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Action Summary
Physical Optim <-30o -30o to -21o -20o to -11o -10o to -5o -4o -3o -2o -1o 1o 2o 3o 4o 5o to 10o 11o to 20o 21o to 30o >30o

#Cell Azimuth Changed

#Cell Tilt Changed

Neighbor Audit Neighbors Added Neighbors Deleted


No. Parameter Name Before After #Elements


Bad Spots Summary
Category Condition #Total #Closed
Add IBC to Speedup
New Sites Co-Loc LTC Com-case Others
Sector Macro OA
PCI Distribution/Dominancy Not Proper
RSRP <-110
Throughput In good SINR (>6) and < 1Mbps
Bad Spot Location
Bad Spot SINR

Total tilt 6 Total tilt 4

Before After
Sector Name Longitude Latitude Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 106.824 -6.54589 40 30 4 2 6 40 30 2 2 4

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_2 106.824 -6.54589 40 150 10 2 12 40 150 10 2 12

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_3 106.824 -6.54589 40 300 6 2 8 40 300 6 2 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BC#1 Low quality due to poor coverage on this area. :Since High 40
SINR1 Bad SINR and total tilt 6 Site KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 Impact Cannot cover bad spot Propose Uptilt site KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 From M4 to M2

Before After
Sector Name
Antenna Height Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_1 25 60 5 2 7 25 60 3 2 7

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_2 25 190 4 2 6 25 190 4 2 6

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_3 25 310 5 2 7 25 310 5 2 7

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BC#2 : Low SINR due to No dominant serving cell ,far distance &
downhill contour, Bad spot area should be serve by site Propose Upatilt site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 From M 5 to M3
101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1. But since High antene 25 and total tilt 7
site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 cannot cover bad spot area
Mechanical 3
Mechanical 5

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BC#2 : Low SINR due to No dominant serving cell ,far distance &
downhill contour, Bad spot area should be serve by site Propose Upatilt site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 From M 5 to M3
101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1. But since High antene 25 and total tilt 7
site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 cannot cover bad spot area

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Low SINR due No dominant serving to while serving from
100256_KpCiheuleutCibuluh_4G-1 (PCI=74) with distance is around 850 m,
-Propose Uptilt from site 104830_CIMAHPAR_4G-3 from M 3 to 2, and E2 to
The best possibility serving cell to bad spot area is 104830_CIMAHPAR_4G-3
because as the nearest site from bad spot with distance is around 700 m, and
no countour issue But site 104830_CIMAHPAR_4G-3 Need to uptilt make
one of cell that conflict to be dominant for increase SINR.
Propose modifY M-Tilt 104830_CIMAHPAR_4G-1 _4G-1 from 9 to 7


Before After

Dir MT ET Height Dir MT ET Height

104830_CIMAHPAR_4G-1 20 2 2 27 20 2 2 27

104830_CIMAHPAR_4G-2 180 2 2 27 180 2 2 27

104830_CIMAHPAR_4G-3 300 3 2 27 300 2 1 27


Blocking By Trees

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
104830_DSCIMAHPARM_1 27 20 2 2 4 27 20 2 2 4
104830_DSCIMAHPARM_2 27 180 2 3 5 27 200 2 3 5
104830_DSCIMAHPARM_3 27 300 3 4 7 27 300 3 4 7
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC
-Propose Add sector from site 100256_KpCiheuleut-Cibuluh_7 azimuth 120 to
Low SINR due to serving by side lobe site 100256_KpCiheuleut-Cibuluh_1 improve bad spot area
SINR1 Bad SINR also serving side lobe by site 104830_DSCIMAHPARM_2 and while seving - Propose re azimuth site 104830_DSCIMAHPARM_2 from Az 180 degree to 200
by site 90611_A447-ngampar_sentul_3 there is blocking by trees degree

