met telyios nuo met buliai nuo 1 iki 2 met kiti buliai karvs

x 139621 2474 20309 44045 11420 61373

213693 72305 256 9623 22047 6217 34162

100 33,8 0,1 4,5 10,3 2,9 16,0

-0,3 -2 -1 -7 -2 -14 3

138586 34978 133 4841 11395 3229 15380

Animals Cattle calves heifers young bulls other bulls cows






Gyvasis svoris, t

Number of heads

Live weight, t

2011 m., palyginti su 2010 m., padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Share in total 2011, compared live weight, % to 2010, growth, drop (-), % Palyginti su visu gyvuoju svoriu, %

Skerdenos svoris, t

Carcass weight, t

Kiauls Avys ir okos Paukiai, tkst. viiukai broileriai kitos vitos kalakutai Triuiai

477005 2401 36623 35057 1180 386 493

52317 114 88955 81804 2149 5002 2

24,5 0,1 41,6 38,3 1,0 2,3 0,0

5 50 -2 0,7 -56 7 -4

37136 45 66426 61387 1332 3707 1

Pigs Sheep and goats Poultry, thous. chickens boiling fowl turkeys Rabbits

Supirkto pieno kokyb 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn.

Quality of purchased milk, JanuaryNovember 2011
Kiekis, t Amount, t Palyginti su visu kiekiu, % Riebal Share in the total amount, % kiekis, % Fat content, 2010 2011 % Baltym kiekis, % Protein content, %

Natralaus riebumo pienas netaikoma nuoskaita taikoma nuoskaita

1219017 1166205 52812

100,0 95,4 4,6

100,0 95,7 4,3

4,13 x x

3,27 x x

Milk (actual fat content) deduction is not applied deduction is applied

ems kio produkt supirkimo kain indeksai

Indices of producer prices of agricultural products
2011 m. III ketv., palyginti su III Q 2011, compared to III ketv. 2010 III Q II ketv. 2011 II Q 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011, compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November spalio mn. 2011 October

Bendrasis indeksas Augalininkysts produkt indeksas Javai Augalai, skirti perdirbti Bulvs Darovs Vaisiai Gyvuli ir gyvulininkysts produkt indeksas Gyvuliai ir paukiai (gyvuoju svoriu) galvijai kiauls avys ir okos paukiai Gyvulininkysts produktai natralus pienas Kiauiniai 120

113,8 114,3 128,2 134,0 88,4 82,5 117,7 113,5 115,1 129,3 104,0 105,7 121,1 112,1 112,7 112,0

88,5 74,9 82,0 94,0 46,1 56,3 41,8 96,1 98,6 101,4 95,7 103,1 100,5 94,1 92,8 103,5

105,1 98,2 101,9 112,0 70,0 76,2 71,2 110,6 118,9 114,7 121,7 105,0 121,7 104,7 104,5 108,1

101,8 99,8 99,9 101,2 90,9 93,8 296,6 103,2 104,7 104,1 104,6 99,3 106,4 102,1 101,9 104,1

Total index Total index of crop products Cereals Industrial crops Potatoes Vegetables Fruit Total index of animals and animal products Animals (live weight) cattle pigs sheep and goats poultry Animal products milk (actual fat content) eggs




Pramons veiklos rys klasifikuojamos pagal Ekonomins veiklos ri klasifikatori (EVRK 2 red.). Pramons veikl sudaro: kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas; apdirbamoji gamyba; elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas; vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas. Informacija parengta remiantis atrankinio mnesinio pramons mons veiklos tyrimo bei mons pramonini gamini gamybos tyrimo duomenimis. Imtis renkama i Statistinio kio subjekt registro veikiani moni srao. Pramons mons veiklos tyrimui sudaryta 2273 vienet imtis, reprezentuojanti kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo bei apdirbamosios gamybos ekonomins veiklos ris. Imties vienetas mon, stebjimo vienetas veiklos ries vienetas (VRV). Elektros, duj, garo tiekimo ir oro kondicionavimo, vandens surinkimo, valymo ir tiekimo ekonomins veiklos moni imtis sudaryta i 119 moni. Skelbiamas rodiklis pramons produkcija. Pramons produkcija tai pajamos (be PVM ir akciz) i pramonins veiklos pardavimo ir paslaug per ataskaitin laikotarp. Skaiiuojant pramons produkcijos pokyius naudojamas pramons produkcijos gamintoj kain indeksas. Mnesin pramons produkcijos apimtis apskaiiuota palyginamosiomis 2005 m. kainomis, pagal kurias skaiiuojami pramons produkcijos mnesiniai pokyiai bei indeksai. Skelbiama kitimo tendencija bei visos pramons produkcijos indeksai apskaiiuoti paalinus sezono tak. mons pramonini gamini gamybos tyrimui sudaryta 3344 vienet imtis. Imties vienetas mon, stebjimo vienetas mon. mons pramonini gamini gamybos tyrimas apima vis ri mones, kuri pagrindin veikla pagal ekonomins veiklos ri klasifikatori (EVRK 2 red.) yra kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas (B), apdirbamoji gamyba (C) ir kuri metin apyvarta didesn nei 0,2 mln. lit bei nepramonines mones, kuri pramonins veiklos metin apyvarta didesn nei 0,5 mln. lit. Taip pat tiriamos mons, kuri metin apyvarta yra maesn nei 0,2 mln. lit, taiau ios mons gamina svarbi alies kiui produkcij. Skelbiamas rodiklis visa monje pagaminta produkcija, skaitant ir produkcij, pagamint savo reikmms. 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., pramons produkcija (be PVM ir akciz) padidjo 1,5 procento. Kasybos ir karjer eksploatavimo bei apdirbamosios gamybos produkcija lapkriio mn. sumajo 0,3 procento. Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas bei apdirbamoji gamyba, iskyrus rafinuot naftos produkt gamyb, padidjo 2,2 procento. Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., padidjo 20,7 procento, vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas padidjo 1,9 procento. Industrial economic activities are classified according to the national version (EVRK Rev. 2) of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2). Industry covers: Mining and quarrying; Manufacturing; Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities. The information is prepared based on a monthly sample survey of industrial enterprises' activity and on the enterprises' production of commodities survey. The sample design is based on the list of operating economic entities included in the Statistical Business Register.





A sample comprising 2273 units representing mining and quarrying and manufacturing activities was made up for the industrial enterprises' activity survey. A sample unit an enterprise, an observation unit a kind of activity unit (KAU). A sample of enterprises engaged in the economic activity of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities consists of 119 enterprises. The published indicator industrial production. Industrial production shows income (VAT and excises excluded) gained from industrial sales and services performed over the corresponding period. To estimate changes in industrial production, a producer price index for industrial production is used. Monthly industrial production volumes (VAT and excises excluded) are calculated at constant prices of 2005, and monthly changes and indices of industrial production are derived out of them. The released trends and indices of total industrial production are seasonally adjusted. For the enterprises' production of commodities survey, a sample consisting of 3344 units was designed. A sample unit an enterprise, an observation unit an enterprise. The Enterprises Production of Commodities Survey covers all kinds of enterprises whose main activity according to EVRK Rev. 2 is mining and quarrying (B), manufacturing (C) and whose annual turnover is higher than LTL 0.2 million, as well as non-industrial enterprises whose industry-related annual turnover is higher than LTL 0.5 million. The enterprises whose annual turnover is lower than LTL 0.2 million, but which produce commodities important for the Lithuanian economy, are surveyed as well. The published indicator represents the total production of an enterprise, including production for its own account. In November 2011, as compared to October, the industrial production (VAT and excises excluded), increased by 1.5 per cent. Production of mining, quarrying and manufacturing industry over November decreased by 0.3 per cent. The volume of mining, quarrying and manufacturing industry, excluding manufacture of refined petroleum products increased by 2.2 per cent. The volume of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply in November as compared to October increased by 20.7 per cent, while water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities increased by 1.9 per cent.

Pramons produkcijos indeksai

Indices of industrial production 2005 m. mnesio vidurkis = 100 Monthly average 2005 = 100
130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 Kitimo tendencija Trend Pramons produkcijos indeksai Indices of industrial production Paalinus sezono tak Seasonally adjusted



















Pramons produkcijos pokyiai

Changes in industrial production Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), procentais Growth, drop (-), per cent
EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2005 m. mnesio vidurkiu November compared to monthly average 2005 Sausiolapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausio lapkriio mn. JanuaryNovember compared to JanuaryNovember 2010 Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), Economic activity lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), November compared to lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October



16,0 20,3 -29,2 -52,4 -8,2 21,1 27,4 -4,4 86,7 18,7 -21,5 -13,9 9,0 2,2 k. 41,8 2,4 89,9

8,5 11,1 10,9 4,4 14,9 11,1 6,1 -0,3 17,4 27,0 21,0 18,4 10,4 13,3 28,7 7,2 4,1

0,9 2,7 15,7 15,2 15,9 2,6 3,6 -4,9 1,9 20,9 -4,5 -33,8 5,1 1,9 29,6 -1,9 -14,3

1,5 -0,3 -14,2 -21,7 -10,2 -0,2 1,5 4,8 -9,1 1,4 -3,8 -12,6 6,8 4,6 5,0 -6,7 9,2

Industry Mining and quarrying; manufacturing Mining and quarrying Extraction of crude petroleum Other mining and quarrying Manufacturing Manufacture of food products Manufacture of beverages Manufacture of tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel Manufacture of leather and related products Manufacture of wood and wood products (except furniture) Manufacture of paper and paper product Printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of refined petroleum products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of electrical equipment 123

BC Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas; apdirbamoji gamyba B 06 08 C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas alios naftos gavyba Kita kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas Apdirbamoji gamyba Maisto produkt gamyba Grim gamyba Tabako gamini gamyba Tekstils gamini gamyba Drabui siuvimas Odos ir odos dirbini gamyba Medienos ir medienos gamini, iskyrus baldus, gamyba Popieriaus ir popieriaus gamini gamyba Spausdinimas ir rayt laikmen tiraavimas Rafinuot naftos produkt gamyba Chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamyba Pagrindini vaist pramons gamini ir farmacini preparat gamyba Gumini ir plastikini gamini gamyba Kit nemetalo mineralini produkt gamyba Pagrindini metal gamyba Metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamyba Kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamyba Elektros rangos gamyba

96,7 19,3 -8,0 3,3 k.

-11,0 14,3 21,5 27,2

-45,7 1,9 17,1 34,7

-4,0 -3,7 -4,3 7,3

22 23 24 25 26

26,8 -11,8 20,7

39,2 -1,2 24,1

30,4 -8,3 21,4

3,8 10,5 6,5



PRAMON EVRK Ekonomins veiklos rys 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2005 m. mnesio vidurkiu November compared to monthly average 2005 Sausiolapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausio lapkriio mn. JanuaryNovember compared to JanuaryNovember 2010 Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), Economic activity lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), November compared to lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October


28 29 30 31 32 33 D

Niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamyba Variklini transporto priemoni, priekab ir puspriekabi gamyba Kit transporto priemoni ir rangos gamyba Bald gamyba Kita gamyba Main ir rangos remontas ir rengimas Elektros, duj, garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas

2,6 k. -31,4 -49,5 2,2 k. 2,1 k. 5,7 -11,5 -28,5 12,5 19,3

23,1 38,4 -39,6 34,4 20,2 -1,4 -11,7 -14,7 -7,5 -7,0

22,9 -13,2 17,6 26,5 26,4 -4,7 -12,2 -20,3 -3,7 -1,1

0,6 59,4 14,3 5,9 -2,9 -28,1 20,7 -2,3 20,8 91,8

Manufacture of machinery and equipment n. e. c. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture Other manufacturing Repair and installation of machinery and equipment Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Electricity power generation, transmission and distribution Distribution of gaseous fuels through mains Steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Water collection, treatment and supply

35.1 Elektros energijos gamyba, perdavimas ir paskirstymas 35.2 Dujinio kuro paskirstymas dujotiekiais 35.3 Garo tiekimas ir oro kondicionavimas E Vandens tiekimas, nuotek valymas, atliek tvarkymas ir regeneravimas Vandens surinkimas, valymas ir tiekimas

-3,5 -3,5

0,7 0,7

-1,4 -1,4

1,9 1,9


National version of NACE Rev. 2.

Svarbiausi gamini gamyba


Production of main commodities

Pagaminta Produced
sausio lapkriio mn. 2010 January November sausio lapkriio mn. 2011 January November lapkriio mn. 2011 November

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), %, lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), %, November, compared to
lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October

alios naftos gavyba alios naftos gavyba, tkst. t Kita kasyba ir karjer eksploatavimas Durpi gavyba, tkst. t Silicinis smlis, tkst. t vyras, virgdas, gargdas ir titnagemis, tkst. t Dolomito skalda, tkst. t 324,8 64,8 2483,6 2199,6 366,1 228,5 2230,6 3169,1 10,1 20,4 243,1 354,8 36 5,3 k. 14 20 -32 14 11 12 104,5 104,0 9,6 -2 -4

Extraction of crude petroleum Extraction of crude petroleum, thous. t Mining and quarrying; manufacturing Extraction of peat, thous. t Silica sands, thous. t Gravel, pebbles shingle and flint, thous. t Cut dolomite, thous. t





Pagaminta Produced
sausio lapkriio mn. 2010 January November sausio lapkriio mn. 2011 January November lapkriio mn. 2011 November

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), %, lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), %, November, compared to
lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October

Maisto produkt gamyba Msa ir msos subproduktai, tkst. t Deros, tkst. t Gyvos, vieios, ataldytos arba ualdytos uvys ir kiti uv produktai, tkst. t Diovintos, sdytos, upiltos srymu; rkytos uvys ir kiti uv produktai, tkst. t Paruotos ar konservuotos uvys, kulinariniai uvies ir kit uv produkt gaminiai, tkst. t Paruoti arba konservuoti produktai i darovi ir vaisi, tkst. t Vaisi, uog ir darovi sultys, mln. l Majonezas, tkst. t Margarinas, tkst. t Geriamas pienas, tkst. t Grietin, grietins ir augalini riebal miinys, tkst. t grietin, tkst. t grietins ir augalini riebal miinys, tkst. t Jogurtas, tkst. t Rgpienis, kefyras ir kiti rgtieji grimai, tkst. t Vark, tkst. t Sviestas, tkst. t viei (nebrandinti arba nekonservuoti) sriai, tkst. t Kiti viei sriai, tkst. t Nelydyti sriai, tkst. t Lydyti sriai, tkst. t Valgomieji ledai, mln. l Pieno konservai, tkst. t Miltai, tkst. t Jav kruopos, tkst. t Duona ir pyrago gaminiai, tkst. t Konditerijos gaminiai, tkst. t Cukrus, tkst. t Actas, tkst. dal Kombinuotieji paarai, tkst. t 166,2 47,1 164,3 47,5 16,5 4,1 -4 6 -6 -6

Manufacture of food Meat and meat offal, thous. t Sausages, thous. t Live, fresh, chilled or frozen fish and other fish products, thous. t Dried, salt, smoked fish, salt in brine and other fish products, thous. t Cooked or preserved fish, gastronomic fish products, thous. t Prepared preserved vegetables and fruit, thous. t Fruit, berries and vegetables juice, mill. l Mayonnaise, thous. t Margarine, thous. t Milk, thous. t Sour cream, sour cream and vegetable fat mixture, thous. t sour cream, thous. t sour cream and vegetable fat mixture, thous. t Yoghurt, thous. t Kefir, sour milk and other fermented products, thous. t Curd, thous. t Butter, thous. t Unripened and uncured cheese (fresh cheese), thous. t Other fresh cheese, thous. t Non-processed cheese, thous. t Processed cheese, thous. t Ice-cream, mill. l Canned dairy products, thous. t Flour, thous. t Cereals, thous. t Bread and pastry products, thous. t Confectionery products, thous. t Sugar, thous. t Vinegar, thous. dal Fodder concentrate, thous. t















17,7 8,3 8,6 12,2 86,5 25,6 17,3 8,3 13,4 33,8 22,4 7,8 22,1 6,8 40,1 2,5 23,2 24,4 269,9 17,8 144,6 42,8 80,1 416,5 396,9

19,7 9,7 9,1 12,7 95,3 26,2 18,1 8,1 13,5 31,9 24,4 7,6 23,1 5,4 43,7 2,5 17,6 20,1 303,7 12,7 137,1 47,1 96,1 337,0 387,1

1,7 0,6 1,1 1,6 7,5 2,1 1,5 0,6 1,2 2,1 2,4 0,7 2,0 0,5 3,6 0,2 0,5 0,8 29,5 1,8 11,8 5,3 38,3 11,8 35,0

7 -14 2 8 -2 1.0 6 -9 2 -2 20 -8 -12 -17 -2 3 -13 -69 2 10 -7 12 23 46 -5

15 -70 37 10 -11 -6 -7 -6 5 3 5 -12 -1 1 -31 -17 15 -64 -5 17 -5 4 1 85 4





Pagaminta Produced
sausio lapkriio mn. 2010 January November sausio lapkriio mn. 2011 January November lapkriio mn. 2011 November

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), %, lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), %, November, compared to
lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October

Grim gamyba Degtins bei likerio gaminiai, tkst. dal alc 100 % Putojantis vynuogi vynas, tkst. dal Alus, mln. dal Natrals mineraliniai ir aeruoti vandenys, mln. dal Nealkoholiniai grimai, mln. dal Tekstils gamini gamyba Lin pluotas, tkst. t Austiniai audiniai, tkst. m vilnoniai medvilniniai lininiai i dirbtini ir sintetini pluot ir sil Neaustins mediagos, t Megztos (trikotains) ir nertos mediagos, t Drabui siuvimas Trikotao gaminiai, mln. virutinis trikotaas Pdkelns, mln. Kojins, puskojins ir kiti gaminiai, mln. por Apsiaustai (vis ri), tkst. Striuks, tkst. Kostiumai ir ansambliai, tkst. varkai ir varkeliai, tkst. Kelns, kombinezonai, bridiai, mln. Markiniai vyrams arba berniukams, tkst. Suknels, tkst. Sijonai ir sijonkelns, tkst. Palaidinuks moterims arba mergaitms, mln. Apsiaustai (vis ri) i natralaus kailio Odos ir odos dirbini gamyba Rankins, tkst. Avalyn, tkst. por 84,2 972,7 70,9 848,9 7,7 74,7 -4 -8 7 -7 22,8 13,9 8,5 29,0 278,9 130,2 271,2 1096,0 2,6 787,4 1283,2 646,3 1,6 1125 19,9 11,0 5,9 33,3 241,8 179,9 315,6 1167,1 2,5 816,8 1548,3 650,5 2,0 1438 1,6 0,9 0,5 2,4 14,3 9,3 20,1 71,2 0,2 65,3 149,6 54,0 0,1 264 -25 -28 -46 22 -42 -63 -24 -20 -19 -29 18 -16 -20 -9 -3 7 -5 -5 -28 -25 -19 -27 3 18 36 60 -33 57

Manufacture of beverages 819,0 370,2 27,1 16,3 15,2 4,2 2202,9 167,9 3326,2 21481,8 2726,0 1696,7 822,4 388,4 28,4 15,7 17,6 5,4 2175,5 182,7 3311,1 21844,0 3380,1 1267,2 95,4 70,5 2,1 1,2 1,1 0,5 255,6 16,0 352,0 1776,7 347,3 105,2 -15 33 7 -4 -2 -5 8 24 4 -33 11 -30 12 52 15 32 6 17 9 1 21 -5 -2 5 Vodka, and products of liqueur, thous. dal alc 100 % Sparkling grape wine, thous. dal Beer, mill. dal Natural mineral and aerated waters, mill. dal Non-alcoholic beverages, mill. dal Manufacture of textiles Flax-type fibres, thous. t Woven fabrics, thous. m woolen cotton linen fabrics of artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments Nonwoven fabrics, t Knitted or crocheted fabrics, t Manufacture of wearing apparel Knitwear, mill. articles knitwear for outerwear Panty-hose, mill. Socks, stockings and other articles, mill. pairs Coats of all types, thous. Jackets, thous. Suits and ensembles, thous. Jackets and blousers, thous. Trousers, overalls, breeches, mill. Shirts for men and boys, thous. Dresses, thous. Skirts and divided skirts, thous. Womens and girls blouses, mill. Coats of fur Manufacture of leather and leather products Handbags, thous. Footwear, thous. pairs





Pagaminta Produced
sausio lapkriio mn. 2010 January November sausio lapkriio mn. 2011 January November lapkriio mn. 2011 November

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), %, lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), %, November, compared to
lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October

Medienos ir medini gamini, iskyrus baldus, gamyba Langai ir j rmai, tkst. Durys, j staktos ir slenksiai, tkst. Klijuotin fanera, tkst. m

Manufacture of wood and products of wood, except furniture 101,6 412,2 51,8 500,6 25,5 102,6 556,2 52,1 590,3 22,9 11,1 62,3 5,0 56,2 1,8 -9 46 5 15 -33 -6 19 4 51 -17 Windows and their frames of wood, thous. Doors and their frames of wood, thous. Plywood, thous. m

Medienos smulkini plokts, 3 tkst. m Medienos plauo plokts, 2 mln. m Popieriaus ir popieriaus gamini gamyba Popierius ir kartonas, tkst. t

Particle and similar board, 3 thous. m Wooden fibre board, mill. m Manufacture of paper and paper products





Paper and paperboard, thous. t Corrugated paper and paperboard, boxes and cases of corrugated paper or paperboard, thous. t Manufacture of refined petroleum products

Gofruotas kartonas ir tara, tkst. t Rafinuot naftos produkt gamyba Durpi briketai ir pusbrikeiai, tkst. t Chemikal ir chemijos produkt gamyba Sieros rgtis, 100 % SO2, tkst. t Fosforo rgtis, 100 % P2O2, tkst. t Azotins tros, 100 % N, tkst. t Diamofosas, tkst. t Sintetins dervos ir plastmass, tkst. t Tualetinis muilas, t Skalbimo muilas, t Fermentiniai preparatai, t Verpalai i celiuliozs acetato, t Gumini ir plastikini gamini gamyba Plastikiniai buteliai, didbuteliai, flakonai ir panas gaminiai, mln. Langai, durys, j slenksiai, staktos, tkst. Vamzdiai, vamzdeliai, langai ir arnos i plastik, tkst. t Maieliai ir plvels i polietileno, tkst. t









Briquettes and semibriquettes of peat, thous. t Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

687,0 392,2 573,9 776,5 46,1 312,9 1138,7 5,6 5877,6

698,4 406,1 1034,6 755,1 45,3 229,1 1046,9 7,1 6405,3

64,7 37,0 62,3 72,2 4,8 15,2 58,8 0,6 500,6

3 -1 -37 5 39 -28 -6 5 -15

-4 -5 1 -8 43 -43 -44 -17 -15

Sulphur acid, 100 % SO2, thous. t Phosphoric acid, 100 % P2O2, thous. t Mineral nitrogenous fertilizers, 100 % N, thous. t Diammonium phosphate, thous. t Synthetic resin and plastics, thous. t Toilet soap, t Washing soap, t Fermented preparations, t Yarn of cellulose acetate, t Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Plastic bottles including those of large capacity, flasks and similar articles, mill. Windows, doors, their frames and thresholds, thous. Tubes, pipes and hoses and fittings thereof plastics, thous. t Sacks and films of polymers of ethylene, thous. t

2865,9 308,0 5,9 70,7

2905,1 326,5 6,4 88,8

173,4 37,7 0,5 9,9

-34 15 54 58

-22 2 12 1





Pagaminta Produced
sausio lapkriio mn. 2010 January November sausio lapkriio mn. 2011 January November lapkriio mn. 2011 November

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), %, lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), %, November, compared to
lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October

Kit nemetalo mineralini produkt gamyba Sien stikliniai izoliacijos 2 elementai, tkst. m Buteliai i bespalvio ir spalvoto stiklo, mln. Cementas, tkst. t Molins statybins plytos, 3 tkst. m Silikatins plytos ir blokeliai, tkst. t Surenkamieji konstrukciniai elementai, skirti statybai arba civilinei ininerijai, tkst. t Pagrindini metal gamyba Viela i geleies arba nelegiruotojo plieno, tkst. t Metalo gamini, iskyrus mainas ir renginius, gamyba Vinys, tkst. t Katilai (centrinio ildymo) Tvirtinimo detals, t Langai, durys, j slenksiai, staktos i aliuminio, tkst. Langai, durys, j slenksiai, staktos i geleies, tkst. Kompiuterini, elektronini ir optini gamini gamyba Staliniai asmeniniai kompiuteriai, tkst. Televizoriai, tkst. Elektros energijos skaitikliai, tkst. Skysio skaitikliai, tkst. Elektros rangos gamyba Nuolatins ir kintamosios srovs varikliai, tkst. Elektros laidai ir kabeliai, t Niekur kitur nepriskirt main ir rangos gamyba Suvirinimo renginiai Medienos apdirbimo stakls ienavarts, grbiamosios ir bgnins ienavarts 143 113 194 168 125 234 16 15 16 2,7 k. 33 -12 45 72,7 1512,7 76,3 2051,0 4,5 215,3 -30 5 -46 34 8,5 360,6 136,1 120,4 9,6 345,7 83,2 122,4 0,9 29,4 8,4 13,9 -24 1 -34 2 k. -17 13 -51 25,0 5741 1514,0 28,0 6680 2044,9 2,5 891 204,9 22 50 46 -8 -3 -13 46,8 55,4 5,5 19 9 963,6 101,0 791,6 52,6 132,5 1025,9 133,2 938,8 73,9 172,8 110,7 14,4 86,0 7,2 21,5 -0,3 39 -2 52 54 -7 8 -22 -9 -3

Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products Multiple-walled insulating units 2 of glass, thous. m Bottles of colourless and coloured glass, mill. Cement, thous. t Clay building bricks, thous. m Silicate bricks and blocks, thous. t Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering, thous. t Manufacture of basic metals Wire of iron or non-alloy steel, thous. t Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Nails, thous. t Boilers for central heating Reinforcement components, t Windows, doors, their frames and thresholds from aluminium, thous. Windows, doors, their frames and thresholds from iron, thous. Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Desk top PCs, thous. TV sets, thous. Electricity supply meters, thous. Manufacture of electrical equipment Electric and AC motors, thous. Electric wires and cables, t Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Welding machine Machine-tools for working wood Rakers-tedders






9,4 44,4

20,8 54,2

2,1 7,1

2,7 k. 39

11 -0.5

2,1 k. Liquid supply meters, thous.





Pagaminta Produced
sausio lapkriio mn. 2010 January November sausio lapkriio mn. 2011 January November lapkriio mn. 2011 November

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), %, lapkriio mn., palyginti su Growth, drop (-), %, November, compared to
lapkriio mn. spalio mn. 2010 2011 November October

Metalo apdirbimo stakls Pakavimo ir vairi talp pripildymo, udarymo renginiai aldytuvai ir aldykls, tkst. Autokompresoriai, tkst. Variklini transporto priemoni, priekab ir puspriekabi gamyba Priekabos ir puspriekabs Izoliuoto laido ir kabelio rinkiniai, tkst. t Kit transporto priemoni ir rangos gamyba Dviraiai, tkst. Bald gamyba, tkst. Sofos lovos Valgomieji stalai Medins lovos Drabui spintos Kita gamyba Ozono terapijos, deguonies terapijos, aerozolins terapijos, kvpavimo aparatai, mln.

13 58 160,0 39,7

9 70 154,2 43,1

1 10 10,4 6,4

-50 25 -33 34

25 -13 27

Machine-tools for working metal Machinery for packing, filling, closing different products Refrigerators and freezers, thous. Compressors for motor vehicles, thous. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers

1222 1,6

2044 2,0

200 0,2

2,4 k. -4

19 -4

Manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers Insulated wire and cable sets, thous. t Manufacture of other transport equipment

323,3 56,4 914,3 78,2 104,8

303,6 75,9 1105,5 293,4 661,0

17,9 7,8 116,9 26,6 67,6

-3 -21 22 3 k. 3,5 k.

29 16 11 29 -11

Bicycles, thous. Furniture, thous. Sofa-beds Dining tables Wooden beds Wardrobes Other manufacturing Ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, respiration apparatus, mill.






Gamini kod sra pagal Produkt, gamini ir paslaug klasifikatori (PGPK 2010 m. II dal) galite rasti adresu The list of product codes by Community Production List (PROD COM 2010 national) can be found on the website:





Informacija apie pagrindini kuro ir energijos ri iteklius ir j pokyius parengta remiantis atrankinio mnesinio tyrimo duomenimis. Buvo apklaustos pagrindins kur ir energij gaminanios, importuojanios ir eksportuojanios mons. alies itekliai susideda i gamybos ir importo, atmus eksport, bunkeriavim, pridjus (atmus) atsarg pasikeitimus. Gamyba i gamtini altini gautas arba pagamintas kuras ir energija. Naftos produkt gamyboje yra vertinti reklasifikuoti ir regeneruoti produktai bei biodegalai, maiyti automobili benzin ir dyzelin. Importas ir eksportas kuras ir energija laikomi importuotais arba eksportuotais, kai kertamos alies sienos, neatsivelgiant tai, ar buvo atliktos muitins procedros, ar ne. ia neapskaitomas kuro tranzitas ir degalai, kuriais transporto priemon (automobilis, lktuvas, laivas ir kt.) buvo aprpinta usienyje. Tarptautinis jrinis bunkeriavimas kuras, tiekiamas visiems usienio ir Lietuvos jriniams laivams, naudojamiems tarptautinei laivybai. Netraukiamas kuras, sunaudojamas vejybai ir vidaus laivybai naudojamuose laivuose. Atsarg pasikeitimas mnesio pradios ir pabaigos kuro atsarg skirtumas yra neigiamas, jeigu per mnes kuro atsargos padidjo, ir teigiamas, jei kuro atsargos sumajo. 2011 m. sausiospalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausiospalio mn., pagrindiniai kuro ir energijos itekliai kito nevienodai. Durpi kurui itekliai padidjo 57,2 procento, akmens anglies 19 procent, alios naftos 3,7 procento, o skystojo kuro (vairaus mazuto) sumajo 26,1 procento. I vis ri transportui naudojamo kuro (degal) padidjo reaktyvini degal 9,1 procento, dyzelino transportui 5,2 procento, o automobili benzino sumajo 11,7 procento, suskystint naftos duj 4,1 procento. Gamtini duj itekliai 2011 m. sausiospalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausiospalio mn., padidjo 18 procent, o elektros energijos sumajo 0,8 procento. Information about the main fuel and energy resources and their changes has been worked up basing on the data of a sampled monthly survey. Questionnaires have been sent to the leading fuel and energy producing, importing and exporting enterprises. Domestic supply is defined as production and imports less exports, marine bunkers, plus/minus changes in stocks. Production refers to the quantities of fuels extracted and produced. Production of petroleum products covers production, interproduct transfers, recovered products and biofuels blended into motor gasoline and transport diesel. Imports and exports comprise the amounts which have crossed the state border, irrespective of whether or not customs clearance has taken place. Fuel transit and fuel with which vehicles (cars, aircraft, ships, etc.) were fuelled abroad is not recorded. International marine bunkers are defined as quantities of fuels delivered to ships of all flags that are engaged in international navigation. Consumption by ships engaged in fishing and domestic navigation vessels is excluded. Change in stocks is a difference in stocks from the beginning to the end of the month. It is negative if stocks of fuel over the month increased and, respectively, it is positive if stocks of fuel decreased. In JanuaryOctober 2011, compared to JanuaryOctober 2010, changes in stocks of the main fuel and energy resources varied. The resources of peat increased by 57.2 per cent, the resources of coal by 19 per cent, the resources of crude oil by 3.7 per cent, whereas the resources of fuel oil decreased by 26.1 per cent. Out of all types of fuel resources used in transport, resources of jet fuel increased by 9.1 per cent, transport diesel by 5.2 per cent, whereas the resources of motor gasoline decreased by 11.7 per cent, liquefied petroleum gases by 4.1 per cent. Natural gas resources in JanuaryOctober 2011, compared to JanuaryOctober 2010, increased by 18 per cent, whereas electricity resources decreased by 0.8 per cent.





Pagrindini alies kuro ir energijos ri itekliai 2011 m. spalio mn.

Domestic supply of the main types of fuel and energy, October 2011
alies itekliai Domestic supply i j of which gamyba importas eksportas tarptautinis jrinis bunkeriavimas exports international marine bunkers atsarg pasikeitimas changes in stocks

production imports

Akmens anglys, tkst. t Durps kurui, tkst. t alia nafta, tkst. t Skystasis kuras (mazutai), tkst. t Dyzelinas transportui, tkst. t Gazoliai, naudojami ildymui ir kt. (sk. laivams patiektus gazolius), tkst. t Automobili benzinas, tkst. t Reaktyviniai degalai (ibalo ir benzino tipo), tkst. t Suskystintos naftos dujos, tkst. t Gamtins dujos, mln. m Elektros energija, GWh

41,7 3,1 849,0 13,9 79,2

2,8 10,0 156,4 345,5

33,7 699,4 7,6 35,6

0,9 0,2 9,3 142,6 269,5

9,2 -

8,9 0,5 148,9 1,7 -32,4

Hard coal, thous. t Peat, thous. t Crude oil, thous. t Fuel oil, thous. t Transport diesel, thous. t Heating and other gasoil, thous. t Motor gasoline, thous. t Jet fuel (gasoline and kerosine type), thous. t Liquefied petroleum gases, thous. t Natural gas, mill. m Electricity, GWh

2,4 22,9 5,3 16,4 235,5 912,3

2,9 236,4 24,8 24,0 333,8

1,6 0,1 0,1 9,7 238,2 876,0

221,2 18,6 15,2 297,5

1,3 -

-0,8 7,6 -1,0 -2,1 -2,7 -

Pagrindini alies kuro ir energijos ri itekli pokyiai

Changes in domestic supply of the main types of fuel and energy
alies itekliai Domestic supply
sausiospalio mn. JanuaryOctober 2010 2011 spalio mn. October 2010 2011

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Growth, drop (-), %

sausiospalio mn., spalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. palyginti su sausiospalio mn. 2010 m. spalio mn. JanuaryOctober, October, compared to Janu- compared to aryOctober 2010 October 2010

Akmens anglys, tkst. t Durps kurui, tkst. t alia nafta, tkst. t Skystasis kuras (mazutai), tkst. t Dyzelinas transportui, tkst. t Gazoliai, naudojami ildymui ir kt. (sk. laivams patiektus gazolius), tkst. t Automobili benzinas, tkst. t Reaktyviniai degalai (ibalo ir benzino tipo), tkst. t Suskystintos naftos dujos, tkst. t Gamtins dujos, mln. m Elektros energija, GWh
2,2 k.

