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Identificarea bacteriilor

prin reactii biochimice

1: Obligate aerobes need oxygen because they cannot ferment or respire anaerobically.
They gather at the top of the tube where the oxygen concentration is highest.
2: Obligate anaerobes are poisoned by oxygen, so they gather at the bottom of the tube
where the oxygen concentration is lowest.
3: Facultative anaerobes can grow with or without oxygen because they can metabolise
energy aerobically or anaerobically. They gather mostly at the top because aerobic
respiration generates more ATP than either fermentation or anaerobic respiration.
4: Microaerophiles need oxygen because they cannot ferment or respire anaerobically.
However, they are poisoned by high concentrations of oxygen. They gather in the upper
part of the test tube but not the very top.
5: Aerotolerant organisms do not require oxygen as they metabolise energy
anaerobically. Unlike obligate anaerobes however, they are not poisoned by oxygen.
They can be found evenly spread throughout the test tube.

Citocromoxidaza = sistem enzimatic participant la lantul respirator

mitocondrial (ATP!!!!)

Indole Test
Identifies bacteria capable of producing indole
Some bacteria are capable of converting tryptophan
(an amino acid) to indole and pyruvic acid by using the
enzyme tryptophanase
Pyruvic acid can be converted to energy or used to
synthesize other compounds required by the cell


Indole Ring

Pyruvic Acid


TSI Results:
Red slant/Red butt = no fermentation
Red slant/Yellow butt = only glucose
Yellow slant/yellow butt = lactose

Dark color: Hydrogen Sulfide produ

Sodium thiosulfate reduced
P 190

Indicator: rosu de fenol

Pozitiv = coloratie roz

Rezultatele testului citratului:

Agarul Citrat Simmons utilizeaza
citratul de sodiu ca unica sursa de
Albastrul de bromtimol este inclus
ca indicator de pH; mediul este
verde, initial
Organisme capabile sa utilizeze
citratul de sodiu ca unica sursa de
carbon = colorarea a mediului in
albastru de Prusia

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