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_1 33 30 5 2 7 33 30 5 2 7
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_2 33 120 4 2 6 33 120 4 2 6
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 33 270 8 2 10 33 230 8 2 10
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC
- Since total tilt site
- Bad SINR due to No dominant serving cell serv bad spot area, bad 101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 already 10
need to change Azimuth site
spot area serv by
SINR#05 Bad SINR 101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 from 270 Open
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 should be degree to 230 Degerr to improve bad spot area and since there is potential
serve by 104875_GRAHAINDAH_4G-3 area on 230 degree main lobe

Latitude Longitude eNodeBName CellName Mode 3 LocalCellId

-6.56115 106.8112 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_MBTS 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-3 0 3
-6.56115 106.8112 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_MBTS 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-2 1 2
-6.56115 106.8112 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_MBTS 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-1 2 1
-6.56056 106.8019 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_MBTS 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_4G-1 1 1
-6.56056 106.8019 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_MBTS 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_4G-3 0 3
-6.56056 106.8019 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_MBTS 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_4G-2 2 2
-6.56644 106.803 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_MBTS 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-3 1 3
-6.56644 106.803 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_MBTS 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-2 2 2
-6.56644 106.803 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_MBTS 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-1 0 1

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

- Bad SINR due to finding Mod 3 Conflict site 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-3 and

SINR#06 Bad SINR Propose Return PCI MOD3 site 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-1

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
102046_Griya_Indah-LSK_Sharing_1 18 350 1 2 3 18 350 2 3 5
102046_Griya_Indah-LSK_Sharing_2 18 40 1 3 4 18 40 1 3 4
102046_Griya_Indah-LSK_Sharing_3 18 180 2 fix #VALUE! 18 180 2 fix #VALUE!
102046_Griya_Indah-Lsk_Sharing_7 18 240 2 -3 -1 18 240 2 -3 -1

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

- Poor SINR due to far distance & downhill contour from site 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_4G-1 far distance > 0.9 km Propose downtilt site 102046_Griya_Indah-
with downhill contour 10 M elevation gap and slight blocking LSK_Sharing_1 from M1 to M2 and From E2 to E3

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

SINR#08 Bad SINR Bad SINR due to serving by sidelobe site 104124_Cimanggis_4G-2 - No need to take action since bad spot area no potential market

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-1 45 280 5 2 7 45 280 5 2 7
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 45 180 3 2 5 45 130 3 2 5
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-3 45 30 5 2 7 45 30 5 2 7
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Propose re azimuth site 101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 From 180 0 to 130 0

SINR#09 Bad SINR Bad SINR due to serving sidelobe by site 101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2
Since there is potential market at bad spot area

Gap 10 M

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Poor SINR due to far distance & Uphill contour from 101287_Cibadak_4G-1 far
distance > 0.9 km with Uphill contour 10 M elevation gap and slight blocking Since Propose re azimuth site 102196_Kencana_Bogor_4G_2 from Azimuth 1800
SINR#10 Bad SINR High antenna 23 and total tilt 5 and three is gap 10 M elevation site to 2100 Change M5 to 3 and E4 to E3
101287_Cibadak_4G-1 cannot cover badspot area, Better site
102196_Kencana_Bogor_4G_2 Become dominant serving to cover bad spot area

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-1 40 90 5 4 9 40 90 5 4 9
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 40 180 5 4 9 40 210 3 3 9
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-3 40 280 3 4 7 40 280 3 4 7

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
103077_CBADAKSEMPLAK_1 30 40 4 3 7 30 40 4 3 7
103077_CBADAKSEMPLAK_2 30 180 4 3 7 30 180 4 4 8
103077_CBADAKSEMPLAK_3 30 270 3 3 6 30 270 3 3 6
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad SINR due no dominant serving between site

Propose downtilt site 103077_CBADAKSEMPLAK_4G-2 from E3 to E4
SINR#11 Bad SINR 601225_SEREMPEDBARAT_4G-2 ( 550 M ) and
103077_CBADAKSEMPLAK_4G-2 ( 700 )

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad SINR due no dominant serving between site

