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Fred Tarver,Cianali Melendez,Aeriana Caban,Perla


Cell membrane-doors and windows

The cell membrane is like doors and windows of

the school because the cell membrane controls
what goes in and out and the doors and windows
are like that too.


The nucleus is like the principal of a school

because the nucleus controls all the cells activity
and the principal controls the whole school.


The cytoplasm is like a classroom because a

classroom keeps materials safe and a cytoplasm
keeps and supports the organelles.

The cytoskeleton is like the bricks on a school
because they both keeps things in shape .The bricks
keeps the school in shape and the cytoskeleton
keeps the cell in shape.


ER is like halls because the students move around

in the hall to go to classes and er moves things
around in the cell.


Ribosomes is like student because they both get

instructions to do things.

Golgi Bodies-Clerks/secretaries

The clerks/secretaries are like golgi bodies

because both things package things and sends it
to the right places.

Mitochondria-school lunch

The mitochondria is like school lunch because they

both give energy.

Lysosomes-school garbage

The lysosomes is like the school garbage

because they both break things down.

Vacuole-school kitchen

The vacuole is like the school kitchen because they

both store food ,water ,etc.

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