242,5 18,0 7302,0 223,8 828,1

288,6 28,3 7573,2 165,4 870,8

42,2 3,0 858,0 14,9 92,7

41,7 3,1 849,0 13,9 79,2

19,0 57,2 3,7 -26,1 5,2

-1,2 3,3 -1,0 -6,7 -14,6

Hard coal, thous. t Peat, thous. t Crude oil, thous. t Fuel oil, thous. t Transport diesel, thous. t Heating and other gasoil, thous. t Motor gasoline, thous. t Jet fuel (gasoline and kerosine type), thous. t Liquefied petroleum gases, thous. t Natural gas, mill. m Electricity, GWh 131

23,2 245,5 39,5 174,7 2322,3 8723,9

22,8 216,8 43,1 167,5 2739,9 8654,5

3,1 24,7 3,0 19,9 315,2 927,1

2,4 22,9 5,3 16,4 235,5 912,3

-1,7 -11,7 9,1 -4.1 18,0 -0,8

-22,6 -7,3 76,7 -17,6 -25,3 -1,6




Vidaus prekybos statistikos skyrius atlieka atrankin mnesin prekybos ir maitinimo moni tyrim (imtis 19,5 % vis moni, kuri pagrindin veikla prekyba arba maitinimas). Tyrimo tikslas statistikai vertinti moni, kuri pagrindin veikla yra prekyba arba maitinimas, bendros apyvartos trumpalaikius pokyius. Tyrimo statistinis vienetas mon. Rodiklis apyvarta. Apyvarta tai pajamos (neskaitant PVM), gaunamos u parduotas prekes ir suteiktas paslaugas per ataskaitin laikotarp. Skaiiuojant apyvartos apimties pokyius yra naudojamas vartojimo preki kain indeksas. Kadangi apyvartos apimties pokyiams turi takos sezonas ir darbo dien skaiius, pateikiama ir statistin informacija paalinus i veiksni tak apyvartos apimties pokyiams. Sezono ir darbo dien skaiiaus takai vertinti naudojama TRAMO/SEATS programa. Iankstiniais duomenimis, mamenins prekybos, variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenins ir mamenins prekybos bei remonto moni apyvarta (be PVM) 2011 m. lapkriio mn. sudar 2770,3 mln. lit ir, palyginti su spalio mn., sumajo 1,3 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. Automobili degal mamenins prekybos moni apyvarta 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., sumajo 4,8 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. moni, prekiaujani maisto prekmis, apyvarta 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., sumajo 4,5 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis, o ne maisto prekmis (neskaitant automobili) prekiaujani moni padidjo 1,1 procento. Variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenins ir mamenins prekybos bei remonto moni apyvarta 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., padidjo 0,6 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. Maitinimo ir grim teikimo veiklos moni apyvarta (be PVM) 2011 m. lapkriio mn. sudar 81,8 mln. lit ir, palyginti su spalio mn., sumajo 2,1 procento. Mamenins prekybos, variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenins ir mamenins prekybos bei remonto moni apyvarta (be PVM) 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., padidjo 21,8 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., mamenins prekybos, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb, moni apyvarta padidjo 14,1 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. Automobili degal mamenins prekybos moni apyvarta 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., padidjo 14,6 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. Variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenins ir mamenins prekybos bei remonto moni apyvarta 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., padidjo 41,6 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. Maitinimo ir grim teikimo veiklos moni apyvarta 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., padidjo 21,3 procento palyginamosiomis kainomis. A monthly survey on trade and catering enterprises is conducted by the Domestic Trade Statistics Division (sample size 19.5 per cent of all enterprises the main activity of which is trade or catering). The aim of this survey is to statistically assess short-term changes in the total turnover of enterprises the main activity of which is trade or catering. A statistical unit of the survey is an enterprise. An indicator is turnover. Turnover is total income (VAT excluded) received from goods sold and services provided over the reference period. To calculate the changes in the volume of turnover the consumer price index of goods is used. Due to the fact that changes in the volume of turnover depend on seasonal factors and the number of working days, the impact of the latter factors on the changes in the volume of turnover is assessed and edited statistical information is presented. For seasonal and working day adjustment, a program TRAMO/SEATS has been used.





According to preliminary data, the turnover of retail trade, wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles enterprises (VAT excluded) in November 2011 made up LTL 2770.3 million and, against October, decreased by 1.3 per cent at constant prices. The retail sale of automotive fuel in November 2011, compared with October, decreased by 4.8 per cent at constant prices. The turnover of enterprises trading in food products in November 2011, against October, decreased by 4.5 per cent at constant prices, while that of enterprises trading in non-food goods (automobiles excluded) increased by 1.1 per cent. The wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles in November 2011, compared with October, increased by 0.6 per cent at constant prices. The turnover of enterprises engaged in food and beverages service activities (VAT excluded) over November 2011 totalled LTL 81.8 million and, against October, decreased by 2.1 per cent. The turnover of retail trade, wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles enterprises (VAT excluded) in November 2011, against November 2010, increased by 21.8 per cent at constant prices. In November 2011, against November 2010, the turnover of retail trade enterprises, except trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles, increased by 14.1 per cent at constant prices. The retail sale of automotive fuel in November 2011, compared with November 2010, increased by 14.6 per cent at constant prices. The wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles in November 2011, compared with November 2010, increased by 41.6 per cent at constant prices. The turnover of enterprises engaged in food and beverages service activities in November 2011, against November 2010, increased by 21.3 per cent at constant prices.

Prekybos ir maitinimo moni apyvartos (be PVM) pokyiai*

Turnover changes in trade and catering enterprises (VAT excluded)* Palyginamosiomis kainomis, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), procentais At constant prices, growth, drop (-), per cent
EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2005 m. mnesio vidurkiu November 2011 compared to monthly average of 2005 Sausiolapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausio lapkriio mn. JanuaryNovember compared to JanuaryNovember 2010 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011 compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November spalio mn. 2011 October Economic activity

45+47 Mamenin prekyba, skaitant

variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenin ir mamenin prekyb bei remont






Retail trade; wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles and related parts and accessories Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Retail sale of automotive fuel

Variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenin ir mamenin prekyba bei remontas Variklini transporto priemoni, motocikl, j atsargini dali ir pagalbini reikmen pardavimas Variklini transporto priemoni technin prieira ir remontas Mamenin prekyba, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb Automobili degal mamenin prekyba





45.1+ 45.3+ 45.4 45.20 47

85,8 12,5

66,7 15,9

41,5 42,7

0,6 0,3

3,8 9,6

8,4 11,7

14,1 14,6

-2,2 -4,8




VIDAUS PREKYBA EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2005 m. mnesio vidurkiu November 2011 compared to monthly average of 2005 Sausiolapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausio lapkriio mn. JanuaryNovember compared to JanuaryNovember 2010 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su November 2011 compared to lapkriio mn. 2010 November spalio mn. 2011 October

DOMESTIC TRADE Economic activity

47 47.30

Mamenin prekyba, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb (neskaitant automobili degal mamenins prekybos)





Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (except retail sale of automotive fuel) Retail sale of food products, alcoholic beverages and tobacco Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores Retail sale of non food products

47.11+ Mamenin prekyba maisto 47.2 prekmis, alkoholiniais grimais

ir tabako gaminiais





Mamenin prekyba nespecializuotose parduotuvse, kuriose vyrauja maistas, grimai ir tabakas Maisto, grim ir tabako mamenin prekyba specializuotose parduotuvse






28,4 22,8

27,1 13,9

23,2 22,4

-8,6 1,1

47.19+ Mamenin prekyba 47.4+ ne maisto prekmis 47.5+ 47.6+ 47.7+ 47.8+ 47.9 47.51+ 47.71+ 47.72 47.43+ 47.52+ 47.54+ 47.59+ 47.63 47.41+ 47.42+ 47.53+ 47.61+ 47.62+ 47.64+ 47.65+ 47.76+ 47.77+ 47.78 47.73+ 47.74+ 47.75 47.79 47.19 56

Tekstils, drabui ir avalyns specializuota mamenin prekyba Garso ir vaizdo rangos, ra, metalo dirbini, da ir stiklo, elektrini buitini prietais, bald ir apvietimo rangos specializuota mamenin prekyba Informacijos ir ryi technologij rangos, kultros ir poilsio preki, laikrodi, juvelyrini dirbini bei kit nauj preki specializuota mamenin prekyba

2,3 k.




Retail sale of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods Retail sale of audio and video equipment, recordings, hardware, paints and glass, electrical household appliances, furniture and lighting equipment in specialised stores Retail sale of information and communication equipment, cultural and recreation goods, jewellery and other new goods in specialised stores









Farmacijos, medicinos ir kosmetikos preki specializuota mamenin prekyba Naudot daikt mamenin prekyba parduotuvse Kita mamenin prekyba nespecializuotose parduotuvse Maitinimo ir grim teikimo veikla

2,0 93,4 -37,5 -11,2

3,7 23,7 21,7 16,7

6,9 24,7 28,8 21,3

4,0 2,1 -4,6 -2,1

Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetics and toilet articles in specialised stores Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores Other retail sale in nonspecialized stores Food and beverage service activities

National version of NACE Rev. 2.





Apyvartos (be PVM) indeksai

Turnover indices (VAT excluded) Palyginamosiomis kainomis, 2005 m. mnesio vidurkis = 100 At constant prices, monthly average 2005 = 100
210 190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50

45 47 56






45 47 56

Variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl didmenin ir mamenin prekyba bei remontas Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Mamenin prekyba, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Maitinimo ir grim teikimo veikla Food and beverage service activities

Mamenins prekybos, iskyrus variklini transporto priemoni ir motocikl prekyb, moni apyvartos (be PVM) indeksai
Turnover indices (VAT excluded) of retail trade enterprises except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Palyginamosiomis kainomis, 2005 m. mnesio vidurkis = 100 At constant prices, monthly average 2005 = 100
160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60

Apyvartos indeksai Indices of turnover Paalinus sezono tak Seasonally adjusted










Pardavimo pajamos mons veiklos pajamos, gautos pardavus prekes ar suteikus paslaugas pirkjui (klientui) per ataskaitin laikotarp (neskaitant PVM). Netraukiamos pajamos, gautos pardavus ilgalaik materialj turt, i finansins ir investicins veiklos, dividend ir kt. Iankstiniais duomenimis, paslaug moni pardavimo pajamos 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausiorugsjo mn., padidjo 7,5 procento, o apgyvendinimo 25,1 procento (to meto kainomis). Labiausiai iaugo i ekonomins veiklos ri (pagal EVRK 2 red.) moni pajamos: pagrindini buveini ir konsultacins valdymo veiklos 47,1, kitos profesins, mokslins ir technins veiklos 40,8, informacini paslaug veiklos 38,7, krybins, menins ir pramog organizavimo veiklos 28,2, nuomos ir iperkamosios nuomos 24,9, reklamos ir rinkos tyrimo 22 procentais. Kai kuri ekonomins veiklos ri moni pajamos sumajo: kitos stacionarins globos veiklos ir nesusijusio su apgyvendinimu socialinio darbo veiklos 28,1, bibliotek, archyv, muziej ir kitos kultrins veiklos 22,7, leidybins veiklos 12,4, sportins, pramog ir poilsio organizavimo veiklos 7,9 procento. Income from sales is total income (VAT excluded) gained by an enterprise from goods sold and services provided over the reference period. Income from sales of tangible fixed assets, financial and investment activity, dividends, etc. are not included. According to provisional data, income from sales at current prices of enterprises providing services over January September 2011, against JanuarySeptember 2010, increased by 7.5 per cent, of those providing accommodation services 25.1 per cent. Income from sales at current prices mainly increased in the following economic activities (according to the national version (EVRK Rev. 2) of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE Rev. 2): activities of head offices and management consultancy activities 47.1 per cent, other professional, scientific and technical activities 40.8 per cent, information service activities 38.7 per cent, creative, arts and entertainment activities 28.2 per cent, rental and leasing activities 24.9 per cent, advertising and market research activities 22 per cent. A decrease in income was observed in enterprises engaged in the following economic activities: residential care activities and social work activities without accommodation 28.1 per cent, libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 22.7 per cent, publishing activities 12.4 per cent, sports activities and amusement and recreation activities 7.9 per cent.

Paslaug moni pardavimo pajam indeksai

Indices of income from sales of service enterprises 2005 m. ketvirio vidurkis = 100 Quarterly average 2005 = 100
190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 I 2007 II III IV I 2008 II III IV I 2009 II III IV I 2010 II III IV I 2011 II III Kitimo tendencija Trend Pajamos Income Eliminavus sezono ir darbo dien skaiiaus tak Seasonally and working day adjusted

ketviriai quarters 136




Paslaug moni pardavimo pajam pokyiai 2011 m.

Changes in income from sales of service enterprises, 2011 Palyginamosiomis kainomis, palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), procentais At constant prices, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, growth, drop (-), per cent
EVRK 2 red. Ekonomins veiklos rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2 I 55 J 61 J 62 K 63.1 I ketv. IQ II ketv. III ketv. Economic activity II Q III Q

Apgyvendinimo veikla Telekomunikacijos Kompiuteri programavimo, konsultacin ir susijusi veikla Duomen apdorojimo, interneto serveri paslaug (prieglobos) ir susijusi veikla; interneto vart paslaugos Nuosavo arba nuomojamo nekilnojamojo turto nuoma ir eksploatavimas Teisin veikla Apskaitos, buhalterijos ir audito veikla; konsultacijos mokesi klausimais Pagrindini buveini veikla; konsultacin valdymo veikla Architektros ir ininerijos veikla; techninis tikrinimas ir analiz Reklama ir rinkos tyrimas Fotografavimo veikla Veterinarin veikla Asmenini ir nam kio preki nuoma ir iperkamoji nuoma darbinimo veikla Apsaugos ir tyrimo veikla

25,1 8,1 29,2

23,2 2,2 14,6

23,7 3,7 18,1

Accommodation Telecommunications Computer programming, consultancy and related activities Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals Renting and operating of own or leased real estate Legal activities Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis Advertising and market research Photographic activities Veterinary activities Renting and leasing of personal and household goods Employment activities Security and investigation activities Services to buildings and landscape activities Education Pre-primary, primary, secondary, general secondary, technical and vocational secondary, post secondary non-tertiary education Tertiary education Sports and recreation and cultural education, educational support activities Human health activities Hospital activities (not including rehabilitation hospitals), general medical and specialist medical practice activities Activities of rehabilitation hospitals Dental practice activities Other human health activities Residential care activities. Social work activities without accommodation

34,8 0,7 32,1 -0,1 55,0 3,3 3,4 34,0 22,0 12,7 8,2 0,1

48,9 5,1 26,9 2,2 55,7 -0,6 10,0 44,9 31,8 10,2 4,4 0,03 26,8 31,2

63,5 12,3 4,0 3,8 57,5 6,2 29,7 33,3 -18,7 15,7 12,3 7,3 25,2 12,2

L 68.2 M 69.1 M 69.2 M 70 M 71 M 73 M 74.2 M 75 N 77.2 N 78 N 80 N 81 P 85

Pastat aptarnavimas ir kratovaizdio tvarkymas 21,0 vietimas 14,4

P 85.185.32, Ikimokyklinis, pradinis, vidurinis ugdymas 85.41 ir auktojo mokslo nesuteikiantis

mokymas baigus vidurin mokykl

P 85.42 P 85.51, 85.52, 85.59, 85.60 Q 86 Q 86.10, 86.21, 86.22 Q 86.10.30 Q 86.23 Q 86.90.10 86.90.30 Q 87, 88

0,4 2,8

15,1 37,1

4,2 8,3

Auktasis (tretinis) mokslas Sportinis, rekreacinis, kultrinis ir kitas vietimas bei vietimui bdingos paslaugos moni sveikatos prieira

65,8 -10,5

36,2 -4,5

29,8 -3,1

Ligonini (iskyrus reabilitacijos), bendrosios praktikos gydytoj ir gydytoj specialist veikla -10,5 Reabilitacijos ligonini veikla Odontologins praktikos veikla Kita moni sveikatos prieiros veikla Kita stacionarin globos veikla. Nesusijusio su apgyvendinimu socialinio darbo veikla 0,2 -3,4 -8,4

-5,4 0,7 9,1 -4,7

-7,2 19,9 0,9 1,5








EVRK 2 red. Ekonomins veiklos rys EVRK 1 Rev. 2 R 93

I ketv. IQ

II ketv. III ketv. Economic activity II Q III Q

Sportin veikla, pramog ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kompiuteri ir ryi rangos remontas Vartotojikos elektronins rangos, buitini aparat ir prietais, nam bei sodo rangos remontas Avalyns ir odos gamini taisymas

-11,7 1,5

-19,1 -6,3

1,5 -1,7

Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities Repair of computers and peripheral equipment Repair of consumer electronics, household appliances and home and garden equipment Repair of footwear and leather goods Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery Repair of furniture and home furnishings, other personal and household goods Washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products Hairdressing and other beauty treatment Funeral and related activities

S 95.1 S 95.21, 95.22 S 95.23 S 95.25 S: 95.24, 95.29 S 96.01 S 96.02 S 96.03 S 96.04

56,3 51,5

33,2 3,0 35,3 -8,2 15,7 -3,5 -4,4 -11,3

-6,0 3,4 11,0 -6,8 6,2 9,9 -5,0

vairi tip laikrodi ir juvelyrini dirbini taisymas 35,0 Bald, interjero reikmen ir kit asmenini bei nam kio reikmen taisymas -14,1 Tekstils ir kaili gamini skalbimas ir (sausasis) valymas Kirpykl ir kit groio salon veikla Laidotuvi ir su jomis susijusi veikla Fizins gerovs utikrinimo veikla 17,2 41,7 -1,7 0,2

74,0 Physical well-being activities

National version of NACE Rev. 2.

Paslaug moni pardavimo pajamos 2011 m.

Income from sales of service enterprises, 2011 To meto kainomis At current prices
EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys Pardavimo pajamos, tkst. Lt Economic activity Palyginti su 2010 m. atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, growth, drop (-), % 9 mn. 9 months III ketv. III Q

Income from sales, LTL thous.

9 mn. 9 months I 55

III ketv. III Q

Apgyvendinimo veikla Paslaugos i viso, mln. Lt

338,1 15671,0 377,3 367,7 9,6

158,0 5400,6 134,5 131,2 3,3

25,1 7,5 -12,4 -12,0 -25,4

26,0 9,0 -13,2 -12,8 -27,1

Accommodation Services total, LTL mill. Publishing activities Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities Software publishing Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities Motion picture, video and television programme activities Sound recording and music publishing activities Programming and broadcasting activities Telecommunications

J 58 J 58.1 J 58.2 J 59

Leidybin veikla Knyg, periodini ir kit leidini leidyba Programins rangos leidyba Kino film, vaizdo film ir televizijos program gamyba, garso raymo ir muzikos ra leidybos veikla Kino bei vaizdo film ir televizijos program rengimas Garso raymas ir muzikos ra leidyba Program rengimas ir transliavimas Telekomunikacijos

98,4 89,8 8,6 143,8 2021,1

31,8 28,8 2,9 42,7 685,1

16,9 19,6 -5,5 2,2 -5,4

17,6 21,7 -11,6 8,5 -6,8

J 59.1 J 59.2 J 60 J 61





EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2

Ekonomins veiklos rys

Pardavimo pajamos, tkst. Lt

Income from sales, LTL thous.

Economic activity Palyginti su 2010 m. atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, growth, drop (-), % 9 mn. 9 months III ketv. III Q

9 mn. 9 months J 62 J 62.01 J 62.02, 62.03, 62.09 J 63 J 63.1

III ketv. III Q

Kompiuteri programavimo, konsultacin ir susijusi veikla Kompiuteri programavimas Kompiuteri konsultacins veiklos, kompiuterins rangos tvarkybos ir kitos informacini technologij bei kompiuteri paslaugos Informacini paslaug veikla Duomen apdorojimo, interneto serveri paslaug (prieglobos) ir susijusi veikla; interneto vart paslaugos Naujien agentr ir kitos informacins paslaugos Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos Nuosavo nekilnojamojo turto pirkimas ir pardavimas Nuosavo arba nuomojamo nekilnojamojo turto nuoma ir eksploatavimas Nekilnojamojo turto operacijos u atlyg arba pagal sutart (agentr veikla) Teisin ir apskaitos veikla Teisin veikla Apskaitos, buhalterijos ir audito veikla; konsultacijos mokesi klausimais Pagrindini buveini veikla; konsultacin valdymo veikla Pagrindini buveini veikla Konsultacin valdymo veikla Architektros ir ininerijos veikla; techninis tikrinimas ir analiz Architektros ir ininerijos veikla bei su ja susijusios technins konsultacijos Techninis tikrinimas ir analiz Reklama ir rinkos tyrimas Reklama Rinkos tyrimas ir vieosios nuomons apklausa

727,4 350,2

247,7 112,2

18,4 19,7

14,4 6,1

Computer programming, consultancy and related activities Computer programming activities Computer consultancy, computer facilities management, other information technology and computer service activities Information service activities

377,2 191,9

135,5 69,0

17,2 38,7

22,2 51,9

174,1 17,8 2122,6 139,0

63,6 5,5 713,2 35,6

49,3 -17,8 6,4 80,0

64,2 -18,7 11,8 47,8

Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals Other information service activities n.e.c. Real estate activities Buying and selling of own real estate Renting and operating of own or leased real estate Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis (real estate agencies) Legal and accounting activities Legal activities Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities Activities of head offices Management consultancy activities Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy Technical testing and analysis Advertising and market research Advertising Market research and public opinion polling

J 63.9 L 68 L 68.1 L 68.2





L 68.3

343,7 762,5 516,6

115,3 248,9 179,3

11,0 19,1 24,6

17,8 8,4 9,5

M 69 M 69.1 M 69.2





M 70 M 70.1 M 70.2 M 71

751,8 65,2 686,6

245,4 19,5 225,9

47,1 -9,4 56,4

48,8 -4,1 56,3





M 71.1

456,3 147,8 699,7 594,2 105,5

177,7 57,9 229,4 196,8 32,6

10,1 21,0 22,0 25,3 6,2

7,3 21,7 33,2 37,9 10,5

M 71.2 M 73 M 73.1 M 73.2





EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2

Ekonomins veiklos rys

Pardavimo pajamos, tkst. Lt

Income from sales, LTL thous.

Economic activity Palyginti su 2010 m. atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, growth, drop (-), % 9 mn. 9 months III ketv. III Q

9 mn. 9 months M 74 M 74.1 M 74.2 M 74.3, 74.9 M 75 N 77 N 77.1 N 77.2 N 77.3. 77.4

III ketv. III Q

Kita profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Specializuota projektavimo veikla Fotografavimo veikla Vertimo ratu ir odiu bei kita profesin, mokslin ir technin veikla Veterinarin veikla Nuoma ir iperkamoji nuoma Variklini transporto priemoni nuoma ir iperkamoji nuoma Asmenini ir nam kio preki nuoma ir iperkamoji nuoma Kit main, rangos ir materialij vertybi nuoma ir iperkamoji nuoma; intelektins nuosavybs ir panai produkt, iskyrus autori teisi saugomus objektus, iperkamoji nuoma darbinimo veikla Kelioni agentr, ekskursij organizatori, iankstinio usakymo paslaug ir susijusi veikla Apsaugos ir tyrimo veikla Pastat aptarnavimas ir kratovaizdio tvarkymas Kombinuota patalp funkcionavimo utikrinimo veikla Valymo veikla Kratovaizdio tvarkymas Administracin veikla, staig ir kit verslo moni aptarnavimo veikla vietimas Ikimokyklinis, pradinis, vidurinis ugdymas ir auktojo mokslo nesuteikiantis mokymas baigus vidurin mokykl Auktasis (tretinis) mokslas Vairavimo mokykl veikla

252,8 21,7 29,3

74,5 7,4 10,2

40,8 35,5 38,3

34,7 48,0 34,1

Other professional, scientific and technical activities Specialised design activities Photographic activities Translation and interpretation, other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c. Veterinary activities Renting and leasing activities Renting and leasing of motor vehicles Renting and leasing of personal and household goods Renting and leasing of other machinery and tangible goods, leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works Employment activities Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities Security and investigation activities Services to buildings and landscape activities Combined facilities support activities Cleaning activities Landscape service activities Office administrative, office support and other business support activities Education Pre-primary, primary, secondary, general secondary, technical and vocational secondary, post secondary non-tertiary education Tertiary education Driving school activities Sports, recreation and cultural education, educational support activities

201,9 34,6 427,1 135,2 30,6

56,9 8,6 150,9 45,4 10,5

41,8 13,6 24,9 22,7 13,9

33,3 -17,1 10,1 7,0 17,8

261,3 225,8

95,1 82,0

27,6 17,3

10,8 22,3

N 78 N 79

573,1 256,3 593,2 142,0 422,7 28,5

267,5 90,4 211,1 45,6 153,4 12,1

14,4 8,7 13,0 5,4 13,3 63,7

28,5 11,2 16,8 4,2 18,8 56,2

N 80 N 81 N 81.1 N 81.2 N 81.3 N 82

192,9 727,4

60,0 229,1

8,3 20,0

4,1 14,7

P 85 P 85.1 85.32, 85.41 P 85.42 P 85.53

67,0 419,6 60,2

17,5 136,4 22,3

6,9 13,0 27,2

6,1 9,9 13,5

P 85.51, Sportinis, rekreacinis, kultrinis 85.52, ir kitas vietimas bei vietimui 85.59, 85.60 bdingos paslaugos









EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2

Ekonomins veiklos rys

Pardavimo pajamos, tkst. Lt

Income from sales, LTL thous.

Economic activity Palyginti su 2010 m. atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, growth, drop (-), % 9 mn. 9 months III ketv. III Q

9 mn. 9 months Q 86

III ketv. III Q

moni sveikatos prieiros veikla Ligonini (iskyrus reabilitacijos), bendrosios praktikos gydytoj ir gydytoj specialist veikla Odontologins praktikos veikla





Human health activities Hospital activities (not including rehabilitation hospitals), general and specialists medical practice activities Activities of rehabilitation hospitals Dental practice activities Other human health activities Ambulance transport of patients activities Residential care activities, social work activities without accommodation Creative, arts and entertainment activities Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities Gambling and betting activities Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities Repair of computers and personal and household goods Repair of computers and communication equipment Repair of consumer electronics, household appliances and home and garden equipment Repair of footwear and leather goods Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery Repair of furniture and home furnishings, other personal and household goods Other personal service activities Washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products Hairdressing and other beauty treatment Funeral and related activities Physical well-being activities Other personal service activities n.e.c.

Q 86.10, 86.21, 86.22

2417,0 118,2 158,0 56,4 72,9

818,7 46,9 53,3 16,9 24,9

-6,6 5,6 2,8 -4,4 21,6

-5,3 7,9 1,5 3,3 19,0

Q 86.10.30 Reabilitacijos ligonini veikla Q 86.23 Q 86.90.10 Kita moni sveikatos prieiros 86.90.30 veikla Q 86.90.40 Greitosios pagalbos veikla Q 87, 88

Kita stacionarin globos veikla, nesusijusio su apgyvendinimu socialinio darbo veikla Krybin, menin ir pramog organizavimo veikla Bibliotek, archyv, muziej ir kita kultrin veikla Azartini aidim ir layb organizavimo veikla Sportin veikla, pramog ir poilsio organizavimo veikla Kompiuteri ir asmenini bei nam kio reikmen taisymas Kompiuteri ir ryi rangos remontas Vartotojikos elektronins rangos, buitini aparat ir prietais, nam bei sodo rangos remontas Avalyns ir odos gamini taisymas vairi tip laikrodi ir juvelyrini dirbini taisymas Bald, interjero reikmen ir kit asmenini bei nam kio reikmen taisymas Kita asmen aptarnavimo veikla Tekstils ir kaili gamini skalbimas ir (sausasis) valymas Kirpykl ir kit groio salon veikla Laidotuvi ir su jomis susijusi veikla Fizins gerovs utikrinimo veikla Kita, niekur kitur nepriskirta, asmen aptarnavimo veikla

75,3 79,2 21,3 481,1 85,3 85,0 53,7

27,2 23,6 10,4 181,8 30,5 30,7 19,9

-28,1 28,2 -22,7 11,9 -7,9 3,4 -3,1

-24,3 30,5 -16,8 43,4 4,1 -2,7 -3,0

R 90 R 91 R 92 R 93 S 95 S 95.1 S 95.21, 95.22 S 95.23 S 95.25 S 95.24, 95.29 S 96 S 96.01 S 96.02 S 96.03 S 96.04 S 96.09

18,6 4,8 2,9

6,2 1,5 0,9

23,3 18,5 29,8

-5,5 5,8 16,2

5,1 237,7 47,6 110,6 34,0 31,7 13,9

2,0 78,4 16,5 35,3 10,8 11,3 4,5

-7,0 11,2 15,4 14,0 -1,9 15,8 2,4

-4,8 13,7 9,2 11,1 -3,8 79,0 -1,0

National version of NACE Rev. 2. 141




Usienio prekybos statistikos objektas yra Lietuvos Respublikos statistin teritorij veamos ir i jos iveamos preks. i statistika rengiama remiantis Intrastato ir Ekstrastato duomenimis. Intrastatas duomen apie Lietuvos prekyb su Europos Sjungos (ES) valstybmis surinkimo sistema. Informacija apie i prekyb teikiama muitinei Intrastato ataskaitose. Ekstrastatas apima Lietuvos prekybos su ES nepriklausaniomis alimis duomenis, kuri altinis yra muitins deklaracijos (Bendrojo administracinio dokumento) informacija. Lietuvos usienio prekyb apibdina keturi rodikliai: eksportas ir importas apibria prekyb su ES nepriklausaniomis alimis, o iveimas ir veimas prekyb su ES valstybmis. Eksportuotos ar ivetos preks yra paskirstytos pagal al gavj. Importuotos preks skirstomos pagal j kilms al, o vetos pagal al siuntj. Bendrai usienio prekybai apibdinti naudojamos eksporto ir importo svokos. Preks klasifikuojamos remiantis Kombinuotja nomenklatra (KN). Negalutiniais muitins deklaracij ir Intrastato ataskait duomenimis, 2011 m. spalio mn. eksportuota preki u 6,1 mlrd. lit, importuota u 7 mlrd. lit. Lietuvos usienio prekybos deficitas sudar 0,9 mlrd. lit. Prekybos su ES valstybmis statistika buvo patikslinta gavus PVM deklaracij duomenis. 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su rugsjo mn., eksportas sumajo 4,9 procento, takos tam turjo 43,7 procento smuks tr, 40,8 procento jav eksportas. Importas neymiai (1,7 %) padidjo tai lm iaugs gamtini duj ir alios naftos importas (atitinkamai 22,4 ir 2,9 %). Preki, iskyrus mineralinius produktus, eksportas sumajo 6,3, o importas 0,5 procento. Lietuvikos kilms preki eksportas sumajo 8,1 procento, be mineralini produkt 11,7 procento. 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. spalio mn., eksportas iaugo 13,8 procento, takos tam turjo padidjs naftos produkt (32 %), katil, main ir mechanini rengini, j dali (23,2 %) bei plastik ir j gamini (22,3 %) eksportas. Importas iaugo 21,3 procento, tai lm padidjs alios naftos (29,5 %), katil, main ir mechanini rengini, j dali (16,4 %), gamtini kalcio fosfat (2,3 karto) importas. Preki, iskyrus mineralinius produktus, eksportas padidjo 7,6, o importas 12,6 procento. Lietuvikos kilms preki eksportas padidjo 13,9 procento, be mineralini produkt 6,5 procento. 2011 m. sausiospalio mn., palyginti su tuo paiu 2010 m. laikotarpiu, eksportas iaugo 32,4 procento, importas 32,5 procento. Eksporto padidjimui takos turjo padidjs naftos produkt (42,2 %), anteminio transporto priemoni (57,7 %) ir tr (79,1 %) eksportas. Importo padidjim lm iaugs alios naftos (36,2 %), anteminio transporto priemoni (61,9 %) bei katil, main ir mechanini rengini, j dali (35,7 %) importas. Preki, iskyrus mineralinius produktus, eksportas padidjo 29,4 procento, importas 28,3 procento. Lietuvikos kilms preki eksportas padidjo 27,8 procento, be mineralini produkt 23,1 procento. 2011 m. sausiospalio mn. svarbiausios Lietuvos eksporto partners buvo Rusija (16,1 %), Latvija (10,2 %), Vokietija (9,3 %) ir Lenkija (7,2 %), o importo Rusija (32,8 %), Vokietija (9,8 %), Lenkija (9,1 %) ir Latvija (6,6 %). 2011 m. sausiospalio mn. didiausi Lietuvos eksporto dal sudar mineralini produkt (25,6 %), main ir mechanini rengini, elektros rangos (9,9 %), chemijos pramons ir jai gimining pramons ak produkcijos (9,3 %) eksportas. Didiausi importo dal sudar mineralini produkt (35,1 %), main ir mechanini rengini, elektros rangos (11,9 %), chemijos pramons ir jai gimining pramons ak produkcijos (10,4 %) importas. The target of foreign trade statistics commodities entering and leaving the statistical territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Foreign trade statistics is produced based on Intrastat and Extrastat data. Intrastat is a system of data collection on Lithuanian trade with the Member States of the European Union (EU). Data on such trade is supplied to the customs in Intrastat reports. Extrastat covers the data on Lithuanian trade with non-EU Member States; data source for this survey is customs declarations (Single Administrative Document). Foreign trade of Lithuania is defined by four indicators: exports and imports define trade volumes of Lithuania with non-EU Member States, while dispatches and arrivals define trade with the EU Member States. Exported or dispatched commodities are distributed by country of destination. Imported commodities are distributed by country of origin and arrived goods by country of consignment. The publication presents data on general foreign trade volumes which are defined using the exports and imports concepts. Commodities are classified according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN).