Propose downtilt site 103077_CBADAKSEMPLAK_4G-2 from E3 to E4
SINR#11 Bad SINR 601225_SEREMPEDBARAT_4G-2 ( 550 M ) and
103077_CBADAKSEMPLAK_4G-2 ( 700 )

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Finding PCI MOD 3 conflict between 601225_SEREMPEDBARAT_4G-3 and Propose Return PCI Mod 3 site 601225_SEREMPEDBARAT_4G-3

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Speed up on sir site 104125_BUMIKENCANA_4G

SINR#13 Bad SINR Bad sinr due to site 104125_BUMIKENCANA_4G not on air

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-1 42 150 6 2 8 42 150 6 2 8
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 42 230 6 2 8 42 230 4 2 6
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-3 42 350 6 2 8 42 350 6 2 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad SINR due to bad no dominant serving cell since site Propose Uptilt site 100863_Semplak_Parakan_4G-2 From M6 to M4 to inprove
SINR#14 Bad SINR 100863_Semplak_Parakan_4G-2 with total tilt 8 and high 42 cannot cover bad bad spot area
spot area

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-1 45 30 6 2 8 45 30 6 2 8
100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 45 260 6 2 8 45 260 6 2 8
100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-3 45 310 4 2 6 45 310 5 3 8
601136_Situ_Gede_2G_1 26 110 2 2 4 26 110 2 3 5
601136_Situ_Gede_2G_2 26 250 2 2 4 26 250 2 2 4
601136_Situ_Gede_2G_3 26 350 2 2 4 26 350 2 2 4

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad SINR due to bad no dominat serving cell since bad spot area serving by - Propose downtilt site 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 from M4 to M5 and E2 to
SINR#15 Bad SINR 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2, 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 and E3
104862_BUBULAK_4G-3 - Propose downtilt site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 from E2 to E3
Totaltilt 6 Totaltilt 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad SINR due to bad no dominat serving cell since bad spot area serving by - Propose downtilt site 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 from M4 to M5 and E2 to
SINR#11 Bad SINR 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2, 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 and E3
104862_BUBULAK_4G-3 - Propose downtilt site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 from E2 to E3

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad SINR due to finding PCI MOD3 conflict between site

SINR#11 Bad SINR - Propose return PCI MOD 3 site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-2
601136_SITUGEDE_4G-2 and 103720_DERMAGANAGLASARI_4G-1

700 M

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
102133_KPBUBULAK-PROTELINDO_IPB2_1 31 30 3 4 7 31 30 3 4 7
102133_KPBUBULAK-PROTELINDO_IPB2_2 31 105 4 4 8 31 105 3 3 6
102133_KPBUBULAK-PROTELINDO_IPB2_3 31 320 3 4 7 31 320 3 4 7

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Poor SINR due to far distance & Uphill contour from site
Make site 102133_KPBUBULAKProtelIPB2_4G-2 become dominant
SINR#17 Bad SINR 100252_SindangbarangPilarSindangbarang_4G-1 > 0.9 km with serving cell to bad spot area Propose uptilt site
Uphill contour 20 M elevation gap and slight blocking 102133_KPBUBULAKProtelIPB2_4G-2 From M4 to M3 and E4 to E3
Totaltilt 6 Totaltilt 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad RSRP due to bad no dominant serving cell since bad spot area serving - Propose downtilt site 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 from M4 to M5 and E2 to
4 Bad RSRP by 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2, 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 and E3
104862_BUBULAK_4G-3 - Propose downtilt site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 from E2 to E3
Bad Spot RSRP

Total tilt 6 Total tilt 4

Before After
Sector Name Longitude Latitude Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 106.824 -6.54589 40 30 4 2 6 40 30 2 2 4

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_2 106.824 -6.54589 40 150 10 2 12 40 150 10 2 12

