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What is Citizenship?

Civic Life: is the public life of the citizen concerned with the affairs of the community and nation as contrasted with private or personal life, which is devoted to the pursuit of private and personal interests.
Public policy: is an attempt by the government to address a public issue. The government develops public policy in terms of laws, regulations, decisions, and actions.

Essential Questions: 1. What should citizens know, be expected, and required to do? 2. What should government do and not do? Discussion Activity (Group): 1. In your group, discuss your vision of Essential Questions 1 and 2. 2. Reach consensus (you all agree) on ten answers for Essential Question 1 and ten answers for Essential Question 2 3. Evaluation: Having just completed the Citizenship Test for those seeking to become Naturalized citizens, is that knowledge people should have to be a citizen of the United States? Justify your answer. 4. What do you think are the most pressing public policy issues facing the United States, Wisconsin, and Oconomowoc today? Synthesis Activity(Group): Once you have discussed and reached consensus on 10 things citizens should know, be required and be expected to do, and 10 things on what government should and should not do, make a propaganda poster that reflects your vision of Essential Questions 1 and 2. 1. Incorporate powerful visuals that reflect your vision of EQ 1&2. 2. Incorporate powerful quotes or develop a slogan that reflects your vision of EQ1&2. 3. Be creative this is a propaganda poster designed to sell people on your vision of EQ 1&2 Application/Evaluation Activity (Individual 30 point formative assessment) Interview a parent(s) or other significant adult(s) about their vision of Citizenship. Use the following questions to guide your interview, but don t feel as if you must be limited only by these questions. The theme of your inter view is the essential questions from above. Write or record (audio or video) answers to the following questions and have the interviewee sign off when complete. 1. What should every citizen of the United States know? 2. What should every citizen of the United States be required to do? 3. What should every citizen of the United States be expected to do? 4. What types of things should government do?

5. What types of things should the government not do? 6. What do you think are the most pressing issues facing the nation? The State of Wisconsin? Our local community? Post-Interview Reflection. Compare and contrast your parent s vision of Essential Questions 1 and 2 with your vision. One paragraph minimum.

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