According to non-final data obtained from customs declarations and Intrastat reporting data, exports in October 2011 amounted to LTL 6.1 billion, imports LTL 7 billion. Foreign trade deficit of Lithuania amounted to LTL 0.9 billion. Data on trade with EU countries were adjusted after VAT returns data had been received. Over the month (in October 2011, against September), exports dropped by 4.9 per cent. A decrease in exports was influenced by a decrease in exports of fertilisers by 43.7 per cent, cereals 40.8 per cent. Imports grew marginally (by 1.7 per cent). This was influenced by an increase in imports of natural gas by 22.4 per cent, crude petroleum 2.9 per cent. Mineral products excluded, exports and imports dropped by 6.3 and 0.5 per cent, respectively. Exports of goods of Lithuanian origin decreased by 8.1 per cent, mineral products excluded by 11.7 per cent. In October 2011, against October 2010, exports increased by 13.8. An increase in exports was influenced by an increase in exports of petroleum products by 32 per cent, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances, parts thereof 23.2 per cent, plastics and articles thereof 22.3 per cent. Imports grew by 21.3 per cent. This was influenced by an increase in imports of crude petroleum by 29.5 per cent, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances, parts thereof 16.4 per cent, natural calcium phosphates 2.3 times. Mineral products excluded, exports and imports grew by 7.6 and 12.6 per cent, respectively. Exports of goods of Lithuanian origin grew by 13.9 per cent, mineral products excluded by 6.5 per cent In JanuaryOctober 2011, against the same period in 2010, exports and imports increased by 32.4 and 32.5 per cent, respectively. An increase in exports was influenced by an increase in exports of petroleum products by 42.2 per cent, ground vehicles 57.7 per cent, fertilisers 79.1 per cent. An increase in imports was influenced by an increase in imports of crude petroleum by 36.2 per cent, ground vehicles 61.9 per cent, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances, parts thereof 35.7 per cent. Mineral products excluded, exports and imports grew by 29.4 and 28.3 per cent, respectively. Exports of goods of Lithuanian origin grew by 27.8 per cent, mineral products excluded by 23.1 per cent. In JanuaryOctober 2011, the most important partners in exports were Russia (16.1 per cent), Latvia (10.2 per cent), Germany (9.3 per cent), and Poland (7.2 per cent), in imports Russia (32.8 per cent), Germany (9.8 per cent), Poland (9.1 per cent), and Latvia (6.6 per cent). In JanuaryOctober 2011, the largest share in exports fell within mineral products (25.6 per cent), machinery and mechanical appliances, electrical equipment (9.9 per cent), products of the chemical or allied industries (9.3 per cent), in imports mineral products (35.1 per cent), machinery and mechanical appliances, electrical equipment (11.9 per cent), products of the chemical or allied industries (10.4 per cent).

Usienio prekyba 2011 m.

Foreign trade, 2011 Mln. lit LTL million
Sausisspalis JanuaryOctober I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q Spalis October

Preki eksportas Preki importas Balansas

57443,2 64756,2 -7313,0

15784,5 18032,0 -2247,5

17407,0 19879,2 -2472,2

18155,6 19880,8 -1725,2

6096,2 6964,3 -868,1

Exports of goods Imports of goods Balance





Eksportas ir importas pagal Makroekonomikos kategorij klasifikatori 2011 m. sausiospalio mn.

Exports and imports by Classification by Broad Economic Categories, JanuaryOctober 2011
Makroekonomikos kategorijos Eksportas Exports mln. Lt LTL mill. % Importas Imports mln. Lt LTL mill. % Broad Economic Categories

I viso Investicins preks Tarpinio vartojimo preks Vartojimo preks Benzinas Lengvieji automobiliai Kita

57443,2 5030,3 29889,3 14670,6 5164,7 2441,3 247,0

100 8,8 52,0 25,5 9,0 4,2 0,4

64756,2 6970,9 42490,0 12593,3 64,8 2612,1 25,0

100 10,8 65,6 19,4 0,1 4,0 0,0

Total Capital goods Intermediate goods Consumption goods Motor spirit Passenger motor cars Other

Svarbiausi usienio prekybos partneriai 2011 m. sausiospalio mn.

Main partners, JanuaryOctober 2011
Mln. Lt LTL mill. %

Eksportas, i viso ES 27 NVS ELPA Rusija Latvija Vokietija Lenkija Estija Nyderlandai Baltarusija Jungtin Karalyst Pranczija vedija Ukraina Kitos alys Importas, i viso ES 27 NVS ELPA Rusija Vokietija Lenkija Latvija Nyderlandai vedija Italija Belgija Estija Pranczija Baltarusija Kitos alys

57443,2 35177,5 15728,5 1330,3 9270,9 5874,7 5342,1 4108,4 3890,6 3302,2 3139,7 2399,7 2290,1 2021,0 1767,8 14036,0 64756,2 36086,2 23721,5 503,0 21271,4 6325,4 5891,5 4290,8 3193,0 2229,7 2036,5 2029,2 1828,0 1571,2 1542,1 12547,4

100 61,2 27,4 2,3 16,1 10,2 9,3 7,2 6,8 5,7 5,5 4,2 4,0 3,5 3,1 24,4 100 55,7 36,6 0,8 32,8 9,8 9,1 6,6 4,9 3,4 3,1 3,1 2,8 2,4 2,4 19,6

Exports, total EU 27 CIS EFTA Russia Latvia Germany Poland Estonia Netherlands Belarus United Kingdom France Sweden Ukraine Other countries Imports, total EU 27 CIS EFTA Russia Germany Poland Latvia Netherlands Sweden Italy Belgium Estonia France Belarus Other countries





Eksportas ir importas pagal valstybes 2011 m. sausiospalio mn.

Exports and imports by country, JanuaryOctober 2011
Eksportas Exports tkst. Lt LTL thous. % Importas Imports tkst. Lt LTL thous. %

I viso Europa Airija Albanija Andora Austrija Baltarusija Belgija Bosnija ir Hercegovina Bulgarija Buvusioji Jugoslavijos Respublika Makedonija ekija Danija Estija Farer salos Gibraltaras Graikija Islandija Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Juodkalnija Kipras Kosovas Kroatija Latvija Lenkija Lichtenteinas Liuksemburgas Malta Moldovos Respublika Nyderlandai Norvegija Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Rusija San Marinas Serbija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija veicarija Turkija Ukraina Vengrija Vokietija 1 Nevardytos alys

57443208,6 51219840,7 160885,6 1883,7 162385,0 3139733,6 668866,1 3703,1 119309,3 4544,7 375502,6 1224498,9 3890558,4 5930,6 296,1 38967,2 37659,0 685801,7 1047238,2 2399658,0 614,7 9235,5 1801,6 48641,5 5874730,4 4108373,1 4,4 11356,4 8723,0 70603,0 3302226,3 1179524,7 156990,3 2290121,8 131077,6 9270877,3 20,8 35723,5 110290,6 30945,6 758768,5 2021039,5 113119,3 359855,1 1767771,2 228056,9 5342125,9 19800,3

100 89,2 0,3 0,0 0,3 5,5 1,2 0,0 0,2 0,0 0,7 2,1 6,8 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1 1,2 1,8 4,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 10,2 7,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 5,7 2,1 0,3 4,0 0,2 16,1 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,1 1,3 3,5 0,2 0,6 3,1 0,4 9,3 0,0

64756154,5 60437097,0 145744,4 520,6 23,4 462723,6 1542128,1 2029184,0 11526,5 84765,4 8583,3 797389,9 1083614,5 1828024,7 5781,2 39848,0 29803,9 677724,6 2036519,6 1007358,6 6,2 15166,5 14,2 18905,6 4290794,6 5891502,0 1471,2 47126,5 4574,4 35794,3 3192995,2 242417,8 46824,7 1571198,4 102889,3 21271365,7 54,5 10803,6 292923,0 158338,0 1242262,3 2229662,8 229347,9 280278,6 662052,4 481683,6 6325379,5 -

100 93,3 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,7 2,4 3,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 1,2 1,7 2,8 0,0 0,1 0,0 1,0 3,1 1,6 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 6,6 9,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,1 4,9 0,4 0,1 2,4 0,2 32,8 0,0 0,0 0,5 0,2 1,9 3,4 0,4 0,4 1,0 0,7 9,8 -

Total Europe Ireland Albania Andorra Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faroe Islands Gibraltar Greece Iceland Spain Italy United Kingdom Montenegro Cyprus Kosovo Croatia Latvia Poland Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malta Moldova, Republic of Netherlands Norway Portugal France Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Hungary Germany 1 Unspecified countries

Atsargos ir maisto atsargos, tiekiamos vykdant Bendrijos vidaus prekyb. Stores and provisions within the framework of intra-Community trade. 145




Eksportas Exports tkst. Lt LTL thous. %

Importas Imports tkst. Lt LTL thous. %

Afrika Alyras Angola Beninas Bisau Gvinja Burkina Fasas Dramblio Kaulo Krantas Dibutis Egiptas Etiopija Gabonas Gambija Gana Gvinja Kamernas Kenija Komorai Kongas Kongo Demokratin Respublika Lesotas Liberija Libija Madagaskaras Malavis Malis Marokas Mauricijus Mauritanija Mozambikas Namibija Nigerija Nigeris Piet Afrika Pusiaujo Gvinja Ruanda Seieliai Senegalas Siera Leon Somalis Sudanas Svazilandas Tanzanija Togas Tunisas Uganda Zambija Zimbabv aliasis Kyulys Amerika Antigva ir Barbuda Argentina Bahamos Belizas Bermuda Bolivija

665462,1 5052,4 86588,8 5883,1 51,3 330,9 428,8 19,1 108870,1 130,3 497,0 678,5 55988,1 251,0 7149,1 37772,1 278,0 2132,2 365,3 3,6 787,7 3113,1 4,8 19277,2 162,8 3854,0 4570,0 15009,0 1327,9 142,6 197542,6 169,4 30439,0 983,5 1602,5 7,7 308,2 1398,0 143,6 398,8 496,3 3559,5 67299,6 251,4 33,4 28,8 81,1 2577104,4 20,4 18834,6 2632,9 3003,8 42,1 523,6

1,2 0,0 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,3 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 4,5 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

717752,5 181,1 72358,5 0,3 16,1 67,3 13094,4 389,1 804,3 231364,1 493,8 495,0 63,3 2,1 0,5 34,0 23,3 14953,7 49,5 353453,9 0,1 286,6 9847,1 16,4 115,8 0,1 9832,9 0,2 1,1 27,2 100,0 9394,0 274,8 1,2 10,9 1111611,0 80415,8 330,6

1,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,7 0,1 0,0

Africa Algeria Angola Benin Guinea-Bissau Burkina Faso Ivory Coast Djibouti Egypt Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Cameroon Kenya Comoros Congo Congo, Democratic Republic of Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Morocco Mauritius Mauritania Mozambique Namibia Nigeria Niger South Africa Equatorial Guinea Rwanda Seychelles Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Cape Verde America Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas Belize Bermuda Bolivia





Eksportas Exports tkst. Lt LTL thous. %

Importas Imports tkst. Lt LTL thous. %

Brazilija il Didiosios Britanijos Mergeli salos Dominika Dominikos Respublika Ekvadoras Falklando (Malvin) salos Gajana Grenlandija Gvatemala Haitis Hondras Jungtins Valstijos Kaiman salos Kanada Kolumbija Kosta Rika Kuba Meksika Nikaragva Olandijos Antilai Panama Paragvajus Peru Salvadoras Sent Kitsas ir Nevis Sent Vinsentas ir Grenadinai Surinamas Trinidadas ir Tobagas Urugvajus Venesuela Australija, Okeanija ir kt. Australija Jungtini Valstij maosios aplinkins salos Kuko salos Maralo Salos Naujoji Kaledonija Naujoji Zelandija Pranczijos Polinezija Vanuatu Azija Afganistanas Armnija Azerbaidanas Bahreinas Bangladeas Filipinai Gruzija Honkongas Indija Indonezija Irakas Iranas Izraelis

6701,4 5013,3 1284,2 479,3 70,7 1376,5 13,9 237,7 270,8 49,6 32,4 1631241,9 771646,4 9265,4 392,8 13114,6 28286,3 41,3 25946,4 5241,0 41081,8 48,0 96,4 8023,1 3,3 49,7 193,3 1845,7 40261,1 34158,6 0,6 474,6 68,9 5497,1 41,3 19,9 2818025,4 9674,6 12120,9 68091,5 382,1 11535,5 3559,3 67085,7 79200,4 345673,1 27670,9 1556,5 45874,3 65305,6

0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 2,8 1,3 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 4,9 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1 0,6 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1

95492,2 19905,4 69,0 19569,9 224,2 2,3 1,1 290,3 791765,7 1,8 73054,7 2994,8 137,6 14380,5 14,5 12,0 17,4 5077,3 3,1 0,1 3288,3 4562,6 26708,0 6688,3 0,1 20003,1 16,4 2333398,8 1243,7 1293,6 14819,0 2134,8 6815,5 35990,0 20013,4 99876,7 48802,1 1842,3 9765,7 32014,5

0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,2 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 3,6 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,2 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0

Brazil Chile Virgin Islands, British Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Falkland Islands Guyana Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras United States Cayman Islands Canada Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Mexico Nicaragua Netherlands Antilles Panama Paraguay Peru El Salvador St Kitts and Nevis St Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Venezuela Australia, Pacific and other Australia United States Minor Outlying Islands Cook Islands Marshall Islands New Caledonia New Zealand French Polynesia Vanuatu Asia Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Philippines Georgia Hong Kong India Indonesia Iraq Iran Israel





Eksportas Exports tkst. Lt LTL thous. %

Importas Imports tkst. Lt LTL thous. %

Japonija Jemenas Jordanija Jungtiniai Arab Emyratai Kamboda Kataras Kazachstanas Kinija Kirgizijos Respublika Kuveitas Libanas Macao Malaizija Maldyvai Mongolija Nepalas Omanas Pakistanas Piet Korja Saudo Arabija Singapras Sirija ri Lanka Tadikistanas Tailandas Taivanas Turkmnistanas Uzbekistanas Vietnamas 2 Nevardytos alys

52850,8 1033,6 1492,3 49639,2 1054,4 947567,2 168529,8 253594,8 2500,6 3812,7 34,3 7554,3 4,9 25941,5 7775,5 1383,0 57225,1 47310,5 160880,5 47456,5 1580,7 322,9 104881,3 7876,0 15477,6 33322,0 59944,5 19248,7 122514,9

0,1 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 1,6 0,3 0,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1 0,3 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,2

125703,1 0,2 93,1 12066,1 5528,9 2283,2 167526,8 1282420,7 6612,5 334,2 0,0 25181,6 0,1 59,8 176,3 38204,9 82564,0 43130,8 21031,1 912,8 9654,4 51,6 42825,5 143632,8 9488,5 10375,1 28929,3 129587,3

0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,3 2,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,2

Japan Yemen Jordan United Arab Emirates Cambodia Qatar Kazakhstan China Kyrgyz Republic Kuwait Lebanon Macao Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal Oman Pakistan South Korea Saudi Arabia Singapore Syria Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Taiwan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Vietnam 2 Unspecified countries

Atsargos ir maisto atsargos, tiekiamos vykdant prekyb su treiosiomis alimis; nenurodytos alys ir teritorijos prekyboje su treiosiomis alimis. Stores and provisions within the framework of trade with third countries; countries and territories not specified within the framework of trade with third countries.

Eksportas pagal Kombinuotosios nomenklatros skyrius 2011 m. sausiospalio mn.

Exports by Combined Nomenclature section, JanuaryOctober 2011 Tkst. lit LTL thousand
KN skyriai Eksportas Exports i to skaiiaus of which ES 27 EU 27 ne ES alys EU non-member states i viso total NVS CIS CN sections

I viso Gyvi gyvnai; gyvnins kilms produktai Augaliniai produktai Gyvniniai arba augaliniai riebalai ir aliejus bei j skilimo produktai; paruoti valgomieji riebalai; gyvninis arba augalinis vakas

57443208,6 35177532,7 22265675,9 15728507,3 Total 2737167,2 3216681,7 1850692,7 1308030,1 886474,5 1908651,6 752222,1 Live animals; animal products 1570806,5 Vegetable products Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or 20103,8 vegetable waxes








KN skyriai

Eksportas Exports

i to skaiiaus of which ES 27 EU 27 ne ES alys EU non-member states i viso total NVS CIS

CN sections

Paruoti maisto produktai; nealkoholiniai ir alkoholiniai grimai bei actas; tabakas ir perdirbti tabako pakaitalai Mineraliniai produktai



1007332,6 3904246,5 1921617,5 783937,7

Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco and 722272,6 manufactured tobacco substitutes 1677236,8 Mineral products Products of the chemical or allied 943457,6 industries Plastics and articles thereof; 677601,6 rubber and articles thereof Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut 54964,4 (other than silkworm gut) Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; 110822,5 basketware and wickerwork Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard; paper and paperboard and 535557,4 articles thereof 935736,4 Textiles and textile articles Footwear; headgear; umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and articles made therewith; artifi43498,1 cial flowers; articles of human hair Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; ceramic products; glass and glass211551,3 ware Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal, and articles thereof; imitation 17279,8 jewellery; coin Base metals and articles of base 579101,5 metal Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such 2957803,9 articles Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and 3200592,1 associated transport equipment

14718235,8 10813989,4 3396420,6 2841885,3

Chemijos pramons ir jai gimining pramons ak produkcija 5318038,1 Plastikai ir j gaminiai; kauiukas ir jo gaminiai alios (neidirbtos) odos, idirbta oda, kailiai ir j dirbiniai; pakinktai ir balnai; kelions reikmenys, rankins ir panas daiktai; dirbiniai i gyvn arn (iskyrus ilkaverpi arnas) Mediena ir medienos gaminiai; medio anglys; kamtiena ir kamtienos dirbiniai; dirbiniai i iaud, esparto arba i kit pynimo mediag; pintins ir pinti dirbiniai 3625823,0







Medienos arba kit pluotini celiuliozini mediag plauiena; perdirbti skirtas popierius arba kartonas (atliekos ir liekanos); popierius ir kartonas bei j gaminiai 1044793,0 Tekstils mediagos ir tekstils dirbiniai Avalyn, galvos apdangalai, skiai, skiai nuo sauls, lazdos, lazdossdyns, vytiniai, botagai ir j dalys; paruotos naudoti plunksnos ir j dirbiniai; dirbtins gls; dirbiniai i moni plauk Dirbiniai i akmens, gipso, cemento, asbesto, ruio arba panai mediag; keramikos dirbiniai; stiklas ir stiklo dirbiniai Gamtiniai arba dirbtiniu bdu iauginti perlai, brangakmeniai arba pusbrangiai akmenys, taurieji metalai, metalai, plakiruoti tauriuoju metalu, bei j dirbiniai; dirbtin biuterija; monetos Netaurieji metalai ir netaurij metal gaminiai Mainos ir mechaniniai renginiai; elektros ranga; j dalys; garso raymo ir atkrimo aparatai, televizijos vaizdo ir garso raymo ir atkrimo aparatai, i gamini dalys ir reikmenys 3092394,7

454855,8 1815612,9

589937,2 1276781,8







225622,4 2690163,8

193823,0 1717540,8

31799,4 972623,0




Anteminio, oro, vandens transporto priemons ir pagalbin transporto ranga 4614318,3







KN skyriai

Eksportas Exports

i to skaiiaus of which ES 27 EU 27 ne ES alys EU non-member states i viso total NVS CIS

CN sections

Optikos, fotografijos, kinematografijos, matavimo, tikrinimo, tikslieji, medicinos arba chirurgijos prietaisai ir aparatai; laikrodiai; muzikos instrumentai; j dalys ir reikmenys Ginklai ir audmenys; j dalys ir reikmenys vairs pramons dirbiniai Meno kriniai, kolekcionavimo objektai ir antikvariniai daiktai Preks, kurioms taikomos specialiosios deklaravimo nuostatos

879106,0 18397,2 3215316,0 1776,5 150667,7

435782,5 10779,4 2236003,0 34,8 19831,9

443323,5 7617,9 979313,0 1741,7 130835,8

Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical instruments, 310580,0 parts and accessories thereof Arms and ammunition; parts and 502,1 accessories thereof Miscellaneous manufactured 398837,9 articles Works of art, collectors pieces 1362,1 and antiques Commodities which are classified 6616,9 according to special requirements

Importas pagal Kombinuotosios nomenklatros skyrius 2011 m. sausiospalio mn.

Imports by Combined Nomenclature section, JanuaryOctober 2011 Tkst. lit LTL thousand
KN skyriai Importas Imports i to skaiiaus of which ES 27 EU 27 ne ES alys EU non-member states i viso total NVS CIS CN sections

I viso Gyvi gyvnai; gyvnins kilms produktai Augaliniai produktai Gyvniniai arba augaliniai riebalai ir aliejus bei j skilimo produktai; paruoti valgomieji riebalai; gyvninis arba augalinis vakas Paruoti maisto produktai; nealkoholiniai ir alkoholiniai grimai bei actas; tabakas ir perdirbti tabako pakaitalai Mineraliniai produktai

64756154,5 36086218,0 28669936,5 1783418,0 2773347,5 1504744,4 2379701,0 278673,6 393646,6

23721507,6 Total 84618,2 Live animals; animal products 216589,1 Vegetable products Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or 81774,4 vegetable waxes Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco and 167012,4 manufactured tobacco substitutes 20544040,0 Mineral products Products of the chemical or allied 847780,0 industries Plastics and articles thereof; 178547,7 rubber and articles thereof Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut 11556,2 (other than silkworm gut) Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; 239257,7 basketware and wickerwork




2911376,4 22748011,5



1553634,4 21194377,1 5565260,2 2404948,4 1194295,7 385684,3

Chemijos pramons ir jai gimining pramons ak produkcija 6759555,9 Plastikai ir j gaminiai; kauiukas ir jo gaminiai 2790632,7 alios (neidirbtos) odos, idirbta oda, kailiai ir j dirbiniai; pakinktai ir balnai; kelions reikmenys, rankins ir panas daiktai; dirbiniai i gyvn arn (iskyrus ilkaverpi arnas) Mediena ir medienos gaminiai; medio anglys; kamtiena ir kamtienos dirbiniai; dirbiniai i iaud, esparto arba i kit pynimo mediag; pintins ir pinti dirbiniai 150









KN skyriai

Importas Imports

i to skaiiaus of which ES 27 EU 27 ne ES alys EU non-member states i viso total NVS CIS

CN sections

Medienos arba kit pluotini celiuliozini mediag plauiena; perdirbti skirtas popierius arba kartonas (atliekos ir liekanos); popierius ir kartonas bei j gaminiai 1390722,1 Tekstils mediagos ir tekstils dirbiniai Avalyn, galvos apdangalai, skiai, skiai nuo sauls, lazdos, lazdossdyns, vytiniai, botagai ir j dalys; paruotos naudoti plunksnos ir j dirbiniai; dirbtins gls; dirbiniai i moni plauk Dirbiniai i akmens, gipso, cemento, asbesto, ruio arba panai mediag; keramikos dirbiniai; stiklas ir stiklo dirbiniai Gamtiniai arba dirbtiniu bdu iauginti perlai, brangakmeniai arba pusbrangiai akmenys, taurieji metalai, metalai, plakiruoti tauriuoju metalu, bei j dirbiniai; dirbtin biuterija; monetos Netaurieji metalai ir netaurij metal gaminiai 2620675,7

1227664,8 2034982,0

163057,3 585693,7

Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard; paper and paperboard and 69034,4 articles thereof 129704,2 Textiles and textile articles Footwear; headgear; umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and articles made therewith; artificial flowers; articles of 3028,0 human hair Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; ceramic products; glass and glass76687,0 ware Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal, and articles 2830,7 thereof; imitation jewellery; coin Base metals and articles of base 679354,0 metal Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such 170879,2 articles Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and 162854,0 associated transport equipment Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical instruments, 23697,6 parts and accessories thereof Arms and ammunition; parts and 69,2 accessories thereof Miscellaneous manufactured 32144,7 articles Works of art, collectors pieces 22,2 and antiques Commodities which are classified 26,7 according to special requirements







184485,3 3364988,5

157360,8 2381731,7

27124,5 983256,7

Mainos ir mechaniniai renginiai; elektros ranga; j dalys; garso raymo ir atkrimo aparatai, televizijos vaizdo ir garso raymo ir atkrimo aparatai, i gamini dalys ir reikmenys 7708748,6 Anteminio, oro, vandens transporto priemons ir pagalbin transporto ranga 5658019,8 Optikos, fotografijos, kinematografijos, matavimo, tikrinimo, tikslieji, medicinos arba chirurgijos prietaisai ir aparatai; laikrodiai; muzikos instrumentai; j dalys ir reikmenys Ginklai ir audmenys; j dalys ir reikmenys vairs pramons dirbiniai Meno kriniai, kolekcionavimo objektai ir antikvariniai daiktai Preks, kurioms taikomos specialiosios deklaravimo nuostatos





825978,1 15542,3 748334,8 600,8 4051,2

638192,9 11173,3 563916,1 76,9 2666,0

187785,2 4369,1 184418,7 523,9 1385,1





Krovini veimas geleinkeli transportu krovini veimas i pakrovimo vietos ikrovimo viet, naudojant geleinkelio transporto priemones. Pateikiami AB Lietuvos geleinkeliai duomenys. Vidaus veimas geleinkeli transportu veimas tarp dviej viet (pakrovimo vietos ir ikrovimo vietos), esani alyje. Tarptautinis veimas geleinkeliu tai veimas tarp dviej viet (pakrovimo vietos ir ikrovimo vietos), esani skirtingose alyse. Gali bti susijs tranzitas per vien ar daugiau ali. Tranzitas tai veimas geleinkeli transportu per al tarp dviej viet (pakrovimo vietos ir ikrovimo vietos), esani u alies teritorijos rib. Veimo operacijos, kuri metu alies pasienyje (ar uoste) kitos ries transporto priemon ar i kitos transporto ries transporto priemons pakraunami ar ikraunami kroviniai, nelaikomos tranzitu. Pateikiami duomenys apie krovos darbus Klaipdos valstybinio jr uosto teritorijoje ir Btings terminale. Pakraunami / ikraunami kroviniai tai pakraunami / ikraunami kroviniai jr laivus / i jr laiv ir veami / atveami jra. TEU (dvideimties pd vieneto ekvivalentas) tai standartinis vienetas, naudojamas vairios talpos konteineriams skaiiuoti. Vienas 20 pd ilgio ISO konteineris lygus 1 TEU. Duomenis apie veim vidaus vanden transportu teikia vejai, turintys licencij veti keleivius arba krovinius vidaus vanden transportu. vidaus vanden transporto veim skaitomas veimas keltu. Oro uost duomenys apima keleivi, krovini ir pato srautus visuose oro uostuose. skaitomi Lietuvos ir usienio oro bendrovi vykdomi veimai. Reguliarus veimas oro transportu tai keleivi, krovini ir pato veimas u mokest reguliariais skrydiais pagal tvarkarat. Nereguliarus veimas oro transportu tai keleivi, krovini ir pato veimas u mokest usakomaisiais ir specialiaisiais skrydiais, t. y. nereguliars skrydiai. Atvyk keleiviai tai keleiviai, kuriems atsiskaitantysis oro uostas yra galutinis, arba tie atvyk keleiviai, kuriems atsiskaitantysis oro uostas yra tarpinis ir kurie tsia kelion lktuvais (tiesioginio tranzito keleiviai neeina). Ivyk keleiviai tai keleiviai, kuriems atsiskaitantysis oro uostas yra pradinis, o kelion baigiasi vietiniame arba usienio oro uoste, arba atvyk keleiviai, kuriems atsiskaitantysis oro uostas yra tarpinis ir jie toliau tsia kelion lktuvais (tiesioginio tranzito keleiviai neeina). Tiesioginio tranzito keleiviai tai keleiviai, kurie tsia kelion skrydiu, turiniu t pat skrydio numer kaip ir tas, kuriuo jie atvyko. Jie skaiiuojami tik vien kart. Krovini veimo apyvarta krovini veimo transporto priemonmis apimties rodiklis, ireikiamas tonos kilometrais, gautais sudjus vis krovini nuvetus atstumus. Geleinkeli transporte atsivelgiama tik atstum, kuris nuvaiuotas alies teritorijoje. Keleivi veimo apyvarta keleivi veimo transporto priemonmis apimties rodiklis, ireikiamas keleivio kilometrais, gautais sudjus vis keleivi nuvaiuotus atstumus. Keli eismo vykis vykis kelyje, vieoje arba privaioje teritorijoje, per kur, judant transporto priemonei, uvo ar buvo sueista moni, sugadinta ar apgadinta bent viena transporto priemon, krovinys, kelias, jo statiniai ar bet koks kitas vykio vietoje buvs turtas. valstybin statistin keli eismo vyki apskait patenka tik tie vykiai, per kuriuos yra uv arba sualoti mons. uvusieji asmenys, mir nuo eismo vykyje patirt kno sualojim vietoje arba per 30 par po vykio. Sueistieji asmenys, eismo vykyje patyr kno sualojimus, nustatytus sveikatos prieiros staigos, kurias buvo pristatyti (kreipsi) nukentjusieji, arba teismo ekspert. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn., veimas geleinkeli transportu padidjo 9,9 procento, tarptautinis krovini veimas padidjo 10,2 procento, vidaus veimas padidjo 9,2 procento. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Klaipdos valstybiniame jr uoste kartu su Btings terminalu pakrauta ir ikrauta 42 mln. ton krovini, tai 14,5 procento daugiau negu 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Klaipdos valstybiniame jr uoste perkrauta 33,7 mln. ton krovini, tai 18,2 procento daugiau, Btings terminale perkrauta 8,3 mln. ton, tai 1,4 procento daugiau negu 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. alia nafta ir naftos produktai sudar 39,8 procento vis perkraut krovini, tai 3 procentais daugiau, palyginti su 2010 m. tuo paiu laikotarpiu. Keli transporto priemoni buvo perkrauta 236,2 tkst., arba 14,7 procento daugiau negu per t pat 2010 m. laikotarp, konteineri (TEU) 351 tkst., arba 30,9 procento daugiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 152



Lietuvos oro bendrovi lktuvais 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. buvo veta 430,5 tkst. keleivi, tai 47 procentais maiau negu per t pat 2010 m. laikotarp. Didioji dalis keleivi (375,7 tkst., arba 87,3 %) veta nereguliariaisiais skrydiais, tai 41,5 procento maiau, palyginti su tuo paiu 2010 m. laikotarpiu. Reguliariaisiais skrydiais veta 54,8 tkst., arba 12,7 procento keleivi, tai 67,6 procento maiau negu tuo paiu 2010 m. laikotarpiu. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. alies oro uostuose nusileido ir pakilo 36,3 tkst. Lietuvos ir usienio oro bendrovi lktuv, tai 4 procentais daugiau negu 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn., i j 96,6 procento vykd tarptautinio susisiekimo skrydius. oro uostus atvyko ir ivyko 2,5 mln. keleivi, arba 16,7 procento daugiau negu 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Rail transport of goods means movement of goods using railway vehicles between the place of loading and the place of unloading. Data of the public company Lietuvos geleinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) are presented. National rail transport means rail transport between two places (the place of loading and the place of unloading) located in the country. International rail transport is rail transportation between two places (a place of loading and a place of unloading) in two different countries. It may involve transit through one or more additional countries. Transit means rail transport through the country between two places (a place of loading and a place of unloading) outside the country. Transport operations involving loading or unloading of goods at the border of the country from/onto another mode of transport are not considered as transit. Data on handling work performed within the territory of the Klaipda State Seaport and Bting Terminal are provided. Goods loaded / unloaded are placed on / taken off a seagoing vessel for / after transport by sea. TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) is a standard unit for counting containers of various capacities. One 20-foot ISO container equals 1 TEU. Data on passenger and goods traffic by inland waterways transport are provided by carriers holding a license to carry passengers or goods by inland waterways transport. Crossing by ferry is included in inland waterways transportation. Data on airports hold information of the flows of passengers, freight and mail by all airports. Also, transportation carried out by Lithuanian and foreign companies is counted. Scheduled air transport refers to carriage of passengers, freight and mail for remuneration according to a published timetable. Non-scheduled air transport refers to carriage of passengers, freight and mail for remuneration by charter and special flights, other then those on the regular schedule. Arriving passengers are those passengers whose air journey terminates at the reporting airport or those passengers to whom a reporting airport is an intermediate one and they further continue their air journey (direct transit passengers excluded). Departing passengers are those passengers whose air journey begins at the reporting airport, and the journey ends either in local or foreign airport or arriving passengers to whom a reporting airport is an intermediate one and they further continue their air journey (direct transit passengers excluded). Direct transit passengers passengers who continue their journey on a flight having the same number as a flight on which they arrived. Passengers in direct transit are counted once only. Tonne-kilometres is an indicator of the volume of freight transport, expressed in tonne-kilometres, calculated as a sum of the distances of carriage of all freight. In rail transport, only the distance covered within the territory of the country is taken into account. Passenger-kilometres is an indicator of the volume of passenger transport, expressed in passenger-kilometres, calculated as a sum of the distances of carriage of all passengers. A road traffic accident is an accident on the road, public or private territory involving a vehicle in motion, in which people are killed or injured, or at least one vehicle, freight, road, roadside facilities or any other property at the site of an accident is damaged in whole or in part. National statistical accounting of road traffic accidents includes only those accidents in which people are killed or injured. Person killed is a person who has died because of bodily injuries suffered in a road traffic accident outright or within 30 days of the accident. Person injured is a person who had suffered bodily injuries in a road traffic accident, which were established by a health care institution to which the victim had been brought (applied) or by a forensic expert.




