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My outcome of my Music Magazines; front page,

contents page and double page spread.

By Asha Akbar
My music magazine both develops and challenges forms and conventions
of real media products, this is because I have kept a female on the front
cover I have challenged it because usually the cover girls are more sexual
whereas the female used on my cover looks more casual. I had a mid-
close up this is to have emphasis on the her face. I did this because the
core audience for the magazine is females, so I don’t think that a sexy
image on the cover was necessary. I have challenged the traditional roles
of women in the media and have shown that they can be successful.
I think I developed the conventions because I have used techniques such
as anchorage text, sell lines, buzzwords, skylines and barcode, barcodes
and masthead . I have made the ones on my front cover exclusive to my
magazine. In my double page spread I have enlarged a quote from the
text this is also shown in magazines.
I think I have represented social groups well in my magazine because my
magazine is Bhangra, R&B and Hip-Hop orientated and is for fan of these
music genres. I have used an Asian female on the cover and the double
page I have also used a black female on the contents page and this shows
the R&B and Hip-Hop side of the magazine. I used a black female because
this is usually used in these genres.
I think if my magazine was to be released it will would be of a niche and
maybe two companies such as owners of VIBE magazine and BRIT ASIAN may
need to merge together.
The core audience for my magazine is females aged 16-27 and the secondary
audience is for males the same age. They would of a working class audience.
I attracted the audience by using techniques that have been used on other
music magazines. Such as anchorage text, sell lines, buzzwords, skylines and
barcode, barcodes and masthead.
I feel like I have learnt alot from the first time when I did my preliminary task.
I had no colour and it was very plain, the only used three techniques that was
the: masthead, direct audience and sell lines. The image wasn’t cut properly.
I think this was also used because this was my first time using Photoshop.
My final front cover used a range of fonts, colours and techniques to attract
the audience. I used a colour scheme and the image was cut and the
brightness was changed to how I think it suited.
Preliminary Final Front cover
It took time for me to get used to using Photoshop and my research and
planning helped me choose the genre for my magazine and also an
interest in my own music which I motivated me and kept my interested. I
had problems because I wanted to use a range of shots and I managed to
get a mid-close up, long shot and a close up. I used the colour scheme
because it can be used for both male and female but is traditionally a
feminine colour.
I wanted to use a simple font, because it would look more sophisticated
and not too childish. I language I used was both formal and informal I did
this because when I was doing my research people preferred it to be more
I thought the contents page was too plain but I cut the image from the
models top and used it on the background I think this gave a better effect
and made it more interesting.
The double page spread is focused on the artist and the image I think if it
had too much text it could bore the reader.

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