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ENT MCQs, first cycle, second set, 1428/1429

1. The earliest symptom of vocal fold carcinoma is:
A. Hoarseness.
B. Dysphagia.
C. Odynophagia.

2. The most toxic medication to the inner ear is:
A. Aspirin.
B. Streptomycin.
C. Penicillin.
D. Clindamycin.

3. The inferior turbinate is lined by:
A. Ciliated columnar epithelium.
B. Olfactory epithelium.
C. Stratified squamous epithelium.
D. A and B.

4. The commonest late complication of total inferior turbinectomy is:
A. Inability to reduce nasal obstruction.
B. Atrophic rhinitis.

5. The commonest site of stenosis after tracheotomy is:
A. Trachea.
B. Glottis.
C. Subglottis.

6. Tracheotomy best done between:
A. The first and second ring.
B. The third and fourth ring.

7. Valsalva maneuver is used to test:
A. Mobility of the drum.
B. Zenker's pouch.
C. A and B.

8. Stroboscopy is used to evaluate:
A. Vocal cord function.

9. Exostosis is common among:
A. Swimmers.

10. All are features of OME, EXCEPT:
A. Drum motility.
B. Drum discoloration.
C. Air-bone gap.
D. Bulging.

11. Nasal furunculosis is usually caused by:
A. S. aures.
B. Streptococci.
ENT MCQs, first cycle, second set, 1428/1429

12. Ventilation tube is indicated in:
A. Recurrent attacks of AOM.

13. Stapedectomy is indicated in:
A. Otosclerosis.

14. The most common complication of cricothyrotomy (laryngostomy) is:
A. Subglottic stenosis.
B. Tracheomalacia.

15. Untreated septal hematoma gives:
A. Saddle nose.

16. The second branchial cleft cyst is located:
A. High in the neck deep to the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid.
B. In the posterior triangle of the neck, anterior to trapezius muscle.

17. The upper end of the esophagus is opposite to:
A. C
B. C
C. C
D. T
E. T

18. Headache caused by sinusitis is increased by:
A. Sleeping.
B. Using a vasoconstrictor.
C. Leaning forward.

19. The most important sign to detect the site of upper airway obstruction is:
A. Timing of stridor.

20. A 5 y/o child presented in the ER with history of foreign body ingestion, x-ray
was normal. The next step is:
A. Reassurance and send him home.
B. Admission for bronchoscopy.

21. The indication of FESS is:
A. Acute rhinitis.
B. Turbinate hypertrophy.
C. Chronic pansinusitis.
D. All of the above.

22. The most common pathology of OM in children is:
A. Eustachian tube dysfunction.

23. Polyps are:
A. Edematous nasal mucosa.
ENT MCQs, first cycle, second set, 1428/1429

24. Antrochoanal polyps originate from the:
A. Frontal sinus.
B. Ethmoid sinus.
C. Maxillary sinus.

25. Gradenigo's syndrome has all the following features, EXCEPT:
A. 6
nerve palsy.
B. 7
nerve palsy.
C. Otorrhea.
D. 5
nerve palsy.
E. Retro orbital pain.

26. The treatment of cholesteatoma with atticoantral perforation is:
A. Myringotomy.
B. Myringoplasty.
C. Cortical mastoidectomy.
D. Modified radical mastoidectomy.

27. The term "Bell's palsy" is applied when there is:
A. UMNL of the facial nerve.
B. LMNL of the facial nerve.
C. Traumatic facial paralysis.
D. Idiopathic facial paralysis.

28. Ramsay-Hunt syndrome has all the following features, EXCEPT:
A. Herpetic eruptions along the sensory supply of the VII nerve.
B. Deafness.
C. UMNL of the VII nerve.
D. Diarrhea.

29. The sinus that is absent at birth is the:
A. Frontal.
B. Ethmoid.
C. Maxillary.
D. Sphenoid.

30. Stensen's duct obstruction may affect the:
A. Parotid gland.
B. Submandibular gland.
C. Sublingual gland.

31. A patient presented in the ER with history of nasal trauma 10 days ago. The
next step is:
A. Nothing.
B. Close reduction after a month.
C. Rhinoplasty.
D. Immediate close reduction.

ENT MCQs, first cycle, second set, 1428/1429

32. Epistaxis is usually from the:
A. Roof.
B. Medial wall.
C. Lateral wall.
D. Floor.

33. Kilian's dehiscence is related to:
A. The facial nerve.
B. The pharyngeal pouch.

34. Cholesteatoma, what is FALSE?
A. It is a neoplasm.
B. It has a bone erosion potential.
C. Can cause labyrinthitis.
D. Occurs more with CSOM with atticoantral perforation.

35. Fistula sign indicates:
A. Erosion of a semicircular canal.

36. Which of the followings is usually bilateral?
A. Mumps.
B. Acoustic neuroma.

37. All the following nerve cause referred pain to the ear, EXCEPT:
A. IX.
B. X.
C. V.
D. Chorda tympani.
E. Cervical (not sure about the stem).

38. Rebound phenomenon (rhinitis medicamentosa) results after prolong use of:
A. Oral decongestant.
B. Nasal decongestant.
C. Anti histamines.

39. Which of the followings protect(s) the inner ear?
A. Opening of Eustachian tube.
B. Closure of Eustachian tube.
C. Cerumen.
D. Stapedial reflex.
E. All of the above.

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