Over JanuaryNovember 2011, as compared to the same period of 2010, goods transportation by rail increased by 9.9 per cent. International transport of goods increased by 10.2 per cent, national transport of goods increased by 9.2 per cent. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, 42 million tonnes of goods were loaded and unloaded in Klaipda State Seaport and Bting Terminal, which is by 14.5 per cent more than during the same period of 2010. 33.7 million tonnes of goods were loaded and unloaded in Klaipda State Seaport, which is by 18.2 per cent more than during the same period of 2010, and 8.3 million tonnes of goods were loaded and unloaded in Bting Terminal, which is by 1.4 per cent more as compared to the same period of 2010. Crude petroleum and refined petroleum products comprised 39.8 per cent of all goods loaded and unloaded, which is by 3 per cent more as compared to the same period of 2010. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, 236.2 thousand road vehicles were loaded and unloaded, which is by 14.7 per cent more than during JanuaryNovember 2010. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, 351 thousand containers (TEU) were loaded and unloaded, which is by 30.9 per cent more than in JanuaryNovember 2010. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, 430.5 thousand passengers were carried by aircraft of Lithuanian airlines, which is by 47 per cent less than during the same period of 2010. Most passengers (375.7 thousand, or 87.3 per cent) were carried on non-scheduled flights, which is by 41.5 per cent less as compared to the same period of 2010. The number of passengers carried on scheduled flights amounted to 54.8 thousand, or 12.7 per cent, which is by 67.6 per cent less as compared to the same period of 2010. Over JanuaryNovember 2011, 36.3 thousand aircraft of Lithuanian and foreign airlines landed and took off at Lithuanian airports, which is by 4 per cent more than during the same period of 2010, of which 96.6 per cent were aircraft performing international flights. 2.5 million passengers arrived at the airports and departed from them, which is by 16.7 per cent more than during the same period of 2010.

Sausis lapkritis 2011 January November

Lapkritis 2011 November

Palyginti su 2010 m. atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of 2010, growth, drop (-), % sausiolapkriio mn. lapkriio mn. JanuaryNovember November

Krovini veimas Lietuvos geleinkeliais Goods traffic by public railways Veta krovini, tkst. t Vidaus veimais Tarptautiniais veimais Krovini apyvarta, mln. tkm Vidaus veimais Tarptautiniais veimais 48218,8 14032,8 34186,0 13899,3 3393,8 10505,6 4175,3 1315,5 2859,8 1203,8 308,2 895,7 9,9 9,2 10,2 13,4 10,7 14,2 -8,6 -8,6 -8,6 -5,9 -10,6 -4,2 Goods carried, thous. t National International Tonne-kilometres, mill. National International

Krovini perkrovimas Klaipdos valstybiniame jr uoste ir Btings terminale Goods loaded and unloaded in Klaipda State Seaport and Bting Terminal Pakrauta ir ikrauta Total goods loaded and krovini, tkst. t 42003,8 3763,7 14,5 -6,4 unloaded, thous. t Pakrauta Ikrauta Pakrauta ir ikrauta laiv Su Lietuvos vliava Su usienio vliava 25830,6 16173,2 5957 1345 4612 2308,6 1455,1 538 139 399 20,0 6,6 4,2 -3,1 6,6 -5,4 -7,8 0,0 24,1 -6,3 Loaded Unloaded Vessels loaded and unloaded With the Lithuanian flag With a foreign flag

Veimas vidaus vanden transportu Goods and passenger traffic by waterways Veta krovini, tkst. t Veta keleivi, tkst. 998,2 1659,4 46,9 53,6 3,9 -9,1 -11,0 0,1 Goods carried, thous. t Passengers carried, thous.





Sausis lapkritis 2011 January November

Lapkritis 2011 November

Palyginti su 2010 m. atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of 2010, growth, drop (-), % sausiolapkriio mn. lapkriio mn. JanuaryNovember November

Veimas Lietuvos oro bendrovi lktuvais Passenger and goods traffic by Lithuanian airline companies Veta keleivi, tkst. Reguliariaisiais skrydiais Nereguliariaisiais skrydiais Keleivi apyvarta, mln. keleivio km Veta krovini ir pato, t Krovini ir pato apyvarta, tkst. tkm Atvyko ir ivyko keleivi, tkst. Atvyko Ivyko Tranzitiniai keleiviai, tkst. Pakrauta ir ikrauta krovini ir pato, t Pakrauta Ikrauta Nusileido ir pakilo lktuv Tarptautinis susisiekimas 430,5 54,8 375,7 772,5 3331,3 2764,6 18,1 6,0 12,1 36,0 235,5 206,7 -47,0 -67,6 -41,5 -59,9 29,9 20,1 2,0 39,7 -10,1 -22,6 -31,8 -12,2 Passengers carried, thous. Scheduled flights Non-scheduled flights Passenger-kilometres, mill. Freight and mail carried, t Freight and mail tonnekilometres, thous. Passenger arrivals and departures, thous. Arrivals Departures Transit passengers, thous. Freight and mail loaded and unloaded, t Loaded Unloaded Aircraft landings and take-offs International transport

Oro uost darbas Airports 2477,0 1223,8 1253,3 4,1 11914 5637 6277 36347 35106 211,6 105,1 106,5 0,6 1094 544 550 3137 3081 16,7 17,0 16,4 -82,2 8,3 24,1 -2,8 4,0 4,5 22,8 22,8 22,8 9,7 k. -6,5 24,8 -25,1 8,5 10,4

Keleivi veimas troleibusais Passenger traffic by trolleybuses Veta keleivi, tkst. Vilniuje Kaune Keleivi apyvarta, tkst. keleivio km Vilniuje Kaune Keli eismo vykiai, kuri metu nukentjo mons uvo ir sueista moni uvo Sueista Keli eismo vykiai, kuri metu nukentjo vaikai i j dl vaik neatsargumo uvo ir sueista vaik uvo i j dl vaik neatsargumo Sueista i j dl vaik neatsargumo

101979,4 67055,1 34924,3 315395,5 200494,8 114900,7

10571,8 6801,3 3770,5 32740,6 20335,7 12404,9


0,4 0,8 -0,4 0,3 0,8 -0,4


0,9 -2,1 6,6 1,1 -2,1 6,6

Passengers carried, thous. Vilnius Kaunas Passenger-kilometres, thous. In Vilnius In Kaunas Total number of road traffic accidents causing casualties Casualties Killed Injured Total number of road traffic accidents in which children were casualties of which due to carelessness Children casualties Killed of which due to carelessness Injured of which due to carelessness

Keli eismo vykiai Road traffic accidents 2952 3813 262 3551 312 378 32 346 -9,3 -8,2 -4,4 -8,5

-9,0 -6,7 3,2 -7,5

631 209 686 18 9 668 202

51 6 54 2 1 52 5

-10,1 -25,1 -10,9 12,5 28,6 -11,4 -26,3

-1,9 -70,0 -3,6 0,0 -50,0 -3,7 -72,2

Lietuvos policijos eismo prieiros tarnybos duomenys. Data provided by the Traffic Control Service. 155





GOODS TRAFFIC BY ROAD TRANSPORT Krovini veimo keli transportu tyrimas vyksta visus metus. Kiekvien savait tiriama 300 krovininio transporto priemoni. Tyrimas apima vidaus ir tarptautinius krovini veimus. Tyrimui atrinktos Lietuvoje registruotos krovinins transporto priemons, kuri keliamoji galia 3,5 tonos ir daugiau. Vidaus veimas veimas tarp dviej viet (pakrovimo vietos ir ikrovimo vietos), esani alyje. Tarptautinis veimas veimas tarp dviej viet (pakrovimo vietos ir ikrovimo vietos), esani dviejose skirtingose alyse. Gali bti susijs tranzitas per vien ar daugiau ali. Pakrauta kroviniai, pakrauti keli transporto priemon ms alyje, iveti kit al ir joje ikrauti. Ikrauta kroviniai, pakrauti keli transporto priemon kitoje alyje, veti ms al ir joje ikrauti. Tarp kit ali tarptautinis veimas i vienos alies kit ms alyje registruotomis keli transporto priemonmis. Kabotaas krovini veimas kitoje alyje ms alyje registruotomis keli transporto priemonmis. Krovini apyvarta nustatoma kiekvien vet krovini kiek (tonomis) dauginant i j veimo atstumo (kilometrais). 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. keli transportu krovini veta 3,1 procento daugiau nei 2010 m. sausiorugsjo mn. 65,9 procento krovini buvo veta vidaus veimuose. Palyginti su 2010 m. sausiorugsjo mn., vidaus veimas sumajo 2,1 procento, o tarptautinis veimas iaugo 14,7 procento. Per 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. krovini iveimas kitas alis iaugo 9,6 procento ir sudar 3,8 mln. ton, o veimas i kit ali Lietuv iaugo 20 procent ir sudar 2,6 mln. ton. 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. krovini apyvarta iaugo 10,9 procento, i j tarptautini veim 11,8 procento. Tarptautini veim krovini apyvarta sudar 89,1 procento visos apyvartos. The survey on the carriage of goods by road transport is conducted for the whole year. 300 road goods vehicles are surveyed each week. The survey encompasses both national and international goods road traffic. Road goods vehicles with the carrying capacity of 3.5 tonnes and more registered in the Republic of Lithuania were included into the survey coverage. National road transport road transport between two places (a place of loading and the place of unloading) located in the country. International road transport road transport between two places (a place of loading and place of unloading) that are in two different countries. It can also include a transit through one or more countries. Loaded goods are goods which, having been loaded on a road vehicle in the country, left the country by road and were unloaded in another country. Unloaded goods are goods which, having been loaded on a road vehicle in another country, entered the country by road and were unloaded there. Cross-trade road transport is international road transport performed by a road vehicle registered in our country. Cabotage is transport of goods in any other country performed by a road vehicle registered in our country. Tonne-kilometres are estimated by multiplying the weight in tonnes of each freight carried by the length of the distance of carriage. Over JanuarySeptember 2011, against the same period in 2010, the amount of goods carried by road grew by 3.1 per cent. 65.9 per cent of freight was carried by national road transport. Against JanuarySeptember 2010, national road transport decreased by 2.1 per cent, international road transport grew 14.7 per cent. In JanuarySeptember 2011, freight transport to other countries increased by 9.6 per cent and amounted to 3.8 million tonnes, while freight transport from other countries to Lithuania increased by 20 per cent and amounted to 2.6 million tonnes. Over JanuarySeptember 2011, tonne-kilometres increased by 10.9 per cent, of which international road transport by 11.8 per cent. The volume of tonne-kilometres by international road transport accounted for 89.1 per cent of total tonnekilometres.





Krovini veimas keli transportu 2011 m.

Goods traffic by road transport, 2011
Sausis rugsjis January September III ketv. III Q Palyginti su 2010 m. atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of 2010, growth, drop (-), % sausiorugsjo mn. JanuarySeptember III ketv. III Q

Veta krovini i viso, tkst. t Vidaus Tarptautiniais Pakrauta Ikrauta Tarp kit ali Kabotaas Krovini apyvarta i viso, mln. tkm Vidaus Tarptautiniais Pakrauta Ikrauta Tarp kit ali Kabotaas Keli transporto moni krovini veimas, tkst. t Vidaus Tarptautiniais Pakrauta Ikrauta Tarp kit ali Kabotaas Keli transporto moni krovini apyvarta, mln. tkm Vidaus Tarptautiniais Pakrauta Ikrauta Tarp kit ali Kabotaas

36255,8 23886,7 12369,1 3798,4 2616,9 5720,2 233,5 16977,4 1858,9 15118,6 4726,6 3217,7 7111,8 62,5

13638,8 9485,9 4152,9 1274,9 931,7 1857,8 88,5 5481,4 675,0 4806,4 1560,1 1117,4 2104,1 24,8

3,1 -2,1 14,7 9,6 20,0 16,3 7,8 10,9 3,8 11,8 15,0 19,5 6,8 8,1

0,1 -7,1 21,7 22,3 18,5 24,0 5,4 14,3 -2,1 17,1 17,9 24,5 13,1 2,3

Goods carried, thous. t National International Loaded Unloaded Cross-trade Cabotage Tonne-kilometres, mill. National International Loaded Unloaded Cross-trade Cabotage Goods carried by road transport enterprises, thous. t National International Loaded Unloaded Cross-trade Cabotage Tonne-kilometres by road transport enterprises, mill. National International Loaded Unloaded Cross-trade Cabotage

17150,0 6596,3 10553,7 3274,6 2124,6 4962,4 192,1

5878,7 2415,4 3463,3 1093,6 717,1 1581,4 71,2

8,9 2,3 13,4 9,0 21,8 13,6 3,2

14,4 5,4 21,7 20,9 22,3 23,0 2,8

14065,1 745,0 13320,1 4252,1 2748,0 6271,6 48,4

4443,8 258,3 4185,5 1437,0 919,8 1809,7 19,1

10,3 8,0 10,4 14,2 19,1 4,7 4,7

15,3 -0,3 16,5 19,4 18,8 13,3 4,1





Krovini veimas keli transportu

Goods traffic by road transport
Tkst. t Thousand tonnes 20000 Vidaus National


Tarptautiniais International


13919,5 13350,8 13385,0 12973,9 13085,9


13626,2 13638,8




9254,1 8570,9

9232,0 9152,9 10161,0 9196,8

12919,3 10214,8 10130,8 8952,2 9485,9

9545,3 9006,1

6141,4 5247,9 4978,9


6522,0 6315,5










4232,1 3228,8 2955,1


4152,9 2629,5 2690,6 3023,2

0 2008 2009 2010 2011 I 2008 2009 2010 2011 II 2008 2009 2010 2011 III 2008 2009 2010 IV

ketviriai quarters






INCOME FROM SALES OF TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE ENTERPRISES Pardavimo pajamos mons veiklos pajamos, gautos pardavus prekes ar suteikus paslaugas pirkjui (klientui) per ataskaitin laikotarp (neskaitant PVM). Netraukiamos pajamos, gautos pardavus ilgalaik materialj turt, i finansins ir investicins veiklos, dividend ir kt. Iankstiniais duomenimis, transporto ir saugojimo veiklos (H 4953) moni pardavimo pajamos (be PVM) 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausiorugsjo mn., iaugo 15,5 procento ir to meto kainomis sudar 14,1 mlrd. lit (be PVM). Transporto ir sandliavimo moni (H 4952) pardavimo pajamos 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. sudar 13,9 mlrd. lit ir, palyginti su 2010 m. tuo paiu laikotarpiu, padidjo 15,6 procento. Daugiausia iaugo sausumos transporto ir transportavimo vamzdynais bei sandliavimo ir transportui bding paslaug veikl moni pardavimo pajamos atitinkamai 18,8 ir 15,2 procento. Pato ir pasiuntini (kurjeri) veiklos (H 53) moni pardavimo pajamos 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. sudar 217,2 mln. lit ir, palyginti su tuo paiu 2010 m. laikotarpiu, padidjo 7,3 procento. Income from sales is total income (VAT excluded) gained by an enterprise from goods sold and services provided over the reference period. Income from sales of tangible fixed assets, financial and investment activity, dividends, etc. are not included. According to provisional data, income from sales of transportation and storage (H 4953) enterprises over January September 2011, compared to the same period of 2010, increased by 15.5 per cent and made up LTL 14.1 billion at current prices (VAT excluded). Income from sales of transport and warehousing enterprises (H 4952) over JanuarySeptember 2011 amounted to LTL 13.9 billion and, compared to JanuarySeptember 2010, rose by 15.6 per cent. The most noticeable increase in income from sales was observed in enterprises engaged in land transport and transport via pipelines, warehousing and support activities for transportation by 18.8 and 15.2 per cent respectively. Income from sales of enterprises engaged in postal and courier activities (H 53) in JanuarySeptember 2011 amounted to LTL 217.2 million and, against the same period of 2010, increased by 7.3 per cent.

Transporto ir saugojimo moni pajam pokyiai 2011 m.

Changes in income from sales of transportation and storage enterprises, 2011 Palyginamosiomis kainomis, palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), procentais At constant prices, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, growth, drop (-), per cent
Ekonomins veiklos rys EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 H 49.1, 49.2 H 49.41 H 49.50 H 50.150.2 H 51 H 52.10 H 52.24 H 53.1 H 53.2

I ketv. IQ

II ketv. II Q

III ketv. III Q

Economic activity

Geleinkelio transportas Krovininis keli transportas Transportavimas naftotiekiais Jr ir pakrani vandens transportas Oro transportas Sandliavimas ir saugojimas Krovini tvarkymas Pato pagal pareigojim teikti universalisias paslaugas atliekama veikla Kita pato ir pasiuntini (kurjeri) veikla

22,5 -4,0 -21,0 -4,2 -61,4 -29,4 17,7 -0,1 15,3

35,5 9,4 13,9 -9,5 -25,4 12,7 25,0 7,8 11,9

14,1 14,9 10,8 -4,4 -12,9 13,7 21,6 3,4 11,0

Rail transport Freight transport by road Transport via oil pipelines Sea and coastal water transport Air transport Warehousing and storage Cargo handling Postal activities under universal service obligation Other postal and courier activities

National version of NACE Rev. 2.





Transporto ir saugojimo moni pardavimo pajamos 2011 m.

Income from sales of transportation and storage enterprises, 2011 To meto kainomis At current prices
EVRK 2 red. EVRK 1 Rev. 2 Ekonomins veiklos rys Pardavimo pajamos, mln. Lt Income from sales, LTL million 9 mn. III ketv. 9 months III Q H H 4952 H 49 H 50 H 50.1 50.2 H 50.3 50.4 H 51 H 52 H 52.1 H 52.2 Palyginti su 2010 m. atitin- Economic activity kamu laikotarpiu, padidjimas, sumajimas (-), % Compared to the corresponding period of 2010, growth, drop (-), % 9 mn. 9 months III ketv. III Q

Transportas ir saugojimas Transportas ir sandliavimas Sausumos transportas ir transportavimas vamzdynais Vandens transportas Jr ir pakrani vandens transportas Vidaus vanden transportas Oro transportas Sandliavimas ir transportui bding paslaug veikla Sandliavimas ir saugojimas

14111,7 13894,5 8014,5 475,3 462,8 12,5 210,8 5193,9 292,5

4944,4 4872,1 2780,0 169,9 163,8 6,1 96,6 1825,5 143,4 1682,1 224,7 203,2 1254,3 72,4

15,5 15,6 18,8 0,4 0,4 -0,9 -27,4 15,2 1,4 16,1 20,6 24,9 14,0 7,3

16,4 16,5 19,2 -6,4 -6,6 -1,2 -15,9 17,5 12,1 18,0 14,9 20,9 18,1 6,8

Transportation and storage Transportation and warehousing Land transport and transport via pipelines Water transport Sea and costal water transport Inland water transport Air transport Warehousing and support activities for transportation Warehousing and storage Support activities for transportation Service activities incidental to land, water and air transportation Cargo handling Other transportation support activities Postal and courier activities

Transportui bding paslaug veikla 4901,4

H 52.21 Sausumos, vandens ir oro 52.23 transportui bding paslaug veikla H 52.24 H 52.29 H 53

659,2 626,5 3615,6 217,2

Krovini tvarkymas Kita transportui bding paslaug veikla Pato ir pasiuntini (kurjeri) veikla

National version of NACE Rev. 2.

Transporto ir saugojimo moni pardavimo pajam indeksai

Income from sales indices of transportation and storage enterprises 2005 m. ketvirio vidurkis = 100 Average quarterly 2005 = 100
220 200 180 160 140 120 100 I 2007 II III IV I 2008 II III IV I 2009 II III IV I 2010 II III IV I 2011 II III Kitimo tendencija Trend Pajamos Income Eliminavus sezono ir darbo dien skaiiaus tak Seasonally and working day adjusted

ketvirtis quarter 160






GOVERNMENT FINANCE Lietuvos Respublikos valstybs biudete sukaupti finansiniai itekliai yra naudojami bendroms valstybs reikmms finansuoti. Vietos savivaldybi biudetai yra sudtin alies valstybins biudet sistemos dalis. Juose kaupiamos los socialinms, ekonominms bei kitoms vietins reikms programoms finansuoti ir vietos savivaldos staigoms ilaikyti. Valstybs ir savivaldybi biudetai tvarkomi remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos statymais. 2003 m. liepos mn. patvirtinta Lietuvos Respublikos valstybs ir savivaldybi biudeto pajam ir ilaid klasifikacija atitinkanti naujus tarptautinius apskaitos standartus. Pagal nuo 2004 m. sigaliojusi COFOG klasifikacij (angl. The Classification of the Functions of Government) valstybs ir savivaldybi biudet ilaidos paskirstytos 10 funkcij vietoj 14 buvusi. Valstybs ir savivaldybi biudetuose atsispindi ir Europos Sjungos los. Socialinio draudimo sistem sudaro vis dirbanij mokamos socialinio draudimo mokos (privalomos ir savanorikos) ir socialinio draudimo imokos (pensijos, ligos ir motinysts, darbo netekimo ir kt. paalpos). Finans ministerijos duomenimis, treij 2011 m. ketvirt valstybs ir savivaldybi biudet pajamos sudar 7304,2 mln. lit, o ilaidos 6423,7 mln. lit. Perteklius siek 880,5 mln. lit. Svarbiausi treiojo 2011 m. ketvirio valstybs ir savivaldybi biudet pajam altiniai buvo preki ir paslaug mokesiai 43,2 procento bei Europos sjungos parama 28,9 procento. Per i met treij ketvirt socialinei sriiai buvo skirta 44,1 procento vis valstybs ir savivaldybi biudet ilaid. I j vietimui teko 17,6, socialinei apsaugai 14,4, o sveikatos apsaugai 8,4 procento. Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo pajamos sudar 2841,1 mln. lit, o ilaidos 3222,4 mln. lit. Deficitas siek 381,3 mln. lit. Valstybinio privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo pajamos buvo 1062,7 mln. lit, o ilaidos 1040,4 mln. lit. Financial resources accumulated in the State budget of the Republic of Lithuania are used to finance the needs of the State. Municipal budgets are a constituent part of the state budget system of the Republic of Lithuania; they accumulate funds to cover social, economic and other programmes of local significance as well as to maintain local self-government institutions. The management of the State and municipal budgets is based on the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. In July 2003, classification of revenue and expenditure of the State and municipal budgets of the Republic of Lithuania was approved, which is in compliance with international accounting standards. According to the Classification of the Functions of the Government (COFOG), in force since 2004, the expenditure of the State and municipal budgets is divided into 10 functions instead of the former 14. European Union funds are also shown in the State and municipal budgets. The social insurance system is comprised of social insurance contributions (compulsory and voluntary) paid by the persons employed and social insurance benefits (pensions, sickness and maternity benefits, severance pays, etc.). According to the data provided by the Ministry of Finance, State and municipal budgets revenue in III quarter 2011 totalled LTL 7304.2 million, expenditure LTL 6423.7 million. Surplus amounted to LTL 880.5 million. The main sources of the state and municipal budgets revenue in III quarter 2011 were taxes on goods and services 43.2 per cent, and EU assistance 28.9 per cent. Over III quarter 2011, as much as 44.1 per cent of funds from the state and municipal budgets were allocated for social affairs, of which for education 17.6, social protection 14.4, health care 8.4 per cent. The receipts of the State Social Insurance Fund totalled LTL 2841.1 million, expenditure LTL 3222.4 million. The deficit amounted to LTL 381.3 million. The receipts of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund amounted to LTL 1062.7 million, expenditure LTL 1040.4 million.





Valstybs ir savivaldybi biudet pajamos

State and municipal budgets revenue
9 mn. 2011 9 months mln. Lt 2 LTL mill. 2 % III ketv.1 2011 III Q 1 mln. Lt 2 LTL mill. 2 %

Pajamos Mokesiai Pajam ir pelno mokesiai Gyventoj pajam mokestis Pelno mokestis Preki ir paslaug mokesiai Pridtins verts mokestis Akcizai Cukraus mokestis Loterij ir azartini loim mokestis Transporto priemoni mokestis Mokestis u aplinkos terim Rinkliavos Atskaitymai nuo pajam pagal LR mik statym Turto mokesiai ems mokestis Paveldimo ir dovanojamo turto mokestis moni ir organizacij turto mokestis Tarptautins prekybos ir sandori mokesiai Kitos pajamos Turto pajamos Palkanos u paskolas Palkanos u depozitus Lietuvos banko likutinis pelnas Dividendai Palkanos u kapitalo naudojim Mokestis u valstybinius gamtos iteklius Naftos ir duj mokestis Kita ems, vandens telkini bei kit gamtos itekli nuoma Pajamos u teikiamas paslaugas

19457,1 13078,0 3297,6 2709,0 588,6 9383,3 6567,8 2409,0 2,9 18,3 96,1 55,4 178,1 55,7 250,1 4,6 2,7 242,8 147,1 1324,3 412,3 127,5 44,4 63,3 94,3 22,2 26,8 20,1 13,6 665,7

100,0 67,2 16,9 13,9 3,0 48,2 33,8 12,4 0,0 0,1 0,5 0,3 0,9 0,3 1,3 0,0 0,0 1,2 0,8 6,8 2,1 0,7 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 3,4

7304,2 4488,4 1231,4 978,2 253,1 3154,5 2148,1 888,7 0,0 5,1 33,1 1,1 58,9 19,6 53,2 1,3 0,9 51,0 49,4 465,9 99,6 1,4 12,3 0,0 48,5 23,3 0,2 9,3 4,6 227,1

100,0 61,5 16,9 13,4 3,5 43,2 29,4 12,2 0,0 0,1 0,5 0,0 0,8 0,3 0,7 0,0 0,0 0,7 0,7 6,4 1,4 0,0 0,2 0,0 0,7 0,3 0,0 0,1 0,1 3,1

Revenue Taxes Taxes on income and profit Personal income tax Profit tax Taxes on goods and services Value added tax Excise duties Sugar tax Lottery and gambling tax Vehicle tax Tax on environmental pollution Fees and charges Deductions from revenue under the RoL Law on Forestry Property taxes Land tax Inheritance and gift tax Tax on immovable property of enterprises and organizations Taxes on international trade and transactions Other income Property income Interest on loans Interest on deposits Residual profit of the Bank of Lithuania Dividends Interest on the use of capital State natural resources tax Oil and gas resources tax Other lease of land, water bodies and other natural resources Revenue from services

Apskaiiuota pagal Finans ministerijos duomenis. Calculated based on the data provided by the Ministry of Finance. 2 Konsoliduoti duomenys. Consolidated data. 162



9 mn. 2011 9 months mln. Lt 2 LTL mill. 2 %

III ketv.1 2011 III Q 1 mln. Lt 2 LTL mill. 2 %

Pajamos u patalp nuom Konsulinis mokestis Pajamos u atsitiktines paslaugas mokos u moksl auktosiose mokyklose yminis mokestis Kitos pajamos Pajamos i baud ir konfiskacijos Kitos neivardintos pajamos, los ir dotacijos Europos Sjungos parama Sandoriai su materialiuoju ir nematerialiuoju turtu bei finansiniai sipareigojimai

34,7 53,1 307,2 241,8 18,9 9,9 71,0 175,3 4680,4

0,2 0,3 1,6 1,2 0,1 0,1 0,4 0,9 24,1

11,9 17,7 121,8 66,4 6,4 3,0 22,3 116,9 2114,4

0,2 0,2 1,7 0,9 0,1 0,0 0,3 1,6 28,9

Revenue from the lease of premises Consular duty Revenue from accidental services Tuition fees for studying at schools of higher education Stamp duty Other income Revenue from fines and forfeiture Other revenue n.e.c. EU assistance Transactions in tangible and intangible assets and financial liabilities





Valstybs ir savivaldybi biudet ilaidos pagal valstybs funkcijas

State and municipal budgets expenditure by government function
9 mn. 2011 9 months mln. Lt 2 LTL mill. 2 % III ketv.1 2011 III Q 1 mln. Lt 2 LTL mill. 2 %

Ilaidos Socialinei sriiai vietimas Sveikatos apsauga Socialin apsauga Poilsis, kultra ir religija Kitoms valstybs funkcijoms Bendrosios valstybs paslaugos Gynyba Vieoji tvarka ir visuomens apsauga Aplinkos apsauga Bstas ir komunalinis kis Ekonomika

19729,2 9233,8 4216,2 1579,2 2756,8 681,7 10495,4 3791,0 646,4 1369,5 588,9 205,0 3894,6

100,0 46,8 21,4 8,0 14,0 3,5 53,2 19,2 3,3 6,9 3,0 1,0 19,7

6423,7 2831,3 1127,4 541,4 923,6 239,0 3592,4 1121,7 218,4 509,2 255,8 97,9 1389,4

100,0 44,1 17,6 8,4 14,4 3,7 55,9 17,5 3,4 7,9 4,0 1,5 21,6

Expenditure Expenditure on social affairs Education Health care Social protection Recreation, culture and religion Expenditure on other government functions General public services Defence Public order and safety Environmental protection Housing and communal services Economic affairs

Apskaiiuota pagal Finans ministerijos duomenis. Calculated based on the data provided by the Ministry of Finance. 2 Konsoliduoti duomenys. Consolidated data.





Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo biudeto pajamos ir ilaidos

State Social Insurance Fund budget revenue and expenditure
9 mn. 2011 9 months mln. Lt LTL mill. % III ketv.1 2011 III Q 1 mln. Lt LTL mill. %

Pajamos Valstybinio socialinio draudimo mokos Privalomasis draudimas Draudj draudimo mokos Apdraustj draudimo mokos Savarankikai dirbani ir jiems prilygint asmen draudimo mokos Savanorikai apsidraudusi asmen draudimo mokos Lietuvos valstybs biudeto asignavimai Atgautos ir ankstesni met ilaidas perkeltos abejotinai atgautinos sumos Baudos ir delspinigiai Veiklos pajamos Sveikatos draudimo mokos i socialinio draudimo paalp Ilaidos Socialinio draudimo imokos Pensij draudimas Senatvs pensijos Invalidumo pensijos Nali ir nalaii (maitintojo netekimo) pensijos Itarnauto laiko pensijos Kompensacija u ypatingas darbo slygas Imokos u mirusius pensininkus juos laidojusiems asmenims Ligos ir motinysts (tvysts) draudimas Ligos paalpos Motinysts paalpos Motinysts (tvysts) paalpos Laidojimo paalpos Draudimas nuo nedarbo Nelaiming atsitikim darbe ir profesini lig draudimas Los, pervedamos pensij draudimo fondus Los, pervedamos Privalomj sveikatos draudimo fond Neatgautinos ir abejotinai atgautinos sumos Veiklos snaudos Perteklius / deficitas (-)

8262,6 7873,1 7872,1 5995,9 1734,3 141,9 1,1 265,6

100,0 95,3 95,3 72,6 21,0 1,7 0,0 3,2

2841,1 2699,0 2698,7 2065,7 598,2 34,8 0,4 90,8

100,0 95,0 95,0 72,7 21,1 1,2 0,0 3,2

Revenue State social insurance contributions Compulsory social insurance contributions Employers contributions Employees contributions Contributions of the self-employed and those equated to them Contributions of voluntarily insured persons Appropriations from the State budget Hardly recoverable amounts recovered and carried over to the expenditure of the previous year Fines and penalties Revenue from activities Health insurance contributions from social insurance allowances Expenditure Social insurance payments Pension insurance Old-age pensions Disability pensions Widows, widowers, orphans (loss of the breadwinner) pensions Seniority pensions Compensation for extreme working conditions Benefits paid for deceased pensioners to those burying them Sickness and maternity (paternity) insurance Sickness benefits Maternity benefits Maternity (paternity) benefits Funeral benefits Unemployment insurance Insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases Transfers to pension insurance funds Transfers to the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Irrecoverable or hardly recoverable amounts Operation costs Surplus / deficit (-)

14,2 5,5 36,9 67,3 9789,6 7097,6 5744,0 4128,7 1271,1 289,4 3,3 31,3 20,2 1107,9 254,8 133,0 720,0 4,1 245,7 34,3 265,6 1783,7 88,7 519,7 -1527,0

0,2 0,1 0,4 0,8 100,0 72,5 58,7 42,2 13,0 3,0 0,0 0,3 0,2 11,3 2,6 1,4 7,4 0,0 2,5 0,4 2,7 18,2 0,9 5,3 x

2,3 1,7 26,6 20,7 3222,4 2308,5 1908,8 1377,1 422,1 92,3 1,1 10,1 6,1 332,4 68,0 41,2 223,1 1,2 67,3 10,2 90,8 609,9 24,7 178,4 -381,3

0,1 0,1 0,9 0,7 100,0 71,6 59,2 42,7 13,1 2,9 0,0 0,3 0,2 10,3 2,1 1,3 6,9 0,0 2,1 0,3 2,8 18,9 0,8 5,5 x

Apskaiiuota pagal Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos duomenis. Calculated based on the data provided by the State Social Insurance Fund Board.




Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo biudeto pajamos ir ilaidos

Compulsory Health Insurance Fund budget revenue and expenditure
9 mn. 2011 9 months mln. Lt LTL mill. % III ketv.1 2011 III Q 1 mln. Lt LTL mill. %

Pajamos Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos administruojamos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo mokos Valstybins mokesi inspekcijos administruojamos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo mokos Lietuvos valstybs biudeto mokos ir asignavimai mokos u apdraustuosius valstybs lomis Kiti biudeto asignavimai Institucij, vykdani privalomj sveikatos draudim, veiklos pajamos Savanorikos juridini ir fizini asmen mokos Kitos pajamos Ilaidos Asmens sveikatos prieiros paslaugoms apmokti Medikament ir medicinos pagalbos priemoni kompensacijos Ortopedijos technikos priemonms sigyti Sanatorinio-kurortinio gydymo ilaidos Protezavimas ir kitos medicinos priemons Sveikatos programoms finansuoti Privalomj sveikatos draudim vykdanioms staigoms ilaikyti Kitos ilaidos Perteklius / deficitas (-)





Revenue Compulsory health insurance contributions administered by the State Social Insurance Fund Board Compulsory health insurance contributions administered by the State Tax Inspectorate Contributions and appropriations from the State budget Contributions for those insured by the State Other budget appropriations Revenue from activities of compulsory health insurance institutions Voluntary contributions of legal and natural persons Other revenue Expenditure Personal health care services Reimbursement for medicines and medical aids Purchase of orthopaedic equipment Sanatorium treatment Prosthetics and other medical equipment Health programmes Maintenance of compulsory health insurance institutions Other expenditure Surplus / deficit (-)





52,3 1252,3 1178,4 73,8 11,1 4,8 10,0 3116,0 2283,7 482,4 29,7 102,7 86,4 109,5 21,6 0,0 10,8

1,7 40,0 37,7 2,4 0,4 0,2 0,3 100,0 73,3 15,5 1,0 3,3 2,8 3,5 0,7 0,0 x

14,2 415,9 392,8 23,1 3,1 1,6 4,4 1040,4 769,1 151,2 9,9 35,7 25,6 40,4 8,6 0,0 22,3

1,3 39,1 37,0 2,2 0,3 0,1 0,4 100,0 73,9 14,5 1,0 3,4 2,5 3,9 0,8 0,0 x

Apskaiiuota pagal Valstybins ligoni kasos duomenis. Calculated based on the data provided by the State Patient Fund.





MONEY Skyriuje pateikiami Lietuvos banko duomenys pinigai plaija prasme (P3), palkan normos u pinig finansini institucij suteiktas naujas paskolas ir priimtus naujus sutarto termino indlius. Pinigai plaija prasme (P3) skaiiuojami i konsoliduoto pinig finansini institucij balanso. Pinig kiekis (P3) 2011 m. spalio mn. pabaigoje sudar 50,2 mlrd. lit, per mnes jis padidjo 93,7 mln. lit, arba 0,2 procento. Pinig finansini institucij nauj litais suteikt paskol nefinansinms korporacijoms ir nam kiams vidutin svertin palkan norma 2011 m. spalio mn. buvo 5,39 procento (rugsjo mn. 5,63 %), i j nefinansinms korporacijoms 4,79 procento (rugsjo mn. 5,08 %), nam kiams 5,97 procento (rugsjo mn. 6,32 %). Nauj eurais suteikt paskol nefinansinms korporacijoms ir nam kiams vidutin svertin palkan norma spalio mn. buvo 4,44 procento (rugsjo mn. 4,43 %), i j nefinansinms korporacijoms 4,47 procento (rugsjo mn. 4,50 %), nam kiams 4,37 procento (rugsjo mn. 4,26 %). Pinig finansini institucij priimt nefinansini korporacij ir nam ki nauj sutarto termino indli litais vidutin svertin palkan norma spalio mn. buvo 1,54 procento (rugsjo mn. 1,58 %), nefinansini korporacij 1,28 procento (rugsjo mn. 1,58 %), nam ki 1,70 procento (rugsjo mn. 1,58 %). Nefinansini korporacij ir nam ki nauj sutarto termino indli eurais vidutin svertin palkan norma spalio mn. buvo 1,34 procento (rugsjo mn. 1,50 %), nefinansini korporacij 1,29 procento (rugsjo mn. 1,62 %), nam ki 1,40 procento (rugsjo mn. 1,32 %). The chapter provides information of the Bank of Lithuania such as broad money (M3), interest rate on new loans granted and new deposits with agreed maturity received by monetary financial institutions. Broad money (M3) is calculated from the consolidated balance sheet of monetary financial institutions. At the end of October 2011, broad money (M3) amounted to LTL 50.2 billion. Over the month it increased by LTL 93.7 million, or by 0.2 per cent. In October 2011, the average weighted interest rate for new loans in litas of monetary financial institutions to non-financial corporations and households was 5.39 per cent (in September 5.63 per cent), of which that for loans to non-financial corporations 4.79 per cent (in September 5.08 per cent), that for loans to households 5.97 per cent (in September 6.32 per cent). In October, the average weighted interest rate for new loans in euros of monetary financial institutions to non-financial corporations and households was 4.44 per cent (in September 4.43 per cent), of which that for loans to non-financial corporations 4.47 per cent (in September 4.50 per cent), that for loans to households 4.37 per cent (in September 4.26 per cent). In October, the average weighted interest rate for new deposits with agreed maturity in litas received by monetary financial institutions from non-financial corporations and households was 1.54 per cent (in September 1.58 per cent), of which that for deposits from non-financial corporations 1.28 per cent (in September 1.58 per cent), that for deposits from households 1.70 per cent (in September 1.58 per cent). In October, the average weighted interest rate for new deposits with agreed maturity in euros received from non-financial corporations and households was 1.34 per cent (in September 1.50 per cent), of which that for deposits from non-financial corporations 1.29 per cent (in September 1.62 per cent), that for deposits from households 1.40 per cent (in September 1.32 per cent).





Pinigai plaija prasme (P3)

Broad money (M3) Laikotarpio pabaigoje, mln. lit End of period, LTL million
2010 gruodis December 2011 rugpjtis August rugsjis September spalis October

Pinigai plaija prasme (P3) Grynieji pinigai apyvartoje Vienadieniai indliai Sutarto iki 2 m. termino indliai spjamojo iki 3 mn. laikotarpio indliai Atpirkimo sandoriai Pinig rinkos fond akcijos (vienetai) Skolos vertybiniai popieriai iki 2 m.

48117,3 7847,2 19551,5 20116,3 211,7 35,1 ... 356,1

49559,7 8249,9 20008,5 20114,9 188,6 9,3 ... 989,0

50082,3 8274,7 20604,8 19972,8 183,3 9,3 ... 1037,8

50176,0 8428,6 20181,8 20242,9 180,7 9,3 ... 1133,0


Broad money (M3) Currency in circulation Overnight deposits Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months Repurchase agreements Money market funds shares (units) Debt securities up to 2 years

Pinig finansini institucij suteikt nauj paskol palkan normos

Interest rates on new bank loans Procentais Per cent
2010 gruodis December 2011 rugpjtis August rugsjis September

spalis October

Litais I viso Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m. Nefinansinms korporacijoms Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m. Nam kiams Vartojimo paskolos Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m. Paskolos bstui Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m. Eurais I viso Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m. Nefinansinms korporacijoms Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m. Nam kiams Vartojimo paskolos Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m. Paskolos bstui Iki 1 m. Nuo 1 m.

5,62 4,85 11,35 4,81 4,62 9,01 7,54 15,08 10,03 16,82 4,75 4,38 5,76 4,41 4,23 6,79 4,37 4,27 7,00 4,59 8,78 5,32 11,97 3,71 3,21 4,99

6,25 5,30 9,65 5,54 5,45 7,02 6,79 11,79 9,22 12,54 4,11 3,77 5,09 4,21 4,08 6,39 4,17 4,15 6,21 4,29 7,59 4,27 11,91 3,71 3,50 4,64

5,63 4,90 7,87 5,08 4,92 5,76 6,32 12,01 9,53 12,89 3,81 3,55 4,64 4,43 4,33 6,48 4,50 4,48 8,28 4,26 7,58 4,12 13,31 3,95 3,82 4,68

5,39 4,69 7,85 4,79 4,70 7,88 5,97 10,77 6,94 12,69 3,95 3,57 4,43 4,44 4,33 6,24 4,47 4,46 8,19 4,37 8,16 5,09 13,94 3,70 3,47 4,53

Litas Total Up to 1 year Over 1 year Non-financial corporations Up to 1 year Over 1 year Households Consumer loans Up to 1 year Over 1 year Housing loans Up to 1 year Over 1 year Euros Total Up to 1 year Over 1 year Non-financial corporations Up to 1 year Over 1 year Households Consumer loans Up to 1 year Over 1 year Housing loans Up to 1 year Over 1 year 167




Nauj sutarto termino indli palkan normos

Interest rates on new deposits with agreed maturity Procentais Per cent
2010 gruodis December 2011

rugpjtis August

rugsjis September

spalis October

Litais I viso Iki 1 mn. Nuo 1 iki 6 mn. Nuo 6 mn. iki 1 m. Nuo 1 iki 2 m. Nuo 2 m. Eurais I viso Iki 1 mn. Nuo 1 iki 6 mn. Nuo 6 mn. iki 1 m. Nuo 1 iki 2 m. Nuo 2 m.

Litas 1,53 0,50 1,19 2,61 3,27 2,31 1,49 0,73 1,37 2,19 2,74 2,91 1,58 0,63 1,43 2,22 2,67 3,40 1,54 0,68 1,34 2,26 2,70 3,01 Total Up to 1 month Over 1 month and up to 6 months Over 6 months and up to 1 year Over 1 year and up to 2 years Over 2 years Euros 0,99 0,52 1,00 2,04 2,37 4,04 1,37 0,94 1,48 1,97 2,10 2,21 1,50 0,89 1,63 2,06 2,12 2,90 1,34 0,76 1,51 2,12 2,25 2,53 Total Up to 1 month Over 1 month and up to 6 months Over 6 months and up to 1 year Over 1 year and up to 2 years Over 2 years

Nauj paskol, iskyrus sskait pereikvojim, ir indli palkan normos tai vidutins svertins per mnes pinig finansini institucij su nefinansinmis korporacijomis ir nam kiais sudaryt sutari palkan normos. Paskolos pagal terminus yra skirstomos atsivelgiant laikotarp, per kur palkan norma negali bti keiiama. Pvz., 5 met paskola, kurios palkan norma peririma kas 6 mn., priskiriama laikotarpiui iki 1 met. Interest rates on deposits and new loans, excluding overdrafts, are the weighted average interest rates of new agreements signed by monetary financial institutions with non-financial corporations and households during the month. Loans by maturity are classified according to the period of time during which the value of the interest rate cannot be changed. For example, a 5-year loan with a floating interest rate, revised every 6 months, is classified under the term Up to 1 year.






Skyriuje pateikiami Draudimo prieiros komisijos duomenys apie Lietuvoje registruotas draudimo mones. Draudimo veikla kin komercin veikla, kuria draudimo sutarties pagrindu u draudimo mok prisiimama kit asmen nuostoli rizika ar kitaip siekiama apsaugoti i asmen turtinius interesus vykus draudiminiams vykiams, asmen turtini interes apsaugai panaudojant draudiko skaiiuojamus draudimo techninius atidjinius dengiant turt ir kit turt. Draudimo moka (premija) draudimo sutartyje nurodyta pinig suma, kuri draudjas draudimo sutarties slygomis moka draudikui u draudimo apsaug. Draudimo imoka pinig suma, kuri vykus draudiminiam vykiui draudikas privalo imokti draudjui ar kitam asmeniui, turiniam teis draudimo imok, arba kita draudimo sutartyje nustatyta imokos mokjimo forma. Perdraudimas draudimo atmaina, kai u mok prisiimama draudiko draudimo imokos imokjimo ar kitoki draudiko nuostoli rizika, slygota jo draudimo veiklos. 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. pasirayta 773,0 mln. lit tiesioginio draudimo mok, neiskaiiavus perdraudim dalies (2,6 % maiau nei atitinkamu 2010 m. laikotarpiu), apmokta 400,5 mln. lit al (10,9 % maiau nei atitinkamu 2010 m. laikotarpiu). Pasirayta 550,1 mln. lit ne gyvybs draudimo mok ir apmokta 360,3 mln. lit al. Palyginti su 2010 m. sausio rugsjo mn., pasirayta 10 procent maiau ne gyvybs draudimo mok ir apmokta 14,4 procento maiau al. Pasirayta 222,8 mln. lit gyvybs draudimo mok ir apmokta 40,2 mln. lit al. Palyginti su 2010 m. sausiorugsjo mn., pasirayta 22,6 procento daugiau gyvybs draudimo mok. Apmokt al suma padidjo 39,3 procento. Pagal 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. pasiraytas draudimo mokas gyvybs draudimo rinkos dalis sudar 28,8 procento, ne gyvybs draudimo 71,2 procento. Prie metus pasiskirstymas buvo atitinkamai 22,9 ir 77,1 procento. 2011 m. sausiorugsjo mn. sudaryta 2434,1 tkst. draudimo sutari, i j gyvybs draudimo 28,7 tkst. Palyginti su atitinkamu 2010 m. laikotarpiu, sudaryt sutari skaiius sumajo 22,4 procento: gyvybs draudimo sutari skaiius padidjo 14,4 procento, ne gyvybs draudimo sumajo 22,7 procento. The chapter presents data on insurance companies registered in Lithuania, provided by the Insurance Supervisory Commission. Insurance activity economic-commercial activity whereby the risk of the losses of other persons is assumed in the form of the insurance contract or it is sought to protect property interests of these persons in any other way upon occurrence of insured events, by using for the security of those interests the insurers assets covering technical provisions and other assets. Insurance premium (contribution) the amount of money specified in the insurance contract which the policyholder pays to the insurer for the coverage. Insurance claims payment an amount of money which the insurer must pay, according to the procedure specified in the insurance contract, to the policyholder or another person who is entitled to the insurance benefit upon occurrence of an insured event, or any other form of payment of benefit provided in the insurance contract. Reinsurance a type of insurance, where, for an insurance premium, insurers anticipated risk of claims payment or other loss conditioned by its activity is accepted. Over the JanuarySeptember 2011, direct insurance without deductions for reinsurance amounted to LTL 773.0 million of written premiums (by 2.6 per cent less than in the same period of 2010), while claims paid LTL 400.5 million (by 10.9 per cent less than in the same period of 2010). Over the JanuarySeptember 2011, non-life insurance amounted to LTL 550.1 million of written premiums, while claims paid LTL 360.3 million. Compared to JanuarySeptember 2010, written premiums showed a decrease of 10 per cent, claims paid a decrease of 14.4 per cent. Life assurance amounted to LTL 222.8 million of written premiums and LTL 40.2 million of claims payments. If compared to JanuarySeptember 2010, written premiums of life assurance increased by 22.6 per cent, claims payments by 39.3 per cent. According to insurance premiums written over JanuarySeptember 2011, a life assurance market share comprised 28.8 per cent, while a non-life insurance market share 71.2 per cent. A year ago the ratio was, respectively, 22.9 per cent and 77.1 per cent. 169




Over JanuarySeptember 2011, the number of insurance contracts concluded reached 2434.1 thousand, including 28.7 thousand life assurance contracts. Against the same period of 2010, the number of concluded contracts decreased by 22.4 per cent: the number of life assurance contracts increased by 14.4 per cent, while the number of non-life insurance contracts decreased by 22.7 per cent.

Pasiraytos draudimo mokos ir apmoktos alos

Gross premiums written and claims paid Tkst. lit LTL thousand
2009 2010 2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

Bendra pasirayt mok suma 1314398 Gyvybs draudimas Gyvybs draudimas, kai investavimo rizika tenka draudjui Gyvybs draudimas, kiek nenumatyta kitose grupse Sutuoktuvinis ir gimim draudimas Ne gyvybs draudimas Bendrosios civilins atsakomybs draudimas Draudimas ligos atveju Draudimas nuo nelaiming atsitikim Finansini nuostoli draudimas Geleinkelio transporto priemoni draudimas Kredito draudimas Laidavimo draudimas Laiv (jr, eer, upi ir kanal) civilin atsakomyb Laiv (jr, eer, upi ir kanal) draudimas Pagalbos draudimas Sausumos transporto priemoni civilins atsakomybs draudimas Sausumos transporto priemoni, iskyrus geleinkelio transporto priemones, draudimas Skraidymo aparat civilin atsakomyb Skraidymo aparat draudimas Turto draudimas Veam krovini draudimas 406162

1092038** 280345

243223 71450

270504 76078

259255 75313

Gross premiums written Life assurance Life assurance where the investment risk is borne by the policyholder Life assurance not covered in other classes Marriage and birth assurance Non-life insurance General liability insurance Sickness insurance Accident insurance Financial loss insurance Railway rolling stock insurance Credit insurance Suretyship insurance Liability for ships (sea, lake, river and canal vessels) insurance Ships (sea, lake, river and canal) insurance Assistance insurance Motor vehicle liability insurance Land vehicles other than rolling stock insurance Aircraft liability insurance Aircraft insurance Property insurance Goods in transit insurance

269060 126468 10634 908236 52491 37269 38430 6776 440 8680 32628

226832 52170 1343 811693** 37115** 39010** 35040** 5898 2487 7103 35029

54927 16253 270 171774 5810 19144 7330 2080 76 1374 5598

56766 19052 260 194425 4734 14724 7549 1903 83 1468 6425

54616 20524 174 183942 5582 15068 7843 1272 80 1640 6370

329 1250 1099 308800

323 1546 1078 298619**

17 234 304 46635

33 149 324 68189

15 228 371 50283

214863 463 597 198011 6110

177260 422 614 165443 4705

40591 39 146 40837 1559

47503 82 51 40093 1115

50532 49 44 43500 1066







2011 I ketv. IQ II ketv. II Q III ketv. III Q

Imokos Gyvybs draudimas Gyvybs draudimas, kai investavimo rizika tenka draudjui Gyvybs draudimas, kiek nenumatyta kitose grupse Sutuoktuvinis ir gimim draudimas Ne gyvybs draudimas Bendrosios civilins atsakomybs draudimas Draudimas ligos atveju Draudimas nuo nelaiming atsitikim Finansini nuostoli draudimas Geleinkelio transporto priemoni draudimas Kredito draudimas Laidavimo draudimas Laiv (jr, eer, upi ir kanal) civilin atsakomyb Laiv (jr, eer, upi ir kanal) draudimas Pagalbos draudimas Sausumos transporto priemoni civilins atsakomybs draudimas Sausumos transporto priemoni, iskyrus geleinkelio transporto priemones, draudimas Skraidymo aparat civilin atsakomyb Skraidymo aparat draudimas Turto draudimas Veam krovini draudimas

742853 102902

601917** 41084**

138581 12443

135897 14357

126015 13401

Claims paid Life assurance Life assurance where the investment risk is borne by the policyholder Life assurance not covered in other classes Marriage and birth assurance Non-life insurance General liability insurance Sickness insurance Accident insurance Financial loss insurance Railway rolling stock insurance Credit insurance Suretyship insurance Liability for ships (sea, lake, river and canal vessels) insurance Ships (sea, lake, river and canal) insurance Assistance insurance Motor vehicle liability insurance Land vehicles other than rolling stock insurance Aircraft liability insurance Aircraft insurance Property insurance Goods in transit insurance

21631 64161 17109 639951 10301 27786 13620 11862 1277 45467 6109

19485** 12485 9114 560833** 6171** 19624** 11310** 4813 1011 76078 6055

5869 4662 1912 126138 626 10570 2704 2679 76 13393 387

6171 5883 2303 121540 715 11194 3069 622 58 11805 275

6200 4764 2436 112614 651 10586 2879 210 539 11615 363

200 288 215968

1072 293 187544**

73 87 33776

6 3 72 33524

-3 76 64 30840

194206 9 11 111442 1406

160183 4 165 85032 1477

40802 20186 780

41602 18527 69

35953 18467 373





PENSION FUNDS Skyriuje pateikiami Vertybini popieri komisijos ir Draudimo prieiros komisijos duomenys. Pensij kaupimo veikla Lietuvoje gali usiimti valdymo ir draudimo mons, turinios prieiros institucijos iduot licencij ar leidim usiimti ia veikla. iuo metu pensij sistema susideda i 3 pakop: valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo (Sodros), gaunanio ir paskirstanio mokas (I pakopa), pensij fond, kuriuos, apdraustajam pasiraius sutart, nukreipiama Sodros mok dalis (II pakopa), ir savanorikj pensij fond, kuriuos savo noru ir savo pasirinkto dydio mokas moka pats gyventojas (III pakopa). 2011 m. rugsjo mn. pabaigoje alyje veik 39 II ir III pakopos pensij fondai. 2011 m. rugsjo mn. pabaigoje pensij fonduose buvo sukauptas 4025,4 mln. lit turtas. Per metus, nuo 2010 m. to paties laikotarpio, jis iaugo 6,6 procento. Didioji io turto dalis 2011 m. rugsjo mn. pabaigoje buvo investuota kolektyvinio investavimo subjekt investicinius vienetus (53,2 %) ir ne nuosavybs vertybinius popierius (38,1 %). The chapter presents data provided by the Securities Commission and Insurance Supervisory Commission. Pension accumulation activities in Lithuania can be carried out by management and insurance enterprises holding a licence or permit issued by a supervisory authority. Currently pension system consists of 3 pillars: State Social Insurance Fund (Sodra) which receives and distributes contributions (Pillar 1); pension funds which receive a part of contributions from Sodra when an individual signs a contract (Pillar 2), and supplementary voluntary pension funds which receive contributions voluntarily paid by an individual in the amount determined by the individual (Pillar 3). At the end of September 2011, 39 Pillar 2 and Pillar 3 schemes pension funds operated in the country. At the end of September 2011, the pension funds assets amounted to LTL 4025.4 million. They have increased by 6.6 per cent since the corresponding period last year. At the end of September 2011, the major part of assets was invested in units of collective investment undertakings (53.2 per cent) and in non-equity securities (38.1 per cent).

Pensij fond grynj aktyv pokyiai

Changes in net assets of pension funds Mln. lit LTL million
2009 2010 2011 sausiokovo sausiobirelio sausiorugsjo mn. mn. mn. JanuaryMarch JanuaryJune January September

Grynieji aktyvai laikotarpio pradioje 2282,6 Padidjimas, i viso Pensij mokos I kit pensij fond pervestos sumos Kaupimo bendrovs garantins mokos Palkanos ir dividendai Investicij verts padidjimo suma ir pardavimo pelnas Turto verts padidjimas dl usienio valiut kurs pasikeitimo Kitos pajamos 1531,2 628,5 147,9 60,6

3338,8 1744,5 340,0 219,0 56,0

3952,6 401,0 116,3 51,4 9,3

3952,6 480,5 206,5 107,7 24,9

3952,6 683,4 299,6 156,7 38,5

Net assets at the beginning of the period Total increase Pension contributions Transfers from other pension funds Guarantee contributions of the accumulation company Interest and dividends Profit from realization of investments Increase in the value of assets resulting from currency exchange rate Other income






10,3 38,8

199,6 6,7

2,1 5,1

4,0 8,2

6,9 11,9







2011 sausiokovo sausiobirelio sausiorugsjo mn. mn. mn. JanuaryMarch JanuaryJune January September

Sumajimas, i viso Pensij imokos kitus pensij fondus pervestos sumos Investicij verts sumajimo suma ir pardavimo nuostoliai Turto verts sumajimas dl usienio valiut kurs pasikeitimo Valdymo snaudos Kitos snaudos

474,9 17,7 148,1

1130,8 23,6 219,3

330,8 9,0 50,9

337,8 18,5 107,3

647,7 27,1 156,6

Total decrease Pension payments Transfers to other pension funds Decrease in the value of investments Decrease in the value of assets resulting from currency exchange rate Management expenses Other expenses Net assets at the end of the period






19,4 46,8 22,0

173,3 46,1 2,7 3952,6

1,2 13,6 1,7 4022,8

3,3 26,3 4,1 4095,3

3,8 39,2 7,9 3988,3

Grynieji aktyvai laikotarpio pabaigoje 3338,8







Statistin informacija apie valdios sektoriaus skol usienio kreditoriams parengta naudojantis Lietuvos Respublikos finans ministerijos duomenimis. Santykius, susijusius su valstybs skola vidaus ir usienio kreditoriams, reguliuoja Valstybs skolos statymas. Valstybs skola prie valdios sektoriaus priskiriam subjekt, turini teis skolintis, prisiimt, bet dar nevykdyt sipareigojim grinti kreditoriams las, pasiskolintas iplatinus Vyriausybs vertybinius popierius, pasiraius paskol sutartis, finansins nuomos (lizingo) sutartis ir kitus sipareigojamuosius skolos dokumentus, konsoliduota suma. Valstybs skola vidaus ir usienio skirstoma pagal tai, kur reziduoja skolintojas Lietuvoje ar usienyje. Valdios sektorius sektorius, apimantis centrins valdios (Vyriausybs ir kit prie io sektoriaus priskiriam subjekt), vietos valdios (savivaldybi ir kit prie io sektoriaus priskiriam subjekt) ir valstybs socialins apsaugos fond (Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo, Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo ir kit prie io sektoriaus priskiriam subjekt) sektorius. Usienio kreditoriai juridiniai ar fiziniai asmenys, kuri pagrindiniai asmeniniai ir ekonominiai interesai yra kitose alyse (ne Lietuvos Respublikoje), kurie nuolat veikia ar gyvena kitose alyse arba veikia ar gyvena Lietuvos Respublikoje trumpiau negu vienus metus ir yra sigij Vyriausybs vertybini popieri, suteik paskol pagal paskol sutartis arba kitus sipareigojamuosius skolos dokumentus. Paskola l skolinimosi arba skolinimo priemon, kai paskolos sutartimi viena alis (paskolos davjas) perduoda kitos alies (paskolos gavjo) nuosavybn pinigus, o paskolos gavjas sipareigoja paskolos davjui grinti toki pat pinig sum ir mokti palkanas, jeigu paskolos sutartyje nenustatyta kitaip. Tokia paskolos sutartis neapima vertybini popieri ileidimo arba kit sipareigojamj skolos dokument pasiraymo. 2011 m. rugsjo 30 d. valdios sektoriui priskiriam subjekt, turini teis prisiimti skolinius sipareigojimus, skola usienio kreditoriams buvo 28 115,3 mln. lit, tai sudar 72,3 procento valdios sektoriaus skolos. 27 980,4 mln. lit (99,5 %) sudar centrins valdios, 134,9 mln. lit (0,5 %) vietos valdios skola usienio kreditoriams. Vienam gyventojui teko 8766,6 lito skolos usienio kreditoriams. siskolinimas u nerezident sigytus Vyriausybs vertybinius popierius sudar 23 953,4 mln. lit (85,6 % centrins valdios skolos usienio kreditoriams), siskolinimas u centrins valdios sektoriui priskiriam subjekt gaunamas usienio paskolas 4027 mln. lit (14,4 %). Iki 2011 m. rugsjo 30 d. centrins valdios sektorius buvo gavs 4137,6 mln. lit verts usienio paskol. Per 2011 m. III ketvirt buvo gauta 34,5 mln. lit, grinta 18,3 mln. lit verts usienio paskol. Visa i usienio paskol suma buvo gauta i iaurs investicij banko ir skirta vieojo sektoriaus efektyvumo projekto ir bsto renovacijos programai finansuoti. Centrins valdios sektoriaus gaut usienio paskol didiausia dalis 85,1 procento buvo skirta nacionalinei bendrajai strategijai ir investicijoms finansuoti, 14,9 procento visiems kitiems projektams. Statistical information about the general government foreign debt was prepared based on the data of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania. The Law on State Debt regulates relationships connected with the public debt to domestic and foreign creditors. The public debt is the aggregate amount of the obligations assumed but not discharged yet by the general government entities entitled to borrowing in respect of the repayment to creditors of the funds borrowed under government securities distributed, loan agreements, financial lease (leasing) agreements signed and other debt instruments. Domestic and foreign public debt is distinguished on the basis of the place of residence of the creditor, i.e. in Lithuania or abroad.

Valdios sektoriaus usienio skola apskaiiuota naudojant Finans ministerijos duomenis, paskelbtus 2011-12-01. Lito santykis su usienio valiuta apskaiiuotas naudojant oficial atitinkamo laikotarpio lito ir usienio valiut santyk. The state of general government foreign debt was estimated using data provided by the Ministry of Finance as of 1 December 2011. Foreign currency was recalculated to litas (LTL) using the official litas and foreign currency exchange rate of the corresponding period.




General government sector is a sector including the subsectors of central government (the Government and other entities of this sector), local government (municipalities and other entities of this sector) and social security funds (the State Social Insurance Fund, the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund and other entities of this sector). Foreign creditors are the legal or natural persons which have their predominant personal and economic interests in countries other than the Republic of Lithuania, which permanently operate or reside in other countries or operate or reside in Lithuania for a period not exceeding one year and have purchased government securities, granted loans under loan agreements or other debt instruments. Loan is a means of borrowing or lending funds whereby, under a loan agreement, one party (the lender) transfers funds into the ownership of the other party (the borrower), and the borrower undertakes to repay to the lender the same amount and to pay interest, unless the loan agreement stipulates otherwise. Such a loan agreement shall not cover the issuance of securities or the signing of other debt instruments. As of 30 September 2011, the foreign debt of general government entities entitled to assume liabilities amounted to LTL 28 115.3 million, accounting for 72.3 per cent of the general government debt. The central government foreign debt amounted to LTL 27 980.4 million (99.5 per cent), that of the local government LTL 134.9 million (0.5 per cent). Foreign debt per capita amounted to LTL 8766.6. Arrears for government securities purchased by non-residents amounted to LTL 23 953.4 million (85.6 per cent of the central government foreign debt), while the foreign debt of central government entities amounted to LTL 4027 million (14.4 per cent). As of 30 September 2011, foreign loans in the amount of LTL 4137.6 million were received by the central government. Over III quarter 2011, foreign loans amounting to LTL 34.5 million have been received, while loans amounting to LTL 18.3 million have been repaid. The above-mentioned amount of foreign loans has been received from the Nordic Investment Bank and was used for the funding of the public sector efficiency project and housing renovation programme. As much as 85.1 per cent of central government loans were used for the funding of the overall national strategy and investment, 14.9 per cent for other projects.

Valdios sektoriaus skola usienio kreditoriams

General government foreign debt Mln. lit LTL million
Rugsjo 30 d. 2010 30 September Gruodio 31 d. Kovo 31 d. 2010 31 December 2011 31 March Birelio 30 d. 2011 30 June Rugsjo 30 d. 2011 30 September

I viso Centrins valdios sektorius paskolos Vyriausybs vertybiniai popieriai Vietos valdios sektorius paskolos be valstybs garantijos

25707,0 25611,0 2842,1 22768,9 96,0 96,0

26930,3 26817,3 4010,7 22806,6 113,0 113,0

27913,4 27799,2 4039,4 23759,8 114,2 114,2

27632,6 27513,4 4034,9 23478,5 119,2 119,2

28115,3 27980,4 4027,0 23953,4 134,9 134,9

Total Central government sector loans government securities Local government sector loans without a State guarantee





Valdios sektoriaus skolos usienio kreditoriams dalis, tenkanti vienam gyventojui

General government foreign debt per capita Laikotarpio pabaigoje, litais End of the period, LTL
10000 8300,1 8000 5720,5 8766,6







0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011-09-30

Centrins valdios sektoriaus usienio paskolos pagal finansines institucijas

Central government foreign loans by financial institution 2011 m. rugsjo 30 d., mln. lit 30 September 2011, LTL million
Sutartyse Agreed Gauta Received Grinta Repaid Skola Debt

I viso Europos investicij bankas Europos Tarybos pltros bankas iaurs investicij bankas

5053,6 4070,2 506,4 477,0

4137,6 3680,3 154,3 303,0

110,6 60,2 8,7 41,7

4027,0 3620,1 145,6 261,3

Total European Investment Bank Council of Europe Development Bank Nordic Investment Bank

Centrins valdios sektoriaus usienio paskolos pagal finansines institucijas ir sutari usienio paskoloms 1 gauti pasiraymo metus
Central government foreign loans by financial institution and year of signing foreign loan agreements 2011 m. rugsjo 30 d., mln. lit 30 September 2011, LTL million
I viso Sutari usienio paskoloms gauti pasiraymo metai 19922009 Foreign loan agreements by year of signing Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009

I viso Europos investicij bankas Europos Tarybos pltros bankas iaurs investicij bankas

5053,6 4070,2 506,4 477,0

8,0 8,0 -

9,4 9,4 -

10,3 10,3 -

10,3 10,3 -

5,0 5,0 -

4702,7 3908,5 448,9 345,3

Total European Investment Bank Council of Europe Development Bank Nordic Investment Bank

2008, 2010 ir per 2011 m. 9 mnesius sutari usienio paskoloms gauti nebuvo pasirayta. In 2008, 2010 and over 9 months 2011, no foreign loan agreements were signed.





