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These are my notes for the cast, I understand that it's sort of late which i apologize for.

I'll most likely go over these tomorrow anyways with the people i call out the most.

- Greg in All that Jazz your face just appears awkward. It looks like you are also having difficultly with choreography and you tend to lose focus. -Ben and Alyssa you have good facials. -Emily move more into the crowd you tend to stay on the outside i understand placement is an issue just try and work more on a path so your not always looking like you are being pushed out of the group. -Greg and Steve there is a part in all the jazz where is seems you both lose it on one word and make eye contact with one another. Just don't laugh and break character. -Taylor S. your arm is going forward instead of behind you at a part in all that jazz (it looks weird). I'll tell you if/when it happens. -Logan thank you for getting Zack I may/may not get someone to help you to make a cleaner exit. -Spencer, Ben, Steve, and Kandi work on being off book I know you can all do it. Sorry Ben and Kandi that you both got your scripts extremely late. -Baylee make sure the curtain closes all the way. -Cell Block Tango girls get with your boy and practice. -Steve and Emily facial expressions i know its fast, but you have to show the audience something. -Greg serious face in Cell Block Tango. -Ben you need to book it to Kylie so you both aren't a step behind. - ! are ! for a reason raise your voice. - QUIET BACKSTAGE. -All's he's care's about's is love's-- clean it up vocally. - Girls you all did good on the roll it's just getting up smoothly now. -Steve just slide the can off in All I care about. - Staley good reactions to Steve. -Steve good build up on when you are telling Roxie your plan. -More puppet like in Both reached for the gun. - Roxie was a a wreck we all need to learn lyrics and the dance, excluding Staley she knows her parts. -Don't break character. -We need to work the shooting scene with Kitty. -Spencer louder, be confident in your non confident character. -Stay in the light. -The girls that prep Spencer for cellophane where late/missing. -We need gifts for Roxie in her cell. -Emily I can see you backstage from the house. - Work Hunyak scene and Emily show big emotional reaction since you can't speak English. -Second Act grows weaker by the scene we can't lose the magic. -Don't look at the floor the audience isn't down there and can't see your face. -Razzle Dazzle line where you say "get away from murder" know the direction you are going so two people aren't going the same way. Brian good improv with taking the boa out into the house, but don't do it. - Linsey and Libby during Class motion and look at one another you both tend to do this at the end ,but show soon at the beginning. -BIGGER REACTIONS. -Costumes. Sincerely, William L. CONGRATS TO LIBBY AND STALEY FOR DOING THE SPRING BREAK PROJECT ALSO CONGRATS TO LOGAN, LINDSEY, JOCELYN, AND ASHLEY FOR GOING ALL OUT TODAY

GENERAL NOTES: -FIND YOUR LIGHT -Quiet heels backstage and no talking! -Who are you talking to?! LISTEN to what the other person is saying in your scene! ALL THAT JAZZ -better with intensity in the eyes, find more dynamic facials other than just straight face (guys!) -greg,kandi,ben make sure you are together when you go down to the push-up're timing was off...make sure the movement only happens AFTER the word and not on the word -everyone could be sharper....REMEMBER: YOU WILL NEVER BE TOO SHARP with your movement -anytime your arms are supposed to be straight...fully extend your arm! NO LAZY ELBOWS! -greg figure out which way you are supposed to "snake" first -ben you are turning the wrong way at the end for the last "jazz". turn left first. CELL BLOCK TANGO -greg why were you late on your entrance for your part with libby? -LADIES WORK YOUR SCARVES WITH YOUR GUYS -"#17, the spread eagle"....greg, kayla....i like the choice of reaching for his neck but try to get there right away and make that more readable to the audience...maybe turn 1/4 turn to the right -bigger dip Libby with Greg and dont rush the turn -LEARN YOUR WORDS LADIES -what happened to the ripples? you were doing them perfect before spring break...... WHEN YOU'RE GOOD TO MAMA -work timing with the vocals -dont break character -you win the award for "Makin' it work!" -i like the changes in the staging for stuff with jail bars! -you appear very confident and sexy....just let your voice reflect that! you sound great!