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_3 106.824 -6.54589 40 300 6 2 8 40 300 6 2 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Low RSRP due to poor coverage on this area. :Since High 40 and total tilt 6 Site
KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 Impact Cannot cover bad spot area
Propose Uptilt site KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 From M4 to M2

Before After
Sector Name
Antenna Height Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_1 25 60 5 2 7 25 60 3 2 7

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_2 25 190 4 2 6 25 190 4 2 6

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_3 25 310 5 2 7 25 310 5 2 7

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Low RSRP due to No dominant serving cell ,far distance & downhill contour, Bad
Propose Upatilt site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 From M 5
spot area should be serve by site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1. But since
RSRP2 Bad RSRP to M3
High antene 25 and total tilt 7 site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 cannot
cover bad spot area
Mechanical 5 Mechanical 3

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_1 33 30 5 2 7 33 30 5 2 7
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_2 33 120 4 2 6 33 120 4 2 6
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 33 270 8 2 10 33 230 8 2 10
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC
- Since total tilt site
- Bad SINR due to No dominant serving cell serv bad spot area, bad 101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 already 10
need to Re Azimuth site
spot area serv by
SINR#05 Bad SINR 101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 from 270 Open
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 should be degree to 2300 to improve bad spot area and since there is potential area on
serve by 104875_GRAHAINDAH_4G-3 2300 degree main lobe

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
104862_Bubulak_1 35 60 1 2 3 35 60 1 2 3
104862_Bubulak_2 35 120 2 2 4 35 120 2 2 4
104862_Bubulak_3 35 300 2 3 5 35 300 1 2 3

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Bad SINR due to bad no dominat serving cell since bad spot area - Propose downtilt site 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 from M4 to M5 and
E2 to E3
RSRP#05 Bad RSRP serving by 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2, Open
- Propose downtilt site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 from E2 to E3
601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 and 104862_BUBULAK_4G-3
Total tilt 5 Total tilt 3

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

RSRP#05 Bad RSRP - Bad RSRP due to & downhill contour from site 104862_Bubulak_3 with Downhill - Propose Uptilt site 104862_Bubulak_3 from M2 to M1 and E3 to E2 Open
contour 17 M elevation gap and slight blocking
Throughput-L_ Thp_1

Total tilt 6 Total tilt 4

Before After
Sector Name Longitude Latitude Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 106.824 -6.54589 40 30 4 2 6 40 30 2 2 4

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_2 106.824 -6.54589 40 150 10 2 12 40 150 10 2 12

101694_KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_3 106.824 -6.54589 40 300 6 2 8 40 300 6 2 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ#1 Low throughout due to poor coverage on this area. :Since High
1 Throughput 40 and total tilt 6 Site KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 Impact Cannot cover bad Propose Uptilt site KP.CILUAR-XL/SUKARAJA_1 From M4 to M2
spot area
Throughput-L_ Thp_2

Before After
Sector Name
Antenna Height Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_1 25 60 5 2 7 25 60 3 2 7

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_2 25 190 4 2 6 25 190 4 2 6

101292_Villa_Bogor-XL_Sharing_3 25 310 5 2 7 25 310 5 2 7

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ#2 : Low Throughput due to No dominant serving cell ,far distance &
downhill contour, Bad spot area should be serve by site Propose Upatilt site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 From M 5 to M3
2 L_THP_1
101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1. But since High antene 25 and total tilt 7
site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 cannot cover bad spot area
Throughput-L_ Thp_2#1
Mechanical 3
Mechanical 5

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ#2 : Low Throughput due to No dominant serving cell ,far distance
& downhill contour, Bad spot area should be serve by site Propose Upatilt site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 From M 5 to M3
2 L_THP_1
101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1. But since High antene 25 and total tilt 7
site 101292_VillaBogorXLSharing_4G-1 cannot cover bad spot area
Throughput-L_ Thp_3