Centrins valdios sektoriaus usienio paskolos pagal finansavimo kryptis

Central government foreign loans by financing trend 2011 m. rugsjo 30 d., mln. lit 30 September 2011, LTL million
Sutartyse Agreed Gauta Received Grinta Repaid Skola Debt

I viso Nacionalins bendrosios strategijos ir investicij finansavimas Valstybini investicini projekt finansavimas Vieojo sektoriaus efektyvumo projekto ir bsto renovacijos programos finansavimas Aplinkosaugos projektas Geleinkeli projektas Savivaldybs Greitkelio Via Baltika projektas Energijos taupymo projektas Grusi tremtini aprpinimo gyvenamuoju plotu projekto finansavimas Vandens valymo projektas Mokslo ir studij programa Lietuvos vyrkeli tiesimo projektas Valstybs pastat renovacija Socialins apsaugos projektas

5053,6 3908,5 448,9

4137,6 3521,9 96,7

110,6 -

4027,0 3521,9 96,7

Total Funding of the overall national strategy and investment Funding of public investment projects Funding of the public sector efficiency project and housing renovation programme Environmental protection project Railway project Municipalities Via Baltica highway project Energy saving project Funding of the project for the provision of returnees (exiles) with housing Water purification project Education and training programme Lithuanian gravel road building project Renovation of state buildings Social protection project

345,3 69,0 62,2 51,8 40,1 34,5 25,1 20,7 15,3 15,0 14,7 2,5

172,6 68,7 62,2 48,9 39,8 34,5 25,1 20,7 15,3 14,0 14,7 2,5

24,4 29,0 14,1 13,4 9,7 6,2 7,4 3,9 2,5

172,6 44,3 33,2 34,8 26,4 24,8 18,9 13,3 15,3 10,1 14,7 -





Skyriuje pateikti Informatikos ir ryi ir Priegaisrins apsaugos ir gelbjimo departament prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikal ministerijos duomenys. Uregistruotos nusikalstamos veikos nusikaltimai ir baudiamieji nusiengimai, ataskaitiniu laikotarpiu centralizuotai uregistruoti Vidaus reikal informacins sistemos Nusikalstam veik inybiniame registre (toliau registras). Nusikaltimas pavojinga ir Lietuvos Respublikos baudiamajame kodekse (toliau LR BK) udrausta veika (veikimas ar neveikimas), u kuri numatyta laisvs atmimo bausm. Sunkus nusikaltimas yra tyinis nusikaltimas, u kur baudiamajame statyme numatyta didiausia bausm virija eerius metus laisvs atmimo, bet nevirija deimties met laisvs atmimo. Labai sunkus nusikaltimas yra tyinis nusikaltimas, u kur baudiamajame statyme numatyta didiausia bausm virija deimt met laisvs atmimo. Baudiamasis nusiengimas yra pavojinga ir LR BK udrausta veika (veikimas ar neveikimas), u kuri numatyta bausm nesusijusi su laisvs atmimu, iskyrus aret. Itirtos nusikalstamos veikos nusikaltimai ir baudiamieji nusiengimai, uregistruoti registre ir itirti ataskaitiniu laikotarpiu, bei nusikaltimai ir baudiamieji nusiengimai, uregistruoti registre iki ataskaitinio laikotarpio, taiau itirti ataskaitiniu laikotarpiu. Itirt nusikalstam veik dalis tai itirt ir ataskaitiniu laikotarpiu registre uregistruot veik santykis, ireiktas procentais. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. uregistruota 72,1 tkst. nusikalstam veik, tai 0,7 procento maiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. I ufiksuot nusikalstam veik 65,3 tkst. buvo nusikaltimai ir 6,8 tkst. baudiamieji nusiengimai. Palyginti su 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn., nusikaltim uregistruota 1,2 procento maiau, o baudiamj nusiengim 4,7 procento daugiau. I uregistruot nusikaltim 4 tkst. buvo labai sunks ir sunks, tai 1,8 procento daugiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Uregistruota 180 nuudym, 194 sunks sveikatos sutrikdymai, 169 iaginimai ir pasiksinimai. Palyginti su 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn., nuudym uregistruota 20 nusikaltim maiau, iaginim ir pasiksinim 40 maiau, sunki sveikatos sutrikdym 27 nusikaltimais maiau. Beveik pus (47 %) nusikalstam veik buvo vagysts, kuri 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. uregistruota 34,1 tkst., arba 1,8 procento maiau. Uregistruotos 1388 automobili vagysts, tai 231 nusikaltimu (14,3 %) maiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Vagysi i gyvenam patalp uregistruota 863 nusikaltimais (18,8 %) maiau. Palyginti su 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn., sukiavim ufiksuota 24 procentais daugiau, nusikalstam veik su turto sunaikinimu ar sugadinimu 6,3 procento daugiau. Uregistruota 3,9 tkst. nusikalstam veik finans sistemai, i kuri beveik pus (46 %) buvo nusikaltimai, susij su neteistu elektronins mokjimo priemons ar jos duomen panaudojimu. Uregistruota 243 tokiais nusikaltimais (11,8 %) maiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. uregistruota 896 nusikalstamos veikos valstybs tarnybai ir vieiesiems interesams (2010 m. 946). Nusikalstam veik, susijusi su disponavimu narkotinmis ar psichotropinmis mediagomis, ufiksuota 1,2 procento daugiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Uregistruota 1,3 tkst. nusikalstam keli transporto eismo saugumo taisykli paeidim, tai 263 nusikaltimais (17,4 %) maiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Ufiksuoti 156 tokio pobdio nusikaltimai, dl kuri uvo mons (2010 m. 171). Itirta 44,9 procento nusikalstam veik: nusikaltim 43,6 procento, baudiamj nusiengim 57,9 procento. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. uregistruota 11,6 tkst. gaisr, tai 75 gaisrais (0,7 %) daugiau nei 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Juose uvo 120 moni (2010 m. 197). Tarp uvusij buvo 2 vaikai. The chapter contains data provided by the IT and Communications, Fire and Rescue departments under the Ministry of the Interior. Criminal offences recorded are crimes and misdemeanours recorded with the departmental register of criminal offences of the information system of the Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as register) during the accounting period. A crime is a dangerous act (action or omission); it is forbidden by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania (CC RL) and incurs incarceration. Serious crime is an intentional crime which by the Criminal Code incurs incarceration for more than 6 but less than 10 years.





Grave crime is an intentional crime which by the Criminal Code incurs incarceration for more than 10 years. Misdemeanour is a dangerous act (action or omission); it is forbidden by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and incurs a penalty not related with incarceration, except arrest. Investigated criminal offences crimes and misdemeanours recorded with the register and investigated within the accounting period, as well crimes and misdemeanours recorded with the register pending the accounting period though investigated within the accounting period. Share of investigated criminal offences is a ratio of investigated criminal offences to criminal offences recorded with the register during the accounting period. It is given in per cent. In JanuaryNovember 2011, 72.1 thousand criminal offences were recorded, which is by 0.7 per cent less than in JanuaryNovember 2010. Out of the total number of the recorded criminal offences, 65.3 thousand were crimes and 6.8 thousand misdemeanours. In JanuaryNovember 2011, compared to JanuaryNovember 2010, the number of recorded crimes decreased by 1.2 per cent, while the number of misdemeanours increased by 4.7 per cent. Out of the total number of crimes, 4 thousand were serious and grave crimes, which is by 1.8 per cent more than in JanuaryNovember 2010. In JanuaryNovember 2011, 180 homicides, 194 instances of serious bodily harm, 169 rapes and attempts were recorded. In JanuaryNovember 2011, compared to JanuaryNovember 2010, the number of recorded homicides decreased by 20 crimes, while rapes and attempts decreased by 40 crimes, the number of instances of serious bodily harm decreased by 27 crimes. About half (47 per cent) of criminal offences recorded were thefts. In JanuaryNovember 2011, 34.1 thousand such criminal offences were recorded, which is by 1.8 per cent less than in JanuaryNovember 2010. In JanuaryNovember 2011, 1388 car theft crimes were recorded, which is by 231 (14.3 per cent) crimes less than in JanuaryNovember 2010. Recorded domestic burglaries decreased by 863 (18.8 per cent) crimes. In JanuaryNovember 2011, compared to JanuaryNovember 2010, the number of recorded swindles increased by 24 per cent, the number of criminal offences on destruction of or damage to property by 6.3 per cent. In JanuaryNovember 2011, 3.9 thousand criminal offences against financial system were recorded, half (46 %) of which were crimes on unlawful use of electronic means of payment or data thereof. The number of such recorded crimes decreased by 243 (11.8 per cent). In JanuaryNovember 2011, 896 criminal offences against civil service and public interest were recorded (in 2010, 946). Criminal offences related to the unlawful possession of narcotic or psychotropic substances increased by 1.2 per cent. In JanuaryNovember 2011, 1.3 thousand violations of road traffic regulations were recorded, that is by 263 (17.4 per cent) crimes less than in JanuaryNovember 2010. The number of such crimes due to which people died was 156 (in 2010, 171). Criminal offences investigated made up 44.9 per cent: crimes 43.6 per cent, misdemeanours 57.9 per cent. In JanuaryNovember 2011, 11.6 thousand fires were recorded, which is by 75 (0.7 per cent) fires more than in January November 2010. In the fires, 120 persons died (in 2010, 197). Of them, two were children.

Uregistruotos nusikalstamos veikos sausiolapkriio mn.

Criminal offences recorded, JanuaryNovember
2010 2011 Padidjimas, sumajimas (-) Growth, drop (-) % Nusikalstam veik skaiius Number of criminal offences

Nusikalstamos veikos Nusikaltimai i j labai sunks ir sunks Nuudymai (LR BK 129132 str.) Pasiksinimai nuudyti (LR BK 129131 str.) Sunks sveikatos sutrikdymai (LR BK 135137 str.)

72593 66101 3934 200 16 221

72077 65279 4006 180 21 194

-516 -822 72 -20 5 -27

-0,7 -1,2 1,8 -10,0 31,2 -12,2

Criminal offences Crimes of which serious and grave Homicides (CC RL, articles 129132) Attempted homicides (CC RL, articles 129132) Serious bodily harm (CC RL, articles 135137)







Padidjimas, sumajimas (-) Growth, drop (-) % Nusikalstam veik skaiius Number of criminal offences

Iaginimai ir pasiksinimai (LR BK 149 str.) Nusikaltimai vaikui ir eimai (LR BK 156164 str.) Vagysts (LR BK 178 str.) i gyvenamj patalp (LR BK 178 str.) transporto priemoni (LR BK 178 str.) i j automobili (LR BK 178 str.) Plimai (LR BK 180 str.) Sukiavimai (LR BK 182 str.) Turto sunaikinimas ar sugadinimas (LR BK 187 str.) Kontrabanda (LR BK 199 str.) Finans sistemai (BK 213224 str.) i j neteistas elektronins mokjimo priemons ar jos duomen panaudojimas (BK 215 str.) Valstybs tarnybai ir vieiesiems interesams (BK 225229 str.) Nusikaltimai, susij su disponavimu narkotinmis ar psichotropinmis mediagomis (LR BK 259268 str.) Keli transporto eismo saugumo taisykli paeidimai (LR BK 281 str.) i j nusikaltimai, dl kuri uvo mons (LR BK 281 str.) Baudiamieji nusiengimai Nusiengimai vaikui ir eimai (LR BK 161 str. 2 d.) Vagysts (LR BK 178 str. 4 d.) Sukiavimai (LR BK 182 str. 3 d.) Turto sunaikinimas ar sugadinimas (LR BK 187 str. 3 d.) Nusiengimai finans sistemai (LR BK 220-221 str.) Nusiengimai valstybs tarnybai ir vieiesiems interesams (LR BK 225227 str.) Nusiengimai, susij su disponavimu narkotinmis ar psichotropinmis mediagomis (LR BK 259 str. 2 d.)

209 495 31377 4600 3666 1619 2545 3664 3275 171 4415

169 846 30626 3737 3400 1388 2242 4551 3428 206 3874

-40 351 -751 -863 -266 -231 -303 887 153 35 -541


Rapes and attempts (CC RL, article 149)

Crimes against a child and a family 1,7 k. (CC RL, articles 156164) -2,4 -18,8 -7,3 -14,3 -11,9 24,2 4,7 20,5 -12,3 Thefts (CC RL, article 178) domestic burglaries (CC RL, article 178) vehicle burglaries (CC RL, article 178) of which car thefts (CC RL, article 178) Robberies (CC RL, article 180) Swindles (CC RL, article 182) Destruction of or damage to property (CC RL, article 187) Smuggling (CC RL, article 199) Crimes against the financial system (CC RL, articles 213224) of which unlawful use of electronic means of payment or data thereof (CC RL, article 215) Crimes against civil service and public interest (CC RL, articles 225229) Crimes related to unlawful possession of narcotic or psychotropic substances (CC RL, articles 259268) Violation of road traffic regulations (CC RL, article 281) of which crimes due to which people died (CC RL, article 281) Misdemeanours

2051 712

1808 680

-243 -32

-11,8 -4,5

1471 1515 171 6492 6 3324 365 1033 16

1521 1252 156 6798 14 3464 446 1150 18

50 -263 -15 306 8 140 81 117 2

3,4 -17,4 -8,8 4,7

Misdemeanours against a child and a family 2,3 k. (CC RL, article 161, part 2) 4,2 22,2 11,3 12,5 Thefts (CC RL, article 178, part 4) Swindles (CC RL, article 182, part 3) Destruction of or damage to property (CC RL, article 187, part 3) Misdemeanours against the financial system (CC RL, articles 220221) Misdemeanours against civil service and public interest (CC RL, articles 225227) Misdemeanours related to unlawful possession of narcotic or psychotropic substances (CC RL, article 259, part 2)













Itirt nusikalstam veik dalis sausiolapkriio mn.

Share of criminal offences investigated, JanuaryNovember Procentais Per cent
2010 2011

Nusikalstamos veikos Nusikaltimai Baudiamieji nusiengimai

45,5 44,1 60,0

44,9 43,6 57,9

Criminal offences Crimes Misdemeanours

Uregistruota nusikalstam veik pagal apskritis ir savivaldybes sausiolapkriio mn.

Criminal offences recorded by county and municipality, JanuaryNovember
Uregistruota nusikalstam veik Criminal offences recorded 2010 2011 Padidjimas, sumajimas (-) Growth, drop (-)

I viso Total Alytaus apskritis Alytaus m. sav. Alytaus r. sav. Druskinink sav. Lazdij r. sav. Varnos r. sav. Kauno apskritis Birtono sav. Jonavos r. sav. Kaiiadori r. sav. Kauno m. sav. Kauno r. sav. Kdaini r. sav. Prien r. sav. Raseini r. sav. Klaipdos apskritis Klaipdos m. sav. Klaipdos r. sav. Kretingos r. sav. Neringos sav. Palangos m. sav. Skuodo r. sav. iluts r. sav. Marijampols apskritis Kalvarijos sav. Kazl Rdos sav. Marijampols sav. aki r. sav. Vilkavikio r. sav.

72593 2943 1136 345 432 518 512 14949 128 1246 745 8846 1775 1014 591 604 7946 4844 1001 468 28 405 217 983 3068 372 179 1410 522 585

72077 2748 1047 385 338 417 561 14119 35 1002 597 8092 1940 1180 635 638 8194 5075 838 447 65 433 230 1106 3290 420 171 1566 477 656

-516 -195 -89 40 -94 -101 49 -830 -93 -244 -148 -754 165 166 44 34 248 231 -163 -21 37 28 13 123 222 48 -8 156 -45 71





Uregistruota nusikalstam veik Criminal offences recorded 2010 2011

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-) Growth, drop (-)

Panevio apskritis Bir r. sav. Kupikio r. sav. Panevio m. sav. Panevio r. sav. Pasvalio r. sav. Rokikio r. sav. iauli apskritis Akmens r. sav. Jonikio r. sav. Kelms r. sav. Pakruojo r. sav. Radvilikio r. sav. iauli m. sav. iauli r. sav. Taurags apskritis Jurbarko r. sav. Paggi sav. ilals r. sav. Taurags r. sav. Teli apskritis Maeiki r. sav. Plungs r. sav. Rietavo sav. Teli r. sav. Utenos apskritis Anyki r. sav. Ignalinos r. sav. Molt r. sav. Utenos r. sav. Visagino sav. Zaras r. sav. Vilniaus apskritis Elektrn sav. alinink r. sav. irvint r. sav. venioni r. sav. Trak r. sav. Ukmergs r. sav. Vilniaus m. sav. Vilniaus r. sav.

4853 441 313 2206 837 511 545 5959 366 377 384 481 848 2796 707 2308 565 275 450 1018 2376 889 659 121 707 2813 514 318 247 929 486 319 25378 491 728 334 366 742 861 19328 2528

4653 441 328 1965 829 530 560 6132 361 474 446 523 787 2748 793 2196 536 291 509 860 2623 981 725 137 780 3065 536 385 289 1024 500 331 25057 500 908 310 415 686 716 19024 2498

-200 0 15 -241 -8 19 15 173 -5 97 62 42 -61 -48 86 -112 -29 16 59 -158 247 92 66 16 73 252 22 67 42 95 14 12 -321 9 180 -24 49 -56 -145 -304 -30






Gaisrai ir j pasekms sausiolapkriio mn.

Fires and fire losses, JanuaryNovember
2010 2011

Uregistruota gaisr Gaisruose uvo moni i j vaik Sunaikinta statini gyvn transporto priemoni Padegimai

11477 197 431 647 307 638

11552 120 2 384 491 293 621

Recorded fires Fire deaths of which children Destroyed constructions livestock perished motor vehicles and other machinery Arsons

Uregistruota gaisr pagal apskritis ir savivaldybes sausiolapkriio mn.

Fires recorded by county and municipality, JanuaryNovember
Uregistruota gaisr Fires recorded 2010 2011

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-) Growth, drop (-)

I viso Total Alytaus apskritis Alytaus m. ir r. sav. Druskinink sav. Lazdij r. sav. Varnos r. sav. Kauno apskritis Birtono sav. Jonavos r. sav. Kaiiadori r. sav. Kauno m. sav. Kauno r. sav. Kdaini r. sav. Prien r. sav. Raseini r. sav. Klaipdos apskritis Klaipdos m. sav. Klaipdos r. sav. Kretingos r. sav. Neringos sav. Palangos m. sav. Skuodo r. sav. iluts r. sav. Marijampols apskritis Kalvarijos sav. Kazl Rdos sav. Marijampols sav. aki r. sav. Vilkavikio r. sav.

11477 614 322 63 103 126 2084 16 172 184 954 317 183 145 113 1424 703 227 136 8 44 69 237 491 91 46 155 74 125

11552 606 303 60 72 171 2044 11 191 173 887 343 211 124 104 1259 693 175 118 6 49 63 155 515 69 49 207 71 119

75 -8 -19 -3 -31 45 -40 -5 19 -11 -67 26 28 -21 -9 -165 -10 -52 -18 -2 5 -6 -82 24 -22 3 52 -3 -6





Uregistruota gaisr Fires recorded 2010 2011

Padidjimas, sumajimas (-) Growth, drop (-)

Panevio apskritis Bir r. sav. Kupikio r. sav. Panevio m. sav. Panevio r. sav. Pasvalio r. sav. Rokikio r. sav. iauli apskritis Akmens r. sav. Jonikio r. sav. Kelms r. sav. Pakruojo r. sav. Radvilikio r. sav. iauli m. sav. iauli r. sav. Taurags apskritis Jurbarko r. sav. Paggi sav. ilals r. sav. Taurags r. sav. Teli apskritis Maeiki r. sav. Plungs r. sav. Rietavo sav. Teli r. sav. Utenos apskritis Anyki r. sav. Ignalinos r. sav. Molt r. sav. Utenos r. sav. Visagino sav. Zaras r. sav. Vilniaus apskritis Elektrn sav. alinink r. sav. irvint r. sav. venioni r. sav. Trak r. sav. Ukmergs r. sav. Vilniaus m. sav. Vilniaus r. sav.

1149 129 88 406 249 114 163 1199 148 66 129 88 147 405 216 445 116 64 77 188 550 230 120 31 169 633 115 100 122 143 54 99 2883 174 169 93 96 249 235 1416 451

1221 130 91 394 296 134 176 1169 134 93 98 71 139 461 173 428 99 64 65 200 558 265 104 27 162 670 124 98 117 124 82 125 3078 197 172 76 111 225 200 1587 510

72 1 3 -12 47 20 13 -30 -14 27 -31 -17 -8 56 -43 -17 -17 0 -12 12 8 35 -16 -4 -7 37 9 -2 -5 -19 28 26 195 23 3 -17 15 -24 -35 171 59

Duomenys apie uregistruotus gaisrus pagal apskritis ir savivaldybes pateikti be gaisr, uregistruot ypatingos svarbos objektuose. Data on fires recorded in the counties and municipalities, excluding data on fires recorded at special purpose objects.






Pramons pasitikjimo rodiklis tai produkcijos paklausos lygio, gamybos prognozs ir atsarg su prieingu enklu balans aritmetinis vidurkis. Jis apskaiiuojamas naudojant moni vadov nuomoni tyrimo rezultatus. Pramons moni vadov nuomoni tyrimas yra atrankinis, atliekamas kas mnes. Apklausos anketoje yra 14 klausim. Kiekvienam klausimui silomi trys atsakym variantai: teigiamas (+), neutralus (=) ir neigiamas (-). Respondentas turi pasirinkti vien i j. Apibendrinant apklausos rezultatus, atskirai susumuojami teigiami, neigiami ir neutrals atsakymai kiekvien klausim. Atsivelgiant moni dyd (metines pajamas) apskaiiuojama moni, pasirinkusi skirtingus atsakymus, dalis (%). Teigiam ir neigiam atsakym skirtumas vadinamas balansu. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo apklausta 791 pramons mon. I j atsakymus pateik 687 mons. Pramons pasitikjimo rodiklis 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo minus 19 procent. Pramons pasitikjimo rodiklis lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn., padidjo 1 procentiniu punktu, o palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., sumajo 8 procentiniais punktais. Pramons moni vadov apklausos rezultatai parod, kad verslo tendencijos pramonje per mnes beveik nepasikeit. Pramons produkcijos gamyba, palyginti su prajusiu mnesiu, liko beveik tame paiame lygyje. Gamybos padidjim ir sumajim nurod po 28 procentus apklaustj (prie mnes padidjim nurod 27, sumajim 26 %). Taiau gaminamos produkcijos paklausa, palyginti su prajusiu mnesiu, sumajo. Produkcijos paklaus sumajus lapkriio mn. nurod 33 procentai respondent, padidjus 20 procent (prie mnes atitinkamai 22 ir 20 %). Produkcijos gamybos prognoz artimiausiems mnesiams beveik nepakito: gamyb masiant prognozuoja 31 procentas moni vadov, didsiant 18 procent (prie mnes atitinkamai 35 ir 22 %). Didesn pus (64 %) respondent mano, kad gaminamos produkcijos eksporto apimtis artimiausiais mnesiais nesikeis, 20 procent kad mas. Dauguma (80 %) apklaust moni vadov darbuotoj skaiiaus keisti neketina, 14 procent ada mainti. The industrial confidence indicator is defined as the arithmetic mean of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, assessment of demand and level of stocks with inverted sign. It is based on the enterprise management opinion survey. A business tendency survey in manufacturing is carried out every month. It is a sample survey. There are 14 questions in the questionnaire addressed to the managers. Three possible answers are suggested: positive (+), neutral (=) and negative (-). The respondent has to choose one of them. As the results are calculated, different types of answers are summed up accordingly. The enterprises are weighted by their size (annual turnover), and the share of different answers is calculated. The difference between the share of positive and negative answers makes up the balance. In November 2011, questionnaires were sent to 791 manufacturing enterprises. Responses were received from 687 enterprises. The industrial confidence indicator in November 2011 stood at minus 19 per cent. In November against October, it grew by 1 percentage points, while against November 2010, it dropped by 8 percentage points. The results of the survey of manufacturing enterprises showed that business trends in industry in November 2011 remained almost unchanged. The manufacturing production remained almost at the same level as in the previous month. An increase and a decrease in production were indicated by 28 per cent of the respondents, respectively (a month ago, an increase was indicated by 27, a decrease by 26 per cent of the respondents). Yet the demand in November, against the previous month, decreased. A decrease in demand in November was reported by 33 per cent of the respondents, an increase by 20 per cent (a month ago, 22 and 20 per cent, respectively). As for the nearest months, the forecast for the production of manufacture remained almost unchanged: 31 per cent of enterprise managers anticipated a decrease in manufacture, 18 per cent an increase (a month ago, 35 and 22 per cent, respectively). A greater part (64 per cent) of the respondents held that in the forthcoming months exports will remain unchanged, while 20 per cent of the respondents expected it to decrease. The majority of enterprise managers interviewed (80 per cent) did not intend to change the number of employees, 14 per cent were going to reduce it.





Pramons pasitikjimo rodiklis

Industrial confidence indicator Balansas, procentais Balance, per cent
10 14 10 8 8 9 9 3 0 -2 -3 -7 -7 -5 -4 -2 -2 -6 -15 -9 -11 -11 -16 -19 -26 -27 -30 -31 -17-17 -13 -13 -13 -19 -10-11 -11 -12 -8 -1 -4 8 3 4 1 6

10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50





-32 -32 -32

-31 -36 -38 -38














































Gaminamos produkcijos paklausa

Assessment of total order books (demand), present level moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padidinta Normali Sumainta Balansas

1 60 39 -38

1 61 38 -37

0 66 34 -34

1 64 35 -34

1 61 38 -37

0 63 37 -37

2 65 33 -31

2 61 37 -35

2 64 34 -32

2 68 30 -28

2 67 31 -29

4 55 41 -37

1 57 42 -41

5 Above normal 51 Normal 44 Below normal -39 Balance

Pagamintos produkcijos atsargos

Assessment of stocks of finished goods, present level moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Per didels Pakankamos Balansas

5 77 -13

6 75 19 -13

7 80 13 -6

4 82 14 -10

5 81 14 -9

4 85 11 -7

3 83 14 -11

3 81 16 -13

2 81 17 -15

4 76 20 -16

5 79 16 -11

10 81 9 1

14 77 9 5

14 Above normal 78 Normal 8 Below normal 6 Balance

Nepakankamos 18





Produkcijos gamybos prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Production expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padids Nepasikeis Sumas Balansas

25 45 30 -5

23 46 31 -8

18 52 30 -12

17 56 27 -10

21 61 18 3

34 58 8 26

35 58 7 28

40 46 14 26

46 38 16 30

40 49 11 29

25 56 19 6

27 43 30 -3

22 43 35 -13

18 Increase 51 Remain stable 31 Decrease -13 Balance

Gamybos apimties pasikeitimai per prajusius 23 mnesius

Production development over the past 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padidjo Nepasikeit Sumajo Balansas

29 54 17 12

39 41 20 19

32 48 20 12

24 52 24 0

23 53 24 -1

22 55 23 -1

31 59 10 21

35 49 16 19

40 44 16 24

43 41 16 27

37 44 19 19

36 40 24 12

27 47 26 1

28 Up 44 Unchanged 28 Down 0 Balance

Gaminamos produkcijos kain prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Selling price expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Dids Nepasikeis Mas Balansas

27 67 6 21

23 72 5 18

20 74 6 14

28 68 4 24

32 65 3 29

34 64 2 32

28 65 7 21

23 67 10 13

16 70 14 2

12 78 10 2

19 75 6 13

11 75 14 -3

10 74 16 -6

9 Increase 73 Remain stable 18 Decrease -9 Balance

Darbuotoj skaiiaus prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Employment expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Dids Nepasikeis Mas Balansas

6 82 12 -6

5 74 21 -16

4 73 23 -19

10 83 7 3

11 81 8 3

11 82 7 4

10 85 5 5

14 79 7 7

12 82 6 6

17 76 7 10

14 75 11 3

13 77 10 3

9 72 19 -10

6 Increase 80 Remain stable 14 Decrease -8 Balance






Statybos pasitikjimo rodiklis tai statybos darb paklausos ir prognozuojamo darbuotoj skaiiaus balans aritmetinis vidurkis. Statybos moni vadov nuomoni tyrimas yra atrankinis, atliekamas kas mnes. Apklausos anketoje yra 10 klausim. Kiekvienam klausimui silomi trys atsakym variantai: teigiamas (+), neutralus (=) ir neigiamas (-). Respondentas turi pasirinkti vien i j. Apibendrinant apklausos rezultatus, atskirai susumuojami teigiami, neigiami ir neutrals kiekvieno klausimo atsakymai. Atsivelgiant moni dyd (metines pajamas), apskaiiuojama moni, pasirinkusi skirtingus atsakymus, dalis (%). Teigiam ir neigiam atsakym skirtumas vadinamas balansu. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo apklaustos 538 statybos mons. I j atsakymus pateik 431 mon. Statybos pasitikjimo rodiklis 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo minus 46 procentai. Palyginti su spalio mn., jis sumajo 8 procentiniais punktais, o palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn. padidjo 1 procentiniu punktu. Statybos sektoriaus moni vadov apklausos rezultatai parod, kad statybos darb per mnes majo: kad darb sumajo nurod 24 procentai moni vadov, kad padaugjo 22 procentai (prie mnes atitinkamai 21 ir 30 %). Taip pat blogesn statybos darb usakym bei darbuotoj skaiiaus prognoz, kuri i dalies lemia sezonikumas. Statybos darb usakym majim artimiausiais mnesiais prognozavo 55 procentai apklaust moni vadov, didjim 8 procentai. Mainti darbuotoj skaii ada 51 procentas apklaust moni vadov, didinti 7 procentai (prie mn. atitinkamai 41 ir 8 %). The construction confidence indicator is defined as the arithmetic mean of the answers (balances) to the questions employment expectations and assessment of order books. It is based on the results of the enterprise management opinion survey. A business tendency survey in the construction sector is carried out every month. It is a sample survey. There are 10 questions in the questionnaire addressed to the managers. Three possible answers are suggested: positive (+), neutral (=) and negative (-). The respondent has to choose one of them. As the results are calculated, different types of answers are summed up accordingly. The enterprises are weighted by their size (annual turnover), and the share of different answers is calculated. The difference between the share of positive and negative answers makes up the balance. In November 2011, questionnaires were sent to 538 construction enterprises. Responses were received from 431 enterprises. The construction confidence indicator in November 2011 stood at minus 46 per cent. Compared to October, it dropped by 8 percentage points, while compared to November 2010, it grew by 1 percentage point. The results of the business tendency survey in the construction sector showed that in November the volume of works decreased: 24 per cent of enterprise managers indicated a decrease in the volume of works, 22 per cent an increase (a month ago, 21 and 30 per cent, respectively). The forecast for the demand and the number of employees, which is partly determined by seasonality, also worsened: in the nearest months, 55 per cent of enterprise managers interviewed predicted a decrease in demand, 8 per cent an increase. 51 of enterprise managers intended to reduce the number of employees, while 7 per cent intended to hire more employees (a month ago, 41 and 8 per cent, respectively).





