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PNBOA General Meeting Seattle North Seattle Community College January 9 2010

1- Woody Elections: Nominations from the floor: Motion from Mike Lloyd to close nominations. Passed Nominees: Kent Binning 3yr Tony Ford Drew Hendel 3yr Andy Reiswig 3yr Phil Hunt 1 yr 1- Mike Lloyd wins the trivia question. 2- Rule interpretation: Players can play with long sleeve undershirts. Have to be same uniform color. 3- Banquet: March 27 Nile Country club $15 for member & guest. Deducted youre your th ledger. $25 for additional guest(s) up to 4. Last date to R. S. V. P. > April 20 4- February 1st is the deadline to ask for the $10 state pass. Fee will be deducted from your ledger. Go to forms on the web site. 5- Rod Mar: 3 man mechanics pushing the triangle. Ball is passed from right to left. Lead comes across C comes up. If you are in transition and there is a concern about 2 leads, the trail needs to be ready to fill in as the C or T. In 2 man, leads are not going across the key enough. The manual says they can. Dont wait until the 4th quarter to call 3 seconds or a carry, for the first time. Drew: Play fast break. Player pushed in the back. Bucket goes in. Player still gets 2 shots. On a missed three point intentional foul= Three shots. 6- Special Guest. Our Observers. Matt Mason & Ike Durham

Mason: Movement and positioning Get in the right spot to make a call. Center flat and FT line extended. Trail 28 ft and 45 degree. Lead 45 degrees 10-2 rule 2 officials and 10 players. Have them in your view. Use Federation mechanics. Dont get too close to the sideline. Ike: In video, Look at your head. Is it moving with the ball? Ike has a sheet Food for thought to critique and the standard PNBOA form, to grade at his observations. Use federation mechanics. Question: What do you expect from the officials during an observation? Observers like respect. Some officials like to, But But But Give respect and use what you can to improve. Mason likes to give it the Sandwich method. A positive, an area of concern, and more positives. IKE: What is a Hit Use terms from the book. Woody beware of trying to sell every call hard by bring attention to yourself. What is a big game? The game you are working. (editors note a Rose Hill gameJ ) 7-MLK Big Weekend Over 400 games. We need everybody to work. Too many officials are walking up and down the court. Complements from the Lakeside alum tourney and the Redmond Christmas tournament 8-School assignor: John Phones have been kind of quiet. JV evaluations. You need 8. Make sure you contact John if you feel you are not getting close. Varsity officials. Make sure you are doing your evaluations even if you have reached your 80% requirement. The wall at Eastside catholic has a divider wall. Kids are banging it. Dont worry about. Manage the coaches; T the coach if he deserves it. Dont T the coach in the 4 quarter for the same behaviors in the 1stquarter. Thanks for all the help on the 8th . Had officials with family issues, cancellations and the membership really stepped up to help out?

9- The President: Ira We are part of the WOA Officials cannot get upset with an Observer and use profanity. Justin Marshs amendment was withdrawn. End 10:43am s.b. rthornley

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