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_1 33 30 5 2 7 33 30 5 2 7
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_2 33 120 4 2 6 33 120 4 2 6
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 33 270 8 2 10 33 230 8 2 10
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC
- Since total tilt site
- Refer to BQ 5 :Bad Throughput due to No dominant serving cell serv 101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 already 10
need to change Azimuth site
bad spot area, bad spot area serv by
3 Throughput 101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 from 270 Open
101019_Tanah_Baru_Bogor_Sharing_Indonesian_Tower_3 should be degree to 230 Degerr to improve bad spot area and since there is potential
serve by 104875_GRAHAINDAH_4G-3 area on 230 degree main lobe
Throughput-L_ Thp_4

Blocking By Trees

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
104830_DSCIMAHPARM_1 27 20 2 2 4 27 20 2 2 4
104830_DSCIMAHPARM_2 27 180 2 3 5 27 200 2 3 5
104830_DSCIMAHPARM_3 27 300 3 4 7 27 300 3 4 7
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC
-Propose Add sector from site 100256_KpCiheuleut-Cibuluh_7 azimuth 120 to
Refer to BQ4: Low Throughput due to serving by side lobe site
improve bad spot area
100256_KpCiheuleut-Cibuluh_1 also serving side lobe by site
4 Throughput - Propose re azimuth site 104830_DSCIMAHPARM_2 from Az 180 degree to 200
104830_DSCIMAHPARM_2 and while seving by site 90611_A447-
ngampar_sentul_3 there is blocking by trees
Throughput-L_ Thp_5

Latitude Longitude eNodeBName CellName Mode 3 LocalCellId

-6.56115 106.8112 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_MBTS 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-3 0 3
-6.56115 106.8112 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_MBTS 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-2 1 2
-6.56115 106.8112 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_MBTS 102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-1 2 1
-6.56056 106.8019 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_MBTS 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_4G-1 1 1
-6.56056 106.8019 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_MBTS 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_4G-3 0 3
-6.56056 106.8019 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_MBTS 102046_GriyaIndahLSK_4G-2 2 2
-6.56644 106.803 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_MBTS 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-3 1 3
-6.56644 106.803 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_MBTS 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-2 2 2
-6.56644 106.803 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_MBTS 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-1 0 1

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ6: Bad Throughput due to finding Mod 3 Conflict site

5 Throughput Propose Return PCI MOD3 site 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-1
102045_Barun-LSK_Sharing_4G-3 and 104886_KEBUNPEDAS_4G-1
Throughput-L_ Thp_6

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ8: Low Throughput due to serving by sidelobe site

6 Throughput - No need to take action since bad spot area no potential market
Throughput-L_ Thp_7

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-1 45 280 5 2 7 45 280 5 2 7
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 45 180 3 2 5 45 130 3 2 5
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-3 45 30 5 2 7 45 30 5 2 7
spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ9: Low Throughput due to serving sidelobe by site 101294_Kencana- Propose re azimuth site 101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 From 180 0 to 130 0
7 Throughput
XL_Sharing_4G-2 Since there is potential market at bad spot area
Throughput-L_ Thp_8

Gap 10 M

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ10: Poor Throughput due to far distance & Uphill contour from
101287_Cibadak_4G-1 far distance > 0.9 km with Uphill contour 10 M elevation gap Propose re azimuth site 102196_Kencana_Bogor_4G_2 from Azimuth 1800
SINR#10 Throughput and slight blocking Since High antenna 23 and total tilt 5 and three is gap 10 M to 2100 Change M5 to 3 and E4 to E3
elevation site 101287_Cibadak_4G-1 cannot cover badspot area, Better site
102196_Kencana_Bogor_4G_2 Become dominant serving to cover bad spot area
Throughput-L_ Thp_8#1

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-1 40 90 5 4 9 40 90 5 4 9
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 40 180 5 4 9 40 210 3 3 9
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-3 40 280 3 4 7 40 280 3 4 7
Throughput-L_ Thp_9

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ13: Low Throughput due to site 104125_BUMIKENCANA_4G not Speed up on sir site 104125_BUMIKENCANA_4G
9 Throughput
on air
Throughput-L_ Thp_10