Statybos pasitikjimo rodiklis

Construction confidence indicator Balansas, procentais Balance, per cent


13 15


11 6 6

-2 -1 -1 -5 -7 -10 -3 -5 -11 -16 -20 -25 -24-27 -33 -31 -35 -41 -47 -52 -58 -65 -24 -29 -38 -47 -56 -49 -40 -14 -20 -11 -18 -21 -29 -38 -46

-20 -40 -60 -80 -100


-69 -74-76 -82 -84 -82 -80


-69 -77 -75 -79-79 -79






































Statybos darb usakymai (paklausa)

Assessment of order books (demand) moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Daugiau negu reikia Pakankami Balansas

2 40 -56

1 35 64 -63

0 38 62 -62

0 31 69 -69

1 30 69 -68

0 34 66 -66

0 35 65 -65

1 42 57 -56

2 46 52 -50

2 47 51 -49

2 51 47 -45

0 54 45 -45

0 57 43 -43

1 Above normal 50 Normal 49 Below normal -48 Balance

Nepakankami 58

Darbuotoj skaiiaus prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Employment expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padids Nepasikeis Sumas Balansas

16 48 36 -20

7 56 37 -30

6 38 56 -50

5 61 34 -29

10 68 22 -12

33 52 15 18

41 43 16 25

41 46 13 28

43 43 14 29

28 58 14 14

20 62 18 2

12 62 26 -14

8 51 41 -33

7 Up 42 Remain stable 51 Down -44 Balance





Statybos darb apimties pasikeitimai per prajusius 23 mnesius

Construction work volume changes over the past 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padidjo Nepasikeit Sumajo Balansas

41 45 14 27

23 60 16 7

17 49 34 -17

13 37 50 -37

10 42 48 -38

11 39 50 -39

15 58 27 -12

41 39 20 21

47 34 19 28

52 28 20 32

53 29 18 35

43 34 23 20

30 49 21 9

22 Up 54 Unchanged 24 Down -2 Balance

Statybos darb kain prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Price expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padids Nepasikeis Sumas Balansas

15 74 11 4

15 72 13 2

18 67 15 3

16 76 8 8

22 69 9 13

37 56 7 30

35 58 7 28

42 52 6 36

48 47 5 43

40 55 5 35

32 62 6 26

18 76 8 10

17 73 10 7

13 Up 73 Remain stable 14 Down -1 Balance






Prekybos pasitikjimo rodiklis tai ekonomins bkls pasikeitimo, ekonomins bkls prognozs ir preki atsarg su prieingu enklu balans aritmetinis vidurkis Jis apskaiiuojamas naudojant moni vadov nuomoni tyrimo rezultatus. Prekybos moni vadov nuomoni tyrimas yra atrankinis, atliekamas kas mnes. Apklausos anketoje yra 11 klausim. Kiekvienam klausimui silomi trys atsakym variantai: teigiamas (+), neutralus (=) ir neigiamas (-). Respondentas turi pasirinkti vien i j. Apibendrinant apklausos rezultatus, atskirai susumuojami teigiami, neigiami ir neutrals atsakymai kiekvien klausim. Atsivelgiant moni dyd (metines pajamas), apskaiiuojama moni, pasirinkusi skirtingus atsakymus, dalis (%). Teigiam ir neigiam atsakym skirtumas vadinamas balansu. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo apklausta 918 mamenins prekybos moni. I j atsakymus pateik 727 mons. Mamenins prekybos pasitikjimo rodiklis 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo minus 7 procentai t. y. 6 procentiniais punktais maesnis nei spalio mn. ir 13 procentini punkt maesnis nei 2010 m. lapkriio mn. Mamenins prekybos moni vadov apklausos rezultatai parod, kad preki apyvarta augo, bet liau nei per prajusius mnesius. Apyvarta augo beveik visuose didiuosiuose prekybos tinkluose ir beveik tredalyje (32 %) likusi prekybos moni. Taiau moni ekonomin bkl per prajusius mnesius suprastjo: pablogjim nurod 29 procentai (prie mnes tik 7 %), pagerjim 8 procentai (prie mnes 17 %) apklaustj. Prekybos moni vadovai pateikia optimistin savo moni ekonomins bkls prognoz: 32 procentai mano, kad j mons ekonomin bkl pagers, 24 procentai kad pablogs (spalio mn. atitinkamai 10 ir 15 %). Artjant iemos ventms mons ada sigyti daugiau preki pardavimui. Dalis didij prekybos tinkl ketina priimti nauj darbuotoj, bet dauguma likusi prekybos moni (79 %) darbuotoj skaiiaus keisti neada. Kainas didsiant mameninje prekyboje prognozuoja 36 procentai moni, 59 procentai mano, kad kainos nesikeis. The retail trade confidence indicator is defined as the arithmetical mean of the answers (balances) to the questions past business situation, business situation expectations and level of stocks (with an inverted sign). It is based on the enterprise management opinion survey. A business tendency survey in retail trade is carried out every month. It is a sample survey. There are 11 questions in the questionnaire addressed to the managers. Three possible answers are suggested: positive (+), neutral (=) and negative (-). The respondent has to choose one of them. As the results are calculated, different types of responses are summed up accordingly. The enterprises are weighted by their size (annual turnover), and the share of different answers is calculated. The difference between the share of positive and negative answers makes up the balance. In November 2011, questionnaires were sent to 918 retail trade enterprises. Responses were received from 727 enterprises. The retail trade confidence indicator in November stood at minus 7 per cent, i.e. was by 6 percentage points lower than in October and by 13 percentage points lower than in November 2010. The results of the survey of retail trade enterprises showed that the turnover of goods increased, yet at a slower pace than in the previous months. The turnover was on the increase in almost all major shopping centres and almost in a third (32 per cent) of the rest of enterprises. Yet in the last months the economic situation deteriorated: 29 per cent of enterprise managers indicated deterioration in their economic situation (a month ago, only 7 per cent), 8 per cent an improvement (a month ago, 17 per cent). The forecast for the nearest months was optimistic: 32 per cent of enterprise managers expected an improvement in their economic situation, 24 per cent anticipated deterioration (a month ago, 10 and 15 per cent, respectively). As the winter holidays approach, enterprises plan to purchase more goods for sale. Part of major shopping centres intended to hire new employees, while most (79 per cent) of other trade enterprises were not going to change the number of their staff. An increase in prices was expected by 36 per cent of enterprises, while 59 per cent of the respondents stated that prices will remain unchanged.





Prekybos pasitikjimo rodiklis

Retail trade confidence indicator Balansas, procentais Balance, per cent

40 20 0

34 32 33

37 29 26 29 31


22 21 20 18 17 19 10


14 12 4 1

12 11

7 6 5


13 11 9 4


-1 -7

-20 -40

-23 -12 -24 -38 -30 -28 -29 -16 -29-27 -33


-10 -13 -20

-32 -38



-60 -80

-55 -53-55 -58





























Ekonomins bkls pasikeitimas per prajusius 23 mnesius

Business activity change over the past 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Pagerjo Nepasikeit Pablogjo Balansas

37 56 7 30

25 68 7 18

30 62 8 22

15 53 32 -17

37 26 37 0

32 29 39 -7

34 34 32 2

37 53 10 27

40 55 5 35

34 59 7 27

34 59 7 27

25 70 5 20

17 76 7 10

8 Improved 63 Unchanged 29 Deteriorate -21 Balance

Ekonomins bkls prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Business activity expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Pagers Nepasikeis Pablogs Balansas

10 79 11 -1

16 73 11 5

10 76 14 -4

7 56 37 -30

10 48 42 -32

21 43 36 -15

14 71 15 -1

25 61 14 11

26 60 14 12

23 66 11 12

21 66 13 8

13 73 14 -1

10 75 15 -5

32 Improved 44 Remain stable 24 Deteriorate 8 Balance





Preki atsarg lygio vertinimas

Assessment of the level of stocks moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Per didelis Pakankamas Nepakankamas Balansas

10 86 4 6

10 85 5 5

10 85 5 5

16 80 4 12

12 83 5 7

10 86 4 6

10 85 5 5

10 86 4 6

10 86 4 6

9 88 3 6

10 86 4 6

10 87 3 7

10 88 2 8

10 Above normal 87 Normal 3 Below normal 7 Balance

Darbuotoj skaiiaus prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Employment expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padids Nepasikeis Sumas Balansas

33 57 10 23

33 61 6 27

34 59 7 27

12 81 7 5

5 89 6 -1

38 57 5 33

38 57 5 33

39 57 4 35

40 56 4 36

38 59 3 35

38 58 4 34

37 57 6 31

36 60 4 32

39 Increase 55 Remain stable 6 Decrease 33 Balance

Preki sigijimo prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Orders with suppliers expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padids Nepasikeis Sumas Balansas

38 48 14 24

46 42 12 34

42 35 23 19

12 33 55 -43

8 66 26 -18

19 61 20 -1

52 33 15 37

27 57 16 11

26 56 16 12

28 57 15 13

8 80 12 -4

19 73 8 11

18 72 10 8

41 Increase 40 Remain stable 19 Decrease 22 Balance

Preki kain prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Selling price expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Dids Nesikeis Mas Balansas

38 59 3 35

39 57 4 35

49 46 5 44

35 62 3 32

39 58 3 36

37 61 2 35

58 41 1 57

48 51 1 47

14 58 28 -14

13 58 29 -16

14 82 4 10

13 85 2 11

12 87 1 11

36 Increase 59 Remain stable 5 Decrease 31 Balance






Paslaug sektoriaus pasitikjimo rodiklis tai ekonomins bkls vertinimo, teikiam paslaug ,paklausos pasikeitimo ir jos prognozs balans aritmetinis vidurkis. Jis apskaiiuojamas naudojant moni vadov nuomoni tyrimo rezultatus. Paslaug sektoriaus moni vadov nuomoni tyrimas yra atrankinis, atliekamas kas mnes. Apklausos anketoje yra 8 klausimai. Kiekvienam klausimui silomi trys atsakym variantai: teigiamas (+), neutralus (=) ir neigiamas (-). Respondentas turi pasirinkti vien i j. Apibendrinant apklausos rezultatus, atskirai susumuojami teigiami, neigiami ir neutrals atsakymai kiekvien klausim. Atsivelgiant moni dyd (metines pajamas) apskaiiuojama moni, pasirinkusi skirtingus atsakymus, dalis (%). Teigiam ir neigiam atsakym skirtumas vadinamas balansu. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo apklaustos 985 paslaug mons. I j atsakymus pateik 850 moni. Paslaug sektoriaus pasitikjimo rodiklis 2011 m. lapkriio mn. buvo 23 procentai, palyginti su spalio mn. sumajo 1 procentiniu punktu, o palyginti su 2010 lapkriio mn., padidjo 8 procentiniais punktais. Paslaug sektoriaus moni vadov apklausos rezultatai parod, kad moni ekonomins bkls vertinimas jau ketvirtas mnuo ilieka toks pat: beveik pus (49 %) apklaust moni vadov nurod, kad j ekonomin bkl gera, 3 procentai kad bloga. Teikiam paslaug paklausa per prajusius mnesius kito labai neymiai: 22 procentai apklaust moni vadov nurod, kad paklausa augo, 8 procentai kad smuko (prie mnes atitinkamai 23 ir 8 %). Taiau paslaug paklausos prognoz artimiausiems mnesiams iek tiek pesimistikesn: 21 procentas apklaust moni vadov tikisi paklaus didsiant, 13 procent masiant (prie mnes atitinkamai 22 ir 10 %). Artimiausiais mnesiais dauguma (77 %) moni vadov darbuotoj skaiiaus keisti neketina, 11 procent ada didinti. The services confidence indicator is defined as the arithmetic mean of the answers (balances) to the questions on present business situation, past changes in the demand and demand expectations. It is based on the enterprise management opinion survey. A business tendency survey in the service sector is carried out every month. It is a sample survey. There are 8 questions in the questionnaire addressed to the managers. Three possible answers are suggested: positive (+), neutral (=) and negative (-). The respondent has to choose one of them. As the calculation of the results is carried out, different types of responses are summed up accordingly. The enterprises are weighted by their size (annual turnover), and the share of positive and negative answers is calculated. The difference between the share of positive and negative answers makes up the balance. In November 2011, 985 enterprises were surveyed. Responses were received from 850 enterprises. The services confidence indicator in November 2011 stood at 23 per cent. Against October, it decreased by 1 percentage point, while against November 2011, it grew by 8 percentage points. The results of the survey of service enterprises showed that the assessment of the economic situation of enterprises has remained unchanged for four successive months already: almost half (49 per cent) of enterprise managers interviewed indicated that their economic situation was good, 3 per cent stated that it was bad. In the last months, the demand for services rendered changed inconsiderably: 22 per cent of enterprise managers interviewed indicated an increase in demand, 8 per cent a decrease (a month ago, 23 and 8 per cent, respectively). Yet the demand forecast was slightly more pessimistic: 21 per cent of enterprise managers interviewed expected an increase in demand, 13 per cent a decrease (a month ago, 22 and 10 per cent, respectively). As for the nearest months, the majority (77 per cent) of enterprise managers did not intend to change the number of employees, while 11 per cent intended to raise it.





Pasitikjimo rodiklis paslaug sektoriuje

Services confidence indicator Balansas, procentais Balance, per cent
50 40 30 20 10 0 -10
-9 -3 -8 -14 -19-18 -24 -23-25 -27 -18 -21-20 -13 -7 -2 38 38 38 38 37 33 34 33 35 26 34 34 31 28 30 31 31 24 18 19 17 20 15 11 7 3 8 8 9 16 16 16 15 14 23 23 28 29 27 28 24 24 23

-20 -30 -40































mons ekonomins bkls vertinimas

Assessment of the business situation moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Gera Patenkinama Bloga Balansas

34 60 6 28

37 56 7 30

37 56 7 30

39 55 6 33

48 46 6 42

46 49 5 41

47 49 4 43

48 48 4 44

50 47 3 47

48 48 4 44

49 48 3 46

49 48 3 46

49 48 3 46

49 Good 48 Satisfactory 3 Bad 46 Balance

Teikiam paslaug paklausos pasikeitimas per prajusius 23 mnesius

Change in the demand for services rendered over the past 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padidjo Nepasikeit Sumajo Balansas

24 59 17 7

24 62 14 10

31 57 12 19

25 64 11 14

21 67 12 9

30 58 12 18

26 60 14 12

26 66 8 18

31 61 8 23

29 61 10 19

29 63 8 21

23 69 8 15

23 69 8 15

22 Up 70 Unchanged 8 Down 14 Balance





Teikiam paslaug paklausos prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Services demand expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padids Nepasikeis Sumas Balansas

25 63 12 13

18 70 12 6

18 59 23 -5

17 66 17 0

22 66 12 10

26 59 15 11

29 56 15 14

28 65 7 21

28 62 10 18

26 65 9 17

25 67 8 17

22 68 10 12

22 68 10 12

21 Increase 66 Remain stable 13 Decrease 8 Balance

Darbuotoj skaiiaus pasikeitimas per prajusius 23 mnesius

Change in the number of employees over the past 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padidjo Nepasikeit Sumajo Balansas

12 64 24 -12

15 70 15 0

22 63 15 7

19 65 16 3

21 65 14 7

25 62 13 12

26 60 14 12

20 67 13 7

23 67 10 13

27 63 10 17

31 57 12 19

22 61 17 5

21 67 12 9

20 Up 59 Unchanged 21 Down -1 Balance

Darbuotoj skaiiaus prognoz artimiausiems 23 mnesiams

Employment expectations for the next 23 months moni skaiius, procentais Number of enterprises, per cent

Padids Nepasikeis Sumas Balansas

10 80 10 0

16 73 11 5

15 72 13 2

15 74 11 4

19 74 7 12

21 73 6 15

17 71 12 5

13 78 9 4

13 77 10 3

13 78 9 4

16 76 8 8

14 73 13 1

13 73 14 -1

11 Increase 77 Remain stable 12 Decrease -1 Balance




Lietuva Latvija Lithuania Latvia Estija Estonia


Gyventoj skaiius 2010 m. sausio 1 d., tkst. Gyventoj skaiius 2011 m. sausio 1 d., tkst. pokyiai, palyginti su 2010 m. sausio 1 d., % Gim 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Mir 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Natralus sumajimas 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 3329,0 3244,6 -2,5 32931 31815 38289 37497 -5358 -5682 2248,4 2229,6 -0,8 16182 2 15720 25043 2 23840 -8861 2 -8120
1 1 1

1340,1 1340,2 0,0 14572 13629 14432 13953 140 -324 Population as of 1 January 2010, thous. Population as of 1 January 2011, thous. changes, compared to 1 January 2010, % Live births JanuaryNovember 2010 JanuaryNovember 2011 Deaths JanuaryNovember 2010 JanuaryNovember 2011 Natural decrease JanuaryNovember 2010 JanuaryNovember 2011

Gyventoj uimtumo tyrimo duomenys

Uimtumo lygis (1564 met amiaus), % I viso 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 2009 m. 2010 m. vyrai 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 2009 m. 2010 m. moterys 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 2009 m. 2010 m. Nedarbo lygis (1574 met amiaus), % I viso 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 2009 m. 2010 m. vyrai 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 2009 m. 2010 m. moterys 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 2009 m. 2010 m.

Labour force survey data

Employment rate (1564 years age), % Total III Q 2010 III Q 2011 2009 2010 males III Q 2010 III Q 2011 2009 2010 females III Q 2010 III Q 2011 2009 2010 Unemployment rate (1574 years age), % Total III Q 2010 III Q 2011 2009 2010 males III Q 2010 III Q 2011 2008 2009 females III Q 2010 III Q 2011 2009 2010

58,5 61,4 60,1 57,8 58,0 61,8 59,5 56,8 59,0 61,0 60,7 58,7

60,6 62,7 61,1 59,3 61,1 63,7 61,3 59,2 60,1 61,7 60,9 59,4

61,9 67,0 63,2 60,7 64,1 69,7 63,5 61,0 59,9 64,5 63,0 60,5

17,8 14,8 13,7 17,8 20,3 16,7 17,0 21,2 15,3 12,9 10,4 14,4

17,9 14,4 16,9 18,7 20,0 16,1 20,0 21,7 15,9 12,6 13,8 15,7

15,5 10,9 13,8 16,9 16,1 10,6 16,9 19,5 14,9 11,3 10,6 14,3

2010 m. sausiospalio mn. JanuaryOctober 2010. 2 2011 m. sausiospalio mn. JanuaryOctober 2011.


Lietuva Latvija Lithuania Latvia

Estija Estonia

Darbo umokestis
Minimalioji mnesin alga 2011 m. lapkriio mn., eur palyginti su 2011 m. spalio mn., % palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn., % alies kio darbuotoj vidutinis mnesinis bruto darbo umokestis 2011 m. III ketv., eur palyginti su 2011 m. II ketv., % palyginti su 2010 m. III ketv., % alies kio darbuotoj vidutinis mnesinis neto darbo umokestis 2011 m. III ketv., eur 232 100,0 100,0 613 100,4 101,6 477 285 100,0 111,1 664 100,6 104,3 473 278 100,0 100,0 809 94,4 106,6 648

Minimum monthly earnings in November 2011, EUR compared to October 2011, % compared to November 2010, % Average gross monthly earnings of employees in the whole economy, III Q 2011, EUR compared to II Q 2011, % compared to III Q 2010, % Average net monthly earnings of employees in the whole economy, III Q 2011, EUR

Senatvs pensija
Vidutin priskaiiuota senatvs pensija 2011 m. III ketv., eur palyginti su 2011 m. II ketv., % palyginti su 2010 m. III ketv., % 236 100,0 100,0 263 100,2 101,1 305 99,8 100,1

Old age pension

Average allotted old age pension, III Q 2011, EUR compared to II Q 2011, % compared to III Q 2010, %

Kain pokyiai, %
Vartojimo preki ir paslaug 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn. Maisto produkt ir nealkoholini grim Alkoholini grim ir tabako gamini Drabui ir avalyns Bsto, vandens, elektros, duj, kito kuro Bsto apstatymo, nam apyvokos rangos ir kasdiens bsto prieiros Sveikatos prieiros Transporto Ryi Poilsio ir kultros vietimo Viebui, kavini ir restoran vairi preki ir paslaug Vartojimo preki ir paslaug 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn. Maisto produkt ir nealkoholini grim Alkoholini grim ir tabako gamini Drabui ir avalyns Bsto, vandens, elektros, duj, kito kuro Bsto apstatymo, nam apyvokos rangos ir kasdiens bsto prieiros Sveikatos prieiros Transporto Ryi Poilsio ir kultros vietimo Viebui, kavini ir restoran vairi preki ir paslaug 0,2 0,5 0,2 -1,0 0,9 0,4 0,1 -0,4 -0,2 0,1 0,0 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,9 -1,3 -0,2 -0,5 -0,2 0,1 -0,1 0,2 -0,3 0,6 -0,7 0,1 0,6 0,2 0,5 -0,1 0,6 -0,1 -0,3 0,3 -1,1 0,1 0,1 0,5

Changes in price indices, %

Consumer goods and services, November 2011, compared to October Food and non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house Health care Transport Communication Recreation and culture Education Hotels, cafes and restaurants Miscellaneous goods and services Consumer goods and services, November 2011, compared to November 2010 Food and non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house Health care Transport Communication Recreation and culture Education Hotels, cafes and restaurants Miscellaneous goods and services

4,4 6,5 2,0 -1,5 10,1 1,3 -0,1 9,5 -1,1 -1,3 0,5 3,7 1,4

4,2 5,6 6,0 0,8 7,7 -0,5 -3,4 8,8 -1,6 0,5 -2,3 3,2 0,7

4,2 4,3 4,7 4,8 7,9 2,3 1,3 5,5 -6,2 0,3 2,0 8,5 3,6



Lietuva Latvija Lithuania Latvia

Estija Estonia

Gamintoj parduotos visos pramons produkcijos 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su spalio mn. 2011 m. lapkriio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. lapkriio mn. Statybos, 2011 m. III ketv. palyginti su 2011 m. II ketv. palyginti su 2010 m. III ketv. 1,7 4,5 0,4 2,1 1,0 3,0 0,5 12,7 -0,5 6,9 0,1 3,0

Producer for whole industry November 2011, compared to October 2011 November 2011, compared to November 2010 Construction, III Q 2011 compared to II Q 2011 compared to III Q 2010

Vidutins kainos 2011 m. lapkriio mn., eur Jautienos kumpis su kaulu, kg Kiaulienos kumpis su kaulu, kg Idarintos vitos, kg Virtos deros, kg Sviestas, kg Pienas, 2,5 % riebumo, l Grietin, 2025 % riebumo, kg Vark, 59 % riebumo, kg Kiauiniai, 10 vnt. Rugin duona, kg Batonas i aukiausios ries kvietini milt, kg Cukrus, kg Bulvs, kg Degtin, 40 pagaminta alyje, l Benzinas, A-95E, l Elektros energija, 100 kWh 5,40 3,37 2,59 3,29 6,88 0,71 1,84 3,59 1,05 1,44 1,57 1,15 0,23 10,73 1,32 13,03 4,20 3,44 2,49 3,39 7,17 0,81 2,75 4,03 1,29 1,51 1,61 1,22 0,28 11,61 1,29 13,39 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Average prices in November EUR Beef ham with bone, kg Pork ham with bone, kg Chicken, drawn, kg Boiled sausages, kg Butter, kg Milk, 2.5 % fat, l Sour cream, 2025 % fat, kg Curd, 59 % fat, kg Eggs per 10 pieces Rye bread, kg Best quality wheat flour bread, kg Sugar, kg Potatoes, kg Vodka of 40 alcohol produced in the country, l Petrol A-95E, l Electricity, 100 kWh

ems kis
Gyvulininkysts produkt gamyba visuose kiuose 2011 m. III ketv. Msa (gyvuoju svoriu), tkst. t palyginti su 2010 m. III ketv., % Primelta pieno, tkst. t palyginti su 2010 m. III ketv., % Surinkta kiauini, mln. palyginti su 2010 m. III ketv., % 70,0 93,3 521,0 82,8 122,0 74,4 19,6 98,5 260,3 103,0 162,9 89,7 29,0 103,9 177,1 102,5 46,5 106,2

Animal production in all farms, III Q 2011 Meat (live weight), thous. t compared to III Q 2010, % Milk, thous. t compared to III Q 2010, % Eggs, mill. compared to III Q 2010, %

Visos pramons produkcijos indeksai palyginamosiomis kainomis, % 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su rugsjo mn. 2011 m. spalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. spalio mn. 2011 m. sausiospalio mn., palyginti su 2010 m. sausiospalio mn. 97,8 98,5 109,3 102,6 105,1 109,7 101,7 102,4 122,7

Industrial production index at constant prices, % October 2011, compared to September October 2011, compared to October 2010 JanuaryOctober 2011, compared to JanuaryOctober 2010



Lietuva Latvija Lithuania Latvia

Estija Estonia

Pakrauta ir ikrauta krovini jr laivus ir i j, tkst. t 2010 m. lapkriio mn. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. Pirm kart alyje registruot automobili skaiius 2010 m. lapkriio mn. 2011 m. lapkriio mn. 2010 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 2011 m. sausiolapkriio mn. 14859 12052 146641 116364 2887 4285 23788 39088 4184 2688 26396 41034 4019,9 3763,7 5208,5 5800,9 3870,9 3942,0

Goods loaded and unloaded to seagoing vessels, thous. t November 2010 November 2011 JanuaryNovember 2010 JanuaryNovember 2011 Number of first time registered passenger cars November 2010 November 2011 JanuaryNovember 2010 JanuaryNovember 2011

36698,4 55910,4 41624,8 42003,8 62670,5 44216,6

Usienio prekyba
Specialioji prekybos sistema, 2011 m. sausiospalio mn. Eksportas, mln. eur ES, mln. eur procentais Lietuv, mln. eur procentais Latvij, mln. eur procentais Estij, mln. eur procentais Importas, mln. eur I ES, mln. eur procentais I Lietuvos, mln. eur procentais I Latvijos, mln. eur procentais I Estijos, mln. eur procentais Balansas, mln. eur 16636,7 10188,1 61,2 x x 1701,4 10,2 1126,8 6,8 18754,7 10451,3 55,7 x x 1242,7 6,6 529,4 2,8 7066,2 10023,2 5122,6 72,5 1236,2 17,5 x x 999,2 14,1 6684,8 66,7 453,2 4,5 758,6 7,6 x x

Foreign trade
Special Trade System, JanuaryOctober 2011 Exports, EUR mill. To EU, EUR mill. per cent To Lithuania, EUR mill. per cent To Latvia, EUR mill. per cent To Estonia, EUR mill. per cent Imports, EUR mill. From EU, EUR mill. per cent From Lithuania, EUR mill. per cent From Latvia, EUR mill. per cent From Estonia, EUR mill. per cent Balance, EUR mill.

8857,9 10526,7 6741,2 76,1 1656,1 18,7 x x 629,2 7,1 8233,1 78,2 886,4 8,4 1132,2 10,8 x x -503,4

-2118,0 -1791,7



Lietuva Latvija Lithuania Latvia

Estija Estonia

Pinig finansini institucij palkan normos

Palkan normos u bank suteiktas naujas paskolas nacionaline valiuta 2011 m. spalio mn., % Palkan normos u naujus sutarto termino indlius nacionaline valiuta 2011 m. spalio mn., %

Interest rates of monetary financial institutions

Interest rates for new bank loans in national currency, October 2011, % Interest rates on new deposits with agreed maturity in national currency, October 2011, %







Tiesiogins usienio investicijos

Tiesiogins usienio investicijos ketvirio pabaigoje I viso, mln. eur 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. Tenka vienam gyventojui, eur 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. Tiesiogins usienio investicijos, srautas per ketvirt I viso, mln. eur 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. Palyginti su BVP, % 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 6,1 3,1 ... ... 6,5 -14,9 441,8 247,6 ... ... 244,9 -614,6 3096 3347 ... ... 8962 9415 10096,1 10734,4 ... 12010,7 ... 12618,2

Foreign direct investment

Foreign direct investment, end of quarter Total, EUR mill. III Q 2010 III Q 2011 Per capita, EUR III Q 2010 III Q 2011 Foreign direct investment flow during the quarter Total, EUR mill. III Q 2010 III Q 2011 % of GDP III Q 2010 III Q 2011

Valdios sektoriaus skola ketvirio pabaigoje

I viso, mln. eur 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. Tenka vienam gyventojui, eur 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. 3058 3514 3416 3856
1 2

General Government Debt, end of quarter

Total, EUR mill. 9973,3 11268,6 7648,6 8544,4
1 2

825,8 637,2

III Q 2010 III Q 2011 Per capita, EUR

616 476

III Q 2010 III Q 2011

Mokjim balansas
Einamosios sskaitos balansas, mln. eur 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv. Palyginti su BVP, % 2010 m. III ketv. 2011 m. III ketv.

Balance of payments
Current account balance, EUR mill. -92,4 174,6 -15,9 -197,0 264,5 300,9 III Q 2010 III Q 2011 % of GDP -1,3 2,2 -0,3 -3,7 7,1 7,3 III Q 2010 III Q 2011

2010 m. II ketv. II Q 2010. 2 2011 m. II ketv. II Q 2011.



Lietuva Lithuania

Latvija Latvia

Estija Estonia

Bendrasis vidaus produktas

BVP to meto kainomis, mln. eur 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 I ketv. II ketv. III ketv. IV ketv. 2011 I ketv. II ketv. III ketv. palyginti su ankstesniu ketviriu, % 2010 I ketv. II ketv. III ketv. IV ketv. 2011 I ketv. II ketv. III ketv. palyginti su prajusi met atitinkamu laikotarpiu, % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 I ketv. II ketv. III ketv. IV ketv. 2011 I ketv. II ketv. III ketv. BVP, tenkantis vienam gyventojui, veikusiu valiut keitimo kursu, eur 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Gross domestic product

GDP at current prices, EUR mill. 20969 24104 28739 32462 26620 27535 6159 6974 7273 7130 6735* 7843* 1 8099 12886 15892 21024 22880 18592 18121 4047 4477 4684 4913 4333 4986 5272 11182 13391 16069 16304 13840 14305 3164 3567 3705 3869 3617 4021 4117 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 IQ II Q III Q IV Q 2011 IQ II Q III Q compared to the previous quarter, % 2010 IQ II Q III Q IV Q 2011 IQ II Q III Q compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % 107,8 107,8 109,8 102,9 85,2 101,4 99,1 100,9 100,8 104,8 105,9* 106,5* 1 106,7 110,6 112,2 110,0 96,7 82,3 99,7 94,5 96,5 103,5 103,6 103,5 105,6 106,6 109,4 110,6 107,5 96,3 85,7 102,3 95,8 102,5 104,5 106,0 109,5 108,4 108,5 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 IQ II Q III Q IV Q 2011 IQ II Q III Q GDP per capita by the exchange rate of the active currencies, EUR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

92,2 110,0 107,0 96,6 93,1* 110,5* 1 107,2

82,8 113,0 106,7 103,7 82,8 115,3 107,8

89,6 112,8 97,2 108,0 92,5 111,7 97,3

6142 7102 8514 9667 7972 8378

5602 6946 9237 10097 8246 8093

8298 9967 11977 12161 10326 10674

Antrasis vertis. Second estimate.



Bendrasis vidaus produktas (BVP), tenkantis vienam gyventojui, ireiktas perkamosios galios standartais BVP yra apibdinamas kaip vis sukurt preki ir paslaug vert atmus preki ir paslaug, naudojam joms kurti ir gaminti, vert. BVP vienam gyventojui, ireikto perkamosios galios standartais, apimties indeksas pateikiamas lyginant su Europos Sjungos (ES 27) vidurkiu (ES 27 = 100). Jeigu alies indeksas yra auktesnis nei 100, tokios alies BVP vienam gyventojui lygis yra auktesnis nei ES vidurkis ir atvirkiai. Pagrindiniai rodikliai pateikiami perkamosios galios standartais, t. y. bendra valiuta, kuri panaikina kain lygi skirtumus ir leidia atlikti realius BVP palyginimus tarp ali. Darbo naumas vienam dirbaniajam Bendrasis vidaus produktas (BVP) yra ekonomins veiklos matas. Jis nustatomas kaip sukurt preki ir paslaug verts ir preki ir paslaug, sunaudot j sukrimui, verts skirtumas. BVP vienam dirbaniajam atspindi alies ekonomikos naum, palyginti su Europos Sjungos (ES 27) vidurkiu. Jeigu alies indeksas yra auktesnis nei 100, tokios alies BVP vienam dirbaniajam yra auktesnis nei ES vidurkis ir atvirkiai. Pagrindiniai rodikliai pateikiami perkamosios galios standartais, t. y. bendra valiuta, kuri panaikina kain lygi skirtumus ir leidia atlikti realius BVP palyginimus tarp ali. Dirbantieji neskirstomi pagal dirbanius vis arba ne vis darbo dien. Uimtumo lygis Uimtumo lygis yra skaiiuojamas dalijant uimtj, kuri amius nuo 15 iki 64 met, skaii i vis tos amiaus grups gyventoj. is rodiklis apskaiiuojamas atliekant darbo jgos tyrim. Tyrimas apima visus gyventojus, gyvenanius privaiuose nam kiuose. Netraukiami gyventojai, gyvenantys instituciniuose nam kiuose: pensionatuose, ligoninse. Uimtieji apima tuos asmenis, kurie tiriamj savait dirbo bet kok darb, trukus ne trumpiau kaip 1 val., ir gavo darbo umokest ar turjo pelno arba turjo darb, bet nedirbo dl tam tikr prieasi. Vyresnio amiaus dirbanij uimtumas Vyresnio amiaus dirbanij uimtumo lygis skaiiuojamas dalijant uimtj nuo 55 iki 64 met amiaus skaii i vis tos paios amiaus grups gyventoj skaiiaus. is rodiklis apskaiiuojamas naudojant darbo jgos tyrim. Tyrimas apima visus gyventojus, gyvenanius privaiuose nam kiuose. Netraukiami gyventojai, gyvenantys instituciniuose nam kiuose: pensionatuose, ligoninse. Uimtieji apima tuos asmenis, kurie tiriamj savait dirbo bet kok darb, trukus ne trumpiau kaip 1 val., ir gavo darbo umokest ar turjo pelno arba turjo darb, bet nedirbo dl tam tikr prieasi. Vidurin ar auktesn isilavinim gijusio jaunimo (2024 met) dalis is rodiklis yra 2024 met amiaus jaunimo, gijusio ne emesn kaip vidurin isilavinim (ISCED 3a, 3b ar 3c) ir tos paios amiaus grups gyventoj skaiiaus santykis. Ilaidos mokslo tiriamajai veiklai Ilaidoms mokslo tiriamajai veiklai apibdinti naudojami 4 rodikliai: ilaidos mokslo tiriamajai veiklai, palyginti su BVP, pramons finansuojamos ilaidos mokslo tiriamajai veiklai, valstybs finansuojama dalis, i usienio fond finansuojami mokslo tiriamieji darbai. Mokslo tiriamoji veikla krybinis, sistemingai atliekamas painimo darbas, skaitant mogaus, kultros ir visuomens painim, ir gyt ini pritaikymas, kuriant naujus produktus (Frascati vadovas, 2002 m. leidimas, 63). Mokslo tiriamieji darbai tai veikla, susijusi su enkliu itekli paskirstymu tarp statistini vienet, organizacij ir sektori. Svarbu stebti l, skirt mokslo tiriamajai veiklai, sraut judjim. Santykiniai kain lygiai (Santykiniai nam ki galutinio vartojimo kain lygiai, skaitant netiesioginius mokesius (ES 27 = 100)) Santykiniai kain lygiai yra perkamosios galios paritet (PGP) santykiai su rinkos oficialiais nacionalini valiut santykiais. PGP tai nacionalini valiut perskaiiavimo santykiai, naudojami ekonominiams rodikliams, ireiktiems nacionaline valiuta, perskaiiuoti bendr valiut, vadinam perkamosios galios standartu (PGS); jis sulygina vairi nacionalini valiut perkamj gali ir leidia atlikti realius palyginimus. Santykis rodo alies kain lyg, palyginti su ES 27 vidurkiu (ES 27 = 100). Jei alies santykini kain lygio indeksas yra auktesnis (emesnis) negu 100, tokia alis yra laikoma brangi (pigi), palyginti su Europos Sjungos vidurkiu. Verslo investicijos Bendrojo pagrindinio kapitalo formavimo privaiame sektoriuje, palyginti su BVP, rodiklis. is rodiklis parodo gamintoj sigijimus atmus esamo ilgalaikio materialaus ir nematerialaus turto (pastat, main ir rengini, transporto priemoni ar programins rangos) netekim. is rodiklis taip pat apima kapitalo pagerinim ir ilaidas, susijusias su pagrindinio kapitalo ir vis negamybini aktyv nuosavybs teiss perdavimu. Santykis atspindi BVP dal, tenkani privataus sektoriaus grynosioms investicijoms. Skurdo rizikos lygis po socialini imok Gyventoj dalis, kuri palyginamos disponuojamosios pajamos yra emiau skurdo ribos. Skurdo riba laikoma, jeigu pajamos siekia tik 60 procent alies medianini ekvivalentini disponuojamj pajam (po socialini imok).


