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First Grade
Oct. 9 - 13

Hot topics this week Homework

Reading: Animal Park Reading: RazKids reading passages or
read a book of choice each night
Math: Chapter 3: Addition Strategies Spelling: Practice using and spelling the
new spelling words!
Social Studies & Science.: Fall/Autumn Math:
and Weather 3.2 (Monday)
3.3 (Tuesday)
3.4 (Wednesday)
3.5 (Thursday)
No Homework! (Friday)

Have a great week

Dates to remember: OCTOBER 27th is a half-day

A message for Ms. Griffin

Happy 7th week of school! Please be sure to check your childs blue folder every day
for the newsletter, behavior chart, and various notes and work. Please be sure your
child completes their homework nightly and returns it to school everyday!

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