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1. Time period: 1815-1860 Topic: The impact of market revolution on Northeast and the Souths economies.

INTRO: Thesis(Body 1) NORTHEAST: -industrial growth (rise of textile mills in New England) -New classes of independent and dependent Americans such as artisans and journeymen. -1789, Samuel slater arrived in America from england with the plan of a water powered spinning machines- built mill in Rhode Island whihc worked by the putting out system -The Lowell system (Massachusetts) first factory in which power of machinery under one roof -New York=largest city (first city to reach a population of more than 1 million)1860 -spreading canal and railroad networks=trade,manufacturing, supplies -increased german and irish immigration (rise in nativisim) (Body 2) SOUTH: - fell behind in industrialization and urbanization, even though from 1840 to 1860 South's economy grew faster than the North's economy= dependent on the north -Eli Whitney (Mulberry Grove in Georgia coast)mechanism for removing the seeds from cotton -Scientific agriculture allowed the south to realize that they needed to develop its own manufacturing and trade - richmond, Tredegar Iron works grew into the single most important manufacturing enterprise in the old south-->mostly used slave labor - yeomen(small farmers) CONCLUSION: summary

2. Time Period: 18th century

Topic: INTRO: Thesis(Body 1) Whiskey rebellion: (Body 2) Shays rebellion:

3. Time Period: great awakening

Topic: respose to economic and social problems created by industrialization. INTRO: Thesis(Body 1) abolitionism: (Body 2)Temperance:

4. Time Period: 1830-1860

Topic: comparing experience between 2 groups of immigrants INTRO: Thesis(Body 1) English : Well cultured More respected Skilled workers Wide range of professors

(Body2) Irish: Lives in cities Victims of racism Catholic Unskilled workers Forced to move because of potato famine

5. Time Period: late 19th century

Topic: respose to economic and social problems created by industrialization. INTRO: Thesis-

(Body 1) Jane Addams : Created Hull house Helped enroll children in Schools Helped poor (Body 2) Samuel Gompers: Advocate for better working conditions, better wages and better hrs


6. Time Period:1770s-1860s Topic: Changing ideals of womanhood INTRO: Thesis(Body 1) American Revolution: a. Republican motherhood (the main topic for this section) women needed to shape the value of their sons who were likely to have a direct impact on the success of the nation this is the only reason women received even a little education. Women were victims of social and economic discrimination upper and middle class women=marriage and motherhood/domestic dependency. Women were discouraged from jobs faced low wages and unhealthy working conditions

(Body 2) Civil War: a. Cult of Domesticity(main topic) Women left behind during war tougher and mor independent Worked farm and fought attackers More womens rights movements Jobs in factories Pursued higher careers went to school/college, teachers

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SOURCES/EVIDENCE AND IMPORTANT PEOPLE Abigail Adams-wrote republican motherhood Molly pitcher-took husbands gun when he fainted Elizabeth Stanton Judith Sargent Murray Godeys Lady book Conclusion:

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