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Ident Analysis

William Hall and Sam Baxter & Chris Haisell

Purpose of an Ident.
The purpose of this ident is to interest the viewer and attract
them to the channel and its programs. Idents also act as an
identifier for the channel and become recognizable by viewer
making them thing of their relative channel.
Channel 4 Ident.
Channel 4 have many different ident designs however they all
center around the main theme of changing perspective in order
to make up a large 4 in the air. In this particular design the
buildings and streets signs align to make up a number 4 in the
sky, this links to the channel 4 ethos by representing the
coming together/Unity. This a common theme in all of the
channel 4 idents.

Despite most idents only lasting around 20 seconds this channel

four ident runs for a total time of 44 seconds.

The design of the ident is very complex and would have

required a lot of editing and skill in order of work to create
because of the scale of the production. For example the floating
buildings and signs would have required skill to edit into the

The ident uses a middle class area as its location of choice

showing that the majority of the target audience is middle class.
The ident also is located in Tokyo showing the channels diverse

Channels 4s ident reflects the channels corporate identity with

the use of the vibrant colours representing the channels
entertaining nature.
Cbeebies Ident.
The Cbeebies ident constantly changes how the one that I
have decided to analyze just one as they each fulfill their
purpose. This particular ident is a summer edition ident
where the channels mascots are having fun on the beach.

This ident is fairly short and lasts around 15 seconds this is

below the average however this is fitting as its a children's
channel and they usually have a poor attention span.

The design is very simplistic visually however the editing

and animation behind the ident may have been quite
complex to create as the entire ident is animated.

Cbeebies target audience are children aged 8 or younger.

The ident shows this with the very happy and joyful colour
palette such as yellow, purple and baby blue. The visuals are
also very innocent perhaps displaying the childish nature
through the use of the jelly like characters within the ident
relating to the channels target audience.

Being a child friendly channel owned by the BBC the

channels corporate is fairly simple, the channel aims to
inform, educate and entertain. For Cbeebies though this also
entails making the channel family friendly. The ident reflects
this with the use of the child friendly visuals and content
whilst informing the viewer of which channel they are
watching in an appealing way.
Animal Planet Ident.
Animal Planet is a documentary channel that centers its content around
animal and therefor this theme is carried other to their idents. The
channel has many different idents that appear in a random order on
their channel each displaying a different group of animals. The ident I
have specifically decided to analyze is a design which incorporates
penguins in their natural environment having fun showing the channels
entertaining and cheeky side in a very simplistic way.

This ident lasts around 20 seconds and appears regularly between the
channels programs during the advertisements.

The simplistic design of having penguins walking around and playing in

the snowy Antarctic landscape is very effective and fulfils the channels
ident needs. The design for the ident doesnt need to be very complex
as the channel is a documentary channel and likes to be clear and
straight to the point, hence the simplicity they convey in the ident.

The ident uses penguins as they are very lovable creatures allowing the
channel to target their audience by using the cute animals in order to
draw them into the channel.

Animal Planets ident reflects the channels corporate identity with the
use of simplistic and clear bold colours and font choices to show that
they are entertaining channel and are very straight to the point/factual.

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