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Propose Return PCI Mod 3 site 601225_SEREMPEDBARAT_4G-3 and

Refre to BQ12: Bad Throughput Finding PCI MOD 3 konflik between
10 Throughput 103929_RADARBOGOR_4G-1
601225_SEREMPEDBARAT_4G-3 and 103929_RADARBOGOR_4G-1
Throughput-L_ Thp_11

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-1 42 150 6 2 8 42 150 6 2 8
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-2 42 230 6 2 8 42 230 4 2 6
101294_Kencana-XL_Sharing_4G-3 42 350 6 2 8 42 350 6 2 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ14: Bad Throughput due to bad no dominat serving cell since site Propose Uptilt site 100863_Semplak_Parakan_4G-2 From M6 to M4 to inprove
10 Throughput 100863_Semplak_Parakan_4G-2 with total tilt 8 and high 42 cannot cover bad bad spot area
spot area
Throughput-L_ Thp_12

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-1 45 30 6 2 8 45 30 6 2 8
100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 45 260 6 2 8 45 260 6 2 8
100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-3 45 310 4 2 6 45 310 5 3 8
601136_Situ_Gede_2G_1 26 110 2 2 4 26 110 2 3 5
601136_Situ_Gede_2G_2 26 250 2 2 4 26 250 2 2 4
601136_Situ_Gede_2G_3 26 350 2 2 4 26 350 2 2 4

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ15: Bad Throughput due to bad no dominat serving cell since bad - Propose downtilt site 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 from M4 to M5 and E2 to
12 Throughput spot area serving by 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2, E3
601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 and 104862_BUBULAK_4G-3 - Propose downtilt site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 from E2 to E3
Throughput-L_ Thp_12#1
Totaltilt 6 Totaltilt 8

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ15: bad Throughpu due to bad no dominat serving cell since bad - Propose downtilt site 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2 from M4 to M5 and E2 to
12 Throughput spot area serving by 100251_KpCurug-Semplak_4G-2, E3
601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 and 104862_BUBULAK_4G-3 - Propose downtilt site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-1 from E2 to E3
Throughput-L_ Thp_13

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ16: Bad SINR due to finding PCI MOD3 conflik between site
13 Throughput - Propose return PCI MOD 3 site 601136_SITUGEDE_4G-2
601136_SITUGEDE_4G-2 and 103720_DERMAGANAGLASARI_4G-1
Throughput-L_ Thp_14

700 M

Before After
Sector Name Antenna Antenna
Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt Azimuth M-Tilt E-Tilt Total Tilt
Height Height
102133_KPBUBULAK-PROTELINDO_IPB2_1 31 30 3 4 7 31 30 3 4 7
102133_KPBUBULAK-PROTELINDO_IPB2_2 31 105 4 4 8 31 105 3 3 6
102133_KPBUBULAK-PROTELINDO_IPB2_3 31 320 3 4 7 31 320 3 4 7

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ17: Poor Throughput due to far distance & Uphill contour - Make site 102133_KPBUBULAKProtelIPB2_4G-2 become dominant serving cell
14 Throughput from site 100252_SindangbarangPilarSindangbarang_4G-1 > 0.9 to bad spot area Propose uptilt site 102133_KPBUBULAKProtelIPB2_4G-
km with Uphill contour 20 M elevation gap and slight blocking 2 From M4 to M3 and E4 to E3
Throughput-L_ Thp_14#1
Total tilt 8 Total tilt 6

spot No Issue Root Cause Action Plan Target Status PIC

Refer to BQ17: Poor Throughput due to far distance & Uphill contour - Make site 102133_KPBUBULAKProtelIPB2_4G-2 become dominant serving cell
14 Throughput from site 100252_SindangbarangPilarSindangbarang_4G-1 > 0.9 to bad spot area Propose uptilt site 102133_KPBUBULAKProtelIPB2_4G-
km with Uphill contour 20 M elevation gap and slight blocking 2 From M4 to M3 and E4 to E3

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