Ilgalaikio nedarbo lygis Ilgalaikiai (12 mn. ir daugiau) bedarbiai yra asmenys nuo 15 met, gyvenantys ne instituciniuose nam kiuose, neturintys darbo artimiausi 2 savaii laikotarpiu, bet pasireng per artimiausias 2 savaites pradti dirbti, ir kurie ieko darbo (aktyviai iekojo darbo 4 savaites arba neieko darbo, kadangi jie jau surado darb, kur prads dirbti vliau). Aktyvs gyventojai (darbo jga) bendras uimtj skaiius ir bedarbiai. Nedarbo trukm laikas (trukm), kai iekoma darbo, arba laikotarpis nuo paskutinio dirbto darbo (jeigu is laikotarpis yra trumpesnis nei laikotarpis, per kur iekoma darbo). iltnamio efekt sukelianios dujos is rodiklis atspindi bendrojo mogaus veiklos sukelt ir iltnamio efekt sukeliani duj (nurodyt Kioto duj srae) emisij kiekio tendencijas. Pateikiamos metins bendrosios emisijos, palyginti su Kioto protokole nustatytais baziniais metais. Baziniai metai nefluorintoms dujoms yra 1990 m., o fluorintoms dujoms 1995 m. Kioto iltnamio efekt sukeliani duj sraui priklauso: anglies dioksidas (CO2), metanas (CH4), nitrito oksidas (N2O) ir vadinamosios F-dujos (hidrofluoroangliavandeniliai, perfluorangliavandeniliai ir sieros heksafluoridas (SF6)). Duomenys apie i duj emisijas agreguojami taikant visuotinio atilimo potencial (GWP). Emisija pateikiama CO2 ekvivalentais. is rodiklis neapima emisij ir nuopjov, susijusi su ems naudojimo paskirties pakeitimu bei mikininkyste ir tarptautins aviacijos bei tarptautinio jr transporto sukeliam emisij. Vadovaujantis JTBKKK (Jungtini Taut Bendrosios klimato kaitos konvencijos) rekomendacijomis, CO2 emisijos, atsirandanios i biomass, kai ji yra naudojama kaip atsinaujinanios energijos altinis, raomos kaip pastaba ir nra traukiamos valstybi bendrj emisij skaiiavim. Pagal Kioto protokol, visos valstybs nars, iskyrus Kipr ir Malt, pasirenka individualius emisij mainimo planinius rodiklius. ES valstybs nars (ES 15) nutar (Tarybos Sprendimas 2002/358/EB) iki 20082012 m. 8 procentais sumainti iltnamio efekt sukeliani duj emisij. iuo nutarimu buvo nustatytas kiekvienos ES 15 valstybs nars naas siekiant bendr Kioto protokolo tiksl. Pagal Kioto protokol, Ryt Europos valstybs nars turi individualius planinius rodiklius, kuri emisij mainimo reikalavimai svyruoja nuo 6 iki 8 procent. Energijos intensyvumas is rodiklis yra bendrj vidaus energijos snaud ir bendrojo vidaus produkto (BVP), 2000 m. palyginamosiomis kainomis, santykis tam tikrais kalendoriniais metais. BVP rodiklis naudojamas palyginamosiomis kainomis, siekiant ivengti infliacijos takos. Jis parodo bendrosios energijos vartojimo efektyvum. Bendrosios vidaus energijos snaudos skaiiuojamos kaip 5 alyje sunaudojam energijos ri suma: anglies, elektros, naftos, gamtini duj ir atsinaujinani energijos altini. Energijos intensyvumo koeficientas yra apskaiiuojamas padalijant bendrj vidaus suvartojim i BVP. Kadangi bendrosios vidaus energijos snaudos matuojamos KgNE (kilogramas naftos ekvivalentu) ir BVP tkstaniais eur, energijos intensyvumas matuojamas kaip KgNE tkstaniui eur. Krovini apyvartos santykis su BVP is rodiklis apibriamas kaip krovini apyvartos ir BVP santykis (grandinin apimtis, pagal 2000 m. valiut kurs). Rodiklis yra indeksuotas 2000 m. Jis apima krovini veimus keliais, geleinkeliu ir vidaus vandenimis. Veimas geleinkeliu ir vidaus vandenimis yra pagrstas judjimu alies teritorijos ribose nepriklausomai nuo to, kokia aliai priklauso geleinkelio transporto priemon ar laivas. Veimas keliais yra pagrstas transporto priemoni, registruot atsiskaitanioje alyje, judjimu. GDP per capita in PPS Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure for the economic activity. It is defined as the value of all goods and services produced less the value of any goods or services used in their creation. The volume index of GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) is expressed in relation to the European Union (EU 27) average set to equal 100. If the index of a country is higher than 100, this country's level of GDP per head is higher than the EU average and vice versa. Basic figures are expressed in PPS, i.e. a common currency that eliminates the differences in price levels between countries allowing meaningful volume comparisons of GDP between countries. Please note that the index, calculated from PPS figures and expressed with respect to EU 27 = 100, is intended for cross-country comparisons rather than for temporal comparisons. Labour productivity per person employed Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure for the economic activity. It is defined as the value of all goods and services produced less the value of any goods or services used in their creation. GDP per person employed is intended to give an overall impression of the productivity of national economies expressed in relation to the European Union (EU 27) average. If the index of a country is higher than 100, this country's level of GDP per person employed is higher than the EU average and vice versa. Basic figures are expressed in PPS, i.e. a common currency that eliminates the differences in price levels between countries allowing meaningful volume comparisons of GDP between countries. Please note that persons employed does not distinguish between full-time and part-time employment. Total employment rate The employment rate is calculated by dividing the number of persons aged 15 to 64 in employment by the total population of the same age group. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey. The survey covers the entire population living in private households and excludes those in collective households such as boarding houses, halls of residence and hospitals. Employed population consists of those persons who during the reference week did any work for pay or profit for at least one hour, or were not working but had jobs from which they were temporarily absent. Total employment rate of older workers The employment rate of older workers is calculated by dividing the number of persons aged 55 to 64 in employment by the total population of the same age group. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey. The survey covers the entire population living in private households and excludes those in collective households such as boarding houses, halls of residence and hospitals. Employed population consists of those persons who during the reference week did any work for pay or profit for at least one hour, or were not working but had jobs from which they were temporarily absent. 204

Persons of the age 20 to 24 having completed at least upper secondary education This indicator is defined as the percentage of young people aged 2024 years having attained at least upper secondary education attainment level, i.e. with an education level ISCED 3a, 3b or 3c long minimum (numerator). The denominator consists of the total population of the same age group, excluding no answers to the questions highest level of education or training attained. Both the numerators and the denominators come from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS). Gross domestic expenditure on R (GERD) The four indicators provided are GERD (Gross domestic expenditure on R) as a percentage of GDP. "Research and experimental development (R) comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications" (Frascati Manual, 2002 edition, 63). R is an activity where there are significant transfers of resources between units, organisations and sectors and it is important to trace the flow of R funds. Comparative price levels (Comparative price levels of final consumption by private households including indirect taxes (EU 27 = 100)) Comparative price levels are the ratio between Purchasing power parities (PPPs) and market exchange rate for each country. PPPs are currency conversions rates that convert economic indicators expressed in national currencies to a common currency, called Purchasing Power Standard (PPS), which equalises the purchasing power of different national currencies and thus allows meaningful comparison. The ratio is shown in relation to the EU average (EU 27 = 100). If the index of the comparative price levels shown for a country is higher (lower) than 100, the country concerned is relatively expensive (cheap) as compared with the EU average. Business investment This indicator is defined as total gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) expressed as a percentage of GDP, for the private sector. GFCF consists of resident producers' acquisitions, less disposals, of fixed tangible or intangible assets, such as buildings, machinery and equipment, vehicles, or software. It also includes certain additions to the value of non-produced assets realised by productive activity, such as improvements to land. The ratio gives the share of GDP that is used by the private sector for investment (rather than being used for e.g. consumption). At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers The share of persons with an equivalised disposable income below the risk-of poverty threshold, which is set at 60 per cent of the national median equivalised disposable income (after social transfers). Total long-term unemployment rate Long-term unemployed (12 months and more) as a percentage of the total active population. Long-term unemployed (12 months and more) persons are those aged at least 15 years not living in collective households who are without work within the next two weeks, are available to start work within the next two weeks and who are seeking work (have actively sought employment at some time during the previous four weeks or are not seeking a job because they have already found a job to start later). The total active population (labour force) is the total number of the employed and unemployed population. The duration of unemployment is defined as the duration of a search for a job or as the length of the period since the last job was held (if this period is shorter than the duration of the search for a job). Total greenhouse gas emissions This indicator shows trends in total man-made emissions of the "Kyoto basket" of greenhouse gases. It presents annual total emissions in relation to "Kyoto base year". In general the base year is 1990 for the non-fluorinated gases and 1995 for the fluorinated gases. The "Kyoto basket" of greenhouse gases includes: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and the so-called F-gases (hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)). These gases are aggregated into a single unit using gas-specific global warming potential (GWP) factors. The aggregated greenhouse gas emissions are expressed in units of CO2 equivalents. The indicator does not include emissions and removals related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF); nor does it include emissions from international aviation and international maritime transport. CO2 emissions from biomass with energy recovery are reported as a Memorandum item according to UNFCCC Guidelines and not included in national greenhouse gas totals. With the exception of Cyprus and Malta all Member States have individual targets under the Kyoto Protocol. The EU 15 agreed (Council Decision 2002/358/EC) to a collective 8 per cent reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2008-12. This agreement sets the contribution of each individual EU 15 Member State towards reaching the common EU Kyoto target. Eastern European Member States have individual targets under the KP, with reduction requirements ranging from 6 per cent to 8 per cent. Energy intensity of the economy This indicator is the ratio between the gross inland consumption of energy and the gross domestic product (GDP) for a given calendar year. It measures the energy consumption of an economy and its overall energy efficiency. The gross inland consumption of energy is calculated as the sum of the gross inland consumption of five energy types: coal, electricity, oil, natural gas and renewable energy sources. The GDP figures are taken at constant prices to avoid the impact of the inflation, base year 2000. The energy intensity ratio is determined by dividing the gross inland consumption by the GDP. Since gross inland consumption is measured in kgoe (kilogram of oil equivalent) and GDP in 1000 EUR, this ratio is measured in kgoe per 1000 EUR. Volume of freight transport relative to GDP This indicator is defined as the ratio between tonne-kilometres (inland modes) and GDP (chain-linked volumes, at 2000 exchange rates). Its indexed on 2000. It includes transport by road, rail and inland waterways. Rail and inland waterways transport are based on movements on national territory, regardless of the nationality of the vehicle or vessel. Road transport is based on all movements of vehicles registered in the reporting country.



ES ali struktriniai rodikliai


Structural indicators of EU countries

Jungtin Karalyst United Kingdom

ekija Czech Republic

Danija Denmark

Bulgarija Bulgaria

Belgija Belgium

Ispanija Spain

Graikija Greece

Austrija Austria

Estija Estonia

Kipras Cyprus

Airija Ireland

BVP, tenkantis vienam gyventojui, perkamosios galios standartais, ES 27 = 100, 2010 m.














Darbo naumas vienam dirbaniajam, ES 27 = 100, 2010 m. 100,0 Uimtumo lygis, (1564), 2010 m., % Vyresnio amiaus dirbanij uimtumo lygis, (5564), 2010 m., % Vidurin ar auktesn isilavinim gijusio jaunimo (2024 met) dalis, 2010 m., % Ilaidos mokslo tiriamajai veiklai, palyginti su BVP, 2010 m., %








94,9* 109,1
























































Santykiniai kain lygiai, ES 27 = 100, 2010 m. 100,0 Verslo investicijos 2010 m., % 15,9

119,1 7,4

106,2 19,5

111,4 18,6

50,8 18,7

75,2 17,1p

142,3 14,1

74,8 15,0

95,1 12,1*

97,0 18,9

103,5 17,3

100,2 12,0

89,1 14,8

Skurdo rizikos lygis po socialini imok 2010 m., % 16,44 Ilgalaikio nedarbo lygis 2010 m., % iltnamio efekt sukelianios dujos 2009 m.






































Energijos intensyvumas 2009 m. 165,20 109,39 136,24 205,69 842,54 514,09 106,70 607,04 167,88 168,14 140,12 113,71 211,54 354,49 Krovini apyvartos santykis su BVP, 2009 m.














Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 22 d.). Eurostats database (22 December 2011). 2 2007. 3 ES 15. 4 2009.



Latvija Latvia

ES 27 EU 27

Italija Italy







72,2 14,2





Liuksemburgas Luxembourg

Nyderlandai Netherlands

Portugalija Portugal

Pranczija France

Lietuva Lithuania

Rumunija Romania















































































61,9 13,9

65,1 11,4

120,5 12,9

77,9 14,4

107,6 14,2

88,2 15,4*

110,8 17,2p

58,8 16,9

71,6 17,7

84,6 18,4

123,5 16,0

121,6 14,4

64,9 16,2







































Energy intensity of 363,72 445,92 151,93 168,29 173,83 186,50 164,33 576,90 496,57 252,28 221,97 147,88 413,48 150,55 the economy, 2009 Volume of freight transport relative 101,9 to GDP, 2009












87,4e 131,1

Vokietija Germany

Slovnija Slovenia

Slovakija Slovakia

Vengrija Hungary

Suomija Finland

vedija Sweden

Lenkija Poland

Malta Malta

GDP per capita in PPS EU 27 = 100, 118 2010 Labour productivity per person employed EU 27 = 100, 105,4 2010 Total employment rate (1564), 71,1 2010, % Total employment rate of older workers (5564), 57,7 2010, % Persons of the age 20 to 24 having completed at least upper secondary 74,4 education, 2010, % Gross domestic expenditure on R, as a percentage 2,82 of GDP, 2010, % Comparative price levels, EU 27 = 100, 104,3 2010 Business invest16,4 ment, 2010, % At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers, total, 15,6 2010, % Total long-term unemployment 3,4 rate, 2010, % Total greenhouse gas emissions, 75 2009





Bendrasis vidaus produktas, tenkantis vienam gyventojui

Gross domestic product, per capita Perkamosios galios standartais By purchasing power standards
2005 2006 2007 2008



ES 27 Airija Austrija Belgija Bulgarija ekija Danija Estija Graikija* Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Kipras Latvija Lenkija Lietuva Liuksemburgas Malta Nyderlandai Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija Vengrija Vokietija

22500 32500 28100 26900 8200 17800 27800 13800 20400 22900 23700 27400 20300 10800 11500 11900 57200 17600 29400 17900 24700 7900 13500 19600 25700 27400 14200 26000

23700 34600 29800 27900 9000 18900 29300 15600 21800 24800 24700 28500 21400 12200 12300 13100 64000 18000 31000 18700 25600 9100 15000 20700 27000 29100 14900 27300

25000 36900 30900 28900 10000 20700 30600 17500 22500 26200 26000 29000 23100 13900 13600 14800 68600 19000 33100 19600 26900 10400 16900 22100 29400 31200 15400 28900

25000 33300 31100 28900 10900 20200 31100 17300 23100 25900 26100 28100 24700 14100 14100 15400 69700 19700 33600 19500 26700 11700 18200 22700 29800 31000 16000 29000

23500 30000 29300 27700 10300 19300 28900 14900 22100 24200 24400 26000 23500 12000 14300 12800 62500 19300 31000 18800 25400 11000 17000 20500 27000 28000 15200 27200

24400 31100 30800 29000 10700 19400 31000 15700 21900 24500 24600 27300 24200 12500 15300 14000 66300 20200 32500

EU 27 Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Greece* Spain Italy United Kingdom Cyprus Latvia Poland Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands

19500* Portugal 26300 11200 18000 20700 28200 30100 15800 28800 France Romania Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Hungary Germany

Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 22 d.). Eurostats database (22 December 2011).



Bendrojo vidaus produkto pokyiai

Changes of Gross domestic product

Palyginti su ankstesniais metais, procentais Compared to previous year, per cent

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

ES 27 Airija Austrija Belgija Bulgarija ekija Danija Estija Graikija* Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Kipras Latvija Lenkija Lietuva Liuksemburgas Malta Nyderlandai Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija Vengrija Vokietija

2,0 5,3 2,4 1,7 6,4 6,8 2,4 8,9 2,3 3,6 0,9 2,1 3,9 10,1 3,6 7,8 5,4 3,7 2,0 0,8 1,8 4,2 6,7 4,0 2,9 3,2 4,0 0,7

3,3 5,3 3,7 2,7 6,5 7,0 3,4 10,1 5,5 4,1 2,2 2,6 4,1 11,2 6,2 7,8 5,0 2,8 3,4 1,4 2,5 7,9 8,3 5,8 4,4 4,3 3,9 3,7

3,2 5,2 3,7 2,9 6,4 5,7 1,6 7,5 3,0 3,5 1,7 3,5 5,1 9,6 6,8 9,8 6,6 4,3 3,9 2,4 2,3 6,3 10,5 6,9 5,3 3,3 0,1 3,3

0,3 -3,0 1,4 1,0 6,2 3,1 -0,8 -3,7 -0,2 0,9 -1,2 -1,1 3,6 -3,3 5,1 2,9 0,8 4,3 1,8 0,0 -0,1 7,3 5,9 3,6 1,0 -0,6 0,9 1,1

-4,3 -7,0 -3,8 -2,8 -5,5 -4,7 -5,8 -14,3 -3,3 -3,7 -5,1 -4,4 -1,9 -17,7 1,6 -14,8 -5,3 -2,6 -3,5 -2,9 -2,7 -6,6 -4,9 -8,0 -8,2 -5,2 -6,8 -5,1

1,9 -0,4 2,3 2,3 0,2 2,7 1,3 2,3 -3,5 -0,1 1,5 1,8 1,1 -0,3 3,9 1,4 2,7 2,9 1,7 1,4 1,5 -1,9 4,2 1,4 3,6 5,6 1,3 3,7

EU 27 Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Greece* Spain Italy United Kingdom Cyprus Latvia Poland Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal France Romania Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Hungary Germany

Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 22 d.). Eurostats database (22 December 2011).



Valdios sektoriaus deficitas (-) /, perteklius (+)

Palyginti su BVP, procentais As a percentage of GDP
2005 2006 2007


Net borrowing (+) / lending (-) of consolidated general government sector




ES 27 Airija Austrija Belgija Bulgarija ekija Danija Estija Graikija Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Kipras Latvija Lenkija Lietuva Liuksemburgas Malta Nyderlandai Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija Vengrija Vokietija

-2,4 1,7 -1,7 -2,7 1,0 -3,2 5,2 1,6 -5,2 1,3 -4,4 -3,4 -2,4 -0,4 -4,1 -0,5 0,0 -2,9 -0,3 -5,9 -2,9 -1,2 -2,8 -1,5 2,8 2,2 -7,9 -3,3

-1,5 2,9 -1,5 0,1 1,9 -2,4 5,2 2,5 -5,7 2,4 -3,4 -2,7 -1,2 -0,5 -3,6 -0,4 1,4 -2,8 0,5 -4,1 -2,3 -2,2 -3,2 -1,4 4,1 2,3 -9,3 -1,6

-0,9 0,1 -0,9 -0,3 1,2 -0,7 4,8 2,4 -6,5 1,9 -1,6 -2,7 3,5 -0,4 -1,9 -1,0 3,7 -2,4 0,2 -3,1 -2,7 -2,9 -1,8 0,0 5,3 3,6 -5,1 0,2

-2,4 -7,3 -0,9 -1,3 1,7 -2,2 3,2 -2,9 -9,8 -4,5 -2,7 -5,0 0,9 -4,2 -3,7 -3,3 3,0 -4,6 0,5 -3,6 -3,3 -5,7 -2,1 -1,9 4,3 2,2 -3,7 -0,1

-6,9 -14,2 -4,1 -5,8 -4,3 -5,8 -2,7 -2,0 -15,8 -11,2 -5,4 -11,5 -6,1 -9,7 -7,3 -9,5 -0,9 -3,7 -5,6 -10,1 -7,5 -9,0 -8,0 -6,1 -2,5 -0,7 -4,6 -3,2

-6,6 -31,3 -4,4 -4,1 -3,1 -4,8 -2,6 0,2 -10,6 -9,3 -4,6 -10,3 -5,3 -8,3 -7,8 -7,0 -1,1 -3,6 -5,1 -9,8 -7,1 -6,9 -7,7 -5,8 -2,5 0,2 -4,2 -4,3

EU 27 Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Greece Spain Italy United Kingdom Cyprus Latvia Poland Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal France Romania Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Hungary Germany

Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 22 d.). Eurostats database (22 December 2011).



Valdios sektoriaus bendroji skola

Palyginti su BVP, procentais As a percentage of GDP
2005 2006


General government consolidated gross debt





ES 27 Airija Austrija Belgija Bulgarija ekija Danija Estija Graikija Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Kipras Latvija Lenkija Lietuva Liuksemburgas Malta Nyderlandai Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija Vengrija Vokietija

62,8 27,2 64,2 92,0 27,5 28,4 37,8 4,6 100,0 43,1 105,4 42,5 69,4 12,5 47,1 18,3 6,1 69,7 51,8 62,8 66,4 15,8 34,2 26,7 41,7 50,4 61,7 68,6

61,5 24,7 62,3 88,0 21,6 28,3 32,1 4,4 106,1 39,6 106,1 43,4 64,7 10,7 47,7 17,9 6,7 64,1 47,4 63,9 63,7 12,4 30,5 26,4 39,6 45,0 65,9 68,1

59,0 24,8 60,2 84,1 17,2 27,9 27,5 3,7 107,4 36,2 103,1 44,4 58,8 9,0 45,0 16,8 6,7 62,1 45,3 68,3 64,2 12,8 29,6 23,1 35,2 40,2 67,0 65,2

62,5 44,2 63,8 89,3 13,7 28,7 34,5 4,5 113,0 40,1 105,8 54,8 48,9 19,8 47,1 15,5 13,7 62,2 58,5 71,6 68,2 13,4 27,8 21,9 33,9 38,8 72,9 66,7

74,7 65,2 69,5 95,9 14,6 34,4 41,8 7,2 129,3 53,8 115,5 69,6 58,5 36,7 50,9 29,4 14,8 67,8 60,8 83,0 79,0 23,6 35,5 35,3 43,3 42,7 79,7 74,4

80,1 92,5 71,8 96,2 16,3 37,6 43,7 6,7 144,9 61,0 118,4 79,9 61,5 44,7 54,9 38,0 19,1 69,0 62,9 93,3 82,3 31,0 41,0 38,8 48,3 39,7 81,3 83,2

EU 27 Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Greece Spain Italy United Kingdom Cyprus Latvia Poland Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal France Romania Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Hungary Germany

Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 22 d.). Eurostats database (22 December 2011).



Suderinto VKI preki ir paslaug kain pokyiai

Price changes in HICP Vidutiniai metiniai Annual average
2005 2006 2007




ES Airija Austrija Belgija Bulgarija ekija Danija Estija Graikija Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Kipras Latvija Lenkija Lietuva Liuksemburgas Malta Nyderlandai Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija Vengrija Vokietija

2,2 2,2 2,1 2,5 6,0 1,6 1,7 4,1 3,5 3,4 2,2 2,1 2,0 6,9 2,2 2,7 3,8 2,5 1,5 2,1 1,9 9,1 2,8 2,5 0,8 0,8 3,5 1,9

2,2 2,7 1,7 2,3 7,4 2,1 1,9 4,4 3,3 3,6 2,2 2,3 2,2 6,6 1,3 3,8 3,0 2,6 1,7 3,0 1,9 6,6 4,3 2,5 1,3 1,5 4,0 1,8

2,3 2,9 2,2 1,8 7,6 3,0 1,7 6,7 3,0 2,8 2,0 2,3 2,2 10,1 2,6 5,8 2,7 0,7 1,6 2,4 1,6 4,9 1,9 3,8 1,6 1,7 7,9 2,3

3,7 3,1 3,2 4,5 12,0 6,3 3,6 10,6 4,2 4,1 3,5 3,6 4,4 15,3 4,2 11,1 4,1 4,7 2,2 2,7 3,2 7,9 3,9 5,5 3,9 3,3 6,0 2,8

1,0 -1,7 0,4 0,0 2,5 0,6 1,1 0,2 1,3 -0,2 0,8 2,2 0,2 3,3 4,0 4,2 0,0 1,8 1,0 -0,9 0,1 5,6 0,9 0,9 1,6 1,9 4,0 0,2

2,1 -1,6 1,7 2,3 3,0 1,2 2,2 2,7 4,7 2,0 1,6 3,3 2,6 -1,2 2,7 1,2 2,8 2,0 0,9 1,4 1,7 6,1 0,7 2,1 1,7 1,9 4,7 1,2

EU Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Greece Spain Italy United Kingdom Cyprus Latvia Poland Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal France Romania Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Hungary Germany

Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 22 d.). Eurostats database (22 December 2011).



Nedarbo lygis


Unemployment rate

Gyventoj uimtumo tyrimo duomenimis, procentais Labour Force Survey, per cent
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

ES 27 Airija Austrija Belgija Bulgarija ekija Danija Estija Graikija Ispanija Italija Jungtin Karalyst Kipras Latvija Lenkija Lietuva Liuksemburgas Malta Nyderlandai Portugalija Pranczija Rumunija Slovakija Slovnija Suomija vedija Vengrija Vokietija

9,0 4,4 5,2 8,5 10,1 7,9 4,8 7,9 9,9 9,2 7,7 4,8 5,3 8,9 17,8 8,3 4,6 7,3 5,3 8,6 9,3 7,2 16,3 6,5 8,4 7,7 7,2 11,3

8,3 4,5 4,8 8,3 9,0 7,2 3,9 5,9 8,9 8,5 6,8 5,4 4,6 6,8 13,9 5,6 4,6 6,9 4,4 8,6 9,2 7,3 13,4 6,0 7,7 7,1 7,5 10,3

7,2 4,6 4,4 7,5 6,9 5,3 3,8 4,7 8,3 8,3 6,1 5,3 3,9 6,0 9,6 4,3 4,2 6,5 3,6 8,9 8,4 6,4 11,1 4,9 6,9 6,1 7,4 8,7

7,1 6,3 3,8 7,0 5,6 4,4 3,3 5,5 7,7 11,3 6,7 5,6 3,7 7,5 7,1 5,8 4,9 6,0 3,1 8,5 7,8 5,8 9,5 4,4 6,4 6,2 7,8 7,5

9,0 11,9 4,8 7,9 6,8 6,7 6,0 13,8 9,5 18,0 7,8 7,6 5,3 17,1 8,2 13,7 5,1 6,9 3,7 10,6 9,5 6,9 12,0 5,9 8,2 8,3 10,0 7,8

9,7 13,7 4,4 8,3 10,2 7,3 7,4 16,9 12,6 20,1 8,4 7,8 6,2 18,7 9,6 17,8 4,6 6,9 4,5 12,0 9,8 7,3 14,4 7,3 8,4 8,4 11,2 7,1

EU 27 Ireland Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Greece Spain Italy United Kingdom Cyprus Latvia Poland Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal France Romania Slovakia Slovenia Finland Sweden Hungary Germany

Eurostato duomen baz (2011 m. gruodio 22 d.). Eurostats database (22 December 2011).



Statistins informacijos pirmojo skelbimo kalendorius 2012 m.1

The calendar of first release of statistical information for 2012
Rodikliai Indices

Skelbimo data Release date Sausis January Vasaris February Kovas March Balandis April

Gamintoj kain indeksai Producer price index Vartotoj kain indeksai Consumer price index Usienio prekyba Foreign trade Pramons produkcijos indeksas Production index Gyventoj uimtumas Employment Bendrasis vidaus produktas Gross domestic product Darbo umokestis Wages and salaries Gyventoj skaiius (laikotarpio pradioje) Number of population (beginning of period)

(2011 12)

(2012 01)

(2012 02)

(2012 03)

(2011 12)

(2012 01)

(2012 02)

(2012 03)

(2011 11)

(2011 12)

(2012 01)

(2012 02)

(2011 12)

(2012 01)

(2012 02)

(2012 03)

(2011 IV ketv., 2011)


(2011 IV ketv. , 2011 III ketv.**)


(2011 IV ketv. )


(2012 I ketv. , 2011 IV ketv.**)

(2011 IV ketv.)

(2012 01)

(2012 02)

(2012 03)

(2012 04)

Kalendorius skelbiamas vykdant Tarptautinio valiutos fondo patvirtintus Duomen platinimo specialij standart reikalavimus. Nurodomos kalendorins dienos. Skliausteliuose nurodytas laikotarpis, kurio informacija pateikiama. The Calendar is published to meet the requirements of the Special Data Release Standards approved by the IMF. Calendar dates are shown. Time denoted in the brackets refers to the period for which information is presented. Pirmasis vertis. First estimate. Antrasis vertis. Second estimate.



Skyriai, rengiantys informacij mnesiniam biuleteniui Divisions dealing with data released in monthly bulletin
Tel. Ph Darbo statistikos skyrius Demografins ir migracijos statistikos skyrius Energetikos statistikos skyrius Finansini paslaug statistikos skyrius Gyvenimo lygio ir uimtumo statistikos skyrius moni statistikos skyrius Kain statistikos skyrius Metodologijos ir kokybs skyrius Nacionalini sskait skyrius Pramons statistikos skyrius Socialins apsaugos ir sveikatos statistikos skyrius Statistins informacijos platinimo skyrius Statybos ir investicij statistikos skyrius vietimo ir kultros statistikos skyrius Transporto ir paslaug statistikos skyrius Usienio prekybos statistikos skyrius kio subjekt registro skyrius Vidaus prekybos statistikos skyrius ems kio ir aplinkosaugos statistikos skyrius ini ekonomikos ir specialij tyrim statistikos skyrius 236 4836 236 4770 236 4633 236 4613 236 4919 236 4858 236 4707 236 4614 236 4837 236 4708 236 4914 236 4812 236 4623 236 4911 236 4616 236 4963 236 4718 236 4611 236 4923 236 4621 Labour Statistics Division Demographic and Migration Statistics Division Energy Statistics Division Financial Services Statistics Division Living Standard and Employment Statistics Division Enterprise Statistics Division Price Statistics Division Methodology and Quality Division National Accounts Division Industry Statistics Division Social Protection and Health Statistics Division Statistical Information Dissemination Division Construction and Investment Statistics Division Education and Culture Statistics Division Transport and Service Statistics Division Foreign Trade Statistics Division Economic Entities Register Domestic Trade Statistics Division Agriculture and Environment Statistics Division Knowledge Economy and Special Survey Statistics Division

Leidinyje panaudoti i institucij duomenys Data of the following institutions were used in this publication
Aplinkos ministerijos Darbo biros Finans ministerijos Hidrometeorologijos tarnybos Lietuvos banko Muitins departamento Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos Vidaus reikal ministerijos Ministry of Environment Labour Exchange Ministry of Finance Hydrometeorological Service Bank of Lithuania Customs Department State Social Insurance Fund Board Ministry of the Interior



Js patogumui u leidinius ir uklausas galite mokti internetu

Lietuvos statistikos departamentas 2012 m. sausio mn. ileis iuos leidinius:

Informacija apie Europos palyginim programos 2010 m. rezultatus @ Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos ekonomin ir socialin raida 2011/12 @ Lietuvos ekonomin ir socialin raida 2011/12

Publications in January 2012:

Economic and Social Development of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia 2011/12 @ Economic and Social Development in Lithuania 2011/12

Visi statistikos leidiniai *.pdf formatu pateikiami nemokamai Lietuvos statistikos departamento interneto svetainje
All statistical publications in PDF format are available free of charge on the website of Statistics Lithuania

Registruokits ir teikite statistines ataskaitas el. forma

Js verslui naujausia statistin informacija Lietuvos statistikos departamento interneto svetainje



November 2011
ISSN 2029-364X Mnesinis biuletenis Monthly bulletin U ileidim atsakinga B. Liberien tel. (8 5) 236 4812 SL 1861. 2011 m. gruodio mn. 27,25 leidyb. apsk. l. Tiraas 33 egz. Usakymas 1112-01 Ileido Lietuvos statistikos departamentas Gedimino pr. 29, 01500 Vilnius

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