****jail scene: LADIES DONT MAKE THE SWITCH FROM STANDING TO SITTING OBVIOUS TO THE AUDIENCE. make it more natural ALL I CARE ABOUT IS LOVE-when do you use the boa? there were specific moments when i choreographed the boa to go with your arm, and other times to let it fall over your shoulders. FIGURE OUT THE DIFFERENT TIMES. ask if you dont know. -steven you need to remember how to get out of the roll GRACEFULLY -we need to work the shape of the heart at the end ****AMOS: wouldnt you react differently if Billy Flynn is saying he wants to sell your wife's underwear....i dont think you would be happy about that.....

WE BOTH REACHED FOR THE GUN -if there was a choreographed movement on a word, dont hit the button till the end of the ending consonant. ex: whats your stateMENT -what happened to Billy and Roxie getting out of control on the charleston? -kylie you need to work the little kicks after the charleston were the only one doing the wrong legs -make the end poses more DYNAMIC. find levels. you all dont have to face side profile to roxie, find contrasting body angles and everyone should be in a distinct reporter pose! "what kind of reporter are you?!" -MARY SUNSHINE IS TOO PRECIOUS IN THIS SCENE! ROXIE-THIS NUMBER WAS A HOT MESS BOYS -staley smaller mechanic motion with hand, dont completely turn hand over....avoid the "OK" sign -greg NO STRONG MAN POSE. look at the other guys...we need a less arrogant pose....remember its all about roxie! -boys listen to the music and count how many times the music repeats before the key change so you know when its coming (and count in your head) -LEARN YOUR VOCALS BOYS! you had no idea when you were supposed to sing, or when you were supposed to come in for entrances -on the last "foxy, roxie, hart" when you are all in the line boys....keep the line moving out...dont swing back to the center...the point is to move out to the diagonal -the last verse of the song you completely forgot the dance ****WE ARE DOING THIS SONG IN CLASS TODAY

****can anyone move the tables and chairs for staley before "I can't do it alone" so she doesn't have to.....?

I CAN'T DO IT ALONE -libby yay for "L" arms!!! -good job going with the flow...we will work on the small changes..just remind me -we need to work chair at the end...i still think i like you pushing it better but we will decide wed night -make all your transitions quicker and are an expert to this routine -make the performance velma, and conversation velma more distinct and different...we need to be impressed with how she turns it on -YOUR VOICE SOUNDS AWESOME! ****reporter scene: Jocelyn im pretty sure you wouldnt have a cell

MISTER CELLOPHANE -girls i need you to come out as soon as he starts talking, maybe even two girls at a time because i want you to be done with him before he starts singing -remember spencer that you go down the the knee, throw the hat, etc at the end AFTER the word and not ON the word!!! *****ARTICULATE, ARTICULATE, ARTICULATE!!!!! everyone is mumbling.

RAZZLE DAZZLE -sing out!!!!!!!!!!!!! learn your vocals! -facials?? -lifts looked great! NOWADAYS/HOT HONEY RAG -any movement choreographed slow...elongate the movement to hit button on end of word ex: "but nothing staaaays"...shouldnt be leaned all the way back until then end of that note -make sharp movement changes....sharper..."its gonna...change"

-stay in line with each other when walking around and to the sides....dont get out of line until last second -dont run off for hot honey rag until that music starts...stand frozen during song change (audience will be applauding!) -staley do the dance for libby to watch once today sometime...libby i want you to watch how cutesy she is! i want playful look kinda bored. remember: this is the "performance velma" OVERALL THE MAJORITY OF YOU LOOKED BORED. THIS IS THE TIME TO TURN IT ON.

ask me BEFORE the run today if you have any questions about the notes.

thanks guys! YOU CAN DO IT!


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